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County Record Vol. 53 No. 30

The Community Newspaper of Orange, Texas

Week of Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Waterway project to have economic impact David Ball

For The Record

When Gene Bouillion became port director for the Port of Orange 15 years ago there were talks already about deepening and widening the Sabine-Neches Waterway. Now that project has become a reality after being authorized in Water Resources Reform & Development Act Passed by U.S. House of Representatives on October 23. “This will only be the Neches River portion,” Bouillion said. “From the Gulf (of Mexico) to Beaumont. It will also impact the Port of Port Arthur and heavy industry in Jefferson County. It will be good for the region.” Bouillion explained the project is limited to the Neches River side because of numerous wetlands along the Sa-

The proposed project would deepen the Sabine-Neches Waterway from 40 feet to 48 feet to accommodate larger ships that will be traveling through the Panama Canal, allowing them to reach local ports and critical industry along the waterway. The Port of Houston, by comparison, is currently 45 feet deep and 530 feet wide. “This project benefits the United States in many ways. It would nearly triple the economic impact of the waterway to the United States, generate thousands of permanent jobs in Texas and across the country and strengthen America’s energy security,” said Paul Beard, chairman of the Sabine-Neches Navigation District. “Deepening the waterway would enhance critical

bine River, such as Bessie Heights on the Orange County side, make access to areas inaccessible to either rail or road. Yet, he believes the waterway project will benefit the Orange County facility at the Port of Beaumont. In addition to helping public ports, the project will benefit private terminal at oil refineries on the Neches River, too. “They’ll be able to load and unload vessels with bigger and deeper drafts which will lower freight costs and lower the cost of crude. It’s a huge factor loading at 40 feet compared to 48 feet,” Bouillion said. Port of Orange director Gene Boullion foresees the deepening and widening of the SabineNeches Waterway as having a favorable economic impact for Orange County.


$1 million lawsuit filed against OHA Debby Schamber

“Coats for Kids” will keep kids warm this winter The Salvation Army in Orange is holding “Coats for Kids,” a coat drive from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 8. Coats sizes infant to 12 years of age are being accepted. For added convenience, this warm contribution can be made without leaving your vehicle. Coats for Kids is a program designed by The Salvation Army of Orange as an effort to bridge the gap between the holiday giving time and when it is time to bundle-up children for cold weather. “Coats are a common request from parents for their children during our Angel Tree drive at Christmas time,” explains Capt. Michael Cox, “but in our area it is often difficult to purchase coats until after the first of the year and after our toy drive is complete.” Coats will be distributed to kids in Orange County from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. on Dec. 11. Those who would like to receive a coat must be registered with The Salvation Army located at 1950 MLK Drive in Orange. For more information about the program, please contact The Salvation Army at 409-291-8400.

• SHERLOCK BREAUX Page...................... 4A • Obituaries Page.......................8A •Dicky Colburn Fishing...................4B • CHURCH NEWS Page.......................7B

For The Record

The former director of the Orange Housing Authority, Tanya Wilson, who was employed with them for over 20 years, is suing for $1 million with claims she was harassed and ultimately terminated in March 2013 from her position because of her reports to Housing and Urban Development and the OIG. Wilson claims damages such as compensatory damages such as back pay, front pay and non-economic damages. In addition, because of the “willful, purposeful and malicious actions” against Wilson, she is seeking exemplary dam-

ages. She is also seeking her accumulated vested benefits and pay in addition to attorney fees. According to the petition filed with the Orange County District Clerk’s Office, the defendants, members of the Housing Authority Board, were in retaliation for Wilson’s cooperation with HUD. The petition also states in the fall of 2011, OHA Director Frank Anderson resigned from his position after a HUD/ OIG investigation revealed unethical and possibly illegal activity. There are several allegations made against Anderson such as cash withdrawals by him, checks made out to him, en-

dorsed and cashed. The lawsuit also alleges an insurance proceeds check was made out jointly to the OHA and the US Dept. of HUD. The endorsement of HUD was written on the check by Anderson without approval or authorization from HUD. The petition also stated the OHA did not follow regulations relating to procuring services. Specifically, they contracted with one person to act as a “broker” for multiple activities in an effort to avoid public bid requirements. Instead of firing Anderson, the board allegedly allowed him to resign which Wilson then took his place. After assuming his job, Wilson be-

came concerned about inappropriate business relationships. In the fall of 2012 OHA employees and others met in the HUD-Houston offices and it was her belief the OHA Board was committing illegal acts with the developer. These allegations included violating HUD polices and regulations concerning the contract procurement process and the OHA Board was giving an unfair advantage to the developer. Wilson also alleges she was forced to sign documents she believed were violating HUD rules and procedures. As a result, she wrote a letter to the OHA Board, HUD/ OIG and the city of Orange officials. In the letter she ex-

pressed concerns about the improper spending of taxpayer funds by the board. She also requested a specialized audit firm to access the financial situation, according to the petition. On Feb. 15 the HUD issued a letter which stated “Please cease all further development activities....” Shortly after the letter was received, Wilson was fired from her position which is a violation under the Texas Whistleblower Act and Texas Government Code. Wilson through a letter requested a grievance hearing and a public hearing because it was her belief she had been wrongfully terminated for her reports to HUD/OIG.

Still no deal on Halloween Tales OCSO contract

Debby Schamber For The Record

After a brief closed door session Monday during a Commissioners Court meeting, it was announced there will still not be any action taken on the Orange County Sheriff’s Office Union Contract. During a previous meeting, Orange County Judge Carl Thibodeaux said they were trying to avoid taking the issue to arbitration. He also said the county has proposed no more sick leave buy-backs, holiday pay does not count toward overtime pay and certification pay will be limited to 17 SWAT members and 10 instructors. In addition, the sheriff’s office must pay 60 percent of their dependent coverage for medical insurance costs instead of the current 40 percent. Sixty percent is what other county employees costs are currently. The Evergreen Clause will be for 30 days and the “just cause clause” will remain in effect for one year. But, they will continue to discuss the clause further over the course of the year. Commissioners voted to not

fill a vacant custodian position in the maintenance department. The motion was about to pass when Pct. 3 Commissioner John Banken wanted to open the issue for discussion. Banken stated commissioners made a pledge to the citizens of Orange County to work on the budget deficit and come up with a solution within the next few months. His remarks were met with opposition from Mark Wimberly, of the maintenance department, who said the position was the “bottom of the barrel” and would not make much of an impact on the budget problems. He added the former employee job duties included cleaning the bathrooms at the sub-courthouse in Vidor. Banken countered by saying, “I have talked to department heads about cleaning their own offices.” He added, “Every department head in this county knows we have to cut expenditures.” Banken also said there are planned workshops in the fu-

Debby Schamber For The Record


hose searching for ghosts or things that go bump in the night can do so right here in Orange County with it’s rich history of eerie places, scary happenings and dead men who have tales to tell. The Lutcher and Moore Lumber Co. headquarters building off Childers Road along the south side of the Sabine River was built in 1913 and served as the headquarters until the company ceased operations in the 1930s. For more than a half century, the mission style building has been the home to Port of Orange administrative offices. Some employees have heard strange noises while others have sworn objects have moved. Although, “Old Lutch” has not been seen at the Port Of Orange in a number of years there were reports of seeing his ghost in years past. Employees have reported seeing the ghost on the stairs. There have also been reports of the sounds of children playing in the annex which was built in 1956. But, there are no children present when they are heard which leaves the person pondering what kind of games are really being played. Childers Road is not without a history of chilling events. It has been known around HALLOWEEN Page 3A


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