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County Record Vol. 53 No. 31

The Community Newspaper of Orange, Texas

Week of Wednesday, November 6, 2013

OCSO union contract remains unresolved Debby Schamber For The Record

In recent weeks, in the news has been stories about the lack of an agreement on a contract between Orange County Commissioners and the Orange County Sheriff’s Office Union. There are two sides to every story and the Sheriff’s Office Union representatives have said the allegations against them are “untrue.’ The Orange County Sheriff’s Office Union members initially thought reaching an agreement for this contact was going to be easy since they felt

Vets invited to O’field Veterans’ Day program Orangefield Elementary fourth grade students along with the faculty and staff would like to invite all Veterans and their family members to attend their Veterans Day program “A Tribute To Our Veterans” on Monday, Nov. 11 in the elementary gym which is located at the back of the school. There will be two show times, one at 9 a.m. and again at 6 p.m. Guests may park in any of the school’s parking lots, however weather permitting there will be golf cart service to help those who need transportation from the side or back parking lots to the gym for the morning performance. For more information please contact Annette Allen at 735-5346.

H • SHERLOCK BREAUX Page...................... 4A • Obituaries Page.......................8A •Dicky Colburn Fishing...................1B • CHURCH NEWS Page......................7B • CLASSIFIED ADS Page......................8B


no changes were necessary. In June a letter of intent was submitted to county officials and a letter was returned stating they too were ready for negotiations. In July, they proceeded forward and met with Orange County Judge Carl Thibodeaux and Pct 3 County Commissioner John Banken in a closed meeting. Eventually, what was thought to be an easy process came to a screeching halt. The county offered a proposal and it was countered with a proposal from the union. The union gave in on the insurance changes but some items were non-negotiable. As a result, recently the unions attorney, Greg Cagle, has filed and received a list of arbitrators. They are in the process of striking from the lists. The history of the negotiation process which resulted in

the current salaries of the employees is important when considering what is currently occurring. For many years, the OCSO was the lowest paid law enforcement agency in the area. The employees united and petitioned the citizens of Orange County to vote and adopt the Local Government Code 174 known as the Fire and Police Department Employees Relations Act. This was approved and allows firefighters and law enforcement officers to organize and bargain collectively with their public employer regarding compensation, hours and other conditions of their employment, according to information from the OCSO Employees Union. Following adoption of the act, employees united and created the Orange County Sheriff’s Office Employees Associ-

ation. Over the years, the members found their pay was not enough to maintain an effective staff and after the achieved their training, employees left in search of better pay and benefits. As the association grew, they began to bargain with county commissioners to increase their pay, create better working environments, establish certificate pay to encourage higher education and to establish job security through the form of just-cause termination. In 1998, the association successfully negotiated a contract which put the just cause termination procedure in the contact. But, they still were not able to negotiate their salaries to a comparable market value. The market value is based on other counties of the same size and revenue and

what the salaries of those county employees receive. Initially, during the negotiation process, the union was able to obtain a slight increase in salaries, but still not market value. As time went on, the union attempted to once again get the salaries up to market value. In 2007 negotiations stalled because the sheriff’s office employees were not the only personnel wanting their salaries brought up to fair market value. In addition, elected officials wanted their salaries raised as well. During this stall, the association voted to allow the county to fix all the other county employees first and bring them to fair market value. The association would then wait and return a separate budget year and ask to be brought up to fair market value.

Also during 2007 budget year, commissioners created a salary survey committee made up of county employees. It was their job to compare salaries with job descriptions with counties of equal size and revenue base. In the end, the Orange County Matrix System was adopted by commissioners and put into place in 2008. As a result, Orange County employees and elected officials were at fair market value while the sheriff’s office employees remained at the lower pay, according to information from the OCSO Employees Union. The costs to increase the employees wages with the exception of the OCSO union employees was $2.4 million. In 2009, the OCSO employees union once again went beOCSO UNION Page 3A

