Volume 109 Issue 06

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AWA R D-W INNING CENTR A LR ECOR DER .COM Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Central Connecticut State University

Volume 109 No.6

Blue Devils Go Back And Forth

rAchAEl bEntlEy | thE rEcOrdEr

Emily Cochran attacks ball from outside court at this weekend’s volleyball game.


New English Course For Spring Semester


Dada Life Comes To Hartford

Page 8


Golf Team Displays Confidence

Page 10

Yale Professor Discusses Maya 2012 AcAdiA OtlOWski the recorder

According to Dr. Oswaldo Chinchilla, a Yale University professor, the Mayans actually believe that the world will end December 21, 2012. A lecture dedicated to debunking the myths and rumors about Maya 2012 was held last Thursday in Vance 105 at CCSU. Chinchilla said he was hesitant to lean either way on the issue of the world ending this December. His lecture gave the history of the Mayan and Aztec legends and predictions that have inspired the current cultural phenomena. Chinchilla hedged around answering the question, giving no personal opinion. According to Chinchilla, there is a distinct lack of evidence to conclude anything definitive. “The hieroglyphic text we have for the Maya is very brief,” said Chinchilla. “They don’t give much detail, so there is no reason to think that we know everything they thought. That is why I’m saying, they might have thought that.” Chinchilla explained to the audience that the world is supposed to end at the conclusion of the 13th baktun. A baktun is equivalent to approximately 394 years. It is at the end of the 13th baktun that the Mayan calendar ends. In the modern world, such an end may seem like nothing. But to the Mayans, said Chinchilla, this was significant. “I think that the end of 13 Baktuns was such a critical moment in time that they probably would have thought that the world might end,” said Chinchilla.

Chinchilla said that the world has ended many times in ancient lore. In all of these catastrophes, there were a few survivors that went on to be reborn as several different animals. “So it could be that the world ends on the 21st and starts again on the 22nd?” asked Professor Mary Ann Mahony, history professor and coordinator of Latin American studies. “If there were such a cataclysm, I don’t think the next day would be fine. We might turn into fish or monkeys; that may happen,” joked Chinchilla. Several members of the audience were skeptical. Krystal Lentini, a young woman in the

crowd, said that Chinchilla was not taking the Mayan predictions seriously. “The inscription that they have was dated back thousands of year, that their ancestors basically preserved,” said Lentini. “Obviously they are special, since it was something that their ancestors maintained, kept throughout the years.” Lentini said she was frustrated by the answers given to her by Chinchilla. “He didn’t know what he was talking about,” said Lentini after the lecture. The next lecture will be held on Oct. 16,in the Marcus White Living Room. The lecture will feature Dr. Abigail Adams, Professor of Anthropology at CCSU.

AcAdiA OtlOWski | thE rEcOrdEr

Yale University professor Dr. Oswaldo Chincilla speaks at Vance 105 on Maya 2012.

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