AWA R D-W INNING CENTR A LR ECOR DER .COM Wednesday, November 14, 2012
In This Issue....
Central Connecticut State University
Volume 109 No. 12
Veterans Honored
CCSU Pays Tribute To Students On Asia Day
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Veterans in uniform gathered on Monday in Alumni hall to be commemorated. The veterans were presented with awards and many thanks from those who attended. AmAndA webster the recorder
Blue Devils Suffer Another Loss To Bulldogs
Page 12
observation of Veterans Day, both men and women in uniform, gathered in Alumni Hall Monday in honor of three veterans who have impacted the New Britain community and CCSU. The veterans were presented with awards during the ceremony for their different work within the U.S. military by both President Jack Miller and New Britain Mayor Timothy O'Brien. O'Brien addressed Miller during the ceremony about his appreciation for CCSU and its work with veterans. "I'd like to offer my thanks on behalf of the city for continuing this wonderful tradition," said O'Brien to Miller. During the ceremony, Builder Third Class Robert P. Nowik was presented with the Public Service Award for Excellence. Nowik served in the U.S. Navy from 1965 to 1969. He served two tours in Vietnam and was assigned to the Mobile Construction Battalion. After his time in the Navy, Nowik volunteered as Boy Scout Troop committee chairman and
managed the North End School soccer team. After serving for eight years on the Housing Board of Appeals, Nowik was promoted to head custodian and was transferred to New Britain High School where he oversaw all the custodians in the New Britain school district. Nowik is an active member at the VFW Post 511 where he has served as chaplain and surgeon. He is also a member of the Veterans Council and serves as the treasurer of the Disabled American Veterans. "I think that your service both in military and in our community speaks wonderfully to who you are as a person and I have to say that our community is all the better because of everything that you have done," O'Brien expressed towards Nowik. President Miller presented Sergeant Linnai-Anne Camacho with the 2012 Student Veteran Excellence Award. Camacho is a mother of three and enlisted in the army in 2001. During her military career she served in Fort Lewis, South Korea, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan. Camacho is pursuing a Bachelor's of Science in industrial technology with a concentration in
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networking technology and minoring in Spanish. She is a chapter officer of the Golden Key International Honor Society and has a GPA of 3.90. Specialist Jesse Caruso was presented with the Great Elm VFW 9945 Wethersfield Veteran's Scholarship. Caruso is also a CCSU student veteran and entered into the Army's Delayed Entry Program at the age of 17. Caruso has been trained in a variety of military communication systems and has served in Australia, Alaska, California, Louisiana and Iraq. He is currently majoring in mechanical engineering. O'Brien presented the honorees with proclamations of gratitude on behalf of the city of New Britain. "It's important that this University recognize our veterans," said O'Brien. "It's important that we work together to make sure that veterans receive the services, we honor them with the words that they deserve on Memorial Day, Veterans Day and every day of the year, and that we're showing that as a community, CCSU, we are saying thank you from the depths of our heart to those who have served our country and I say as the mayor, thank you."