Vol 107 Issue 02

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Volume 107 No.2

Wild Cats Tear Into Blue Devils 33-3

Students Head South to Study Civil Rights Movement brian johnston the recorder

kenny barto | the reCorder

Rough Game: Quarterback Gunnar Jespersen is sacked by New Hampshire’s John Duffey and Hugo Souza, one of UNH’s three on the day.

Adjunct professor of AfricanAmerican studies Stephen Balkaran brought a group of 17 students to the deep south this summer in hopes of giving them a chance of a lifetime by discovering the roots of the civil rights movement. The full itinerary included trips to Kelly Ingram Park in Birmingham, Ala., Dr. Martin Luther King's birth house, Dr. King's missionary in Montgomery, Ala., the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala. RIGHTS | Cont. on 2

Former Student Teachers Protest Unfair Treatment jonathan stankiewiCz the recorder

Former student teachers and their supporters participated in an on-campus protest on Friday, Aug. 27th against the Office of Field Experiences, warning incoming student teachers about the “unfair treatment” that they might experience from the OFE. The protesters were outside of the fall student teacher orientation to “raise public awareness of a situation on campus,” said protester Dianna Wilson. The group of protesters consisted of Mario Castellano, a former technical education student teacher and current CCSU student, Monica Kerkes a supporter and alumnus from CCSU, Craig Johnston, a supporter and Dianna Wilson, a former business education student teacher, among others. The protesters didn’t enter Memorial Hall, but were handing out flyers and Johnston was carrying a poster that read “Warning! OFE is UNFAIR.” The events management office realized that the protesters hadn’t “booked a spot” with them and two representatives from the office asked them to leave. “We refused to leave until the police

arrived,” said Wilson. Director of events management, Scott McKenna, then went over to talk to the protesters along with campus police, identifying that they needed to be sponsored by a campus organization or department. “Police were on site,” said McKenna, “but they were there in case something escalated...I don’t want anyone to be in harms way.” According to Wilson, campus police never got out of their cars and never said a word. The protesters were asked to accompany McKenna back to his office in Welte Hall, but didn’t accept the invitation. “[McKenna] only wanted to give us his business card; [that was] not something we felt we wanted or needed at the time,” Wilson said. No harm was done and the orientation in Memorial Hall went on without a problem. Wilson is now organizing student complaints about the OFE to make an expansive formal complaint to present to CCSU’s administration. Wilson has received seven of these complaints so far, but has heard of many more. According to Wilson, some students are afraid to come forward, but as word gets out about her efforts, she expects PROTEST | Cont. on 2

photo Courtesy of dianna wilson

Student teachers protested outside Memorial Hall on Aug. 27 where an incoming student teacher orientation was being held.

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2 THE RECORDER Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Recorder

Student Center 1615 Stanley Street New Britain, CT 06050 T 860.832.3744 editor@centralrecorder.com centralrecorder.com twitter.com/therecorder

Editor-in-Chief Michael Walsh Managing Editor Matt Kiernan Art Director Ashley E. Lang News Editor Jason Cunningham Entertainment Editor Max Kyburz


PROTEST | Cont. from 1 to get more current and former student teachers to join her cause. Wilson says that every complaint has a common theme. “Every complaint involves the actions of Ms. Holly Hollander, director of the OFE,” said Wilson. Hollander, director of the OFE for eight years, has years of experience with classroom teaching and teacher education. “The OFE is mandated by school districts and the state of Connecticut, not just OFE guidelines,” said Hollander. According to Hollander, problems are dealt with quickly and definitively. “As soon as [a problem] is identified,” said Hollander, “we are having conversations, we are bringing the coordinator or the student or the cooperating teacher.” Hollander advocates an opendoor policy and believes that the whole department wants everyone to succeed. “This is the subtleties of what makes a community,” said

Hollander. “This work is grounded in equity and integrity, there are no intentions to see anyone fail.” Dr. Mitchell Sakofs, dean of the School of Education and Professional Studies agrees with Hollander. “The skill sets that are being required of our teachers is getting harder,” said Sakofs. “We need those skills, some come with them, some get them along the way and some never do.” Wilson was placed in a school with two cooperating teachers, one whom she liked and one that she felt acted “emotionally abusive towards me.” Not wanting anyone to feel sorry for her she didn’t say anything to any faculty at the high school. The cooperating teacher’s negative attitude began to escalate and Wilson couldn’t take it anymore. “By my sixth week, in early March, I realized I could not succeed with [the teacher] as one of my cooperating teachers,” says Wilson in her complaint, “...she began yelling at me and told my university

supervisor untruths about my work efforts and behavior.” In early March Wilson wanted out of her current placement, asking to be relocated to another high school. Hollander “refused that option” but allowed Wilson to have a two-week break from the negative [cooperating] teacher. During this break Wilson began experiencing paralyzing anxiety and continued to be refused by Hollander to get another placement. “With absolute knowledge that I would fail student teaching working under her, I again asked to be released, this time in both her and Ms. Hollander’s presence. The negative teacher immediately became enraged and said ‘I’m done with this student teacher,’” said Wilson in her complaint. “I was shocked by my final grade for student teaching, which Ms. Hollander is responsible for, and [I] feel that she issued punitively because I was able to be released from the negative teacher and that was not in her plan for me,” says Wilson in her complaint.

“[I think that] the OFE is either too overwhelmed in its case load to act responsibly to the students or it’s heartless, or maybe both,” said Wilson. Wilson wants to see things changed for student teachers at CCSU. “The OFE needs to be investigated,” said Wilson, “[this is] not just disgruntled students, there is a pattern of abuse, abuse of power.” Hollander, a veteran of the program, seems to act harshly with the complaints, but according to Sakofs there is a reason for that. “Holly is very supportive and very skilled,” said Sakofs, “[but] she is very direct.” Neither Hollander or Sakofs chose to comment on the specific complaints from Wilson and other students. Sakofs contends that the OFE does their best for their students, but admits that their office isn’t perfect. “We have a spirit of continuous improvement,” said Sakofs. “We work hard to help students.”

Sports Editors Brittany Burke Photo Editor Kenny Barto Staff Writers Casey Casserino Jon Stankiewicz Matt Clyburn Christopher McLaughlin Brian Johnston Nicholas Proch Brian Jennings Sara Berry


The Recorder is a studentproduced publication of Central Connecticut State University and does not necessarily represent, in whole or in part, the views of CCSU’s administrators, faculty or students. The Recorder articles, photographs and graphics are property of The Recorder and may not be reproduced or published without the written permission from the Editor-in-Chief. T he pur pose of T he Recorder is to approach and def ine issues of importance to the students of Central Connecticut State Universit y. Staff meetings for The Recorder are held on Mondays at 7 p.m. in the Blue and W hite Room in the student center Editorial board meetings for The Recorder are held on Sundays at 6 p.m. in the Blue and W hite Room in the student center.


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Professor Balkaran and Birmingham Police Chief A.C. Roper. RIGHTS | Cont. from 1 and various museums in honor of key figures of this historic era. "The unplanned things were perhaps some of the best experiences on the trip, like meeting Martin Luther King III," said Karyn Cormier, one of the students on the trip. After spending many months raising money and writing letters to try and be awarded grants for the trip, Professor Balkaran was thrilled that every student who attended was able to go for free based on the approximately $17,500 that was raised. Since the trip, Balkaran has gotten numerous comments from a wide array of institutions in hopes of being involved with the project in the future. Places such as Yale University, the University of Buffalo and the University of South Florida have come in contact with Balkaran and hopefully soon, "The Dream Must Be Kept Alive," will be a nationally known project. The trip ended up being an "overwhelming success," professor Balkaran exclaimed as his computer screen was flashing images of his memories. A lecture by Dr. King's son on his father’s dream in the 21st Century was organized. His response was

that his dad’s dream after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 was more on the human rights issues facing America. Those being poverty, health care, housing, education and so forth. CCSU’s students were amazed to be told that they were getting a lecture by Dr. King’s son in Atlanta when they had arrived, but the better news was that they were able to ask him questions on the civil rights movement and his experiences while growing up. On that same day there was a meeting scheduled with Dr. King's best friend, Congressman John Lewis. Lewis is a long time activist who marched with Dr. King in the 1960’s for equality and freedom. He was, along with Dr. King's son, able to give them a firsthand account of the civil rights movement from someone who served on the streets, and not from the textbooks they had become accustomed to. Michael Cook, another student in the class, added that the Lorraine Motel, site of Dr. King's assassination, "was very moving." During the trip students had the opportunity to meet with the mayor of Birmingham, Ala. Dr. King had called Birmingham the most racist city in America. They first met the city council of Birmingham on Tuesday, July 12th at a city

council meeting where Balkaran addressed the council. The council acknowledged the civil rights project, and a local Fox station did a piece on them while they were out. After that, there was a one hour oral history with Mayor William Bell on racism in Birmingham and how much the city has evolved from the days of Dr. King. He clearly explained to the students that change takes time, but he believes that Birmingham is heading in the right direction with regard to race relations. Although he believed that racism still exists, the city has come a long way. Although this trip seems like something of a normal vacation, with a side of studying, this was definitely not the case by any means. Balkaran did a lot of behind the scenes work before the trip could even be presented in order to be accepted. "Coordinating with several cities, museums, civil rights icons, bus companies, flights, meals and every other thing you can think of was done by me," said Balkaran. The FBI even had a hand in making this special occasion possible. Balkaran needed to get special clearance in order to conduct interviews with some of these people, mainly for precautionary reasons, but there was also a

photo courtesy of stephen balkaran

special stop to President Jimmy Carter's office. Unfortunately he was unavailable to meet the class for a few minutes of questions, but his secretary showed off his office and Carter was well aware of their presence and the experience that they were having. Once back at school, Balkaran received a signed letter from Carter that acknowledged the importance of the events that he has accomplished in his short teaching career. "In the future, I'm hoping to be able to have upwards of 40 students able to attend," Balkaran said. "This was a breakthrough class that needs to be made aware of." To help get the class the attention Balkaran wants it to receive, a documentary and book are currently in the works. Student Joseph LaLanne commented that, "this trip is something I will never forget. As a result, I was able to widen my scope on this era and form my own opinion of this time. I had the opportunity to speak and shake hands with people who changed history." "This was my fourth class with Professor Balkaran, and it was an experience that I could've never imagined," added Cook.


