Published For Orange Countians By Orange Countians
OUTDOORS AND MORE Capt. Chuck Uzzle Page 1B
Dickie Colburn Page 1B
‘Where the sun rises on Texas and the stars shine first!’
County Record Vol. 52 No. 45
The Community Newspaper of Orange, Texas
Week of Wednesday, January 30, 2013
LCM teen finds her calling Debby Schamber For The Record
If Alexis Snyder, 16, an LC-M High School junior, had her way, she would erase the “R word” from everybody’s vocabulary. At 14 years old, Alexis was hospitalized for her cutting addiction which had gone too far. After many years of severe depression, she had given up and lost hope of finding happiness in her life. As she entered high school she was encouraged by her parents to get into something which would make her life more meaningful.
Man indicted on for robbery Debby Schamber For The Record
Samuel David Sanford III, 35, of Bacliff, has been indicted in the Eastern District of Tex- SANFORD as, for the bank robbery of Chase Bank on December 19, 2012. Sanford has been incarcerated since Dec. 21 in a Shreveport jail on drug charges. He is also being held on an outstanding warrant from Galveston County with an aggravated robbery charge. It is also believed Sanford has committed other bank robberies in Louisiana. The bank robbery charges in Orange stem from an
H • SHERLOCK BREAUX Page...................... 4A • Obituaries Page.......................6A •Dicky Colburn Fishing...................1B • CHURCH NEWS Page......................6B • CLASSIFIED ADS Page.......................7B
Alexis Snyder, 16, a LCM junior, with two of her very dear friends, Clyde Jones and Hayden Smith, who have given her a new outlook on life.
They suggested softball, tennis or student council. But, Alexis knew this was not the answer. “Little did they or even I know that Special Olympics was my true calling, and would put me at my best.,” Alexis said. “Many would say that I’m making a difference in the special needs kids lives but they are undoubtably making a difference in mine. They’ve even saved mine. “ It was her best friend, Millie, who shed some light on the wonderful opportunities ahead of her. Millie’s mother drove the bus which took special needs students to school. Alexis saw the joy it brought to Millie and knew she wanted to experience the same feeling. Three years later and three years of being “cut free”, she is still volunteering with the special needs students at the high school with a new lease on life. She feels she has found her place in life too. “I would not be where or who I am without these guys. During the three years I’ve been helping out with the special needs program in my school, I’ve made forever lasting friendships, I’ve had the joy of watching many students graduate and reach new milestones. I have seen the triumph, the joy, the love, the victory, the compassion, and so much more out of these kids eyes,” she said. Alexis not only helps out with the special needs students at LC-M, but also volunteers with the Southeast Texas Special Olympics. She plans to be a part of the National Committee for the Special Olympics by submitting an essay. “They showed me unconditional love and compassion to me which I came to discover I deserved all along,” Alexis said. She is now comfortable admitting she had a problem. “It took a lot to admit it to myself,” Alexis said. But, with her proven success, she hopes others will get through their pains and win the battles too. “Never give up,” she said. “You may find help in the most unexpected places.” With her gained outlook, Alexis is adamantly against anyone saying the “R” word and feels those who use it should stop for it causes unnecessary pain to those who
Cliff Hargrave, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts Instructor, demonstrates techniques to his class of more than 25 people during a Monday night class. Hargrave began his interest in martial arts when he was 13 years old, but in 1996 began to include Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. He earned his black belt in 2011. RECORD PHOTO: Larry Trimm
Jiu-Jitsu: the art of grappling Debby Schamber For The Record
“Jiu-jitsu is for everyone, but not everyone is for jiu-jitsu, “ said Cliff Hargrave, instructor of one of the only four training classes in Southeast Texas. The classes require hard work, effort and dedication but the point of them is to enforce personal development and self-defense. Hargrave began his interest
in martial arts when he was 13 years old, but in 1996 began to include Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Hargrave earned his black belt in 2011. To obtain a black belt, there are stringent requirements and it is a lengthy process. Hargrave has a full time job as a captain at the Orange Police Department, but says he does Jiu-jitsu because he “loves it.” The jiu-Jitsu community may be small, but there is a ca-
maraderie like none other. “There are three attributes to Jiu-jitsu,” Hargrave said. “They are mental, physical and technical.” Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a martial art, combat sport, and a self defense system which focuses on grappling and especially ground fighting. BJJ promotes the concept a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend against a bigger, stronger assailant by using le-
verage and proper technique and taking the fight to the ground. Jiu-Jitsu came to international prominence in the martial arts community in the early 1990s, when Brazilian jiu-jitsu expert Royce Gracie won the first, second and fourth Ultimate Fighting Championships, which at the time were single elimination
After 31 years Miller retires Debby Schamber For The Record
After 31 years, Malinda Miller, who is a familiar, smiling face at the Orange Public Library is retiring. Her last day is Thursday. Miller who began at the library as a clerk typist will leave as a library aide, but her love of everything at her former place of employment will have her coming back to volunteer occasionally. Over the years she has seen many changes. When she started, there were card catalogues to look up the books in the library and find where they are located on the shelves. When a person checked a book out a page was stamped with a due date to return the book. Computers and bar codes were later introduced using a computer system from the city of Orange. Later, the library would update their systems and change to SIRSI which still uses barcodes but utilizes the internet. Another change is the addition of computers. Before computers were installed, patrons would look up old magazines or newspapers on microfiche. In addition, in 1990, the library workers began documenting the obituaries found in local papers for future reference. Other employees and volunteers who became friends with Miller have come and gone, but what remains the same is the large volume of books and the “regulars” who often visit the library. “Our patrons are such really nice peo-
Malinda Miller, after 31 years of working at the Orange public library, is retiring. RECORD PHOTO: Debby Schamber
ple,” Miller said. Miller didn’t always aspire to work at the library. She has always loved to read, but it was her sister-in-law, Betty, who told her about the job opening. Before then she was busy being a wife and mother to her two sons, John and Matt, and volunteered at the boy’s schools. She also was a den mother while they were in the cub scouts. Plus as the boys
became more involved in school activities such as band, she was there. Now with retirement days ahead, she has already began planning what she will do. Her husband, Ted, of 43 years, has been retired for 15 years and is waiting to spend more time with his wife. But, she will not leave reading fiction
• Award Winning Hometown News
• The Record • Week of Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Court views presentation on MARAD Layberth project Debby Schamber For The Record
John Frazier from McCarthy Building Companies Inc. and Billy Greer from the Maritime Administration gave a slide show presentation on the MARAD Beaumont Layberth Facility construction project that will be built on the Orange County side of the Neches River. They were seeking a waiver of the permit fees for the Maritime Administration. Frazier said most of the subcontracting will be using local labor. The facility will house up to eight government ships waiting for deployment. “They will
be kept in operational status, ready to go at a moment’s notice.” “The facility consists mostly of mooring and a pier facility. There will be two piers house the eight ships. Most of the structures will be built out on the water. There will be a minor portion that will be out on land,” said Frazier. “The landside structures really just include a road at this time.” Frazier said the road project is a three and a half mile road coming off Church House Road. “The roadway design is meant to accomplish 100 large trucks per day in order to load and unload the cargo should
The Record Newspapers of Orange County, Texas The Record Newspapers- The County Record and the Penny Record- are published on Wednesday of each week and distributed free throughout greater Orange County, Texas. The publications feature community news, local sports, commentary and much more. Readers may also read each issue of our papers from our web site TheRecordLive.Com.
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John Frazier gave a presentation to commissioners’ court on the Beaumont Layberth Project which will partly be located in Orange County. RECORD PHOTO: Penny LeLeux
the ships need to leave for the sea.” There will be eight berths for “roll on, roll off” ships and spaces for four other types of ships according to Frazier. Frazier said the project is set up for expansion by the government at a future time. He said there is quite a bit of electrical power onshore for this phase of the job. Later expansion may include a potable water well and sewage treatment plant. “The site will be completely self-contained,” said Frazier. They are looking at a construction window of April through December of this year. Currently they are waiting on permit from the Corps of Engineers on environmental issues to begin construction. To show the economic impact of the project, Frasier said there will be 80 to 90 permanent employees to maintain the ships. “These ships are owned by the federal government,” said Greer. “We will not actually
load the ships here. We will be maintaining them and activating them. What we do is keep a 10 man reduced operating status crew on board. When we get the phone call to activate the ship, to load military cargo, that’s when we bring in the balance of the crew and bring in all the groceries to the ship.” Greer said the ships are not loaded with military cargo at the berth; they will sail to one of three strategic ports to load, such as Beaumont. Frasier said the employees are seaman, but since the ships are permanently moored here, they frequently bring their families with them and live in the local economy. Also, much of the work and supplies required to maintain the ships will be acquired locally. The facility will actually be owned by the Department of Transportation Maritime Administration. Precinct 3 Commissioner John Banken showed great
concern on the potential damage to Church House Road from large trucks traveling on it frequently. County Engineer Clark Slacum said he didn’t foresee a problem with Church House Road. Banken said, “I’m 100 percent for the facility, but I’m concerned about that road.” Judge Carl Thibodeaux asked Joel Ardoin if the county has waived any fees since the Industrial permit fee was put in place. Ardoin said not to his knowledge. The fee would be around $17,000. The project has an expected cost of $34 million. Banken moved to table the issue for one week so he can further study the issue and look at the possibility of requiring a road bond. He said a large number of heavy trucks could damage the road and the county doesn’t have the money to rebuild it. “I don’t think the citizens should have to pay for
that,” said Banken. Frazier said a one week delay would not be a problem. In other business the court approved Commissioner Precinct 4 Jody Crump’s suggestion to implement a county austerity committee to get a head start on tackling and pinpoint budget issues before it comes time to consider next year’s budget. “I don’t want it to become a high anxiety thing, I want it to be the exact opposite,” said Crump. He said discussions in smaller groups without all the commissioners present will make people feel more relaxed where they can discuss and offer cost saving suggestions that would be brought to the court when action is needed. Commissioners appointed Crump and Banken to form the committee with a small number of department heads and elected officials they choose and may change as needed. Thibodeaux said that would be a good way for Banken to get his feet wet and see what the county is facing. “You would get caught up pretty quickly on the budget issues we had last year.” Committee discussions could lead to workshops scheduled as issues and possible solutions come to light. Commissioners authorized the Tax Assessor/Collector’s office to accept credit/debit cards over the counter for the payment of taxes and fees through Gov-Pay. The equipment has already been received and is in effect immediately. The county will receive the funds from Gov-Pay on a daily basis. David Allan Roberts submitted his resignation from Orange County Emergency District #4 effective immediately. Jan. 27 through Feb. 2 was designated as Catholic School Week. Students from St. Mary Catholic School were present to accept the proclamation.
The Record • Week of Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Miller retiring from library From Page 1
martial arts tournaments. Gracie, who is small in stature, often fought against much larger opponents who were practicing other styles, including boxing, shootfighting, Muay Thai, karate, wrestling, judo and tae kwon do. It has since become a staple art for many Mixed Martial Arts fighters and is largely credited for bringing widespread attention to the importance of ground fighting, according to Hargrave. “Five of the current UFC champions have jiujitsu backgrounds,” Hargrave said. Under the teachings of Gracie, Hargrave teaches a class of about 25 adults with ages ranging from 15 through their 40s. He has also recently started a class for children ages six through 12. Gracie travels all over the world, but has been known to come to Orange as well. Those who may think they are too small or too big to compete or participate in BJJ, need only to try. It has been said, most of the advantage of a larger, stronger opponent comes from superior reach and more powerful strikes, both of which are mitigated when grappling on the ground, Brazilian jiu-jitsu emphasizes getting an opponent to the ground in order to utilize ground fighting techniques and submission holds involving joint-locks and choke holds. On the ground, physical strength can be offset or enhanced by an experienced grappler who knows
LCM student
how to maximize force using mechanical strength instead of pure physical strength. BJJ permits a wide variety of techniques to take the fight to the ground after taking a grip. While other combat sports, such as Judo and Wrestling almost always use a take down to bring an opponent to the ground, in BJJ one option is to “pull guard.” This entails obtaining some grip on the opponent and then bringing the fight or match onto the mat by sitting straight down or by jumping and wrapping their legs around the opponent. Once the opponent is on the ground, a number of maneuvers and counter-maneuvers are used to manipulate the opponent into a suitable position for the application of a submission technique, according to Hargrave. A recent student of Hargrave’s, D.J. Vann, participated in a Jiu-Jitsu competition and won gold medals. Another of Hargrave’s students, Jeremiah Gunter, has earned a purple belt with one stripe and won several MMA cage fights in 2009. He stopped competing for a while, but has recently restarted his training and hopes to be competing again in about a year. In addition, there are other students with goals of competing as well. Classes have different skill levels and are on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. There are openings for additional people to join the class. For more information call 409-670-3755.
books behind, but will expand her list of authors. While working at the library, when new books came in, it was “like Christmas” every time. Miller processed the books into the system and said she was “amazed” at how many of the newly arrived books were lovingly dedicated to people who had died. With the extra time on her hands, she will dig right into her gardening. Her gardens are currently filled with day lillies, but she also likes to do various “experimental” flowers to see how they will do in Southeast Texas and for something different. Miller will continue to learn something new as she reaches for new challenges and sets new goals. “I don’t think you ever quit learning,” she said. One of her passions in life is to research her family’s genealogy. Retirement will enable
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amount of money. The pickup was last seen traveling north on 16th Street towards Interstate 10 and heading towards Louisiana. Police were informed by a witness at the scene of the robbery that they had spotted a vehicle and the suspect acting suspiciously. Within a few days, OPD was contacted in reference to Sanford being arrested in Shreveport.
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incident when a caller called the Orange Police Department about what they had witnessed. As a result, officers were dispatched to Chase Bank, located 3109 North 16th Street in reference to a robbery. When officers arrived they were informed of the suspect entering the bank and demanding money. The man left the bank and got into a 2000 model, Ford F-150, single cab pickup, with an undetermined
day afternoon after completing one last work day at the library. A party is planned to celebrate her many years of service to the city of Orange and the public library. It is scheduled from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m at the library.
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“Everyone matters,” Alexis said. “Whether they’re in a wheelchair, whether they have an extra chromosome, whether they have a mental illness, whether anything.” Alexis will continue to work with special needs students, but is not sure if she will work in special education following graduation. The accomplished artist with a love of the culinary arts has her whole life ahead of her. There is no way to determine the path she may choose with all that lays ahead. “She has accomplished a lot and it seemed to be her true calling, but we can’t overlook all of her strengths,” said Gabby Snyder, her proud mother. Alexis would like everyone to support the LC-M “amazing team of teachers and students” and on their Facebook page of LCM Team Force. “Much love to everyone,” Alexis said from her heart.
