Everyone Reads The Record

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Dickie Colburn: Fishing See Page 4B

Cooking with Katherine See Page 8A

Hometown Baseball Page 1B

County Record The Community Newspaper of Orange, Texas

Vol. 51 No. 08

Week of Wednesday, June 1, 2011

C.H.A.M.P.S. groundbreaking Monday the county’s road and bridge and environmental heath departments, an event center equipped with lighting, sound system and room dividers,

parking area, covered arena for livestock shows, rodeos, concerts, festivals, farmers’ markets and graduations and lighted athletic fields.

The cost of the center is $13.2 million, with $10.7 million being provided through various grants and money available to the county, and

the C.H.A.M.P.S. (Community Hands Assembling a MultiPurpose Structure) board is CHAMPS PAGE 2A

OYBS gearing up for All-Stars Greg Hayes

For The Record

On May 9, the Orange County Commissioners Court awarded G&G Enterprises the contract to build a community exposition and event center off of FM 1442, on 31 acres about one mile south of Interstate 10. The center will also be used as a county central base during emergency situations. The construction phase is set to break ground next week,

Colin Garrett, vice president of G&G Enterprises, said. “Hopefully, with all paperwork in order, we will break ground next Monday,” Garrett said. “Once we break ground, our construction schedule will be 15 months, weather permitting. Anything considered an act of God would be cause for time extensions.” G&G Enterprises’ total bid for the project was $10,560,000, Garrett said. The center will include conference rooms, offices for

Fire potential severe in Orange County Penny Leleux

For The Record

Action was taken on several items at Orange County Commissioners Court in a special session Tuesday. The burn ban will stay in effect for three more weeks. “The only thing that has

Good News For Orange County

Inside The Record • SHERLOCK BREAUX Page..................... 4A • Obituaries Page......................7A •Dicky Colburn Fishing..................4B • Kaz’s Korner Joe Kazmar...........5B • CHURCH NEWS Page......................7B • CLASSIFIED ADS Page......................8B

The Record Digital Edition Online Now Read Us Anywhere Anytime!

changed from last week is it’s gone from bad to worse,” said Jeff Kelley, director of emergency management. “We are THIBODEAUX in the high fire range right now as we speak.” Kelley said in the next seven to 14 days the county will be in the 700-800 range, which is the worst possible conditions. “The fire up in Evadale, just outside the county line over the weekend was started by a wayward ember from a barbecue pit. They had to evacuate 14 homes. It got very close. It’s that drastic out there, it takes something very little to get it started.” Commissioners also awarded the contract for the Orange County Sewer System Upgrade Project to Lester Saucier. Saucier was recommended by a committee of three: John Dubose, commission precinct 3, Jody Crump, commissioner precinct 4 and Joel Ardoin, Orange County director of health and code compliance. The project is funded by the Costal Impact Assistance Program grant. It was voted to approve a three year contract with Lexis/Nexis for an inmate kiosk. The kiosk would replace a law library required by law to be available to inmates. To keep the law books updated as required costs the county $25,000 - 30,000 a year. It also requires a large room to store the books. A jailer is required to transport and supervise the inmate while at the library. For $7,000 a year, the kiosk provides more information for the inmates and easier access. About the size of an ATM machine, the kiosk is portable. It can be brought to the inmate in his cell, which will improve COUNTY BUSINESS PAGE 2A

The Orange Youth Baseball and Softball league has wrapped up their regular season. On Saturday, May 28, the Shetland League announced their First and Second All Star Teams as well as their six alternates. The Shetland First All Star Team is featured in the photo above. Starting at the bottom, from left to right are: Brady Anderson, Bryce Burkhead, Cameron Bilbo, Blaze Compton and Zane Wrinkle. Standing are: Dean Reynolds, Will Henson, Koen Maddox, Shaun Hallman and Parker Norwood. The coaches are Rick Compton, Justin Burkhead and Danny Reynolds. Not pictured are: Coy Darby, Kaleb Merendino and Coach Steven Merendino. RECORD PHOTO: Nicole Gibbs

Nicole Gibbs

For The Record

“Take me out to the ball game...” School is out and the regular baseball season is wrapping up, but for some of the local youth, it continues. The Orange Youth Baseball and Softball League is gearing up the All-Star Tournaments. The regular season for the baseball teams started on March 19. Through each game, the coaches were keeping track of their best players. Towards

the end of the season, the coaches and OYBS board members got together to vote on which players should make the First and Second All Star Teams and they voted on six alternates for each league. The OYBS has four softball leagues and five baseball leagues. Each league is made up of several teams (number of teams vary for each league). At the end of the season, the First and Second All Star Teams are announced as well as the six alternates. “Everything for the All-Star [teams

are] funded through the parents,” Rick Compton said. Compton is the head coach for the Shetland First All Star Team and the vice president for the Shetland league. “The league gives us $250 and the rest we have to come up with,” Compton said. “I think it’s a good idea to give [the All Star players] helmets, all matching bat bags embroidered with their names on it, and I was to even try to do cleats.” Each team will also need new uni-

Sears of Orange recognized as 2011 National Premier Dealer Darla Daigle

For The Record

The Sears Hometown Store of Orange, has been named a 2011 Sears Hometown Store Premier Dealer. This annual award recognizes Sears Hometown Stores across the country that consistently offer the greatest customer service, outstanding store performance and standards, as well as exceptional demonstrations of local community involvement. In January 2011, the Orange store was one of only 190 locations throughout the U.S. to receive this national recognition at the annual Hometown Celebration held in Orlando, Fla. “To be honored as a Premier Dealer is a great achievement not only for our store, but also for the community we strive to serve everyday,” said Russell Dillow, owner and operator of the Sears Hometown Store in Orange. “We could not have earned this without the support of our community, and we want to thank our customers for shopping with us throughout the year.” Only 20 percent of Sears Hometown Stores receive this prestigious annual award, and this year, each store receiving Premier Dealer status will be given the opportunity to participate in an exclusive charitable event in 2011 to help support their community. One recent example of charitable giving by the Orange store was a holiday sales event with a portion of proceeds donated to Orange Christian Ser-


Bridge City Heritage Festival Oct. 1 Staff Report

For The Record


Russell Dillow owner of the Sears Hometown Store of Orange. RECORD PHOTO: Mark Dunn

vices. “We are thrilled to designate Russell, Dillow and the Sears Hometown Store of Orange a Premier Dealer, as a testament to the hard work and dedication shown each and every day to support the community,” said Will Powell, president, Sears Hometown Stores. SEARS PAGE 3A

good old-fashion heritage festival is in the making for Bridge City. The first Bridge City Heritage Festival is being planned for Oct. 1. The festival will take place on the grounds of the Community Center and will include live music, an antique car show, craft and vendor booths, and loads of fun for the kids. Proceeds will go toward the Cow Bayou Waterfront Park project and is hosted by the Historical Museum of Bridge City. There will be a coloring contest for children ages kinBRIDGE CITY PAGE 2A

• Award Winning Hometown News


• The Record • Week of Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Orange 5-year old drowns during family outing

Nicole Gibbs

For The Record

Memorial Day weekend, for many, is to be a celebration, a joyous occasion to be spent with family and friends. For one local family, their celebration quickly turned to tragedy. Billy Ray Lawwill III and his family traveled to Port Acres for the holiday weekend. While at a home on Diamond Avenue, the family found that Billy was missing. Family, friends and neighbors began searching the area for Billy. He was found in a swimming pool. On May 31, at only five years only, Billy was gone. The medical authorities transported him to the Medical Center of Southeast Texas in Port Arthur was he was pronounced dead by Justice of the Peace Brad Burnett. While Billy’s death is still under investigation, the Lawwill family mourns the loss of such a young, vibrant child. “Lil’ Billy, or ‘Bill Bill’ had the saying, ‘I love you all the way to the moon and stars and back,’” Christie Bates said. Bates, Billy’s aunt, told The Record News-

papers that the love Billy showed to his parents was their inspiration to get out of bed every morning. “His love for his friends and family truly outshines any particular activity he loved to do or any past time,” Bates said. “He never missed the opportunity to tell me how much he had Billy Ray Lawwill III missed me.” Billy loved visiting (or getting visits from) family and friends. He loved to entertain people and make them laugh. “The times my five year old, Talan, would spend over there at their house, you’d know where to find them...,” Bates said. “in the corner of the lot, on the highest branch of the tree. Every aspect of Lil’ Billy’s life was an adventure to him and he loved every minute of it.” He also enjoyed the time he spent playing

County business security. It will also release the library room for other uses. Karen Jo Vance, county clerk asked the court’s permission to designate Michael Mayer, Real Vision Software as a sole source to image, index and import 60 Commissioner’ Court minutes and index books. “These are huge books, we don’t have a flatbed scanner big enough to scan them.” Vance said she has used two other sources besides Mayer in the past and had to send their work to Mayer. “He’s still working on things I had imaged in 2005 and 2007.” Dedicated funds for archival purposes would be used. Vance said she is 80 percent through with ar-


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chiving all the county files. “If we never have another hurricane, someone after us will and they’ll be prepared to deal with it a lot easier than what we had in the past, so that’s the important thing,” said Orange County Judge Carl Thibodeaux. The 2010 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) award was accepted in the amount of $13,048.00. The funds pay for overtime to officers doing compliance monitoring on registered sex offenders in Orange County. Commissioners voted to change next year’s county holiday for Texas Independence Day on March 2 to Presidents Day on Feb. 20.

video games with his father and gardening with his mother. He loved playing with cars and being barefoot. Billy also had a passion for learning and dinosaurs. He was excited to be learning how to read and could tell anyone the name of most dinosaurs by two years old. “The Monday before Memorial Day, Lil’ Billy had completed the ‘End-of-the-Year’ assessment test and had received at 97,” Bates said. “He had missed just one question and his parents were so proud!” Billy always made a point to be kind and caring to everyone he met. “He touched the hearts of everyone he met

because he had a sense of charisma that drew you to him,” Bates said. While the grieving process is hard to bear, the family remains strong. “We know his big, beautiful, brown eyes will be the stars looking down at us at night,” Bates said. “He will always be will us. He was our angel on Earth and now he is our angel in the sky.” Donations to help cover funeral expenses can be made out to Marie Lawwill in benefit of Billy Ray Lawwill and sent to P.O. Box 2065, Orange, TX 77631. Funeral arrangements had not yet been made at press time. Please check therecordlive.com for those details.

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according to C.H.A.M.P.S. documentation. “We are asking both private businesses and private citizens,” Joel Ardoin, board vice president, said. “Anything that can be given is appreciated. We don’t ask for any set amount.”

Bridge City Heritage Festival dergarten through fifth-grade; an art contest for grades six through eight, and an art contest for high school freshmen through seniors will also be on display. There will also be face painting, a moon walk, cake sale and much more. To celebrate Bridge City’s heritage the festival will kick off with a ribbon cutting to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the 1941 dedication of the Cow Bayou Swing Bridge. The rare swing bridge is one of just two of it’s kind

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remaining in the state. In 2010 it was listed to the National Registery of Historic Places as an historic bridge of Texas. The future waterfront park will adjoin the historic property. Participating food and craft vendors are asked to e-mail Paige Williams at info@ bridgecityhistory.com or call 738-3743 for more information. Donations to the Historical Museum of Bridge City are tax deductible and go toward the future waterfront park.





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looking to raise the remaining $2.9 million through the private sector. Federal funds already approved for the center total $9.86 million, as long as the construction is completed within a 24-month period,



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The Record • Week of Wednesday, June 1, 2011

OYBS All-Stars

Campus Teachers of the Year were honored at the recent meeting of the West Orange – Cove Board of Trustees. They were presented with plaques and District afghans, which were presented by Ricky Jacobs, President of the Board of Trustees. The Campus Teachers of the Year are pictured with Mr. Jacobs and WOCCISD Superintendent James Colbert. Picture are WOCCISD School Board President Ricky Jacobs, Dolly Gauthier, Athena Jefferson, Clark Reed, Cornel Thompson, and Superintendent James Colbert.

Sears Hometown Store recognized “We are committed to continually assisting Hometown Stores and their communities, so that customers everywhere can shop closer to home and enjoy the quality and value found at Sears.” Sears Hometown Stores are a unique retailing concept; they combine the value, selection and services associated with larger retail stores but are owned and operated by a member of the local community. Sears Hometown Stores provide exceptional customer service along with a wide assortment of appliances, tools, electronics, fitness equipment and lawn & garden merchandise. In addition, Sears Hometown Store associates can order anything from the entire selection of merchandise offered by Sears Holdings including apparel, footwear, jewelry and much more for the customer.

This unique format allows customers in small communities to have access to the great products and brands usually found only in Sears stores. To learn more about Sears Hometown Stores, visit the Sears Hometown Store of Orange, at 2264 MacArthur (next to Big Lots) or HYPERLINK “http://www.searshometownstores.com” www.searshometownstores.com/0003916. html. About Sears Hometown Stores Sears Hometown Stores (Nasdaq: SHLD) were developed 17 years ago to serve Sears customers in locations outside of major metropolitan cities. There are currently over more than 920 Hometown Stores throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Sears Hometown Stores, LLC, carry proprietary Sears’ brands, such as Craftsman, Kenmore

and DieHard, as well as a wide assortment of national brands . In addition, Sears Hometown Stores are locally owned and operated by dedicated, hard working individuals that take great pride in serving their communities and representing Sears nationwide. For more information, visit Sears Hometown Stores’ web site at HYPERLINK “http://www. searshometownstores.com” www.searshometownstores. com. About Sears Holdings Corporation Sears Holdings Corporation is the nation’s fourth largest broadline retailer with more than 4,000 full-line and specialty retail stores in the United States and Canada. Sears Holdings is the leading home appliance retailer as well as a leader in tools, lawn and garden, consumer electronics and automotive repair

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and maintenance. Sears Holdings is the 2010 ENERGY STAR® Retail Partner of the Year. Key proprietary brands include Kenmore, Craftsman and DieHard, and a broad apparel offering, including such well-known labels as Lands’ End, Jaclyn Smith and Joe Boxer, as well as the Apostrophe and Covington brands. It also has the Country Living collection, which is offered by Sears and Kmart. We are the nation’s largest provider of home services, with more than 11 million service calls made annually. Sears Holdings Corporation operates through its subsidiaries, including Sears, Roebuck and Co. and Kmart Corporation. For more information, visit Sears Holdings’ web site at HYPERLINK “http://www.searsholdings. com” \t “_new” www.searsholdings.com.


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forms. All in all, it will take about $2,000 per team to make all of this happen. “Any donation is going to help,” Compton said. “It’s just a big deal for these kids. If it weren’t for the sponsors and donations, we wouldn’t where we’re at today.” Compton said that the Shetland First All Star Team has already received some donations, but more are needed. But its not just the Shetland teams that are in need. All of the OYBS All Star Teams, which have to do their own fundraising, are in need of donations. The players and parents for the Shetland First All Star Team spent four hours yesterday trying to raise money by selling Little Caesar’s Pizza at the intersection of Hwy. 105 and Hwy 62. When all of the figures are added up, Little Caesar’s will donate a percentage of the each pizza sold by the Shetland First All Star Team. The Shetland First All Star Team will travel to Sour Lake on June 18 to play in their first tournament, which is a two-game elimination. Those wishing to make a donation to the Shetland First All Star Team can contact Rick or Crystal Compton at 330-1467 or 330-1744. Those wishing to make a donation to any of the other All Star Teams should contact the OYBS President, Steve Pesek, at 8836918 or 313-7917.

