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BEST FISHING IN TEXAS Dickie Colburn Page 4B


OUTDOORS WEEKLY Capt. Chuck Uzzle Page 4B


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County Record Vol. 53 No. 29

The Community Newspaper of Orange, Texas

Week of Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Child fatality, shooting investigated Debby Schamber For The Record

The Orange County Sheriff’s Office was called out twice Monday to two different shootings in Vidor. The first occurred at about 2:45 p.m. in the 1200 block of Scott Drive. Dispatchers received a call about an unresponsive child. Upon arrival, deputies met with the caller and located the child at the residence who appeared to have a fatal gunshot wound to

Honey Bears Bulls and Barrels Rodeo Oct. 26 The Little Cypress Mauriceville Honey Bear Drill Team will hold their eighth annual Bulls and Barrels Rodeo, at 5 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 26 at the Cowboy Church of Orange County Arena, located at 673 FM 1078, Orange, Texas. The show is open to those wishing to participate in bull riding or barrel racing. Other events will include mutton busting (sheep riding) for younger cowboys and cowgirls. Rodeo contestants wishing to enter should call Brittney Wacasey at 817-253-3042. The rodeo is open to the public and admission is $5 per person. The Honey Bears will facilitate the rodeo operations including registration procedures and concessions sales. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Honey Bear Drill Team program. This event has become an LCM tradition and provides quality family entertainment for residents of Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana.

H • SHERLOCK BREAUX Page...................... 4A • Obituaries Page.......................8A •Dicky Colburn Fishing...................4B • CHURCH NEWS Page.......................7B • CLASSIFIED ADS Page......................8B

Melissa Ringhardt

the head. He was identified as five-year-old John Allen Read. His parents are Kayla and Joe Read. According to reports, the boy was left with a babysitter, Melissa Ringhardt, 19, at the child’s home located in the 1200 block of Roberts Road which is one block over from Scott Drive. Ringhardt said she heard a noise in another room of the residence. When she went to see what it was, she discovered the child with the injury. There was not a

phone at the residence to call for help, so she carried the child to his grandparent’s house on Scott Drive where emergency personnel could be called. Pct. 4 Justice of the Peace Rodney Price was called to the scene where he pronounced the child dead. An autopsy was ordered and the child’s body was transported to the Jefferson County Morgue. According to the OCSO, during the preliminary investigation it appeared the shoot-

ing was accidental. But, the investigation later revealed something much more. Ringhardt had been living with the Read family in their residence for the past few months. On the day of the shooting, she was left alone with the fiveyear-old boy and a six-monthold infant. Ringhardt stated to investigators she was carrying a handgun on her person in the home because she was scared of being home alone. The handgun was a semi-automat-

ic .40 caliber pistol. Ringhardt left the handgun on a coffee table in the living room and went to the bedroom to take a nap. When Rinehardt later awoke from her nap, she noticed she didn’t see the boy around the house. She began looking until she found him deceased in the living room with the fatal gunshot wound. The six month old child was not harmed. Ringhardt then carried both children to the CHILD FATALITY Page 3A

Large vehicles may be banned from parking on Pinehurst streets David Ball

For The Record

There may soon be a new time limit for large vehicles parked on the city of Pinehurst streets. The city council discussed and tabled amending an ordinance to limit the time to better manage on-street parking of recreational vehicles, buses, commercial vehicles and other large vehicles as they met Tuesday night for their regular meeting. Police chief Fred Hanauer explained the current ordinance enacted in 1965 makes it illegal for large vehicles to park more than 48 hours on the city’s streets. The police department, in turn, has recently received three complaints from residents who live on Harding Circle about a resident who has been parking his RV in violation of the ordinance. Hanauer said he believes the resident’s interpretation of the ordinance is to wait to the last minute, drive the RV a short distance and park again for another two days. The chief is concerned even larger vehicles such as 18-wheelers may park on the streets.

Hanauer recommended revising the ordinance for vehicles exceeding 20 feet in length to be allowed to park a maximum of three hours on Pinehurst streets to prevent any future problems. Councilman Dan Barclay was curious how the three hours limit was arrived at. His concern was residents moving into or out of their houses would need to park large vehicles for a longer period of time. City Attorney Tommy Gunn suggested residents could obtain a specific permit from city hall to park longer than the three hours allotted. Barclay favored a 10 to 12 hours limit for the permits. Mayor Pete Runnels said certain conditions would need to exist to issue the permit. City Administrator Joe Parkhurst added most loading, unloading and cleaning of large vehicles should be completed within three hours. The motion was tabled to work on the language of the ordinance before the next council meeting. Parkhurst also updated the city council on Hurricane Ike 2.2 Grant Projects. PINEHURST Page 3A

Shawn Oubre named president of LIT Staff Report

For The Record

The Lamar Institute of Technology Foundation has elected board members for the 2013-2014 year. Officers are Dr. Shawn Oubre, city manager of Orange, president and; Pat Calhoun, career technology director for the BISD Taylor Career Center, vice president; Rod Carroll, deputy with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department, treasurer/finance committee chair; Pat Avery, vice presi-

dent-global business development with Carl R. Griffith & Associates, secretary; Gisela Houseman, Houseman development Company, Inc., audit committee chair; Bessie Chisum, Chisum Resource Management, committee on directors chair; Vernon Pierce, director of customer service at Entergy, development committee chair; Guy Goodson, Germer PLLC, investment committee chair; Raymond Polk, director of school to OUBRE Page 3A

LCM Bear Royality Crowned Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School crowned their 2013 Homecoming KIng and Queen during halftime festivities on Friday. The reigning king is Clyde Jones and queen is Bailey Newton. The Bears defeated Beaumont Ozen 24-7 and are now 3-1 in Dist. 20-4A. RECORD PHOTO: Ty Manuel

Still no agreement on OCSO Union Contract Debby Schamber For The Record

There is still not an agreement between Orange County and the Sheriff’s Office Union on the contract. “At this time, I am quite disappointed,” said Orange County Judge Carl Thibodeaux during Monday afternoon Commissioners Court meeting. “I have not been contacted by the union whatsoever. If I have not heard from them by next Monday, then I will have to take the appropriate action.” During the previous meeting, Thibodeaux said the county made an offer to the union. He stated during the meeting, they have proposed no more sick leave buy-backs, holiday pay does not count to-

ward overtime pay and certification pay will be limited to 17 SWAT members and 10 instructors. THIBODEAUX In addition, the sheriff’s office must pay 60 percent of their dependent coverage for medical insurance costs instead of the current 40 percent. Sixty percent is what other county employees costs are currently. The Evergreen Clause will be for 30 days and the “just cause clause” will remain in effect for one year. But, they will continue to discuss the clause further over the course of the year. The Sheriff’s Office Union did hold a meeting this week,

but it has not been determined if they had met with Thibodeaux or not. In other county business, commissioners decided to not take any action on raising the speed limit from 10 mph to 20 mph. Originally, the speed limit was changed because of a child on the street with special needs. Residents of the neighborhood arrived in court during a hearing to voice their opinions and concerns. Commissioners decided to heed their thoughts, but also said they would check on the legalities of their decision. Commissioners voted to abandon an unimproved culde-sac located in the Evergreen Estates Subdivision located in precinct 4. The develCOUNTY BUSINESS Page 3A

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