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don’t deserve it. “Some may look down on the special needs kids since they may not be able to read, add, or divide, but they have twice the capacity to show love,” Alexis said. All of the students will always hold a place in her heart, but two students in particular, Clyde Jones and Hayden Wheeler, are always ready to greet her with a smile. Alexis eats lunch daily with the special needs students and helps their teacher, Terrie Parker. On field trips, she partners with Cylde and Hayden. A touching moment with the special needs students which gave the entire school a different perspective was during a talent show. While music played, the students held up signs with the “ugly” names they had been called, but slowly they turned the signs around where the message changed to spell the word “beautiful.” As Alexis describes this moment, she smiles broadly which lights up her face.
her to tackle information more frequently than just on a part time basis. But, she also has plans to do some traveling too. So, it will all have to be worked out. However, the first step is to walk out the door on Thurs-
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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, January 30, 2013
THE WEEK AHEAD AND SPECULATIONS Well, its Super Bowl week and many football fans are planning a party. Buffalo wings are selling out. Most fans I talk to would like the Baltimore Ravens to win but say the San Francisco 49ers will. They’re a three point favorite. *****Last Sunday night possibly the last Pro-Bowl game to be played in Hawaii. The NFC beat the AFC, 62-35. Orange native Earl Thomas intercepted a pass for the NFL but even better than that is that Earl is always an ambassador for his hometown. When players are recognized, most say the name of the college they attended, Earl always says Orange, Texas, giving us national recognition.*****This Friday will be Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s last day on the job. She has traveled over a million miles, to 121 countries, as many as three in the same day. History will treat her well; as probably our best Secretary of State ever. Many are wondering if she will run for president in 2016, no one knows, probably not even her. If she runs she has a good chance of winning. Vice-president Joe Biden, the most qualified to ever serve as vice president, would be a good president but for the sake of history he would step aside and let the first woman ever have a chance at being elected. Most women I know say they would vote for her. *****The Republican Party is complaining that President Obama is trying to annihilate them. He doesn’t need to with the help of Talk Radio and FOX News, they are destroying themselves. Like Gov. Bobby Jindel says, they need to act like adults and quit being the “Stupid Party.”*****One of President Obama’s re-election priorities is immigration reform. Now it might be gaining traction. A bi-partisan senate committee, including Sen. John McCain, who in four years has never supported an Obama policy, is on board. The hang up for real reform will probably be the obstructionist Tea Party in the Congress. They don’t want anything bi-partisan. They are radical and only an election will change that. However, most are safe in their gerrymandered districts. We got one of those, a real extremist who lives in Houston and represents normal people in Orange County. *****I’ve got to move on. Come along, I promise it won’t do you no harm. A BRIGHTER FUTURE The first month of 2013 is behind us. It’s time to look at what the remainder of the year might hold. Despite all the predictions of doom and gloom by the Talking Heads, our economy continues to improve. The Do-Nothing congress sat on their hands for four years in hopes a bad economy would help to defeat President Obama. That didn’t work. Now that their main goal is down the drain, hopefully the three branches of government can somehow find a way to break the gridlock. Even though I have yet to hear one GOP Talking Head mention job creation. That doesn’t seem to be a priority. The stock market nears an all time high and there is still room for it to climb. The Standard and Poor’s 500 closed last Friday above 1500 for the first time since 2007. That’s four percent from its all time high. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is just two percent shy of it’s record. The number of Americans seeking unemployment aid fell last week to the lowest level in five years. Companies have oceans of cash and should start buying other companies and start hiring again. Investors seem more confident now than in December. Rising stock prices boost consumer confidence, which is important for future economic growth. Car sales, new home sales, start ups and sales of existing homes are way up and the trend should continue at least until May when the fight over the debt ceiling starts all over again. Locally, the job market is expected to grow. Consumer spending, reflected by state sales tax payments to local entities from the state have steadily grown over the past year. Local business owners say they are seeing more traffic and feel confident that 2013 will be a turn around year, with a brighter local economic future. Maybe, just maybe, the worst of times are behind us and before long happy days will be here again. IDOL’S LOCAL CONNECTION Kree Harrison auditioned for American Idol at the Oklahoma auditions. I’m not sure when that show will air; it could be Jan. 30th or later. Kree has a lot of relatives in Orange County. Her mother, Kathy Roberts, who was killed in an auto accident when Kree was 16 years old, was Wilson Robert’s daughter. Kree’s father, a Bridge City native, was killed in a plane crash when she was 12 years old. She has been singing since she was 8 years old and appeared on the Rosie O’Donnell show and other talk shows. Most of Kree’s younger years were spent in Woodville as well as Bridge City and she entertained in the area. Kree has a good, strong voice and could make it through to Hollywood. She now makes her home in Nashville. Her grandfather has not seen her in some time. You can see some of her videos by searching her name on YouTube.
TURNING BACK THE HANDS OF TIME 14 Years Ago-1999 The country prepares for Super Bowl XXXIII between Atlanta and Denver. This will be John Elway’s fifth Super Bowl appearance. He’s the oldest quarterback to ever start a Super Bowl. Falcon Coach Dan Reeves will be playing against his former team, the Broncos. However, on the Falcons is exBronco Shane Dronett, from Bridge City. Shane was born Jan. 12, 1971, at Orange Memorial Hospital. His mother Candance Breeden said she had wanted a girl but the nurse brought in a big, baby boy. He weighed 9 pounds and 14 ounces and was 23.5 inches long, just short of two feet. Candance had never seen such a big baby. Shane played junior high football at West Orange-Stark but moved to Bridge City to live with his dad, Carl Dronett, so he could play football at Bridge City. His parents had divorced when he was an infant. Since being in Atlanta, Shane and high school friend, Ty Gipson, opened a sports art gallery. Now they have three galleries in the country. The Super Bowl was played in Miami. (Editor’s note: Shane’s #75 jersey is retired at Bridge City High School. Shane, who was a fearless football player, both at Texas and in the pros, took a lot of blows to his head. Like so many other professional football players, Shane took his own life a few years ago.)*****Former Bridge City coach and trainer Moe Litton is inducted in the Southeast Texas Hall of Honor. Litton lined up with Joe Washington, Bum Phillips, Alex Durley, Pappy Drennan and Darrel Shaver as 1999 inductees.*****Insurance agent Bill Nickum was honored with the Sam Walton Business Leader award. Nickum was among 650 business people nationwide selected by Wal-Mart. *****More than 1,400 Washington White House staffers voted Tom DeLay the “Meanest Man in Congress.” Another Texan, Dick Armey, ran a close second.*****The James Byrd Jr. dragging trial, in Jasper, starting this week will dominate the news for the next month.*****Pinehurst Mayor Pete Runnels, attending Orange County Day in Austin, brought a batch of Robert’s famous boudain. Skipper Free said she found the Orange group at the Marriot Hotel by following the smell of the Boudain. That was a big hit. A few in attendance were Orange Mayor Essie Bellfield, West Orange Mayor Roy McDonald, Sheriff Mike White, Bridge City Mayor John Dubose, County Judge Carl Thibodaux, Commissioner Sue Bearden, Judge Don Burgess, Judge Buddie Hahn, Orange Chamber and Lamar President Michael Shahan, Bridge City Chamber President Marialeice Saucier and Beth Rach. A Cajun band played at the Fais-Do-Do and gumbo was served at the VIP party. C.J. and Bessie Huckaby burned up the dance floor. Cecil Marie (Moses) Broom was the cheer leader. 35 Years Ago-1974 The county races are all set. Let the race begin. Incumbent County Judge Grover Halliburton is challenged by James D. Stringer and James A Broussard. Dr. John Greco is the only Republican.*****County Court-at-Law Judge, David Dunn; District Clerk, Edna Enmon; County Clerk Sallie Frazier; County Treasurer Earline Hilliard; County School Superintendent James A. Peddy; County Commissioners, Pct. 1, S.P. “Pete” Dickey, Claude J. Broussard, Glenn Seale, George W. Stevens, Morris Collier and Glen Peveto; Pct. 4, Raymond Gould; incumbent C.O. “Goober” Williamson; L.B. “Timer” Williamson; Ray Willie; R.H. Harold Carter and Sam Humberson. Democratic Chairman, J.L. “Pete” Runnels, incumbent, and Louis Dugas, Jr. Constable Pct. 2, S.D. “Bill” Dickerson, J.R. “James” Aaron, Leon Frederick, H.D. Tucker, Jr., R.J. “Ronnie” Burns, Robert E. Smith, Donald A. Gunn, JP Pct. 1, Joe D. Shibley, Claude Wimberly, S.E. Bellfield, C. Arnold Buxton and Allen D. Cary, Sr. JP Pct. 2, Larry Gunter, Charlene Trahan and incumbent Marlin Shelton. JP Pct. 3, Martin Ardoin. JP Pct. 4, V.L. “Coon” Constance and incumbent Joe Bunn. State Rep. Wayne Peveto, incumbent and Thomas W. Porter. *****A strange sight was seen this week. Tom Cockrell and Joe Blanda, two barbers, walking a picket line together in Orangefield. One was carrying a Bible, the other a deck of cards. *****Doug Harrington and Roy Dunn are supposed to play the big tennis match this Thursday. Five will get you 10 that Dunn backs out. *****Helen and Truman Hodge became great-grandparents. Daughter Beverly and son-in-law James Francis are the parents of Jamie Lynn. *****Cecil Scales says the only thing lit up in Orange after 10 p.m. is Ken Rainwater. *****Coach Andy Griffin, 37, head football coach and athletic director at White Oak, will assume those duties at Bridge City March 1. Griffin replaces H.W. “Chief” Wilson, who resigned to accept another position. *****The LCM Bearettes are zone basketball champs. They are Tanya Strickland, DeDe Crawford, Linda Bean, Becky Dunn, Karen Kachtik, Angela Kaney, Theresa Duncan, Debbie McClelland, Debbie Martinez, Molly Malone, Doris Flanagan, Sheryl Miller, Julia Knight, Dawana Wiggins, Donna Peveto and Brenda Burch. Coaches are Paul Baker and Linda Warner. BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK Lindsey Garrett, Shirley Whitley, Carolyn Martin, Brenda Dubose, Jason Myers, Jeanie Kreger, Shirley Jordan, Amy Campbell, Ted Blanchard, Chuck Rowley, Lily Fields, C.B. Burns, Marty Delano, Eric Mangham, Regina Gaspard, Ron Mason, Scott Free, Steven Kimbell,Telisha Kuykendall, Cameron Powell, Lucas Adams, Mason Adams, Quade Clark, Wayne Sullivan, Virginia Williams, Brittany Leonard, Garrett Kerger, Jake Williams, Lisa Monceaux, Bobby Anderson, Peggy Costen, Daric Rogers, Fred Dohmann, Kelly McBride, Vance Thomas, Don Kachtik, Michael Hilliard, Stephanie Broussard, Rosalie Jones, Stephanie Carpenter, Alssa Allensworth, David Brandon, Shirley Brandon, Wanda Addison, Lisa Ludwig, Lydia Wilson, Brad Freeman, Eric Eshbach, John LeBlanc, Lindsey Hollingsworth, Mary Bull, Mel Moreau, Rheese Rhodes, Syliva Holloway, Jack Jones, Jane Chesson, Madison Johansson and David Cooper. A FEW HAPPENINGS We are sad to report our friend Orange native Charles Pratt is in a coma as of this writing. His recovery doesn’t seem likely. Edith, Ms. Edee to us, who is not in good health herself, is making it as best she can. Her visits with Charlie
are limited. Our prayers go out to both. *****Memorial services were held Jan. 26, for Stewart Olive, 89. He was a good man who contributed much to our community. *****On a happier note, everyone’s buddy, Moe Litton, is taking a bride. I don’t know yet who the lucky lady is however, she has no idea what she’s getting into. A hint should be picking Ground Hog’s Day, March 2, as the wedding day. Moe argues it’s also Texas Independence Day. Our best wishes for happiness, health and a long life. *****Record advertising director Liz Weaver is a brand new grandmother. I don’t know all the particulars yet. *****Congrats to coaches inducted into the South East Texas Coaches Ring of Honor. Inductees were Chuck Young, Ronnie Anderson, Mark Foreman, Joe Evans and the late Bill Tennison.****Congrats also to Bridge City baseball Coach Chad Landry, who was one of the “Coach of the Year” recipients.****Kris Kristofferson, 76, presented Willie Nelson, 79, with the first Kristofferson award. Nashville Songwriters Association International‘s new Lifetime Achievement Award. The gathering is known as the songwriter‘s showcase. ******A few folks celebrating their special day. Jan. 30, finds Brenda Dubose, Jason Myers, Amy Campbell and Ted Blanchard celebrating birthdays.***On Jan. 31,Skipper’s youngest, Scott Free, along with Marty Delano and Lily Fields celebrate.***It’s hard to believe that the Adam twins will turn 8 years old on Feb. 1. Lucas and Mason are the boys of former Record employee, Amanda Adams, now employed by the Stark Foundation. It seems just yesterday they were a handful running around this office.***Feb. 2, finds the old Aggie, the boy who survived Bear Bryant’s trip to Junction, Don Kachtik, is celebrating his big day.***On Feb. 3, Stephanie Carpenter and Rosalie Jones celebrate.***Feb. 4, would have been our friend Don Mosier’s birthday. He passed away a few weeks ago.***On Feb. 4, former world-class pole vaulter, Eric Eshbach, who got his start at Orangefield and set high school state records will celebrate. Eric was the pride and joy of his grandmother, the late Dot Eshbach. ***Others celebrating on Feb. 4, are Jack Jones, Mel Moreau and Shirley and David Brandon. ***Madison Johansson and Jane Chesson celebrate their big day Feb. 5. Happy birthday and best wishes to all. *****KFDM Meteorologist James Brown, who is also considered a great chef, is going into the business of feeding the masses. James will take on Jody Leigh’s Restaurant in March when he opens James Brown’s Gumbo House and Grill. They will be open Monday through Saturday. The restaurant business is tough. We wish him the best. *****Stanley Frank “Stan” Musial was born Nov. 21, 1920. “Stan the Man” died Jan. 19, 2013. He was 92 years of age. I had been familiar with him since I was a young boy. Radio regularly carried the St. Louis Cardinal games. I was a devoted fan and Stan didn’t disappoint. He played in three World Series championships. He had 3630 hits, 1951 RBI’s, 24 All Star games and was Most Valuable Major League Player three times. He was a World War II hero. The Hall of Famer was a hero to young boys in the 1940’s and 50’s and some f the 60’s. May he rest in peace. *****The Wednesday Lunch Bunch dined at Novrozsky’s last week. The Bunch learned a lot from Commissioner David Dubose, who is the new South East Texas Regional Planning president. He will also preside over several planning commissions. The Lunch Bunch dines at Robert’s this week and Novrozsky’s next. Everyone is always welcome. CAJUN STORY OF THE WEEK Clotelle and Sostan Thibodeaux’s chillums got together and bought dere mama and papa a two weeks vacation trip to Australia for dere 50th wedding anniversary. Dey flew out from New Orleans. Bout ten hours in da flight, da public address system come on, “Dis is da captain speaking, I’m afraid me, I got some very bad news. Our engines dem, have ceased functioning. I will attempt an emergency landing. Luckily I see an uncharted island below wit a beach. However, we may never be rescued and will have to live on dat island all our lives.” Thanks to the skill of Capt. Trahan, the plane land safely on dat island. A little later Sostan, him, axe Clotelle, “Babe, did you pay our Visa and Master Card bill yet?” Clotelle answer, “Mai no Sha.” Sostan still shook up from da crash axe, “Did you pay American Express?” “I’m sorry, I forgot,” Clotelle answer. Sostan say, “One las ting, did you remember to send the installment payment to da IRS dis month?” “Oh, forgive me Sostan,” begged Clotelle, “I didn’t sent dat either.” Sostan grab Clotelle and give her a big kiss like on dere honeymoon. Clotelle pull away and axe, “Wat was that for, hanh?” Sostan answer, “Dey gonna find us dem.” C’EST TOUT Final thoughts, I won’t be here with you to see it but my prediction is that if immigration reform passes, it will be good for now, but 20 years from now we will be begging immigrates to come. The birth rate in the United States and Mexico is falling fast. By 2030, we will run short of workers if not before. The immigration argument will be just the opposite of today. *****Barbara Walters. 83, has Chicken Pox and has been in the hospital. Proof that childhood disease follow you always. A childhood blow to the head often shows up later in life too. The Shingles virus is something that is there just waiting, if you’re lucky it will never show up. *****At the hearing last week Secretary of State Hillary Clinton looked like the wise professor while the senators and congressmen, for five hours, appeared very amateurish with an axe to grind.*****I understand Capital One Bank, in downtown Orange, will be shutting down on April 19. I don’t know what will become of the glass building. Capital One will still have the bank on Highway 87. *****It looks like Sarah Palin has run her course. She made a lot of money and is now wealthy. She’s history however, as far as having a voice on the national scene. *****My time is up, thanks for yours. Please read us cover to cover and shop our family of advertisers. Also check us out on the web at Have a nice week, take care and God bless.