The Record News The Record Newspapers- The County Record and the Penny Record- are published on Wednesday of each week and distributed free throughout greater Orange County, Texas. The publications feature community news, local sports, commentary and much more. Readers may also read each issue of our papers from our web site TheRecordLive.Com. • News Editor..........................................................Nicole Gibbs • Advertising Director................................................Carol Allen • Production Manager...............................................Russel Bell • General Manager.....................................................Mark Dunn • Distribution Manager..................................................Bill Pope • Staff Writers and Photographers... Mark Dunn, Penny LeLeux, Larry Trimm, Holly Morrell, Nicole Gibbs, Joey Encalade, Christy Hyde and Angela Delk

News Tips and Photos 886-7183 or 735-7183 E-mail: news@therecordlive.com

County Record: 320 Henrietta St., Orange, Texas 77630 Penny Record: 333 W. Roundbunch, Bridge City, Texas 77611 Offices Closed On Wednesday. Didn’t Get Your Paper? Call Bill Pope 735-5305.


Round The Clock Hometown News


• The Record • Week of Wednesday, June 1, 2011

From the Creaux’s Nest FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING In all the many years I’ve been writing a column last week was the very first time the column I had written for publication didn’t run. Instead, a column I had written and had been published a month ago appeared in the space. My heart sank, my face turned red, my mad went up, a curse word crossed my lips. Overcome with frustration, my next thought was this was the sign that I needed to retire. Messages came from every direction. Some asked if I had finally lost it, went over the deep end and if I was ill and a column had been substituted. In 40 years, I’ve never missed writing a column. Sometime I had been so sick I didn’t know what I wrote. A couple of times I knocked out a column from a hospital bed. So you see why I was overcome with so much frustration. The staff attempted to console me with the fact that the correct, up to date column was on our website. That’s a good thing but so many elderly, loyal friends have been following the newspaper column for decades and they don’t do the computer website thing. They are not among the many thousands around the world who tune in regularly. Weeks usually fly by but this week dragged by since I was so anxious to let you know what had happened and that I hadn’t plum gone off my rocker. Now you know, this kind of mistake has happened to others and to advertisers but it was my first time in the barrel. Hopefully it will be my last. I thought about resigning but hearing from so many and with the cooling off period, I’ll do what ever it is I do for sometime yet. In fact, I didn’t have to work as hard this week. I salvaged some of last weeks work. The ones getting the same dose are our website folks, they get much of the stuff they got last week, but also new stuff. So it is in the life of an old columnist. You know what the bumper sticker says.*****Hop on board and come along. I promise it won’t do you no harm. PLAYING THE CON GAME There’s a bunch of folks upset about giving their life’s savings to the prophet who predicted the world would come to an end on May 21. When it didn’t happen they felt they had been taken and are demanding their money back. To start with, they are pretty simple minded to buy into it. Now the con man is saying it’s still going to happen but the new date is Oct. 21. Buying into that is like buying into the congress doing away with Medicare to help us by giving us a voucher system. It’s akin to an assassin on a suicide mission getting 70 virgins when he gets wherever it is he’s going.*****I’ve been telling you for sometime now that gas prices would come down this summer, despite 70 percent of the people polled saying it would go up maybe to $5. It’s coming down but way too slowly and gas got way too high to begin with. The five biggest oil companies argue that recent efforts to abolish billions of dollars a year in tax breaks would take away money they need to create jobs. They don’t mention another place where their money goes; buying back their own stock. Exxon Mobile, Chevron, Royal Dutch Shell, BP and Conoco Phillips have poured millions of American dollars into share repurchase programs which increase the value of the companies stock. The practice undermines the industry and Republican arguments that doing away with $21 billion in federal tax incentives will jeopardize production and jobs. Last week, a measure failed a key senate procedural vote. Republicans defeated it. Democratic leaders vowed to keep the effort alive and that alone will bring prices down but with just a threat by the Republicans, gas prices would come down drastically and much faster. The five oil companies mentioned made $563,5 billion in profits and $448.5 billion in buy backs and dividends. Makes one wonder how serious the Republicans are about balancing the budget and shaving the national debt while advocating killing Medicare. Like the end of the world, con-man selling his game, American people also get sold a bag of goods. Unfortunately many buy into it and can’t get their money back CONDOLENCES Last week we lost a good man, a caring person, and a friend. Shannon Messer, 88, passed away May 25. The World War II veteran was a pillar of the Bridge City community. He was also a former publisher of the town’s community paper, The Penny Record, until 1993 when the present owners acquired it. Our friend “Buddy” Messer and his wife of 61 years, Thelma, raised a great family and saw many offspring come along. We will long remember Mr. Messer. He never let grass grow under his feet. He was happiest when accomplishing things. He was admired by many and will be missed. He left his mark through example. We were sorry to learn about the death of James York, only 45 years old, who died May 20, while playing his drums. James loved music and like his dad Phil was a butcher working for his aunt and uncle at Robert’s Market. His dad also died of heart problems. Our condolences to his family. Gene “Teneag” Marks, 81, died May 17. He will long be remembered for his youth work. Condolences to the family. BRIDGE CITY ENDS SUCCESSFUL SEASON Baseball came to an end Saturday in Southeast Texas when the Cardinals lost to Robinson Waco in the regional semi-finals, 13-12. Bridge City ended its season as district champs with a 22-12 record. It was a great effort by a great bunch of kids. Good luck and thanks to the seniors who gave us so much pleasure. Thanks also to our writer Joey Encalade for his outstanding coverage. Radio is not his calling but he knows baseball. To Mark Dunn for his outstanding photography and special thanks to coach Landry, Laird and Moore for their dedication to the sport.

TURNING BACK THE HANDS OF TIME 12 Years Ago-1999 On May 23, a tragic collision claimed the life of an Orange couple in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Orange mail carrier Patsy Barron Kuluris and her husband James, died instantly when their small pickup, parked at an I-10 truck check point, was hit by a truck’s trailer rig. The explosion also killed the driver of the rig. Patsy, a 20-year postal employee had recently married James after being married to Billy Barron for 20 years.*****Bruce Aven keeps rolling along. Today, he is batting .385 for the Florida Marlins.***** Celebrity birthdays, Priscilla Presley is 54 and Gladys Knight is 55.***On May 29, Bob Hope will be 96. (Editor’s note: Hope celebrated his 73rd to 79th birthdays in this area while raising funds for Hughen School.)*****Deion Sanders married actress/model Pillar Biggers. *****Louis Dugas says the French have a word, “Raconteur” for good story tellers. According to Dugas three of this areas best are Roy Wingate, Carl Thibodeaux and Roy Dunn. *****Mark and Sharon Dunn’s youngsters Amber Dunn and Jason Menard graduate from Bridge City High. Amber is also celebrates her birthday on May 30.*** Top grads from B.C. are Tiffany Meyers, valedictorian and Shanter Stone, salutatorian.***Top Little Cypress-Mauriceville grads are Marisa Bonneaux and Maria Tran.***West Orange-Stark’s top are David Frenzel and Brandy Conrad. Orangefield’s Emily Mazzola and Teresa Legate are top grads.*****High School baseball season comes to an end. L.C.-M was edged out by Brenham in the first game, 4-3. The Bears won the second game 9-1, but Brenham won the third game 12-1 in best of three series.***In the regional quarterfinals, Orangefield went for a one game, winner takes all and lost 8-6 to powerful Lufkin Hudson. WHAT’S UP WITH THE NATIVES Sheriff Keith Merritt to become a master, a boat captain that is. He completed the course last week. He and a couple of his deputies will be certified to pilot a new ship being built. It will be a valuable tool here on the Gulf Coast and inland bayous.*****Our longtime, dear friend, Mary Alice Cole Hartsfield, who has served in several capacities of employment in the county, will be retiring from her position with the tax office on July 30. A dedicated worker she has made many friends and is sure to be missed not only by Linda Gunstream and employees, but also by the public she’s served for these many years.*****Congrats to Gislia Houseman who was honored as “Woman of the Year” by Altruse International for her patriotism, efficiency and service to the community.*****Judge Janice Menard’s “Jersey Village” is well on its way to being completed. It might be ready for Judge Janice to render Pct. 3 justice in mid-July.*****Congrats to Shea Landry,new W.O.-S head baseball coach. It seems like just yesterday he was playing at LC-M and selling clothes on the side at Terry’s Men’s Wear. We wish him the best.*****Coach and A.D., Cornell Thompson, at WO-S, has a few positions to fill that have become vacant. I was disappointed to see coach Toby Foreman leave. It’s a great athletic school and Coach Thompson won’t have any trouble filling the jobs.*****Harry and Margie Stephens closed Harry’s Appliance last week in order to give employees and themselves vacation time. They re-opened Tuesday, May 31. *****Ross Smith is not only a good guy, he believes in our community and continues to make investments here. We need more people like Ross. *****Patsy Peck and Ellen Ray, with TraVerus, have planned a trip, “Christmas in Charleston” for Dec. 3 to Dec. 7. It’s a great itinerary. A trip you will long remember. To make reservations and for more information call Patsy, 409-670-6989 or Ellen, 409-988-1619. Karen Jo, have you packed your bags yet? ***** Last week we got a mess of cracklins from Paw Paw Harvey, on 1442. No one, nowhere cooks up better cracklins, not even in Louisiana. I made a big cracklin cornbread. A cracklin in every bite.*****Courtney Burch Arkeen was sworn in Wednesday, May 25 as new 128 District Judge.*****Carlis Roy, an elementary teacher for 31 years, retired from BCISD. In-laws, Paul and Nettie Roy, hosted a retirement party at their place on Cow Bayou. Congrats and good luck.*****Our buddy, Rosalie Clark, had knee replacement surgery in Houston. It won’t be long before she can kick high.*****Lately Sharon Bearden has been spending a lot of time at the Bridge City Little League park.*****Constable Chris Humble and Mark Philpott returned from a required law enforcement school. Babette went along to keep them straight and make sure they got up and made the classes.***** Wedding bells rang out Wednesday for our account executive Amber Nobles and her fiancé Shawn Lingo. Congrats and best wishes. BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK Linda Wolfford, Shirley Griffin, Dorothy Slusher, Emily Culpepper, Gene Armand, Joyce Bourdier, Rollie Cardner, Sheila Deason, Claudia Lyon, Janice Prevost, Levastie LeBlanc, Nina Aven, Susan Broussard, Peter Modica Jr., James Baumgardner, John Gifford, Julie Lummus, Kathy Holland, Kayla Hickey, Miranda McClure, Donna Witt, Herman Dupuis, David Lopez, Harold Trantham, Matthew Jagoe, Brittany Chalmers, Glenn Fisher, Paige Ousley, Jade Ousley, Brooklyn Goldsmith, Aaron McNeil, Sandra Hoke, Brittany Yu, Donna Benefield, Donna Rogers, Hunter Puckett, Brenda Howard, Patricia Mires, Nancy Ramsey, Aaron Bland, Gena Guyote, Jessica Freeman, Kevin Doss, Mary Jennings, Tim Hughes, Trey Wild, Chris Andes, Joyce Dowdle, Roy Dunn, Karen McDuff, Laura Silva, Lindi Torson, Ryan Gunstream, Lorrie LeBlanc, Ed Worthy Jr., John Bertrand, Sherilyn Brister, Lynn Fields, Gail Griffith, Kelsey Miller, Linda Sims, Sarah Williams, Richard Granger, Ashley LaRose, Billy Frank Bradberry, Billy Killman, Logan Smith and Penny Robards. A FEW HAPPENINGS Leon Hale marked 90 years on May 30. Houston Chronicle published five columns in Sunday’s edition picked from his 21 best. Hired in 1949, for years he wrote a daily column for the old Houston Post and in 1984, when the Post sold to the Chronicle, he joined their staff. He began blogging in 2006. Leon Hale pays attention to what other writers say, like the quote Ellen Goodman wrote in 1981, “Writing a daily column is like being married to a nymphomaniac, just when you think you’re finished, you have to start all over.” He tacked the quote on his wall. In a way, I believe all column writers can relate to Goodman’s quote. It looks to me like I’m always starting over. I passed the five Chronicles on to my friend Neighbor Cox. I always save Leon’s columns for him. Sometime it’s three months before I get them to him but I thinks he enjoys them anyway.*****I always look forward to the CMT Country Music Awards, which will be held this year on June 8, with Kid Rock as host. *****A year ago, on June 2, 2010, our longtime friend Adolph Hryhorchuck died at age 83. ***On June 6, 2010, Harry Land, 66, died in a motorcycle accident. ***Our friend Lannie Claybar, died at age 57, on June 6, 1969 in Houston. He would be 99 years old today. ***The Wednesday Lunch Bunch will meet at Navrozsky’s this Wednesday, 12 noon, and next week at Robert’s Restaurant. Everyone is welcome to come out and join this great group of folks. *****June 5 is said to be the perfect Gemini day because it falls in

the middle of the sign. As many days on one side as on the other. Folks we know who celebrate on that day are Joyce Dowdle, Tim Hughes, Roy Dunn and Britt Godwin.*** Marline Perry also celebrated her special day on June 5. By the way, she and Ben Perry are expecting a little girl Gemini on June 17. Marlene’s first. Best wishes. I’m sure there are many others but those are the only ones on my calendar.***Our special friend Helen Harrington will celebrate June 6 and lovely Shirley Zimmerman celebrates June 7.*****Our FaceBook friends celebrating birthdays this week. On June 1, Christine Luce and Patches DeShafo, June 2, Kayla Hickey, June 5, Eli Curtis and Tommy Ferguson and June 7, Melinda Segelke***LAST WEEK’S SPECIAL BIRTHDAYS. A lovely lady we have known 50 years, Mary Majors, celebrated last week. Marking two birthdays in the same week are the Olson’s Barbara and David. I’m sure they combine the parties. *****Celebrating on May 26 is one of the prettiest women I’ve known. Years ago I wondered why she wasn’t in Hollywood. Even after all those years of living with Ron, Jean Moreau doesn’t show the wear of living with that eccentric guy. ***Pretty Cindy Claybar celebrated last week, also A.J. Lemoine, Jr., Jerald Smith and Don Picard. ***The pride of Dunnville, Dr. Amber, marked her special day on Memorial Day, May 30. She was alone in Cleveland, Ohio and was missed at home. Happy birthday to all. ***FaceBook friends celebrating are Cary Buckner, May 25; Cindy Gunn, May 26; Dan Brack, May 27. *****Happy 21st wedding anniversary to our friends Babette and constable Mark Philpott, who celebrated May 25.*****Mrs. Eula Mae Waters, age 81, of Bridge City, died Thursday, May 26. Services were held Tuesday May 31. She was a good lady. Our condolences to her family and friends. See Obit.*****We were sorry to hear about the accident that took the life of Robert “Bo” Weaver, Jr. 56, in Austin last week. “Bo” owned Weaver Crane and Mats in Bridge City and Nederland. Our deepest sympathies to his large family and many friends. Please see obit.*****Congrats to Andrew Havens, a B.C. grad, who graduated Summa Cum Laude and the honors program in mechanical engineering at Lamar with a 3.86 grade point average. Andrew has already been hired at Dupont SRW and reports to work in June.*****Lynn and Carol Emerson, after all these years in the grocery business, will get to retire. They have sold their convenience store, “The Store” at Roundbunch and Hwy. 408. Over the years they have been hard workers and deserve good to come their way. Our friends will be missed. They ran a good, clean store. They started in business when they were teenagers. They had one of the few American owned “C” stores left. ***** Former Gov. Sarah Palin made a star like entrance in D.C., riding the back of a Harley. When Palin resigned as the governor of Alaska, she and Todd owed a half-million dollars, today, she’s super rich, even paid $1 million cash for a home in Arizona. She knows how to play the money game and it doesn’t include running for president. Once she does and loses, her star power falls with her income. Right now, like Trump, she’s selling her Palin brand. Her only cause is to further her celebrity driven career. She knows how to jack um’ off. Folks will send money for a presidential race she will never make. Come August, she’ll announce she can do more for the cause from the outside and she’ll keep fighting for America and there will be plenty of folks out there that will buy it. She’s good. She sells her game as good as anyone, maybe even trumping Trump.*****I understand constable Mark Philpott has a white perch connection and judge David Peck wants in on it. I’m first in line however.*****Former constable John Ford was in town over the weekend attending the Orangefield graduation of his granddaughter. Son John and Gayle’s little beauty.*****Doctors Ozz and Mehmet say the seven most important foods are broccoli, oats, wheat brand, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, milk and red peppers. Why? Because they contain the most neglected nutrients, calcium, potassium, fiber, magnesium and vitamins A, C and E.*****We understand Bridge City Chamber Director Angela Beck has resigned effective June 3. Bridge City is a great community, with good community minded individuals and service minded groups. All pulling together they can accomplish a lot. Working together is the key. The Chamber needs to hire someone who will work towards that goal. Building the community should be a concerted effort among all organizations. United more and bigger accomplishments can be achieved, helping to grow the community is what it’s about. CAJUN STORY OF THE WEEK Asa Leleaux and his wife Telma were having some problems and were giving demselves da silent treatment. Asa realized him, dat da nex morning he would need Telma to wake him at 5 a.m. for an early morning flight to Houston for a company business trip. Not wanting to be da first one to break da silence (and loose) he wrote on a piece of paper, “Please wake me at 5 a.m.” He left da note where he knew Telma would find it. Da next morning Asa woke up to discover it was 8 a.m. and he had missed his flight. Furious, Asa was about to go see why Telma hadn’t woke him up wen he noticed a note on da coffee table. Da paper said, “It is now 5 a.m., wake up.” Dat’s wen da fight started. C’EST TOUT Texas lawmakers fail to balance the budget. They are now in a special session. Republicans hold every statewide office. The state is $27 billion in the deficit hole and after 144 days, they are still looking at balancing the budget on the backs of education and the elderly. The Tea Party presence has put Speaker Struas and Lt. Gov. Dewhurst in a position to have to fend off attacks from the extreme right wing of their party. Gov. Perry is taking a national bow, hoping to be invited to be the number two man on the national ticket. The new budget will have time bombs and no provisions for the 80,000 additional children expected to show up at schools next year. The state budget will have $4 billion less for schools. Lawmakers will also short change Medicaid, setting aside $5 billion less than will be needed. The Perry “Story” doesn’t mention the cost shifts to college students, local governments and tripling fees. Perry’s story shades the truth, like the claim of social fiscal management. He’s building his reputation on the backs of the people of Texas. It’s a different story once you get by the cover.*****When will this drought ever end? Some areas in Orange County have received less than two inches of rain this year, running 17 inches below normal. It will probably take a disturbance in the gulf or a tropical storm to get us caught up. Meanwhile, gardens, plants and lawns are burning up and no significant rain expected in the near future. Old timers say it’s the worse drought since 1953. I remember a few years ago when a drought hit, we had Neighbor Cox do his famous rain dance that he learned from the Indians growing up in Juaquin. It worked then, got rain within a week. He strips down and does his act at midnight. The only problem it has to be on a full moon and that’s not until June 15, two weeks away. That might be our only hope.*****Gotta go, thanks for coming along. When you can, please patronize our family of advertisers. Let them know we sent you. Keep up daily with us on our website therecordlive.com. Till next time, take care and God bless.