THE RECORDER / Wednesday, September 8, 2010 / NEWS

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Japanese American Cultural Club Hopes to Expand Focus Casey Casserino the recorder

The Japanese American Cultural Club is planning on going in a new direction this semester that club president Raymond Feliciano hopes will illustrate the club’s commitment to a more comprehensive understanding of Japanese culture, history and society. In the past, the club’s main focus has revolved around Japanese media, including anime, video games and other Japanese popular culture. “We want to bring to light different aspects of Japanese culture. We’ve started straying away from just media culture,” said Feliciano. Recently, the club has strived to present a more comprehensive look at Japanese culture through panel discussions, forums, Q&A sessions with Japanese students and educational trips. Feliciano and treasurer Chelsey McGovern hope that this new direction

- Editor’s Blog - The Margin (News) - In The Bubble 2.0 (Sports) - Upgrade (Arts and Entertainment)

will also shed some light on CCSU’s East Asian Studies major and study abroad opportunities. “We really want to make the East Asian Studies major more visible,” said McGovern, who recently returned from a year abroad at Kansai Gaidai, CCSU’s partner school in Japan. Feliciano emphasized that while the focus of the club is Japanese culture, the main goal is to promote a cross-cultural understanding. “It’s open to all students,” said Feliciano. “The only thing you need is an open mind”. The club’s first major event will be a Japanese game show night on Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. in Torp Theatere. The game show night is open to anyone who wishes to participate. The Japanese American Cultural Club meets on Thursdays from 7 p.m to 10 p.m. in the Student Center in the Philbrick Camp Room. For more information e-mail the club at jclubccsu@yahoo.com.

And keep an eye out for more!


News Briefs DUI Checkpoint Scheduled For This Thursday The CCSU and New Britain Police Departments have announced that there will be a DUI checkpoint this Thursday, Sept. 9. In a press release issue by the CCSU police, the departments say that the checkpoint is part of "a continuing effort to deter motorists from driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs." According to Lt. Chris Cervoni of the CCSU police department the DUI checkpoint will take place on various adjacent streets around the CCSU campus between 7 p.m. and

1 a.m. In the press release, CCSU Police Chief Jason Powell goes on to say that “the CCSU and New Britain Police Departments hope that their efforts will provide a safer community for our students, faculty, and staff and for city residents. Both departments are hoping a greater awareness of the consequences of driving under the influence will help reduce the loss of lives or injuries by removing intoxicated drivers from the roads.”

CCSU Art Gallery Hosting Faculty Exhibit The 2010 faculty art exhibition opening reception is this Thursday Sept. 9 at the Samuel S.T. Chen Fine Art Center in Maloney Hall. The exhibit, which begins at 4 p.m., will feature work from over 20 professors. Regular hours for the gallery are from Monday through Friday, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The exhibit will run through Oct. 14 Admission is free for the general public.

CCSU SPJ Chapter Holding Reception for Journalism Majors and Minors The CCSU chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists along with the new journalism program are co-sponsoring a reception for all CCSU journalism majors and minors on Wednesday, Sept. 8 from 5 p.m. to 6:30 in the Connecticut Room in Memorial Hall. The reception plans to welcome returning journalism students and extend greetings to new incoming journalism students. Faculty, including guest speaker John Dankosky, host of WNPR's

"Where We Live" program, will be present at the reception. Dankosky is also the first holder of the Robert C. Vance Endowed Chair in Journalism and Mass Communication. CCSU SPJ President Andrew Ragali will also be present to talk about the efforts of the newly created CCSU chapter of SPJ. Students will have the opportunity to learn about SPJ, campus media programs and upcoming journalism events on campus.

John Dankosky.

photo Courtesy of Cptv

Weekly Arrest & Citation Log: 8.27-9.3 The following arrests were recorded by the CCSU Police Department. Sean P. Byrn, 18, of New Britain, was arrested for possession of alcohol by a minor the morning of Aug. 29. He is due

in court on Sept. 10. Michael Zaffrano, 19, of Holtville, N.Y. was arrested for possession of alcohol by a minor the morning of Aug. 29. No court date has been posted.

Joseph L. Miller, 20, of Chesire, was arrested for criminal mischief in the fourth degree the night of Aug. 30. Miller's court date is scheduled for Sept. 17

Congressman To Host Veterans Employment Seminar Congressman John B. Larson (CT-01) will host a seminar Thursday, Sept. 9 to provide veterans and their families information on how to find employment within the state. The presentation, featuring guest speaker Raymond Jefferson, assistant secretary of the Veteran's Employment and Training Service at the U.S. Department of Labor, will be held in the Constitution Room in Memorial Hall from 2-4 pm. The event is meant to maximize veterans' employment opportunities, protect their employment rights and lead them toward finding meaningful careers. Larson and Jefferson will be accompanied by members of various state and local veterans organizations, including the CT Department of Veterans Affairs and the CT Department of Labor's Office for Veterans' Workforce Development. Registration and refreshments will be available from 1:30-2 pm. To RSVP, call or e-mail Conor Quinn in Congressman Larson's office by Wednesday, Sept. 8 at 860-278-8888, or conor.quinn@mail.house. gov.


THE RECORDER / Wednesday, September 8, 2010 / OPINION

Facebook and the Social Network Phenomenon brian jennings The Recorder

Facebook is one of the most popular social networking websites, as well as one of the most popular ways to keep in touch with friends, family, classmates, coworkers and people you knew way back when. Ever since it was launched in February 2004, Facebook’s popularity has grown substantially, now with more than 500 million active users. Facebook is everywhere. This social networking global giant is so popular that you can now access it through your smart phone and receive status updates and notifications about your friends anytime you want on-the-go. Although Facebook is one of the most popular resources for social networking, it still has its ups and downs. Facebook gives you the freedom of speech, to say or share whatever you please with the rest of the

Facebook community. Whether you want to gossip about the kind of day you are having or just want to brag about the new, high-priced, latest and greatest electronic gadget on the market that you just got, Facebook gives you the opportunity to do so. And if you ever feel the need to talk urgently to any of your friends, Facebook gives you the power of instant messaging through live chat. One of the great things about Facebook is the fact that talking to your friends is right at your fingertips. I think this is the one area where Facebook shines. Facebook is useful because it displays live news feeds about your friends as they update their profiles to notify you about themselves. You always know what your friends are doing, their likes or dislikes and what is on their mind. You also have the option to say that you like their status, or give your own opinion on their status by commenting on it, creating a living conversation before everyone's eyes.

I like the different kinds of features Facebook presents. Not only are you able to share messages, but you are also able to share photos, videos, events, links, ads and pages, and you can even create your own group. Facebook has plenty of games and applications, and it even acts as a marketplace where you can purchase things too. Facebook can be a helpful tool for employers. Some businesses use Facebook as a guide when viewing information about potential employees. Facebook supplies you with a lot of great stuff, but it does have its downside. Having the freedom to speak your mind is great, but only to a certain extent. You must always watch what you put on Facebook because it could harm you in the end. Once it’s on the internet, it’s on there forever. So, if you get into an argument with one of your friends, for example, don’t fight them on Facebook because everything you say may be there forever, which could ruin your reputation or your

chance to get a job from a future employer. The biggest issue with Facebook is privacy. Your privacy is never safe on Facebook. When you put personal information in your profile for others to view, it could serve as a problem. You don’t know what kind of people might be looking at your profile. Facebook does give you the option to make your status updates, uploads, birthday, contact information, comments and posts private. It is possible for someone to hack into your account or see your information through other people’s accounts with whom you might be friends. From time to time I will see my friends post in their status that their Facebook profile got hacked into, or that something in their profile was changed that they didn’t remember changing. It’s quite hard to stay private on Facebook. I am a Facebook user and overall, it is a great socializing network.