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The Record • Week of Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Community Bulletin Board BC Band Booster meeting Thursday There will be an informational meeting for the parents of students and students who will traveling to Walt Disney World in Florida in March. The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 31 in the high school band hall. Stay in touch with upcoming happenings on the Bridge City Band Boosters Facebook page as well as visiting
BCHS Alumni to meet Jan. 31 The Bridge City High School Alumni Association will meet at 5 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 31 at the Bridge City High School.
AARP income tax assistance available Feb. 1 The AARP Tax Filing Assistance Program will be offered starting at 12:15 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 1, 2013 at the Orange Public Library. Trained volunteers will be available from 12:15 to 4 p.m. Every Wednesday and Friday through April 15, 2013. Anyone seeking assistance should bring the following: All W-2 and 1099 Forms, including Social Security Benefits statements; Records of Capital gains and losses; Receipts of medical expenses, taxes paid, interest paid, contributions, causality and theft losses, job expenses, sales tax receipts for major purchases and Social Security cards for dependents; A copy of their 2011 tax return to help the volunteers prepare the 2012 return. Electronic filing will be available. No tax return will be started after 4 p.m.
BC Knights of Columbus to offer fish dinners Bridge City Knights of Columbus will offer fish dinners (fried catfish, cole slaw, hush puppies, fries) beginning the Friday before ash Wednesday Feb. 8 and continuing through Friday March 22. Serving between 10:30 a.m. Until 1 p.m. $8 per plate. Dine-in or takeout. Large order delivery is available call 735-5725.
6th Glenn Pearson Alumni Basketball Game The sixth annual Bridge City High School Glenn Pearson Alumni Basketball Game Saturday, Feb. 2. Tip-off is set for 3:30 p.m. All interested players are to e-mail Coach Knight at tony. ASAP to reserve a spot. The only participation requirement is that you must have played Varsity basketball at and graduated from Bridge City High School. Interested players should include in the e-mail the year they graduated, the coach they played for and their jersey number.
Mardi Gras Parade set for Feb. 2
The Krewe of Krewe’s Mardi Gras Parade is set for Saturday, Feb. 2 in Historical Downtown Orange. Those wishing to participate and have a float in the parade can pick up an application at the Greater Orange Area Chamber of Commerce or email Lacey at A mandatory drivers meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 29. For questions or more information, please call the chamber office at 409-883-3536.
BC Baseball to host Chuck Young Classic Bridge City Baseball will host the Chuck Young Alumni Classic on Saturday, Feb. 9. The event will consist of a homerun derby ($20 entry) beginning at 10 a.m. with the alumni game beginning at noon. Anyone interested in playing please contact Chris Moore at For more information you can check the BC baseball website at or follow them on twitter at @bccardsbaseball.
OC Retired Teachers Assoc. to meet Feb. 11 The Orange County Retired Teachers Association will hold its next meeting at 11 a.m. Monday, Feb. 11, at the Wesley United Methodist Church, located at 401 37th St. in Orange. The guest speaker will be Mary Behnke of Habitat For Humanity, presenting the goals and activities of this important organization. Afterward, a light lunch will be served. All members are encouraged to attend.
OC 4-H Shooting Sports to begin meeting
Orange County Claybusters 4-H shotgun club will hold their first meeting Tuesday, Feb. 12 at 6 pm. Claybusters meet at the Gun Club, 929 Liston in Orangefield. 4-H shooting sports has a new club manager, Wayne Walker who also announced that Colby Buckle will be the club manager for the new rifle club. Both clubs are open to boys and girls 9 years of age to 18 years old. For further information about either club, please contact Wayne Walker, 409-988-6003.
BCCC to host Mystery Dinner Theater The Bridge City Chamber of Commerce will be holding their third annual Mystery Dinner Threater “READING AUNT LOUISE’S WILL”, Feb. 15 and 16. On Feb. 15, tickets will cost $20 per person or $150 per table of 8, dinner and drinks will be served (no alcohol). On Feb. 16, tickets will cost $40 per person or $300 per table of 8, and $50 to decorate table. Dinner, drinks and wine will be served (NO ONE UNDER 21 WILL BE ADMITTED). Stop by the Bridge City Chamber office from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, or call 735-5671 to reserve a table.
OC Relay for Life to hold monthly Team Captain meetings The Orange County Relay for Life will holding monthly Team Captain meetings at the Lamar State College – Orange Wilson Building, Room 101. Team captain meetings are scheduled for: Monday, Feb. 25, Monday, March 25 and Monday, April 22. All Team Captain meetings are directed at planning for the Orange County Relay for Life, a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, which will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m., May 3 – 4, 2013 at Bridge City High School. This year’s theme is “A Little Bit of Texas, A Whole Lot of Hope.” Individuals or teams interested in becoming involved with this event are invited to attend the meeting and register on-line at
Eagles offer pool tournament and hall rental
The Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 2523, located at 803 N. 28th St. in Orange is offering several classes, activities and fundraisers. Free scrapbook classes are held at 4 p.m. each Tuesday. The community is invited. Free genealogy classes are offered at 4 p.m. each Wednesday. The Eagles will host a pool tournament every Friday beginning at 8 p.m. Prize money will given to first AgriLife Extension to host gardening classes and second place winners. Food will be available. WEEagles SELLwill have tables ready to play 31 on Saturdays from The The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension of Orange County will p.m. untilFOR closing. Enjoy happy hour and meet our members. the Green Thumb Series at St. Mary Catholic School from 6 to 8 4PARTS The Eagles have new hours of operation. They will now be p.m. Classes are as will be held Feb. 5, Feb. 12, and Feb. 19. The ALL MAJOR topics will be: Sprouts, shoots, and Roots; Planning and Prepar- open on Monday’s at 4 p.m. The hours for the rest of the week rethe same. Patrons will now enjoy free pool, free popcorn BRANDS!!! ing your Garden Area; Structures for Planting Year Around; main and drink specials Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday during speContainer Gardening, and Herb Gardening. The cost will be $20 per person for this group of classes and covers all materials. cial hours. For more information on any of the activities or rent the hall Please call the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office at 409contact Sharon Bodin at 409-735-8662 or 409-719-7793. 882-7010 to sign up for these classes.
The Orange County Christian Writers Guild is to meet on Feb. 5, at the Brown Hearing Center, 105 Camellia in Orange. The Guilds purpose is the educate and encourage all who attended. We have guest speakers and time to discuss your work. For more information call Karen Y. Stevens at 409 988-2588 or email
It’s not too late to join the weight management and diabetes prevention classes offered Wednesdays at Baptist Orange Hospital. The 16 week course that began Jan. 9 will continue through May 8. Afterwards there is a commitment to monthly support group classes for a year. The cost is $5 per person per class. Scholarships are available. Classes will educate adults to make healthier choices one day at a time. Look and feel better and learn nutrition for the prevention of diseases.
Sabrina’s Resale Shop
Local AAUW to host book drive The Orange Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) is beginning their annual book drive to collect “gently used” books for their scholarship fund. All books, fiction, non-fiction, hardbound or paper back are acceptable. Books may be delivered to the Mann Insurance Agency located at 1505 Park Avenue at 15th Street during regular business hours. If unable to deliver the books, you may call 886-5739 or 886-2194 to arrange for pickup.
KOCB sells Litter Button banners Keep Orange County Beautiful hopes to sell 50 banners to local businesses for $25 each promoting their “Litter Button” on their Website: Their hope is that each banner will generate 10 hits of the “Litter Button,” which would mean 500 litterers in the State of Texas would be notified by the Texas Department of Transportation of their illegal activity. If you see someone littering, take down the time, date and place of the littering and the license plate of the vehicle. Report the activity by going to and hit the litter button. Fill in the information which is then sent to TxDOT. The offending litterer will be sent a letter reminding them it is illegal to litter in the State of Texas. They will also receive a litter bag for their car and a Don’t Mess With Texas sticker. To purchase a banner, contact a member of KOCB or visit their Website.
Boy Scouts to host annual flag fundraiser The Boy Scouts of Troop 62 is now accepting subscriptions for commemorative flag displays in and around North Orange (near Hwy. 87 and Meeks Drive) between IH-10 and South Teal Road. The 3’ by 5’ flags will be displayed on the five flag days of the year (Memorial Day, Flag Day, Fourth of July, Patriots Day [9/11] and Veterans Day). The flags will be displayed no later than 9 a.m. on the commemorative day, picked up before dusk and stored until the next flag day. An initial $75 tax deductible donation ($50 for renewals) is required. Money orders and checks must be received 14 days prior to posting day in order to ensure timely service. All proceeds go to support Scout activities and programs throughout the year. For subscriptions, contact Bubba Plexico, Troop 62 Scoutmaster, at 214-770-0568; or Chris Wright, Troop 62 Fundraising Chair, at 409-882-9972.
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Weight management classes offered
Orange County Parks Department announces the trout release at Claiborne West Park on Thursday Feb. 7, 2013. Five hundred trout will be released. Park hours are 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. A fishing license and stamp are required. For more information call 409-745-2255.
Call AgriLIFE extension office at 409-882-7010 to pre-register. Classes meet in the fifth floor classroom at the hospital.
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OC Christian Writers Guild to meet Feb. 5
OC Parks Dept. to release trout
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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Deaths and Memorials Ronald Wayne Frazier Mauriceville Ronald Wayne Frazier, 61, of Mauriceville passed away Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013, at his home. A Memorial Gathering will be 10 to 11 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 5, Claybar Funeral Home in Orange. Born in New Orleans on Jan. 30, 1951, Ronald was the son of Lawrence and Melba (Miller) Frazier. Ronald is survived by his mother, Melba Reed; three children; brother, Jerry Frazier; and sister, Marsha Ayo.
