Dickie Colburn: Fishing See Page 5B Cooking With Katherine See Page 8A
High School Football See Page 1B
County Record The Community Newspaper of Orange, Texas
Vol. 51 No. 24
Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011
County okays budget, Jacobs awarded Nicole Gibbs
For The Record
Money is never an easy topic to discuss but as the deadline approaches for Orange County to adopt a budget for the 2011-2012 fiscal year, money
was the main topic of discussion at Commissioners’ Court on Monday. While County Judge Carl Thibodeaux informed those attending the public hearing that the Commissioners cut as much of the expenditures
they could, the Commissioners passed (with a four to one vote) a 2.92 percent tax increase over the current effective tax rate. The property tax rate for 2011-2012 Orange County citizens is now .52990, which is less than last year’s
tax rate of .53507. Had the Commissioners not increased the tax rate at all, the County would most likely see a deficit of approximately $330,000 at the end of the year. Even a one percent increase would have left the
H Winfree herds Cow Bayou Cattle Drive H
DEA Agent Toby Swartz gives the Outstanding Achievement Award to Investigator Joey Jacobs. RECORD PHOTO: Nicole Gibbs
county in a deficit. The adopted budget will raise property taxes by $1,067,736, 4.55 percent more than last year’s budget. Of that amount, $205,337 is tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year.
Port of Orange board member, Barbara Winfree, scoops the grand prize winning cow from the bayou during the Cow Bayou Cattle Drive last Saturday. Similar to a rubber ducky derby, a herd of 500 floating cows drifted with the tide to the finish line. Dr. Chris Penning of Bridge City won the 40 inch television donated by the Sears Hometown Store in Orange. The event was hosted by the Historical Museum of Bridge City in celebration of the Winfree family legacy in Orange County and to promote the upcoming Bridge City Heritage Festival, Saturday, Oct. 1. RECORD PHOTO: Mark Dunn
Meanest drought in Texas history
Mike Louviere For The Record
Travelers on I-10 may have noticed an unusual number of 18 wheel trailer loads of hay, but probably think nothing of it. The person who the hay is to be delivered to thinks a lot about that load of hay. The 20 or so bales of hay may be the thing that keeps his cattle alive and his family fed, clothed and housed. As he ordered the load of hay he was probably praying that he could get another load, if someone had that much to sell him again and if he could even afford to buy another load. “We are selling every blade of grass that we can bale. Dad, Dan Harris, is in the hay field every day, bailing and shipping hay. We have sent hay as far out as Brownwood,” said Bubba Harris. “It is getting to the point that we are going to have to decide how much we can afford to sell and still have enough for our needs.” The round bales, called rolls, are four feet by five feet in diameter on average and weigh between 900 and 1,000 pounds. The roll cost is about $40 to $50 dollars and when freight is added the cost doubles at least. “Some areas of the state are bailing anything in the grass line they can. Rice straw and Milo are being used. They provide roughage, but not much protein, but guys are taking anything they can get,” said Harris. While there is quite a bit of water in Orange County, much of it cannot be used in hay fields. The irrigation sys-
tem of canals was built for flooding rice fields. There is no way to get enough water out of a canal to irrigate a hay field. Flooding is not the way to do it. There would need to be a pumping and spraying system installed in the fields. Orange County may face a problem growing hay this year. “We are hanging in there this year,” Harris said. “It will be tough but we can get by. At this point it is not worth spending the money on the equipment to irrigate hay fields. It is one of the decisions you have to make carefully. “This drought could be a once in a lifetime and we could install the system at a great cost and never use it. We just have to wait and watch how things go. It’s all part of the business.”
Cattle throughout Texas suffer in the worst drought in Texas history. COURTESY PHOTO
The changing economics has caused drastic effects on Texas agriculture. Farmers and ranchers have been effected by high interest rates and lower prices offered by the
buyers. Fuel costs haven’t been helpful either. Farmers and ranchers often have to borrow enough money TEXAS DROUGHT PAGE 2A
Tunnel boat races this weekend Staff Report
For The Record
Bigger engines and more speed brings greater excitement to the 4th annual “Showdown on the Sabine” this weekend in Orange. “The Formula One class will replace the SST class that we have had in the past,” said Darlene Zavada, of the Orange Convention and Visitors Bureau. “Some of these boats will reach 150 miles per hour.” Youngsters 8 to 12 will also be competing in the J-Hydro class. “It is a fun class to watch, but the kids are as serious as the adults,” said Zavada.
Formula Light and Tri-Hull classes will also be competing. “This year we will be selling pit passes. They can visit with the mechanics and drivers. It will be a unique opportunity,” said Zavada. There will be food vendors, arts and crafts, a petting zoo, bounce houses, and a water slide. “Kids wanting to go on the water slide need to plan ahead and bring appropriate gear,” said Zavada. Admission and parking are free. No coolers, pets, bicycles or skateboards allowed. “We will allow folks to set up canopies, but this year we are limiting that to the top of the le-
• Award Winning Hometown News
vee.” The “Showdown” begins with boat inspections at 8 a.m., Saturday and Formula One trials at 9 a.m., Sunday. It’s fun for the entire family. The event is located at the Orange Public Boat Ramp on Simmons Drive. Crowds for the two day event have reached as high as 15,000 in the past. “We are expecting about 60 boats and drivers to be with us this year,” said Zavada. “We have been bigger and better each year. We hope a lot of fans come out for the races and that everyone has a great time.”
One of the reasons why the budget is increased is because of the payroll, which is increasing by $674,683.85: $463,373.49 for the union contract required for the Sheriff’s Department; $11,382.50 for COUNTY BUSINESS PAGE 2A
Britt Godwin headlines Bridge City Heritage Festival Mike Louviere For The Record
Country music has undergone many changes since the day it was known as “Hillbilly Music.” Writers write different, arrangers arrange different, musicians play different and singers sing different. There are some artists who have remained true to the roots of country music. Britt Godwin is one of those who want to keep country music true to its roots. Godwin will be the headline performer at the upcoming Bridge City Heritage Festival, Oct. 1. The festival is being hosted by the Bridge City Historical Museum, a nonprofit charitable organization formed in 2009 to preserve local history and enhance tourism. Godwin is a triple threat artist. He performs solo, he heads B.B. & Company and he also has the Remember Me When Orchestra that does the big band sounds of the 1930s and 40s. At the Heritage festival he will be performing with B.B. & Company. Godwin started performing and recording as a teenager. He is a Bridge City native and a 1986 graduate of Bridge City High School. Godwin was on the road with Tracey Byrd for 11 years. “We must have performed at the Opry at least 50 times and it was always a thrill, and also a little scary,” Godwin said. “We walked on stage and in the wings were Bill Anderson, Porter Waggoner, and Jimmy Dickens waiting and watching the boys from Texas. That’s scary.” They did well. Little Jimmy Dickens complemented them of their Western Swing. Eddie Stubbs, long time Opry announcer, also said he liked the traditional sound they played. Godwin is carrying tradition every time he goes on stage.
“When they called me and asked me to come to the Heritage Festival, I was like ‘WOW’ this is great. It is like a homecoming, it is great to be asked to do this in my hometown,” he said. “This is such a great cause! For Bridge City to have the opportunity to have a museum of the quality this one is going to be is great. I am BRITT GODWIN PAGE 3A
Inside The Record • SHERLOCK BREAUX Page..................... 4A • Obituaries Page......................7A •Dicky Colburn Fishing..................5B • Kaz’s Korner Joe Kazmar...........4B • CHURCH NEWS Page......................7B • CLASSIFIED ADS Page......................8B
• The Record • Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Texas drought worst in history From Page 1
to operate for the coming year. Then they worry about being able to sell the crop or herd to make enough money to pay off the loan to be in able to borrow enough for the next year. It is a cycle that never ends. For many farmers and ranchers the life they live is the only life they have ever known. Many have had their farm or ranch in the family for generations and are just barely hanging on from year to year. “The days of a guy being able to have a few head of cows and a bull and make any money are gone. The man that had a deal like that and a ‘real job’ could sell off a calf or two every year and make a little money. Feed, hay and fuel prices have put guys like that out of business,” said Harris. “You need to have a herd of 35 to 50 to even have a fighting chance of making money. We’ve had to rethink the way we do business. We don’t sell off our cattle in the same way we did years ago. There are fewer cattle in the U.S. now than there were in the 1950s.
“The stockyards and packing houses were all built in those years and they are set up to run a certain number of cattle through them. When they run at a lower capacity it increases their costs and that gets passed back down to us. We get less money per head and the consumer is going to pay a higher price at the other end.” It is also harder for the rancher to find and keep pasture and the farmer tillable fields. The Harris operation is typical. They own about 500 acres and lease much more. They have cattle in several pastures scattered over a large area. The landowners are second and third generation owners in large part and many prefer to sell outright to a developer and pocket a lump sum rather than lease the pasture or field. Those affected by the drought and wild fire situation in other parts of the state will have some difficult decisions to make if they even survive this year. The biggest will be “Can we afford to stay in business?” If a 70 year old rancher or a 45 year old farmer with a family cannot afford to keep the family
County business the Employee Matrix which was adopted four years ago; $34,477.86 for the Elected Officials Pay Matrix; and $175,450.50 for the 1.5 percent Cola for non-elected employees. The Commissioners also set the salaries expenses and other allowances of elected county and precinct officials for fiscal year 2011-2012. Drug Enforcement Agency award: Drug Enforcement Agents Scott Wilkins and Toby Swartz awarded Orange County Investigator Joey Jacobs an Outstanding Achievement Award for his direct involvement in a case which
The Record News The Record Newspapers- The County Record and the Penny Record- are published on Wednesday of each week and distributed free throughout greater Orange County, Texas. The publications feature community news, local sports, commentary and much more. Readers may also read each issue of our papers from our web site TheRecordLive.Com. • News Editor..........................................................Nicole Gibbs • Production Manager..............................................Russel Bell • General Manager.....................................................Mark Dunn • Distribution Manager..................................................Bill Pope • Staff Writers and Photographers... Mark Dunn, Taylor Wendt, Penny LeLeux, Larry Trimm, Nicole Gibbs, Joey Encalade, Cody Hogden and Teri Newall
886-7183 or 735-7183 E-mail: news@therecordlive.com
County Record: 320 Henrietta St., Orange, Texas 77630 Penny Record: 333 W. Roundbunch, Bridge City, Texas 77611 Offices Closed On Wednesday. Didn’t Get Your Paper? Call Bill Pope 735-5305.
Round The Clock Hometown News
With thousands of acres of corn affected by the drought the effect will be the same on farm products. Corn is so dry in some areas of Texas that it has rotted and dried while still on the stalk. Crop production will be extremely low this season for Texas farmers. Texas agriculture is taking a hit from Mother Nature that it may never fully recover from. As bad as things are in Texas, Louisiana crawfish farmers are worried about their next crop. The drought may go so deep that the crawfish may not survive. Next year’s crawfish harvest may be the lowest in history.
From Page 1
resulted in the dismantlement of a national drug trafficking organizations and ceased the flow of thousands of pounds of methamphetamine and cocaine throughout the United States. “We actually named the operation ‘Operation Agent Orange’ to reflect on where the origin of the investigation came from,” Swartz said. “Jacobs was quick to realize that he had to strong informants that the DEA could use in their investigation. He immediately reached out to us and we had a series of meetings over a period of time.” From those meetings, the DEA agents were able two
News Tips and Photos
agricultural business in operation going, what will they be able to do? In most cases all they have ever know is the ranching or farming they have been doing. If they were able to move into a city and go into the insurance or banking business, it would be so far out of their preferred way of life that it would be like moving to Mars. Meat prices are going to be affected; it is just too early to know how much. If a rancher sells an animal that is grossly underweight, as is happening, he is going to receive less money. The packer is going to buy animals of a lesser quality. The consumer is going to buy lesser quality at a higher price. It is a bad situation.
work undercover and infiltrate a large methamphetamine organization out of Mexico. The DEA agents were able to set several wire taps. From there, they were able to arrest 40 with some that even came from Orange County. “This has been just one of many investigations we’ve had with the Orange County Sheriff’s office,” Wilkins said. “It’s always started with [the Orange County Sheriff’s Department] and it’s lead all the way to Mexico. All the violence you see on TV, this is where it’s originating. This case involved the Hector Beltran Leyva organization. This meth comes from the super labs in Mexico. This investigation is putting them in jail.” Other Business: Jeff Kelley, director of Emergency Management, said that the storms on Sunday and Monday morning dropped about three-quarters of an inch to 2 inches of rain at different areas in the county. He said the percentage chance for rain for the rest of week has dropped. At the recommendation of Kelley, the Commissioners chose to leave the burn ban off for the time being. The total for bills paid this week is $1,271,178.56, including:$101,908.86 to McInnis Construction, Inc., from the general fund for the Adult Probation Facility; $9,889.87 to Schaumburg & Polk from the general fund for the Shelter of Last Resort;$577,106.36 to G&G Enterprises from the general fund for the Shelter of Last Resort. Deborah Rawls, County Auditor, explained that the bills for this week are so high because they decided to pay off everything they could possibly pay. The Auditor’s office will be installing and learning a new program next week.
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The Record • Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011
LCM’s Battlin’ Bear and twin Honey Bear
Honeybear Captain Bailey Gilbeaux has her eye on the LSU Tiger Girls dance team. Stephen Gilbeaux, the biggest Bear on the team is hoping to be accepted at Annapolis.
Mike Louviere For The Record
This week the Little Cypress-Mauriceville Battlin’ Bears were holed up in their den, plotting the upcoming game with the Lumberton Raiders. There was time to look at other things. Among the things that make the Bears unique in the local high school sports picture is the fact that two of the most diehard Bears are not only brother and sister, they are twins! Bailey Gilbeaux is the captain of the Honeybears and her twin brother Stephen is the biggest Bear on the football team. For their first year the twins stayed close in size, only about 18 ounces separated them. Things changed and now there is about twice as much Stephen as there is Bailey. Physical differences aside there is the closeness and the bond that only twins can relate to. They are support each other. Each has pride in the other’s abilities and accomplishments. They have the typical brother and sister moments. “They argue and fuss like any other kids, but they always have each other’s back,” said mom,
Britt Godwin
Valrie Gilbeaux. The active lifestyle and athletic ability of the twins come, no doubt, from the parents and grandparents. Maternal grandfather Glyn Ebarb is a long time area coach. Paternal grandfather Raymond Gilbeaux was a football standout at St. Mary High School. Mom Valrie was an All-State basketball player at Vinton High School. Their dad, Troy Gilbeaux was the first Texas High School champ at LCM High School, winning the gold medal in high hurdles in 1986 and the bronze medal in 1987. Early on Stephen played baseball and basketball, but preferred football and decided to focus his energy there. Bailey played all the girl’s sports in junior high, but decided that dance was her forte’. Bailey has 15 years of dance experience, all gained through the Thayer Dance Academy. Stephen suffered a disabling knee injury that cost him his junior year of play. He is back on varsity this year and ready to support the team in any way he can. At center he has another player vying for playing time. “I have my best friend competing with me for playing time; as much as I want to play I also want to see him play. We compete, but we are both happy for each other,” said Stephen. “I want to go to the Naval Academy and play football there. I do not think that my knee will be an issue. I can get an appeal on my entry requirements and I am playing well. I just hope I can make the team there.” Stephen is compiling the necessary paperwork to submit to Congressman Kevin Brady in the hopes that he can gain one of the two appointments allowed the congressman. Bailey is spending her time as the leader of the Honeybears with mixed emotions. She has chosen to end her drill team career at high school and hopes to join the LSU Tiger Girls dance team. “They dance hip-hop and that is what I love to do,” said Bailey. “I am sad to think that this is my last year to be on the field with
From Page 1
thrilled and the band is also very pleased and highly honored to be asked to be a part of this fundraiser,” said Godwin. Godwin performs at McKenzie’s Pub in Beaumont every Thursday. B.B. & Company and the Remember Me When Orchestra alternate dates at the Pub. CDs of the orchestra and Godwin’s country sounds may be obtained from him. The information is on his Facebook page. B.B. & Company is a six piece group made up of performers who have at least 30 years experience each in the music business. Godwin and Bubba Moore are joined by Huey Buxton, Larry Shelton, A.C. Billeaud and Vince Montalbano. Buxton played with Godwin on his very first album, recorded while Godwin was still a teenager. Shelton, who was the first trumpet player to play at the Grand Old Opry since the late Marty Robbins appeared with a trumpet in his band, played with Godwin and Tracey Byrd at
the Grand Old Opry. The band works very hard to bring the classic country sounds back to life with each performance. In addition to the country sounds of Hank Williams, George Jones, Ray Price, Bob Wills, Marty Robbins, Johnny Cash and many more, they also do Classic Rock and Roll from the legends like Elvis, Roy Orbison and Chuck Berry, to name a few. All of these musicians share the common goal of wanting to be true to their roots. Each of them has performed in a variety of venues with a number of different artists. They each played together in other bands before coming together as B.B. & Company. The Bridge City Heritage Festival will be held on the grounds of the Community Center on Oct. 1. A carnival will open on Sept. 29 through Oct. 2. For information and the schedule of events call Paige Williams at 409-783-3743.
my drill team, but I know that I can have a great time if I can make the Tiger Girls.” Competition will be strong but she is sure that her years of training from “Miss Rose” (Thayer) will serve her well. Both twins want to go into the medical field. Bailey aspires to be a neonatal nurse. “I have always loved to be around babies.” Stephen has wants to graduate with a biology or science degree from Annapolis. “I hope that I might be able to get an advanced degree and maybe get into one of the large medical schools like Johns Hopkins. I would like to be a reconstructive surgeon,” said Stephen. They both set ambitious goals. They have been working for years to get there. Both are members of the National Honor Society and keep grades in the A and B range. Bailey is the NHS Historian and has been selected as a STAR student several times. Of the two, Bailey is the most emotional about their high school careers coming to an end. “It is a little hard to think about all the
things I am used to–not being here anymore. This year I don’t have to worry about...learning new dance routines and going to camp. I can just sit back and direct. I don’t like to think that I will walk through the door at Miss Rose’s for the last time. But, at the same time I am a little excited about going to a new place and learning new things,” said Bailey. Stephen is a little quieter, but it is easy to see that he feels the same way. Leaving Orange for the Naval Academy is a huge step. Stephen is a big boy; young man really; and he will be able to take that step. Bailey, full of pride summed up how they feel about each other when she said, “It was so neat to see my brother on varsity and raising his helmet at the end of the first varsity game this year.” The proud grandparents of this remarkable duo are; Glyn and Margaret Ebarb of Vinton, La. and Raymond and Jo Ann Gilbeaux of Little Cypress.