Responsibility: End of Combat Creates Time For Reflection editorial staff

Flyer News, University of Dayton

(WIRE) - "We have met our responsibilities," President Barack Obama said, declaring the end of combat and direct military involvement in Iraq. These responsibilities have endured since long before UD's undergraduates could vote. At the time of the fall of the twin towers, most of us were sitting in grade school classrooms. Many say the war that officially ended on Tuesday, Aug. 31, was declared on a September morning almost a decade ago. The war on terror and the conflict in Iraq became a backdrop for American adolescents whose childhood innocence crashed down in the rubble of New York's Twin Towers. For a country that has become accustomed to an ever increasing death toll from the Middle East, this official end of military involvement raises many questions. What does this really mean? Is this really the end? We remember the years of bloodshed that followed a declaration of "mission accomplished" in Iraq. Obama was careful not to use those particular words or the flair of his predecessor in this regard, but he too leaves troops, approximately 50,000, in the country for peacekeeping purposes. Though they are scheduled to leave in the following year, we are left to wonder, in our generation, what does victory really look like? Does modern warfare mean there can be no victory dancing in Times Square? A war against a concept means the enemy can never be completely eliminated. But with the end of combat in Iraq, there is new energy and hope to channel toward issues at home and abroad. Obama emphasized a fresh focus on the economy and job creation that will surely affect our futures. Likewise at this historic turning point seven years after the conflict began, our generation has an opportunity to reflect on how we heal and grow past a war. Despite ever-present questions of religious and cultural misunderstanding, FN expresses hope for the future.

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5 THE RECORDER Wednesday, September 8, 2010


CCSU Campus Community Needs To Wake Up This semester's club drive on Wednesday marks a great opportunity for CCSU students to finally get into action with campus life. It's no secret that most of CCSU operates on a go to class, go home basis. While it's hard to blame students who work full time and go to school full time for opting out of campus activities, it's also true that you can only get out of a school what you put into it. It's no surprise that students so often lament and complain in class, on Twitter or or on Facebook about how CCSU is a below average school. It's because no one is doing much to get involved. The club drive this week offers students the opportunity to build

something from what is often nothing and make CCSU a true college community. That's exactly what CCSU's new athletic director plans on doing. Athletic Director Paul Schlickmann speaks heavily about increasing not only the oncampus community but also the community in the surrounding New Britain neighborhoods. Schlickmann even managed to get incoming freshmen to move in one day earlier than they normally would so he could hold an event on the football field trying to gear up freshmen for the upcoming fall athletic season. Schlickmann's extra attention to a fresh group of students who haven't yet been touched by the doldrums of CCSU student life

Consider All Information Before Forming Opinions Ehud Cohen

The Daily Targum

(WIRE) - Welcome, incoming firstyear students, to the University and the start of the rest of your life. Sounds intimidating, but you’ll get used to the fast-paced classes, the slow paced bus service (oh Livingston busses) and of course this heated section of The Daily Targum, where opinions collide and arguments are made — with or without factual support — all to sway and let you, the reader, decide who to agree with. And there in lies the suggestion I’d like to pass on, especially in this election year — when considering the options, political or otherwise, decide for yourself. Never let someone else label you. There are too many subjects in politics to just side with one group or party. There’s health care, taxes, abortion, drug policy, jobs creation, regulation, religious freedoms and more. And that’s without mentioning international politics. Before forming an opinion, it’s important to do two things: Hear the issue and all its sides and do your own research about it. No one can do enough research, especially in this day and age, where classic journalism has met its end. Usually, news staffs look at two main criteria before reporting a breaking story: If it is verified and how much it falls under immediate, need-toknow information. Some days, one is more important than the other, like during the Iran post-election protests when CNN would go to its Twitter feed for on-the-ground reports so often they even put up a graphic explaining that everything they are showing is currently unverified. Imagine if Twitter existed during the McCarthy era. As well, be aware of the sources you rely on and cross check with other — even opposite minded — sources. Modern digital and cable journalism is marred by concern over viewership rankings and revenue. The New York Times reported that companies like Gawker Media now pay writers based partially on how many readers click on their articles. At Politico.com, the Times reported

that “top editors, who rise as early as 4:30 a.m … believe Politico’s very existence depends, in large part, on how quickly it can tell readers something, anything they did not know.” This style of journalism can easily lead to writers knowingly editing their reports, aware that they’ll get more views and pay if, say, the conservative right likes their spin on an issue. And of course, it is always a good idea to note the possible political associations any news organization has. For example, recently Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, which is the parent company of Fox News, donated $1 million to the Republican Governors Association. Also, through Jon Stewart no less, it has come to light that Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, the very same person Fox News’ Dan Senor and Dana Perino were labeling as a supposed terrorist-tainted backer of the Cordoba Community Center, actually owns the biggest nonMurdoch portion of News Corp. In the end, after all the information you receive, all the news you read and watch, people may still label you or claim they’re “informing” you. Did you catch that my opening paragraph specifically mentioned the word “suggestion?” That’s because I’m aware that you the reader can choose to consider my opinion or not. I’m not telling you to do anything; I’m simply suggesting you consider the details behind opinions before forming your own. Be wary of people like Glenn Beck when they blankly state that “Progressives think they know better than you,” yet he goes on to warn that if we don’t listen to him “there is fear and hunger ahead of us.” He may or may not be right — forgetting the obvious hypocrisy — but it is up to you to figure that out yourself, without clinging to one ideology or political party mentality. Chris Rock once said, sans curses, “We all got a gang mentality. Conservatives are idiots and Liberals are idiots. Anyone who makes up their mind before they hear the issue is a fool.” How very right he is.

should hopefully pay dividends in the near future as he attempts to turn football, men's and women's basketball and other Blue Devil sports into a true event again, much like other college campuses have been able to create. It seems like the only time anyone cares around here is when the men's basketball team is vying for a March Madness birth. But Schlickmann brings a positive attitude and good energy to the CCSU campus, one that should help push forward Blue Devil pride that will hopefully extend far past sports and into academics. Too often are students not proud of where they go to school. Sure, it's not UConn, but just because one student goes to a larger, more prestigious school doesn't mean

they automatically are going to reap more benefits than a student who goes to a lower regarded school. What a student gets out of their school is relative to how much they put into it. It's not all doom and gloom on the CCSU campus. There are students on this campus that have recognized that, starting clubs and organizations to support their beliefs and protest other ones. And because of that their resumes will look pretty good come graduation time. An immediate example of proactive students that should spring to mind is the CCSU chapter of NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. Whether you agree with their stance

or not, it can't be denied that their efforts thus far are outstanding. They're a relatively new group and already they've organized two large on-campus events, one being a rally on April 20 and the other being a marijuana laws debate featuring a former magazine editor and an exDEA agent. This commitment to their group and campus life should be commended and modeled after. It's never too late to join a campus club or media group. There are plenty of opportunities to be had and they'll be presented at Wednesday's club fair. And if you have enough undergraduate time left, you can even attempt to start your own group. The opportunities are out there, you just have to want them.

Blogging Has Become the Modern Editorial Section Nicholas Proch The Recorder

As we’ve reached an age where the news in this country has come to be more personalized to the individual, certain changes have happened and are currently happening as you are reading this sentence. The need for a printed paper seems to be less with each passing day. With almost every media outlet having a matching counterpart on the web, you can still access the news from the syndicate you want, but on your own terms. Social networking has created a culture where it is acceptable to express yourself freely on the web. What a newspaper offers is very linear. It can only be printed once and can’t be an ongoing conversation like a website can be. On nearly all websites you can find a comment or discussion section. In

this section you can usually find so many different opinions that, in the end, it may even be overwhelming. However, because you can see every comment, the reader can pass their own judgment on the topic at hand. No longer is the reader subjected to the comments from only a few who have written to the editor. There was a certain point when the world realized that every individual can have a voice, but there wasn’t yet a clean outlet to be able to express it. The next logical step was to take the editorial section and combine it with this new mass medium known as the Internet. What was born was a lovechild named ‘blog’. A combination of the words ‘web’ and ‘log’, its title only tells us part of the story. A blog is a place where anyone can express their opinions to people beyond their coffee shop. If someone in Wichita, Kan. has an opinion on

my latest entry about our political system they can contact me without having to buy stamps. To further bolster this idea, a study by the New York Times done several years ago showed that websites such as LiveJournal were gaining an average of 1,100 new bloggers a day. That may seem like a staggering amount of bloggers and audience members that you could reach especially when you consider where they are coming from. The United States has the most bloggers in the world followed by, of all countries, Brazil. Blogging is connecting our world in more ways than ever. As the globe is getting smaller, our voices are getting larger. We are no longer dependent on the printed paper to have our opinions heard. If you haven’t done so already, take advantage of the colossal audience you can reach. Get out and blog.