Willie “Bill” Derwin Lindsey Orange Willie “Bill” Derwin Lindsey, 85, of Orange passed away Friday, Jan. 25, 2013 in Beaumont. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 30, at Claybar Funeral Home Chapel
in Orange with Brother Jay Thomas officiating. Burial will follow at Evergreen Cemetery. Born in Perryville, on Dec. 5, 1927, Willie was the son of Roy Lee and Ruby Gladys (Corbitt) Lindsey. He was a United States Merchant Marine and in 1989 he retired from Chevron as an Area Supervisor. He was preceded in death by his parents, Roy Lee and Ruby Gladys Lindsey; brother, Harold Dean Lindsey and wife, Betty (Mills) Lindsey; first wife, Peggy Dolores “Doddie” Lindsey; second wife, Jane Palmer Lindsey; step daughter, Janeanne “Jenny” Herring Arnett and nephew, Carmel Scott “Scotty” Lindsey. Mr. Lindsey is survived by his children, Keith Lindsey and wife Leslie Grace (Turner) Lindsey of
Orange, Sherri (Lindsey) Lee and husband Henry Lee of Mesquite and Michael Lindsey of Orange; step children, Elizabeth (Herring) Lund of Orange and William “David” Herring of Baytown; and grandchildren, Amy Elizabeth Lindsey, Richard “Rick” Lindsey both of Orange, Rhiannon Lee, Bruce Lee both of Mesquite, Thomas “Aaron” Burke and wife Sabrina (Sanchez) Burke, Christianne Elise “Lisa” (Burke) Fountain and husband Brett Fountain, Jane Elizabeth Lund, Thomas “Bubba” Lund II and wife Brenda (McCorvy) Lund, Mary Leah (Lund) Finister and husband Eugene Finister, Alex Lund and wife Amber (Savage) Lund all of Orange and John Adam Arnett and wife Christy (Patterson) Arnett of Longview. He is also survived by his great grandchildren, Jackson, Caleb, Kolbiann, Christopher, Julie, Madison, Preston, Brooklyn and Chloe and his
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Ronnie Barrett Orange Ronnie Eugene Barrett, 65, of Orange, died Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013, at Baptist Hospital in Beaumont. A Graveside Service will be 2 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 30, at Barrett Cemetery in Bernice, Louisiana with Reverend Steve Barrett officiating. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, at Claybar Funeral Home in Orange. Born in Kokomo, Ind. on Jan. 8, 1948, Ronnie was the son of Eugene and Bessie (Payne) Barrett. He graduated from Little Cypress High School and received a degree in Criminal Justice from Lamar University. He served his country in the Army Reserves and was a member of Pipefitters Local 195. He had an extensive law enforcement career, serving as a Sergeant with the Orange Police Department, Deputy Sergeant with the Travis County Sherriff’s Department, and he retired from the Pinehurst Police Department as a Detective Lieutenant. He owned a pest control company and was employed by the Stark Foundation in Security Management. Ronnie was a loving husband, father, grandfather, and uncle. His friends and community were a very important part of his life. He was an avid and experienced hunter and fisherman. He enjoyed traveling, often traveling to unique places to enjoy his interests. A genuine motorcycle rider, he traveled from coast to coast with his friends. Ronnie was a very well respected law enforcement officer. He was very thorough, fair, and conscientious in the performance of his duties. He was an admired and trusted friend who worked tirelessly for his community. He will be greatly missed by all. Preceded in death by his parents, Ronnie is survived by his wife of 33 years, Janey Barrett of Orange; son and daughter-inlaw, Brad and Katina Schrieber of Orange; and grandson, Hunter Schrieber. He is also survived by his brother-in-law, Jim Ehlert and wife, Rhonda; niece, Carley Britnell and husband, Mark; nephew, Clayton Ehlert and wife, Shea; god-children, Christopher Smith and Jessica Smith; and fatherin-law, Jim Ehlert. Serving as pallbearers and honorary pallbearers will be Tommy Clary, Jim Ehlert, Jack McClelland, Dan Robertson, Larry Smith, Richard Terry, Bill Windham and Brian Windham. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The 100 Club of Southeast Texas, P.O. Box 3405, Beaumont, Texas 77704.
Rossie “GaGa” Bishop Orange
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Rossie “GaGa” Bishop, 84, of Orange, died Saturday, Jan. 26,
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nephew, Randy Dean Lindsey and wife, Kim Lindsey. Serving as pallbearers will be Richard “Rick” Lindsey, Bruce Lee, Thomas “Bubba” Lund II, Edwin Worthy IV, Preston Turner and Robert “Rob” Turner. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 22718, Oklahoma City, OK 73123-1718.
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2013, at Baptist Hospital in Orange. Funeral Services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 30, at Harvest Chapel Church in Orange with Pastor Ruth Burch officiating. Burial will follow at Autumn Oaks Memorial Park in Orange. Visitation will be from 1 to 2 p.m. Wednesday, at the church. Born in Beaver Dam, Ky. on Sept. 4, 1928, Rossie was the daughter of Delbert Barnard and Carrie (Roeder) Barnard Burden. She moved to Orange in 1954. Rossie was a member of Harvest Chapel Church in Orange. She loved to spread the word of God to everyone. She loved crafts, painting, music, singing and cooking for her family. She also performed at different local churches and on occasion, even at Tuffy’s restaurant. Rossie is survived by her husband, Ivan G. Bishop of Orange; daughters, Toni Copley and husband, Bobby, of Orange and Lana Bishop Drago and husband, Dominic, of Port Arthur; grandchildren, Dr. Summer Copley Langford and her husband, Bric, and Kit Gebauer and wife, Allison; step-grandchildren, Marci Dorsey and husband, Shane, Matthew Drago and wife, Pat. She was looking forward to the arrival of her first greatgrandchild, Tuk Lee Langford. She is also survived by her brother, Linnie Barnard and wife, Dale of Central City, Ky.; and step-sister, Thelma Burden of Florida. Serving as pallbearers will be Kit Gebauer, Dr. Bric Langford, Dr. Robert Copley, Johnathon Peterson, Dominic Drago and Tony Hucko. Arrangements are under the direction of Claybar Funeral Home in Orange.
Jerry Kibodeaux Sr. Orangefield Jerry Kibodeaux Sr., 67, of Orangefield passed away Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013, in Mauriceville. A Memorial Gathering will be 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 2, 2013, at his son, Jerry Kibodeaux Jr.’s home in Mauriceville. Born in Vidor on Feb. 25, 1945, Jerry was the son of Willie and Margaret (Donovan) Kibodeaux. He worked as a truck driver. Arrangements were held under the direction of Claybar Funeral Home in Orange.
Webblee Gautreaux Orange Webblee Gautreaux, 74 of Orange passed away on Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013 at St. Mary’s Hospital in Port Arthur. A visitation will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 31, at Dorman Funeral Home; with a rosary to be recited at 7 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 2 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 1, at St. Henry Catholic Church, with the Rev. Steven Leger officiating. Entombment will follow at St. Mary’s Cemetery in Orange. He was a native of Ville Platte, La.; born on May 29, 1938 to parents Hazel (Guillory) and Albert Gautreaux. Webblee had lived in the Orange area since the age of 6 and he served his country in the Army from 1956 until 1958. He was a member of St. Henry Catholic Church. He retired from Unocal 76 in 1994, after 25 years employment in the maintenance mechanic department. He enjoyed going fishing, hunting, going to the casino and cooking some of his favored Cajun dishes. Webblee was a loving husband, father, grandfather, and friend who will be missed dearly. He was preceded in death by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gautreaux and numerous of family members. He is survived by his wife of 40 years, Eleanor Ann (Lisotta) Gautreaux; daughters, Suzan Hathway and husband Lance of Orangefield, Kimberly Abel and husband,Wesley of Bridge City; son, Marcus Gautreaux and wife Kimberly of Mauriceville; brothers Vernal Gautreaux of Little Cypress, Burke Gautreaux and wife Lesylee of Orange; grandchildren, Devin Hathway, Conner
Hathway, Maia Abel and Talon Abel. Condolences may be sent for the family at
Pauline Busher Cordova Orange Pauline Busher Cordova, 81, of Orange passed away Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013, at Mid-Jefferson Hospital in Port Arthur. Gathering of family and friends was held with a Rosary recited on Monday, Jan. 28,, at Claybar Funeral Home in Orange. A Mass of Christian Burial was held Tuesday, Jan. 29, at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Zwolle, La. Burial followed at Old Spanish Mission of Grady Hill Cemetery in Zwolle. Born in Zwolle, on Sept. 6, 1931, Pauline was the daughter of Sam L. Busher, Sr. and Pearl (Torres) English. Pauline was known as “Momma” to a lot of people and she made quilts for her family. She was the best mother, grandmother and greatgrandmother anyone could ever ask for. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Gilbert James Cordova; and brothers, Sam and Johnny Busher. Pauline is survived by her children and their spouses, Patricia and Paul Clark of Conroe, Michael and Debby Cordova of Orange, Paulette and Don Thomas of Orange, Sandra and Wayne Courville of Cashion, Okla. and John and Josie Cordova of Mauriceville. She is also survived by her eleven grandchildren; eleven great-grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews and families; and also her step-father, Tom English of Jennings, La. Kevin Cordova, Kelly Joe Cordova, Brian Clark, Jeff Clark, Logan Lewis, Justin Cordova, Luke Cordova and Nathan Courville served as pallbearers. Honorary Pallbearers were James Cooksey, Haiden Clark, Will Brookey, Coy Cooksey and Ben Orta.
Michael B. “Mickey” Downs Bridge City Michael B. “Mickey” Downs, 77, of Bridge City, died Saturday, Jan. 26, 2013, at his home. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated Tuesday, Jan. 29, at St. Henry’s Catholic Church in Bridge City. The celebrant will be Father Steven Leger, pastor of St. Henry’s Church. Burial, with military honors, followed at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens in Bridge City. Jacob Schiemenz, Darrell Schiemenz, Michael A. Downs, II, Nick Portacci, Chase Warner, Chuck Montgomery, Morris Mettlen Jr. and Keat Chiasson served as pallbearers. Born in DeRidder, La. on Oct. 4, 1935, Mickey was the son of Clyde Prentice Downs and Elma (Flanagan) Downs. He was a retired supervisor with Star Enterprise and was a U.S. Army veteran having served during the Korean War era. Mickey was a member of St. Henry’s Catholic Church in Bridge City; the Knights of Columbus; American Legion Post 250 and V.F.W. Post 9854. Preceded in death by his parents, Clyde and Elma Downs; brother, Prentice E. Downs and sister, Betty Baird, Mickey is survived by his wife, Beverly A. Downs of Bridge City; son and daughter-in-law, Michael A. and Zita Downs of Port Neches; daughters and sons-in-law, Terri and Mark Schiemenz of Kingsbury; Dana and Matt Portacci, Karen and Charley Warner, all of Bridge City. He is also survived by his grandchildren, Alicia DownsWhitney of Austin, Jacob Schiemenz of Roswell, N.M., Darrell Schiemenz of Portland, Sara Phillips of DuPont, Wash., Lacey Chiasson and Michael A. Downs, II, both of Port Neches; Cassie Portacci of Houston; Nick Portacci, Chase Warner, Christine Warner, all of Bridge City; great grandchildren, Allan Downs, Christian Chiasson, Tyler Phillips, Arya Downs-Whitney; brother, James Downs of DeRidder, La.; sisters, Barbara Perry, Carol Montgomery and Sue Downs, all of DeRidder, La., and Penny Falke of Denham Springs, La.
Obits. cont. on 7A
The Record • Week of Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Scouts to camp at airport
It’s A Girl!
Adrianna Mar Singleton was born on Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2013. She weight 4 pounds, 11 ounces and was 17 inches long. Proud parents are John Singleton and Alejandra Guzman. Grandparents are Elizabeth Weaver, Paula Lazona and Daniel Lozano.
Local Boys Scouts from Troops 1 and 62, plus Sea Scouts from Ship 2012 were given permission by Orange County Commissioners Court to camp at the Orange County Airport and provide a pancake breakfast for a fly in Feb. 22-24 to work on their Aviation Merit Badge. Fliers will be distributed to airports in a 150 mile radius inviting pilots to fly in to the airport for a pancake breakfast offering scouts the opportunity to witness landings and takeoffs and study different types of planes. Scouts will study all aspects of aviation and will experience flight with Tom Foreman in his personal plane. Currently the airport serves 10-15 flights a day. Pictured left to right, front row: Outdoor chairman Scott Boaz, Sea Scouts Ship 2012, Faith and Abigail Blowers; BSA Troop 62, Aaron Blowers and Scoutmaster Dennis Blowers. Back row: Commissioners’ Court: David Dubose, Precinct 1; Owen Burton, Precinct 2; Judge Carl Thibodeaux; John Banken, Precinct 3; and Jody Crump, Precinct 4. RECORD PHOTO: Penny LeLeux
Obits. from 6A Alvin Wayne Hebert Orange Alvin “Bear” Wayne Hebert, 66, of Orange, died T h u r s day, Jan. 24, 2013, at Harbor Hospice in Beaumont. Funeral services will be 1:30 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 27, at Claybar Funeral Home in Bridge City with the Rev. Charles Burchett, of First Baptist Church in Kirbyville, officiating. Burial followed at Memory Gardens in Nederland. Born in Abbeville, La., on July 3, 1946, Alvin was the son of Ovide James Hebert and Marie Joyce (Simon) Hebert. Alvin was proud to have served in the United States Air Force in Vietnam and later worked as a head operator at Motiva. Alvin was the best husband, best friend, son and brother, and the most wonderful father and grandfather. He was preceded in death by his father, Jim Hebert; brotherin-law, David Rutledge; and grandmother, Ethel Simon. Alvin is survived by his wife, Carolyn Hebert of Orange; mother, Marie Joyce Hebert or Port Arthur; sons, Alvin Wayne Hebert II and wife, Amy of Orangefield, James “Jimmy” Aaron Hebert of Dallas; grandchildren, Erin Hebert, Austin Hebert, Mason Hebert, Gavin Hebert, Madison Trahan, Brooklyn Thompson, Ashlyn Janaé Hebert, Cadden James Hebert; sisters, Janice Boudreaux and husband, Barry of Kingwood, Donna Hebert Tra-
2832 Texas Ave
han and husband, Matthew of Maurice, La.; and multiple nieces and nephews. Alvin Wayne Hebert II, Marion Rutledge, James Aaron Hebert, Austin Wayne Hebert, Matthew Trahan, and Barry Boudreaux served as pallbearers. Honorary pallbearers were Eddie Oltremari, Jerry Oltremari, Joey Simon, Kevin Simon, Bert Bertrand, David Oltremari, Scott Bertrand, Ronnie Rutledge and Mark Simon.
Lillian Clark Ellis Orange Lillian Clark Ellis, 68, of Orange passed away on Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013 at her residence. A Memorial Service will be held on Sunday, Jan. 27, at Dorman Funeral Home. She was a native of Merced, Calif.; born on July 19, 1944 to parents Marjorie Etta (Hohstadt) and James Carroll Ellis Sr. She has lived most of her life in the Orange area. She was preceded in death by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Ellis Sr. She is survived by her daughters, Anna Mckay and husband Ronnie of Orange, Ralane Bozeman of Vidor; her companion and care giver for 20 years, Kurt Vincent of Orange; brother, James C. Ellis Jr. and wife, Barbara of Montgomery, Alabama; grandchildren, David McKay and wife, Kim of Port Neches, Nicole Miller and husband Neil of Japan, Brandon McKay of Orange, Zachary McKay of Orange, Justin Bozeman Vidor,
Bridge City TX 77611 409.735.9155
Kara Bozeman of Vidor and six great grandchildren and one on the way. Cremation was held under the direction of Dorman Funeral Home. Condolences may be sent for the family at
John O’Neil Mendoza McLewis John O’Neil Mendoza, 77, of the McLewis C o m m u n i t y, passed away Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2013. Funeral Services were held Friday, Jan. 25, at Claybar Funeral Home Chapel in Orange. with the Rev. Joseph P. Daleo, pastor of St. Mary Catholic Church, officiating. Entombment followed at St. Mary’s Cemetery in Orange. Johnny was a lifelong resident of Orange, Texas born on May 7, 1935 to his parents, Estella “Stella” Simar Mendoza and O’Neil John Mendoza. He graduated from St. Mary’s High School and was a Process Operator with lengthy service with DuPont Sabine Rivers Works followed by service with Cain Chemical and retirement from Occidental. He was a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles in Orange and enjoyed sports cars, NASCAR, country music and spending time with his family and friends. Preceded in death by his parents and his brother, Gill Mendoza, those who will most cherish his memory are his son, Brent O’Neil Mendoza and wife Cindy; daughter, Sherri Fruge’ and husband Jeff; close friends, Eunice and Rodney Barrett; sister, Amelda Williams and husband Tommy; grandchildren, Jessica and Kyle Mendoza, Lauren Peet (Daniel), Joel Fruge’ (Bonnie) and great grandchildren, Hayley, Sydney and Carson Peet. The family would like to thank the staff of Answered Prayers in Orange, Texas for their wonderful care and support as well as those serving as pallbearers, Frederick “Freddie” Bourdier, Prentice Scarber, Jeff Fruge’, Joel Fruge’, Kyle Mendoza and Daniel Peet.
