Volume 108 Issue 5

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AWA R D-W INNING CENTR A LR ECOR DER .COM Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Central Connecticut State University

Volume 108 No. 05

Seeking Alternate Routes

The sidewalks around Memoral Hall and the Vance Academic Center are closed as the construction starts across campus.

kaSSondRa GRanata the Recorder

If you’re wondering what happened to the Vance lawn, you’re not alone. The majority of the popular area for outdoor activity has been fenced off. James Grupp, professional engineer and coordinator of capitol projects and facilities planning, arrived at Vance lawn sporting his casual dress wear, along with his bright neon construction vest and hat. Grupp is also the CCSU project manager overseeing the construction of the new academic building between Maria Sanford and Davidson Hall and the fencing off of the Vance lawn. According to Grupp, the department of energy and environmental protection will not allow rainwater or surface runoff to go directly to rivers and streams. “On campus, whenever we build a

new project, we need to build a system to collect the rainwater and let it percolate slowly into the ground,” says Grupp. With this process, the rain water from the construction of the academic building will be piped down into four 36-foot perforated pipes that will be underground going into Vance lawn. Grupp and his team are putting stones around the pipes so the water will percolate into the stone and into the ground. One side of Memorial Hall is blocked in order to install a man-hole and a piping system to go under into Vance Lawn. Fences currently block the side thus preventing students access to travel through. The fencing of Vance Lawn does not cover the whole field, but at least twothirds are now blocked off. “This green is designed for future projects, so the next major project that

goes on at CCSU we will need to use Vance lawn again,” says Grupp. Students on campus are disappointed that their favorite spot to relax and play numerous activities is blocked off. “Vance lawn being closed is such a deterrent for programs and having a sense of community down the hill,” says Kerry Lusebrink, a senior. “The next closest space to be active and hang out is all the way on the other side of campus.” The blocking of Vance Lawn hinders the incoming freshmen the opportunity to use Vance lawn as they begin their first year at CCSU. John Risme, a freshman, is disappointed that he is unable to use Vance as a place to hang out and enjoy campus. “It’s really tough for us freshmen because we barely got to experience it,” Risme said. “It’s really too bad, I was looking forward to playing Frisbee with

kenny baRto | the RecoRdeR

my friends.” Grupp, aware of the negative student feedback, is sympathetic and says the time frame is smaller than most students think. The excavation and vacancy of Vance lawn will span for two months. “When we are finished,” Grupp adds, “We will put sod on top and by the Spring Vance lawn will be restored to its current condition, perhaps even better.” “Its very difficult to build a building in a campus environment,” states Grupp. “You’re going to have noise, sidewalks blocked off, greens blocked off. There’s not much we can do, it’s a very long process.” Grupp said he hoped to start the process in the summer but CCSU did not have the proper funding and all contracts weren’t signed until construction began. With construction starting on Sept. 6, the new academic building is estimated to take 18 months to complete and has a

SGA Senate Rejects Representation Motion President Bergenn Creates Ad Hoc Committee To Explore Issue Further Matthew clybuRn the Recorder

The SGA Senate rejected a motion to change the way student constituencies are represented on the representative body last Wednesday. Fourteen senators voted against the motion and eight voted in favor. The motion, submitted by Senator Baldassario, would have eliminated two resident and two commuter seats from the senate and created four new at-large positions in their place. Before the motion went to a roll call vote, many senators expressed opposition to the proposal. Several, including Senator Dattilo, said that the motion was not enough. “There’s probably a deeper issue here,” Dattilo said. “We should vote this motion down so we can [create] another motion that will solve the problem.”

Baldassario stood by his motion, saying that students should vote for the proposal in a referendum during elections on October 11 and 12. “This [motion] may not...make the elections as competitive as we’d like, but it’s a step in the right direction,” Baldassario said. “This is a step towards positive change...and if this is isn’t enough we can go back and change it again.” Following the motion’s defeat, Jamie Canny, a senator and former interim SGA president, made the point that debate only hindered progress on the issue of student representation. “We have to investigate this issue further,” Canny said. “This is not something that can be solved on the senate floor.” Canny proposed, and a motion was later submitted, that would create an ad hoc committee to investigate the matter. That motion, and another submitted by

Treasurer Alaimo, were both defeated. Senator McLaughlin said that the number of representatives on the SGA Senate is second to getting commuters involved in the student government process. “Our main objective should be to find ways to involve more...commuters as a whole,” McLaughlin said. At the end of an unusually lengthy open floor session, President Eric Bergenn used an SGA executive privilege to create an ad hoc committee to be chaired by Baldassario and Senator Sirois. The ad hoc committee’s first task will be to survey a sample of the CCSU student population to determine student opinions about SGA representation. Following survey distribution, the committee will report back to the senate. “I was a little surprised at the voting numbers,” Bergenn said. “I didn’t think that

there was any certainty that it was going to pass the two-thirds vote, that’s hard. I think it’s a sign that the Senate doesn’t think that a change like that is ready to happen right now.” “They might be right.” Bergenn said he hopes the ad hoc committee can integrate the opinions of resident and commuter students into any changes in the long term. “At this point, there is no reason to be in any sort of hurry to try and make a big change. If a change is going to happen regarding the constitution, it’s eventually going to have to go to referendum so that everyone can vote on it.” But at the end of the day, Bergenn recognizes that a larger issue looms. “The biggest problem that we’re facing isn’t necessarily the overall number of seats, it’s overall participation,” Bergenn said. “Engagement is the first priority.”

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