Volume 109 Issue 17

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AWA R D-W INNING CENTR A LR ECOR DER .COM Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Central Connecticut State University

Volume 109 No. 17

Student Government Opposes Board Of Regents Policies “It is an issue of the students and not just the faculty,” Marcelli said. “This does not just affect faculty. There is a privacy issue here, a very serious one.” kAssondRA gRAnAtA the Recorder

The Student Government Association passed five Finance Committee Recommendations and a renewal of the resolution objecting a policy by the Board of Regents at its short meeting last week. Sen. Chris Marcelli motioned to renew the SGA's resolution in opposition of the Board of Regent's policies IT-001 & IT-002. According to online documents, the IT-001, which was passed unanimously Oct. 18, 2012, gives the BOR the authority to place common rules in regards to IT uses at Connecticut universities. According to the document, the purpose of this policy is "to make sure that all IT resources that are consistent with the ConnSCU mission and goals; prevent disruptions and misusage of the IT resources; ensure that the ConnSCU community is informed of state and federal laws and ConnSCU IT policies governing the use of ConnSCU resources; and ensure IT resources are used in a manner which comply with

~Chris Marcelli, SGA Senator

such laws and policies.” According to an online document, IT-002, also passed on Oct. 18, 2012, gives the BOR the authority to “promote the use of electronic communication as the official means of communication within ConnSCU; ensure that ConnSCU electronic communications resources are used for purposes appropriate to the ConnSCU mission and goals; prevent disruptions to and misuse of ConnSCU electronic communications resources and services; ensure that the ConnSCU community is aware eRin o'donnell | the RecoRdeR that use of ConnSCU electronic communications resources is Sen. Chris Marcelli speaks on his motion to renew a resolution at the SGA meeting last Wednesday. subject to state and federal laws and you trust us for that,” Mills said. and $45.74 from hotel expenses to the ConnSCU policies; and ensure in opposition of the policy. “It is an issue of the students Mills explained to the senate what shipping and handling. The third that electronic communications resources are used in compliance and not just the faculty,” Marcelli each recommendation was for, recommendation was to deny the with those laws and the ConnSCU said. “This does not just affect and how the finance committee Physical Education Club's line faculty. There is a privacy issue dealt with their decisions. item change. policies.” The second was to approve a After Mills' motion, there was “The University [CCSU] here, a very serious one.” Sen. Kory Mills motioned line item change for the College no discussion. It passed with 29 already has this policy, most of the schools don't do this though,” to pass three of the four, one Democrats. The club asked to move Yes votes and one No vote. Sen. Ryan Baldassario then said Marcelli. “The Board of allocating $500 to the CCSU $78.45 from their hotel expenses Regents on the other hand, I don't Public Policy Club, with $250 for to promotional items and pens. motioned to accept LASO's (Latin think they need that power, the refreshments for their debate, and It also asked to move $180 from American Student Organization) hotel expenses and promotional line item change moving $250 university already has this power. $250 for promotional items. “Finance committee met for a items, $199 from hotel expenses from travel to refreshments. The The faculty are concerned.” On Jan. 28, the Faculty Senate spoke good amount of time, so I suggest to promotional items, condoms motion passed unanimously.

CCSU Receives Exceptional Grades For Sexual Assault Approach skyleR mAgnoli the Recorder

The 2012 Campus Report Card, which highlights both the gaps and improvements of current sexual assault policies and practices at Connecticut colleges, has been recently released with Central ranking higher than most of the other schools. The Campus Report Card was put together by the Connecticut Sexual Assault Crisis Service (CONNSACS). This organization sent questionnaires to all of the collegiate institutions in Connecticut to gauge the sexual assault services that are being provided. “My take on it is that it is something that CONNSACS does to access where various colleges and universities in the state are in regards to providing services around sexual assault and interpersonal violence,” said Dr. Laura Tordenti, the vice president of student affairs. “We worked together to make sure we were responding to the questions and that it reflects what we are doing with the services we are providing,” said Rosa Rodriguez, the Chief Diversity Officer at Central. According to Mary DeLucia, the

2012 Campus Report Card Photo | httP://www.connsAcs.oRg

The cover of the 2012 Campus Report Card that analyzes sexual assault policies. Connecticut Sexual Assault Crisis Services (CONNSACS) 96 Pitkin Street, East Hartford, CT 06108 phone: (860) 282-9881 web: www.connsacs.org

campus advocate for the YMCA in New Britain, Central did well overall in comparison to other institutions in Connecticut, especially with the strides that Central has taken with providing services for sexual assault survivors. The Campus Report Card allows the public to see the range of services that are offered at the institution and how effectively they are doing their job in terms of reaching out to students and bringing awareness to the problem of sexual assault on college campuses. Central attributes its progress of dealing with sexual assault to how well all the services on campus work with each other. “I think it’s having that cross functional team of people that work together and trying to find the resources to help the students,” said Rodriguez. According to the 2010 CCSU Clery Report, there were six forcible sex offenses in 2008, three in 2009 and four in 2010. The data that is presented includes all oncampus crimes reported to the CCSU police that occurred on campus, in the residence halls and crimes that may have been reported to other campus authorities. To give a broader picture of crime on campus, the data also includes

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crimes committed at campus facilities and those occurring near campus. When a sexual assault occurs involving a Central student, many different offices are contacted to work together to provide that student with a wide range of options and services. Central’s Sexual Assault and Interpersonal Violence Resource Team is an example of the close network of offices on campus. The Resource Team has members from the police department, Women’s Center, Student Affairs Office, Counseling and Wellness Center, YMCA advocates and the Judiciary Office to help victims of sexual assault with whatever they might need. “That’s always the challenge after something like this happens: to try to convince a student to take advantage of some of the support services that we offer,” said Dr. Tordenti. “We communicate and try to provide an array of services to try to help the student through the situation.” While the Campus Report Card shows that all the institutions did well and are working to address sexual violence, the Report Card also allows institutions to identify

see High Grades- page 2

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