Edward Wayne Whisenhunt Jr.
It is State Law that all pets must be vaccinated against Rabies. All pets must be leashed or confined in a carrier.
Edward Wayne Whisenhunt Jr. passed away on Wednesday Jan. 16, 2013. Graveside services were held on Sunday, Jan. 20 at Dorman Cemetery with the Rev. Beverly Smith officiating. Wayne is survived by his children, Lauren, Macey, and Jacob. He is also survived by his mother Norma Whisenhunt, Daniel Bergeron, Danny and Allison. Other survivors include Clovis and Jimmy Reynolds, of Lubbock; Carolyn Springer and Archie Cody of Lubbock; numerous cousins and his Boxer Maddie. The family would like to thank you for your support and prayers, may God bless you.
• The Record • Week of Wednesday, January 30, 2013
“I don’t get up to the Chicken Coop enough to even guess how much longer the crappie bite will last,” reported John Mires, “but it has slowed down for me with the muddy runoff out of the major creeks. ”Mires added that they had 23 and 19 fish on their last two trips and all of their crappie were caught on shiners. He was also quick to add that it was time to bass fish anyway. “We spent a lot of time this past week fishing four to twelve feet of water that had surface temperatures in the high fifties in the more protected coves. We had a lot of rain this past week and the water is just the right color as far as I am concerned.” I talked with some very good bass fishermen that drove over to Daley’s to talk with Ish Monroe last Wednesday and most of them agreed that the bite on T-Bend seemingly turned on overnight. Because the majority of them compete on one or more tournament circuits they weren’t into being quoted, but there was a common theme to their recent findings. Grass or no grass, the longer points that extend out into deeper water at the mouth of major creeks were attracting larger numbers of bass every day If there is a good grass line so much the better, but it didn’t seem to make a big difference even as far as the size of the bass. They caught bass this past week on everything from finesse worms to jerk baits, but most of them were fishing a Trap at some point during the day. You can catch fish simSEE COLBURN PAGE 3B
Baltimore, 49ers may not be NFL’s best franchise KAZ’S KORNER JOE KAZMAR FOR THE RECORD
There’s no question that the Baltimore Ravens and the San Francisco 49ers deserve to be playing in Sunday’s Super Bowl. They came through with flying colors when the chips were down in the recent NFL playoffs. Super Bowl XLVII should be one of the most unique extravaganzas of the entire 47 with brothers Jim and John Harbaugh matching wits not only for the distinction of coaching the world champions, SEE KAZ PAGE 4B
Keying in on structure spells success OUTDOORS WEEKLY CHUCK UZZLE FOR THE RECORD
In many ways our freshwater counterparts have it made; no tides to worry about, no fish stealing sharks, and you couldn’t step on a sting ray if you tried. The saltwater folks on the other hand have plenty of positives as well like how many hard pulling species of fish one can encounter on a single trip, or the simple fact that you have the potential to hook a creature that may indeed be bigger than your boat. Both sides have great arguments that back up their claims to being the best
bite going. One thing the freshwater folks have that we don’t is an overabundance of fishable structure, or do they? Saltwater structure varies in many ways and can be as simple or complex as you want to make it. For instance let’s talk shallow structure, small very minor depressions in a flat can be called structure because they fit the mold. Structure is something different in an area that fish relate to
or use for certain purposes like food or shelter. The small depressions can offer fish an opportunity to escape a stronger tide or aid them in ambushing baitfish, they are structure. More noticeable structure could be grass lines or other vegetation growing in or near the water. Some grass can actually help you find certain types of structure like underwater points. Along the banks of the Sabine River we have a certain spartina like grass that grows along the shore, each place where this grass grows usually indicates a shallow point that runs out into the river. Points like these are fish magnets; we have had
some incredible days fishing the down current sides of these areas and we continue to use them still. Now a more classic version of structure for saltwater fishermen are reefs made from various types of shell such as oyster, clam or mussel. These areas are perhaps the most targeted pieces of structure in all the bay systems along the gulf coast. A good productive reef can and will attract plenty of attention from both fish and fishermen. Each bay has its own big name reefs where fishermen congregate regardless of whether the SEE UZZLE PAGE 2B
• The Record • Week of Wednesday, January 30, 2013
The Record’s 2013 Varsity Track Schedule Little Cypress-Mauriceville
Battlin’ Bears
Bridge City
West Orange-Stark
Friday, Feb. 15 Bulldog Relays at Nederland
Friday, Feb. 15 Bulldog Relays at Nederland
Friday, Feb. 22 West Orange-Stark Track Meet
Friday, Feb. 15 Nederland Bulldog Relays
Saturday, Feb. 23 Mustang Relays at West OrangeStark
Friday, Feb. 22 Lumberton Track Meet
Thursday, Feb. 28 Deweyville Track Meet
Friday, Feb. 22 Mustang Relays at Home
Friday, March 1 Vidor Track Meet
Saturday, March 9 Bridge City Track Meet
Saturday, March 2 YMBL Relays at Ozen
Saturday, March 9 Bridge City Track Meet
Friday, March 22 Little Cypress-Mauriceville Meet
Saturday, March 9 Cardinal Relays at Bridge City
Friday, March 22 Battlin’ Bears Relays at Home
Thursday, March 28 East Chambers Track Meet
Thursday, March 28 Silsbee Track Meet
Thursday, April 4 Hamshire Fannett Track Meet (TBA)
Saturday, March 23 Battlin’ Bears Relays at Little Cypress-Mauriceville
Monday, April 8 District Track Meet at West Orange-Stark
Monday, April 11 District Track Meet at West Orange-Stark
Mon-Wed, April 8-10 Varisty District Meet at Beaumont
Thursday, April 11 District Track Meet Running Finals at WOS
Thursday, April 11 District Track Meet Running Finals at WOS
Tues-Sat, April 16-20 Regional Qualifiers at TBA
Thursday, April 18 Area Meet in Huffman
Fri-Sat, April 26-27 Regional Meet at Humble
Fri-Sat, April 26-27 Regional Meet at SHSU in Huntsville
Fri-Sat, April 26-27 Regional Meet at Humble
Fri-Sat, May 10-11 State Track Meet at Austin
Fri-Sat, May 10-11 State Meet in Austin
Fri-Sat, May 10-11 State Track Meet at Austin
Thursday, Feb. 28 Joe Williamson Relays at Port Neches-Groves Friday, March 8 Pirate Relays at Vidor Friday, March 22 Battlin’ Bears Relays at Home Thursday, Mach 28 Tiger Relays at Silsbee Wed-Sat, March 27-30 Texas Relays (Qualifiers) at Austin
Uzzle: Keying in on structure fish are biting or not, it doesn’t matter because everyone knows the area so consequently it must be good. The real hidden gems in any bay are the small reefs that not many folks know about because they receive little pressure and often produce big fish. I know guys who guard these areas like they were gold; they will often abandon the area if a boat gets near only to return when the area is vacant. GPS numbers to small hotspots like these are closely guarded and rarely shared with someone outside “the circle” of close fishing partners. If you are fortunate enough to
Fri-Sat, March 29-30 Texas Relays at Austin Monday, April 8 District Track Meet at Home Thursday, April 11 District Track Running Finals at WOS Thursday, April 18 Area Meet (TBA) Fri-Sat, April 26-27 3A Region III Meet at Humble Fri-Sat, May 10-11 State Track & Field Meet at Austin
From Page 1B
find a place like this you would be wise to keep it to yourself. Now what about finding one of those hidden gems, one of those “go to” spots that seem to always attract and hold fish. There are all kind of methods to locating a reef or pile of shell and they all have one thing in common, they take time and effort. Many anglers will use the winter months to locate shell because the fishing is slower during that time of the year. I have seen people drag chain, conduit, or some other contraption that will make noise when it hits shell. Others will carry a push pole or some conduit
Beaumont 6656 Phelan Blvd.
Sunday, March 24 Tiger Relays at Port Arthur
and randomly probe the bottom as they drift an area. I have spent hours watching oyster boats work and recording GPS numbers on places where I never knew there were oysters. You can use all kinds of methods as long as you are willing to put in some time because that is the key. Now back to our freshwater friends and one advantage they have over us in the salt, they can build their own structure. I am sure most folks have heard about anglers up on the lakes sinking Christmas trees or other forms of structure to attract crappie and other fish, the technique is simple and it works. Saltwater folks have to
Nederland 2190 Hwy 365
contend with a few more rules so this technique is a little more difficult to pull off. It is my understanding that you just can’t go out and start dumping shell or rocks in a bay and make an artificial reef, if this was legal you can bet there would be some folks out there who would just go crazy with the practice. I will say however I have found wooden pallets, box springs, bathtubs, and even commodes make great artificial reefs when you find them sunk in a particular area. How these items got to where they are I don’t know, all I can say that they hold fish and can certainly be classed as fishable structure. I can just see it now the next time I catch a bunch of fish telling everyone “yeah that commode and bathtub pattern is really holding strong.” Only an upper coast Cajun could appreciate a report like that.
The Record • Week of Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Colburn: Bass on T-bend fish are biting or not, it doesn’t matter because everyone knows the area so consequently it must be good. The real hidden gems in any bay are the small reefs that not many folks know about because they receive little pressure and often produce big fish. I know guys who guard these areas like they were gold; they will often abandon the area if a boat gets near only to return when the area is vacant. GPS numbers to small hotspots like these are closely guarded and rarely shared with someone outside “the circle” of close fishing partners. If you are fortunate enough to find a place like this you would be wise to keep it to yourself. Now what about finding one of those hidden gems, one of those “go to” spots that seem to always attract and hold fish. There are all kind of methods to locating a reef or pile of shell and they all have one thing in common, they take time and effort. Many anglers will use the winter months to locate shell because the fishing is slower during that time of the year. I have seen people drag chain, conduit, or some other contraption that will make noise when it hits shell. Others will carry a push pole or some conduit and randomly probe the bottom as they drift an area. I have spent hours watching oyster boats work and recording GPS numbers on places where I never knew there were oysters. You can use all kinds of methods as long as you are willing to put in some time because that is the key.
From Page 1B
Corky is a popular choice for Sabine lake trout! RECORD PHOTO: Dickie Colburn
Now back to our freshwater friends and one advantage they have over us in the salt, they can build their own structure. I am sure most folks have heard about anglers up on the lakes sinking Christmas trees or other forms of structure to attract crappie and other fish, the technique is simple and it works. Saltwater folks have to contend with a few more rules so this technique is a little more difficult to pull off.
6th Annual Glenn Pearson Alumni Basketball Game
The sixth annual Bridge City High School Glenn Pearson Alumni Basketball Game Saturday, Feb. 2. Tip-off is set for 3:30 p.m. All interested players are to e-mail Coach Knight at ASAP to reserve a spot. Interested players should include in the e-mail the year they graduated, the coach they played for and their jersey number.
It is my understanding that you just can’t go out and start dumping shell or rocks in a bay and make an artificial reef, if this was legal you can bet there would be some folks out there who would just go crazy with the practice. I will say however I have found wooden pallets, box springs, bathtubs, and even commodes make great artificial reefs when you find them sunk in a particular area. How these items got to where they are I don’t know, all I can say that they hold fish and can certainly be classed as fishable structure. I can just see it now the next time I catch a bunch of fish telling everyone “yeah that commode and bathtub pattern is really holding strong.” Only an upper coast Cajun could appreciate a report like that.
