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County Record Vol. 53 No. 17

The Community Newspaper of Orange, Texas

Week of Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Large drug busts leads to 18 arrests Operation Havana Speed has links to local horse racing Debby Schamber For The Record

Following an investigation which lasted more than 18 months, investigators from various law enforcement agencies in Louisiana have arrested 18 people in connection with a huge influx of crystal meth into the area. Many of the suspects involved are in the horse racing industry such as being horse owners, trainers, jockeys and groomers. In addition, several of the suspects are in the United States as illegal residents. The investigation, named “Operation Havana Speed” was conducted by members of the CAT team. The combined anti-drug task force was formed several years ago with a main goal of identifying, tar-

Shangri La to host Wild Wednesdays through Aug. 7 The Shangri La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center, located at 2111 W. Park Ave. in Orange, will host the Wild Wednesday program through Aug. 7. “Great American Trees” will be held from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 17. During a program for all ages, explore the importance of trees for everything from baseball bats to furniture. Celebrate the vital role of trees in the environment and their many uses. “Scales and Tails” will be held from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 24. Explore the world of reptiles and amphibians in an up-close glimpse of theses Shangri La inhabitants. “Food Factories and ‘Plant Managers’” will be held from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 31. Leaves are food factories. They come in all shapes and size to make food for the plants. Explorers of all ages are invited to make a leaf collection and sicker the role of leaves as “plant managers.”

• SHERLOCK BREAUX Page...................... 4A • Obituaries Page.......................7A •Dicky Colburn Fishing...................1B • CHURCH NEWS Page......................8B • CLASSIFIED ADS Page......................9B

geting and dismantling major drug organizations. The team which smashed the drug scheme team consists of members from the Lake Charles Police Department, Calcasieu Parish Sherriff’s Office, Homeland Security Investigations with the assistance of the Louisiana State Police and F.B.I.. During the operation, over 120 local, state and federal law enforcement officers executed numerous search warrants and arrest warrants in multiple locations in Texas and Louisiana. Also assisting in this raid were members of the Sulphur Police Department, Vinton Police Department, United States Marshal Service and the U.S. Border Patrol. This raid has resulted in 11 executed search warrants and 19 arrests. During the course of the search warrants, crystal meth was recovered at different locations. Several weapons and three active meth labs were also discovered. The organization was re-



sponsible for bringing multiple kilos of methamphetamine at a time into the area, As a result, a horse trailer, meth, drug lab equipment and vehicle were seized and there are more seizures to come, said Lt. Gene Pittman, director of the CAT task force. In addition, steroids believed to be used on horses was also seized. “This investigation has consumed numerous hours of investigation, surveillance to include aerial by C.P.S.O. plane, and numerous undercover buys of crystal meth, “ Pittman said. “The investigation determined lab quality crystal meth was being transported from locations in Texas to the Vinton/Starks area of west Calcasieu parish.” This investigation is continuing and it is anticipated there will be additional arrests, Pittman said.

Fundraiser to help infant with helmet Debby Schamber For The Record

Orange Police Officer Caleb Davis has worked selflessly for the last five years protecting the citizens as he patrols the streets, but there is one problem he can’t immediately fix, his 7 month old son, Malachi, has occipital plagiocephaly and torticollis. In other words, his neck is not strong enough to turn both ways, and as a result of this his head is flat. For obvious safety reasons, his parents, Caleb and Sarah Davis were advised to order a specially designed helmet for the child, who will have to wear it 23 hours a day for 6 months or longer. As sad as this situation is, Caleb and Sarah Davis decided to think outside the box in order to find a silver lining in what is other wise a dark situation. Sarah searched the internet to find someone who could customize the design of a helmet to help her son.