Letter to the Editor Editor, Having just read the newest edition of The Recorder, I have to say that I am strongly displeased with the publication in the opinion section, due to the article entitled "Devil's Advocate: Anti Mosque". Although I recognize there is the name of another paper under the author's name, I feel that because this is such a sensitive subject that the author clearly knows nothing about, it shouldn't be published in

our campus paper. By including this, it leads the reader to think that this accurately expresses the opinion of CCSU campus, The Recorder, and the editor. The author of this article generalizes an entire religion as terrorists. Being an International Studies major, focusing on the Middle East and having lived in New York City, I see the judgement that Muslims and people of Middle Eastern origin face because of a few groups of people's decisions. It's not like they're building a tribute to the terrorists, they're

simply building a place of worship because in America, they have the right to do this. Publishing this piece is offensive to Muslims here on the campus and I am very disappointed in the decision of our paper to allow circulation of it. I just hope that the staff of The Recorder, and you, as the editor will be more careful in the future when publishing such ignorant articles written by people who know nothing of what they speak. Respectfully, Gina Dinoia


THE RECORDER / Wednesday, September 8, 2010 / UPGRADE

REVIEWS nicholas proch The Recorder

Since their breakthrough tripleplatinum album Dizzy Up the Girl, the Goo Goo Dolls have been enjoying a life of success, popularity and touring. The band’s newest effort, Something for the Rest of Us, ranks on par with past releases by the group. The opening track of the album, ‘Sweetest Lie,’ is a great way to kickoff. With a good vocal effort by lead member John Rzeznik, you can really feel the mood of the album. This seems to be a darker, more somber compilation of songs. As the Goo Goo Dolls often do, they are trying to reach a mainstream audience. I would expect that this album will tailor to the likes of teenage girls around the world. The title track, ‘Something for the Rest of Us,’ is a slower ballad-like effort. It’s a slow moving song with no real structure but just a general mood. At times this works, but the length of the song tends to bore after four and a half minutes. The last two compositions on the album are the strongest since the opening track. ‘Hey Ya’ and ‘Soldier’ send the listener on their way satisfied. ‘Hey Ya’ has a great structure to it. Albeit this format has been butchered to death by the band, they don’t have to change what works. ‘Soldier’ should

Goo Goo Dolls

jason cunningham

Warner Bros. August 31

The Heirlooms’ self-titled debut EP isn’t the strongest. Jesse Stanford, the band’s core songwriter and lead vocalist, has composed four songs with such a thick need to take themselves seriously that they fail to achieve mediocrity. Stanford seems desperate to sound like someone with something deep and meaningful to express, but his lyrics are cliché at best. They sound more like a collection of lines recycled from his influences rather than songs that actually came from his psyche. The opening track “Old Rose” sounds like it belongs on the Garden State soundtrack. The second track “Bloodstar” sounds like something penned during a severe Elliot Smith period. While there are catchy elements to both songs, they become forgettable because of their lack of originality. “The Bowery” comes next, an ear piercing track that’s too painful to stand at its best moments. Stanford becomes overwhelming during that song, pushing out lines that are amiss with all of his might in a mix where his voice is just far too loud to sound pleasant. Making it to the fourth song takes serious patience. The EP’s closer “Shaker Hymn” sounds like the mutant baby of Jack Johnson and Zooey Deschanel. It’s not vomit worthy, but it might make you feel a tad queasy. The Heirlooms are drenched in imitation and don’t really having anything

Something for the Rest of Us

have been the title track. It’s well written, well executed and has a great feel to it. Building from the first moment, it’s a true finale to the album. While the Goo Goo Dolls may never regain the complete commercial success they once had, they are certainly taking steps in the right direction of doing so. For now, check out ‘Sweetest Lie’ and ‘Soldier’ unless you are a die-hard who needs to have their whole catalogue.

The Recorder

Cephalic Carnage


Red Velvet Car

Song Legacy August 31

Sara Berry The Recorder

It has been six years since sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson, better known to the world as the band Heart, released their last studio album. Their latest effort, Red Velvet Car, proves that these ladies can still rock. The album is a mix of the rocking guitar tunes and edgy ballads that the group is known for. It features ten songs and runs 37 minutes. The vocals are strong, backed by solid guitar playing and an assortment of other acoustic instruments. The album opens with the catchy

tune “There You Go,” which will have you singing the chorus by the end of the song. The next few songs keep the rock feel and move gradually into the slower songs. The title track “Red Velvet Car” is a slow guitar song reflecting on an imperfect, but very real relationship, a sort of marriage of the band’s 1985 hit “What About Love” and 1990’s “All I Wanna Do is Make Love to You.” This year’s version adds some strings to the mix of guitar and light percussion, starting slow and growing into one of those power ballads that dominated the 80s. There are several themes that run through the songs on the album, perhaps the most obvious one being that suggested by the title of the album – travel and moving on. It’s anyone’s guess what they had in mind – literal travel, moving on from one relationship to another, or simply moving from one point in life to the next. Each person can make of it what they will. The last three songs, “Death Valley,” “Sunflower,” and “Sand” also lend Red Velvet Car something of a nature theme as the lyrics refer to the California desert, the beauty and intricacy of flowers, the sun and stars, and the passage of time like sand in an hourglass. Despite Heart’s clear place in the music of the 80s, they have shown that they are versatile enough to move into the 21st century while maintaining their own identity. The album’s only downfall? It was too short. I would have gladly listened to a few extra songs.

Misled by Certainty

Relapse August 31

max kyburz The Recorder

Instead of starting off their new album with a much-cliched foreboding intro, noodly death metal outfit Cephalic Carnage instead punches you before exchanging pleasantries with their first track, titled ‘The Incorrigible Flame.’ Combining Scandinavian death grooves with mathematical precision, Cephalic Carnage introduces themselves as a band true to the ethics of death metal; combining elements from the past while looking into the future (and using astonishing diction). Powering through the first two tracks, Cephalic ends up with track three, ‘Abraxas of Filth,’ a crushing track that

The Heirlooms Heirlooms EP

Self- released August 1

new to offer, but that doesn’t mean they won’t pick up a following. If the blame for these shoddy songs should be put on their leader than he also deserves credit for understanding what many trendy hipsters in the area will like and listen to. The Heirlooms have definitely set out to develop a very generic and extremely commercial friendly sound under Stanford’s direction. They’ve succeeded in doing it. This EP will be easily accessible to those who enjoy inflated earnestness and unoriginality in their music. combines pounding beats with freeform jazz rhythm (if there were such a thing). All this while the double bass drum flutters like the bubbles in their bong water. The band cools off for a bit with ‘Cordyceps Humanis,’ a stoner hymn that offers its fans the chance to lurk instead of mosh for a few brief moments. Once the breather is over, Cephalic spring back into action with ‘Raped by an Orb.’ It is a more brutal song then its predecessor, but it still retains some of the same pace, showing that they have something more up their sleeves. Sure enough they do. The next track, ‘P.G.A.D.,’ incorporates crust punk elements into the already eclectic mix, but it’s not enough to prepare the listener for the awe of the next track, ‘Dimensional Modulation Transmography.’ If there were such a thing as controlled chaos, this song is it. Starting with a politically charged sample and subtle bass solo, the song suddenly explodes. Revealing the tight skills of drummer John Merryman, ‘Modulation’ is the apex of the album, exposing all of the attributes that make Cephalic Carnage who they are known to be. Although the latter tracks of the album become cyclical, they finish off strong with ‘Repangaea’, a sludgy tune that will has flashes of bands like Mastodon and Sleep. But just when you think it’s all over, they end on a humorous note with ‘Aeyeuchg!,’ a thirty second parody of black metal. I won’t spoil too much, but try to envision the crypt keeper hacking and vomiting. For a band that’s serious about their craft, that seriousness doesn’t transfer easily to their own self image. Thank God.

Acappella Society Hosting Welcome Back Concert Thursday Matt Clyburn The Recorder

The Central Connecticut Acappella Society will host its fourth annual Welcome Back Concert in Alumni Hall Thursday at 8 p.m. Three of the organization’s vocal ensembles, AcaBellas, Divisi and TGFI, are scheduled to perform. The Welcome Back Concert is held by the group at the beginning of each semester to act both as a musical kick-off to the first semester and a platform for recruiting new members.

“It’s a great opportunity to showcase the talent at CCSU and also for prospective students to become involved at our school,” said CCAS President and TGFI member Teresa Lewis. Tables will be set up to distribute information and to start a dialogue between potential new members and current members of the ensembles. Each of the three groups have different tryout processes and different expectations of members. “We’re very excited about this year’s welcome back concert and to get our fifth year as an acappella society underway,” said CCAS Vice

President Andy Degan. “It promises to be a face-melting good time.” Each group has a different style and repertoire, ranging from classical to vocal jazz and pop to modern rock. In addition to a concert each semester, many of the groups have taken CCSU acappella across Connecticut for local television stations, college campuses and performing arts venues. The CCAS was founded by Megan LaPorta and Marques Ruff in October of 2005. It was originally comprised of AcaBellas and Divisi. TGFI was founded in 2007 by Emily LaRose.