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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Kaz: Forbe’s top fanchises but for the honor of being the best coach in the Harbaugh family. However, in the National Football League, success of a franchise isn’t defined solely by winning, according to an article written by Loren Steffy that appeared in the Houston Chronicle business section earlier this month. In fact, according to Forbes magazine, two of the top five most valuable franchises in the NFL are located in our Lone Star State—the Dallas Cowboys being ranked first with a value of $2.1 billion and the Houston Texans at No. 5 with a net worth of $1.31 billion. Forbes rankings are 1. Dallas Cowboys ($2.1 billion) 2. New England Patriots ($1.64 billion) 3.Washington Redskins ($1.6 billion) 4. N.Y. Giants ($1.47 billion) 5. Houston Texans ($1.31 billion) 6. N.Y. Jets ($1.28 billion) 7. Philadelphia Eagles ($1.26 billion) 8. Chicago Bears ($1.19 billion) 9. San Francisco 49ers ($1.18 billion) 10. Green Bay Packers ($1.16 billion). Texans President Jamey Rootes said that the team focused on building a loyal fan base as a key to its business success producing strong ticket sales even for an expansion team. Despite the fact it took nearly a decade for the Texans to qualify for the NFL playoffs, the loyal fans never gave up hope. Now they’re gunning for the ultimate, to be where the Ravens and 49ers are this week—the elusive Super Bowl. “We’ve tried to be more than just wins and losses,” Rootes is quoted in Steffy’s article. “We’ve always sold out. Now from a team performance perspective, we’ve really put it all together.” The Texans were a success long before they ever produced a winning season. The franchise should remain among the most valuable in the NFL because of an economic foundation that many other professional teams would envy. The team is driven by a strong local economy, corporate sponsorships and a loyal fan base that has generated strong ticket and suite sales. Reliant Stadium is another element of the Texans’ success story. Nearly two-thirds— about $289 million-- of the facility was funded by public money through ticket surcharges, parking fees, percentages of hotel and auto rental taxes, and a sales-tax rebate on in-stadium spending, according to Steffy’s article. In other cities, taxpayers may directly shoulder more of the burden, but in Houston, the stadium is primarily paid
for by people who attend the games and by visitors to the city. NFL team values calculated by Forbes include equity and debt, so the public financing component has a huge impact on the value. And although half of Forbes 10 most valuable teams made the 2013 playoffs—Houston, New England, Washington, Green Bay and San Francisco—a winning season doesn’t necessarily define a team’s value. The Lone Star State’s other franchise—the Dallas Cowboys—shot up to the top of the list in value at $2.1 billion— despite its mediocre 8-8 record this season-- when owner Jerry Jones built his palatial stadium in Arlington. He paid $150 million for the team in 1989 and the Cowboys retained their value despite a dramatic downswing in playoff appearances since their last Super Bowl victory in 1996. Over time a team’s record can begin to affect its value. After Jones built his glitzy stadium, he immediately raised prices for season tickets and suites in the new stadium. But with a storied franchise that was called America’s Team for so long, these fans paying those exorbitant prices expect championships. Jones has hired and fired several head coaches, coordinators and position coaches, but mostly to no avail. And if the team doesn’t start winning consistently, fans may begin to defect, forcing the flamboyant owner to cut prices when existing suite leases expire in a few years. Another red flag that signifies the Cowboys’ value may be backsliding is that Jones hasn’t found a name sponsor for the most opulent venue in pro sports, which probably already has cost him in the neighborhood of $100 million, according to Erickson Partners, a valuation and advisory firm that specializes in sports teams. “He (Jones) tried to squeeze the last dollar out, and wound up losing the bet,” commented Don Erickson, president of the firm. “He’s not doing so well compared to what he could have been doing when he built that stadium.” As a result, Erickson predicts that in the next five years New England or Washington will surpass Dallas as the NFL’s most valuable team. And meanwhile, as the Houston Texans continue to progress deep into the playoffs, they will likely add to the team’s long-term value, even after getting bounced from the playoffs in the second round for the second year in a row. KWICKIES…I kind of felt
From Page 1B
sorry for Orange native Earl Thomas in Sunday night’s Pro Bowl game played in Hawaii. Although his NFC team was a huge winner over the AFC, 6235, the players were instructed by Commissioner Roger Goodell to play hard like the game meant something, but don’t hit anybody hard enough to hurt them. Poor Earl knows only one speed to play football, and that’s at full speed. So it must have been difficult for him to be going at full throttle and then having to back off when making contact. Anyhow, he played well, made a little extra money for being voted by his peers and fans to the Pro Bowl, and Orange County is very proud of him. The high school basketball season is barely half-way over in district play and the crack of bats already can be heard around the various campuses as practice for the baseball season is already under way. That must mean that spring is just around the corner, hopefully. The hot-and cold Houston Rockets are meandering around the .500 mark and need to play a bit better to qualify for the playoffs in a couple of months. Hopefully they will catch fire and make a run at the Southwest Divisionleading San Antonio Spurs. And while on the subject of basketball teams needing to start winning, the youthful Lamar Cardinals dropped to 0-8 in Southland Conference play when Central Arkansas clobbered the Redbirds 88-59 Saturday night in Conway. It was UCA’s first-ever victory over Lamar in 11 meetings. The Cards committed 25 turnovers that resulted in 34 UCA points. Lamar’s season record dropped to a dismal 2-18. On a brighter note for Lamar, senior Kalis Loyd scored 25 points to break a 21-year old scoring record, but it proved to be not enough as the Lady Cards lost to UCA 67-62 in overtime Saturday to drop to third place in the Southland Conference standings. Loyd needed only seven points to become the all-time scoring leader in Lamar women’s basketball history and her 25 led all scorers. It looks like Tiger Woods is getting back to his old form as he won the Farmers Insurance Open last weekend by a fourstroke margin despite a oneday delay for fog and darkness. It marked the seventh time he has won this event at Torrey Hills and the 40th time in 42 tourneys he won when leading after 54 holes. The honors keep rolling in for Houston Texans defensive end J.J. Watt as he was voted
UT Longhorn and A&M Aggie rivalry may be revived Staff Report For The Record
There’s no doubt that football in Texas is big, and now a state lawmaker wants to make at least one rivalry a legislative priority, the Houston Chronicle reports. State Rep. Ryan Guillen, DRio Grande City, introduced a bill Monday that would require the University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M University to revive their longstanding rivalry by meeting each year on the football field for a nonconference, regular season game. House Bill 778, as filed, does not specify when the game should occur. That decision, the lawmaker’s spokeswoman said, should be left up to the Longhorns and Aggies. “We would leave that (schedule) open to the schools,” said Rebecca Erickson, communications director at Guillen’s Office told the Houston Chronicle. The decision to file the controversial bill was not hard to
make, according to the legislator. “This game is as much a Texas tradition as cowboy boots and barbecue,” Guillen stated in a press release. “The purpose of this bill is to put the eyes of Texas upon our two greatest state universities to restore this sacred Texas tradition. I think the people of Texas want a game, and we’re trying to get them one.” Guillen is a Texas A&M graduate. Should the bill pass, which seems highly unlikely, the school that refused to participate would face restrictions on its athletic scholarships. The two teams first played in 1894, when Texas easily won 38-0. The rivalry continued through the 2011 season, when A&M left UT and the Big 12 and moved to the Southeastern Conference. The Longhorns edged the Aggies 27-25 in College Station in the teams’ most recent meeting in November 2011. There was no shortage of opinions Tuesday about the
proposed legislation. “I think I speak for a great majority of Aggies in the state, that we’ve moved on,” said Houston lawyer Tony Buzbee, an A&M alumni. “We want to play the best in the country and we don’t want to be stuck playing the University of Texas. Our football team is on a meteoric rise, we have the Heisman Trophy winner (Johnny “Football” Manziel), and we’re building new stadium that will be the third largest in country. My point is that the University of Texas is in the rear-view mirror.” Michael Ortiz, a 2009 UT grad, said he would welcome another match-up. “I would love for more opportunities to just put the Aggies in their place, and let them know once and for all who rules Texas,” said Ortiz, a high school teacher who lives in Houston. “I find it funny that one good season entitles the Aggies to wipe away a history of mediocrity, not only at the national level but against the University of Texas.”
The Sporting News NFL Defensive Player of the Year, announced on Saturday. TSN’s annual awards are the only ones voted on by the coaches and players. Minnesota’s Adrian Peterson was voted the Offensive Player of the Year and Comeback Player of the Year by TSN. Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III was Rookie of the Year. Ozen head football coach Jeff Nelson was suspended for the first two games in the 2013 high school football season
by the University Interscholastic League last week for improperly practicing during the school day. The UIL determined that Ozen violated its two-year probation stemming from a 2011 post-playoff game fight when the Panthers practiced once last fall during school hours but outside the athletic period. The UIL extended Ozen’s probation to 2016 and left open accessing additional penalties for the latest infraction. JUST BETWEEN US…Our
Fearless Forecast for Sunday’s Super Bowl is that I’ve been riding with perennial underdog Baltimore since before the playoffs, and I’m not going to abandon them now. The Ravens beat Denver and New England after being 9½-point underdogs so now that the odds have fallen from five to 3 ½ against the San Francisco 49ers, I look for a low-scoring contest with Baltimore coming through with a 21-17 upset victory.
*Offer good til Feb. 28, 13
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PHONE: (409) 883-9444
The Record • Week of Wednesday, January 30, 2013
ESPN begins more than 120 hours of Super Bowl XLVII coverage Staff Report For The Record
ESPN will offer more than 120 hours of TV and radio programming throughout Super Bowl XLVII week from the heart of the French Quarter in New Orleans that began lat Monday. Many of the company’s most popular programs will originate from ESPN’s on-site set location – the Jax Brewery parking lot on Decatur Street – through Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 3, when the Baltimore Ravens play the San Francisco 49ers for the Lombardi Trophy. More than 35 ESPN commentators (hosts, analysts, reporters and contributors) will be in New Orleans – including an analyst team of former players and coaches with a combined 18 Super Bowl rings in 28 appearances in the NFL’s biggest game. Among the analysts are the last two quarterbacks to start the Super Bowl for the 49ers (Hall of Famer Steve Young, SB XXIX) and Ravens (Trent Dilfer, SB XXXV) as well as Hall of Famer and former Chicago Bears head coach Mike Ditka, winner of Super Bowl XX in New Orleans and a former coach of the 49ers’ Jim Harbaugh; Content will be available on 18 ESPN platforms, including multiple TV and radio networks (English and Spanish), ESPN Digital/ Mobile, ESPN The Magazine, and more; and ESPN International will present Super Bowl XLVII live to more than 71 million households in 162 countries and territories. Super Bowl XLVII Sunday on ESPN Networks: • NFL Matchup (3 a.m., ESPN): Sal Paolantonio, Merril Hoge and Ron Jaworski offer Xs and Os analysis.
• Mike and Mike in the Morning (6 a.m., ESPN Radio/ESPN2): Special Super Bowl Sunday edition will originate from ESPN’s headquarters in Bristol, Conn. • SportsCenter (8 a.m., ESPN): Mike Tirico hosts with analysts Jon Gruden and Steve Young from the Mercedes-Benz Superdome. Hoge will join the trio from ESPN’s set in the French Quarter. • Sunday NFL Countdown (10 a.m., ESPN): Chris Berman hosts the four-hour Super Bowl edition of Countdown from New Orleans with analysts Tedy Bruschi, Cris Carter, Trent Dilfer, Mike Ditka, Hoge, Tom Jackson, Jaworski, Keyshawn Johnson and Jerry Rice. Tirico, Gruden and Young will join the show from the Mercedes-Benz Superdome and NFL Insiders Chris Mortensen and Adam Schefter will also contribute reports. • Other Super Bowl-related programs (from New Orleans): Countdown to Super Bowl with Hill & Schlereth (10 a.m., ESPN Radio) and The Sports Reporters (10:30 a.m., ESPN2), hosted by John Saunders. • More Super Bowl-related programs (from Bristol): Outside the Lines (10 a.m., ESPN2) and First Take (11 a.m., ESPN2). • NFL PrimeTime (10:30 p.m., ESPN): Complete post-game coverage with Berman, Jackson and Young from the Mercedes-Benz Superdome. • SportsCenter (11:30 p.m., ESPN): Continued post-game coverage with Stuart Scott, Steve Levy, Carter, Dilfer and Johnson.
No-fly zone over Superdome during Super Bowl XLVII Staff Report For The Record
During Super Bowl XLVII Sunday, the government will establish a no-fly zone centered on the Mercedes-Benz Superdome, and pilots have been warned already that entering the area without permission could bring anything from a talk with federal agents to civil fines to, worse, missiles. “The United States Government may use deadly force against the airborne aircraft, if it is determined that the aircraft poses an imminent security threat,” the FAA said Thursday in flight advisory, or “notice to airmen.” Temporary flight restrictions will be in effect during hours before and after the game Sunday, meaning unauthorized aircraft will not be allowed within a 10-mile radius of the Super Dome, from the ground to 18,000 feet up, according to FAA documents. That includes even hang gliders and hot-air balloons, according to the notice. The only aircraft that will be allowed in the ring will be military, law enforcement, air ambulance and other authorized aircraft, such as regularly scheduled commercial airliners, all of which must coordinate with the FBI, according to the notice. Preparing for the Sunday, the military and other federal agencies will conduct a training exercise Tuesday morning, practicing to protect the skies over the Superdome. Weather permitting, Tuesday’s hour-long exercise is scheduled to begin at 7 a.m., and involves practicing the procedures military and other agencies will follow should an aircraft be flown to close to
the Superdome., according to a news release from the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD. Called “Falcon Virgo 13-Super Bowl,” the exercise is lead by NORAD, whose fighter jets have routinely practiced aerial defense for large events since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The (U.S.) Government may use deadly force against the airborne aircraft, if it is determined that the aircraft poses an imminent security threa The Louisiana National Guard’s “Bayou Militia,” which has F-15 Eagle fighters based at the Naval Air Station-Joint Reserve Base in Belle Chasse, are expected to be involved. As part of its work for NORAD, the 159th Fighter Wing has kept armed F-15s on alert at the air station since the terrorist attacks to protect the region’s skies.
The FAA, FBI, Customs and Border Protection, Civil Air Patrol, the 601st Air and Space Operations Center and NORAD’s Western Air Defense Sector are involved in the execise, according to a NORAD press release. Lt. Gen. Sid Clarke, commander of the Continental U.S. NORAD Region, said in a statement that air defense requires “interagency coordination,” and that the Falcon Virgo exercise “is the perfect opportunity” for his command and other agencies involved “to work together honing our air defense skills before Sunday’s big game.” If the weather is bad Tuesday, the exercise will happen Wednesday morning, NORAD said. If the weather is bad then, too, the agency will decide whether to postpone it or cancel it.
(409) 883-4253
• The Record • Week of Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Orange County Church Directory First Baptist Church Orangefield 9788 F.M. 105 Orangefield, 409-735-3113 Pastor Forrest Wood Sun.: Bible Study - 9:30 a.m., Worship Service - 10:30 a.m., Evening Worship- 6:30 p.m. Wed.: Midweek Meal- 5:30 p.m., Praise & Prayer - 6:30 p.m. Youth & Children Activities, 7:15 p.m. - Choir Practice Email:
St. Paul United Methodist Church 1155 W. Roundbunch Rd., Bridge City 409- 735-5546 Pastor Brad Morgan Sun. Mornings: Worship Experience - 8:15 a.m.; Sunday School - 9:30 a.m.; Worship - 10:45 a.m. (Nursery provided at all services) For Mid & Sr. High Youth Sun. Afternoon: 3:30 to 6 p.m. Sun. Evening : Taizé Service - 7 p.m. For Children Ages 4–10 on Wednesday evening – 6 to 7 p.m. – JAM (Jesus & Me) Club
First United Methodist Church Orange 502 Sixth Street 886-7466 8 a.m. - Worship in Chapel 9 a.m. - Celebration Service in Praise Center 10 a.m. - Sunday School for all ages 11 a.m. - Worship in Sanctuary 5 p.m. - UMYF & Kids Pastor: Rev. John Warren Director of Music & Fine Arts: Doug Rogers Organist: Justin Sanders Director of Youth and Christian Education: Allisha Bonneaux
Trinity Baptist Church 1408 W. Park Ave. @ 14th Street, Orange Office: 886-1333 Pastor Dr. Bob Webb Worship Leader Dan Cruse Sun. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Nursery Provided
Salem United Methodist Church 402 W. John Ave. 409-883-2611 Is there something missing in your life? Are you seeking answers? Do you need a spiritual foundation? God’s got a Blessing with your name on it! Come worship with us! 11 a.m. Sunday morning Wacky Bible Study--Tuesday at noon Evening Bible Study--Wednesday--6 p.m. Reverend Dr. Carolyn McCall, Pastor
Living Word Church Hw 87 & FM 1006, Orange 409-735-6659 Samuel G.K. - Pastor Joseph Samuel - Asst. Pastor Sun. Service - 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wed. Service - 7 p.m. Come As You Are!