Suspected ring leaders of the organization Mario Barrazacorral, located in Dallas, was arrested and is being held in Texas. Other suspects such as Sergio Reyes Castillo and



Lazaro Perez Cribeiro are being held in the Calcasieu Correctional Center. According to reports, authorities did not indicate



whether any of the suspects were employed by Delta Downs. However, to date no officials at the raceDRUG BUST Page 3A

The Texas Travel Information Center was built in 1936 and was privately owned and was donated to the city in 2004. It was previously at various locations before the final stop in Simmons Drive. During Hurricane Rita in 2005 the cabin received extensive damage to the structure followed by Hurricane Ike in 2008. The city explored several options for restoring the structure, but it was determined the damage was too severe. As a result, the City Council at the June 25 meeting directed staff to move forward with the demolition and with the recommendation that any logs that are salvageable would be saved and possibly used in a future project. The demolition has been scheduled for the week of July 15. RECORD PHOTO: Mark Dunn

Orange man attempts to save historic log cabin Malachi Davis, 7 months, wears a helmet to reshape his head. He suffers from occipital plagiocephaly and torticollis. His neck is not strong enough to turn both ways, and as a result of this his head is flat. For obvious safety reasons, his parents, Caleb and Sarah Davis were advised to order a specially designed helmet for the child, who will have to wear it 23 hours a day for six months or longer.

She was able to find someone to make the special helmet. But, this one is extra special since it is a as close to a Dallas Cowboys design as possible since the National Football League has rules about

Debby Schamber For The Record

A local Orange citizen is upset about the impending demolition of what he refers to as an “historical asset” to the community. Chuck Peterson recently let his feelings known about the former Texas Travel Information Center, also referred to as the Log Cabin, to the Orange City Council. The cabin is currently located near the Orange Animal Shelter located at 808 Simmons Drive. The Texas Travel Information Center was built in 1936

and was privately owned and was donated to the city in 2004. It was previously at various locations before the final stop in Simmons Drive. Peterson has offered to have the cabin moved to his property at the corner of Green and Simmons Drive. But, he admits he cannot afford to pay $2,000 for the cost of moving it or for the needed renovations. The cabin was damaged in 2005 by Hurricane Rita and again in 2008 when Hurricane Ike came to town. Structurally, the cabin needs repair since one side of the roof is down, Peterson

said. ‘Yes, it needs a lot done,” Peterson said. “But, it’s a major historical piece.” Patterson said it would be a good idea to use hotel/motel tax money for the repairs. ‘It is repairable and removable,” Patterson said. He suggested after the repairs are done to spray it with chemical which would preserve the wood for many years. According to Peterson he is not the only citizen who wants to see the cabin repaired. He also thinks the reHISTORIC LOG CABIN Page 3A


Orange County Sheriffs Posse Rodeo this weekend Staff Report

For The Record

The annual Orange County Sheriff Posse 2013 Rodeo will be held at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, July 19 and 20 at the Orange County Sheriff Posse Arena located on FM 105, one half mile east of Hwy 62 in Orange.

Every summer the OCSP rodeo offers an enjoyable family outing with something for all ages. This year among many of the door prizes that will be given away each night, one bicycle will be given away to each winner of the Calf Scramble and Lamb Scramble. Children up to 6 years of age are invited to participate in the Mutton Busting and children up to 12

years of age are invited to participate in the Calf Scramble and Lamb Scramble. Free stick horse races will be available for children five years of age and younger. Teens may register for the ever popular Calf Dressing event by calling 409-781-1181. The first team to get the undergarments on the calf wins. And for the adults, we have

the Ribbon Run competition with the first ever Financial Institution Competition kicking off the event. Five local financial institutions will be competing against each other: Community Bank, Dupont Goodrich Federal Credit Union, Sabine Federal Credit Union, MCT Credit Union and First Financial Bank (previously Orange Savings Bank).

The winner of the Financial Institution Competition will compete against the general public in subsequent Ribbon Run events each evening. The Ribbon Run event consists of teams of two (one male and one female) who may enter for $10 per team with the goal of OCSP RODEO Page 3A

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