OUTDOORS WEEKLY Capt. Chuck Uzzle Page 6B
Dickie Colburn Page 1B
Page 3B
County Record Vol. 53 No. 26
The Community Newspaper of Orange, Texas
Week of Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Elaine Meyers shares survivor’s story Debby Schamber For The Record
In 2013, it is estimated among U.S. women there will be 232,340 new cases of invasive breast cancer and 64,640 new cases of in situ breast cancer and 39,620 breast cancer deaths. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. It is estimated that more than 1.6 million new cases of breast cancer occurred among women world-
wide in 2010, according to the Susan G. Komen foundation. It affects women of all ages, ethnicities and incomes. For Orange businesswoman, Elaine Meyers, she was not immune to the deadly disease. However, she is a survivor. Meyers found a lump under her left arm in March 1989 while on a business trip in California. “It was just a lump near the surface that felt like a round circle about the size of a quar-
ter,” she said. “I had no pain.” Meyers had always been in good health and didn’t have a history of cancer in her MEYERS family. She also had annual mammograms for the past four years. But, she knew something was wrong. Her doctor in Orange sent her for another mammogram
before confirming her worse fears. It appreared she not only had breast cancer, but it was already widely spread. Telling her then 70-year-old mother and children about her cancer was one of the hardest parts about her illness. “I am a survivor,” she said. “I knew I was tough, but I didn’t know what it would do to my family.” At the time when she learned of her cancer, Meyers already owned The Horseman
Store, a 12,000 square foot western store in Orange. She was also starting Pottery World in Orange. She began dealing with her cancer by putting her research skills to work to find the best cancer doctor. After completing her own research, both her daughter in Nacogdoches and her sister in Richmond both came to the same conclusion and recommended the same oncologist and surgeon — Dr. Peter de Ipolyi.
When she called the doctor’s office to schedule an appointment, his receptionist said he had been waiting on her call. Dr. de Ipolyi had learned of Meyers condition through her daughter’s professor’s son. The son was a surgeon at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Houston where de Ipolyi is a member of the Stehlin Research Foundation. When de Ipolyi looked at BREAST CANCER Page 2A
z Part II in our series on Orange County Jail personnel
Evette Jones; keeping things moving in jail LCHS reunion for classes of ‘53-’70 set The Little Cypress High School Graduating Classes of 1953 to 1970 have scheduled a reunion for Oct. 5. Reunion events will include an LC Alumni Reception, dinner and dance at the VFW Post 2775 Hall Ballroom at 5303 16th St. (Highway 87) in Orange. The LC Friends’ Reception, with snacks, appetizers and drinks provided, will be from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Dinner is at 6 p.m. with Music and Dancing from 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. A fee of $35 per person includes appetizers, drinks, dinner and dance, although all teachers, administrators and coaches attend free. Checks for $35 per person should be made payable to and mailed to Kenneth Lewis, 595 Orleans St., Ste. 500, Beaumont, Texas 77701. Organizers are searching for alumni from the classes of 1963 to 1970. For details on the event, go to For additional information, contact Dr. Carol Fetters at 409-899-1819.
H • SHERLOCK BREAUX Page...................... 4A • Obituaries Page.......................8A •Dicky Colburn Fishing...................1B • CHURCH NEWS Page.......................7B • CLASSIFIED ADS Page......................8B
Debby Schamber For The Record
Every day is different for Evette Jones, service sergeant for the Orange County jail who oversees several service positions on a daily basis. Jones began working for the jail 23 years ago. She began her career by working part time in the commissary. However, when an opening became available for her current position, she applied. Jones has remained in her current position ever since. Her job is not just one thing everyday. Each part is like a cog on a wheel and each part must work efficiently to keep moving forward. “For the most part, I enjoy my job,” Jones said. But, she finds her biggest reward on the job is often with her officers. “I have a good relationship with them,” she said. “It is a great place to work and I have great bosses.” The service positions she is responsible for maintaining
consist of trusty boss, maintenance and jail orders, mail officer and issuance of inmate supplies. Should any of her officers be absent due to sickness, vacation or school, it is Jones’ job to cover the positions and obtain someone to effectively work the position until the officer returns. She also oversee five parttime workers too. They are for visitation, two officers for commissary, recreation and the law library. She maintains the employee’s schedules and makes sure the inmate services are provided properly on a daily basis. If any of the parttime officers are unable to fulfill their duties, it is Jones’ job to make sure the position is covered. In addition, she checks the inmate visitation and recreation logs to make sure they are complete. Recreation time for the inmates is done three times per week as required by jail standards. Over the years, the way the commissary works has changed. In the past, inmates