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Orange Community Band to meet every Thursday The Orange Community Band rehearses every Thursday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the National Guard Armory, located at 4103 Meeks Drive in Orange. They are in need of players for the following sections; flute, clarinet, saxophone, French horn, and percussion, but ALL are welcome! The band performs Veteran’s Day, Christmas, Memorial Day, and Independence Day concerts. At least one traditional band concert is performed annually. Please visit us on Facebook at Orange Community Band.
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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011
early fall colors. (Editor’s note: Today the couple celebrates their 38th. We congratulate them and best wishes for many more healthy, happy years. *****Dr. Tracie Updike, a native of Bridge City, earned her medical degree at Texas Tech in Lubbock. She has opened her practice at 1750 Ninth Ave., in Port Arthur. (Editor’s note: I wonder where Dr. Updike is now? Also I would be interested in knowing just how many doctors came from Bridge City High School, including dentist. It seems like a high number. Many were graduates of Texas Tech Medical School including Dr. Updike, Dr. David Jones and Dr. Amber Dunn. *****Tommy Bean, held in a Mexican jail for the past two months, is back in the United States. Congressman Nick Lampson was instrumental in Bean’s release. *****Teen violence reported by 911. Sheriff’s deputies find 14-year-old Steven Forester dead from a gunshot wound. A 17-year-old white male was arrested and is awaiting formal charges.
From the Creaux’s Nest TRAGIC DEATH COMES IN THREES Tragedies are always unpredictable and unexpected. This week three outstanding young men lost their lives in a freakish auto accident. Parents throughout time have lived with the fear that their child will meet with danger. We all pray that our children will return home safely but too often that is not the case. It’s almost predictable that every year we will witness the loss of young lives. Jacob Bates, Darrick Brantley and Grey Smith lost their lives Sunday morning at 3:15 a.m. on Highway 62. They were headed south and hit a car headed north. What are the odds of that happening at that time of night, with no other cars on the road? Everything had to be just exactly positioned for that to occur. It’s better than a thousand to one odds that only two cars, on a long stretch, would collide. If you’re a Christian, you belief will be that it was destined, their time, God’s will, etc. Was it fate or an accident that never should have happened? All I know is that those three boys were basically good kids, not hell raising, troublemakers. One thing they all had in common was great personalities. They were fun loving boys who kept you in stitches. I had known Grey since he was big enough to bounce a basketball. Even at that young age he was full of life, loved people and was always entertaining. His dad Jack, a former basketball player, worked with hundreds of youngsters on the basketball court, mine included. Anytime you saw Jack’s three boys they were carrying a basketball. They were great kids, with a great dad, a man who cared for youngsters. I didn’t know Darrick, just knew of him but I understand he was an avid hunter and fisherman and had many friends. I was familiar with Jacob, who was named for his grandfather, the late Daniel Jacobs. Daniel died recently. He and his wife Gloria spent much time helping to raise Jacob. He was his mom Kelly’s only child and she loved her boy. Before Daniel got so sick with cancer he and Gloria attended every baseball game Jacob played in. The day before his death he had mowed his grandmother’s lawn. The death of those boys is so sad. I think more so because they were so outgoing, polite and caring. They loved their friends, they loved life. CONDOLENCES We were saddened to learn about the death of Emma Day, age 88, who died in Round Rock on Sept. 15. Emma had been a 50 year resident of Bridge City. We had known her and husband Ralph over those years. Emma was very community minded and participated in the political process, helping to elect good people. She was a friendly person who never met a stranger. She is survived by one daughter, Jessie Hebert. Jessie and her husband Windell, for many years were leaders in the community. He was a CPA. Jessie served on the school board and in many other service organizations. Graveside services were held Sunday for Emma at Hillcrest Cemetery near Bridge City. May she rest in peace. Please see obit. TURNING BACK THE HANDS OF TIME 13 Years Ago-1998 Matt Bryant, former Bridge City High star, son of Mary and Casey Bryant, kicks a field goal for Baylor to win 33-30 over North Carolina. (Editor’s note: Over the last eight years, Bryant has been the most consistent kicker in the NFL.)*****Chris Cole, former West Orange-Stark standout, playing for R.C. Slocum at A&M, caught five passes for 72 yards in the Aggie 24-6 win over Southern Mississippi. *****Bridge City Lady Cards remain undefeated in 20-4A volleyball. Rosetta Wilson is the coach. Star players are Natalie Sanders, April Belk, Erin Dillow, Ashley Theriot, Misty Jenkinson, Krista Shatto and Sally Hill. *****Orange County is keeping an eye on Hurricane George. *****Robert Dale and Karen Jo Vance celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary Sept. 21. They were married in 1973 with Robert’s father, Rev. Dale Vance, officiating. The couple are headed to the New England states and will catch the
33 Years Ago-1978 Bohn Hilliard died Sept. 23 of a heart attack. He is said to have been the best football player to come out of Orange. At Texas the football legend was an AllAmerican. His team beat Notre Dame in 1934 where he scored the only touchdown. He went on to play pro-ball but was injured as a rookie. A native of Deweyville, he was reared in Orange and played for Orange High. His family owned Dr. Pepper Bottling Co.*****Sharon Gregory is chosen Miss Bridge City. Other finalists are Denise Soileau, Brenda Braquet, Teresa Hearn, Lisa Young, Shelly Pate, Liz Godwin, Tanya Huffpauir, Danetta Davis and Melanie LeDoux. *****State Representative Wayne Peveto cut the ribbon at the new West Orange City Hall dedication. *****News Flash.....Inez Hearn will retire from Wards at the end of the month. (Editor’s note: Nez still lives in Bridge City. Her health hasn’t been that great but after retiring all those years ago, she donated much of her time to caring for the elderly.)*****DA investigator Wilson Roberts has a pet duck. His answer to Baretta’s white cockatoo, Fred. BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK Ruthie Hannegan, Bobby Cormier, Mary Rawls, Ronnie Teaff, Vernon Murray, Howdy Dawson, Janice Kelly, Jenny Sims, Jonah Thurman, Lorayne Welch, Beverly Mixon, Miranda Fisette, Corey Faulk, Brooks Tally, Connie Arnold, Donna Broomes, Matthew Broussard, Michael Broussard, Miranda Fisette, Noah Burns, Penny LeLeux, James Broom, Julie Saltzman, Mark Kelly, Megan Fontenot, Sammy Pratt, William Dotson, Jayna Campbell, George Mullins, Jeremy Cooper, Katie Baker, Laura Roberts, Lindsey Kimbrow, Jeannie Barnes, Mark Norwood, Dustin Jackson, Teresa Beauchamp, Trey Rhodes, Zelma McCullough, Beckie Kimbell, Blake Seibert, Brittany Bean, Bill Nugent, Jimmy Thurman, Donna Ford, Bill Nugent, Ola Kindle, Joellen Grooms, Phyllis Tarter, Scott Stout, Bessie Rach, Cameron Pitts, James Scott, Jeffery Armand, Kailey Childress, Lynn Gremillion, Kara Day, John Harrell, Mary Gremillion, Sandra Rose, Theresa Blanchard, Vicki Jeter, Byron Buchanan, Bob Blacksher, C.G. Birdwell, Dan Barclay, Deven Young, Gaynell Murrell, Hayley Dardeau, Jack Short, Michael Coffey, Morgan Applebach, Starla Lee, Todd Shuford, Jeff Batchelor, Kevin Hall, Mike Hughes, Ray Dahl and Scott Harris. A FEW HAPPENINGS Congratulations to Commissioner’s Court for again hammering out a fair budget. I believe this is Judge Thibodeaux’s 17th budget. Times are more difficult now but our conservative court works very hard to come up with a good budget. We’re one of the few counties that hasn’t had to resort to massive layoffs or decline in services. Year in and year out they do a good job of governing. *****I was sorry to hear that Tom and Jane Perry, because of Tom’s declining health, were forced into moving to Tennessee. Tom and Jane, over the years, were pillars of the Bridge City community. Tom served on the school board and city council. He was a driving force in the chamber and both were always available to help with any community project. Their only child, Tom Jr., lives in Tennessee and they will be near him. Tom has been battling cancer for some months. They gave a lot of themselves and for that we are thankful. We wish them the best. *****We understand that attorney H.D. Pate is undergoing knee replacement surgery but will maintain his practice. *****If you stop by Danny’s around noon no telling who you might run into. Monday, the Mike Trahans were enjoying lunch with Richard Sims. Back a few years ago, their dads, “Crip” and Robert Sims, were the movers and shakers about town. “Crip” was an Abbeville native who resided in West Orange; Mike now lives at the old home place on Lansing St. We also saw David Richard who told us his wife, Fay, just went through cancer surgery and is doing quite well. When she was coming out of the drugs she got to rattling about telling Roy she had put those papers on the table next to the managers office like he told her to. This was 35 years later and she was still delivering Dunn’s newspaper, the Opportunity Valley News. Old newspaper carriers never forget. She’s a sweetheart and we pray for her complete recovery. *****Special folks celebrating birthdays. Our buddy Tommy Simar is a
year older on Sept. 23. I bet Sue has something special planned for him. ***Our girl Penny LeLeux celebrates another birthday on Sept. 23. Her birthday sure seems to come around often. ***Marcel’s little girl, city councilperson Teresa Beauchamp, marks another year Sept. 24. She stays the same, it’s only Frank that’s ageing.*****Goodbye Hanna. She was quite a lady, a champion Ridgeback. Hanna died over the weekend. For years people had seen Mark Dunn and Hanna running the track and the stands. She gave birth to some good pups. Mark only has Raz left. Hanna brought him many years of joy. *****Special thanks to Ms. Pearl for the homemade brownies and pound cake. Goodies come in handy on these long Tuesdays. Good too. *****Pattie Hanks was in from Vegas to see Braelyn Zion Scott, her new grandson. She and daughter Jami brought the youngster by. He had his mom’s good looks. *****Jerry Wayne Bell was spotted hauling a port-a-potty around town. I had heard the sickness was going around but didn’t know it was bad enough to haul an outhouse with you. *****Don’t forget the Farmer’s Market. Always good produce. Saturday I got fresh grown tomatoes, okra, cucumbers, watermelon and squash. Check them out. Big Lots parking lot on Wednesday 4-6 p.m. and Saturday morning, 6 a.m. till. *****Thanks to Commissioner John Dubose, Roundbunch Road to Hwy. 1006 is sure nice to travel on now. *****If you are in the market for a nice pre-owned car or truck, be sure to check out David Self Ford before you buy. His autos are certified with a full warranty. *****A lot of fun can be had at the free show and tunnel boat races to be held on the Sabine River in downtown Orange. The races will amaze you. Load up the kids for an experience they will never forget. *****We were sorry to hear about the death of Dolores Hope, age 102. She died Monday, Sept. 19, at her home. We had been fortunate to have met her when she accompanied Bob to Port Arthur for the Hughen School benefits. Bob Hope died at age 100, on July 27, 2003. The couple married Feb. 19, 1934. *****The Wednesday Lunch Bunch will dine at Novrozsky’s this week and be back at Robert’s Restaurant next week. Everyone is welcome. CELEBRITY BIRTHDAYS On Sept. 21, Faith Hill will be 44; Luke Wilson, 40; Nicole Richie, 30; Bill Murray, 61 and Stephen King, 64. ***Andrea Bocelli will be 53 on Sept. 22; Joan Jett, 53 and Scott Baio, 50. ***Bruce Springsteen will be 62 on Sept. 23; Jason Alexander, 52; Ani Difranco, 41 and Jermaine Dupri, 39. ***Barbara Walters will be 80 on Sept. 25; Michael Douglas, 67; Catherine Zeta-Jones, 42; Heather Locklear, 50; Scottie Pippen 46 and Will Smith, 43. ***Olivia Newton-John will be 63 on Sept. 26; Linda Hamilton, 55 and Serena Williams, 30. ***Meat Loaf will be 64 on Sept. 27; Lil Wayne and 29; Avril Lavigne, 27. CAJUN STORY OF THE WEEK Joe Thibodeaux got himself a little farm between Abbeville and Maurice. He plant himself a big cornfield and he watch over it good. One day he spotted a big, black crow flying around dat cornfield. Joe say to hisself, “You not gonna git my corn you.” Boom, Boom, Joe him, kilt dat crow dead. Dis particular crow had a band on its leg from da Washington Biological Survey, to check da immigration habit of da bird. Joe read da abbreviate message dat say, WASH. BOIL. SURV. Da next week, Joe ran into his farmer friend, Otis Comeaux, and tole him bout dat banded crow dat he shot on his field. Comeaux axe, “Joe, wat you do wit dat crow hanh?” Joe answer, “Jus like da instruction say, I wash him, boil him and surv him and he still taste like da devil him, jus awful.” C’EST TOUT It’s been that kind of week. My boat has been loaded and time has caught up with me. I thank you for tagging along. Time didn’t permit but I hope to do an editorial opinion piece next week. *****Maybe before too long the Tea Party will quit saying “No” to everything and help get a job package together. *****Read us cover to cover and stay tuned daily to our web, TheRecordLive.com. for up to the minute breaking stories.*****We reach consumers throughout the trade area. If you are an advertiser or need more business and are not advertising in The Record Newspapers, you’re missing the boat. We are read by more people locally than any other publications combined. Please shop with our family of advertisers who bring you this paper. I’ve gotta get out of here. Take care and God bless.
The Record • Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011
For The Record Marriage licenses: issued by the office of Karen Jo Vance, Orange County Clerk for the Week Sept. 12 through Sept. 16:
Michael A. Hall and Jennise D. Clasby Andrew A. Porter and Kristyn N. Resha Steve C. Gaspard Sr. and Gloria J. Page Eddie Bartie Jr. and Denise A. Charles Mark E. Powell Jr. and Connie S. Pymm Andrew J. Pridemore and Caitlin E. Mumbach Michael R. Thomas Jr. and Jamie R. Staggs Mark A. Melancon and Patricia M. Tourtelotte Harce D. Mearse Jr. and Kimberly W. Gooch Robert L. Cherry and Karli A. McQuerry Joshua G Moss and Jessica L White Richard A Wheat and Carlene A Peveto
Divorces: issued by the office of Vickie Edgerly, Orange County District Clerk for the week Sept. 3 through Sept. 9 John T. Phelps and Diana E. Phelps Stephen W. Boutte and Frances Boutte Jana Dubke and Larry E. Dubke Regena Lynn Jeane and Ronnie Dale Jeane A.B. Peveto and J.M. Peveto
The 2011 Fall Drive 4 UR School at David Self, Sept. 17 was huge with 639 test drives in five hours. The Total amount raised for Orange County schools was $10,420.00. The Bridge City Strutters and Cheerleaders came in 1st place, while 2nd place was claimed by Little Cypress-Mauriceville Band Boosters. Coming in 3rd was Community Christian Senior Class. They were followed by West Orange-Stark, Orangefield Band Booster and Student Council. Vidor Student Council came in sixth. Thanks to Ford and David Self Ford for their support. RECORD PHOTO: Courtesy of Tricia Stroud
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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Community Bulletin Board Orange Community Band to meet every Thursday The Orange Community Band rehearses every Thursday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the National Guard Armory, located at 4103 Meeks Drive in Orange. They are in need of players for the following sections; flute, clarinet, saxophone, French horn, and percussion, but ALL are welcome! The band performs Veteran’s Day, Christmas, Memorial Day, and Independence Day concerts. At least one traditional band concert is performed annually. Please visit us on Facebook at Orange Community Band.
brary. Plans will be finalized for alumni activities for Homecoming 2011 and for the Classic Cardinal Reunion planned for Saturday, Oct. 8. (Classic Cardinals are those who have been graduated from BCHS 50 + years. Those needing information may contact bchs_alumni@yahoo.com for ticket information.) Homecoming 2011 activities will salute graduates of 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001, and all former drill team members and their support personnel.
Fraternal Order of Eagles to host dance Sept. 24 The Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxiliary 2523 will host a dance and party with Jesse Domingue and Jesse and Company. The dance will take place at 803 N. 28 in Orange on Saturday, Sept. 24 from 8 p.m. to midnight. The cost will be $5 for singles or $8 per couple.
Hunters Education Safety Class set for Sept. 23 Rape and Suicide Crisis Center to offer support Texas Parks and Wildlife will host a Hunter Education safety group meetings class on Friday, Sept. 23 from 5 to 7 p.m. and will finish on Saturday, Sept. 24 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Those interested must attend both sessions. Certification is required for those 17 years and older and were born on or before Sept. 2, 1971 to hunt in Texas. Children nine years of age and older can become certified. To register, call Danny Odom at 409-883-8118. This is not just for hunters, anyone with firearms can benefit from this class.
The Rape and Suicide Crisis Center of Southeast Texas will be hosting a support group for female survivors of sexual assault the first and third Wednesday of every month, starting at 5:30 p.m. Meetings will be held at the Foundation of Southeast Texas building, located at 700 North St. in downtown Beaumont. To RSVP or for further information, please contact the Crisis Center at 409-832-6530.
Farmers’ Market held Wed. and Sat.
Orange VFW to give scholarship
The Orange County Farmers’ Market has opened for the season and expanded to include Wednesdays from 4-7 p.m., in addition to the usual 6:30-10 a.m. on Saturdays. The market ends when the produce is sold out, which is often earlier than the times shown. The following items are now available: Watermelon, cantaloupe, pumpkins, tomatoes, zucchini and yellow squash, cucumbers, green onions, banana peppers, peas, okra, a variety of jams and jellies, canned vegetables, fresh eggs, local honey, blueberry juice, baked goods, granola, house plants, and blueberry plants. The market is held in the parking lot in front of Big Lots on MacArthur Drive. For additional information, contact Texas AgriLife at 882-7010.
Service League of Orange Community Needs The Service League of Orange is now accepting requests from NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ONLY for application forms to receive financial assistance through their Community Needs Committee. The Service League encourages projects, events, and activities that primarily target the good of all of the entire “Orange County” community. To qualify you must be able to supply verification that you are a non-profit organization along with your Service League Needs applications. Your community Needs application and verification of nonprofit status must be returned to the Service League by Oct. 1. Applications can be obtained by calling Carolyn Lemons to 409-670-1839 or Pat Jordan at 409-886-1795.