The Record • Week of Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Cowboy Cross Band offers free concert; Cowboy Church offers school

Penny LeLeux For The Record

Cowboy Church of Orange County held its first service three and a half years ago in a barn off Texas Highway 62. Since then, the church has experienced phenomenal growth; and so has their band. The Cowboy Cross Band plans a free concert at 6:30 p.m., Friday, June 10 at the current church location 673 FM 1078. “The first Sunday we met as a church, I went,” said George McConathy. “It was Oct. 14, 2007 at Dr. Jones’ Barn. They had a guest band that day and they were really good.” “That was the first time I had been to church in 17, 18, 19 years.” McConathy said he started going to the Monday night prayer meetings. Two men played acoustic guitar and a woman played keyboard. “That was the band,” said McConathy. They wished to add a drummer, bass, steel guitar and a singer. “They kept saying, ‘We need... all this stuff and have a real band.’” Though he hadn’t played in a long time, McConathy joined the band playing bass. “One thing led to another and people kept showing up,” said McConathy. “Now we’ve got a fiddle, we’ve got a steel guitar, bass, lead, rhythm, drums, you know-the whole works in there. It just all kinda fell together.” Now the band director of the Cowboy Cross Band; McConathy numbers the band members at “several.” The actual number of musicians fluctuates because many are shift workers or have other commitments.

Band members do not make their primary living from music, but Pam Scales Crew said the group would hold their own against most professionals. “We’ve had so many really top-notch musicians playing with us,” said McConathy. They play country gospel and songs that have been inspirationally re-worded. The concert will be followed by a free ice cream social. Also that weekend a special school will be presented 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Saturday, June 11. “The purpose of the school is to teach people pretty much everything they need to know about a Cowboy Church; what’s it all about,” said Pastor Dale Lee. “How to start one, how to keep them going, how they operate and what their purpose is. The schools are great. I’ve been to several of them and you can learn an awful lot. It gives you a totally different perspective on what Cowboy Church is about; what we do; and why we do it,” said Lee. What started as a core group of eight people meeting in a blue barn has grown to services with 400-450 in attendance almost every week. Sometimes it goes over the 500 seating capacity of the church. “I had no idea that it was going to grow that big, that fast. We just felt like the Lord was leading us to start a Cowboy Church here,” said Lee. Their goal was to reach people from the cowboy culture, but they found out their laid back style of doing things appeals to a lot of people that has nothing to do with being cowboy, “It’s very informal, come as you are. You don’t have to be dressed up, boots and jeans are welcome, and hats are welcome,” said Lee.

Belinda Malone, Sidney Malone, Tim Honeycutt, Doug Childress, Rachael Harbuck, Bert Hoffpauir, Rusty Honeycutt, Machael Rector, George McConathy, Ted Mitchell, Paul Welch and Pastor Dale Lee. RECORD PHOTO: Stump Weatherford

Several of the other things about Cowboy Church that appeals to people is the lack of an altar call and they do not pass the collection plate. “We have containers at the back of the church they can drop their offering in,” said McConathy. The church also has a full size arena with team roping and barrel racing events going on now. They also plan on holding rodeos and oth-

er events. “A lot of different things are going on at the Cowboy Church of Orange County,” said Lee. For more information on Cowboy Church of Orange County and the upcoming school contact Pastor Dale Lee at 409-718-0269 For more information on the Cowboy Cross Band contact George McConathy at 409-9883119.

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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Community Bulletin Board Thrift and Gift to host community garage sale Save the day! Saturday, June 4 from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. Thrift & Gift’s Community Garage Sale will take place. To reserve a space call 409-886-7649 for details. Sixteen plus spaces of merchandise will be available. Thrift & Gift will offer hot dogs, links, chips and drinks, and members and volunteers will sell baked goods. The shop and bargain will be open. This location is 350 37th Street off Strickland.

OC Retired Senior Citizens to meet June 13 The Orange County Retired Senior Citizens will meet at 10 am on Monday, June 13 at The Salvation Army building on MLK and Strickland. Please bring a covered dish for the noon meal. Also, Bingo prizes and soaps for Orange Christian Services. All seniors are welcome. Call 409-883-6161 for more information.

BCCC to host annual golf tournament The Bridge City Chamber of Commerce will be hosting their annual golf tournament on Monday, June 20 at the Sunset Grove Country Club in Orange. The shot gun tee will be at 8 a.m. and is going to be a four man scramble. Cost to play is $50 per player or $200 per team. Hole sponsorships are also available. Prizes will be given. Contact Angela Beck at 409-735-5671 for more information.

American Legion to host brisket lunch On Thursday, June 2, the American Legion Post 49, located at 108 Green Ave. in Orange, will host a lunch from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The lunch will include brisket, link, beans, potato salad, bread and dessert. The cost is $7 per plate. Walk-in’s are welcome and delivery is available. Call 409-886-9861 after noon on June 1 and before 9 a.m. on June 2 for delivery. All proceeds go back in to the American Legion Post 49, which is a non-profit Veteran Organization.

OC Radio Control Club to host 15th Annual Open Fun Fly Orange County R/C Club a local aeromodeling club is pleased to announce our 15th annual Open fun fly for SE Texas and SW Louisiana area clubs at our facility located at 10623 F.M. 1442, Orange. This event will be held on June 4 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and is open to the public, all pilots, pilots at heart and people that are just curious to see what areomodeling is all about. Refreshment and lunch available. Bring your family and lawn chairs for a fun filled day. The Orange County Radio Control Club is a local non-profit areomodeling organization founded in 1991 to promote aeromodeling and aeronautics.

Angel Food Ministries to take orders June 8 McDonald Memorial Baptist Church of Orange invites the public to place food orders from Angel Food Ministries on Wednesday, June 8. The times are 3 to 6 p.m. in the church office. Distribution date is Saturday, June 25 at 1 p.m. Food is available at various costs. Cash or LoneStar card accepted. The church location is the corner of South and Broad Streets, near the Lions Den Park. Area residents may contact the church office at 883-3974 for information.

WO City Council meeting rescheduled The June 13, 2011 meeting of the West Orange City Council has been rescheduled to June 20, 2011.

Farmers’ Market expands to Wednesdays The Orange County Farmers’ Market has opened for the season and expanded to include Wednesdays from 4-7 p.m., in addition to the usual 6:30-10 a.m. on Saturdays. The following items are now available: potatoes, green beans, squash (zucchini, yellow, and pattypan), greens, radishes, onions, beets, cucumbers, blueberries, a variety of jams and jellies, fresh eggs, honey, baked goods, and strawberry plants (Wednesday only). The market is held in the parking lot in front of Big Lots on MacArthur Drive. For additional information, contact Texas AgriLife at 882-7010.

CASA to offer volunteer training classes

American Legion Post 49 to host smoked brisket lunch The American Legion Post 49, located at 108 Green Ave. in Orange, will host a smoked brisket lunch on Thursday, June 2. The lunch will consist of smoked brisket, cole slaw, baked beans, potato salad, dessert and bread for $7. Delivery and walk-in’s are welcome. Please call after 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, June 1 and after 9 a.m. on June 2. The meal will be served between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. For more information, or to place an order, please call 409-886-9861 or fax to 409-886-1241.

American Legion Post 49 to host benefit for Jimmy “Jimbo” Johnson The American Legion Post 49, located at 108 Green Ave. in Orange, will host a benefit to help the family of Jimmy “Jimbo” Johnson on Saturday, June 11 from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Johnson, a Vietnam Veteran, recently diagnosed with cancer and is currently being kept comfortably at home by his wife of 21 years, Ila, and hospice. Johnson and his wife do not have any insurance and are need of help. This benefit will be an all day affair, which will include the sale of links, boudain, potato salad, beans, etc. Events scheduled throughout the day include a poker run, band (Cajun and Country), auctions and Dj’s. The American Legion will have set-up’s and coke for sale, BYOB is welcome. For more information, please call Taylor at 409-782-8583.

Benefit for Brennon Thomas Stanley on June 4

On June 4, a benefit for Brennon Thomas Stanley will be held Advocates for Children, Inc. “A CASA Program” will have a at the Starks Memorial VFW Post 4759 Hall. volunteer training class beginning July 7 and concluding July 9. Brennon is the five month old son of Brent and Ashleigh Ezell It will be 9 a.m until 5 p.m. daily at the Orange CASA office loStanley and his is in need of a liver transplant. cated at 2120 Gloria Dr. For more information call 409-886The benefit will begin at 11 a.m. and will feature the following 2272 or go on-line at www.advocates-4-children-inc.org There events: plate lunches, duck pond for kids, chair massages, live are abused children in our region that need your help! bands, live auction, raffle tickets, face painting for kids, etc. The community is encourage to come out and help Brennon. “Believe Heavenly Hearts Charity Pageant set for July 9 in love’s journey, for it is your own, for you are love. Love is life.” The Starks VFW is located at 4402 Hwy 12 in Starks. The 2011 Heavenly Hearts Summer Kings and Queens Charity Pageant will be held July 9 at the Bridge City Community Orange VFW to offer free Wii Bowling Center in Bridge City. Entries will be accepted until June 24. Early entries receive large discounts on the entry fee. Orange VFW is offering free Wii Bowling for members and Age divisions for boys and girls are from babies through adults their guests on Saturdays from 3 to 6 p.m. in the club room. with no residency requirement. Guests must be accompanied and signed in by a member of the Heavenly Hearts is a state registered pageant title. VFW or Ladies Auxiliary. For further information, contact the Crowns, trophies, embroidered sashes, plaques, and gifts will Club Room after 3 p.m. Monday through Saturday at 409-886be awarded. Every contestant will receive a tiara. 9738. This pageant will benefit the Bridge City - Orangefield Ministerial Alliance. Contestants and spectators are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food or personal hygiene item to distrib- WOHS Class of 1971 plans reunion ute to the needy of the area, and will receive a discount on door admission with their donation. The West Orange High School Class of 1971 has scheduled a For more information log on to the web site www.heavenly- 40th reunion for Saturday, July 9. The event will be held at the heartspageants.com or check out the Heavenly Hearts Facebook Sunset Grove Country Club in Orange. E-mail and mail notices page, or you may e-mail karimstringer@yahoo.com Businesses are forthcoming. The classes of 1970 and 1972 are also invited to are welcome to advertise free of charge with a donation of any attend. value to the event. For questions call Carolyn Reese Hankins at 409-886-8618 or Tommy White at 409-886-1176 or e-mail Judy Armstrong Brimm at judydi_73@yahoo.com.


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The Record • Week of Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Deaths and Memorials To Be held:

Marviana “Sis” Garrison McCarty Orangefield Marviana “Sis” Garrison McCarty went to the Lord May 30, after battling ALS for about six months. Funeral Service will be at 10 a.m., Thursday June 2, at First Baptist Church in Orangefield. Officiating will be Brother Forrest Wood. Interment will follow at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens. A gathering of family and friends will be from 5 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday at Claybar Funeral Home in Orange. She was born Sept. 13, 1925, to Hugh Garrison and Agnes Richard Garrison in Orangefield. She attended Orangefield schools and graduated from Orangefield High School in 1942. She moved to Houston where she met her first husband, Dan Ryder, Sr. They moved to Port Neches in 1954 and Dan Sr. died in 1960. While learning how to square dance, she met the quintessential cowboy, Thomas B. McCarty. They married in 1962 and moved back to Sis’s hometown of Orangefield. There she worked for Paul Cormier at Cormier Well Service as a clerk, secretary and bookkeeper for over forty years. She was a member of First Baptist Church in Orangefield. Sis enjoyed working in the yard tending her flowers and mowing grass. She loved to shop, especially with her late sister-in-law, Dorothy Garrison. They knew all the good deals at Sam’s. Sis was preceded in death by her parents; husbands, Dan Ryder Sr. and Tom McCarty and sister, Jeanette Garrison Snelson. There was a special place in Sis’s heart for her dog, Heidi, who also preceded her in death. She is survived by her sons, Brian Ryder and wife, Kerry of Tomball and Dan Ryder Jr. and wife, Sue of Orange; sister, Susie Phillips of Sulphur, La.; and brothers, Mike Garrison of Mauriceville and C.E. “Butch” Garrison and wife, Del of Hemphill. She has four granddaughters, Kate Kalstein and husband, Jon of Denver, Colo., Megan Gerald and husband, Brandon of Texas City, Kristy Ryder of Trinity and Bekah Ryder of Tomball; one great grandson, Parker Kalstein of Denver, Colo. and numerous nieces and nephews. The family requests that in lieu of flowers, memorial contributions be made to The ALS Association, Development Department, 27001 Agoura Road, Suite 250, Calabasas Hills, CA 91301 or to First Baptist Church of Orangefield, P.O. Box 288, Orangefield, TX 77639.