Evette Jones, service sergeant for the Orange County jail, stands in the room where inmates conduct their visitations with family and friends. RECORD PHOTO: Debby Schamber
went to the commissary and purchased the items they wanted. Now, they simply call-in their orders by telephones located within the jail. The items are later delivered to them. Inmates “make store” twice weekly. The most popular item is Ramen Noodle Soup. The “soups” are used like currency within the jail walls. It is not uncommon for several inmates to purchase various items at the commissary and combine their efforts to make a concoction they rave about and eat together. Inmates who do not have money for commissary are not left out. They are given an indigent care pack which consists of paper, envelopes and personal hygiene items such as deodorant and toothpaste. Most inmates have visitors come and go during their stay. In the lobby of the visitation room, there is a kiosk for visitors to put money into INSIDE OC JAIL Page 3A
Thibodeaux not Lions Carnival opens today to seek reelection Debby Schamber
Debby Schamber For The Record
It was business as usual Monday during the Orange County Commissioner’s meeting until Judge Carl Thibodeaux announced he will not have to choose a party for the upcoming election, because he will not be seeking re-election. “I did not want to do this,” he said. He stopped for a moment and regained composure before he added,” But, I have to.” Thibodeaux said he had done the job as county judge for more than 18 years. It had worn him down physically and mentally. “I cannot undergo any further stress,” he said. He added, he would not discuss it any further at this time. In other county business, commissioners approved the $85 purchase for an upgrade kit for the currency scanner/ counter which will detect counterfeit bills. The upgrade is to support the new $100 bills being released on Oct. 8.
Commissioners also discussed nominations for the Orange County Appraisal District’s Board of THIBODEAUX Director’s Election. It was for nomination only since they will be voted on in November by commissioners. Commissioners voted to renew an agreement between Orange County and the Big Thicket National Preserve which will provide mutual law enforcement assistance in and near the preserve. According to Orange County Sheriff Keith Merritt, there is about 8,000 acres in Orange County which is part of the Big Thicket. The contract for the 2013-14 Southeast Texas Regional Planning Commission was accepted in the amount of $386,794. Thibodeaux said there was no action taken on the Sheriff’s Employees Union Contract to report.
For The Record
Driving down Green Avenue, anyone can’t help but notice the Lion’s Club Carnival is gearing up again for two fun-filled weekends. The carnival will have a grand opening and ribbon cutting on their opening day on Oct. 2. The ribbon cutting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. The Lions Club will honor Joe Will by proclaiming it “Joe Will Day.” Will is a former city of Orange employee who retired after many years of service. He was a kindhearted, hard worker who helped prepare the park for the annual carnival. People attending the carnival on that day can gain entry by bringing a canned food item for each person entering. The collected can items will be donated to local charities. Admission is $2 for adults 18 years and up and $1 for children ages 13 to 17 and children under 13 are free. Rides are $1 each. “Our goal is to make it affordable for all,” said Chris
Members of the Lions Club are on the latest addition to the carnival — The Thunderbolt. This ride which will replace the Flying Bob that was destroyed in Hurricane Ike. It will be the centerpiece of the carnival with the lights and sound systems and is guaranteed to be an exhilarating, heart-pumping, fast ride.
Kovatch, carnival chairman. This is the 74th year for the annual Lions Carnival. The first carnival grossed about $108 which was touted as a success. Since then it has remained a big success and grown in numbers of people who annually flock to the carnival, according to Kovatch. The most popular game is the dime toss. The gold fish table is another favorite. But, the gold fish game has been improved with a larger table
and moved to accommodate the larger crowd. Over the years, there have been some changes in the rides. This year it took three weeks to put the rides together, but well worth the wait. With much anticipation for thrill seekers, there will be an added ride which will replace the Flying Bob that was destroyed in Hurricane Ike. This year, the Thunderbolt will make it’s debut. It will be the centerpiece of the carnival with the lights and sound systems. It is guaranteed to be an exhilarating, heartpumping, fast ride. Also new this year is a rock climbing wall where children will be able to reach new heights and feel a sense of accomplishment in addition to a good time. The rides for older children have a height requirement of 42 inches tall to ensure everyone’s safety at all times. However, the younger children are not left out. The inflatable super slide has been rebuilt. Over the years, it had become worn and had some LIONS CARNIVAL Page 3A
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