BCISD to administer Credit by Examination
Bridge City ISD, in accordance with Chapter 74.24 TAC, will administer the Texas Tech University Credit by Examination Tests. Testing dates will be December 6, 7 and 8, 2011 and June 5, 6 and 7 2012. Students in grades first through fifth will be allowed to take each of the five tests (Math, Science, Language Arts, Reading, and Social Studies) at the elementary level without prior instruction. The student must score at least 90 on each of the five four tests to be considered eligible for grade level acceleration. Students in grades sixth through 12 will be permitted to take an examination to earn credit for an academic course for which they have had no prior instruction. Students must score at least 90 on the test to receive course credit. Additional information and registration forms can be obtained by contacting Gina Mannino at: gina.mannino@bridgecityisd.net.
Hunter Education Safety Class Texas Parks & Wildlife Hunter Education Safety Class on Friday Sept. 23 from 5 to 7 p.m. & finish Saturday Sept. 24 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Must attend both sessions. Certification is required if you are at least 17 years old and were born on or after Sept. 2, 1971 to hunt in Texas. You can become certified if you are at least nine years old. Call Danny Odom to register at 409883-8118 This is not just for hunters, anyone with firearms can benefit from this class.
BCHS Alumni Association to meet Sept. 29 The Bridge City High School Alumni Association will meet on Thursday, Sept. 29 at 5:30 p.m. in the Bridge City High School Li-
The Orange VFW Post 2775 Ladies Auxiliary is taking applications for a $1,000 “Continuing Education Scholarship” offered by the National Ladies Auxiliary VFW. To qualify, the applicant must be a member for at least a full year, or be a spouse, son or daughter of a qualified member. Entries must be at least 18 and pursuing a college degree or career direction at a technical school. Four scholarships are presented by National to each of four conferences. Scholarships are paid directly to the College or Tech School, in the student’s name, for use during the 2012-2013 fiscal year. For an application and criteria, contact Chairman Jeanette Clark at 883-0264 or email at jwrc@att.net.
Heritage House receives new shipment of ‘Picturing Orange’ Heritage House Museum is proud to announce; A new shipment of the History Book, Picturing Orange has been received and is ready for sale to the public. This very interesting and pictorial history of Orange County is the hard work of Dr. Howard C. Williams of Orange. Buy your copy at The Heritage House Museum office, 905 W. Division in Orange, Tuesday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The price is $38 including tax. Those wishing to have a copy mailed to you or to someone else, please send the information with an extra $10 for shipping and handling and we’ll be happy to mail it.
Orange Lions Carnival to begin Oct. 5 The Orange Lions Charity carnival is scheduled for Oct. 5-8 and Oct. 12-15 at Orange Lions city park. Carnival begins at 6:30 p.m. nightly except Oct. 8, which is kiddie day. Gates will open at 4 p.m. on that day only. As an extra added attraction this year on opening night carnival attendees may bring a canned good of food and exchange it for one free ride ticket. Tickets are for rides only and limited to one ride ticket per person. For more information, please call Carnival Chairperson Tony Dallas at 409-882-1943, Stump Weatherford at 409-313-0827 or Pam Scales Crew at 409-313-7779.
American Legion to host pool tournament
The American Legion Lloyd Grubbs Post 49, located at 108 Green Ave. in Orange, will be hosting a pool tournament every Friday from 7 p.m. to midnight. There is a ten player maximum. The community is encouraged to join in the fun and free food to help support the Veterans. For more information, call 409-3304847.
Orange Ladies Auxiliary getting ready for Garage Sale on Oct. 22
Orange Ladies Auxiliary VFW Post 2775 are renting tables at $15 each for a Garage Sale to take place at the VFW Post on Highway 87 North on Saturday, Oct. 22. There will be 40 Tables to rent at $15 each, on a first come first serve, CASH ONLY, basis at the time of rental. There will be no refunds. Cardinal Athletic Booster Club offering Doors will open to vendors for setting up from 6 to 8 a.m. and open 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. for customers. No food or beverage will be ‘parking pass’ allowed; no electricity is available and vendors must take their The Cardinal Athletic Booster Club is offering a “Parking leftovers with them. Deadline is Oct. 8. For further information, Pass” for all Home Football Games for $20. The pass will reserve contact President Cathie Duhon at 409-553-6180 before 2 p.m. or you a space in the parking lot in front of the Athletic Field House. Senior Vice President Jeanette Clark at 409-883-0264. Please contact Cil Dixon Athletic Directors Secretary at 350 Bower Drive or 409-735-1641 if you would like to purchase one. Faith United Methodist to host ‘Faithkidz’
Bridge City Heritage Festival set for Oct. 1 The Historical Museum of Bridge City is hosting the Bridge City Heritage Festival on Oct. 1, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the Bridge City Community Center grounds. There will be live musical entertainment, carnival rides, antique cars, crafts and exhibits, a silent auction, bingo, children’s games and much more. For those interested in a craft/exhibit or food booth space, please contact Paige Williams at 409-738-3743, Tracey Broussard at 409-344-2341, Lisa Beuhler at 409-988-9999 or by email at info@ bridgecityhistory.com to receive a vendor packet.
The United Methodist Church in Orange will host an action packed mid-week adventure for kindergarten through fifth graders each Wednesday from Sept. 21 to Dec. 14. Faithkidz will begin at 5:15 p.m. and last until 6:16 pm. Children will experience new adventures, new friends, and receive large doses of encouragement in a Christian setting! Each evening begins with upbeat music, video, exciting games, crafts, puppets, singing, Bible stories, and snacks. This is free to the public, but those interested must register. For more information contact Martha Hoefner 409-346-4017, O’Clair Vaughn 409-201-4208 or 409-769-0230 Find out more on our website www.faithumc-orange.org
Caution reigns when buying a car via the Internet Staff Report
For The Record
Over the years, the Internet has grown from a relative novelty into something households steadfastly rely on in nearly every aspect of life. Bills are now paid online, professional and personal communication is conducted through the Internet, and couples even begin relationships thanks to online dating Web sites. The Internet has also changed the way consumers make their purchases. Nowadays, even big-ticket purchases like automobiles are made online. However, some consumers still fear using the Internet to find their next vehicle, preferring to buy vehicles at a local dealership because it calms some of their concerns about the security of buying online. While there’s no guarantee everything will go swimmingly when buying a car online, there are ways consumers can lessen their risk of being victimized. Investigate the seller. Consumers can be victimized by a disreputable dealer in person, but the general consensus among consumers is such sellers are now more common online. That may or may not be true, but consumers can get peace of mind by investigating the seller before any money exchanges hands. Once you find a car you like, e-mail the seller and ask for ad-
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ditional photos and attempt to set up an appointment to come see the vehicle. The seller’s initial response will likely speak volumes. If the seller responds with additional images and provides times to come see the vehicle, that’s a good start. That likely means there is a vehicle, and this isn’t just a con artist trying to pull a fast one. Any resistance from the seller should be a major red flag, and consumers should simply look elsewhere. One great way to investigate sellers is to look for a vehicle through a Web site like eBay Motors. This site has thousands of vehicle listings, and buyers can click on the seller’s name and read the reviews of past customers. This might not provide a wealth of information when buying from private sellers who don’t often sell vehicles, but it can be a great source of information if buying from a dealership or auto shop who routinely sells vehicles via the Internet. Investigate the vehicle. The seller isn’t the only thing that might be a fraud. The vehicle itself might not be what it’s cracked up to be. When shopping for a car online, always get the vehicle identification number. This will appear as the VIN in an ad for the car, and the VIN can be used to obtain a vehicle history report from a company like CARFAX. Trustworthy sellers might provide the vehicle history report, but if a seller doesn’t, that’s not necessarily a red flag. Vehicle history reports typically cost between $30-40, but sellers can often buy up to five such reports for less than $50. If a seller has already purchased five and they weren’t returned by prospective buyers, it’s hard to blame the seller for not buying more and wanting the buyer to purchase the report themselves. To get the report, you simply need the VIN. Once you get the vehicle history report, it will reveal if the car has been in an accident; if it’s been victimized by flooding; if the airbag has been deployed; odometer readings; number of previous owners; and if the car has been resalvaged. Altogether, this should paint an accurate picture of what the car has been through. If the car appears on the up and up, then ask the seller to take the vehicle to your own mechanic for inspection. If the seller balks at this request, walk away, no matter how good the vehicle looks on its history report. Pay the safe way. A personal check, a wire transfer or a plain old bundle of cash is not the way to purchase a car online. Such payments are not traceable once the checks have been cashed, or the money has been wired or the cash has exchanged hands. When making payments, do so using a secured browser, which will be noted with a URL that starts with “https:” and not just the “http:” of standard Web sites. But safe buying online goes beyond secure Web sites. Buyers should always pay with a credit card when shopping online. Doing so protects consumers against fraud. If the car you “buy” isn’t delivered or it’s been sold to someone else, then the credit card company whose card you used can be used to get your money back. Notify the company immediately. Some Web sites even offer their own purchase protection programs to safeguard buyers in the case of fraudulent purchases. Buying a car online makes some consumers understandably nervous. However, when exercising caution, buyers can find great deals online.
The Record • Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Deaths and Memorials Death Announcements:
Elizabeth Crew Hubert Orange Elizabeth Crew Hubert, 88, passed away Tuesday, Sept. 13, in Whidbey Island, Washington. Cremation took place in Wa s h i n g to n . A memorial service in Orange, to be scheduled at a later date, will be held at Claybar Funeral Home in Orange. Born in Orange on Aug. 29, 1923, Elizabeth was the daughter of Forrest E. Crew Sr. and Gladys M. Crew. Elizabeth had been a resident of Orange all her life and a member of the Mauriceville Methodist Church before moving to Whidbey Island after her husband’s death in 2003. She had been a long time employee of Dr. C.B. Shaddock and Dr. Minerva Sultana. She was also an employee of Todd Christianson at Taylor Home Health in Beaumont. After moving to Whidbey Island, Elizabeth joined the Red Hat Society and made many friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Kenny Hubert Jr.; and brother, Forrest E. Crew “Buddy.” Elizabeth is survived by her daughter, Sandra Hubert and friend Pat Leahy of Whidbey Island, Washington; son, Kevin Hubert of Longview; and daughter, Marilyn Monnig and husband Frank of Las Vegas, Nevada. She is also survived by her grandsons, Jason Reed of Orange, Matthew Hubert of Plano, Zack Hubert and wife Crystal of Wylie; granddaughter, Rachel Gennuso and husband Chris of Las Vegas, Nevada; great-grandchildren, Emilee and Natilee Reed of Orange and Mackenzie and Jacob Hubert of Wylie. To Be held:
Grey Cavenaugh Smith Orangefield Grey Cavenaugh Smith was born May 31, 1994 to Jack Smith and Dawn K. Fults in Port Arthur. He passed from this life on Sept. 18. He was 17 years old and attended Orangefield High School. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21, at Community Church in Orange. Officiating will be Pastor Deamon Scapin, Pastor Michael Lynd, and Pastor Kirk Ellender. Grey was full of laughter and life. He loved his family, God, basketball and his friends. Grey had a great love for music, sports and ice cream. He loved spending time with his dad and brothers watching and playing basketball. Grey had a nickname for everyone, just ask “Foofy”, “Bay Bay”, and “Gran Gran 220.” He loved hugs and snuggling and anything that Lil Wayne said. He looked forward to Sunday dinners and going to church with his mom. He was preceded in death by his grandfather, Doyle “FawFaw” Roddam; step-dad, Darren Dugas; great-grandfather, James Skeeler; and grandfather, Glendon Ray Smith. Grey is survived by his parents, Jack and Nitia Smith of Orangefield, Dawn Fults and husband Jeff; siblings, Jeremy, Bryden, Natalee, and Noelle Smith, Colten and Riley Dugas;
step-sisters, Kelsey and Carlie Fults; step-brother, Reid Fults; grandparents, Greg and Nancy Pickard of Orange, Dorothy Roddam of Bridge City, and Doris Smith of London, Ky. He is also survived by his Aunt Darla and John Murphy, Uncle Chris Pickard, Aunt Ginny Smith, Uncle Ted Smith and Carl Smith; and many cousins and extended family. Serving as Pallbearers will be Colten Dugas, Reid Fults, Bryden Smith, Jeremy Smith, Ryan Gunstream, Levi Shores, Cody Angelle and Tanner Holland. Honorary Pallbearers will be Grey’s Orangefield High Basketball teammates. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to the Special Olympics Texas, 7715 Chevy Chase Dr., Suite 120, Austin, TX 78752.
Jacob Lloyd Bates Orange Jacob Lloyd Bates, 16, of Orange, died Sunday, September 18. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21, at Claybar Funeral Home in Orange. Officiating will be the Rev. Dan Brack of Community Church. Burial will follow at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens near Bridge City. Born in Nederland on January 23, 1995, Jacob was the son of Kelly (Jacobs) and James W. Bates Jr. He loved fishing and being silly with his friends, and he lived for baseball. He was a member of the Orangefield High Baseball team and he was also a “Who Dat.” Preceded in death by his grandfather, Daniel Jacobs, Jacob is survived by his parents, Kelly Bates and Joe Stokey of Orange, James W. Bates, Jr. and Dolores of Lake Charles; grandparents, Gloria Jacobs of Orange, Sandra and Charles Russell of Lake Charles, and Jim Bates and Sandi of Tennessee; and brother, Jared Bates. Serving as pallbearers will be Ray Hebert, Ryan Hebert, Jonathan Hebert, Kevin Cloud, Dustin Selman, and Kurt Haggard. Honorary Pallbearers will be Garlan Winford, Joe Stokey, and Jared Bates. Memorial contributions may be made to MADD Texas, 3910 S IH 35, Suite #225, Austin, TX 78704, or The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Donor Services, P.O. Box 4072, Pittsfield, MA 01202.
Darrick Allen Brantley Orangefield Darrick A. Brantley, 17, of Orangefield died Sunday, Sept. 18, at Christus St. Elizabeth Hospital in Beaumont. Funeral services will be held at 3 pm on Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2011 at Memorial Funeral Home of Vidor, with burial to follow at Restlawn Memorial Park in Vidor. Born on July 8, 1994, Darrick was a lifelong resident of Orangefield. He was a junior at Orangefield High School and an active member of student prayer, worship group and youth study group. Darrick is survived by his father Craig Brantley of Beaumont; mother Kimberly A. Jones of Orangefield; brothers Dana Snider of Vidor, Dallas Brantley of Orangefield, Joshua Aldridge of Beaumont, and Tommy L. Jones of Orangefield; sisters Christy Alfaro of Beaumont, Amber McPherson of Katy, Texas, Sheena Fredrick of Beaumont, Kirstie Gray of Orangefield, and Tori Jones of Orangefield, grand-
parents Janie Goins and Dale Gilmore both of Vidor.
Alta Mae Belfiore Orange Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 22, in the Chapel of Dorman Funeral Home in Orange with the Rev. David Turner, officiating. A graveside service will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Sabine Pass Cemetery in Sabine Pass where she will be laid to rest next to her husband. Pallbearers are Caleb Williams, Jay Floyd, Joshua and Andrew Smith, Michael Joseph and Coy Newell. Alta Mae Belfiore passed from this life to be with her heavenly Father on Sept. 18, at the age of 91 at her home with her daughter and family. She was born in Electra, Texas on Aug. 26, 1920. She moved to Crews, Texas where she lived with her parents and 14 siblings on their farm. She is preceded in death by her parents, Walter and Sadie Schwartz; her sister Joyce Schwartz Poteete; her two brothers, Lanny and Ralph Schwartz; her husband John Belifore and her sons-in-law, George L. Floyd Sr. and Charlie Lawson. Mrs. Belfiore was a former resident of Jefferson County for 55 years before moving to Orange to be closer to her daughter. She was the owner of Independent Grocery in Sabine Pass from 1960 until 1965. She was a member of Little Cypress Baptist Church in Orange and a former member of the Proctor Baptist Church in Port Arthur. She is survived by her daughter, Laura Gayle Walker; two granddaughters, Corliss Lavon Mokhantar and husband, Othman of Vidor and Laura Mae Floyd of Orange; two grandsons, Lowell Thomas Belfiore and wife, Renae of Bridge City and George Lambert Floyd Jr. and wife, Lisa of Winnie; nine great grandchildren, Tiffany Joseph and husband Michael, Amber Williams and husband Caleb, Jay Floyd, Alyssa and Kaitlyn Malveaux and Bailey Sonnier; four great great grandchildren, Ayden and Gabriel Williams and Adam and Audrey Joseph; seven sisters, Margret Lee, Doretta Gerhart, Arlene Boles, Waldene Walpole, Martha Standlee, Phyllis Fulton and Nancy Allison; four brothers, W. H., Don, Hardy and Jimmy Schwartz. She is also survived ny numerous nieces, nephews and extended family. She left a legacy of four generations to mourn her passing but rejoicing in the knowledge she is with her heavenly Father. She had no silver or gold to leave her family but she left us the knowledge that she loved the Lord and prayed for each of us to know him, too. For those who desire memorial donations, please make donations in order to assist the family with final expenses.