Trinity Baptist to host Valentine Dinner, Dr. William H. (Bill) White Guest Entertainer Trinity Baptist Church of Orange will host a Valentine Dinner and will welcome Dr. William H. (Bill) White as guest entertainer Friday, Feb. 1. Bill is well known in the area and was pastor of the First Baptist Church of Orange from 1980 to 1990. Bill has pastored churches in Texas for over 40 years. He and his wife, Vickie live in Duncanville, Texas. After retiring, Bill has spent his time leading retreats, conducting Bible studies, preaching, and traveling the country as a Performer Entertainer. He has recorded five CDs: “His World: A Tribute to Jim Reeves”, “Singing the Story: Gospel Songs by Request”, “Remember, I Love You”. “A Matter of Time”, and “Written In Red”. He was named “Entertainer of the Year in 2007 by the Texas International Music Association and serves on the Advisory Board of the Texas Country Music Hall of Fame in
Carthage. Last year, Dr. White’s calendar was full with over 100 performances. He has performed at numerous venues in the Metroplex and across the US. Bill appeared with the “Stars of the Grand Ole Opry” at the White House in Washington, DC. Bill’s dad was born in Shelby County, Texas, one of nine boys and a girl. That one girl, Mary, married Jim Reeves. Mary lived in Nashville until her death in 1999. Jim died in a tragic plane crash in l964. Bill’s programs include a number of Jim Reeves songs. He is often asked to include gospel songs and selections from his gospel albums. Dr. White stated, “Vickie and I are looking forward to performing at the Valentine Dinner seeing our many friends in Orange. We are very excited about the visit.” Trinity Baptist Church is located at 1408 W. Park Ave. at 14th Street.
Retreat is scheduled for April 12-14 at the Omni Houston West Hotel. The theme is Joy! Psalms 16:11. Special Guest include Pastor Elaine Benson of Houston; Evangelist Phyllis Thomas of Sacramento, Calif. and Psalmist Linda Broussard from Starlight. Registration includes two nights stay in a luxury hotel, two full meals, conference bag and material. Registration fees: are Single $325 pp; Double $220 pp; Triple $185 pp; Quad $170 pp; and Teen Girls $99 (based on two adults in room). A deposit of $75 is due by Friday, March 15 and the balance is due no later than Monday, April 1, 2013. For more information call 409-886-4366. Evangelist Josie Lindsey is Director of Women Ministries at Starlight.
Orange First Church of the Nazarene 3810 MLK Drive, Orange Lead Pastor: Ray McDowell Music Pastor: Bruce McGraw Youth Pastor: Michael Pigg Children’s Pastor: Rebekah Spell Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Celebration Service 10:45 a.m. Prayer Service: 6 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7 p.m. Everyone Welcome!
First Baptist Church of Bridge City 200 W. Roundbunch, BC Office: 409-735-3581 Fax: 409-735-8882 Rev. Bob Boone, Pastor Sunday Schedule: Traditional Worship - 8:15 a.m.; Bible Study at 9:30 a.m.; Celebration Service - 10:45 a.m.; CSI, Youth Bible Study, Discipleship Classes - 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Schedule: Prayer Meeting - 6:30 p.m., Youth Worship “Living Stone”
First Christian Church of Orangefield 4234 FM 408 (between BC & Orangefield) 409-735-4234 Minister Jim Hardwick Sunday School: 9 a.m.; Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday: Prayer & Bible Study 7 p.m. Nursery provided For a ride, call 735-4234
Cowboy Church of Orange County 673 FM 1078 Orange 409-718-0269 E. Dale Lee, Pastor Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m. “Round Pen” (Small Group) Studies: Ladies & Men’s group: 7 p.m. Mondays, Come as you are! Boots & hats welcome!
Echo Church 1717 FM 3247, Orange 409-735-8580 Pastor George A. Cruse Jr. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Praise & Worship Contemporary music! Come as you are!
West Orange Christian Church 900 Lansing Street, W.O. 409-882-0018 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:40 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Evening - 6 p.m. “Our church family welcomes you!”
Need to publicize your church event? Email info to To list your church, call 886-7183
BRIEFS St. Mary’s to host Ladies Night Jan. 30
A Ladies Game Night will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 30 at St. Mary’s Church Hall, 909 Cherry St. in Orange. Snacks and prizes will be provided by the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. Bunco veterans are more than willing to share the fun with newcomers to the game. No reservation is required, only a $5 donation at the door.
LCB Church to host Justin Peters seminar Little Cypress Baptist Church, located at 3274 Little Cypress Drive, will host a Justin Peters seminar on “Word of Faith” at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Sunday Feb. 3 and at 6:30 p.m. on both Monday, Feb. 4 and Tuesday, Feb. 5. For more information, please call the church at 883-8905.
Salem UMC to host gospel fest Salem United Methodist Chuch will host the Best of the Best Gospel Fest at 6 p.m. on Saturday Feb. 16 at Joe Ware Plaza in Orange. Tickets will cost $15 and the meal is included. For more information or tickets call 409-883-2611.
UMC to host “Holy Workers” work day Faith United Methodist Church, located at 8608 MLK, Jr. Dr, Orange, is hosting a “Holy Workers” work day from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Sunday, Feb. 24. Their worship service will be held from 9:30 to 10:30am. There will be no Sunday School Classes that morning. Cleaning will begin at 10:30, followed by a luncheon at noon. Volunteers are asked to please come to church in your work clothes. This should be a fun morning and we invite everyone to take part. Please note the time change if you are wanting to attend only our worship service, it is 9:30am.
Financial Peace classes at Saint Francis Church Saint Francis Church, located at 4300 Meeks Drive in Orange is hosting Financial Peace University (FPU) classes consisting of a nine week video based curriculum taught by financial expert Dave Ramsey. These Christian-based classes incorporate small group discussions that help encourage debt-free living, accountability, and discipleship. These once per week classes are scheduled for nine weeks on Tuesday’s from 6:30 to 8 p.m. from Feb. 26 to April 30 with no meeting planned March 12 (Spring Break). To sign-up for these St. Francis hosted sessions, please use this unique website link class/222667. Total course costs are $89 (plus shipping cost) per couple to pay for workbooks and course fees. For additional information, please contact church coordinator, Pat Belcher, via cell at 409-670-8241 or email
Starlight COGIC to host WIND Retreat Registration is underway for WIND Retreat 2013, sponsored by the Women’s Dept. of Starlight Church of God in Christ. The
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Hrs: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday thru Friday
First UMC to host MOPS The local Mothers of Preschoolers group (affectionately known as MOPS) invites you to join them one Tuesday a month 9:30 a.m. to noon September through May in the First United Methodist Church Praise Center located on the corner of 5th and Pine. MOPS is designed to nurture EVERY mother with children from infancy to kindergarten through guest speakers, mentor moments, creative activities, breakfast, discussion time, play groups and more. Members come from all walks of life, but share one desire---to be great moms! You don’t have to be a Methodist, just a mom. Free childcare is provided during meetings. For more information and dates, please contact FUMC Orange at 409-886-7466 or find more information on the web at or www.
St. Paul UMC to sell cookbooks St. Paul United Methodist Church is selling homegrown, local cookbooks. All of the recipes come from members. The cookbook has tried and true recipes. The cost is $20 and all proceeds go to our mission funds. Please call the church 735-5546 or come by from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and pick up a copy.
Night and Day by Pearl Burgess
Earth is moving both night and day Changing brightness along the way, The sun will set and hide its light Darkness will come bringing night. The moon reflects a subtle shine The silent creatures begin to dine, Crawling insects and hooting owls Join furry creatures on the prowl. Life moves on like night and day Light to dark will come our way, A cycle of time is given each man Time on earth is a limited span. The sun will set, our time complete Darkness waiting, for us to meet, God gave His Son, the future bright Just trust in Him for eternal light.
BeaUMOnt 545 11th Street (409) 813-3930
Church Sponsors YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call 886-7183 for more information!!!
Celebrating 50 years Four Area Locations
The Record • Week of Wednesday, January 30, 2013 • 7B
• Just $10 For A 30 Word Ad In Both Papers And The Web • Classified Newspaper Deadline: Monday 5 P.M. For Upcoming Issue • You Can Submit Your Ad ANYTIME Online At
Community Classifieds Your ads published in both newspapers, the County Record and the Penny Record plus on our web site APARTMENTS NICE BC 1 BEDROOM, small, very clean, in nice neighborhood. Cathederal ceilings w/ track lighting & Ceiling fan, all S.S. appliances, granite counter tops, self cleaning oven, dish washer. Bathroom has linen closet and biult-in vanity, all ceramic tile floors. Living area downstairs, black spiral staircase leads to loft bedroom, new CA/H, nice patio & yard, concrete parking, yard maintinance included, No Pets, $500 monthly + $300 dep. + elec. & water, call for an appointment @ (409) 7356277 or 626-1968. (ss)
wecome. Close to all of the Refinery job sites, colleges, hospitals. Starting at $550. Stop by our office at 245 Tenney St. Bridge City, or call (409) 735-7696 or 232-0290.
in the country, $550 monthly + dep., (409) 735-2030.
HOME RENTALS EXTRA NICE BRICK 3/2 home, Lg. living room, CA/H, Lg. yard, near fishing, carpet and ceramic tile, quiet neighborhood, only $850 monthly w/ $800 dep., (409) 735-2030.
2/1 IN BRIDGE CITY, 950 Center St., Lg. carport, & patio, Lg. yard. $700 monthly. (409) 313-4270 or 735-4817.
1 MONTH FREE RENT on select 1 bedroom apartments. February move in special at SOUTHERN OAKS APARTMENTS in Bridge City. Located in the heart of the City, We pay water, sewer and trash. Downstairs units available. Perfect for refinery contract workers, students or seniors. Small pets are
3 OR 4 BDRM/2.5 BATH/2 CAR GARAGE in Org. Pets negotiable. $1200 monthly/$1200 dep. Owner agent also looking to sell, $155,00. Call 713-503-5085 or 713471-6564
Apartment in Orange
3/2/2 BRICK tile throughout, Granite, fenced yard, BCISD, $1,200 monthly w/ $1,000 dep., (409) 735-2030.
1bd/1ba, All hardwood floors with fireplace. All appliances included, plus w&d. No utilities paid. $550/mo. $500 dep. Call Christine: 779-6580.
3/2 NEAR SCHOOLS, Lg. back yard, CA/H, $850 monthly w/ $800 dep., (409) 735-2030.
3/1/2 FOR RENT IN LCM. Lg fenced yard, all electric, CHA, $750 month, $500 dep. Call 738-5177.
1 BEDROOM LOG CABINS in Mauriceville, real cute and
3/2/2 IN BCISD, fenced in back yard, $1,450 monthly + $1,450 dep., (409) 474-2259.
M.H. RENTALS BC AREA , as little as $30 daily for rooms, M.H.’s by day or week, starting at $30 a day or weekly, 735-8801 or 7347771. (cctfn) 2/1 AND 3/1 AND 3/2 IN OFISD, 1 block from schools, Large lot, W./D hookups, No Pets, $400 and $550 and $650 monthly + dep., (409) 720-8699 or 735-6701. (2/6) 3/2 M.H. IN BC, in Shady Estates, CA/H, laundry room, stove & refrig., appliances, clean inside and out, excellent cond., $725 monthly (includes water and garbage) + (1st. & last), References Req., 474-2855 or 474-2252. 3/1 IN BRIDGE CITY, 370 Devillier, big yard, furnished, HUD Ok, $750 monthly + $700 dep., (409) 306-3766.
Candace Aras (409) 920-0054
HOME SALES BRIDGE CITY 4/2/2, 165 E. Darby, 1653 sq. ft., .43 acre, $139,000, will consider owner financing w/ adequate down, remodel in progress with a goal of mid-September. (409) 313-6005. 3/2/2 BRICK IN BCISD, CA/ H, on 3/4 acre lot, (409) 7357680. BRIDGE CITY 3/2/2, 3 1/2 years old, 2132 sq. ft., sbo, beautiful open concept w/ archways, trayed ceilings, granite, crown molding, lots of storage, personalized wooden & Bamboo blinds, dead end curbed and guttered street. Call to see @ 988-8667. LAND & LOTS 1.6 ACRE REPO property has water and sewer and padsite. Livestock and mobiles OK. Owner Financing available. COUNTRYLAND PROPERTIES LLC. 409-7451115. (2/12)
Call 735-5305 • Penny Record Office: 333 West Roundbunch, Bridge City • County Record Office: 320 Henrietta, Orange Note: Offices Closed On Wednesday
ALMOST 1 ACRE LOT, OFISD, septic, $30,000, (409) 499-2128.
rienced service plumber. License not mandatory Must pass drug screen & ISTC. Valid drivers License required. Potential for promotion. 3132870.
10 ACRE TRACT ON PRIVATE ROAD. Orangefield Schools. Livestock welcome. Seller financing available. COUNTRYLAND PROPERTIES LLC. 745-1115.
PART TIME GARDENER large yard. Mature gentleman, year round work, no tools needed. Knowledge of plants helpful. Includes trimming, weeding, planting, pressure cleaning. $10 per hour. Dependable transportation and references required. Call Mr. Richardson at 886-3410 or 351-0059.
M.H. SALES WANTED USED MOBILE HOME in excellent shape. Large single wide or double wide. Windzone 2 Cash sale. 735-9504.