Johnnie Moreno Bridge City Johnnie Moreno, 88, of Bridge City passed away Monday May 30, in Orange. A funeral service will be at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 2, at Claybar Funeral Home in Bridge City. Interment will follow at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens. A gathering of family and friends will be on Wednesday from 5 to 9 p.m. at the funeral home. A rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. Mr. Moreno was born May 29, 1923 in Wiergate to Gabino and Eufrica Moreno. He served in the United States Army, fought in World War II and was a Purple Heart recipient. He retired from Texaco after working there for 36 years and had a life membership at the VFW. He is preceded in death by his parents; daughter, Lyidia Moreno; sister, Mary Humble and brothers, Junior and Albert Moreno. Those left to cherish his memory are his wife, Juanita Moreno; sons, Johnnie Moreno and Albert Moreno; grandchildren, Alexis and Lauren Moreno and great grandchildren, Anna and Addison Ramirez. He is also survived by his brothers, Joe, Isabell and

George and sisters, Petrcha, Eloise, Evon, Pearl, Alice, Margaret and Delores. Held:

Billy Richard Kemp Orange Billy Richard Kemp, 79, of Orange, passed away after brief illness on Saturday, May 28, in his home with family members at his side. Billy requested a private family service which was held at Dorman Funeral Home on May 29, followed by cremation. He was born Sept. 25, 1931 to Walter Lee Kemp and Verna Lee Kemp of Ackerman, Miss. Billy married Shirley Jeanette McHan on Jan. 27, 1951 and as part of a planned move to Michigan in search of employment in the automotive industry, they stopped in Orange, to visit family. The couple’s plans changed and they settled in Orange and Billy held various jobs before being hired by DuPont from which he retired in 1985 at the age of 53. He had many fond memories of his time and colleagues at DuPont, and many friendships endured until his death. Billy enjoyed gardening, fishing, camping and traveling, including several trips abroad. He was known for his strong opinions (some called them “facts”), but he was also known to be eager and willing to do anything for anybody. He was multi-talented in the things he could do, and he took pride in making sure to do them all “right”. He enjoyed teaching his children and others how to do things for themselves. Until his final day, Billy was passionate about current events and their effect on those less fortunate and powerful. He badly wanted to inspire and enable grass-roots uprisings to fight the injustices he saw, but realizing he did not have the skills required he tried endlessly to motivate others to do so. He is survived by his wife Shirley; brother Walter Jr. (“W.L.”); three sons: Gary with wife Alice, Tracy with wife Mary, and Terry; five grandchildren: Chad with wife Ashley, Brent, Clayton, Preston, and Austin; one step-great grandson, Caden; one great granddaughter, Abigail Royall; and a great grandson expected in September. He was predeceased by his sister, Winnie Ruth (“Baby Ruth”) Kemp. In his final days, Billy commented to family members that he knew this would happen sooner or later – he just never expected it to be sooner. In lieu of flowers, he would rather you honor his memory by acknowledging that the time for all here is short, and to savor it rather than rush through seeking something that is not there.

Romeo R. Lugo A devoted husband, wonderful father and expert fisherman was called home to the waiting arms of Christ on May 18, due to coronary heart disease. Romeo was born on Oct. 3, 1934. A Mass of Resurrection was held on Thursday, May 26, at the Blessed John XXIII (formerly known as St. Thomas), located at 222 E. Easton in Rialto, Calif. A burial followed at Montecito Cemetery. He was a determined and strong-willed man who lived 77 years, despite the many health problems he faced. He lived fully, passionately and commanded each day with vitality. His passing will a deep void for his wife, family and friends. Romeo is survived by his loving wife of 53 years, Amelia Abrego Lugo; his four childlen: Romeo Lugo Jr and wife Sarah, Ana Lugo and her husband Gary, James Lugo and his wife Glenna, and Elena Klopfer and her husband Rickey; and six grandchildren: Eric Lugo and his wife Kristy, Marc Lugo, Shelby and Zoe Klopfer, and Jami and Glen Lugo. He is also survived by three sisters and their spouses, man nieces and nephews, and friends. Romeo was preceded in death

by his parents Roberto C. Lugo, Luz Tayles and Frances Lugo, as well as his brother, Robert Lugo. Romeo was a retired Staff Sgt. From the U.S. Air Force. He was a veteran of the Vietnam War and served his country proudly. He was a retired sheet metal specialist of 20 years from Long Beach Naval Shipyard. He loved going out places with his wife and his number one hobby was fishing. No one will forget his way of teasing. He always made a distinct impression. We know he is casting his reel looking for the next catch! Rest in peace!

William “Bill” Jerry Seal Orange William “Bill” Jerry Seal, 76, of Orange died Wednesday May 25, 2011, at Baptist Orange Hospital. Funeral Services were held on Friday, May 27, at Claybar Funeral Home Chapel in Orange. with the Rev. David Turner of Little Cypress Baptist Church officiating. Burial followed at Ida Wilson Cemetery in Echo. Born in Orange on Nov. 11, 1934, Bill was the son of William P. and Lucina (Cloud) Seal. He was a graduate of Little Cypress High School in 1953, later served in the U.S. Air Force and was an operator at DuPont. He was a member of Little Cypress Baptist Church, the Little Cypress Lions Club, the LC-M Athletic Booster Club, the Orange Master Gardeners and the Little Cypress Volunteer Fire Department. Bill loved his grandchildren very much. He was preceded in death by his parents; and brothers, A.D. Mayo, Jesse Mayo, J.B. Ezell and Danny Seal. Bill is survived by his wife of 50 years, Mavis Yellott Seal of Orange; daughters and sonsin-law, Debra and Ron Inman of Maypearl, Diana and Greg Perry of Mauriceville and Donna and Ernest Beadle of Greenville, Miss.; and son, William Seal of Littleton, Colo. He is also survived by his grandchildren, Alison Inman, Warren Beadle, Jonathan Inman, Michael Inman, Steven Perry, Martin Beadle, Brandon Perry, and Anna Leigh Beadle; and sister, Betty Ellis Stanfield of Orange. Serving as pallbearers will be grandsons, Warren Beadle, Jonathan Inman, Michael Inman, Steven Perry, Martin Beadle and Brandon Perry. Honorary pallbearers will be Robert Miller, Wayne Dougharty and Jesse Simmons. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Little Cypress Baptist Church, Room for God’s Children Building Fund, 3274 Little Cypress Drive, Orange, Texas 77632.

Julian “Mitch” Landry Orange On May 22, Julian “ M i t c h ” Landry left this earth to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A Graveside Service was held on Saturday, May 28 at Evergreen Cemetery in Orange under the direction of Dorman Funeral Home. Mitch was a great man who impacted so many with his gentle manner, friendly smile and sense of humor. Many summarize one’s life by where they worked and others with where they lived. We will sum up Mitch’s life with how he lived. In one word, Mitch was a servant. He served the world trying to bring honor to God and Jesus. He did this by spending many evenings coaching young men in sports. Other times he taught and shared his love of the outdoors by taking friends and family hunting and fishing. He was often seen visiting people in the hospital or at home. Mitch loved people and people loved Mitch. No matter where you came to know him (DuPont, Fishing, Hunting, Golfing, Church, Wal-

Mart, etc.) one thing is for sure, he lived life and brought honor to his family and the Lord. He will be greatly missed but his influence lives on in this world via his friends and family. Mitch was a great man among men, truly a special person. His was preceded in death by his wife of 50 years in 2001, Barbara Anne Hughes Landry. Those left to cherish his memory are his daughter, Julie Anne Shelton and Family of Valdosta, Ga.; his sons, Dr. Michael Landry and family of Cypress,Texas, Mitch Landry and family of Wimberley, Texas, Richard Landry and family of Round Rock, Texas; his brother, Dick Landry and family of Conroe; his sister in law, Betty Hughes Lavergne and family of Richardson, Texas; his brother in laws, Jimmy Hughes and family of Jackson, Miss., Yerby Hughes and family of Meridian, Miss. and a host of friends and family.

Jimmie Lee Disedare Orange Jimmie Lee Disedare, 74, of Orange , passed away Thursday, May 26, at his home. Graveside services to remember his life were held Saturday, May 28, at Autumn Oaks Memorial Park in Orange with Sister Ruth Logan Burch officiating. Services were under the direction of Dorman Funeral Home in Orange. Jimmie was born on April 14, 1937 in Natchitoches , La. to his parents, James Disedare and Virgie Lee (Barbo) Disedare, he lived in Orange for the last 40 years and was a member of the Harvest Chapel Church in West Orange. Jimmie worked as a Diesel Mechanic for Beaumont Fuel Injection in Beaumont and was a veteran of the United States Army. He enjoyed woodwork, playing his guitar, singing and he was a Dallas Cowboy fan. Jimmie is preceded in death by his parents and his son, Marshall Lee Disedare. Those who will most cherish his memory are his wife, Janet Sue Shields Disedare of Orange; his daughters, Zina Herrington and husband, Gary of Henderson, Texas and Tisha Armentrout and husband, Avant of Vidor; his brother, J.W. Disedare of Bossier City, La. ; five grandchildren; five great grandchildren and numerous extended family.

Deborah Ann Shilo Houston Deborah Ann Shilo, 60, former resident of Orange, passed away on Sunday, May 22 in Houston. The Celebration of Life for Deborah was held Saturday at the Mount Olive Baptist Church. Rev. Ronnie A.E. Crockett Sr., pastor, will officiate. The Rev. Langston Gilliam, pastor of the First Central Garden Missionary Baptist Church of Houston will deliver the Celebration Message. Rites of Christian Burial followed in Magnolia Memorial Gardens under the direction of Sparrow Funeral Home. A native of Lafayette, La., she was raised in Orange and was a 1969 graduate of Lutcher Stark High School. Moving to Houston, she furthered her education by obtaining a degree in IBM Keypunch, an Associate’s of Arts Degree, a Bachelor’s in Social Work, and a Certification in Nurse’s Aide Registry. An active member of the First Central Garden Missionary Baptist Church, she was a member of the choir, served on the Usher Board, and was the Black African Art Exhibitor. She was also active with the Shape Community Center, the Black Heritage Society, the Katrina Homeless Project, and Habitat for Humanity, and was a City of Houston Election volunteer. Employed by the Select Specialty Heights Hospital for many years, she was a member of the National Association of Social

Workers, the National Association of Black Social Workers, the Elders Institute of Wisdom, the Houston Change Committee, and the Old Landmark Baptist District Association. She is survived by her daughter, India “Precious” Shilo; companion, Preston Robinson; mother, Rena Mae Shankle; father, Mitchell Shilo; four sisters, Kathleen “Tena” Moore, Sandra “Gail” Ballard, Donna Shilo, and Barbara Shankle; three brothers, Warren Shilo, and Keith Shankle, all of Houston, and Michael Shilo of Opelousas, La.

Raymond Landry Bridge City R a y mond Roger Landry, 57, of Bridge City died Friday, May 27, at Baptist Orange Hospital. Funeral Services were held on Monday, May 30, at Claybar Funeral Home Chapel in Bridge City with the Rev. Jeff Bell of Calvary Baptist Church in Port Acres officiating. Burial followed at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens near Bridge City. Born in Port Arthur on June 3, 1953, Raymond was the son of Ulysses and Birdie (Duhon) Landry. He served in the Air National Guard and was a Pumper at Motiva. Raymond enjoyed being with his family, BBQ’s, watching NASCAR and playing golf. His grandchildren were the light of his life. Preceded in death by his parents and brother, Rene Landry, Raymond is survived by his wife, Patricia (Uzzle) Landry of Bridge City; son and daughter-in-law, Michael and Jennifer Landry of Beaumont; daughter and sonin-law, Lea and Steven LeJeune of Bridge City; and sons and daughters-in-law, Derek and Julie Landry of Orange, and Ryan and Paula Landry of Beaumont. He is also survived by his eight grandchildren, Benjamin Landry, Chloe, Zachary and Nicholas LeJeune, Brandon Roy, Bryce, Breanna and Brett Landry; and brothers, Eugene Landry of Roundrock and Robert Landry of Spring. Serving as Pallbearers were Raymond’s friends from Motiva.

Pauline Barber Fitchett Orange Pauline Barber Fitchett, age 103, of Orange, Texas died Wednesday May 25, in Austin. A private burial service was held Saturday at Orange Forest Lawn Cemetery officiated by Reverend Mike Umbenhaur. Pauline was born in McCrory, Ark. to Frank and Emma Smith Barber. She spent most of her life in Orange. She was a nurse, teacher, and fabric shop owner. In later years, she was a dormitory director for five hundred girls at Nichols State University in Thibodaux, La. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joseph Wesley Fitchett and her grandson, Mark Simmons. She is survived by her two daughters, Frances Simmons of Austin and Norma Josephine

Crew with husband Bob Crew of Orange. Also three grandsons: Walt Simmons, Robert Crew and John Crew; five great grandchildren and one great-great granddaughter.

Lea Rachal (Bennett) Tate Orange Funeral services for Lea Rachal (Bennett) Tate, 38, of Orange were held Friday, May 27, at the Claybar Ke lley-Watkins Chapel in Beaumont. Interment followed in the Haven of Rest Cemetery. Lea was born Oct. 30, 1972 in Beaumont and passed away May 22, in Orange. She was a former longtime resident of Beaumont and had worked as a sales representative for several area car dealerships and attended Stephen F. Austin University as the recipient of several scholarships. She especially loved her family, friends, music and above all her dear son Sterling. Her bright smile and laughter will be greatly missed by all. She was preceded in death by her grandparents, Dr. N. T. and Eloise Bennett, and Glenn Rachal. Those left to cherish her memory are her mother, Sharron Bennett Rollins and husband, Ron of Beaumont; father, George Bennett and Elsie of Beaumont; grandmother, Ruby Rachal of Orange; son, Sterling Tate of Orange; brother, John Bennett of Bevil Oaks; aunts, Glenna Baskin, Denise Nichols, Annella Nelson, and Gaar Bennett; uncles, Kenneth Bennett, Joe Bennett, Noel T. Bennett Jr., and Schultz Bennett; and nephews, cousins and friends. Steven Lombardo, T. J. Wormer, Greg Gonzales, Jerry Baskin, Tray Tate, Dalton Bennett, John Bennett and Dean Schlett served as pallbearers. Honorary pallbearers were Drew Bennett and Holly Babineaux.

Billie “Molly” Raye Smith Orange B i l l i e “Molly” Raye Smith, 68, of Orange died Wednesday May 25, at The Meadows in Orange. A Graveside Service were held on Saturday, May 28, at Orange Forest Lawn Cemetery in West Orange with the Rev. Frank Fuller of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Beaumont officiating. Born in Chattanooga, Tennessee on Nov. 9, 1942, Molly was the daughter of Ray and Rebecca (Webb) Roper. She loved her grandchildren very much. Molly is survived by her husband, Kenneth Smith; daughter and son-in-law, Rebecca and Mark Underhill of Port Arthur; sons and daughter-in-law, Webb Rhodes of Orange, and Joseph and Carolyn Rhodes of Port Neches; and five grandchildren, Robert, Allison and Michael Underhill, Alex and Victoria Rhodes.



• The Record • Week of Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cookin’ with Katherine: Katherine Aras

Breakfast Pizza

For The Record

Eat Purple For Good Health Scientists believe that eating purple fruit may help ward off age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s, heart problems, and cancer. The chances of getting multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease may also be reduced by consuming blueberries, blackberries, blackcurrants or plums, according to a study by the University of Manchester. Researchers say one or two of the recommended five daily portions of fruits and vegeta-

bles should be purple fruit. A substance in purple fruit helps fight the harmful effects of iron, which can damage cells if it makes its way through the digestive system in the wrong form. Polyphenols, which make blueberries and other fruits purple, are able to grab iron and keep it out of harm’s way. Green tea contains a similar compound, as does curcumin, the key ingredient of the curry spice turmeric.