Historic Japanese flag leaves questions Debby Schamber For The Record

Veterans Day began in 1919 when U.S. President Woodrow Wilson first proclaimed Nov. 11 as the day to honor veterans on Armistice Day. Congress amended this act on June 1, 1954, replacing “Armistice” with “Veterans,” and it has been known as Veterans Day since then. A local group of historians is doing what they can to honor veterans while preserving history as well. They recently acquired a Japanese flag which once covered the body of a Japanese solider who placed the flag over his body before plunging a dagger into his body. The soldier was about to captured and wanted to die defending his country and flag by committing suicide. Harakiri was originally reserved only for samurai. It was part of the samurai bushido honor code and was used vol-

Local historian Bruce Lockett shows the Japanese flag discovered in a cave. The Japanese soldiers had each signed their name on the flag. The final living soldier used the flag in harakiri. RECORD PHOTO: Mark Dunn

untarily by samurai to die with honor rather than fall into the hands of their ene-

mies. The events leading up to the finding of the soldier, were the

stunning defeats suffered by the United States, Great Britain and the Netherlands in the early months of the Pacific War. Thousands of Allied military personnel became prisoners of the Japanese. The Americans were captured in the Philippines and were initially detained in filthy, overcrowded prisoner of war camps near Manila, but eventually most were shipped to other parts of the Japanese empire as slave laborers. One of these camps was on the island of Palawan which is located on the western perimeter of the Sulu Sea. The Palawan compound was known as Camp 10-A, and the prisoners were quartered in several unused Filipino constabulary buildings that were sadly dilapidated. The 150 POWs were used to complete the arduous labor on the airfield, hauling and crushing coral gravel by hand and pouring concrete seven

days a week. The total area to be cleared was approximately 2,400 yards by 225 yards, with the actual airstrip measuring 1,530 yards long and 75 yards wide. The men also repaired trucks and performed a variety of maintenance tasks in addition to logging and other heavy labor. U.S. forces under General Douglas MacArthur had successfully landed in the Philippines at Leyte on October 19, 1944. While this was not known to the prisoners, the daily sightings of American aircraft led them to believe their deliverance was not far off. The commanders of the camps also became worried about possible future invasions. The constant presence of Allied aircraft overhead caused the prisoners to construct three shelters for their own protection during air JAPANESE FLAG Page 3A

Toy soldiers inspired by real soldiers who serve Davis



Louisana car theft suspects apprehended Debby Schamber For The Record

Members of the Orange County Sheriff’s office and the Orange Police Department spent the day Tuesday searching for three suspects from Louisiana who allegedly ditched two stolen from a Lafayette dealership. Law enforcement began looking around 8 a.m. when the stolen vehicles were discovered at a gas station at the corner of Interstate 10 and Simmons Drive. One suspect was quickly taken into custody while law enforcement began their search in nearby areas. Two of the suspects were believed to have ran into the swamp near Bluebird Fish Camp. Helicopters, airboats, dogs, horses and manpower were all used to locate the suspects. In the end it was the Orange County Sheriff’s Office who located the suspects with personnel from their marine division. Arrested were John Malbrough and Daron Davis, both 20 from Lafayette, and Cleon Green, 20, from Broussard, La. They are charged with felonies of Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle and Evading Detention.

David Ball For The Record

War is no game, but one Orange man uses play things to commemorate and honor those who have served. William Moore has been making lead toy soldiers for years, but stopped for awhile. Now he has recently started making his lead warriors again in honoring veterans. “By now, 72 years later after World War II ended, several wars have come and gone. Some still persist such as Iraq and Afghanistan. The uniforms of the American military have changed color but the objective is still the same- freedom at any price,” Moore said. He added it takes just an ounce or two of lead to make a lead toy soldier, but a real person whom the toy represents takes a family and country of values to make a military man or woman. “The boot camp personnel who build a civilian into a military fighting machine really begins at home. I know, because I spent 20 TOY SOLDIERS Page 3A

William Moore, 74, of Orange, holds one of the lead toy soldiers he makes in honor of those who have served or those who are serving the country. RECORD PHOTO: David Ball

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