AWA R D-W INNING CENTR A LR ECOR DER .COM Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Central Connecticut State University
Volume 109 No.8
Interim President Endorsed By Board Of Regents kASSondRA gRAnATA & JuSTin muSzynSki The Recorder
The state’s Board of Regents for Higher Education wasted no time Friday endorsing Philip Austin for interim president only hours after Robert A. Kennedy resigned from the position. Kennedy was under much scrutiny in the days preceding his resignation for granting raises to staff members that weren’t approved by the board. Former Executive Vice President Michael P. Meotti also announced his resignation Friday after receiving a $48,000 raise despite the state’s hiring freeze. Austin, the former UConn president who was recommended to Gov. Malloy by the BOR at an emergency meeting, only wishes to serve in the position temporarily, said Lewis J. Robinson Jr., chairman. “I have accepted President Kennedy’s resignation, and thank him for his service. I’m sure this was not an easy decision at which to arrive, but I appreciate his willingness to put our students first,” said Robinson in a statement. The Associated Press reported that the pay increases that Kennedy had permitted totaled about $250,000. After these were made public, many called for Kennedy to step down in order to allow the board’s focus to divert back to the education reform that the state is undergoing. These raises have since been suspended by the board. The crowd that gathered in the Hartford Community Room reacted uniquely as the board announced Austin would temporarily serve as president. It wasn’t clear if the reaction was in shock or if the spectators had expected the decision. Robinson is enthusiastic about Austin serving as interim president, citing his success as UConn’s president from 1996 through 2007. “I’m so pleased that Phil Austin has agreed to return, once again, to Connecticut’s higher education community to help lead our organization and move forward a change agenda that focuses on meeting the needs of every student in Connecticut by providing an accessible and affordable higher education opportunity to them all,” said Robinson. Alex Tettey Jr., a student-elect from Middlesex Community College, abstained during the board’s vote to endorse Austin. “I do respect the opinion of my fellow board members and I do believe that Dr. Austin is a phenomenal candidate, but personally I feel that I did not have enough information,” said Tettey. “As a student-elect, if I had to answer to my constituents why I voted, I would not want to say ‘because everyone else on the board did.’” Michael Fraser, another student-elect from Western Connecticut State University ,said that he felt the same reservations as Tettey, but realized that the board needed to act swiftly. Fraser also said that because the rest of the board held him in high respect, he was persuaded to vote in favor of Austin. “I’m glad the board took action I think that the time for action was now,” said Fraser. “I know of Phillip Austin and I know his rep as the former president of UConn. He’s very widely respected throughout the state and through higher education as well.” When asked his opinion on the reaction of the crowd when the interim president was announced, Fraser thought that it was because of how well-known Austin is. “A lot of these people here report on higher education, and he’s a well known name in Connecticut,” said Fraser. “I don’t think it was shock, I think it was just an ‘a-ha moment,’ as well as name recognition.” Fraser said that in the light of recent events, he wasn’t surprised that Kennedy resigned. “I was expecting it as well as others throughout the state,” said Fraser. “I think he made the right move.”
kASSondRA gRAnATA | THe RecoRdeR
Lewis J. Robinson Jr., (right) announced the endorsement of Phillip Austin for the interim president after Kennedy’s resignation.
Man Sentenced To Three Years After Making Threatening Call To CCSU
JuSTin muSzynSki The Recorder
The man charged in June with threatening to kill people at CCSU unless officials fired his former girlfriend has been sentenced to three years in prison. A phone call made by Ruffino CottoMartinez, 47, caused the University to go into lockdown for more than an hour June 13 as police worked to locate him and bring him into custody. Cotto-Martinez pleaded guilty to first-degree threatening and was sentenced Oct. 4. On June 13, CCSU police received a phone call from Cotto-Martinez in which he expressed his dismay that the school still employed his ex-girlfriend, Vangie Vasquez, even after he attempted to get her fired, court documents said. “Excuse me, you no put out Vangie Vasquez, I go to university killing everybody, OK?” said Cotto-Martinez, according to court documents. The school quickly notified students, faculty and neighboring homes via text messages, emails and a post on its website of the situation, advising them to lock their doors and dial 911 in case of an emergency. After about an hour-and-a-half, the lockdown was lifted as the school announced that the police had located Cotto-Martinez in Willimantic after working with AT&T to find him through his mobile phone. He was apprehended, and while being brought back to the CCSU Police Department, “became combative and had to be physically restrained,” according to court documents. Cotto-Martinez was also convicted in July 2011 of threatening in the second-degree and harassment for a similar incident in which he bothered Vasquez. He was sentenced to one year in jail, suspended after 120 days, as well as two years of probation.
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Martinez made a phone call on June 13 to the University threatening to kill people. According to court documents, Cotto- failed to report to the halfway house that he was Martinez’s probation officer was already in assigned to, according to court documents. the process of citing him for violation of his CCSU declined to comment about Cottoprobation because of complaints by Vasquez Martinez’s most recent conviction. saying that he had harassed her several times He was originally charged with an act of days before calling CCSU. One of his probation terrorism, threatening in the second-degree, stipulations stated that he was not to have any criminal mischief and refusal to be fingercontact with her. Vasquez reported Cotto- printed. Instead he pleaded guilty to first-degree Martinez was calling and texting her repeatedly threatening in exchange for a three-year prison as well as waiting outside her apartment. He also sentence followed by two years of special parole.
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