THE RECORDER / Wednesday, September 8, 2010 / UPGRADE

‘Machete’ Kills, Kills Again and Kills Some More michael walsh The Recorder

Perhaps more surprising than the fact that Robert Rodriguez, working backwards, turned a trailer into a feature length niche genre film is that the said Mexploitation film is actually about something. Rodriguez’s violent Machete, born out of a fake trailer the filmmaker created for his and Quentin Tarantino’s collaborative Grindhouse project, is more than just the limb-decapitating movie the trailer makes it out to be. With small nuances of timely social commentary, Machete is a film that speaks volumes in body parts. Machete centers around the titular character and ex-Federale agent Machete (Danny Trejo), who after being betrayed by the organization that hired him to assassinate a political figure sets out on a murderous path of revenge against those that crossed him. At its most basic roots, Machete is a film that pays great and knowledgeable tribute to the exploitation genre of the grindhouse theater era. It does an even better job at doing this than Rodriguez’s terrific but slightly overproduced Planet Terror half of Grindhouse. Rodriguez shows a clear and concise understanding of the genre he is paying homage to, something recent box office champion Sylvester Stallone seemed unable to do with The Expendables and 1980’s action films. Machete also offers more than just ferocious killing, perfect lines of B-movie dialogue and fine looking women. The film that feels more retro than anything in theaters

photo courtesy of moviecarpet

Danny Trejo stars in Robert Rodriguez’s ‘Machete’, which opened in theaters last Friday.

Netflix It: dr.strangelove max kyburz The Recorder

With the prospect of terrorism hovering over our heads, things certainly have not changed since the Cold War era; fear always prevails in times of war. For this reason, Stanley Kubrick’s dark comic classic Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb is as fresh as ever. Released in the middle of the Cold War in 1964, Strangelove is a biting commentary on the inept minds that run the military struggles in our world and how often our pitfalls come not from outside the good ol’ U.S. of A, but often from within. Funny, ain’t it? Strangelove is the story of grave faux pas: a crazed general ( Jack D. Ripper, played by stone-toned Sterling Hayden) who, out of delusion and paranoia, orders a unit of bombers to attack the Russian front. Despite the scrambling efforts of political and military minds alike, the orders are carried out and the Reds are nuked, causing a retaliatory chain of…well, I won’t reveal too much, but let’s just say it rhymes with booclear polocaust. Despite the grim material, Strangelove is not a dreadful film. It should not inspire fear, but rather a clean escape from the tribulations of the current day. It is not a film that makes you feel any better about whatever state of battle we are in at the time, but in the case of the almost too true to life characters, sometimes it’s best to laugh at them instead of with them. As with the rest of the film, Strangelove is scored by acute irony. The soothing sounds of the opening credits are followed by a recurring revamp of “The Ants Go Marching One by One” (which no doubt is a jab at the immaturity of war in general, masked in sophistication). The famous final scene (a montage of nuclear explosions) is set to “We’ll Meet Again,” as the world meets its end via nuclear holocaust. Nihilistic cynicism or faith in a heavenly outcome, take your pick. Though Stanley Kubrick is remembered for his dreamlike imagery in films like 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Shining, the style of Strangelove is more rigid in its black-and-white grittiness. It’s his last non-color film, but that is not to say that the film stock adds nothing; it matches the material suitably. Beginning with a voiceover about the rumored ‘Doomsday device’ from the Russians (a very real concept that thankfully was never executed), as well

as title credits over stock footage of airborne bomber planes, Strangelove plays like one long propaganda film. This time instead of the attack coming from ‘them,’ it comes from us. If there’s any single reason to watch Dr. Strangelove, it’s the great Peter Sellers, and if there’s any doubt of his acting credibility, this film will invert such doubt. Sellers slips right into each of his three roles, and in each case, he ceases to become recognizable. His portrayals of Mandrake, Muffley and Strangelove are golden in their own right, and they range from minimalist to outrageous. Though he received an Academy Award nomination for the three roles collectively, each one could have been individually recognized. Though it’s difficult to pick one scene as Sellers’ best, the most hilarious one to watch out for features him reporting the news of an impending nuclear attack to premier of Russia. Sterling Hayden defines subdued yet cathartic paranoia in his portrayal of General Jack Ripper. He is cool, collected and insane. He brandishes his cigar like a salty cartoon character. An anti-Marxist Groucho Marx, you might say. In between puffs from his cigar, he offers Mandrake his two cents on the “impending” communist infiltration: “I will not sit back and allow…the communist conspiracy to sap and purify all of our precious bodily fluids.” We find out later that he discovered this theory during a bout of sexual inadequacy. Simple mistake which any person could have made. The key to the Strangelove’s success is its serious tone; not a single character has the slightest idea of the absurdity of what is going on. There is no poking fun at any of the characters’ names (Major “King Kong, Buck Turgidson), nor is there any intended irony in George C. Scott’s mannerisms. As Roger Ebert said in his essay on Strangelove, “A man wearing a funny hat is not funny. But a man who doesn’t know he’s wearing a funny hat ... ah, now you’ve got something.” According to film lore, the tone was almost completely ruined before final cut. Kubrick filmed a giant pie fight as the finale, which is one alternate ending that is better left to pieces. The overall effect would have been lost, and while I am curious to see the alternate ending, I won’t be holding my breath for its recovery. Take my advice: appreciate the good things in life for what they are, especially if it’s Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove.

as of late is actually more timely than ever. With the film’s main conflict centering around illegal immigration and the debate over border control in Texas, writer, director and native Texan Rodriguez is able to say a few things of worth, despite the film not taking itself seriously for one minute. It’s this minor attention to having some substance that leaves Machete feeling more fulfilling than one without. The more specific Mexploitation genre, a subset of the exploitation genre consisting of films dealing with Mexico, historically has dealt with real life issues of cartels, drug trafficking and other crime-related issues plaguing the Mexican countryside, making Rodriguez’s homage to the genre even more befitting of the times.

to come off as a Mexican drug lord, Jessica Alba as an immigrations officer and Robert De Niro in a sort of late career revival role as a campaigning senator. The list of names doesn’t stop there, with cult figures such as acclaimed special effects artist Tom Savini, Miami Vice’s Crockett himself, Don Johnson, stoner-friendly comedian Cheech Marin, tough girl Michelle Rodriguez and Lindsay Lohan thrown into the mix. This strange and out there cast of characters works surprisingly well though,, as Rodriguez knows what to do with each of them, leading to many memorable cartoon-like characters, and in my opinion trounces the overrated ensemble cast of The Expendables. It’s important to realize the difference

But Rodriguez’s light dash of social commentary is merely a backdrop for Machete’s meat and potatoes of kill, kill again and kill some more. Trejo does his best Charles Bronson Death Wish impersonation as a sort of vigilante on the move, seeking out to kill criminal scum, which in this case are unforgiving border vigilante groups, a high exaggeration of America’s current state at the border, and the typical exploitation lineup of dopey killers and awesomely skilled hitmen. And boy does Machete kill. No limbs are safe here, as Machete often gives obvious preference to sharp items perfect for piercing and cutting flesh rather than the cleaner to operate gun. The film’s action is ruthless and dares its weakest viewers to turn away from the screen with head decapitations abound. One thing untypical of a film of this kind is the fact that Rodriguez was able to work with what you might consider an all-star cast of both celebrated mainstream stars, genre stars and those who just didn’t quite make the big time. Trejo aside, the film’s bizarrely crafted cast features huge names such as Steven Seagal doing his best

between a spoof or parody and a homage, because Rodriguez’s film is certainly the latter. While the film is surely tongue-incheek, self-aware of its own ridiculous existence and conscious of what it is, it never pokes fun at the genre. Instead, it’s a serious entry into an often depraved and unrelenting genre that does just as it says it does - exploits. Rodriguez hits every sweet spot from the campy atmosphere right on down to the humorous dialogue. And you can call out those sweet spots: the herbfriendly Marin plays a priest and Lohan finds herself donning nun’s attire, just to name a few of the film’s obvious characterrelated gags. It’s strange that time and time again filmmakers will often return to a vintage yet refreshing style of making genre films and show that just because we as a society might be progressing technically, it doesn’t mean we are creatively. In fact, perhaps with all that fantastic and reliable technology going to our stubborn and money-filled heads, we forget what it’s like to sit down and enjoy a film like Machete. Rodriguez and company are doing a good service in helping us remember.


THE RECORDER / Wednesday, September 8, 2010 / UPGRADE

Calendar 9.8 - 9.15

MUSIC 9.9 30 Seconds to Mars @ Webster Theatre Hartford, CT $25 / 6 p.m.

