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County Record Vol. 53 No. 33

The Community Newspaper of Orange, Texas

Week of Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Pinehurst receives grant for wastewater projects Debby Schamber For The Record

Christmas came early for the city of Pinehurst. The city received a Community Assistance Grant for $10,000 in Friday from the Sabine River Authority of Texas to help on wastewater treatment issues, the infiltration system and to clean up Adams Bayou, according to David Montagne, assistant general manager of the SRA. “We appreciate this. We

have a use for this. We will put this to work quickly,” said Mayor Pete Runnels. “It will help folks on Adams Bayou and it will improve the water quality.” Montagne explained larger streams of water can handle affluence better than smaller streams. “It (Adams Bayou) has enough flow not to be influenced,” he said. “Orangefield Water Control was having the same issues but theirs was Cow Bayou and not Adams

Bayou.” Mary Van, SRA environmental and information resources manager, said the grant comes Runnells from money generated through revenues including water quality laboratory testing revenues. The SRA also performs bacteriological testing on well water for a fee of $20. The Community Assistance

Program (CAP) is part of an Economic Development Initiative SRA started in 2002 to help promote the improvement of the quality and quantity of services essential for the development of a viable community, according to the SRA website. Initially limited to governmental entities which included cities, counties, and districts, the SRA Board of Directors recently approved expanding eligibility for the program to include member-

owned non-profit water supply corporations within the Sabine River Basin Water resource projects should be consistent with the statutory mission of SRA-Texas. Created as a conservation and reclamation district in 1949, responsibilities of the Sabine River Authority of Texas are to control, store, preserve and distribute the waters of the Sabine River and its tributary system for useful purposes. SRA’s Community Assis-

tance Program provides competitive grants that will complement or leverage water project funds for entities within the Basin. Funds provided for the GRANT Program must fall within four project categories, which include 1. Water Supply; 2. Wastewater Management; 3. Water Conservation; and 4. Water Quality PINEHURST Page 3A

Smith named as DPS troopers Parade still Marshall

searching for hit and run driver

Troopers with the Texas Department of Public Safety are still searching for the hit and run driver who struck a 5-year-old Mauriceville girl on Nov. 1. Around 5:15 p.m. the hit and run crash occurred in the 5300 block of Woodland Drive. The child, Kayla Lopez, was walking unaccompanied in the roadway when she was struck by a black passenger vehicle traveling west. Witnesses at the scene reported to investigators that once the girl was struck the black vehicle quickly sped away. Troopers have said the vehicle will have damages to the passenger side of the vehicle near the outside mirror. Lopez was initially taken to a local hospital, but later flown by helicopter to Texas Children’s Hospital with serious head injuries. She was diagnosed with a skull fracture, but is said to be walking and talking normally. Although, she has several follow-up visits scheduled. Anyone who may have been in the area of the crash or has any information about the crash should contact DPS Communications at 936-6997340. This office receives calls 24 hours a day.

H • SHERLOCK BREAUX Page...................... 4A • Obituaries Page.......................8A •Dicky Colburn Fishing...................5B • CHURCH NEWS Page......................7B • CLASSIFIED ADS Page......................8B

Debby Schamber For The Record

The Orange Jaycees have announced Ross Smith will serve as the Orange Parade Marshall for their Smith annual Christmas parade. Smith is well known for his many accomplishments and contributions in the community. He is a Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School graduate before attending Lamar University and The University of Texas in Houston. He has owned Akrotex, Inc. since starting it in 1990. He is also the owner/partner with David Self Ford. Smith is also a current board member for: Orange Savings Bank, the Lutcher Theater, the Lamar Orange Foundation, the Southeast Texas Foundation and the Salvation Army. Over the years, Smith has received many awards. His awards include the 2000 Community Builder Award from the Madison Lodge 126 AF and AM and the Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas, as well as the 2004 Small Business SMITH Page 3A

Left to right are Judge Courtney Arkeen, Sen. Robert Nichols, Mayor Roy McDonald, Precinct 1 Commissioner David Dubose and publisher of The Record Newspapers, Roy Dunn congratulating Pearl Burgess (center front) on the State and County Proclamations she received Tuesday evening for her poetry and other contributions to the community. RECORD PHOTO: Chris Gunn

Peal Burgess honored with two proclamations David Ball

For The Record

Local poet and longtime Orange resident Pearl Burgess was left “speechless” Tuesday afternoon as friends and relatives gathered at the courthouse to honor her and so she could receive two proclamations. Burgess was under the assumption she was at the

courthouse to support her friend Roy Dunn who owns the Record Newspapers. Burgess has had about 100 poems run in the local paper. One poem was of particular interest and generated more than 22,000 hits on their Web site, therecordlive. com “We get a lot of response from her poems,” Dunn said. Dunn added, the crowd of

people were all there Tuesday to recognize her. “I feel honored and humbled by all of this,” Burgess said. The first proclamation she received was on behalf of Orange County. Precinct 1 Commissioner David Dubose read the proclamation aloud. Burgess’ history began on Oct. 27, 1920 when she was

born to Oscar Olivia (Poole) Myers and Henry Carlyle Myers. She was one of six children. A true tomboy, Burgess loved to hunt, shoot marbles and could “split a top” as well as any of the boys, if not better. Her rich history includes both of Burgess’ grandfathers who were Orange PEARL BURGESS Page 3A

WO man gives toys one smile at a time Debby Schamber For The Record

The smile of a child is all the payment needed for a West Orange man who spends his time making wooden toys for children all over the world. “The real story behind his efforts is actually his love for children,” said his good friend Dwight Thacker. Glenn Bradley, 84, makes tops, angels climbing up ropes as if going up Jacob’s Ladder, cars, games, ping pong ball guns and more. With a knack for building, he began by purchasing needed equipment for add-ons to his mobile home. Bradley enclosed the mobile home and built around it. He shared the much larger and improved residence with his wife, Betty. Bradley is known for being handy and creative. It was

during a trip to Florida with his wife when she spotted a refrigerator magnet she liked. This would set off a chain reaction and cause his path in life to be changed for the better. But, the magnet was too expensive. However, the couple returned the following year and purchased the magnet. But, only one since this would become a pattern for more to come. Over the years, they traveled to various craft shows where they sold their sea shell art collections. It was at a craft show where Bradley saw a wooden car. He bought it along with other toys over the years and these became his patterns. At first he took the cars he made on mission trips with his church to places in Mexico. For some children, they were excited and happy since this was their first toy ever. That was about

Glenn Bradley, 84, of West Orange, has made thousands of wooden toys over the years and gives them to children locally and all over the world. RECORD PHOTO: Debby Schamber

20 years ago. At a craft show 14 years ago, he found a top which intrigued him. He bought it and now makes them too. Annually he makes thousands of tops and sends them all over the world to places such as Haiti, India, Honduras and Mexico. He is working on two boxes of 200 tops each. They will soon be taken to children in Africa and Belize. Betty died 13 years ago which left him with more time on his hands, Bradley continues his love for children and to bring a smile to their faces and in return, his as well. Bradley does not accept money for his wooden toys. “I have been blessed and I don’t need their money,” Bradley said. “I would rather just give them away.”


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