Donna Gail Ross Orange Donna Gail Ross, 59, of Orange, Texas, passed away Monday, Sept. 19. Funeral services to remember her life will be 2 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 22, at Claybar Funeral Home in Orange. Officiating will be Lynn
Hogg. Entombment will follow at Orange Forest Lawn Cemetery in West Orange. A gathering of family and friends for a time of reflection will be from 5 to 8 p.m., Wednesday at the funeral home. Donna was born on July 30, 1952 in Mayfield, Ky. to her parents, Russell Clint and Joann Ross, also of Orange. Donna resided in Orange for the past 30 years. She was a very loving and kind person. Donna was known as being a special lady of simple life and loved nothing more than spending time with her dogs, Tootsie and Teddy, and her family and friends. Above all in her life, Donna cherished a close relationship with her family, and will be loved and truly missed by many. Those who will most cherish her memory are the Love of her Life, Tony Monic of Orange; parents, Russell Clint and Joann Ross; sister, Renda and husband Norman Scott of Orange; and brothers, Russell Ross Jr. and wife Vicki of Westlake, La., Kent Ross and wife Kim of Lake Charles, La., Twain Ross and wife Heather of Bridge City, and Tobin Ross and wife Kadie of Orangefield. She is also survived by her nieces and nephews, Trent Sprayberry, Lindsay Adams, Lori Ross, Dustin Ross, Tyler Ross, Lexie Ross, Raeli Ross, Kevin Ross, Haley Ross, Dylan Ross, and Randi Ross; and great nieces and nephew, Jaidyn Ross, Maliki Adams, and Easton Sprayberry. For those who desire memorial contributions, please make a donation in memory of Donna to the American Cancer Society, 755 South Eleventh St., Suite 212, Beaumont, Texas 777013723 or www.cancer.org. Held:
Emma Day Round Rock, Texas Emma Day was a mother at heart, a generous and giving soul who graced the lives of those around her. As a resident of Round Rock, Texas, she passed into the eternal peace and rest of God and his savior Jesus Christ on Thursday, Sept. 15, at the age of 88. A graveside service was held on Sunday, Sept. 18 at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens Cemetery in Bridge City under the direction of Ramsey Funeral Home. Emma was a native Texan born in Port Arthur to Raymond and Elodie Boudreaux Suire on Dec. 22, 1922. In 1945 she married Ralph Day in Port Arthur. She is preceded in death by her husband of 44 years, along with her mother and father. Survivors include her daughter, Jessie Hebert and husband Windell of Round Rock, Texas; granddaughters, Prix Fronckiewicz and husband Craig of Spring, Texas, Jolie Friedman and husband Michael of Round Rock; great-grandchildren, Clark Friedman, Kyle Fronckiewicz, Noah Friedman, Jessi Fronckiewicz, Emma Friedman; brotherin-law, Jack Day and wife Myrtle of Groves; step-granddaughter, Delores Willis of Victoria, Texas and special Cajun cousins of Erath, La.
Emma was very dear to all who came into contact with her. Her youth was very moderate but she had a family that shared a great love. She was a very good athlete in her youth and always loved sports. She loved her two granddaughters and shared their life. She loved seeing her greatgrandchildren active in sports, dancing and cheerleading. She often said “I thank God every day for allowing me to live long enough to see these great grandchildren.” Another say of hers was “every day is a good day.” She impacted the lives of all she met. Her love brought unmistakable joy to all she knew. During the four and one half months from her accident until her death, her care givers and other patients fell in love with her even though she spoke not a word. The family will miss her but are thankful she is now safely in the presence of our Lord. Emma was an only child and Jessie was her only child. They shared a marvelous, mutual love. Jessie spared nothing in meeting the needs of Emma. The world would be a wonderful place if such caring existed between every parent and child. Those honored to serve as pallbearers were Windell Hebert, Craig Fronckiewicz, Michael Friedman, Clark Friedman, Noah Friedman and Kyle Fronckiewicz. Honorary Pallbearers were Jack Day and her Cajun cousins.
James Philen Kirbyville James Philen, 81, of Kirbyville, a former long time resident of Bridge City, passed away T hur sday, Sept. 15, at Christus St. Mary’s Hospital in Port Arthur. Funeral services were held Sunday, Sept. 18, at Claybar Funeral Home Chapel in Bridge City with the Rev. Charles Miller officiating. Burial followed at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens near Bridge City. Born in Natchitoches, La. on February 18, 1930, James was the son of Pressley Philen and Annie Lucille (Lonadier) Philen. He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War and worked as a heavy equipment operator for AF Jones. James loved to go hunting and fishing with his grandsons and working on his garden. James is preceded in death by his brother, Felton (Dick) Philen and daughter, Helen Sue Philen. James is survived by his wife of 60 years, Melba Philen; and daughters, Annie “Coonie” Corkran of Bridge City, and Kimberly Philen of Kirbyville. He is also survived by his four grandchildren, Cody Corkran and wife, Kelli, Calvin Corkran, Brandi Fitzgerald and husband, Jeremy, and Joshua Brown; seven great grandchildren; brother, Gerald Philen of Natchitoches, Louisiana; sister, Marguerite Hardy of Haughton, Louisiana, and numerous nieces and nephews. Cody Corkran, Calvin Corkran, Joshua Brown, Jeremy Fitzgerald, Elbert Baldwin, Dale Corkran and Tim Patrick served as pallbearers. Honorary Pallbearer was Gerald Philen. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to St. Jude Chil-
dren’s Research Hospital, Hoops for St. Jude, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tennessee 38105.
Louise “Aunt Jean” Hardin Orange Louise Hardin, 82, of Orange, Texas passed away Wednesday, Sept. 14, at Baptist Orange Hospital. Funeral services were held on Friday, Sept. 16, at Cove Baptist Church with the Rev. Jeff Bell officiating. Burial followed at Orange Forest Lawn Cemetery in West Orange. Born in Holly Beach, La. on Dec. 18, 1928, Louise was the daughter of Oleaus and Anna (Doucett) Fontenot. She worked at the West Orange Cove School District and was a member of the Cove Baptist Church for 54 years. She is preceded in death by her husband, Marshall Hardin. Louise is survived by her children, Patsy Owers and her husband, Roy of Orange, Terry Hardin of Lumberton, and Bill Hardin and his wife, Mikie of Lumberton; five grandchildren, Lisa Owers, Rebecca Deville, T.J. Hardin, Chris and Jason Collier; ten great grandchildren; eight great great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. The family would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Steve Mazzola, The Meadows Nursing and Rehab Facticity and Advantage Plus Homecare.
Howard “Buddy” Hollis Orange Howard “Buddy” Hollis, 77, of Orange, died Tuesday, Sept. 13, at his home. Funeral services were held on Friday, Sept. 16, at Claybar Funeral Home in Orange with the Rev Jay Thomas of MacArthur Heights Baptist Church and the Rev. Jeff Bell of Southeast Texas Hospice officiating. Burial followed at Orange Forest Lawn Cemetery in West Orange. Born in Orange, on Nov. 10, 1933, Buddy was the son of Theda (Myers) and Howard Gideon Hollis. He worked as a selfemployed trucker and served in the Marines during the Korean War from 51-54, where he was awarded the Purple Heart. He was a member of Madison Masonic Lodge 126 in Orange. He enjoyed working with wood and painting. He is preceded in death by his sister, Nell Carter. Buddy is survived by his wife of 55 years, Audrey Hollis; daughters, Loretta Hollis of Orange, Trina Blanchard and husband Steve of League City; grandchildren, Ethan Petry, Charity Sartin, Crystal Bronson, Amanda Blanton, James Petry, and Daryl Dorman; and 17 greatgrandchildren. He is also survived by his sister, Lucille Ford; brother, G.D. Hollis; sister, Nora Hawes; sisterin-law, Shirley Broussard; and brother-in-law and sister-in-law, CJ and Marian Broussard. Memorial contributions may be made to Southeast Texas Hospice, P.O. Box 2385, Orange, Texas 77631-2385.
• The Record • Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Country Chicken Casserole
Mix soup, sour cream and broth. Layer chicken on half of the dressing I am still needing and cover with soup some simple recipes, mixture. Top with especially for people remaining dressing like me that need them and sprinkle sliced Von Broussard so they can get back almonds. into cooking. Bake at 350 degrees 1 stick of butter for 30 minutes or until brown. 1-8 oz. package of seasoning Can be made in tacos by or dressing mix adding 1 cup of American 1 boiled, de-boned and cut cheese. You can add broccoli up chicken as well. 1 can of cream of chicken Have a good day after maksoup ing the Gooder’n syrup dishes! 1 tub of sour cream Von. 1 can of chicken brother Country Cookin’ by Von Broussard
Cooking with Katherine: Spinach & Cheese Swirls Katherine Aras For The Record
Can you guess by now that I really love to eat my spinach? You probably noticed I cook with a lot of cheese too. Yes this is very true. I try to balance out my meals with lots of veggies, and when possible incorporate some fruits in our diet too. You will never see me cook a meat without a vegetable to go with it, and I try to have a starch too, normally only one though. I will cut out the starch and make a salad and extra vegetable dish to go with the fish or meat if I am trying to cut back. I am not a bread eater for sure, but enjoy eating garlic bread every now and then. This recipe I am telling you about will give you a combination of all you food groups except the meat. If you would like to have a complete meal, then just add any leftover meat to this recipe or just brown some ground beef and add before folding up your roll
of pastry. I made this for an appetizer this past weekend and everyone who liked spinach loved them, including me. Happy eating! 1 pkg. of Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry Sheets 1 egg ½ cup shredded Muenster cheese (so good) Or Monterey Jack cheese ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese 1 green onion, chopped 1/8 tsp. garlic powder 1 pkg. (about 10oz.) frozen chopped spinach thawed and well drained Thaw pastry sheets at room temperature for 40 min. or until easy to handle. Heat oven to 400 degrees and lightly grease a baking sheet or line with parchment paper. Stir egg in a small cup. Stir Muenster cheese, Parmesan cheese, onion and garlic powder in medium bowl. Unfold pastry sheets on a lightly floured surface. Put both sheets side by side and
do not open, just flour board under them and pastry roller. Roll out flat, about 10 inches wide, sealing them together in the middle. Brush egg on top first, then add cheese and spinach mixture about 4-5 inches from one end. Roll up jelly roll style, folding in sides first then roll up and slice into one inch slices. After putting on cookie sheet, brush the top
with the rest of egg coating all the top real good. Bake for 25 min. then put broil on low and cook tops till browned good. You must watch this closely! If you want me to make these for you that is possible too. Just call for your order today. Katherine Aras Look Who’s Cooking Now (409)670-3144
Grab the pots and pans for this oncoming Halloween Staff Report
For The Record
Part of the fun of Halloween is arriving home after a day of trick-or-treating and having some spooktacular treats to enjoy. Whether you’re hosting a Halloween party or simply feeding a group of hungry, costumed kids, fun recipes that turn ordinary foods into spooky specialties are essential. Mummy Wraps: Take the “pigs in a blanket”
concept to a new level with this clever treat. Simply wrap hot dogs with strips of dough cut from refrigerator biscuits or breadsticks to simulate the look of mummy shrouds. Place them on cookie sheets. Cut small slits for eyes and place peppercorns or black mustard seeds to serve as the eyes. Bake for about 15 minutes, or until golden brown. To serve upright, place shish kabob skewers in the mummies before baking and then stick the mummies in a piece of craft foam covered in cheesecloth. Cheesy Fingers: What’s scarier than dismembered digits on a plate? All it takes is a package of mozzarella string cheese, a knife and some small, thin slices of green and red bell peppers for this gross delicacy. Cut the cheese sticks in half and then use a knife to carve straight indentations to simulate the bends in the skin around the knuckles of the fingers. At the top, carve out a flattened area for the fingernail. Then place very small slices of red or green peppers to serve as the spooky fingernails. Adhere with a dab of cream cheese. Bottomless Bog: This eerie bog will make children question what is inside. Make a large bowl of green gelatin dessert and pop in different edible creepy crawlies before allowing the gelatin to set. Gummy worms, grape “eyeballs,” sour fish, pieces of fruit tape, and anything else you can think of can be added. Kids will scoop out the dessert and discover the frightening things inside. Skull Potatoes: Turn ordinary potatoes into something seemingly more sinister. Halve baking potatoes and carve each half into a skull shape, sort of like the outline of a pear. Bake until the potatoes are cooked through. Frost
with sour cream. Use pieces of cheese to mimic decaying teeth. Black olives can be eyes and nose sockets of the skull. Quesadilla Ghosts: An open-faced quesadilla can be turned into a spooky specter. Cut ghost-shaped pieces from flour tortilla shells. Sprinkle with shredded Monterey jack cheese and allow to bake in the oven until the cheese has melted and the ghosts are crisp. Spread sour cream over the cheese and then use slices of scallion for the eyes and a ring of jalapeno pepper for a mouth. Ghosts can be made gory with salsa as blood. Vampire Veggies: What if veggies could suck blood? Conduct this science experiment and enjoy eating the research afterward. Cut the ends off of stalks of celery. Place the celery in a tall glass filled half-way with tomato juice overnight. The celery should absorb the juice through the thin channels in the stalks. The next day kids
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can bite into the stalks and see the red streaks inside. Spiderweb Garnish: Top cupcakes, cookies and cakes with delicate, homemade spiderwebs. Melt white chocolate baking melts in the microwave or per the manufacturer’s instructions. Use a squeeze bottle or a small spatula to drizzle the chocolate onto a piece of waxed paper in the shape of a spiderweb. Allow the chocolate to cool and then carefully peel off the paper. Mashed Brains Create a shepherd’s pie-inspired dinner that’s inspired by the look of brains. Make your favorite meatloaf or hamburger recipe and place into a ramekin or even cupcake pans. Whip up a batch of homemade or instant mashed potatoes. Using a pastry bag fitted with a basic hole cake decorating tip, pipe squiggly lines of potato across the meat. Bake for around 20 minutes, until meat is thoroughly cooked and potatoes are crisp.
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The Record • Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Record Announcements
In Loving Memory
Grey Smith
May 31, 1994-Sept. 18, 2011
To place your announcements
call 409-886-7183
Thank you for the many joys you brought to my life. You will always be remembered. Your friend, Collin Gros.
Walterine “Bea” Vercher Nov. 20, 1931 - Sept. 16, 2008 Wife, Mother & Nanny
Christina M. Sanchez Miss Mexican Heritage Queen and Miss Congeniality We are so proud of your hard work and dedication, and we wish you the best in everything you do! God Bless you, Mom Dad and Brothers.
Wish Heaven had a phone so we could hear your voice again. We thought of you today, but that is nothing new. We thought about you yesterday and days before that, too. We think of you in silence, we often speak your name. All we have is memories and your picture in a frame. Your memory is a keepsake from which we’ll never part. God has you in his loving arms and We have you in our hearts. We love and miss you dearly. Love your husband, Tunney, your children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren.
A mess that needs some cleaning up KENT CONWELL LIGHTER SIDE OF LIFE For The Record
No one disputes the chilling fact that our country is $14 trillion plus in debt. No one can dispute that when Clinton left office, we had a surplus. No one can dispute the debt started under Bush and escalated under Obama. Today, we stand here like dummies staring at a stack of thousand dollar bills 945 miles (miles, not feet) high. Nine hundred and forty five. That’s a greater distance than from Orange, Texas to El Paso. Even such a simple explanation of the enormity of the debt is still almost too confounding for me. Nine hundred and forty-five! Why that’s almost as many miles as your teenager puts on his car over the weekend, right? Fourteen trillion, and now the administration wants and half trillion to do the same thing all over again. Remember Einstein’s definition of insanity- doing the same thing and expecting different results. How did this all happen? Most of us know exactly how it came about because unfortunately, the same thing has happened to many of us. We’re rocking along, holding our own, and than bingo, we’re broke. How? Well, it’s a lot of little things we overlook. But then someone shouts. Hold on! We’ve been fighting wars for ten years now. Them wars ain’t little things. And he’s right. The Iraq and Afghan wars aren’t little things. So, let’s talk about them. How much have we spent? No one really knows. Believe that? You should. We’re talking about Congress here, folks, not forthright, plain-speaking Americans. You see, Congress has allotted the Defense Department $1.3 trillion for the wars through this fiscal year. President Obama said the wars cost about $1 trillion. But those numbers are incomplete. In addition to that which Congress appropriated, the Pentagon spent an additional unknown amount from its $5.2 trillion base budget over the same period. According to a recent Brown University study, the wars and their ripple effects has cost the U.S. $3.7 trillion--over $12,000 bucks per person, even for the newest little guy or gal to pop into this world. Other reports put it over $5 trillion, others a tad under, but I figure if we set the monetary cost at $4 trillion, we’d probably be in the ballpark. I was no math whiz in school, but even I can subtract, and $4 trillion from $14 trillion still leaves $10 big T’s. Though many disagree with the war, everyone can see where those funds went. What about the others? The $10 trillion? There are the entitlements, social security, Medicare, Medicaid, and others, all of which were designed to support those citizens who had fallen on hard times. What about those who discovered the loopholes in the system? The illegals? How much do they cost us? How about $340.000,000,000.00 a year? If you’re like me and all those zeroes confuse you, the figure is three hundred and
forty billion a year. A year! Cut that out, and in three years, we’d have a trillion cut off the debt. Don’t believe the figures? According to FAIR, the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a national, nonprofit, public-interest organization that believes our nation’s immigration policies must be reformed to serve the national interest stated that every year up to $22 billion is spent on welfare for illegal aliens. Another $22 billion is spent on assistance programs such as WIC, free school breakfast and lunches, and food stamps. Two and a half billion is spent on Medicaid while $12 billion is spent on public schools for illegals who cannot speak a word of English. Seventeen billion is spent annually on the education of anchor babies, the children of illegals. WE SELL Three million a DAY is spent incarcerating illegal aliens who comprise PARTS 30% FORof all federal inmates. American taxpayers spend ninety billion annually on social ALL MAJOR services for illegal aliens. BRANDS!!! Two hundred billion a year in suppressed American wages are the result of illegal aliens, and to add insult to injury, $45 billion a year is remitted to their countries of origin. And every day, every year, our Congress sits on its thumbs seeing who can one-up each other. It’s time for term limits on those jokers. Right now, the Democrats and Republicans are playing footsie with each other--business as usual while trying to make it look as if they’re governing. Ask any individual who has pulled himself out of bankruptcy or overwhelming debt, and he will admit he had to make some tough decisions. It is time for Congress to do the same thing. rconwell@gt.rr.com http://www.kentconwell.blogspot.com/ www.goodreads.com/author/show/13557.Kent_Conwell www.amazon.com/-/e/B001JPCK26 www.kentconwell.blogspot.com
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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Kaz’s Fearless Football Forecast
H WEST ORANGE-STARK over GIDDINGS—This has always been a tough foe for the Mustangs over the years, but this year a team will have to stop senior tailback Britton Lindsey to get past the ‘Stangs. WO-S started a win streak for new head coach Cornel Thompson that they will be reluctant to relinquish. Giddings lost a heart-breaker to Class 4A Elgin 30-29 last week and will be ready for the Mustangs at 6 p.m. Saturday at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville.