30 Seconds to Mars is set to perform at the Webster Theatre this Thursday.

Caspian @ Lilly's Pad (Toad's Place) New Haven, CT $8 / 8 p.m. 9.10 Disco Biscuits / RJD2 @ Mountain Park Holyoke, MA $27.50 / 6 p.m. Despised Icon / Misery Index @ Waterfront Tavern Holyoke, MA $15 / 6:30 p.m. 9.12 Collie Buddz @ Toad's Place New Haven, CT $25 / 9 p.m. 9.14 Defiance, Ohio @ Toad's Place New Haven, CT $8 / 7:30 p.m.

brings together the two artists. As opposed to Audrey Tautou’s young and inexperienced portrayal in Coco Before Chanel, Mouglalis plays one of the 20th century’s most accomplished women at her creative – and passionate – prime. 'two hours of luxury and loveliness, music and art, and a bit of sexually charged madness, too.' - Stephen Rea, Philadelphia Inquirer." 9.10 The Front Page @ Torp Theatre, CCSU FREE / 2 p.m. "This first of four film versions of the Ben Hecht/Charlrd MacArthur Broadway hit starsAdolphe Menjou as explosive Chicago newspaper-editor Walter Burns and Pat O'Brien as his star reporter Hildy Johnson. Hildy is on the verge of getting married and retiring from Burns' dirty little tabloid, but he agrees to cover one last story: the politically motivated execution of convicted cop killer Earl Williams (George E. Stone). Thanks to the stupidity of the police, Williams manages to escape, and Johnson hides the wounded fugitive in a rolltop desk in the prison pressroom. Burns enters the scene, senses a swell story (and also a means of keeping Johnson on his payroll), and conspires with Johnson to keep Williams out of sight until they can secure an exclusive interview. Burns will do anything to keep Johnson on the scene, including having the reporter's future motherin-law kidnapped. Complicating matters are Johnson's fiancée Peggy (Mary Brian), Williams' girlfriend Molly Malloy (Mae Clarke), and the corrupt mayor ( James Gordon) and sheriff (Clarence C. Wilson), who have railroaded Williams to the death house in order to win votes and are now trying to suppress the news that the governor has commuted Williams' sentence. The Front Page was remade by Howard Hawks in 1939 as His Girl Friday, with the symbiotic relationship between Burns and Johnson changed to a sexual one by transforming Hildy Johnson into a woman (played by Rosalind Russell) with Cary Grant as her old flame Walter. It was again remade by Billy Wilder in 1974 with Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau, Carol Burnett, and a young Susan Sarandon." - Hal Erickson, All Movie Guide Barbarella @ Bow Tie Criterion Cinema New Haven, CT $5 / 11:30 p.m.

Collie Buddz will perform at Toad’s Place on Sept. 12.

9.16 Nachtmystium @ Webster Theatre Hartford, CT $12 / 7 p.m. MOVIES 9.9 - 9.11 Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky @ Cinestudio, Trinity College Hartford, CT $7 / 7:30 p.m. "When Coco Chanel attends the Ballet Russe's 1913 premiere of The Rite of Spring, she thrills to the riotprovoking choreography of Vaslav Nijinsky – and the revolutionary music of Igor Stravinsky. Seven years later, Sergei Diaghilev introduces the convention-breaking designer to Stravinsky, who is struggling to survive in Paris with his children and ailing wife. Chanel invites the family to stay at her country home, where an instant erotic attraction

A voluptuous outer space agent travels to another galaxy in search of a missing inventor in this science fiction send-up. Barbarella ( Jane Fonda), an interstellar representative of the united Earth government in the 41st century, is dispatched to locate scientist Durand Durand, whose positronic ray, if not recovered, could signal the end of humanity. Outfitted in an array of stunning Star Trek/Bond girl outfits and cruising around in a plush, psychedelic spaceship, Barbarella travels to the Tau Seti system and promptly crashlands. She then spends the rest of the film discovering the joys of interstellar sex with a keeper of feral children (Ugo Tognazzi), a blind, beatific angel ( John Phillip Law), and an inept revolutionary named Dildano (David Hemmings). Slowly but surely, she also finds her way to Durand Durand by moving from one exotic, Wizard of Ozstyle locale to another. Along the way, she meets the kindly Professor Ping (a surprisingly verbal Marcel Marceau), a Eurotrash dominatrix named the Great Tyrant (Rolling Stones gal pal Anita Pallenberg), and the Concierge (Milo O'Shea), a strangely familiar lackey of the Great Tyrant who tries to destroy Barbarella with his great big organ of love. Jean-Claude Forest, who created the character Barbarella in 1962 for ~V-Magazine, served as visual advisor on the adaptation. The film's

missing scientist character famously inspired the band name of '80s pop stars Duran Duran (who altered the spelling slightly). Almost two decades later, the film also inspired electronic act Matmos, which was named after the aqueous personification of evil unleashed by the Concierge at the movie's climax. - Brian J. Dillard, All Movie Guide 9.12 - 9.15 The Secret in their Eyes @ Cinestudio, Trinity College Hartford, CT $7 / 7:30 p.m. "The winner of the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film - and the biggest box office hit in Argentina in 35 years - is one of the first films to take on the abuses of power leading up to the coup d'etat that overthrew Isabel Peron. It begins in the present day, when a melancholy court investigator (Ricardo Darin) and his boss, an aristocratic judge (Soledad Villamil) become obsessed with the hushed-up murder of a young woman in the mid1970s. The judge's alcoholic assistant played by comedian Guillermo Francella - is a witness to their search for the truth, and to their twisting path towards love. 'Every time a government tries to control the people, violating the law, they play the fear card - and people submit to it.' director Juan Jose Campanella."

show that will re-ignite his career. Before he departs, Aaron is warned by his boss Sergio Roma (Sean Combs) to never let Aldous out of his sight, and never underestimate his capacity for mayhem. Immensely talented yet deeply tortured, Aldous hit the bottle hard after his popularity began to wane and his girl walked out on him. Aldous is locked in the midst of an existential crisis, and rues the thought of being accompanied across the pond by an insincere sycophant. Though it seems like sex is the only thing Aldous ever thinks about, his thoughts turn to romance when he discovers that gorgeous model/ pop singer Jackie Q (Rose Byrne) will be in Los Angeles at the time of his concert, too. Jackie Q is the love of Aldous' life, and he'll do anything and everything to win her

9.13 Get Him to the Greek @ Semesters, CCSU FREE / 7 p.m. "An ambitious young record company executive attempts to transport an unpredictable rock star to L.A.'s Greek Theatre in time for his hotly anticipated comeback performance in this spinoff of the comedy hit Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Aaron Green ( Jonah Hill) has just landed his dream job in the record industry, and he's eager to prove his worth. His first assignment: travel to London and escort British rock god Aldous Snow (Russell Brand) to the

heart. With the concert fast approaching and Aaron's fledgling career on the line, the race is on to get Aldous to the Greek, and ensure the big show goes off without a hitch." - Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide

ʻThe Last Exorcismʼ Brings a Winning Combination matt Clyburn the recorder

The Last Exorcism reveals a unique facet of our collective American personality: for better or worse, we just love movies about exorcising demons. Colonial America was a breeding ground of different religious faiths, superstitions, and diverse belief systems. As a nation, we carry these traditions with us and intermingle with even more of the same. The Exorcist began our love affair with these movies in 1973 by capturing the fusion of our distinctive past and our desire to be terrified at the local theater. Our latest venture into this genre brings a new interpretation to a society that associates less with religion but is more spiritual than ever. Reverend Cotton Marcus was raised to be a Louisiana evangelist but finds himself at a religious crossroads. After years of performing exorcisms in the style of parlor magicians, he realizes that his "beliefs" are based on a self-indulgent caricature of a preacher, rather than on fundamental faith. A young boy with autism has recently been killed in the process of a mock exorcism and Marcus is intent on exposing the practice as a fraud. Marcus chooses a letter at random from a prospective exorcism client and drives into the Louisiana bayou with a documentary film crew. Out in the swamplands, we meet Nell Sweetzer whom Marcus believes is suffering from a mental condition causing her to believe she is possessed by a demon. Marcus performs his tricks true to form and leaves the Sweetzer farm, believing that his troubles are behind him. Before long, we find Nell in the Reverend's hotel room miles away from her home and suffering from some strange symptoms.

Upon arrival back at the farm, Reverend Marcus begins to discover the true meaning of evil. Cloverfield-like cinematography takes us through the movie, courtesy of our documentary film crew. The "scary factor" is not nearly what I would expect from an exorcism movie, but this tactic ultimately serves a purpose: to desensitize the audience so much that the ending will knock you off your seat. Rather than jumping out of your skin for the duration of the movie, you will be asking yourself questions about what exactly could be happening. The characters that facilitate this questioning are extremely well developed (thanks in part to a somewhat lengthy introduction by Reverend Marcus) and the actors behind them easily exceed expectations. As I stated at this review's introduction, The Last Exorcism is a new approach in a changing world. Our collective experience allows us to relate to the characters and seek answers along the way - a winning combination. Those that are wise to accepting something new will enjoy this movie - controversial ending and all.