Are you excited about the weekend? Woohoo! Some of you will have to cook for company, and some of you are going away and will not have to cook. Be sure and save this recipe for when you do want to cook something special for yourself or your loved ones. The recipe is for sausage and egg breakfast pizza. Older children, younger children, moms and dads, I assure you will all love this recipe. The great thing about this recipe is that you can add any of your favorite toppings. For instance, if you like bacon better than sausage, just change it out or maybe you will want to add both. Do not be afraid to experiment. Whatever you choose, the recipe I am giving you is great just the way it reads! A little tip is if you are planning on loading the pizza with lots of toppings, you can choose to buy a store bought prepared pizza crust, as it will hold up better. Look forward to seeing you at one of our Saturday Brunches. Have a great week and happy eating! 2 pkg. refrigerated crescent rolls or pizza crust 1 lb. bulk pork sausage (Jimmy Dean) 1/3 cup of chopped onion 1 small green pepper chopped 1 envelope country gravy mix

6 eggs 2 Tbsp. milk ½ tsp. salt ¼ tsp. pepper 1 tbsp. butter 1-1/4 cups sliced fresh mushrooms 2 cups (8oz.) shredded cheddar cheese 1 cup (4oz.) pepper Jack cheese Separate crescent dough into 16 triangles and place on a greased 14-inch round pizza pan with points toward the center. Press onto the bottom and up the sides of pan to form a crust; seal the seams. Bake at 375 for 11-13 minutes, or until golden brown. Meanwhile, in a skillet, cook the sau-

Look Who’s Cooking now

Wyatt’s Eggplant Dressing Country Cookin’ by Von Broussard W h i l e thumbing through my second cook book for a recipe for the paper, I ran across one of my first recipes I put in the paper Von Broussard 10 years ago. Just incase you are too young to remember Wyatt’s Cafeteria you have really missed a treat. Their food was out of this world especially their eggplant dressing. I was able to locate an old friend, Wynona Macafee Johnson, that had saved the recipe when they had put it out for the customers. They did that quite often for their Gooder’n Syrup recipes. She loaned it to me. 1lb eggplant pealed 1/2 cup canned milk

1/4 cup melted butter 1/4 cup finely chopped green peppers 1/4 cup celery finely chopped 2 eggs slightly beaten 1/4 tsp. sage 4 oz. grated cheddar cheese 1/2 lb dried bread crumbs 1/4 cup whole milk 1/4 cup finely chopped onion 2 tsp. salt 2 Tbsp. finely chopped pimento 1/2 tsp pepper Cut peeled eggplant into one inch cubes and soak in salt water in the refrigerator over night (minimum 6 hours). Drain eggplant and place in pan and cover with water and simmer until tender. Soak bread crumbs in milk. Saute green peppers, onion, and celery in melted butter for about 15 minutes or until tender. Combine cooked eggplant, bread, and vegetables. Add eggs, pimento, and

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cheese and return to oven until cheese melts. Gooder’n Syrup. Von.


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sage, onion and green pepper over medium heat until sausage is no longer pink; drain. Prepare gravy according to package directions. Stir into sausage mixture; set aside. In a small bowl, whisk the eggs, milk, salt and pepper. In a large skillet, heat butter over medium heat. Add egg mixture; cook and stir until almost set. Spread gravy mixture over crust. Top with egg mixture, mushrooms and cheeses. Bake 5-10 minutes longer or until cheese is melted. Cut into wedges. Katherine Aras Look Who’s Cooking Now (409)670-3144

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The Record • Week of Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Record Announcements

Roman Carpenter Graduates Well it’s been a long hard road, but he made it and did it with top honors! Roman Carpenter graduated with a Masters of Science in Nursing, with a perfect 4.0 GPA. He is now a licensed Family Nurse Practitioner, and is now practicing in the Mid County area. We are so proud of you Roman! Love Jill, Colby Carsen & Caryss Mom and Dad Melinda and Steve And all the rest of your family and friends!

To place your announcement in The Record, call 886-7183


Natural Bug Free Summer Summertime, the old song goes, and the livin’ is easy. Whether you’re lounging on the beach or by the lake to picnicking in the park, spending time outdoors with friends and family is what warm weather is all about. But summertime can also be full of buzzing, biting pests. Uninvited guests -- particularly mosquitoes and other pesky insects -- can ruin the fun. Even worse, they can be dangerous. Using traditional, synthetic insect repellents is one way

School Is Out By Pearl Burgess

School os out and I’ve made my plan First to the beach so I can walk in the sand. Watching sand pipers running to and fro I’ll pick up my pack, there are places to go.

Lucas Adams

Some nights I’ll sleep under moon and stars Away from the sound of fast moving cars. Out on the back roads, I’ll ride my bike Then through the woods, I’ll take a hike.

Mason Adams

In National Parks, I’ll see bears and deer The call of eagles will seem very near. I’ll stop and look with heartfelt pride Famous faces carved on the mountain side.

Six year old twins Mason Adams and Lucas Adams recently received their kindergarten diplomas from Evadale Elementary and will proudly go on to be the senior class of 2023. Mason was awarded the following: Top 100 Club, Math Star Student, Spelling Star Student, First Place Winner in the Evadale Volunteer Fire Department Fire Safety Poster contest and Perfect Attendance. Mason’s perfect attendance award came with a $50 VISA gift card that he will share with his brother on a summer trip to Parkdale Mall. Lucas was awarded the following: Top 100 Club, Math Star Student, Reading Star Student and Second Place Winner in the Evadale Volunteer Fire Department Fire Safety Poster contest. Family members are beaming with pride at their accomplishments throughout the year. Way To Go! Love, Mom, Nana Becky & The Whole Family

I’ll see interesting sights from shore to shore All in between I’ll take in much more. Amazing views will take my breath away Making me proud of the great U.S.A. Traveling this land will be so much fun Under starry nights and days of sun. Great adventures await me while school is out “America the Beautiful” I’ll sing and shout!

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of dealing with bugs, but the potential risks have many people thinking twice about slathering synthetic, manmade pesticides on their skin, clothing and equipment. So what alternatives are there for people who’d rather stay away from man-made repellents? According to tests conducted over a 17-year period by the University of Florida, Gainesville, Geraniol, the plant-based active ingredient in BugBand, has been proven effective in repelling a wide variety of insects. BugBand insect repellent is available in several forms, including wristbands, pump spray, towelettes and a diffuser. For more information, visit www. bugband.net. • Don’t underestimate bugs. They may be small, but they can pack a wallop. Have a healthy respect for the damage insects can inflict, whether it’s as minor as irritating, itchy bites or as major as a potentially life-threatening disease like West Nile Virus. • Cover up. Exposed skin can be like an all-you-caneat buffet for bugs. Cut down on the amount of open area by wearing lightweight long pants, long-sleeved shirts, socks, caps, and closed-toed shoes. • Eliminate standing water. Still, murky water can be the perfect breeding ground for insects. Dump water from pots, wheelbarrows, tarps and gutters to cut down on locations that can attract bugs. • Know your enemy. Pay attention to when the bugs in your area are the most active, typically around dusk and dawn, and plan accordingly. Stay away from prime insect locations like wetlands, marshes or deep woods. • Get involved. Encourage your community officials to do everything they can to control bugs through proactive insect management programs. Whether you’re flipping burgers on the grill, golfing, camping, hunting or hosting a backyard get-together, if you’re armed with the right family-friendly repellent -and the right information -you can keep the bugs at bay.



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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Bridge City Cardinals battle to the end


See Story Next Page

Cardinal senior pitcher Forest Zoch threw nearly 140 pitches against the Robinson Rockets on Saturday in the Region III semifinal round of the state playoffs. RECORD PHOTOS: Mark Dunn

Cardinal senior designated runner Jason Broussard sprints to third base during playoff action against Robinson in Magnolia.

Zack Smith fields a Robinson hit in Game Two of the semifinal playoff series.

Bryce Sampere scores for the Cardinals against the Robinson Rockets.


• The Record • Week of Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Matt Menard on deck against Robinson. RECORD PHOTOS: Mark Dunn

Zack Smith snags a Robinson hit for the out.

Bridge City head baseball coach Chad Landry call a team meeting during Game Two of the regional semifinal against Robinson.

Sophomore Bryce Sampere became a big part of the Cardinal success in 2011.

The Bridge City Cardinals congratulate Cameron Dishon after scoring against Robinson.

Great season for Cardinals has tough ending Joey Encalade Hometown Baseball For The Record

Another fantastic season has come to an end in Orange County baseball and for the Bridge City Cardinals. The Robinson Rockets swept the region semi-final series 2-0. In Coach Landry’s first three years, the Cardinals have reached this round every year. The Cardinals ended their season record with an 8-2 record and the district title for their twentieth time in school history, and a 21-12-1 overall

record. Bridge City lost the first region semifinal game 8-1 against the Rockets. The Rockets used eight hits to score their runs. They scored one run in the first inning, four runs in the second inning, and three in the fifth inning. Rockets’ star pitcher Chad Hollingsworth kept the Cardinals in check; pitching a complete game giving up five hits, walking two, and striking

out ten. The Cardinals scored their only run in the third inning. Brandon Simoneaux hit a single, went to second on a Matt Menard single, took third on a pass ball, and scored on a Hollingsworth balk. Zach Smith, Matt Menard and Dylan Mulhollan both had singles in the contest. Jacob Lemoine pitched one and two-thirds innings giving up four hits, walking three, and striking out two. Hayden Guidry pitched two and twothirds innings giving up two hits, walking one, and striking out one. Preston Pitman fin-




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ished the game with two and two-thirds innings, giving up two hits, walking one, and striking out five. Game Two of the playoff series was a wild and crazy game; a game with twenty-five runs scored and twenty-nine base hits.

The Cardinals struck first with a four run second inning, only to see the Rockets counter with three in the bottom of the inning. Bridge City scored three more in the top of the third to Robinsons’ one to take a 7-4 lead. In the fourth, Bridge City scored one, while Robin-

son added five in the bottom to take a 9-8 lead. The Cardinals reclaimed the lead in the fifth inning, by putting up three runs. They kept Robinson off of the board for an 11-9 ball game. Robinson returned HOMETOWN PAGE 3B

The Record • Week of Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hometown baseball

From Page 2B

Cardinal senior Brandon Simoneaux scores and is greeted by Zack Smith.

the favor to Bridge City and kept the Cardinals off the board in the sixth, and scored one run in their bottom half of the inning, to narrow the lead to 11-10. In the seventh inning, the Cardinals scored to take a 12-10 lead heading into the bottom of the inning, but the Rockets loaded the bases and Rockets’ hitter Hunter Abbe hit a walk off, bases clearing double to take the wild game 13-12. The Rockets will face LaGrange in the regional finals. Bridge City senior Forrest Zoch pitched into the seventh inning, giving up thirteen hits, walking five, and striking out four. Hayden Guidry entered the game with two on in the seventh. He walked the first batter he faced to load the bases before giving up the double to Abbe. Zoch added a two run homer in the second inning. Bryce Sampere and Cameron Dishon each had three hits in the game. Sampere with a double and two singles, and Dishon with three singles. Dylan Mulhollan and Preston Pitman both had two hits apiece, a double and a single. Brandon Simoneaux had two singles, and Zach Smith and Matt Menard each had a single. I would like to congratulate Coach Landry, Coach Laird, Coach Moore, and the Cardinals team for another nice run in the playoffs. The Cardinals say goodbye to six seniors, Taylor Day, Brandon Simoneaux, Jason Broussard, Forrest Zoch, Anthony Rodriguez and Dylan Mulhollan as they move on to another phase of their lives. It’s been another fun and exciting year. See you at the park! (Next year)

Suzanne Schaper

BCHS Class of 1991 to hold 20 year reunion

The Robinson Rockets explode in celebration winning in the bottom of the 7th inning.

‘04 Chevy Monte Car.


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The 1991 graduating class of Bridge City High will hold their 20 year class reunion on the weekend of Aug. 12-13. There will be a private party at Madison’s in Beaumont at 8 p.m. on Aug. 12. A family skating party will be held at Spinnin’ Wheels in Orange at 11 a.m. on Aug. 13. The reunion will end with a party at Sunset Grove Country Club in Orange at 7 p.m. on Aug. 13. Early bird ticket prices are $40 for individuals and $75 for couples by June 15. For more information, email Malinda Boudreaux mboudreaux1@ gt.rr.com, and Christy Dobranski at crstydski@gmail.com.

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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Just a matter of being able to get there DICKE COLBURN For The Record

This past Thursday was one of those very rare days when Mother Nature finally inhaled for eight or ten hours and those fortunate enough to get on the water got a glimpse of just how good the fishing can be on Sabine Lake right now. It hasn’t stopped blowing since, but a number of questions were quickly answered once we discovered that we could fish anywhere we wanted to on the lake for a change. Even with much of the lake pretty silted up due to the relentless winds, folks caught fish on a wide variety of patterns and lures throughout the day. Easily the biggest surprise was the number of gulls working over schooling fish all over the north end of the lake. Acres of surfacing shad are attracting the largest schools of fish, but the flocks of gulls working over shrimp pointed the way to the larger trout. Most of the fish under the huge schools of juvenile shad were a mixture of small trout, sand trout and gafftop catfish. The smaller groups of gulls and the birds sitting on the water were picking at shrimp and the trout chasing them to the surface were mostly 17 to 20 inch fish. We had several guides working a large party and it seemed like every guide had a different favorite color that worked. Most agreed, however, that regardless of color, the longer 5-inch tails produced better fish. I really wasn’t prepared to find myself right in the middle of all of that gull action and for some reason never tied on the first Crazy Croaker. I mention that for two reasons. Over the past two years we have done much better on quality fish using the Crazy Croaker rather than a tail or even a topwater when fishing for trout chasing shrimp. The second reason is that by the time I had my boat cleaned up that night I had already received two calls from clients that had fished with me before, reporting that they had just pounded the trout all day long on a pumpkin-chartreuse Crazy Croaker! I don’t know that the wind will ever quit blowing again, but I have six of those little “do-nothing” looking lures lying out on my console just so I don’t forget next time. School trout just love them and you can cast them out of sight. If you add them to your arsenal, and you should, don’t forget to fish them with some type of in-line swivel or they will twist your line! We spent much of that perfect day hustling reds rather than chasing gulls and did well. We never found the first red under the birds, but we did find two different schools of redfish chasing shrimp on the surface in very shallow water. We tied on River 2 Sea Swim Baits and never took them off the rest of the day. They are one of the newer Swim Baits on the market and the body is just a smidgen narrower than the rest, but the fish don’t seem to care. They are the same length and weight as the rest and best of all, more reasonably priced. They come in a wide

WILLS -- PROBATE Paul M. Fukuda Attorney At Law

Call 883-HELP This Attorney is Licensed to Practice Law by the State Bar of Texas in all State Courts and is Not Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in any one area.

CRIMINAL LAW variety of very productive colors. The bite on the revetment wall was also on fire as at least one fish over eight-pounds fell for a topwater lure as well as several more over the six pound mark. Most of the bragging size fish hit topwaters, but five inch tails rigged on a quarter ounce head caught their fair share as well. Assassins, TTF Trout Killers and Tidal Surge Mullets in both Texas Roach and plum-chartreuse all worked well. At the same time all of that was going on, Harold and Miriam Sallier called to say that they limited on trout up to four pounds before eight o’clock that morning fishing mud minnows on the bottom on the edge of the ICW south of Stewts. “We were just hoping to catch a few flounder and maybe a redfish,” said Harold, “and lo and behold we limit on trout!” Jonathan Simon has apparently hit a home run with his Tuesday afternoon bass tournaments on the river. As I speculated in last week’s column, the size of the field did double for last week’s tournament. The one thing that did not change was the team collecting most of the money at the end of the day. The only difference was that Hunter Gothia was back in the boat with Trey Smith and they not only had the winning stringer, but the big bass to boot. Their three bass total was 6.53- pounds and their big bass weighed 2.50 pounds. They split a $600 check for their effort. David Jaynes and Donnie Ratcliff cashed the second place check and the team of Aaron Castino and Robert Jackson finished third. The Smith-Gothia team has won the first two events and this could very well turn into the Smith-Gothia Invitational if the rest of the field doesn’t figure out that this is the result of logging time on the water and not an accident. They both spend a great deal of time on the river eliminating unproductive water which is a critical factor when you have only three hours to fish. At least for right now, I am betting that they are sharing the boat with the only other person that could beat either of them on a consistent basis. Now there’s a challenge for not only Smith and Gothia, but the rest of this week’s field as well!