Britton Lindsey, Larry Sonnier and Jimmy Salter carry the number 12 jersey onto the field for the Jasper game. Saturday marked the one year anniversary of Reggie Garrett’s death. RECORD PHOTO: Meri Elen Jacobs
Pushed into a corner with an 0-2 season start, the WO-S Mustangs came out fighting and sent the Jasper Bulldogs running back to their “dog house” after 48 minutes of play Friday night. The Mustangs, led by Britton Lindsey, put it into high gear after the half and never looked back as they whipped the ‘Dogs, 37-13. Lindsey had 308 yards on 36 carries and five touchdowns, bringing his rushing yards to over 600 yards for three games. The Mustang defense was also superb, holding Jasper’s Karrion Morrisey to under 100 yards and limiting their ‘Dog offense to only 12 first downs and only 131 total yards. “This win was a big deal,” Head Coach
Cornel Thompson said. “We were in a must-win situation. When you start 0-2, players as well as coaches, start doubting. We’ve been doing a lot of things right, we just haven’t been able to finish. The first two games, we were two or three plays from winning both of them.” When the team entered the field, the atmosphere seemed to be different than the two previous games. Although it was a somber moment, with several players carrying a number 12 jersey in memory of Reggie Garrett, there was also a determination that shone from that moment until the last seconds ticked off of the clock. “We practiced harder the last two weeks and just came out with a better attitude,” Lindsey said. “It was the anniversary of Reggie’s death and we were fired up with a bigger purpose than the other weeks.” The Chain Gang defense started in the first series and shut Jasper down, forcing them to punt on their first possession.
Senior Da’Carlos Renfro took the punt to inside the ten and the very next play, Lindsey hit the end zone to put the Mustangs up, 7-0. It only took the Mustangs two more plays to hit pay dirt again after Jasper’s punter bobbled the snap and WO-S took over at the five yard line. The Bulldogs got on the board late in the first after the Chain Gang forced them to kick a 24-yard field goal. It didn’t take long for them to score again after Jasper’s Donovan Middleton snagged a Jimmy Salter and returned it 89 yards for a touchdown. The only other Jasper score came late in the second quarter when kicker Marco Lopez hit his second 24-yard field goal for the night. Lindsey was able to get the scoring started early in the third quarter after junior Travon Blanchard recovered a fumble on a busted up reverse play. MUSTANGS PAGE 3B
H LITTLE CYPRESS-MAURICEVILLE over LUMBERTON—The Bears are undefeated in their first three games, but starting this weekend EVERY team in District 20-4A is undefeated and has had two weeks to get ready for Friday’s league openers. The playoff picture looks wide open and it starts this week. H BRIDGE CITY over STAFFORD—The Cardinals will be facing a Stafford team that thrashed their last visiting team, Houston Scarborough, 55-2 Friday night and will be looking for another rout. Let’s hope the Redbirds can cool them off a bit. H VIDOR over NEDERLAND—The Bulldogs got plenty of help from the men in the striped shirts the last time an Orange County team crossed the Neches River. Let’s see what they can do on their own this time. H DEWEYVILLE over HULL-DAISETTA—After having an unexpected open date last week, the Pirates are more than ready to put their undefeated record on the line for anybody. However, H-D will be a much more formidable foe than last week’s scheduled opponent, Burkeville. H ORANGE COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN over BAYTOWN CHRISTIAN ACADEMY—The way the Lions have ravaged their last two opponents makes them a big favorite against whoever is next on the schedule. After all they whipped last year’s state champions by 20 points Friday and are ready to continue their plight Saturday. H MCNEESE STATE over SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA—This will be the Southland Conference lid-lifter for the KAZ’S FEARLESS FORECAST PAGE 4B
• The Record • Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Bridge City Cardinal senior quarterback Matt Menard finds running room against Kirbyville. RECORD PHOTO: Mark Dunn
Cardinal senior receiver Cameron Dishon brings in a pass against Kirbyville. RECORD PHOTO: Mark Dunn
BC hits the road after smoking Kirbyville 55-12 JOEY ENCALADE FOR THE RECORD
The Bridge City Cardinals improved to 3-1 after a dominating game against the Kirbyville Wildcats, beating them 55-12. Bridge City will be traveling to Stafford for their last non-district game Friday night. The Cardinals put up 420 total yards of offense, 273 on the ground and 147 yards through the air. As the offense put on a show, the best thing about the game was that we did not have to listen to that Kirbyville train horn more than a couple of times. Thank you defense! It took the Cardinals only 1:57 to get on the board. Matt Menard hit Cameron Dishon on a 54 yard TD pass, and Daniel Faulk point after made it 7-0. After a big tack-
le from Hunter Wools, forcing the Wildcats to punt, Bridge City took over and manufactured an 80 yards drive for their second score of the first quarter. Menard took on most of the load with three big runs; a 31 yard run, a 14 yard run, and a 30 yards TD run. Faulk added his second point after, after the Cards second TD with 4:38 left in the first quarter. The Redbirds were not finished in the first quarter yet. Dylan Sams jumped on a Kirbyville fumble to give the Card s good field position for their third series of the quarter. With 4:18 still left in the first quarter, Dishon took a hand off for what look like an end around, but stepped back and hit a wide open Tyler Roberts for a 39 yard TD strike. Faulk s extra point brought our first quarter score to 21-0. The first series in the second
quarter, the Cardinals put a 69 yard scoring drive together. Menard picked up a first down on 3 & 11 by racing 27 yards. Mitchel Hubbard collected a pass interference call on a pass that placed the ball at the 32 yard line. Then Menard hit Tanner Cervenka on a pass. Cervenka had a nice run after the catch to get into the end zone. The PAT brought the score to 28-0, with 9:40 left in the half. After just hearing the horn at the start of the game, Kirbyville finally got to sound it again with 1:57 left in the half, the Wildcats scored on a one yard run, but missed the extra point. The teams headed to the locker room with the Cardinals ahead 28-6. Kirbyville received the second half kickoff and started their opening dive at the Cardinals 48 CARDINALS PAGE 3B
The Cardinal defensive back Tyler Roberts takes down a Kirbyville ball carrier as Dylan Sams comes in to assist. RECORD PHOTO: Mark Dunn
The Record • Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011
From Previous Page
“The offensive line really picked it up this week and came out aggressive,” Lindsey said. “During our off week, we had a meeting and all made promises as to what we were going to do after we evaluated our priorities. This past Friday, there was a big difference.” The Mustangs will now face the Giddings Buffaloes, who are 3-1, losing to the Elgin Wildcats last week by one point in the last few minutes of the game. “Giddings is a perennial play-off team and this game will have a play-off atmosphere,” Thompson said. “If the two of us make it through the first round of playoffs, we could see each other again in the
“We have to come out fired up and execute every play,” Lindsey said.
Bridge City Cardinals celebrate touchdown against Kirbyville. Tyler Roberts and Cameron Dishon “bump” in the end zone. RECORD PHOTO: Christina Talent
second round.” But for now, it’s time to concentrate on this Saturday’s game, which will be played in Huntsville at Bowers Stadium at 6 pm. “Giddings has a new coaching staff with a new system, but they still have a veteran team,” Thompson said. “They return 27 seniors who are seasoned and have a tail back, Joseph Glenn, who has 661 yards rushing in four games.” The Mustangs have faced stiff opponents all year and the key to this weeks’ win will be cutting down on penalties and continuing to execute the offense and defense. “We have to come out fired up and execute every play,” Lindsey said. The varsity wasn’t the only one with wins last week. The freshman team won, 31-12. Quarterback Chase Rutledge threw touchdown passes of 18, 12, and 62 yards. Tre’ Spencer had two of the TD’s while, one coming off a 53 yard interception. Issac Aubrey had three TD’s to cap off the night. Next game is with PA Memorial next Thursday. Offensive Standouts are Chase Rutledge, Virgil Vontour, Tre’ Spencer, Issac Aubrey, Marco Jaganathan and defensive standouts are Malik Levi, Cameron Herbert, Paul Hebert, Jermaine Mitchell and Keylan Collins. The WO-S JV team beat Jasper, 21-6. Kane Tezeno scored twice; on a 2 yard and 18 yard runs. Will Johnson scored
‘04 Chevy Monte Car.
WOS senior runningback Britton Lindsey ran over all the Jasper defense, racking up 308 yards. RECORD PHOTO: Meri Elen Jacobs
on a 3 yard run. Roddickson Cano kicked an extra point and had an interception. Elijah Teal scored on a miffed PAT that he was able to carry across the goal line. Offensive standouts include Dwain Boullard, Deante Thompson and Tavin Terrell. Defensive standouts include Thompson, Terrell, Kaleb Franklin and Teddy Stone (quarterback sack). The JV is 3-0 and will play Memorial next week at the middle school at 7 p.m. The freshmen will not have a game. Tickets for the WO-S vs. Giddings football game will be on sale in the Athletic Office Thursday, Sept. 22, 9-12 and 1-3 p.m and Friday, Sept. 23, 9-12 p.m. WO-S
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is the visiting team. Ticket prices are $7 for Adults and $4 for students. All tickets at the gate are $8. Directions to Bowers Stadium are: I-10 to Beaumont, Take 69, 96, 287 exit, Exit State Highway 105, Take 105 until you get to Loop 336. Turn right. Stay on the Loop until you get to 75; Take 75 to I-45 North to Huntsville; Go north on Interstate 45; Take Exit 114 (two miles north of Sam Houston statue); Turn right at the stoplight by the Dairy Queen onto Montgomery Road (Hwy 1374); Continue straight through stoplight at intersection of Montgomery Road and Sam Houston Blvd. Next stop sign is Bowers Blvd. with Bowers Stadium on the right.
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yard line. Adrian Schubarth snatched a Wildcat pass and tried to get into the end zone, but came up just one yard short. Hunter Clark took care of it for Schubarth with a one yard power run. With only 1:09 ticking off the clock the Cardinals upped their led to 35-6, after Faulk added his point. Bridge City made it 41-6 after a big sac from Dylan Sams, forcing the Wildcats to punt. Roberts had a nice return, bringing the ball to the Kirbyville 26 yard line. Menard added a 21 yard run, then Dishon took the snap and scored on a five yard run. The point after failed. Ashton Hunter scored the first TD in the fourth quarter on a 12 yard run. With 9:54 left in the game, Faulk s point after brought the score to 48-6. The Wildcats used their horn for the last time with 5:16 left in the game with an eight yard pass. The try for two was no good because of an interception by Cervenka. Ashton Hunter scored the last points of the game, with another run, this time 13 yards for the TD. With Faulk s point after, the game ended with the final score of 55-12. Menard had another big night, with 134 yards rushing and 104 yards passing. Hunter Clark had 62 yards rushing on 11 carries, and Ashton Hunter had 50 yards rushing on six carries. Faulk put in some time at QB having 19 yards rushing on one carry, and he threw for four yards.. Dishon threw one pass for 39 yards, had eight yards on three rushed, and also led in receiving yards with 54. Roberts had two catches for 47 yards, Cervanka had two catches for 39 yards, and Dalton Dishon had two catches for 7 yards. Come on out and support our Cardinals against Stafford. Once again the Cheerleaders kept us going and what did you think about the Bridge City band trumpets players? That was crazy! and how about those STRUTTERS?
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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Patterns forming in NFL after only two weeks
It generally takes more than two games to find out which teams have playoff potential and which ones may be in for a long season. However, after watching quite a few games these past two weeks, it’s pretty apparent who the haves and have-nots might be when January rolls around. The jury appears to still be out on our Dallas Cowboys, who have shown a few moments of brilliance and then look like the same pathetic outfit we’ve endured for the past five seasons. But in Sunday’s 27-24 come-from behind overtime victory at San Francisco, the fourth period looked like it came right out of a Superman movie—No. 9 looking for his helmet so he can get out on the field and save the day for his teammates and millions of fans depressed because it looked like the Cowboys were going to start the 2011 season at 0-2. The Houston Texans have posted a pair of solid victories against opponents that normally aren’t destined for the cellar of their respective divisions. They will get a staunch test Sunday against the New Orleans Saints in the Superdome after outclassing the Miami Dolphins 23-13 Sunday afternoon at South Beach. The Texans are only one of seven teams with 2-0 records after the first two weeks of the 2011 NFL season and are the only undefeated team in the American Football Conference not in the East Division. If Houston’s start is a fluke, then the Texans might have company in that category with the Washington Redskins and Detroit Lions also sporting unblemished 2-0 marks. But it appears these three teams drafted well and made some good trades in the past few years and are now reaping the fruits of their scouting success. Starting 2-0 is nothing new for the Texans, who began the 2010 season with victories over Indianapolis (34-24) and Washington (30-27) but then went on to finish last season with a 6-10 record. The big difference between the two starts is that last year the defense allowed 884 total yards, including 822 passing and six touchdowns. In the twin wins over Indianapolis and Miami this year the Texans surrendered 542 yards, including 342 passing and only two touchdowns. “We only gave up 13 points today, and you’re going to win a lot of games doing that.” Head Coach Gary Kubiak told the Houston Chronicle Sunday after the game. Hiring Orange native Wade Phillips, who installed a 3-4 defense, is paying quick dividends. Last year’s NFL rushing leader Arian Foster, who missed the entire first game for the Texans, started against the Dolphins and ran 10 times for 33 yards before taking himself out of the game before halftime when his tender hamstring tightened. But his understudy, rookie Ben Tate, relieved Foster and ran the ball 19 times in the second half for 82 yards. Tate finished the game with 103 yards on 23 carries and became only the 11th player in NFL history to rush for 100 yards in his first two games. Tate picked up 116 yards against Indianapolis and is the first rusher to accomplish this feat since Tampa Bay’s Carnell Williams in 2005. He joins an elite group that includes Edgerrin James (1999), Marshall Faulk (1994), Billy Sims (1980), Earl Campbell (1979) and Alan Ameche (1955). Things looked bleak for the Cowboys at San Francisco as the 49ers jumped out to a 14-0 lead after Dallas quarterback Tony Romo took a shot to his rib cage on the third play of the game. He was hurting and fought nausea throughout the first half. He went into the locker with the medical staff to see just how badly his ribs were cracked. Ageless backup Jon Kitna started the third period and threw a touchdown pass, but also tossed a couple of interceptions as Romo exited the locker. Romo began looking for his helmet and informed Head Coach
Houston Texan Head Coach Gary Kubiak.
Jason Garrett he was “good to go” and vowed to make up for his meltdown a week ago when his mistakes turned a two-touchdown lead into a 27-24 loss against the New York Jets. The Cowboys were trailing 24-14 when Romo took over and breathed new life into the Dallas offense. He drove the team downfield and hit wide receiver Miles Austin on a 25-yard diving catch in the end zone. It was Austin’s third TD grab, but he injured his hamstring making the circus catch. With time running down and the Pokes still behind 24-14, the Cowboys turned to little-used wide receiver Jesse Holley who made a couple of key grabs of Romo’s passes to put Dallas in position for a game-tying 48-yard field goal with just two seconds remaining. Dan Bailey booted the ball through the uprights, putting the game into sudden-death overtime. The 49ers won the coin toss, but the Cowboy’s defense stiffened and caused a three-and-out. Romo made a perfectly-executed play-action fake that sucked in the 49ers’ defense and found Holley all alone over the middle. He was dragged down after a 73 yard gain on the one-yard line where Bailey calmly kicked the game-winning 19-yard field goal. Romo had fought through what owner Jerry Jones called “excruciating” pain to record his 10th fourth-quarter comeback of his career. “It was something out of a movie,” Jones said of Romo’s performance. Jones compared Romo’s feat to that of Emmitt Smith overcoming a separated shoulder to lead Dallas to a division-clinching win over the New York Giants in 1994. “I didn’t want to be 0-2,” Romo said after the game. “At the end of the day it’s about winning and losing, and we needed to win. Why did I want to be out there? I’m competitive. If I can play, I’m going to play.” Things don’t get any easier for the Cowboys, who host the undefeated Washington Redskins before a national viewing audience Monday night. Besides Miami and Indianapolis, a couple of teams off to shaky starts this season are Earl Thomas’ Seattle Seahawks, who have very little offense but are among the top 5 NFL teams in defense and the Kansas City Chiefs who has a porous defense and lost last year’s second-leading rusher All-Pro Jamaal Charles of Port Arthur, with what appeared to be a serious knee injury that ended his season. KWICKIES…Our two closest Southland Conference teams— the Lamar Cardinals and the McNeese State Cowboys—were the only teams to register victories against non-conference opponents. The Cards outlasted Incarnate Word of San Antonio 45-35 while our alma mater McNeese downed Sioux Falls 31-17. The only other SLC team to post a victory Saturday was
Kaz’s Fearless Forecast Cowboys, who are eager to get back into the playoff picture again by capturing the conference title. It all starts Saturday night on Louis Bonnette Field in Lake Charles. HIGH SCHOOL---Beaumont Central over Beaumont Ozen, Livingston over PNG, Beaumont Kelly over Hamshire-Fannett, Diboll over Hardin-Jefferson, Silsbee over Jasper, East Chambers over Woodville, Hardin over Kountze, Anahuac over Warren, Newton over Buna, Port Arthur Memorial over South Houston, Beaumont West Brook over Tyler Lee, West Hardin over Evadale, Beaumont Legacy over Burkeville, Groveton over West Sabine, Kirbyville over Willis Point, Lufkin over Conroe, Katy over Seven Lakes, Brenham over Magnolia West, Barbers Hill over Dayton, Cleveland over Shepherd, Coldspring over Tarkington, Liberty over Huffman. COLLEGE— Ci nci n nat i over North Carolina State (Thurs.), Central Florida over BYU (Fri.), New Mexico over Sam Houston State, Stephen F. Austin over Texas State,
Arkansas State over Central Arkansas, Nicholls State over Northwestern State, Baylor over Rice, Texas A&M over Oklahoma State, Texas Tech over Nevada, Miami over Kansas State, Oklahoma over Missouri, Ohio State over Colorado, Duke over Tulane, South Florida over UTEP, Penn State over Eastern Michigan, SMU over Memphis, Georgia over Ole Miss, Virginia Tech over Marshall, Alabama over Arkansas, Washington over California, LSU over West Virginia, Michigan over San Diego State, Georgia Tech over North Carolina, Florida over Kentucky, Notre Dame over Pittsburgh, Clemson over Florida State, Connecticut over Buffalo, UCLA over Oregon State, South Carolina over Vanderbilt, Mississippi State over Louisiana Tech, Virginia over Southern Miss, Nebraska over Wyoming, Boise State over Tulsa, Oregon over Arizona, Arizona State over USC, Auburn over Florida Atlantic, Air Force over Tennessee State, Akron over VMI, Grambling State over Alabama A&M, Jackson State over Alabama State, Texas Southern
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over Alcorn State, ArkansasPine Bluff over Clark Atlanta, Army over Ball State, Bowling Green over Miami, O., Michigan State over Central Michigan, Colorado State over Utah State, East Carolina over UAB, Florida International over Louisiana-Lafayette, Fresno State over Idaho, Hawaii over UC-Davis, Illinois over Western Michigan, Indiana over North Texas, Iowa over Louisiana-Monroe, South Alabama over Kent State, Maryland over Temple, Troy over Middle Tennessee, Minnesota over North Dakota State, New Mexico State over San Jose State, Northern Illinois over Cal Poly, Rutgers over Ohio, Syracuse over Toledo, UNLV over Southern Utah, Wisconsin over South Dakota. PRO PICKS---Houston over New Orleans, Baltimore over St. Louis, New England over Buffalo, Cincinnati over San Francisco, Cleveland over Miami, Tennessee over Denver, Pittsburgh over Indianapolis, Carolina over Jacksonville, San Diego over Kansas City, NY Jets over Oakland, Arizona over Seattle, Atlanta over Tampa Bay, Green Bay
Service League of Orange Community Needs The Service League of Orange is now accepting requests from NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ONLY for application forms to receive financial assistance through their Community Needs Committee. The Service League encourages projects, events, and
activities that primarily target the good of all of the entire “Orange County” community. To qualify you must be able to supply verification that you are a non-profit organization along with your Service League Needs applications. Your community Needs ap-
plication and verification of non-profit status must be returned to the Service League by Oct. 1. Applications can be obtained by calling Carolyn Lemons to 409-670-1839 or Pat Jordan at 409-886-1795.
over Chicago, Detroit over Minnesota, Philadelphia over NY Giants, Dallas over Washington (Monday Night).