THE RECORDER / Wednesday, September 8, 2010




DEVILS | Cont. from 12 half on a high note, they were far from in the clear and it was apparent at the end of the second quarter that the Blue Devils had already dug themselves into a difficult hole to climb out of. The pace of the game was set in the opening minutes of the first quarter when UNH wide receiver Terrance Fox ran the ball back for a 91-yard touchdown return. With a failed twopoint conversion, UNH was on the board with six with 14:44 left to play in the first. “Fox kid made a great run got to give him all the credit in the world, well executed,” said head coach Jeff McInerney. “You know, I don’t think it really affected us. I knew going into this game that this team going against that team we had to play it one game at a time, look up in the fourth quarter and see where we’re at.” In the fourth quarter the Wild Cats had built up a 30 point lead, shutting down the Blue Devils’ running game and exposing their weaknesses, mainly tackling. The Blue Devils’ defense was unable to contain the Wild Cats’ running game, allowing 335 rushing yards and two rushing touchdowns. CCSU’s tackling was sloppy, and is something that will have to be improved on before conference play begins Sept. 25. “I was extremely happy; the only thing is we tackled sloppy. Some

of that is a credit to those running backs,” said McInerney. “I’m not gonna slight them by saying that we just missed tackles, but because of their talent, and we just got a little bit tired, we missed some plays, but we’ll get better. “But I was so proud of their effort, they never stopped playing and that’s what good defensive teams do…they line up and they go and I love that. I love our attitude, I love everything about it and I’m proud, but I also know we got to work hard over there. We got to improve our tackling, I think that’s obvious.” Despite the defense’s weak showing against UNH, McInerney has faith that his team will improve and become serious contenders to win the conference. “I think this team has a chance, it’s yet to be determined, but let me say this, there’s a big drop off between New Hampshire and Bentley…we’ll take it one day at a time. I thought if we could eliminate some of those plays this team will have a chance, but we have to prove it.” The opening game was also the premiere for new starting quarterback, Gunnar Jespersen. In his first game as a Blue Devil Jespersen kenny barto | the reCorder went 12-17 with one interception. Gunnar Jespersen led the Blue Devils with 42 rushing yards, and was also 12-17 for 129 He threw for a total of 129 yards and yards through the air with one interception. was sacked three times. Jespersen was the team’s leading expectantly tough after the Blue win, he was looking to gain an idea conference play against Bryant. rusher, gaining 42 yards, followed by Devils felt the blow of a 70-20 loss of what still needs to be done. Until then, CCSU will begin Nate Pagan for 24 yards. His sights remain locked on home play next Saturday, Sept. in their last matchup in 2003, but The game against UNH was McInerney wasn’t focused on the Sept. 25 when CCSU will open 11 versus Bentley at 12 p.m.

Men’s Golf in Sixth Place After First Two Rounds of Turningstone Intercollegiate CCsubluedevils.Com

Three golfers in the top30 and the Central Connecticut men’s golf team stands in sixth place out of 18 teams after the first two rounds of the Turning Stone Intercollegiate on Sunday. Daniel Morgan, Justin Hughes and Eric

Hawerchuk are all in the top-30 to lead the Blue Devils. Central led following the first round in the morning shooting a 305 and followed it up with a 309. Purdue leads the field, followed by Bowling Green, Missouri, Connecticut, Kansas and then the Blue Devils. The final round

of the tournament will be played on Monday. Morgan shot 75-77 in his first two rounds and is tied for 15th place on the par-72 course. He is +8 entering the final round on Sunday. Hughes shot a tworound score of 153 followed closely behind by Hawerchuk

Volleyball Drops Finale at Buffalo Tournament to Host Bulls, 3-0

(154) and Kevin Josephson (155). Central’s first round score of 305 was good for the first round lead, two strokes ahead of Purdue. But the Boilermakers improved by 21 strokes in their second round and shot 286 as a team, taking a 12-shot lead

Men’s Soccer Drops 1-0 Decision to New Hampshire at UNH Nike Fall Classic CCsubluedevils.Com


The Central Connecticut volleyball team dropped to 1-2 on the season with a 3-0 loss to the University at Buffalo. The match was the third and final for Central at the Buffalo Tournament. On Friday they topped Delaware State before losing their first match of the season to Navy. Maite Mendizabal led the offense with 10 kills for Central in the loss. The Blue Devils dropped all three sets by identical scores, 3014, to fall to 1-2 on the season. The home Bulls hit .354 in the victory, with 47 kills against only 12 errors. Dana Musil had 12 kills and Lindsey Schlegel added 24 assists in the win. Mendizabal’s 10 kills were a team-high for the Blue Devils.

photo Courtesy of steve mClaughlin

Sophmore Emily Cochran had 19 kills in the first win of the season.

Senior Amanda Bayer added 14 Blue Devils. Central will return to assists. action next weekend at the Brown Kaitlin Petrella was named to the All-Tournament Team for the Tournament on Sept. 17 and 18.

over second place Bowling Green. Central shot a 309 in the second round to stay within striking distance, 21 shots behind Purdue. The Blue Devils shot a two-round scored of 614, four shots back of Kansas, five behind UConn and just nine shots out of second place (BGU, 605).

The Central Connecticut men’s soccer team fell to 1-1 overall this season following a 1-0 loss to New Hamshire at the UNH Nike Fall Classic on Monday. Central finished 1-1 at the tournament, after beating Vermont 1-0 on Saturday in the first game. Senior Robert Cavener and freshmen defenders Richie Slaughter and Ian Smurthwaite were all named to the All-Tournament Team. Central is back in action at Hartford on Saturday night at 7 p.m. Sophomore goalkeeper Anthony Occhialini made six saves in net for the Blue Devils, who were outshot 18-9 in the match. New Hampshire’s Colin O’Donnell had seven stops in goal to record the shutout. The Wildcats scored the only goal of the match in the first

half. Robert Palumbo fed Steven Palumbo whose shot sailed past Occhialini to the far post and into the left side of the net. It came at 34:16 and gave the home team the victory. New Hampshire held a 9-2 advantage in corner kicks in the match. They finished the weekend tournament 1-0-1 after a 0-0 tie against Wisconsin-Milwaukee on Saturday. Central was 1-1 after a 1-0 win over Vermont on Saturday in the first match of the tournament. Cavener and the two freshmen defenders, Slaughter and Smurthwaite, were named to the All-Tournament Team for their performances in the two games. Central allowed just one goal in the two matches, and posted its first shutout in nearly a year on Saturday. The Blue Devils return to action on Saturday night at 7 p.m. at the University of Hartford.


THE RECORDER / Wednesday, September 8, 2010

new Recruits to Add Depth to Men’s Soccer Christopher mClaughlin the recorder

With 11 new recruits, men’s soccer coach Shaun Green looks to fill out his team’s depth for the 2010 fall season. Searching far and wide for fresh recruits, Coach Green looked to his home country for top recruit Richie Slaughter. “Slaughter is an attacking fullback from Hexham, England. He is a very talented player with exceptional leadership qualities. He is a player that we are expecting to make an impact during his freshman year,” said Green. In addition to Slaughter, Coach Green has also recruited two other players from overseas. Both Ian Smurthwaite and Joe Gamboa come from outside the USA, with Smurthwaite from England and Gamboa from Costa Rica. Smurthwaite is a central defender who played soccer for Darlington Football club and North Allerton Town FC. “He is a powerful physical presence on the field and distributes the ball very well. He was a great signing for CCSU. We see him as a player who can replace someone like David Tyrie.” Gamboa is a player who can act as both a central defender and be a defensive midfielder. He played on the Costa Rican Under 20 National team before coming to CCSU. “He is a very versatile player with great composure and skill.” Both Gamboa and Smurthwaite will play into Coach Green’s defensive focus this season. While not from overseas, there are two recruits from out of state. Ognen Stamenkovic comes from Clinton, Michigan where he played for Schoolcraft Community College before being recruited by CCSU. He will play midfield and defense for CCSU, and is another versatile recruit. “Stamenkovic is a tenacious player who can fit into many positions. He has a great blue collar work ethic and very positive attitude,” said Green. The other out of state recruit, Soulymane Sonoga was born on the Ivory Coast but now lives in Manhattan. Like Stamenkovic, Sonoga can fill many positions by playing either wide

midfield or outside defense. “Sonoga is a talented transfer student from Borough of Manhattan Community College. We see him filling a role similar to that of Hadji Diop,” Coach Green said. The six remaining recruits all come from Connecticut. Terrell Whitting is a transfer student from UConn that still has four years of eligibility left. “He is a lightning fast forward that we feel can be the missing piece on offense.” One of the biggest surprises for Coach Green comes in the form of Manny Nobre. “Nobre is a creative midfielder with great skill and will see a lot of time his freshman year. He is one of the biggest surprises in the recruiting class because he seems to be the heir apparent for Robert Cavner.” Another surprise for Coach Green is Sal DiTamasso. DiTamasso played club ball at the Farmington Sports Arena and also played for Farmington High School. “DiTamasso is a very skilled player and is someone who can develop playing for CCSU. He will be used as an attacking wide midfielder or striker. He was a surprise because of how skilled he is.” Andrew Ferrucci is a tall forward from Watertown with a lot of potential. “Ferrucci is someone who will develop into a very good forward over the next four years at CCSU. He’s tall and explosive that will only get better playing against stronger players.” Joey Sisca is from Beachside Soccer Club and will add more depth to the defense. “Sisca is a strong defender who will benefit from playing in our squad and training daily.” The final recruit for 2010 is Ian Mangione. Mangione joined in the spring and will add depth to the goalkeeper position. “Mangione has a great attitude and is a pleasure to have on the team backing up our goalkeepers.” Taking these 11 new recruits, Coach Green seeks to get back into the title hunt for his 26th season as men’s soccer coach for CCSU. The season begins on Sept. 4 in New Hampshire for the Nike New Hampshire Classic. The Blue Devils will play their first home game on Sept. 22, taking on Siena.

