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OUTDOORS WEEKLY Capt. Chuck Uzzle Page 5B

Dickie Colburn Page 4B


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County Record Vol. 53 No. 25

The Community Newspaper of Orange, Texas

Week of Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Orange man accused of killing uncle Debby Schamber For The Record

Christopher Ryan Philmon, 22, of Orange, was returned to Orange County Tuesday after he allegedly murdered his uncle, 50-year-old Roy Philmon at his residence located at 407 Bilbo. Philmon’s night of terror began late Sunday into the early morning hours on Monday. At about 12:30 a.m., Philmon’s

OC Sheriff’s Citizens Alumni to hold fundraisers Debby Schamber For The Record It will be “boots on the ground” as members of the Orange County Sheriff’s Citizens Alumni Association gear up for their upcoming fundraisers. Few people realize what services are provided by the alumni members. The Blue Santa program provides toys to the local needy children and has continued to grow over the years. This program will kick off soon and they are already making plans for a shopping day before they can start bagging the toys for distribution. Another program which requires a lot of hard work and dedication is the Cops and Kids Annual picnic during the summer months. At this event, they help serve the food, manage some of the events and assist where needed. But, the alumni doesn’t stop there with all their efforts. They do finger printing at schools, health fairs


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Christopher Ryan Philmon

girlfriend, Haylie Belcher, called police to report she has been kidnapped and assaulted by Philmon. She stated he had gotten into her vehicle with her on Simmons Drive and had assaulted her. He was bleeding from a cut on his hand and informed her he had killed Roy Philmon at the residence he shared with his uncle. The pair went to the residence where the murder occurred. Philmon then left in his uncle’s Caddillac and Belcher called police. When police arrived, they followed a trail of blood inside, which is where they found Roy Philmon lying dead on a bedroom floor with multiple stab

wounds on his head and chest areas. Pct. 2 Justice of the Peace Derry Dunn arrived and pronounced him dead and ordered an autopsy. Officers notified surrounding agencies in Texas and Louisiana to be on the look out for the vehicle. At about 9:15 a.m. Christopher Philmon went into a convienence store near Houston on Highway 290 and asked the clerk to call police because he had killed someone. He later surrendered to a Harris County deputies who arrived at the scene. Philmon was transferred to Orange County early Tuesday morning where he remains in the custody of jail officials. The Cadilliac which had a flat tire was taken to an evidence storage yard until it could be brought to Orange County to be processed. Pct. 1 Justice of the Peace Davd Peck set bonds totalling $600,000. There is a $500,000 bond for the murder charge and $100,00 for the kidnapping charge.

According to Capt. Cliff Hargrave of the Orange Police Department, relatives have said Christopher Philmon is schizophrenic. On Philmon’s Facebook page, he wrote earlier this month, “One day I will eat hu-

man and finally find out if it really tastes like pork.” He also wrote, “ Sometimes I honestly feel like IM from another dimension or galaxy or something and I mean it partially like I don’t fit in this body right like it’s an I’ll fitting

suit.” According to his posts, he attended Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School until 2006. He was also a patient at Austin State Mental Hospital from March 2006 until the present.

OC to start budget with $3.165 million deficit Debby Schamber For The Record

Orange County Commissioners voted Monday, 3 to 2, to adopt the budget with a $3.165 million short fall with plans to develop a plan within the upcoming weeks to be implemented by Jan. 1. According to Orange County Judge Carl Thibodeaux, this is the first time since he became judge more than 18 years ago that they adopted a budget with a deficit. Over the upcoming weeks, commissioners will look to further cut operating expenses for the county. According to information received from the county, they have $41,177,124 in operating revenue and $45,315,008 in operating expenditures. They will also look to determine if they will do a reduction of force through attrition in order to meet pay-

roll needs. “We are not trying to frighten anybody,” Thibodeaux said. ‘There is not a single person who wants to terminate anybody or cut retirement.” However, he added, nobody is guaranteed a job, but if someone were to work, then they would be receiving a paycheck. “There’s not any wasteful spending,” Thibodeaux said. “We are just too top heavy with salary and benefits.” Controlling the spending will be an ongoing thing for the court. They intend to meet with department heads monthly to hash out what can be done without or cut further. “We all work for the same people,” he said. “The citizens of Orange County.” John Banken, Precinct 3

Sgt. Patty Waters, the nursing supervisor, stands in front of a holding cell at the Orange County Jail. This is where daily medications may be dispensed or a TB shot administered.

Jailhouse nurse Debby Schamber For The Record

Becoming a nursing supervisor at the Orange County jail was not her first choice 19 years ago, but one she has learned to do with dignity, respect and hard work in order to do what is best for the many inmates she has come across during her career. “Everybody gets the same care,” she said. “They are not judged on their offense.”

Sgt. Patty Waters graduated from Lamar in 1988. Since then she has seen many inmates come and go. As the years went on, she discovered they had one thing in common, which was a lot of the cases were drug related in one way or another. She has also noted, they seem to be getting younger. But, she is unsure of that always being the case, since over time she has gotten older and they only seem so young, she added with

chuckle. During her time at the jail, she has seen changes such as administration. Laws have changed and she worked to meet the changes as they come. But, with the changes she also sees a never ending stack of paperwork. Each inmate starts their paperwork for their file when they are booked into the jail. They list if they have health problems and if they SGT. WATERS Page 3A


OC woman shared recipe with celebrity chef Debby Schamber For The Record

Donna Scales, of Bridge City, not only received an autograph photo with Paula Deen and her son, Bobby Deen, but also gave her a copy of her personal most requested recipe, Almond Joy Cake. During the time when photos were being taken, Scales gave a copy of the cake recipe to her daughter, Jackie, to give to Paula Deen. As a result, she

handed the paper to Deen, but, informed her that her “mother made her do it.” Deen immediately opened it and read what was inside. Donna Scales and her family attended the Houston Metro Cooking event where the met Paula and Bobby Deen. Pictured left to right on the back row: Bobby Solis, James Scales, Jimmy Scales and Donna Scales. Front row: Bobby Deen, Jackie Scales and Paula Deen.

“I do your recipes all the time, it’s time to give you one of mine,” Scales said to Deen. Deen replied she would give it a try and asked for Scales phone number. Scales said she is still waiting for her to call. But, she is sure if Deen made a call to her, then it would be to rave about the rich, chocolatey cake. Scales and her family members also each took a cookCELEBRITY RECIPE Page 3A

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