Sam Houston State which throttled Central Arkansas 31-10 in a league contest. Leading Lamar at quarterback was former West Orange-Stark star Andre Bevil who completed 14-of-19 passes for 226 yards and two touchdowns and had a passer rating of 197.8, the highest in his 12 games at Lamar. It looks like a new star is born as 16-year-old Lexi Thompson became the youngest player to win an LPGA Tour event last weekend. The Floridian shattered the age record for winning a multiple-round tournament held by Paula Creamer, who won in 2005 at 18. The victory also brought $195,000. If Texas, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State and Texas Tech jump to the Pac-12, it will cause the death knell to the Big 12, according to Sunday’s Austin American-Statesman. Pac-12 presidents have not yet been asked to approve invitations, the article added. JUST BETWEEN US…One of the most impressive individual offensive performances in West Orange-Stark Mustang football history occurred Friday night in Jasper when diminutive tailback Britton Lindsey exploded for 308 yards and five touchdowns on 36 carries to lead the Mustangs to a 37-13 win over the Bulldogs in a non-district game. His big night presented Head Coach Cornel Thompson with his first victory as the Mustangs head man. The modest Lindsey credited his offensive line. “I had gaping holes to run through and took advantage of them,” he said.
The Record • Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Fishing makes time fly For The Record
Johnny Green gave me a hand in securing my bow rope Friday morning and as I climbed out of the boat he graciously stated, “I especially enjoyed your last column, but I really don’t see how you find the time to do it each week.” Time can occasionally pose a minor problem, but the bigger issue is subject matter. I feel reasonably certain that the consensus response to that statement would be, “You write a fishing column don’t you? What’s to figure out... write about fishing!” I have written at least one fishing column virtually every week of the year for newspapers from Crowley, La. to Orange since 1973. I currently write this column each week, write a monthly column for two magazines and post extended fishing reports on my web site two to three times each week. When I am not writing about fishing.... I am fishing. Whether it be guiding, scouting or occasionally just fishing with a friend, I spend an average of 20 days a month on the water regardless of conditions. Considering the fact that I reserve Sundays to attend church to pray for among a host of other things....good weather, four tide days and cheaper gas....I have just enough days left over to be a little boy again with my grandkids. I would have it no differently and I can assure you there is no shortage of subject matter. The problem is selecting an aspect of fishing that interests anyone that takes the time to read this column. I occasionally have to step back and recognize that regardless of how much they may like fishing, not everyone is consumed with techniques or “How to” articles. If the larger percentage of your fishing is done vicariously, reading about someone else’s experience can also be enjoyable. On the other hand, if you have every intention of winning the next Bassmaster Classic or Redfish Cup, you are always hoping for a new technique or approach that will give you an edge. Somewhere in between those two groups resides the reader that gets to fish one or two Saturdays each month and would just like to fish with a little more confidence. That segment of the fishing population is the easiest to address as those folks basically enjoy every facet of fishing. While a large portion of my life has been spent holding a fishing rod, I continue to pur-
sue my passion for two reasons. I love to teach people to fish and I am still totally consumed with the addictive anticipation of my next bite or topwater explosion! I can’t even recall the year when I learned to tie my own shoe laces or ride a bike, but I remember the moment I caught my first fish to the second. As a matter of fact, I vividly remember missing my first bite. I was four years old and fishing with an uncle in a farm pond north of Nacogdoches. In looking back, it was an improbable trip in that it was hardly a planned expedition. I asked about a saltwater rod in the back seat of his car and the next thing I knew, he was knocking a wasp nest off the side of the barn to get some larvae for bait. After a long hike through the woods, he stomped down enough brush to access the small pond and lobbed the baited hook a short distance before handing me the pole. The huge popping cork bobbed one time and I excitedly sent it skyward. The next attempt resulted in my capturing the most prized three-inch bream in the world and I was forever hooked. I was eventually persuaded to release the fish, but I kept that battered Styrofoam cork for a number of years, as well as the desire to experience the anticipation of one more bite for a lifetime. The one constant that I consistently see when fishing with folks of all ages is that there is still a lot of little boy or girl in each of them when their cork goes under water. Hopefully, every fisherman or fisherwoman can find a little something of interest in this column each week. I welcome both phone calls and e-mails if there is some aspect of fishing that I have failed to cover at one time or another. I have managed to accrue a wealth of useless information that appeals only to fishermen over the years and I would be more than happy to share it with you. The redfish are once again starting to stack up on the north end of the lake and in the river. The live bait fishermen just had a heck of a weekend fishing the river and the ICW with live finger mullet on a Carolina rig. Once the southwest winds gave us a break the Louisiana shoreline and the Causeway reefs also yielded good catches. The flounder bite continues to be good on both artificial and live bait. The river, Black’s Bayou, East Pass, and the bayous on the east side of the lake have been really hot on solid tide changes. The bayous leading into the game reserve are yielding good catches of both flounder and redfish, but you don’t have much longer to fish them as they close Oct. 15 .
Ten year old Alex took advantage of the flounder bite.
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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Orange First Church of the Nazarene celebrates 90 years Darla Daigle
For The Record
Officially started in June of 1921, Orange First Church of the Nazarene is looking forward to celebrating 90 years of ministering to the Orange community Oct. 7 through Oct. 9. Local congregants will enjoy a bounty of revival services along with a variety of fellowship events where young and old, new and former can talk about the history and future of this nonagenarian church. Along with the homecoming service with former pastor Bill Carr, pastor from 1981 –1988, Friday Oct. 7 at 7 p.m. there will also be a family reunion and picnic social Saturday during the day with service that evening and twice on Sunday. They will enjoy a meal between Sunday services and a special presentation Sunday evening of a drama by the playwright, Brad L. Smith. The public is invited. Starting with 23 charter members in 1921 meant the first church of the Nazarene to spring up in Orange was beginning with the grassroots of the denomination, which began in 1908 through various mergers of similar like-faith movements. For Orange, the first of a series of revival meeting were held at the Orange County courthouse and then around town in meeting halls and schools until they negotiated for their first permanent facility. In 1922, the First Presbyterian Church building on the corner of Market and Polk became available and was purchased. The members set to work remodeling the church for their use and worshipped there under various pastors surviving the lean years of the depression when the pastor walked to visit members because the
cost of gas became too much. Though the times were lean for the whole country the church continued to grow and realize the need for yet another facility and place to congregate. In 1940 moved into their second official location through the strong efforts of their members and several pastors. They did so, unlike many other entities of their day, 100 percent debt free. Their 10th and Cherry Street location was a more central area of Orange and prepared them for the growth of the town and their church when World War II began in 1941. The church saw a large influx in membership with a booming port and ship building industry during the war effort. Though remodeled, this facility housed the congregation until 1989. The current Pastor, K. Ray McDowell came to Orange shortly after Hurricane Ike’s fury had devastated most of Orange County. Though originally from Pasadena, Texas, this is the closest to his hometown he has pastured. His flock runs approximately 180 these days, but is just as committed to holiness and the message of Jesus as those who began the building process 90 years ago. “We sometimes can forget the impact we have on a community,” admits McDowell, who is the lead pastor. Along with full-time worship and youth pastors, and a part-time children’s pastor the work of recovering after Ike has been a part of what they have tended to the past few years. “Nine families lost their homes completely. Of course it affected everyone,” McDowell said. “Our church hosted the Fuller Center here for two years following Ike. During that time they restored, repaired or rebuilt 45 homes.” This is not to say there have
not been on-going missions giving and local outreach in other areas. Though they give into a collective missions program run by the Church of the Nazarene, they are a part of helping a local boys home. “We are active and aggressive in helping in that area, the need is so great,” McDowell said. The boys attend church and youth services and are under the loving care of the youth pastor. When the boys age out of the system, the ministry does not stop as the whole congregation is involved in finding solutions to help. “We strive and always have, to be a church that ministers to the community in the name of Jesus Christ,” McDowell smiles, “We came out of a tradition that believes the Lord doesn’t just save you but that he also changes you. Everything we do and teach is in support of that message.” Because of this, their youth department, dubbed “Uno” stays busy throughout the week with as many as 45 teens receiving love and acceptance. Shelly Pigg, the church secretary and wife of the youth pastor said it this way: “We are a constant. We have been here
Pastor K. Ray McDowell and the members of the Orange First Church of Nazarene will celebrate the 90th anniversary of the church from Oct. 7 to Oct. 9. RECORD PHOTO: Darla Daigle.
and will be here. The community can count on us. We change but God changes not. Ninety years says we aren’t going anywhere.” For a group of young boys
who have not known consistency and a community that has seen tragedy many times in past years, it is a great assurance to know the plan to remain is on their agenda.
With 90 years under their pews and 25 plus pastors that have helped to shape their present, the congregation looks forward to their up coming celebration.
Orange Christian Services prepares for annual golf tournament Darla Daigle
For The Record
As Orange Christian Services (OCS) is in their 32nd year of meeting the needs of others, they are preparing and hoping for a double portion of help in getting some of their needs met with the upcoming sixth annual Scramble Golf Tournament on Oct. 1. There are churches giving, grants and foundation support but those alone have no way of meeting their need. Started with only three supporting churches 32 years ago, OCS has carried their mission to every part of Orange County. “We currently have 73 volunteers in the building on a daily basis,” Jensen says, “ Our motto is, God’s love in Action.” The organization makes its decisions through a board of directors. The members of this board are made up of the supporting 43 churches from ten varying denominations. “Each church can have four members on the board if they choose, but we currently have a little under 100 on the board,” Jensen said. “We serve all of Orange County, not just
Orange Christian Services will host their sixth annual Scramble Golf Tournament on Oct. 1. While as many as 43 churches support OCS, the money from the golf tournament allows them to help more families with greater needs. Pictured are the sponsors for the golf tournament: (left to Right) David Jones and Dawn Stout with Gopher Industrial; Danielle Heil, Orange Christian Services Director of Finance; 4) Ross Smith President of Akrotex; 5) Judy K. Jensen Executive Director of Orange Christian Services; OCS Volunteers, Lou and Kathy Garriga; Maureen McAllister with Sabine Federal Credit Union; Father Tom Phelan with St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church; Bill Belcher, Golf Fundraiser Chairman. RECORD PHOTO: Darla Daigle.
Orange itself.” Receiving some funding through grants means they are watched very closely. It also means funds appropriated often have to be used for
only specific areas. One grant may only help them pay for the electric bill of a person when the need is deemed an ‘emergency.’ “This means someone who
needs long term monthly help because of a loss of job cannot receive those funds. In this case we have to try and help them from another funding source.” This is where their annual golf tournament becomes helpful. The reserves acquired through this private fund raising can be used where the need is greatest. “We have seen such an increase this year.” Jensen and several board members along with a few golf tournament sponsors discuss the level of need for 2011 compared to past years. People who have never had to ask for help have come in while, at the same time, some of their grants and government funds have gone down. During the month of August 2010, 877 families came in and received food, clothes or financial help. During August 2011, OCS saw an increase to 1,078 families. At the same time the supplies and donations went down. When the need goes up and the donations, whether of food, clothing or cash, go down, the ability to provide what people really need goes down as well. “The food is going off the selves as soon as it goes on,” shares Jensen, “plus we have had to quit stocking up on some items since the amount we personally spend on food has also gone up.” Being the largest food bank in Orange County serving the most per capita has left them having to stretch further than they ever have. Getting the word out is critical.
Golf 10B
The Record • Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011
in the Praise Center located on the corner of Pine and Fifth streets. For more information, including the cost of materials, please call the church office, 409-886-7466.
Trinity Lutheran to host ‘Blessing of the Animals’
Fellowship Baptist Church to host Revival
Fellowship Baptist Church in Bridge City is excited to have Robbie and Lacy Hargrave as their Fall Revival team. Robbie is the youth, music and pastorial minister for Fellowship Cornerstone Baptist Church in Haskell, Texas. Lacy has been the pianist at Fellowship Baptist in Bridge City in previous years and will be leading the music for the revival. The revival will begin on Sunday, Oct. 3 for the morning service at 10:15 and will continue Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m. The services for Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 4 and 5, will be at 6:30, and the final day of service will be on Wednesday, Oct. 6, at 7 p.m. There will be a meal on Wednesday that will begin at 6 p.m. Fellowship Baptist Church is located at 1965 Miller Rd (FM 408) and those interested can call the church office at 409-7359511 for more information.
First United Methodist to host Wednesday Night Live classes The community is invited to participate in First United Methodist Church’s Wednesday Night Live classes. Fall classes began Sept. 14 and run through Nov. 16. A light supper will be served at 5 p.m. with classes beginning at 6 p.m. Programs for the fall include: Prayer Shawl Ministry, “Why?” by Adam Hamilton, “Confronting Controversies” by Adam Hamilton, Beth Moore’s study of Revelation “Here and Now, There and Then,” Dr. Dobson’s “Bringing Up Girls,”and “Disciple III Bible Study.” Youth will view and discuss “Soul Surfer.” Kindergarten through fifth graders will be participating in “Way to Go “A Guided Tour Through God’s Greatest Commandment.” A nursery is provided for infants through preschoolers. FUMC is located at 502 North Sixth Street; the meal is served
Trinity Lutheran Church, 1819 North 16th Street, will hold a Blessing of the Animals ceremony on the front lawn on Saturday, Oct. 1, beginning at 10 a.m. The blessing of the animals is in recognition of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals an ecology, whose feast day is Oct. 4. Christians celebrate the feast of St. Francis by having their pets blessed in his spirit of love for God’s creatures. Following the ceremony, to be conducted by Pastor Paul Zoch, refreshments will be served. The public is invited to attend.
Starlight COGIC to host Women’s Summit The Starlight Church of God in Christ Women’s Department invite women in the community to join them for Women’s Summit 2011. The conference will be held Sept. 22-25 at 2800 Bob Hall Rd. Powershops for participants are Thursday and Friday evening from 7 to 7:50 p.m. On Saturday, there will be a Symposium including topics such as “Breaking the Cycle of Fatherlessness,” “Communication, Social Networking vs. Sexting,” “Recognizing the Signals of Domestic Violence and Depression,” and “Ministry to the Incarcerated and Re-entry.” A Power Luncheon scheduled at 1 p.m. on Saturday is also included as part of the conference. Registration for the conference is $35, which includes a conference bag, souvenir, conference materials, and power luncheon. Special Guests are Evangelist Ellaner Cook of Beaumont, Evangelist Arene Sample of Chicago, and Evangelist Vanessa Brown of Ohio. The public is invited to attend worship services at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Friday, and the finale on Sunday morning at 11 a.m. For more information call 409-886-4366 or the website at starlightcogic.net.
Faith United Methodist to host ‘Faithkidz’ The United Methodist Church in Orange will host an action packed mid-week adventure for kindergarten through fifth graders each Wednesday from Sept. 21 to Dec. 14. Faithkidz will begin at 5:15 p.m. and last until 6:16 pm. Children will experience new adventures, new friends, and receive large doses of encouragement in a Christian setting! Each evening begins with upbeat music, video, exciting games, crafts, puppets, singing, Bible stories, and snacks. This is free to the public, but those interested must register. For more information contact Martha Hoefner 409-346-4017, O’Clair Vaughn 409-201-4208 or 409-769-0230 Find out more on our website www.faithumc-orange.org
New Anointing Church hosts gospel singing Area residents are invited to join members of New Anointing Church at 7 p.m., Friday, Sept. 30 for an old-fashion gospel singing. This is open-mic singing. Bring your favorite gospel song on tape and/or CD, or bring your musical instrument. Singers are welcome to have musician’s accompany you. This will be an evening of worship and praise, lifting up the name of JESUS. Refreshments will follow the singing. The church is located at 10681 N. Hwy 87 (about seven miles on left from Northway Shopping Center). For more information, call 409-746-9515.
Cowboy church to host last Buckle Series Playdays The community is invited to join the Cowboy Church of Orange County for their last Buckle Series Playdays of 2011, the playdays are Sept. 24 and Oct. 29. Events include barrels, poles, flag race, baton race and speed race. Buckles will be awarded for overall high point for each age group. Special classes are lead line, mutton bustin’ and stick horse race with special awards also given at end of series. Western attire required; hat, sleeved shirt, jeans and boots. Current negative coggins and signed release form required. Everyone is welcome. For more information contact Debbie Vance at 409-745-0656.