Blue Devils Drop Double Overtime Decision to LaSalle on Sunday

kenny barto | the reCorder

CCSU goalie Nikola Deiter. CCsubluedevils.Com

The Central Connecticut women's soccer team had its two-game winning streak snapped on Sunday with a double overtime loss to LaSalle. The game was played at the University of Hartford. Senior Beth Lloyd scored on a penalty kick with minutes remaining to send the game to overtime. Freshman goalkeeper Nikola Deiter, senior Abby Graham and Lloyd were all named to the AllTournament team over the weekend. The game was scoreless in the first half, but the Blue Devils had several chances to take the lead before the break. They outshot LaSalle 6-2 in the half, but were unable to get anything past LaSalle goalkeeper Gabby Pakhatigian who made three saves. It was the Explorers who got on the board first in the second half when Renee Washington scored the first of her two goals in the match. She beat Central's

Deiter with 63:11 on the clock to take the one goal lead. Lloyd tied it up at 86:30 with her third goal in as many games. It came on a penalty kick after she was taken down in the left side of the box with a chance to score. She scored her third goal in as many games to tie the game at 1-1. After a scoreless first overtime Washington scored her second goal of the game with 3:34 left in the second overtime to give LaSalle the win. She took a cross from the right side of the field and headed it past Deiter for the game-winner. Deiter made four saves in net for the Blue Devils. They fall to 2-3 on the season while LaSalle improves to 4-2 with their second win of the weekend. They defeated Hartford in their first match on Friday night. Central returns to action on the road on Friday, Sept. 10, playing at Providence at 4 p.m. They will also travel to UConn on Sunday for a game at 1 p.m.

CCSU Volleyball Eyes Elusive NEC Title Christopher mClaughlin the recorder

With great leadership and a great work ethic, the CCSU volleyball team comes into this year with high expectations. Picked third in the preseason Northeast Conference coaches’ poll, the volleyball team is aiming to compete for the NEC title. “The NEC title is always our goal,” says Head Coach Linda Sagnelli. “It has eluded us for years now, but we were always right in there. Our girls are out there working hard to knock off defending champs LIU [Long Island University].” After losing the second all-time leader in blocks, Jamie Baumert, Sagnelli will rely on one of the returning girls to take over that role. “Sara Delacy will become our best blocker. She is a real presence at the net and will become a shut down blocker,” said Sagnelli. With starting libero Kaitlin Petrella entering her senior year, Coach Sagnelli looks to the future by bringing in new recruit Amalia Ashley to learn from one of the best. “We expect Amalia to be a contributor with ball control. With Petrella in her senior year we are really hoping that this will be a great learning experience for Ashley,” said Sagnelli. In addition to Ashley, Sagnelli

Maite Mendizabal. has brought in two other new recruits that she sees making contributions to the team. “Both Caity Van Camp and Kyla Bielert bring good experience to the team,” said Sagnelli. “We will give them playing time so they can pick up the tempo of the game. I know both of them will contribute to this team.” After a couple weeks of practice, Sagnelli is eager to see what her team can do. “My expectations for my girls are very high. We need Kaitlin to

photo Courtesy of steve mClaughlin

own the floor. She is our defensive leaders and one of the best liberos in the NEC,” said Sagnelli. “Amanda Bayer is our captain this year and not only is she our best setter; she sets the competitive tone for our team. She really prides herself and holds herself to high standards. She really provides the leadership we need,” said Sagnelli. Sagnelli has also seen the improvements made by other players. “Tori Vaughan will be a starter this year; she is a very consistent

player who we need to look to for more points,” said Sagnelli. “Maite Mendizabal will attempt to crack into the starting lineup this year although we like her bringing the energy off the bench, when she contributes we are a better team. Danielle Gasser is another great contributor both as a setter and defensively, the stronger she becomes, the stronger we become.” The freshmen from last year will also look to make a big impact this year. “Our sophomores Blaike

King, Emily Cochran and Jamie Rademacher have all worked hard over the summer and have gotten better all around,” said Sagnelli. With high expectations comes a focus for this year. By focusing on teamwork and communication Coach Sagnelli hopes to eliminate unforced errors. “By doing all the little things correctly we feel we can be very successful. This season will be a journey but doing the little things consistently will equal success,” said Sagnelli. Another focus for the team will be academics. “Last season we were awarded the American Volleyball Coaches Association team academic award. It was the fourth year in a row that we have received this award and we will strive to receive it again this year,” said Sagnelli. The award is given to teams that have a collective GPA of a 3.3. Last year’s GPA was 3.72, and with a second place finish in the overall standings it was an award that both players and coaches can be really proud of. With the first game on Friday Sept. 3 in Buffalo against Delaware State, Coach Sagnelli is focusing on getting her team properly prepared. “With great leadership and a strong work ethic we feel we can compete with anyone. Whoever our opponent is, we will be prepared,” said Sagnelli. CCSU opens their season at home on Sept. 25 against Bryant.

THE RECORDER Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sports 9/8 Wild Cats Not Tame to Blue Devils UNH Rushes for 335 Yards; Hold Blue Devils to Only Three Points brittany Burke The Recorder

The CCSU Blue Devils football team took to the road to face the #9 ranked University of New Hampshire Wild Cats in their season opener and dropped the ball, falling to the Wild Cats 33-3. The only highlight of the game for CCSU came in the final minutes of the first half when senior Joe Izzo got the Blue Devils on to the board for the first and only time of the game. With 3:46 left of play, and CCSU facing a 26-point deficit, Izzo was put in the position to score and made a 29-yard field goal attempt. While CCSU managed to end the DEVILS | cont. on 10

kenny barto | the recorder

Holding On For Dear Life: CCSU cornerback Alondre Rush (#24) tackles UNH’s leading rusher Dontra Peters.

Women’s Soccer Defeat Crusaders for First Win brittany Burke The Recorder

The CCSU women’s soccer team (1-2-0 overall, 0-0-0 NEC) found their first victory of the season against the Holy Cross Crusaders with a 3-2 win in Tuesday night’s matchup. The Blue Devils entered the night’s game down two games after early season losses to the Army at home on Aug. 26 and later at Boston College on Aug. 29. After getting shutout in the match against Boston College, CCSU managed to score early with a goal from freshman Kerriann Welch 5:53 into the first half. The goal was the first for Welch as a Blue Devil, and the first goal of the season for CCSU. Welch was assisted by senior Lauren Salvia. Less than five minutes later Welch increased the Blue Devils’ lead to two when she scored again, this time unassisted at 8:11 in the first. Welch managed the goal off a misplay made by Holy Cross’ goalkeeper Ashlyn Angell. In an attempt to clear the ball Angell kicked it to Welch at which time she was able to capitalize on the mistake and score the second goal of the Blue Devils’ season. However, the CCSU lead

Inside This Issue:

vanished as quickly as it appeared. In less than 15 minutes after CCSU’s second goal the Crusaders managed to stay alive and tie the game with two apiece at 17:23 and 19:51. “Two up, capitalized on two mistakes and you know from there on in we should’ve made it comfortable, and you know within two minutes they were back in the game and it was just a little naïve at times,” said head coach Mick D’Arcy, “but this is all a part of the learning process.” CCSU took the game into the half tied and was looking for ways to come back and hold the lead that Welch had given them. “To be honest it was a bit of a downer and half time talk definitely boosted us up a bit and we knew what we had to do today, we needed to come out with a W,” said senior Beth Loyd. Lloyd scored the game winning goal 57:42 into regulation play with a header off a free kick, giving the Blue Devils the one point advantage for the remainder of the game and her first goal of the season. Lloyd was assisted by freshman Nathalie Nilsson. “Before the goal I was just gesturing to Nat (Nilsson) to dink in over because the defense was quite high up so after she did it, I

kenny barto | the recorder

CCSU forward Beth Lloyd scores the winning goal in the 58th minute.

followed it up… I went in behind the defense and luckily the defender got a flick on it,” Lloyd said. “She didn’t get full contact and just managed to get it past the keeper.” Despite walking away with

Richie Slaughter Is Among The Men’s Soccer Team’s Top Recruits p. 11

a win the Blue Devils had to fight through the second half knowing that one of their teammates was injured. Freshman Lauren Varholak, who entered the second half as a substitute for Lloyd, was unable to walk off the pitch on her own and

had to be carted off after collapsing in the far sideline. After a further examination the team was still waiting on an official diagnosis for her injury. “You’ve got to learn how to deal with adversity,” Coach D’arcy said. “There was two major things happened today, one ,we gave up a two goal lead and two, we saw one of our teammates carted off the field which is upsetting to say the least.” CCSU is looking to carry the winning momentum into their next game against Columbia on Fri. Sept. 3, which will be played at the University of Hartford. Conference play does not pick up until the end of the month when they face Quinnipiac on Sept. 26. Until then, D’Arcy looks at the games more as a learning tool for his young class. “For us at this time of the year, especially for us with so many young players, it’s just really installing our system and how we want to play. And we’re relearning as we go along, so the results are great. But in all honesty it’s not the most important thing for us,” D’Arcy said. CCSU will not see any action at home until Sept. 17 against Hartford.

Captain Amanda Bayer Looks To Leak Volleyball To NEC Title p. 11

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