Read The Record online at TheRecordLive.com!

DIVORCE ~ CUSTODY Paul M. Fukuda Attorney At Law

Call 883-HELP This Attorney is Licensed to Practice Law by the State Bar of Texas in all State Courts and is Not Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in any one area.


The Record • Week of Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Pat Riley knows how to build a basketball dynasty


JOE KAZMAR For The Record

If there was one thing that Miami Heat’s President Pat Riley learned about growing up in Schenectady, N. Y. during the 1950’s, it was how to win and what it takes to build a winning team that could even turn into that over-used term—a dynasty. Riley was surrounded by the will to win, even as a young boy, with his Dad Lee Riley, who played 22 years as a mi-

nor league baseball player and later as a very successful minor league manager. His older brother Lee, Jr. was a football player with the old New York Titans of the American Football League. That effort it takes to be a winner was prevalent every day in his household and it just automatically rubbed off on Pat at a very young age. He was the star basketball player in the sixth grade at St. Joseph’s

Catholic School and continued to be the main man on the court at Linton High School, where he was named as a high school All-American. One of the highlights of his high school career was Linton High’s 74-68 victory over New York City’s Power Memorial on Dec. 29, 1961 whose star player was a tall skinny kid named Lew Alcindor (who later changed his name to Kareem Abdul Jabbar and was coached by Riley on the Los Angeles Lakers). Riley called that game against Power Memorial, “One of the greatest games in the

history of Schenectady basketball.” When that career ended, after Linton won just about every accolade available in the state of New York at the time, nearly every major college in the nation was after him to sign a basketball scholarship, with Adolph Rupp coming out the winner and landing Riley at the University of Kentucky. Rupp built a pretty good dynasty of his own at Lexington, coaching the Wildcats from 1931-1972 and landing third on the all-time list of winning college coaches with 876 career victories, behind

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only Bobby Knight and Dean Smith. Riley was a two-sport athlete at Kentucky playing both basketball and football. But he starred as a basketball player and as a junior on the 1966 Wildcats team that finished No. 1 in the nation, Riley was named first-team AllSEC, All-NCAA Tournament Team, NCAA Regional Player of the Year, SEC Player of the Year and AP Third Team AllAmerican. Riley was selected by the San Diego Rockets in the first round of the 1967 NBA draft and was also drafted as a wide receiver by the Dallas Cowboys in the 11th round of the 1967 NFL draft. He joined the Rockets and was later selected by the Portland Trail Blazers in the 1970 NBA expansion draft, but immediately traded to the Los Angeles Lakers, where he helped them win the 1972 NBA Championship. He retired after the 1975-76 season as a member of the Western Conference champion Phoenix Suns. Riley returned to the NBA in 1977 as a broadcaster for the Lakers. During the 197980 season when the team’s head coach Jack McKinney was injured in a near-fatal bicycle accident, assistant Paul Westhead took over the team’s head coaching duties and Riley moved from the broadcast booth to the bench as one of Westhead’s assistants. Six games into the 1981-82 season Magic Johnson said he was unhappy playing for Westhead and wanted to be traded. So Lakers’ owner Jerry Buss instead fired Westhead and made Riley head coach. The rest is history. Riley led the Lakers to four consecutive NBA Finals appearances, with his first title coming in his first season against the Philadelphia 76ers. His Lakers’ four-year Western Conference streak was broken in 1986 by the Houston Rockets, so Riley put together a Lakers team that is considered one of the best teams of all times. With future Hall of Famers Magic Johnson, Jabbar and James Worthy as a nucleus surrounded by Michael Cooper, Byron Scott, A.C. Green, Mychal Thompson and Kurt Rambis, the Lakers finished 65-17 in the regular season, third-best in franchise history and beat the Boston Celtics in six games winning Riley his third NBA title. After being named NBA Coach of the Year for the first time after the 1990 playoffs, Riley stepped down as coach of the Lakers. He was named head coach of the New York Knicks in 1991 and led the team to their best regular-season record in

team history in 1993, garnering his second NBA Coach of the Year Award. Riley resigned from the Knicks in 1995 and became head coach of the Miami Heat and was swept in the first round by the Chicago Bulls. Riley immediately did a housecleaning job and practically rebuilt the Heat. The following year in 1997 the Heat defeated his old team the Knicks and advanced to the Eastern Conference finals for the first time in franchise history. He was selected NBA Coach of the Year for the third time after leading Miami to a 61-21 regular-season record. Before the start of the 200304 season Riley stepped down as the Heat coach to fully dedicate his attention to his duties as general manager. Again he re-vamped the personnel of the Heat and with Dwayne Wade coming off his best season, Riley wanted to try to regain his former glory by coaching Miami to its first NBA championship. Miami did reach the finals in 2006 and squared off against the Dallas Mavericks. Despite losing the first two games at Dallas, Riley spurred the Heat to four straight wins and their first NBA Championship. It was Riley’s fifth championship as a head coach as he became the ONLY NBA coach to take three to take three different teams to the NBA finals. On April 28, 2008 Riley announced he would step down as the Miami Heat’s head coach and would assume his position as team president. After the 2009-10 season, Riley began clearing room under the salary cap to allow the signing of LeBron James and Chris Bosh to join Wade as the nucleus of what many described as a “Super Team.” This so-called Super Team began pursuit of their second NBA championship yesterday (Tuesday) as a 4 ½-point favorite against the Dallas Mavericks, who are determined to avenge the 2006 fiasco. As much as this Korner supports Texas teams, this time I must go with my fellow Schenectadian Pat Riley and his ability to build championship teams that could very easily turn into a basketball dynasty this time. But it might take the Miami Heat seven games to get the job done!! KWICKIES…The Lamar Cardinal baseball team might have set some kind of record by being bounced from the double-elimination Southland Conference tournament in a period of less than 24 hours. The Cards lost to Stephen F. Austin in the opening round in a noon game last Wednesday and then lost in a 9 a.m. game on Thursday to Texas A&M-Corpus Christi. Congrats to Rev. Forrest Wood for his hole-in-one last Tuesday on the Par-3 No. 14 hole at Sunset Grove Country Club. Rev. Wood scored his 159-yard ace with a five iron. Witnessing the feat was his wife Nancy, who had an ace of her own not too long ago. A tip of the Korner Kap to the Bridge City Cardinals’ baseball team for getting to the Region III semifinals before losing to a strong Waco Robinson team twice last weekend. The Big Red lost a slugfest Saturday, 13-12. After being swept in pathetic fashion in all three games by the Arizona Diamondbacks at Minute Maid Park last weekend, the Houston Astros came out of their cocoon on Memorial Day by slugging four home runs and whipping the Chicago Cubbies 12-7 at Wrigley Field Monday afternoon. JUST BETWEEN US…Although he doesn’t have too much experience as a head coach, I think the Houston Rockets got a good one in former Boston Celtics Hall of Famer Kevin McHale. He knows basketball, has been around winners his entire career and gets along great with players, so he should be a perfect match.


• The Record • Week of Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Proper presentation and lure size are keys to summer success Uzzle Outdoors Capt. Chuck Uzzle

For The Record

Trout green water you can see your toes in, bait so thick you could walk across it to the other side, light winds barely ripple the surface and the major feed is just around the corner. These images conjure up a great picture for fishermen from Baffin to Calcasieu and all points in between, all the right factors are in place and it’s only a matter of time until

the whole place goes nuts. Fast forward a couple of hours ahead only to find our angler who had everything going their way still has an empty stringer, what gives? We have all had the perfect conditions not pay dividends, everything seems to be right but the results just don’t show anything for the effort. This scenario plays itself out many times over during an angler’s career, especially in the summer. During extended peri-

ods when rain and runoff get scarce and the water clarity gets so good it borders on ridiculous many fishermen have a hard time catching fish. Upper coast anglers especially struggle with these conditions because they are not anywhere close to normal for the water we fish. In situations like these it pays to down size your offerings, smaller baits are often just the ticket to get fish to bite. For the angler who desires to catch a little bit of everything, big fish and numbers, the junior sized plugs like the Mirr-o-lure She Dog and Rapala Skitterwalk Junior are

extremely tough to beat. The smaller profile on these plugs will catch more fish in clear water on a day to day basis than just about anything else this side of a bait stand. According to Texas Parks and Wildlife surveys of stomach contents from both speckled trout and redfish the average size food found in these fish was three inches long. For my own personal preference I would rather throw the smaller plugs, they seem to give me better results all the way around on both numbers and big fish. If you really think about it throwing the smaller plugs

Stark Museum of Art, The W.H. Stark House to participate in Blue Star Museums

On May 23 Stark Museum of Art and The W.H. Stark House announced the launch of Blue Star Museums, a partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts, Blue Star Families, and more than 1,300 museums across America to offer free admission to all active duty military personnel and their families from Memorial Day through Labor Day 2011. Leadership support has been provided by MetLife Foundation through Blue Star Families. The complete list of participating museums is available at www.arts.gov/ bluestarmuseums. “Blue Star Museums may be the program at the NEA of which I am proudest,” said NEA Chairman Rocco Landesman. “Blue Star Museums recognizes and thanks our military families for all they are doing for our country, and simultaneously begins young people on a path to becoming life-long museum goers.” “Last year the success of the inaugural year of the Blue Star Museums program showed that partnerships between the nation’s museum and military communities are a natural,” said Blue Star Families Chairman Kathy Roth-Douquet. “We are thrilled that 300,000 military family members visited our partner museums in the summer of 2010. We hope to exceed that number this year as the military community takes advantage of the rich cultural heritage they defend and protect every day. We appreciate the NEA and the nation’s museums who chose to partner with us. We also are grateful to our friends at the MetLife Foundation, the lead supporter of the Blue Star Museums outreach initiative, whose generous donation

helps make our work possible.” This year, more than 1,324 (and counting) museums in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and American Samoa are taking part in the initiative, including more than 500 new museums this year. Museums are welcome to join Blue Star Museums throughout the summer. The effort to recruit museums has involved the partnership efforts of The American Association of Museums, the Association of Art Museum Directors, the Association of Children’s Museums, and the American Association of State and Local History. This year’s Blue Star Museums represent not just fine arts museums, but also science museums, history museums, nature centers, and 70 children’s museums. Participants include The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond, Virginia, The

Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine in Portland, Maine, the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium in Dubuque, Iowa, the Chinese American Museum in Los Angeles, California, the Museum of Flight in Seattle, Washington, and the Toy and Action Figure Museum in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma. Blue Star Families is a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit network of military families from all ranks and services, including guard and reserve, with a mission to support, connect and empower military families. In addition to morale and empowerment programs, Blue Star Families raises awareness of the challenges and strengths of military family life and works to make military life more sustainable. Membership includes military spouses, children and parents as well as service members, veterans

and civilians. To learn more about Blue Star Families, visit http://www.bluestarfam.org/. Located at 712 Green Avenue in Orange, Texas, the Stark Museum of Art is open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is free. Children are always welcome if accompanied by an adult. Group tours are available by appointment. For more information call 409-886-ARTS (2787) or visit http://www.starkmuseum.org/. Located at 610 West Main Avenue in Orange, Texas, The W.H. Stark House is open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Children ages ten years and older are welcome if accompanied by an adult. For more information call 409883-0871 or visit http://www. whstarkhouse.org/.

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makes plenty of sense, you can easily throw a bait that’s too big but it’s tough to throw one that’s too small. The clear water small plug presentations that really shine on the lower coast can be used effectively on any body of water. On Calcasieu during the summer months when the trout are shadowing big schools of shad you can bet the smaller plugs are going to produce. I have seen fishermen who just took their offerings and scaled them down one size literally save fishing trips. Back off the big plugs and get small if you want to really put the odds in your favor.

Smaller lures in clear water will often out produce their larger counterparts.

The Record • Week of Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bob Dylan’s religious mystique endures Ron Csillag Special To The Record

Through the 1960s, Bob Dylan was hailed as a prophet, first of folk music, then of rock ‘n’ roll—at least by those who forgave him the heresy of having “gone electric.” But when rock’s best-known Jew famously declared Jesus to be the answer, many fans turned on him. For five decades, Robert Allen Zimmerman, who turned 70 on May 24, has shocked, mystified, baffled and in-

trigued fans with songs rife withbiblical references, both Jewish and Christian, and no shortage of religious imagery. For Michael J. Gilmour, an associate professor of New Testament and English literature at Providence College in Manitoba, Canada, and author of the book “Gods and Guitars,” Dylan proves an irresistible subject for theological analysis. Some fans gladly embrace the idea of Dylan as a secular prophet, a term vague enough to permit “a semblance of religiosity that does not actually



PASTOR LEO ANDERSON Each Sunday Morning @ 7:30 a.m. On A.M. 1600 KOGT

24 Hour Prayer Line 779-4703 or 779-4702 CALL (409) 745-3973

Scripture of the Week

Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ; Titus 2:13

connect the singer to a faith bar mitzvah and, after a visit tradition in any way,” Gilm- to Israel in 1971, even proour writes in his recent book, nounced the late far-right “The Gospel According to Bob Rabbi Meir Kahane “a really sincere guy.” Convalescing Dylan.” And while some might bris- from a motorcycle accident tle at linking the word “gospel” and leading up to the 1967 alto Dylan, Gilmour calls the fa- bum “John Wesley Harding,” mous songster a “serious reli- he reportedly read the Bible gious thinker,” even a “musical extensively. W h i l e theologian.” former BeaDylan often tle George mentions God Harrison in his songs, embraced “and though he Hinduism rarely attempts without fuss to define what and singer the term means, Cat Stevens he still points became a pius toward that ous Muslim, vague Other,” Dylan’s pubGilmour writes. lic and unexThe author, Bob Dylan pected turn 44, said he experienced something of a to Christianity was met with religious awakening at age wide derision. “What distinguished Dylan’s 13 while attending a church camp, where he heard Dylan’s experience from Stevens’ and “Slow Train Coming,” a song Harrison’s was the disdain born of the singer’s embrace generated by his turn to reliof evangelical Christianity in gion,” Gilmour writes. Christian conservatives latched 1979. “It was the first time I lis- onto Dylan’s fame as a way of tened to anything with sus- raising their own profiles and tained reflection on spiritual furthering their agendas, but themes,” Gilmour said in an his evangelicalism “turned a interview. “And the idea that a lot of people off.” well-known celebrity actually took religion seriously struck me as rather important.” Raised Jewish, Dylan had a

“Dylan may simply have been exploring his Judaism in parallel with Christianity,” Gilmour offers. The singer has since seemed to return to the Jewish fold. He has supported the ultraOrthodox Chabad Lubavitch movement, even studying at one of its yeshivas, and had his sons, Samuel Isaac Abraham and Jakob Luke, bar mitzvahed. However, Gilmour believes it’s “hard to answer where (Dylan) is now” religiously. “He’s always going on first dates but never actually settles into a long-term relationship.” “As far as I know, he never actually attended church on a regular basis.” In any event, Dylan has recovered from that earlier disdain, Gilmour said. “The impression I get from his concerts is that people cheer just as loudly for those (Christian gospel) songs as they do for the others,” he said. Dylan treated Pope John Paul II to a stirring rendition of “Blowin’ in the Wind” and other standards at the 1997 World Eucharist Congress. For Gilmour, Dylan’s papal show and his apparent return

First Baptist Church of Orange, located at 602 W. Green, is hosting a first-time ever event for children that have completed kindergarten—sixth grade. It is a fine arts camp called GROW Week scheduled for June 20-23. The camp will begin at 8:30 a.m. and will conclude at 11:45 a.m. Children will have the opportunity to take classes in guitar, piano, voice, dance, cooking, art, instruments, and drama. Also included will be daily Bible devotions and a worship music time. Minister of Worship John Bickham is leading a team of volunteers that will be teaching children the different classes. The campers will receive a camp T-shirt, class supplies, and refreshments for a camp fee of $30. If additional family members are attending, their fee will be $20 per child. Parents may register their children by coming by the church office during weekday hours, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or by visiting the church’s web site and downloading a registration form to mail to the church. Early registration is encouraged. Thursday evening, June 23 will be a celebration time for children and their families in the church’s Family Life Center. For more information about the fine arts camp, please contact FBC-O at 409-886-7461, e-mail the office at info@fbco.org, or visit the web site, www.fbco.org.