TA N K CLEANER TECHNICIANS IN PORT ARTHUR, TWIC Req. Overtime req. OHSA card/ HAZWOPER Pref. Fax Interest: (985) 652-4854 or mail: 1085 Bert St. Laplace, LA, 70068 Attn: Port Arthur employment, www.esandh. com/careers
22 temporary positions; approx 10 months; job to begin 3/15/13 through 1/15/14; Duties: to operate tractors in the sugar cane fields during the preparation of the fields for the planting season. To assist with the planting and the harvesting of the sugar cane during the harvesting season. $9.50 per hour; 40+ hours per week ; OT varies but not guaranteed. 3 months experienced required in sugar cane farming. . All work tools provided. Housing and transportation provided to workers who can not reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the work day; Transportation and subsistence expenses to the worksite will be provided by the employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract, or earlier, if appropriate; ¾ hours guaranteed in a work day during contract. Employment offered by Adeline Enterprises, L.L.C. located in Jeanerette, LA. Qualified applicants may call employer for interview (337) 276-5503. Applicants may apply for this position at their nearest SWA office located at 304 Pearl St., Beaumont, TX 77701.
5 temp positions; approx 9 months; job to begin 4/1/13 through 1/31/14; Duties: propagation of plant material including planting, maintenance and harvesting of plant material in preparation for wetland use. $9.50 per hour; 40 hr a wek/OT varies but not guaranteed; 2 month experience required in job offered. . All work tools provided. Housing and transportation provided to workers who can not reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the work day; Transportation and subsistence expenses to the worksite will be provided by the employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract, or earlier, if appropriate; ¾ hours guaranteed in a work day during contract. Employment offered by Dauterive Contractors, Inc. dba: Wetlands Restoration located in New Iberia, LA. Qualified applicants may call employer for interview at (337) 364-9613. Applicants may apply for this position at their nearest SWA office located at 304 Pearl St., Beaumont, TX 77701.
5 temporary positions; approx 10 months; job to begin 3/20/13 through 1/15/14; Duties: to operate tractors in the sugar cane fields during the preparation of the fields for the planting season. To assist with the planting and the harvesting of the sugar cane during the harvesting season. $9.50 per hour; 40 hr a week; OT varies but not guaranteed; 3 months experience require in job offered. All work tools provided. Housing and transportation provided to workers who can not reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the work day; Transportation and subsistence expenses to the worksite will be provided by the employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract, or earlier, if appropriate; ¾ hours guaranteed in a work day during contract. Employment offered by Harang Sugars, Inc. located in Donaldsonville, LA. Qualified applicants may call employer for interview (225) 473-3339. Applicants may apply for this position at their nearest SWA office located at 304 Pearl St., Beaumont, TX 77701.
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APPLIANCES USED APPLIANCES, starting at $99.95 & up, Harry’s Appliances, 302 10th. St. (10th. & main), Orange, We buy used appliances, 8864111. WHIRLPOOL DOUBLE DOOR refrigerator, water and ice in door, $75; Lg. all wood entertainment center, really nice, $75, (409) 499-2128 or 745-2154. FURNITURE NEW VINEYARD BEDROOM SET,complete queen bed set, dresser w/ mirror, night stand, solid wood, $1,000; horse pulled old avery planter, @150, (409) 474-1789 or 792-0203.
Stakes Electric Residential & Commercial Free estimates specializing in older home rewires. 409-735-4171 or 409-749-7873 License #’s Customer: # 25151 Master: # 14161
COUCH AND RECLINER, good cond., $250, 735-5082. MISCELLANEOUS WE BUY GOLD, SILVER & COINS. Top prices paid at L & L Coins. Call 409-330-7882. JUGG’S PITCHING MACHINE, like new, auto feeder, throws 30 - 90 MPH, fast & curve balls etc., paid $2,500, used vey little, will sell for $1,500 for all, perfect cond., great buy! (409) 4742855. CRAFTSMAN RADIO ARM SAW - $100; Craftsman Band Saw - $100; Large capacity gas dryer, excellent condition - $175; Chevy GMC Power Front Bucket Seats, cloth in excellent condition - $400. Call 886-9727. ‘07 MORGAN STORAGE BUILD. for sale, 10’x10’, paid $1,700 will sell for $700 cash, (409) 225-4446. BOAT TRAILER, $60; Gun cabinet, $30, (409) 499-2128 or 745-2154. POWER KING TRACTOR w/ belly mower, Fordson tractor w/ front blade and back hoe, both run, (409) 735-6159. KINDLE FIRE TABLET, like new, $250, (409) 201-2873.
• Dirt / Shell Spreading • Bushhogging • Garden Tilling • New home pads Prepared • Sewer / Water / Electrical Lines Dug Home 735-8315 Cell 670-2040
GET A GOOD DEAL HERE! Card Ads Only $25 Per Week
(Save $4 weekly over a 2x2, 4 week minimum)
Bring your info to 333 W. Roundbunch Rd., BC, or 320 Henrietta, Orange
Tree Removal, Tree Trimming, Haul Offs and Stump Grinding.
Field Workers Field Workers Field Workers
SIS CENTER is in need of Volunteer Advocates to offer intervention on our 24 hour hotline, and in direct services to sexual assault survivors. Training is provided and certified through the office of the Attorney General. If you are interested please call the Crisis Center at (409) 8326530 to set up an interview.
• The Record • Week of Wednesday, January 30, 2013
THEME: Super Bowl
ACROSS 1. Idealized image 6. Snake in the grass 9. Attired 13. Bourne actor 14. U.N. labor agency 15. Domenikos Theotokopoulos, a.k.a. El _____ 16. Like NCAA’s eight 17. Microprocessor chip, for short 18. Number of planets 19. *Expensive Bowl purchase 21. *Tied with Steelers for most appearances 23. Big fuss 24. Hoodlum 25. Car wash option 28. Camera setting 30. *Found on many players 35. Corner pieces 37. Snoopy 39. As opposed to best 40. Etna output 41. Where one is treated for drug or alcohol dependence 43. Flood survivor 44. Time on the job 46. Foolhardy challenge 47. Tyrant’s power 48. Listed on driver’s license 50. Chapter 11 issue 52. “___ for the course” 53. Royal Indian 55. E in B.C.E. 57. *Cause of Superdome leak 61. One who inspires fear 65. Set of values 66. *Coach’s ___ talk 68. Factual evidence 69. No person
UPRIGHT WALTZER ORGAN, Church size, GOOD COND., (409) 883-8695. MUSIC LESSONS GUITAR LESSONS FOR Beginners/ intermediates. Learn structure, rhythm, tone, beginner cords, in a fun and easy atmosphere. $25 ea. for groups and $35 individually. Very wide schedule, Mon thru Fri 8 till 8. Your favorite songs complete with lyrics, cords, taught at a speed easy to learn. Satisfaction guaranteed! (409) 738-3965. BAIL BONDING JOE HEBERT BAIL BONDS, 15 years experience, cheapest in town! All Municipal and AJP bonds flat rate, $70, (409) 738-3965 or 313-3353. PETS BEAUTIFUL PEKINESE PUPPIES! Ready FEb. 6. Black and white, 3F and 1 M, 3 small and 1 teacup, photos available, $400 small, $600 teacup, (409) 504-8879. Will hold till Valentine’s Day. FOUND! SMALL CHIHUAHUA, on Hwy 408 by store, (409) 960-1460.(wrong number, will ad placer please call my office. Bill). LOST! GREY STRIPED CAT w/ orange belly, affectionate, large male, help him find his way home in BC, near Fernwood and Rosehurst, (409) 735-3590. WANTED! WHITE LONG HAIRED Kitten. (409) 7670470. FREE KITTENS, (409) 7352826, if no answer leave message, will return call.
AUTOS ‘93 LINCOLN TOWN CAR,executive series, cold A/C and all works,$1,800, (409) 745-2154 or 499-2128 & leave message. ‘T R U C K S & VA N S ‘‘11 FORD F-150 LARIOT, loaded, very few miles, clean, (409) 886-1896. ‘P A R T S TIRES OFF DODGE CHARGER, used 10 months, set of 4 Toyo 225/60R18, $400 OBO, (409) 746-3271. PUBLIC NOTICES: AL-ANON MEETS ON Wednesday & Sunday at 7pm. 1512 Strickland Dr., Orange, call (409) 779-4289 or Cindy @ 994-5503 for details. GOLDEN TRIANGLE TOUGHLOVE is a self help parents support group for parents of children displaying unacceptable behavior.
Meets every Tues. at 7 pm. at Immaculate Conception education building, 4100 Lincoln (corner of Lincoln & Washington) in Groves. For more information call 9620480. AT. ST. PAUL UNITED METHODIST you can experience the warmth of friendly people, beautiful music, and inspiring sermons. Join us at 1155 W. Roundbunch Rd., BC each Sunday at 8:15 AM or 10:45 AM for worship experience at 9:30 AM for Sunday School. You’ll be glad you came, and so will we! SUICIDE RESCUE of Orange County. Suicide is not the answer, give us a chance, 769-4044 Vidor. CRISIS CENTER. Rape and crisis center of S.E. Texas needs volunteer advocares to provide direct services to survivors of sexual assault in a medical setting. Comprehensive training is provided, Anyone interested should contact the Crisis Center at (409) 832-6530. ADVOCATES
70. Draft choice 71. Lacks 72. Very pleased with oneself 73. *It’s won more than its counterpart 74. Affirmatives DOWN 1. Brainchild 2. French Sudan, today 3. Gulf V.I.P. 4. “_____ go!” 5. Iroquois tribe 6. *Record-holder for touchdowns and points scored 7. Mont Blanc, e.g. 8. _____ football 9. Stewie Griffin’s bed 10. Construction set for kids 11. Common flu feeling 12. Some letter toppers 15. Cheap showy jewelry 20. Pitcher’s domain 22. *Wide receiver, aka wide___ 24. Taqueria offering 25. Like one from Prince Charles’ domain 26. Winged 27. *47 29. Three-____ sloth 31. *____ Dorsett, won one Super Bowl ring 32. Girl Scout unit 33. Japanese port 34. Catchall category 36. Belted out 38. Bygone era 42. Type of sailing ship 45. *Joe Montana, only ______ winner of Super Bowl MVP 49. “The Joy Luck Club” author
DREN, Inc. “A CASA Program” is accepting volunteer applications at this time. You can apply by calling 1-877586-6548 [toll free] or going on-line to [there is an application at this website]. 30 hours of training is required. Record numbers of children are being abused. Your volunteer help is needed! The program serves Orange, Hardin, Jasper, Newton, Tyler and Sabine counties.
Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Testamentary for the Estate of SQ Berry, Deceased, were issued on January 17, 2013, in Cause No. P16374, pending in the County Court at Law of Orange County, Texas, to: Rhonda Berry. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law.
‘05 GMC Sierra HD Extended, 132k, new brakes. Satellite radio & CD, leather seats, running boards, bedliner, dual spots, installed phone, & more. Loaded & Runs perfect! 313-2870. $14,900
c/o: Paul M. Fukuda Attorney at Law 312 Border Street Orange, Texas 77630 DATED this the 22nd day of January, 2013
Paul M. Fukuda
PAUL M. FUKUDA Attorney for Rhonda Berry State Bar No. 00789915 312 Border Street Orange, TX 77630 Telephone 409-883-4357 Fax 409-883-6263
Sweet Creations, etc. Gifts • Candles • Candy • Flowers
Let us help you decorate your plant stands for Mardi Gras & Valentine’s Day!! Garage Sale
Let Us HeLp Make a Gift Basket for YoUr sweetHeart!
Saturday, Feb. 2 8 a.m. til... Christmas Items Clothes Dishes Etc.
Residential & Commercial Cleaning
Personalized Candy Bars & Candy Bar Bouquets Available HOME OF THE
(Behind PK’s Grill)
409-886-1630 • 3515 Mockingbird, Suite C
51. *Named after Vince Lombardi 54. Birthplace of anime 56. Saints’ lights 57. Barbie dolls’ boyfriends 58. Nucleus plus electrons 59. Biblical pronoun 60. *Peyton is still seeking his second one of these 61. Work detail 62. Famous seamstress 63. “Going, going, ____!” 64. Salamander in terrestrial stage, pl. 67. Will Ferrell played one
Public Notices NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL DAVID JONES, DECEASED Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Independent Administration for the Estate of MICHAEL DAVID JONES, Deceased, were issued on January 17, 2013 in Cause No. P16352 pending in the County Court at Law of Orange County, Texas, to: LISA ANNE JONES SCOTT. The Post Office address is: Lisa Anne Jones Scott 12619 S. Dairy Ashford Houston, Texas 77099
All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. DATED this the 22nd day of January, 2012
Respectfully submitted, SANDERS & SANDERS, L.L.P
Alan Sanders
P. ALAN SANDERS State Bar No. 17602100 707 Front Avenue P.O. Box 519 Orange, Texas 77631-0519 (409) 883-7495 Telephone 1-866-868-9677 Telecopier E-Mail: asanders@
Actual size: 1x5”
To be published in The Record Newspapers 01/30/2013 GREETING: ******PLEASE FAX ANY YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to appear before the CORRECTIONS BY at the Honorable County Court of Orange County, Texas, Courthouse of said County, in the City of Orange, Orange P.M. County, Texas, at or before 105 o'clock A.M., on the first Monday after the expiration of ten days from the date of publication of to 735-7346 this citation by filing a written answer to a petition that was filed TO: ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ESTATE OF THOMAS DEWEY PITTS , DECEASED
in said Court on January 8, 2013, in Cause No. P16376, and styled: ESTATE OF THOMAS DEWEY PITTS , DECEASED.
Thanks, Nicole
A brief statement of the nature of the application is as follows, to-wit: APPLICATION DETERMINE HEIRSHIP, as is more fully shown by the application on file in this cause. This citation shall be served by notice published once in a newspaper of general circulation in Orange County, Texas, the County in which the proceedings are pending1, said publication being not less than ten (10) days from the return date exclusive of the date of publication. The officer executing this process shall promptly execute the same according to law, and make due return as the law directs. If this citation is not served within ninety days after the date of issuance it shall be returned unserved.
ISSUED AND GIVEN under my hand and official seal of said Court at Orange, Texas on January 8, 2013. KAREN JO VANCE, Clerk, County Court, Orange County, Texas
By: Shanell Breaux, Deputy Actual size: 1x4.25” Shanell Breaux
To be published in The Record Newspapers 07/22/09 ******PLEASE FAX ANY CORRECTIONS BY 5 P.M. TODAY to 735-7346 Thanks, Debbie 1
Probate Code 33(f)(3)
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