Central Baptist to hold ‘Worth the Wait’ conference Staff Report
For The Record
Central Baptist Church of Buna, Texas will host an area wide one day “Worth the Wait” Conference on Saturday, Oct. 8. Conference registration will begin at 8:30 a.m., and the conference will begin at 9 a.m. All area teenagers from the seventh through the 12th grade are encouraged to attend. Each person attending will need a signed permission slip from their parents. Many area churches are planning on bringing large groups from their respective churches. The main theme of the conference is “Know.” Three general sessions will be centered on this theme. Session one will be “Know God;” session two “Know Yourself,” and session three “Know the Situation.” Tim Ramsey will be leading each of these sessions. Tim is a well-known youth speaker who serves as associate pastor of Fellowship Church in Huntsville, Texas. Music for the conferences will be led by the Micah Tyler Band. Micah Begnaud and his band of Will Gallagher, Caleb Johnson, Daniel Begnaud and Haley Warren have led worship in many youth events for the last six years. They recently released their first CD called “Better.”
Two “break out” sessions will occur in-between the general conference sessions. These sessions will be led by April Anderson, Jennifer Sigler, Cody Hogden, and Jared Hollier. Each of these sessions will address such issues as sexual pressure in today’s society and ‘what you don’t know can hurt you’ -- as well as how a teenager should handle technology and social networking in an appropriate way. April Anderson is a former band director and has a ministry called “Armed and Virtuous.” This is a ministry dedicated to promoting abstinence until marriage. Jennifer Sigler is a nurse practitioner at Southeast Texas OB/GYN in Beaumont. She has great knowledge of the possible physical consequences of premarital sex. Cody Hogden is a former student minister who now leads a ministry for high school and college students in Bridge City called “The Refuge.” Jared Hollier is senior pastor at Peachtree Baptist Church in Jasper, Texas. His humor and charisma has made him a popular speaker at many youth events. The conference will conclude at 3 p.m. The cost is free, and a hamburger lunch will be provided for each participant. If additional information is needed, call the Central Baptist Church office at 409-994-3641 or e-mail Central’s student minster, Scott Hawk at hawkminstry@gmail.com.
PASTOR LEO ANDERSON Each Sunday Morning @ 7:30 a.m. On A.M. 1600 KOGT
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Scripture of the Week Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: Matthew 7:7
Church Directory First Baptist Church Orangefield 9788 F.M. 105 Orangefield, 409-735-3113 Pastor Forrest Wood Sunday: Bible Study - 9:30 a.m., Worship Service - 10:30 a.m., Evening Worship Service- 6:30 p.m. Wednesday: Midweek Meal- 5:30 p.m., Praise and Prayer - 6:30 p.m. Youth and Children Activities, 7:15 p.m. - Choir Practice Email: office@fbcof.com Website: www.fbcof.com
First United Methodist Church
502 Sixth Street, Orange 409-886-7466 Pastor: Rev. John Warren Dir. of Fine Arts & Music: Doug Rogers Organist: Justin Sanders Dir. of Youth & Christian Education: Allisha Bonneaux Sunday: Worship in the Chapel: 8:15 a.m., Celebration Service in Praise Center: 8:55 a.m., Sunday School for all ages: 9:50 a.m. Worship in the Sanctuary: 11 a.m., UMYF & Methodist Kids: 5 p.m. Web site: www.fumcorange.org
First Christian Church of Orangefield
4234 FM 408 (between BC & Orangefield) 409-735-4234 Minister Jim Hardwick Sunday School: 9 a.m.; Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday: Prayer and Bible Study 7 p.m. Nursery provided For a ride, please call 735-4234
H.K. Clark & Sons
Knox Clark, Hiram Clark Jr, & Philip Clark
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St. Paul United Methodist Church 1155 W. Roundbunch Rd., Bridge City 409- 735-5546 Pastor Brad Morgan E-mail office@stpaulfamily.org Sunday Mornings: Worship Experience - 8:15 a.m.; Sunday School - 9:30 a.m.; Worship Experience - 10:45 a.m. (Nursery provided at all services) For Mid & Sr. High Youth on Sunday Afternoon: 3:30 to 6 p.m. Sunday Evening : Taizé Service - 7 p.m. For Children Ages 4–10 on Wednesday evening – 6 to 7 p.m. – JAM (Jesus and Me) Club
Cowboy Church of Orange County
673 FM 1078 Orange, Texas 409-718-0269 E. Dale Lee, Pastor Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday “Round Pen” (Small Group) Studies: Men’s group: 7:00 p.m. Mondays, Ladies’ group: 6:30 p.m. Thursdays Come as you are! Boots and hats welcome!
Harvest Chapel
1305 Irving Street, Orange 409-882-0862 Ruth Logan Burch, Pastor Sunday Morning 10 a.m., 11 a.m. Evening Service 6 p.m. Wednesday Service 5 p.m.
Echo Church
1717 FM 3247, Orange 409-735-8580 Pastor George A. Cruse Jr. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Praise & Worship - Contemporary music! Come as you are!
Trinity Baptist Church
1408 W. Park Ave. @ 14th Street, Orange Office: 886-1333 Pastor Dr. Charles Walton Worship Leader Dan Cruse Morning Worship Sunday 11 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Nursery Provided
West Orange Christian Church
900 Lansing Street, West Orange 409-882-0018 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service - 10:40 a.m. Sunday Evening - 6 p.m. Wednesday Evening - 6 p.m. “Our church family welcomes you!”
Miracle Restoration Revivals Church
608 Dogwood St., Orange (2 streets behind Horseman Store) 409-883-5466 Residing Pastor Rev. Larry Doucet Founding Pastor Rev. Tunney Vercher Sr. Sunday morning services 10 a.m., Sunday night 6 p.m. Wednesday night Prayer Meeting 6:30 p.m. Wednesday night Bible Study 7 p.m.
Orange First Church of the Nazarene 3810 MLK Drive, Orange Lead Pastor: Ray McDowell Music Pastor: Bruce McGraw Youth Pastor: Michael Pigg Children’s Pastor: Marilyn Ball Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Celebration Service 10:45 a.m. Prayer Service: 6 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7 p.m. Everyone Welcome!
Like New Automative
Apostolic Pentecostal Church IH-10 at Highway 62, Orange (409) 745-3973 Rev. Leo Anderson Sunday Morning at 7:30 a.m. on A.M. 1600 KOGT Radio Sunday: 2 p.m. • Tuesday: 7:30 p.m. 24 Hour Prayer Line: 409-779-4703 or 409-779-4702
Back to God Fresh Anointing Ministries 1011 10th St., Suite 108, Orange 409-779-3566 or 409-883-0333 E-mail: backtoGodnow@gmail.com www.backtogodfreshanointingministries.com Pastor Gerald Gunn Co-Pastor Pearlie Gunn Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Tuesday Nigh Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Men of Valor & Women of Warfare classes on Thursday 6:30 p.m.
First Baptist Church of Bridge City
200 W. Roundbunch, Bridge City Office: 409-735-3581 Fax: 409-735-8882 www.fbcbc.org Rev. Bob Boone, Pastor Sunday Schedule: Traditional Worship - 8:15 a.m.; Bible Study at 9:30 a.m.; Celebration Service - 10:45 a.m.; CSI, Youth Bible Study, Discipleship Classes - 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Schedule: Prayer Meeting - 6:30 p.m., Youth Worship “Living Stone”
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8B • The Record • Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011
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Community Classifieds Your ads published in both newspapers, the County Record and the Penny Record plus on our web site TheRecordLive.com NOTICE OF APPLICATION OF ENTERGY TEXAS, INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO DEFER EXPENSES RELATED TO ITS PROPOSED TRANSITION TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE MIDWEST INDEPENDENT TRANSMISSION SYSTEM OPERATOR On September 2, 2011, Entergy Texas, Inc. (“ETI” or “the Company”) filed with the Public Utility Commission of Texas (“PUCT”) its Application for Authority to Defer Expenses Related to Its Proposed Transition to Membership in the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator (“Application”), pursuant to Public Utility Regulatory Act (“PURA”) § 14.001, which grants the PUCT the power to regulate and supervise the business of a public utility, and PURA § 14.151, which grants the PUCT the power to prescribe the form and manner of a utility’s uniform accounts for the transaction of business. In its Application, ETI estimates that it will incur approximately $12 million in O&M expenses in order to complete the transition to the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc. (“MISO”) Regional Transmission Organization (“RTO”) (hereafter, “transition expenses”). The Company requests that it be permitted to defer all transition expenses ultimately required to complete the transition to the MISO RTO. ETI does
not seek review or final approval for recovery of any transition expenses in this proceeding; therefore, customers’ current rates will not be affected by approval of this Application. Rather, ETI requests a Commission order that will allow these expenses to be preserved for future prudence review as a regulatory asset, consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and allowed to accrue carrying costs, at the overall rate of return authorized by the PUCT in ETI’s last base rate case (Docket No. 37744), until incorporated into Commissionapproved rates. Upon Commission approval of ETI’s request
for deferred accounting, the Company will record the deferred expenses as a regulatory asset on the Company’s balance sheet for financial reporting purposes. Prior to recovery in rates, the deferred expenses will be subject to prudence review in a future ETI rate proceeding. This future rate proceeding would also address amortization and recovery of the deferred expenses in rates. The Commission will review ETI’s Application, establish an intervention date for interested persons, and determine whether ETI’s Application should be approved. The Commission’s proceeding to review ETI’s Application
has been assigned Docket No. 39741. The Commission has established an intervention date of October 3, 2011. Persons who wish to intervene in or comment upon these proceedings, or obtain further information, should contact the Public Utility Commission of Texas, P.O. Box 13326, Austin, Texas 78711-3326, or call the Commission’s Office of Consumer Protection at 512-936-7120 or 1-888782-8477. Hearing and speech-impaired individuals with text telephones (TTY) may contact the Commission at 512-936NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF WYVA JEAN BASS, DECEASED
TO: MICHAEL TRAVIS MCARDLE, Respondent: YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 A.M. on the Monday next following the expiration of 20 days after you were served this citation and petition, a default judgement may be taken against you.
The petition of Amanda Segrra, Petitioner, was filed in the 128th District Court of Orange County, Texas, on August 21, 2011, against Michael Travis McArdle, numbered 110716-D, and entitled IN THE MATTER OF MARRIAGE OF Amanda Segarra and Michael Travis McArdle. The suit requests ORIGINAL PETITION FOR DIVORCE. The date and place of birth of the child/ren who are the subject of the suit: HANNAH LEE ROSE MCARDLE SEPTEMBER 16, 2002 HOUSTON, TEXAS The Court has authority in this suit to enter any judgment or decree in the child/ren's interest which will be binding upon you, including the termination of the parent-child relationship, the determination of paternity and the appointment of a conservator with authority to consent to the child's adoption. ISSUED AND GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Court at Orange, Texas this September 19, 2011.
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7136 or use Relay Texas (toll-free) 1-800-7352989. All communications should refer to Docket No. 39741. Persons with questions or who want more information about this Application may contact Entergy Texas at 350 Pine Street, Beaumont, Texas 77701, or call 1-800-3683749 (select option 1, then press 0, then press 4) during normal business hours. A complete copy of the Application is available for inspection at the address listed above.
PUBLIC AND LEGAL NOTICES CIVIL CITATION - CCVPUBWD THE STATE OF TEXAS TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS OF TERRY WAYNE SMITH RESPONDENT, NOTICE: YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 A.M. on the Monday next following the expiration of forty-two days from the date of issuance of this citation and petition, a default judgment may be taken against you. You are hereby commanded to appear by filing a written answer to the Plaintiff's Petition at or before 10:00 AM on the Monday next after the expiration of forty-two days after the date of issuance of this citation the same being SEPTEMBER 5, 2011
Actual size: 1x5”
Said ANSWER may be filed at the District Clerk's Office at the Orange County Courthouse, 801 W. Division Ave. or by mailing it to 801 W. Division Ave., Orange, Texas 77630 Said PLAINTIFF'S SUMMARY OF SUIT FOR CITATION BY PUBLICATION was filed and docketed in the Honorable 128th District Court of Orange County, Texas at the District Clerk's Office at the Orange County Courthouse, 801 W. Division Ave., Orange, Texas on JULY 20, 2011 in the following styled and numbered cause:
To be published in The Record Newspapers 09/21/2011 The suit requests SEE: EXHIBIT "A" ******Please fax any CAUSE NO. 110217-C Jpmorgan Chase Bank N A VS Alisha Lanae Eusea, Defendant, et al corrections by Monday, The name and address of the attorney for Plaintiff otherwise the address of Plaintiff is: JASON A LEBOEUF Sept. 19.***** 15000 SURVEYOR BOULEVARD, STE 100, ADDISON, TEXAS 75001 to 735-7346 ISSUED AND GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Court at Orange, Texas this JULY
21, 2011.
By: Charlean
§ § § § § § §
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Plaintiff JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., its successors and assigns by and through its attorney of record, Jason A. LeBoeuf of Barrett Daffin Frappier Turner & Engel, LLP, 15000 Surveyor Blvd., Addison, Texas 75001, 972-386-5040, brought suit against Defendants Alisha Lanae Eusea and the Unknown Heirs of Terry Wayne Smith, to enforce Loan Agreement on the property located at 3645 Hemlock Lane, Orange, TX 77630 and legally described as: LOT NUMBER SIXTEEN (16), BLOCK NUMBER SIX (6), RIDGEMONT PARK ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN VOLUME 7, PAGE 2, MAP RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, TEXAS.
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VICKIE EDGERLY, District Clerk Orange County, Texas
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VICKIE EDGERLY, District Clerk Orange County, Texas
• Penny Record Office: 333 West Roundbunch, Bridge City • County Record Office: 320 Henrietta, Orange Note: Offices Closed On Wednesday
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Testamentary for the Estate of BILLIE JEAN WILLIAMS STUNTZ, Deceased, were Notice is hereby given issued on September 6, that original letters admin2011 in Cause No. P15931 Enlarged for proofing. istration for the Estate of pending in the County Court ActualBASS, size: 2X4” WYVA JEAN at Law of Orange County, Deceased, were issued Texas, to: JEAN ALLISON on the 16th day of STUNTZ. The mailing To be published in September, 2011, in address of such Executrix CauseRecord No. P15945 pendThe Newspapers is: 030911 ing in the County Court at JEAN ALLISON STUNTZ Law of ORANGE County, 1613 7th Avenue Texas, PLEASE Probate Division FAX ANY Canyon, Texas 79015 to RICHARD J. BASS. All persons having claims CORRECTIONS BY against this Estate which is NOONofTUESDAY The residence such currently being adminisexecutor is 3719 tered are required to presto 735-7346 Whippoorwill, Orange, TX ent them within the time 77630. Thanks. and in the manner prescribed by law. All persons having DATED this the 14th day claims against this Estate of September, 2011 which is currently being Respectfully submitted, administered are required SANDERS & SANDERS, L.L.P to present them to the undersigned within the Alan Sanders FAX time and in the manner P. ALAN SANDERS prescribed by law. # 735-7346 State Bar No. 17602100
By: Charlean
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The Record • Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011 • 9B
Baptist Hospital schools athletes, coaches on HCM, a silent killer Mike Louviere For The Record
The tragic death last year of Reggie Garrett, who collapsed during a football game, brought community awareness of the health of student athletes to the forefront. One of the things that can cause a seemingly healthy athlete’s untimely death is Hypertrophic Cardiomyophaty, known as HCM. Memorial Hermann Baptist Hospital of Orange and the HCM Association (HCMA) are partnering to bring HCM to the attention of student athletes, their coaches and their families. Jarrin Garret, the chief administrator of the hospital, M.E. Castellanos, M.D. a local cardiac specialist and Benjamin Lee who is sponsored by the HCMA are touring area schools with a presentation about HCM. They are providing information on the symptoms, testing and treatment of HCM. HCM is a condition that affects over 600,000 people in the U.S. It is the leading cause of sudden death in young people, including athletes. Each year 125 to 200 athletes will die, one third of them will die from HCM. Though no reason
is known for the disparity, one half of all those that die will be Afro-American. The symptoms of HCM mimic those of several other heart conditions. “Family history is very important. A student may take one of our questionnaire forms home and have the family help them fill it out. It is important that the family members assist in filling out this form; they know history that the student alone may not know. If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the questions, go to your physician and consult with him or her and discuss the options for diagnosing HCM. Here in Orange we have all of the diagnostic equipment necessary to discover if you have HCM. There is no reason to go out of town,” said Dr. Castellanos. “In the old days, players played ‘tough’ they would play when they were hurt or sick and things would happen to them that would cause them to have problems later in life. You do not need to do that. If you are hurt or not feeling good, talk to your coaches and they will work with you to keep you healthy.” “If you suspect that someone at school has had a cardiac incident, call for help fast. The school has the defibrillators
and people trained to use them and will call 911 and get the person to the hospital as soon as possible. Speed is important,” said Dr. Costellanos. Athletic Director Randy Crouch told the assembly that LCM had two cardiac defibrillators at the school in case of cardiac arrest with anyone at the school. With an attendance of 1200 at LCM and HCM occurring in one in 500, there is a possibility of two to three students having HCM and not being aware of their condition. Benjamin Lee is one person who was fortunate enough to discover HCM in a routine health check. Lee went to the doctor for a checkup and only one thing was wrong. It was his heart. It was discovered that he had HCM. There is a genetic condition in Lee’s family that affects the heart muscle. Since that visit in 1997, he has had an implanted defibrillator. “I am a pastor of a church in Beaumont; so far the defibrillator has not gone off. It would be bad if it went off when I was preaching,” said Lee with a smile. “I cannot stress to you how important it is to check for this condition. I did not feel bad; I had no way of knowing that I had this condition. It
Jarrin Garrett opens the Hypertrophic Cardiomyophaty (HCM) meeting at Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School. RECORD PHOTO: Mike Louviere
could have killed me and it could kill you. I feel so strongly about trying to inform people about this that I am sponsored by the HCMA to do these presentations. Please take a form home and fill it out and go visit with your doctor.” “Though Reggie Garrett did not die from HCM, he did have a condition that he did not know about. We at the hospital
want the public to be aware of conditions like these and also know that we have doctors like Dr. Costellanos that know about these conditions, especially HCM and are able to diagnose and treat them here in Orange. We have been to Vidor and after leaving here we will schedule meetings at the other area schools. HCMA is a nonprofit organization who pro-
vides the materials and speakers like Mr. Lee to go into communities and do presentations,” said Garrett. When Dr. Costellanos asked Coach Crouch if he made the meeting mandatory since there was such a large attendance, Crouch replied, “I tried to.” For obtaining more information about HCM, the website is: www.4HCM.org
APARTMENTS DUPLEX APT., 1/1/1, 480 Blueberry, BC, available 10/1, $650 monthly + dep., (409) 963-5594. VERY NICE AND CLEAN 1/1, Apt., ceramic tile floors, CA/H, Lg. all tile bathroom w/ vanity and mirrors, plenty of storage, all S.S. appliances, dish washer, nice size kitchen & dining, No Pets, $600 monthly + elec. & water and $500 dep., (409) 735-6277 or 626-1968. (ss) BRIDGE CITY 1/1, 2240 Granger (rear), water included, $450 monthly, HUD OK, (409) 735-4255. MAGNOLIA TRACE APARTMENTS, Bridge City, Extremly nice and updated, downstairs $699 monthly, $500 dep., please call (409) 886-1737, leave message. COMMERCIAL FORMER LAWYER’S OFFICE, just off Texas Ave., $950 monthly, Call for an appointment to see @ (409) 735-2030. (M&R)
VERY NICE & REDECORATED, approx. 1,400 sq. ft., ready to go for 7 chair beauty salon, shampoo bowls, nail techs, lunch room, laundry room, 3 energy efficient AC/H units, lots of storage, concrete parking, yard maint. included. Also could be used as any type retail or office space, $900 monthly, (409) 735-6277 or 626-1968. HOME RENTALS 1/1 IN MAURICEVILLE, Log Cabin, in the woods, $550 monthly, Call for an appointment to see @ (409) 7352030. (M&R) 1-2&3 BEDROOM HOMES and Apartments for rent, HUD accepted, Stringer Properties, (409) 883-3481. NICE 3/2/2 BRICK,fenced back yard, CA/H, 2770 Briggs, $1,250 monthly, (409) 7352030. (M&R) 3/1.5/1 IN BCISD, 890 Carolina, CA/H, Lg. back patio, all elec., stove provided, available 10/1, $800 monthly, (409) 735-3604. (9/28) 1 - 2 & 3 BEDROOM HOMES, water & garbage paid, grass cut, BCISD, (409) 735-4817 or 313-4270. (9/21) McLEWIS AREA, 2/1, Happy Home Dr., $550 monthly, (409) 735-2030. (M&R) MOBILE HOME RENTALS BC AREA , as little as $30 daily for rooms, M.H.’s by day or week, starting at $30 a day or weekly, 735-8801 or 7347771. (cctfn)
HOME SALES 2 STORY ON 3.4 landscaped acres, 2 bedroom w/ study (could be small bedroom), OFISD, fenced, never flooded, (409) 735-3271. (10/5) 3/1 BY OWNER IN BCISD, 1,500 sq. ft., , $69,000, 175 W. Darby, BC, available 10/1 (409) 963-5594. (9/21) LAND & LOTS 4 LOTS IN N. ORANGE, N 87, CR 3127, Sunset acres, Trailer pads 2 (24” x 75”), 6x8 Front Stoop, water and sewer, Deweyville ISD. $13,500. 409886-3233. QUAIL TRAILS OFISD, two new 2.5 acre partially cleared lots, livestock and mobiles OK, financing available, WOODRIDGE LAND, (409) 745-1115. READY TO MOVE ON! 1.993 acres in ofisd, concrete runners, MMUD water and sewer on site, WOODRIDGE LAND, (409) 745-1115. QUAIL TRAILS 3, LCMISD, 3.735 acres, ready to move on, MSUD water and sewer, mobiles and horses OK, WOODRIDGE LAND, (409) 745-1115. EMPLOYMENT WANTED SEMI-RETIRED sheet rocker and painter. Willing to work for small truck or van. 365-4045.