Fellowship Baptist Church VBS scheduled School is over and Fellowship Baptist Church in Bridge City will be traveling to New York City for their summer Vacation Bible School. It will be held during the week of June 6 through June 10 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. each night. All chil-

Apostolic Pentecostal Church

• IH-10 at Highway 62, Orange • (409) 745-3973 • Sunday: 2:00 p.m. • Tuesday: 7:30 p.m. • Listen to the Rev. Leo Anderson each Sunday Morning at 7:30 a.m. on A.M. 1600 KOGT Radio • 24 Hour Prayer Line - 409-779-4703 or 409-779-4702(409) 745-3973

Cowboy Church of Orange County

Worship Service 10:30 A.M. Sunday • “Round Pen” (Small Group) Studies: Men’s group: 7:00 P.M. Mondays, Ladies’ group: 6:30 P.M. Thursdays 673 FM 1078 Orange • 409-718-0269 • Come as you are! Boots and hats welcome! E. Dale Lee, Pastor • Brannon Lee, Youth Pastor

First Baptist Church of Bridge City

• 200 W. Roundbunch, Bridge City Sunday Schedule: 8:15 Traditional Worship; 9:30 Bible Study; 10:45 Celebration Service; 5:30 CSI, Youth Bible Study, Discipleship Classes Wednesday Schedule: 6:30 Prayer Meeting, Youth Worship “Living Stone” Rev. Bob Boone, Pastor • Phone: 409-735-3581 • Fax: 409-735-8882 Website: fbcbc.org

First Christian Church of Orangefield

• 4234 FM 408 (between Bridge City & Orangefield) • 7354234 • Sunday: Sunday School: 9 a.m.; Worship: 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday: Prayer and Bible Study 7 p.m. • Nursery provided • For a ride, please call 735-4234 • Minister Jim Hardwick •

Harvest Chapel

to Judaism show the musician “respects religion.” Dylan has been truly mystified about the fuss over his spiritual messages, Gilmour writes, though he was “not above nurturing this mystique and indulging it occasionally (but) no doubt with a sense of irony (and) exaggerated selfdescription.” In the end, the presence or absence of religious meaning in Dylan’s music is something that rests largely with the listener, Gilmour concedes. “Some find Dylan merely using religious terms and imagery artistically but with no particular theological intent, whereas others find in his songs meaningful engagements with ultimate questions. “The gospel according to Bob Dylan means something quite different from fan to fan.” Gilmour confesses his answer is always the same when someone asks him about Dylan’s personal spiritual beliefs: “I do not know. Ultimately it’s none of my business. All I can say with any confidence is that religious language is everywhere in his songs.”


FBC Orange to host Fine Arts Camp

Church Directory

dren, grade pre-k through fifth grade are welcome to join us as we learn and travel to our version of New York City.

Salem UMC to host Vacation Bible School The Salem United Methodist Church, located at 402 W. John Ave in Orange, cordially invites the children of the community to participate in their Vacation Bible School beginning June 13-17 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Ages four through 14 can participated in the “Shake it up Cafe” VBS. Bible stories crafts, music and food will be provided. For more information, call 409-883-2611.

‘Bread of Life’ offer hot lunches The Bread of Life Feeding Ministry of Starlight Church of God in Christ Evangelism Team will provide hot lunches every Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.. The meals will be served at the E.B. Lindsey Family Life Center at Starlight, 2800 Bob Hall Road. For more information call 409-886-4366.

McDonald Memorial Bapt. to take Angel Food orders June 8 McDonald Memorial Baptist Church of Orange invites the public to place food orders from Angel Food Ministries on Wednesday, June 8. The times are 3 to 6 p.m. in the church office. Distribution date is Saturday, June 25 at 1 p.m. Food is available at various costs. Cash or LoneStar card accepted. The church location is the corner of South and Broad Streets, near the Lions Den Park. Area residents may contact the church office at 883-3974 for information.

Echo Church

1305 Irving Street, Orange Sunday Morning 10 a.m., Morning Service 11 a.m. Nightly Service 6 p.m. • Wednesday Service 5 p.m. Ruth Logan Burch, Pastor • (409) 882-0862

1717 FM 3247, Orange Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Come as you are! Praise & Worship - Contemporary music! Pastor George A. Cruse, Jr., Pastor • (409) 735-8580

Miracle Restoration Revivals Church

First United Methodist Church

• 608 Dogwood St., Orange (2 streets behind Horseman Store • (409) 883-5466 • Sunday morning services 10 a.m. - Sunday night 6 p.m. • Wednesday night Prayer Meeting 6:30 p.m. • Wednesday night Bible Study 7 p.m. • Residing Pastor Rev. Larry Doucet • Founding Pastor Rev. Tunney Vercher Sr.

St. Paul United Methodist Church

1155 W. Roundbunch Rd., Bridge City – 735-5546 Sunday Mornings – 8:15 AM – Worship Experience 9:30 AM – Sunday School • 10:45 – Worship Experience (Nursery provided at all services) For Youth on Sunday Afternoon – 3:30 to 6:00 PM – Mid and Sr. High • Sunday Evening – 7:00 PM – Taizé Service • For Children on Wednesday evening – 6:00 to 7:00 PM – JAM (Jesus and Me) Club Ages 4–10 Pastor Brad Morgan – email office@stpaulfamily.org

Trinity Baptist Church

502 Sixth Street, Orange – 886-7466 8:15 a.m. – Worship in Chapel 8:55 a.m. – Celebration Service in Praise Center • 11 a.m. – Worship in Sanctuary Sunday School for all ages at 9:50 a.m. UMYF & Methodist Kids at 5 p.m. Pastor: Rev. John Warren Dir. of Music & Fine Arts: Doug Rogers Organist: Justin Sanders Dir. of Youth & Christian Education: Allisha Bonneaux Visit our Web stie: www.fumcorange.org

First Baptist Church Orangefield

9788 F.M. 105 Orangefield 409-735-3113 Pastor Forrest Wood Sunday: Bible Study- 9:30 a.m., Worship Service- 10:30 a.m., Evening Worship Service- 6:30 p.m. Wednesday: 5:30 p.m. - Midweek Meal, 6:30 p.m. - Praise and Prayer Youth and Children Activities, 7:15 p.m. - Choir Practice Email: office@fbcof.com Website: www.fbcof.com

1408 W. Park Ave. @ 14th Street, Orange Office: 886-1333 Pastor Dr. Charles Walton • Music Director Dans Cruse Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. • Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Nursery Provided


West Orange Christian Church


900 Lansing Street, West Orange - 882-0018 Sunday: 9:30 AM Sunday School • 10:40 AM Worship Service Sunday 6:00 PM Evening Service Wednesday 6:00 PM Evening Service “Our church family welcomes you”


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Page 8B • Week of June 1, 2011



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SEARS CROSSWALK TREADMILL. Used less than 15 hours. $125. Call 409-886-7672. COACH HANDICAP SCOOTER W/ cover and charger, like new, $800 (cost over 1,400 new), call for more details @ (409) 988-3723. (5/25) CRAFTSMAN RIDING MOWER 42’’ cut - 18hp New battery, blades, filters. Newly rebuilt starter. $550.00 409-988-3932. BENNY BARNES RECORD collection. This collection consists of 60 of his 45 RPM records, all are in excellent cond., asking $440, Call Tony at (409) 718-6785. ELEC. WESLO TREADMILL, slightly used, $350. Call Carlton Harmon @ 670-0232. PETS & LIVESTOCK FREE KITTENS 6 wks old. 1810 Crockett in W.O. Call 670-3982 or 883-8372. PIT BULL PUPPIES, born March 13, parents on site, $150 ea., pict. on southeasttexas.com, (409) 719-6724.


• Dirt / Shell Spreading THE BIG BOYS WON’T • Bushhogging TOUCH. • Garden Tilling Carpenter work, vinyl sid• New home pads Prepared ing, minor plumbing & • Sewer / Water / Electrical more, call for free estimates, Call Larry English Lines Dug at (409) 882-1471 or 882Home 735-8315 Tractor Service 4288 Cell 670-2040

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• Penny Record Office: 333 West Roundbunch, Bridge City • County Record Office: 320 Henrietta, Orange Note: Offices Closed On Wednesday RESCUE DOGS, spayed & neutered, needing good homes. Pet food donations welcome. (409) 746-9502.

GOLDEN TRIANGLE TOUGHLOVE is a self help parents support group for parents of children displaying unacceptable behavior. Meets every Tues. at 7 pm. at Immaculate Conception education building, 4100 Lincoln (corner of Lincoln & Washington) in Groves. For more information call 962-0480. AT. ST. PAUL UNITED METHODIST you can experience the warmth of friendly people, beautiful music, and inspiring sermons. Join us at 1155 W. Roundbunch Rd., BC each Sunday at 8:15 AM or 10:45 AM for

2 ABANDONED DOGS, sisters, free to good homes, about 1 yr. old, good with kids & other pets, wormed, have ads & picts. on Bridge City Classified.com, call Amy @ 920-3765. GERMAN & AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD MIX, male, neutered, all shots & wormed, must have fenced yard, (409)746-9502. FREE TO GOOD HOME, male Chihuahua & rat terrier mix, house trained, all shots up to date, can’t keep due to living arrangements, very lovable, month supply of dog food, (409) 988-8560 after 6.

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Page 9B

• Week of JUNE 1, 2011

Lutcher presents classic musicals, tribute bands for 2011-2012 season Penny LeLeux For The Record

I didn’t know the movie. I took my teenage boys up there and they had a great time. There is a lot of teenage boy humor in it.” “Two weeks after that we do ‘South Pacific.’ The Lutcher Theater in Orange just completIt won every Tony Award in 2008.” For the Lined a spectacular season for its 30th anniversary. coln Center production, Clark said the show’s Jim Clark, director, didn’t know how he was goproducers went back and looked for the original ing to top it. With the release of the 2011-2012 books and songs to see if they left anything out. line-up, Clark has the makings of another great They found content that was not done origiseason. On tap are three of the all-time favornally and put that in. “It’s the traditional South ite musicals, two tribute bands, The Blue Man Pacific as we know it, but they also restored it,” Group, Shrek and more. said Clark. There will be two performances on Clark has put together a season of 12 shows Nov. 20. that begins with “Rain-A Tribute to the Beatles” “South Pacific” is the first of the classics duron Sept. 26 ing the season. “We have three nostalgic musi“It’s off Broadway right now,” said Clark. The cals next year that people are gonna really go show consists of 12 guys representing three difcrazy for,” said Clark. ferent phases of the Beatles’ career. “They have Next on the menu is “In the Heights.” “It’s rebeen doing this for like 12 to 15 years. It just ally going to appeal to young people. It’s go rap went to Broadway this last year. It was just goin it.” Also a Tony Award winner in 2008, It’s ing to play till October. They’re doing so well the story of three generations of families comthat they extended the run. ing to the United States with a Latin beat. “It’s a “They’ve really studied the Beatles, every feel good musical,” said Clark. film, everything they can, so you really wouldn’t “We’ve got Manheim Steamroller coming and know you weren’t at a Beatles’ concert. It’s the doing their Christmas show,” said Clark. Schedfirst time we’ve ever done a tribute band, but uled for Dec. 29, that concludes the first half of these guys. Beatle mania started with the Beathe season. “People just go crazy for Manheim tles, but these guys have gone over the top.” Steamroller. That’s really going to be a lot of “Young Frankenstein” comes to the Lutcher fun. “ Oct. 24. “Every one of the jokes from the movie The New Year starts out with “Fiddler on the is in the musical,” said Clark. “Young FrankenRoof” Jan. 12-13. Clark said the musical was just stein,” is being produced by the same man that revived on Broadway not long ago. He says it has brought Beauty and the Beast to Orange last been a theater goer’s favorite at the Lutcher. “I year. think this is our third time to do it. It’s been six “They’re also producing Shrek,” said Clark. or seven years since it was here and sold out. Shrek the Musical takes the stage Nov. 6 for a That’s a great show. Young people need to see matinee and an evening show. this show. “This is the national tour I just saw in Dallas. “We’re working with the Royal Winnipeg BalThe costuming and all was unbelievable. I think let. This is the first time they have taken can-can this is going to be comparable to their “Beauty on tour,” said Clark of the upcoming production and the Beast.” Clark also said, “It’s a fun show. of Moulin Rouge. “We haven’t done a full story

ballet, I think,” Clark said they haven’t done a full story ballet in his 22 years at the Lutcher, and doesn’t think one was done before that. Moulin Rouge takes the stage Jan. 31. My Fair Lady, Feb. 29 is the last of the classics for the season. “South Pacific, My Fair Lady and Fiddler on the Roof, people will battle about which one is the best or their favorite. The show Clark is really excited about is Blue Man Group, March 5-6. This will be their Southeast Texas Debut. “Although it is impossible to describe, people of all ages agree that Blue Man Group is an intensely exciting and wildly outrageous show that leaves the entire audience in a blissful, euphoric state. With no spoken language, Blue Man Group is perfect for people of all ages, languages and cultures.” Clark expects the show to sell out early. March 8 offers the Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winning drama “Doubt.” “This is theater that brings audiences to the edge of their seats and introduces topics that will be discussed long after the final curtain.” Clark rounds out the season with the all new Original Tribute to the Blues Brothers. Jake and Elwood Blues will rock the house with your favorite songs: Everybody, Shake Ya Tail Feather, Sweet Home Chicago, Think, Respect, Gimme Some Loving and more. “This is loud. It’s high octane and high volume,” said Clark. “It’s blues music, it’s rock and roll; you don’t play it soft.” If you can’t handle loud music, you may want to trade for a different production. Clark said he would supply earplugs for those needing them. Season tickets go on sale June 1. Single tickets or other dates go on sale Aug. 28. “We’re going to put Fiddler and South Pacific, along with Blue Man Group and Shrek for their Broadway package next year. If people don’t want those shows; if they don’t want Blue Man Group and they want to switch out, they may

not get the same seat location, but they could get “My Fair Lady” instead or “In The Heights.” Clark said, “We’re really flexible.” The Lutcher is introducing dynamic pricing next season. “Single ticket prices don’t exist anymore. It’s the price of the show per day. It’s just like the airlines,” Season tickets are your best buy. When single tickets go on sale, the price could go up or down $5 or so. For instance, if when single tickets go on sale for Blue Man Group and there are only a few single tickets left, they’re more valuable. “Tickets prices will be changing, sometimes on a weekly basis. They go up and they go down,” said Clark. “They have been doing it all across Texas.” To reserve your season tickets or for more information contact the box office at 409-8865535 or visit the Lutcher Theater Web site at www.lutcher.org. The theater is located at 707 Main, Orange.

