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County Record Vol. 53 No. 16

The Community Newspaper of Orange, Texas

Week of Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Allied Health building to be ready August Debby Schamber For The Record

In November 2012, representatives from Lamar State College-Orange held a ground breaking ceremony for the latest addition to the campus of an Allied Health building. Now about 9 months later, tt is expected to be completed on August 26 when classes begin, according to Dr. J. Michael Shahan, President of LSC-O. “Contractors believe it will be ready,” Shahan said. “We are still on target.” Since 1992, LSCO has had more than 3,000 students

graduate and become nurses. The nursing program is the largest program on the campus. Nursing students contribute to nearly half of the enrollment on the campus, so when the property was acquired to help house an area of study, it was quickly decided the nursing students would benefit the most. When completed, the 32,000 square foot building will have labs, lecture halls, computer rooms and more much-needed space await the The new Applied Health bilding on the cmapus of Lamar State Col- more than 1,000 nursing students on campus. lege-Orange is expected to be completed by August 26. The LSC-O Foundation acRECORD PHOTO: Mark Dunn

quired the former Orange Leader building next to the campus in 2010, and the college subsequently purchased the site from the Foundation so that it may be renovated and used for classroom space. However, in 2011, the campus hired a consulting firm to examine the feasibility of renovating the building and found it would not be cost effective to “save” it, so plans were made to construct a new building, according to Record archives. “When the Campus Master Plan was put together we did not designate a specific area of study for the building,” Shah-

an said in a previous interview. “As we looked at our enrollment growth over the past four years, it became evident that the demand for nursing instruction exceeded the capacity of our existing facilities.” Currently, nursing students are housed in the Allied Health Building on campus, along with the EMS program and pharmacy technology. Without enough room, many of the nursing classes have had to be scheduled in the Wilson


Bridgette Gearen murder case moves forward Debby Schamber For The Record

A “person of interest” in the murder of Bridgette Gearen is in a local prison on unrelated charges. No charges have been filed as this time, but the case is still moving forward, according to Tommy Hansen, investigator for the Galveston County Sheriff’s Office. “We have made some good progress on the case,” Hansen added. “He’s not going anywhere for a long, long time.” Which is why Hansen has yet to file any charges while he works meticulously to not only charge the local suspect who is in his 20s, but the others involved as well. “It’s just a matter of time before they are arrested,” Hansen said. Although several assailants involved was not good for Gearen, it will help investigators because it enhances the

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Bridgette Gearen, pictured with her then 2 year old daughter, Kyra, was viciously raped and murder at Crystal Beach in July 2007. Investigators are still diligently working to capture her murder.

solvability. If only one person is involved then there may not be a weak link in the chain. However, when more than one person is involved, the chances of a weak link increases, according to Hansen. The investigators have worked to confirm information from several different sources, Hansen said. Investigators have been looking to determine each person’s involvement. Some are local but others live out of state. Gearen, 28, of Orange, like many single mothers wanted to escape the rigors of everyday life and when she got the chance headed to the beach with family and friends. But, her July 2007 weekend getaway turned out to be deadly and a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Gearen and her daughter,Kyra, who was 2 years old at the time, had driven to Crystal Beach to spend the night with friends in a rented beach house on Monkhouse Road. The area is


Clarissa Slaughter and Robert Simpson during a rehearsel of “It’s Hee-Haw Y’all. Performances begin Thursday. RECORD PHOTO: Larry Trimm

OCP presentation starts Thursday Penny Leleux For The Record

The hit TV show from the 70s is a perfect vehicle for the Young People’s Theater Workshop to perform for their 2013 show. Hee-Haw could be seen every Saturday evening. The show was filled with short skits, music and lots of laughs based on country music and southern culture. It couldn’t be any better. If a kid forgets his lines, it will actually be more like the original show. About 36 kids have taken classes in choreography, costuming, make-up and acting. They auditioned for their parts and have studied their lines for several weeks. “It’s Hee-Haw Y’all” begins Thursday and runs through Sunday. The curtain rises at

7:37 p.m., July 11-13 and at 2:37 p.m. July 14. “I look forward to it each summer, to see how much they grow in their abilities and stage presence from year to year,” said workshop director Codie Vasquez. “It’s also just as fun getting new kids, being there for their first experience on stage.” Some of your favorite characters from the show will be represented. Junior Samples will be played by Tristen Anding. Roy Clark and Buck Owens characters will be represented by Chase Courtier and Marcus Delarosa. Don’t forget Grandpa. He will be played by Jonah Courtier. Carissa Slaughter will be Minnie Pearl. Blake Klingaman will


Gage Hale ,Lela Francis and Madeline Hennigan on stage during dress rehearsel this week. RECORD PHOTO: Larry Trimm

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