3/1 IN OFISD, 16’ X 80’, 1 block from schools, Large lot, W./D hookups, No Pets, $650 monthly + dep., (409) 7208699 or 735-6701.
MOBILE HOME SPACES STADIUM VILLAGE MOBILE HOME PARK 330 Bower, Bridge City No Flooding during IKE All Residents and M. H’s safe Close to BC schools 3 Lots Vacant (409) 626-0898
EMPLOYMENT FULL AND PART TIME DAY POSITIONS available at Reliable Cleaners. Must be mature, dependable and energetic. Must be willing to submit to drug screen and background check. Apply in person at 1311 Green Ave, Orange. No phone calls please. CRISIS CENTER. Rape and crisis center of S.E. Texas needs volunteer advocares to provide direct services to survivors of sexual assault in a medical setting. Comprehensive training is provided, Anyone interested should contact the Crisis Center at (409) 832-6530. ø APPLIANCES USED APPLIANCES, starting at $99.95 & up, Harry’s Appliances, 302 10th. St. (10th. & main), Orange, We buy used appliances, 8864111.
LOST & FOUND LOST DOG CHOC. LAB/PIT, lost on Morning Glory, BC, around 8/31, (409) 299-1326. MISCELLANEOUS MISC. SALE. Furniture, glassware, picture frames, pots, ceramic molds, clothes, Much More (some free items), (409) 886-7878. BEURWOOD GUITAR, $90; Mark II Guitar, $45; small first act dicovery, $15, (409) 8838372. 2 SETS OF FORD RUNNING boards, 2 sofa beds, water cooler, (409) 886-0446. 2 50 GALLON PLASTIC DEER barrels, ready to use; tri-pod winch, $60, (409) 8864105. IN TYMZ RESALE CLOTHING SHOPPE across from LCM HS. Gently used, top name brand, trendy clothing and accessories for preteens, teens, and young adults. Guys Too! We carry the mall brands at 80 percent off retail. Also, NOMAD’s Skate Shop coming soon in the back of the store for your custom boards. 409 883-3600 7254 Highway 87 North. WANT TO BUY MAN’S 10 DRAWER metal tool chest, have about $40; want to buy 2 white gold matching diamond wedding bands, at least 1/2 karet ea., (409) 670-9272. SERVICES ENCHANTED CREATIONS Professional Cleaning Services, we do Spring cleaning, Real Esate set-ups, office cleaning, basic home cleaning15 years experience in house keeping, Dependable, Affordable, references available, $10 off house cleaniing special, free quotes, No Job Too Big for us to handle, ask for Brenda @ (409) 344-2158. www.hotbiz.ws/CLEAN (10/5) ANGIE’S CARDINAL CLEANING Service, individuals and business, reliable,
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GREG’S MOBILE HOME PARK ~ 515 JONES, BC Has 3 open spaces, 200 amp service, all electric (no gas). No M.H’s over 10 years old, all cement drives and parking spaces. $200 Monthly per space, Water & garbage paid.
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+ $300 dep., monthly, including utilities & lawn sevices, except electric, quiet patio, good parking & yard.
RESIDENTIAL & 2/2 M.H. FOR RENT 2/2 w/ covered patio, COMMERCIAL BCISD, call for details. Free Estimates Specializing in older home rewires Office 735-4171 or 749-4873 jhaden@ stakeselectric.com
409-313-6496 Ask for Granny
references, individualized to meet your needs, schedualized cleaning or one time jobs, No Job Too Big, bonded, (409) 697-1288. HOUSECLEANING: reasonable rates, reliable sevice, references available, 15 years experience, Call Anna @ 409670-3389. (9/21) PETS & LIVESTOCK MALE SHIH TZU FOR SALE, grizzle & white, 3 years old (born 05/28/08). $150 o.b.o. or use as stud for one of puppies. Named “Teddy.” Call 920-1404. RESCUE DOGS, spayed & neutered, needing good homes. Pet food donations welcome. (409) 746-9502. 2 ABANDONED DOGS, sisters, free to good homes, about 1 yr. old, good with kids & other pets, wormed, have ads & picts. on Bridge City Classified.com, call Amy @ 920-3765. LAB/PIT MIX, 8M old, spayed female, on heart worm prev., free to good home, (409) 7469502.
94 BUICK CENTURY. Real clean, runs good. AC works. $1,600. Call 8838108. ‘98 DODGE INTREPID, 149K miles, $2,395, (409) 746-2520. ‘68 FORD MUSTANG. GT Fastback, Automatic, runs and drives well, Price $6950, for details mail me at stephbo2@msn.com / 512-782-4586. ‘99 PONTIAC GRAND AM. $2,500 OBO. Call 409-8820774. ‘02 TOYOTA COROLLA. Runs great and gets excellent gas mileage; automatic, 4 door, CD player, airconditioning, keyless entry. 109K miles. $5,300. Call 409-886-5415.
BOREL BOAT. 15 1/2 ft
1/1 FEMA M.H’s. For BURGANDY SWIVEL Rent ROCKER / Recliner, $35, At very low $425 monthly (409) 735-2966.
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DRIVERS WANTED WE JUST RAISED DRIVER PAY! Plus $500 Sign-on bonus! On regional out & back runs. Out of our Beaumont, TX location. Highway Transport Chemical. At Highway Transport, not only will you enjoy the recent pay increase, but also great benefits, piad orientation, assigned truck & prepass. Must have: 18months current exp. or 24 mo. in the last 4 years driving tractor trailer, will train for tanker. CDL-A with tnaker, hazmat and TWIC required. “Safety focused quality driven, our CSA rating reflects our committment.” EOE/M/F/V/D Call: 800-818-0996 ext 206 www.hytt.com/jobsfordrivers
FURNITURE VERY COMFORTABLE SOFA SLEEPER $185 w/ matching big mans chair $125. Feels like leather! Desk - $20, Book case - $15. White coming out or wedding dress w/pearls - $40. 4 piece ceramic canister set $12. 4 piece rust orange canister set - $20. Glass coffee table - $35. Brown filing cabinet - $10. 2404 Post Oak Dr. in Orange. Must make Appointment. Call 670-9272.
2 BEDROOM IN BC, nice and clean, all elec., stove & refrig., mini blinds, CA/H, garbage paid, $425 monthly + dep., No Pets, (409) 735-5230.
Land Co.
SPACES For Rent Quiet 30 and 50 AMP service spaces for rent, at a low $285 monthly, including all utilities & services, except electric, quiet patio, good parking.
Sat. 220 Live Oak , 8-10 a.m. Books, nice Women’s clothes 8-10, Teenage girls clothes, yard furniture, bar stools, Halloween costumes, 10ft. Christmas tree, lots of misc. SAT., 407 JEANETTE, BC, Multi Family, 7:30 till 2. Household items, Tiara, collectables, clothes for adults - teens & children, Great Prices! SAT., 8198 TULANE, MCLEWIS AREA (toward 1-10/ Sawmill side), Lg Garage Sale!, 7am to noon. Lots of clothes, all sizes. Prom dresses, electronics, playstation 2 and games, lots of DVDs, home decor, sm furniture, new wedding items and dress, bedding, boys clothes size 7-8, toys, lots of misc. & more! Please no early birds. SAT., 2415 SMITH ST IN W.O., 7 till. Furniture, clothes, knick-knacks, little of everything. length, 54 inches wide w/ trailer and 90 HP Yamaha motor. Call 409-794-1367 or 409-883-0678.
‘86 REBEL 250, runs good, ‘86 Rebel 250 “fixer upper” or for parts, $1,200 takes both; 110 Youth size ATV, runs but needs new battery, $200, (409) 745-3254. (9/21)
TRAVEL TRAILERS ‘93 PROWLER 5TH. WHEEL T.T., 27’, good cond., kept under shed, original owner, sleeps 6, must see to appreciate, $4,700, (409) 735-2673. (9/21) ‘T R U C K S & VA N S ‘88 CHEVROLET P.U., runs good, $1,200, 543-8089 or 886-7329.
‘'85 CHEVY C-10, V-8, LWB,
A/C, C. player, auto trans., PS/B, good motor, no oil leakage, real workhorse, $3,000 OBO, ask for Ruth @ (409) 735-7353
‘98 CHEROKEE CLASSIC. 3 yrs old. Std body & fair for parts. Call Dee at 658-5225. ‘90 FORD F-150, straight 6, 5 spd. manual trans., good cond., $1,600; ‘98 Dodge Dakota, v-8, 5 speed man. trans., good cond., A/C, needs power steering pump, $1,200, (409) 221-0798 or 735-9729. ‘04 FORD F-150, excellent cond., 30K miles, garage kept, reg. cab, loaded, (409) 768-1840.
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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Golf From Page 6B “If things do not change, during the upcoming holiday season, there will be no special foods this year.” Jensen and other members of the board, along with several sponsors for the Golf Tournament, know the need. They also know the need has increased this year. Father Tom Phelan, from St. Francis Catholic Church, said, “I have been here eight years now. We have seen a marked increase in the families that have to come to us for help.” In spite of the obvious increase in need and the frustrations of trying to get funding and donations Jensen states, “But in the midst of it, it’s a joy.” Philanthropist and President of Akrotex, one of the sponsors for the annual fund raiser puts its this way, “You will always have those who take advantage, but you have to go through the greedy to get to the needy.” For OCS there is a process, an interview. They are determining not only need but how they can be of the most benefit. “The best thing that could happen to OCS would be for
our doors to close for good, that would mean there was no need,” Jensen said simply, “but we know that will never happen, the Word of God tells us, “The poor will be with you always.”’ There will not soon be an end to the need of the citizens of Orange County. Because of this there are still needs that OCS must have met. Individuals can make a simple difference. An extra jar of peanut butter thrown in the grocery bag and dropped off, clothes the kids have out grown bagged and delivered, a $5.00 donation. At present, the organization is looking for and hoping for more sponsors for their Golf Scramble. They have 22 teams who will tee off Oct. 1 at the Sunset Grove Country Club. Sponsor signs will be at every tee. A whole sign cost is $100. That $100 could be the difference in turkey or bologna for Thanksgiving. To take part in becoming a sponsor, to donate items, give of your time or more information call 409-886-0938. Orange Christian Services is located at 2518 West Park in Orange.
Orange City Council seeks suggestions on redistricting map Mike Louviere For The Record
The Orange City Council in a special called meeting Tuesday night heard a report from Alan Bojorquez of the Bojorquez Law Firm, PLLC, on draft plans for reapportionment of the City’s four singlemember council districts. In the initial portion of the presentation, Bojorquez covered the large number of regulations of the Department of Justice that must be complied with in the reapportioning of the districts. Bojorquez stated that in spite of the election this past May approving the implementation of the single member voting districts, the city needed to wait until the 2010 census information was received. “It would not have been good business to devise a plan based on census numbers that were subject to change when the number for the 2010 census came out,” Borjorquez said. “Even though we have the map, Draft A, ready to review we are not formally recommending this map at this time. Individual citizens and any
affected group have the right to make their own proposals based on the available demographics. We have the next meeting scheduled to be held Oct. 11. At that time any other maps may be presented to the council for approval. “It is rare for a citizens group to present a different map, but it does happen. There is a deadline of Oct. 14 for submitting a map from an individual or a citizens group. While Oct. 14 is the deadline for submitting a map, we will be taking input on the situation for as long as we can, right up to the deadline. Hopefully if there is any input it will be a council member or a citizen suggesting modifications that will be workable. Some maps may not be workable. We suggest that everyone look closely at map Draft A. Hopefully it will be what you all want to see.” Mayor Brown Claybar explained that there will be time for citizens to review map Draft A and to make comments on the map at the Oct. 11 meeting. Ned Hawthorne questioned the deadline of Oct. 11, stating that he would like to see citizens allowed more time to
work up another proposal. Bojorquez stated that interested parties have four more weeks to work on a proposal, that the information to build the demographics has been available since March. “My office will take information from anyone by email, phone call, or personal visit if you are in the Austin area. We will try to work with anyone in any way. We need to have things done before the holidays.” When asked about the significance of the holidays. Borjorquez stated that the Texas Election Codes take effect each January. Candidates need to know the district they will run in and voters need to know the candidates in their district to vote for. “I think the city chose wisely in not starting the process even though the information was available in March; they knew that there would be some new council members in May. It would have not been effective in starting the process before the new council was seated.” Patty Austin asked for more time in order to get the demographics to another demogra-
pher. She also stated that they needed maps and she did not see maps available. Later while the council was in executive session, Borjorquez passed out copies of map Draft A. Borjorquez again stated that the census information has been available since March and that information that needed to come from the city has been available since last December. “There is a timeline to getting approval from the Department of Justice for approval so that the city and he candidates can meet the Texas Election Code requirements. We want to allow as much time as possible, but we have to set a firm deadline and that deadline is Oct. 14.” The next business of the council was to go into a closed executive session to deliberate Item 3(a) 1. The item was to deliberate with the city attorney pending or contemplated litigation as authorized by subjection 551 of the Government Code involving the Robert Arnold case. Action taken on Item 3(a) 1 was to authorize City Attorney Jack Smith to seek mediation in the Arnold case.
Sign Up Now to Enter Scarecrow Festival Mike Louviere For The Record
Members of the public, including businesses, churches, organizations, school groups and individuals are encouraged to submit entries soon for this year’s Scarecrow Festival at Shangri La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center, as spots are filling up fast. This event will take place from Oct. 18 through Nov. 12. Over a hundred scarecrows are expected, and visitors during the Scarecrow Festival will be able to vote for a favorite. Prizes will be awarded in several categories.
Scarecrows should be created from recycled materials whenever possible to help represent Shangri La’s ‘green’ theme. Entries will be placed along the pathways of Shangri La and must be able to withstand being outdoors for the duration of the festival. Participants must complete an Official Entry Form no later than Friday, Oct. 7 at 5 p.m., but with spots filling up, participants are encouraged to turn in entry forms earlier. A complete entry form along with rules and other information can be found at http://www.shangrilagardens. com/. Installation will take place from Oct. 15 through 17, and en-
trants will need to check with the Shangri La Admissions Window for scarecrow placement location. “There are quite a few entries already,” says Director of Shangri La Michael Hoke, “we just want to make sure those planning to enter a scarecrow in this year’s event get their entry forms turned in.” Located at 2111 West Park Avenue in Orange, Texas, Shangri La is open to the public Tuesday through Saturday, 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. and Sundays, noon to 5 p.m. For more information, visit http://w w w.shangrilagardens. org/.
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