TO BUY, SELL, PLEASE CALL THESE REALTORS JERRY HUGHES REALTY REAL ESTATE APARTMENTS DOUGLAS OAKS, located at 604 Douglas Street in Bridge City, now has a 1 &2 bedroom opening! Enjoy living in a quiet, secluded surrounding. Located in Bridge City School District with convenient access to Orange, Port Arthur and Mid-County areas. We are close to the refineries! Garage/covered parking, washer/dryer connection are provided. We supply your water, trash & sewer! Please call today for your personal tour! 409-988-5754. “SUMMER SPECIAL” June rent is on us! The Vilage Apartments in Bridge City is now offering 1 month FREE RENT on 1 - 2 &3 bedroom apts.! Move in with just your deposit! WE pay water, sewer, and trash on most units. Located in the heart of Bridge City, quiet & safe location in a neighborhood setting, family friendly, great for refinery contract workers, $475 - $750 monthly, (409) 735-7696 or 474-9731. 1/1 IN BRIDGE CITY, duplex apt., water - sewer & garbage


Land Co.


paid, $450 monthly + $350 dep., (409) 779-7448. 1/1 IN BRIDGE CITY, beautiful small apt., black spiral stair case leads to upstairs bedroom, Liv. Rm. bath and kitchen downstairs, granite counter tops, all S.S. appliances, vaulted ceilings, lots of extras, $525 monthly + $300 dep. + elec. & water, No Pets, (409) 735-6277 or 626-1968. THE VILLA’S AT COW BAYOU, located at 3650 Fish Hook in Bridge City, now has 1 & 2 bedroom opening! Enjoy comfortable living in a quiet, secluded surrounding. Located in Bridge City School District with convenient access to Orange, Port Arthur and Mid-County, we are close to all area refineries! Covered parking, washer/dryer connections are provided. We supply your city of Bridge City water, thrash & sewer. Please call today for your personal tour! 409-988-5754. 2/2 IN BCISD, duplex apt., water - sewer & garbage paid, $650 monthly + $500 dep., (409) 779-7448. (ss) QUIET APARTMENTS, BC, 2094 Texas Ave., 1 bedroom

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(downstairs 500 sq. ft.), $400 monthly; 1 bedroom (upstairs 800 sq. ft.), $500 monthly; 2 bedroom (upstairs 900 sq. ft.), $600 monthly. Refrigerator / range (dishwasher upstairs only) and microwave provided, water and garbage paid, $400 dep., Call (409) 9883003 for an application. (6/1) COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL SPACES on Texas Ave. & Roundbunch Rd., BC, Call for an appointment to see @ (409) 7352030. (M&R) FORMER LAWYER’S OFFICE, just off Texas Ave., $1,200 monthly, Call for an appointment to see @ (409) 735-2030. (M&R) MINI STORAGE SPACES, $40 monthly & up, Call for an appointment to see @ (409) 735-2030. (M&R) APPROX. 900 SQ. FT., very nice, 1 bath, $500 monthly; Approx. 1,200 sq. ft., $650 monthly, both very nice, CA/H, carpet, suitable for business or office, (409) 735-6277 or 626-1968. (ss) HOME RENTALS 1/1 IN MAURICEVILLE, Log Cabin, in the woods, $550 monthly, Call for an appointment to see @ (409) 7352030. (M&R) 3 BEDROOM/2 BATH in Orange. 509 3rd in Orange. Appliances. 409-767-9095. $800. HUD. 3/1/1 W/ CP IN BC, clean, deck in backyard, quiet neighborhood, local to bank and Wal-Mart, stove, refrig., washer and dryer, $795 monthly + &795 dep., (409) 720-7865 or 313-0390, 360 Quincy, available now!

4549 Westchester, BcIsD

Beautiful home on over 13 acres with 3/2.5/2 + office. This property has a 35 x 42 shop as well as a large pond. Beautiful interior w/granite countertops, open concept w/tile floors in kitchen/dining/living area, etc. Call Tracy Permenter at 920-0714.


SPACIOUS 1/1 1000 sf. Includes dishwasher, refrigerator w/ice maker, oven, smooth surface stove, w/d connections, central A/C & heat, ceiling fans. Water included in price. $675 monthly + Special move in price $300 deposit. No HUD. Nonsmokers only. LCMCISD. Call 883-5556. NICE 3/2/2, w/ granite counter tops, ceramic floors, $1,000 monthly + $1,000 dep., (409) 735-2030. (M&R) SMALL 2/1 IN BRIDGE CITY, 140 schoolview, No Pets, references req., $525 monthly + $500 dep., (409) 719-8636 or 540-2205. 509 3RD IN ORANGE. 3/2. Appliances. 409-767-9095. $800. HUD. NORTHMONT EDITION, ORANGE, 2/2, double garage, kitchen appliances. $1100/month. $1000 dep. Call 883-9110. MOBILE HOME RENTALS BC AREA , as little as $30 daily for rooms, M.H.’s by day or week, starting at $30 a day or weekly, 735-8801 or 7347771. (cctfn) 2/1 IN SHADY ESTATES, BC, #107 Hazel St., roomy, nice yard, deck, new stove & refrig., water & garbage paid, $500 Monthly + dep., references req., Call (409) 4742260 to see. 3/1 FURNISHED, CA/H, all elec., BCISD, water and garb. paid, $585 monthly + $500 dep., (409) 670-3381 or 3130642. BC 2/2, CA/H, all elec., nice & clean, stove & refrig., mini

blinds, garbage paid, $425 monthly + dep., (409) 7355230. 3/1 IN OFISD, 1 block from schools, Large lot, W./D hookups, No Pets, $400 monthly + dep., (409) 720-8699 or 7356701. HOME SALES 3.9 ACRES W/ 2/2/1 BRICK home, completely furnished, 2 barns, tractor & equipment, boat/ motor & trailer. Hwy 63, 6 miles from Burkville, $125,000, (409) 565-4957. TOTALLY REMODELED 3/2/2, open floor plan, granite, tile, custom cabinets, custom blinds, S.S. appliances, screened porch, 12’ x 16’ storage building, BCISD, great location, call for an appointment at (409) 313-6085. (6/1) 5/3/5 IN BCISD, DID NOT FLOOD, acreage, RV cover, $165,000, 409-735-7447. OWNER FINANCE. 2211 Travis. 3/1/1. $36,900. $3000 down, $364 a month. Call 409-504-5945. OFISD ON 3.4 CLEARED acres, 2 story home, 2 bedroom w/ study (could be 3rd. bdrm.), 2 Lg. baths and dressing rooms, Lg. den w/ FP & 28’ stone wall, lots of fruit & Olive trees, never flooded, 2,300 sq. ft. of living area, completely fenced yard, $240,000, (409) 735-3271. (6/15) LAND & LOTS OFISD, 3 acres of cleared land on ridge off Tanglewood Rd, mature trees, small pond, owner financing is available, WOODRIDGE LAND CO., (409) 745-1115. WATER








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GARAGE SALES Sat. June 4, 7 a.m. to noon. 2721 Dowling Steet. Clothes, misc., lots of stuff! GREATER ST. PAUL CHURCH FUND RAISER. 1310 Link Street. Friday 8am to noon, Saturday 6:30am until. Fri., June 5 8 a.m. to noon. 525 S. Hwy in W.O. near DPS office. Baby furniture , toys, kids clothes, antiques, collectibles, housewares, decor, costumes, books, everything. Call 988-4303 for more info. Two garage sales in Mauricevile At the corner of Hwy 12 and Hwy 62, at the old Donut Palace bldg. June 1, 2, 3 & 4 from 7 a.m. to noon. Lots of 50 cent items, fill a box sale, fill a bag sale.

MOBILE HOME SALES 2/1 IN SHADY ESTATES, BC, #107 Hazel St., roomy, sell for $4,500, possible owner finance w/ $2,000 down, (409) 474-1518.

‘07 HARLEY-DAVIDSON Touring ROAD KING CLASSIC, for sale by owner asking $4500 contact me at bendnn7@msn.com / 214937-4710.

‘07 REDMAN MANUF. HOME, IN EXCELLENT CONDITION, 15’ x 54’, 2/1, roll in shower, custom built handicap accessible, skirting, 2 porches w/ ramps, Must Sell Soon, asking $24,000 OBO, (409) 351-9260.



AUTOMOBILES ‘02 VW PASSAT, V-8, P/S/W, auto, 4 dr., cold A/C, runs & drives excellent, excellent stereo system, 69K miles, $6,900 OBO, see at “All In One Tire”, Texas Ave., BC, call (409) 474-2260 to see and drive.

BOATS 40 H.P. MERCURY MOTOR,, tilt & trim, low hours, $3,500 neg., (409) 883-7342.


‘07 POLARIS SPORTSMAN 500 HO, snorkeled w/ radiator kit, freshly over hauled w/ Wiseco parts, 28” Outlaw tires on 12” rims, $3,000, (409) 745-4685 after 4.

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‘09 GULFSTREAM KING SPORT, 3 slides, 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, setup for stackable W/D, full size refrig., sleeps 10, lots of storage, bumper pull, (409) 284-2251, ask for Art. 30’ LIKE NEW CAMPER. 2001 - 30 Ft. Trail-lite Camper; Bumper pull; in excellent condition;sleeps nine; many extras - sway bar---stabilizer. $7,900 firm. Good for home away from home or Hurricane evacuation.. Must see to appreciate quality. Call 409-745-0537 evenings for appointment to see, or leave message and will return call. IF YOU SEE IT, YOU’LL BUY IT. Also, e-mail at straydawg7763244yahoo.com.

T R U C K S & VA N S ‘98 CHEVROLET SILVERADO, PS/B, new tires, good work truck, $3,450, (409) 746-2421 or 313-7732.

‘'85 CHEVY C-10, V-8, LWB, A/C, C. player, auto trans., PS/B, good motor, no oil leakage, real workhorse, $3,000 OBO, ask for Ruth @ (409) 735-7353 ‘04 RED FORD RANGER Super Cab for sale. 84,000 miles, V6 Engine, AC, Power Steering, Automatic

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Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of LINDA H. ROGAS, Deceased, were issued on May 31, 2011, in Cause No. P-15842, pending in the County Court at Law of Orange County, Texas, to: MICHAEL HAYES. All persons having claims against this estate, which is currently being administered, are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law. c/o George B. Barron Attorney at Law 108 N. 7th St. P.O. Box 279 Orange, TX 77631-0279 PHONE NO. 409/886-3090 DATED: the 31ST day of May, 2011

George B. Barron

GEORGE B. BARRON State Bar No.: 0187500 Attorney for MICHAEL HAYES

THE RECORD NEWS AMBER LINGO 651-1578 You Can’t Buy Better Orange County Advertising


• The Record • Week of Wednesday, June 1, 2011

PBR Champion Justin McBride trades bulls for a guitar Mike Louviere

For The Record

After a night of bull riding in the indoor arena at the Texas Longhorn there was a treat in store for the audience. Justin McBride was taking the stage to give what would turn out to be a very good concert. McBride had been one of the top contenders in the PBR for a number of years. “I had always enjoyed sitting around with my buddies, singing and playing the guitar. There was not much more to achieve in the PBR, I had been lucky enough to not get seriously hurt and just decided to move on to something else,” said McBride. He first appeared on the Professional Bull Riders tour at the age of 18. In 1998 and 1999 he was the PBR Rookie of the Year, then went on to the PBR finals ten times and won two PBR World Championships, in 2005 and 2007. To stay on the top money tour, the Ford Tough Tour, in the PBR the rider has to earn top points and big payoffs. Once McBride qualified for the top tour, he never went back down. The PBR has several levels of tours and a rider has to progress to the top by earning the right and never losing it. Basically it is the same as pro baseball with the minor and major leagues. “The toughest bull I rode in my career was Terry William’s bull Hollywood. Hollywood was a big cross bred

bull; he was mean and hard to ride. Ty Murry rode him eight or nine times and I rode him five times” said McBride. “Blueberry Wine was a popular bull, but he was very small. He probably did not weigh much over a thousand pounds. That rascal was so short that your legs nearly touched the ground. He was so fast and agile that he was as hard to ride and many bigger bulls.” McBride has a CD, Live at Billy Bob’s, and another in the works. “When Tracy Bird left the business, I hired his band”, said McBride. “We don’t have much of a long term schedule; we just go wherever we are asked to go whenever someone wants us.” Like most, McBride has a website, justinmcbride.com, and is on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. His fans can follow his schedule and download his music from the web. In the age of unshaven, long haired singers in old tee shirts, faded jeans with holes, and an attitude, McBride is a pleasant exception. He is laid back and easy to visit with. His stage presence is one of a person who enjoys what he is doing. On the stage at the Longhorn he wore a denim western shirt, neat jeans and boots. He was just a cowboy with a guitar. McBride put on a great show. There were some new songs and his covers of some country standards. His voice is very good and his rapport with the audience is like he is just a

friend singing a song. The crowd was very receptive to McBride’s style and stage presence. There was the usual amount of hand waving, singing along, and dancing in front of the stage that goes with concerts. McBride was easy to listen to, had a good time, and did his best to see that his fans did also. In short, McBride was just a cowboy with a guitar and good voice. Coleman Peveto used one of his many rodeo connections to book McBride at the Longhorn. Bull riding and country music fans were well pleased with the concert. “This is my kind of club. I would love to come back here any time. The club is great, the fans were great and Coleman and the rest of the staff were great,” said McBride. From the reaction of his fans, the feeling is mutual.

Free “Gift of Life” Prostate Cancer Screenings Available in June in Orange, Port Arthur and Beaumont The Julie Rogers “Gift of Life” Program is currently accepting client applications for free prostate cancer blood test screenings for medically under-served men in Orange, Port Arthur and Beaumont. The program will make available free prostate cancer blood test screenings for medically under-served eligible men on Saturday, June 4, at Baptist Orange Hospital from 9:00 am until 12:00 p.m. (appointments are required). Screening participants will

also consult with medical professionals to discuss good health practices and the “Gift of Life” will provide educational materials for the men and their families. Through its continued partnership with Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas and the Baptist Cancer Center, the “Gift of Life” provides free blood test prostate cancer screenings for men who are at least 45 years of age (40 if African American or if there is a family history of prostate can-

cer), have limited income and are under-insured. Screenings will also be available on Saturday, June 11, in Port Arthur (Lamar State College Port Arthur Carl Parker Center) and on Saturday, June 18, in Beaumont (Baptist Beaumont Hospital). As space is limited, please call 409-861-5940 or 409-8333663 immediately to find out if you qualify and to make an appointment.

Last two classes of Stark High School to reunite in July The classes of 1976 and 1977, the last two years of students who attended Lutcher Stark High School, are planning the 35th Reunion of the Class of ’76, while at the same time merging with the class of ’77. Events will begin Friday, July 15, for a mixer of students and

spouses, with Saturday and Sunday to be days of continued events. A golf scramble is planned for Saturday morning, with a disc jockey and food finishing off the evening events. Sunday brunch will be a morning for final closing. If you know of anyone who attended those class years and

is not aware of the reunion, please contact Denise Simoneaux Simmons at 409-7356374, or Dana Zoch Mortimer at 409-313-7261. Also, teachers who taught during that time are welcome to attend by contacting the above numbers for information, as well.



LCM-3/2/3 Country home on 25 acres large shop, 2 barns, pond. #72883 $259,900 Bettye Elliot 313-3939

Prime location for business! Right off hwy! #73046 $454,984 Twilene Reed 988-5954

Orange 4/2.5/2 Historical charm, hardwood & stain glass on corner. #70048 $274,900. Bettye Elliot 313-3939

OFISD 3/2.5/2cp Custom built on 6 acres w/barn. #73400 $254,900 Bettye Elliot 313-3939

ORANGE 3/2/2cp Wonderfully remodeled home with plenty of room. #73417 $98,000 Twilene Reed 988-5954

ORANGEFIELD 3/2/2 Charming and clean. #73626 $159,900 Martha Dickey 779-9255

OFISD 3/2 Open concept & very spacious on 2 acres. #72794 $155,000 Any Agent 883-0007

VIDOR 3/2 Completely remodeled. #147107 $79,900 Lori Jordan 658-4166

BUNA 3/2/2cp Fabulous log cabin on 1.51 acres. #143917 $119,900 Tonya Hawkins 679-7484

ORANGE 3/2.5/2 Home w/lots of natural light, big cozy FP & built-ins. #72997 $100,000 Martha Dickey 779-9255

ORANGE 3/2.5/2cp Remodeled back to its original grandeur. #73679 $74,000 Twilene Reed 988-5954

ORANGE 2/1 Close to Lamar, nice clean updated home w/granite countertops. #73810 $56,900 Bettye Elliot 313-3939

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