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OUTDOORS WEEKLY Capt. Chuck Uzzle Page 5B



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County Record Vol. 53 No. 36

The Community Newspaper of Orange, Texas

Week of Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Orange joins appeal of flood insurance plan David Ball

For The Record

The city of Orange is also joining other local governmental entities to try to protect residents with upcoming revisions to flood insurance. The Orange City Council held its regular meeting Tuesday morning to discuss and

Santa Claus is coming to town Debby Schamber For The Record


anta will be making a stop in Orange at the Heritage House Museum before heading to the North Pole to get ready for Christmas Eve. For 36 years, the jolly old elf has been putting smiles on the faces of many children who eagerly sit on his lap to reveal their Christmas wish list. This year he will be ready to listen with a twinkle in his eye from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Dec. 11 and 12 at the Heritage House Museum located 905 W. Division. Parents can have a picture taken with Santa for a small fee or can bring their own camera too. Carols will be sung to help put everyone in the Christmas spirit. In addition, refreshments will be served. “We would like everyone to come join in the fun and see Santa,” said Linda Garrett, of the Heritage House. For more information, call the Heritage House Museum at 409-886-5385.

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act upon a pending flood insurance study that will affect homeowners flood insurance rates and future construction costs. The council approved participating to hire the Lonnie G. Harper & Associated law firm of Louisiana to perform the preliminary storm surge analysis review of the Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map, or DFIRM, as provided by FEMA. The law firm will also file an appeal on behalf of participating entities with FEMA concerning the pending study. Total costs to all entities is not to exceed $85,000 for the research, preparation and filing of the appeal. City Manager Shawn Oubre

said LHA was the firm hired by Cameron Parish to deal with Hurricanes Katrina and Ike. He added the city council needed to focus on two items: the new flood maps and the new elevations will affect homeowners and new construction. For instance, properties on the eastern side of the city that were formerly not in a flood plain may now be in risk of flooding under the new maps. Several homeowners and business owners will then be required to have flood insurance or to have it when they either re-mortgage or sell their properties. These properties, furthermore, may not be grandfathered in.

Resident Henry Lowe spoke out against the rezoning of property on the riverside area from commercial to industrial zoning at the regular meeting of the Orange City Council Tuesday morning. RECORD PHOTO: David Ball

Oubre said premiums may jump from zero percent up to 30 percent in cost, but he was still uncertain how much the increase would be at this time. The deadline to file an appeal is December 23. The city of Bridge City is taking the lead in the county on the flood insurance issue. The Bridge City City Council met last Tuesday night. City Manager Jerry Jones began the discussion by stating there are two things impacting the city. One is the rate maps and the other is the possible increase in flood insurance rates. FEMA has released maps ORANGE JOINS Page 3A

West Orange preparing for new FEMA flood maps David Ball

For The Record

Monday night was the city of West Orange’s turn at bat. The city council held its regular meeting to discuss and acct upon FEMA flood rate maps among other agenda items. West Orange joins Bridge City and Orange, along with future governmental entities, to hire the law firm of Lonnie G. Harper & Associates of Louisiana. The firm will review the FEMA maps and also file an appeal for participating entities with FEMA on the flood insurance study that will affect homeowners and new construction. Total costs to the entities to hire the LHA law firm is not to exceed $85,000. City Manager Michael Stelly said the last time the flood maps changed was in 1983. Property owners in the city will see a 10 percent to 15 percent rate increase. It will be a

consolidated effort to cover the entire city. Stelly added if the cost for the appeal is too prohibitive, the city may have to bail out of the process. “We’ll stay at it as long as possible,” he said. Some properties that were previously exempt from the flood plain may now be located in one under the new maps. For instance, new title transfers into a flood plain will be affected and insurance renewals may be affected. Mayor Roy McDonald said Congressman Steve Stockman has been on the city’s side and he tried unsuccessfully to get something passed in Congress. “We’ll do the best we can,” McDonald said. The council also approved hiring attorney Alan Sanders of Lewis, Brisbois, Bisgarrd & Smith LLP Attorneys At Law to provide legal services for the city in acquiring a demolition grants. Sanders was formerly an at-

ties. The legal services per cap is $25,000. All non-emergency city departments will be closed from December 24-25 and from December 31-January 1. The next council meeting is scheduled from January 13, 2014.

On the morning of Sept. 13, 2008 flood waters from Hurricane Ike is seen receding in a residential area of West Orange. RECORD PHOTO: Mark Dunn

torney in Orange for many years before relocating to Houston. Sanders’ firm is the only one to respond to the city’s request. Twenty five substandard properties in the city have been identified for demolition.

Stelly said some of the properties have been abandoned and the owners must be located and served papers. Some of the properties are given to heirs which makes ownership more difficult to locate. Legal access must be made to demolish the proper-

Orangefield Christmas Fest set for Saturday Harvey Wilson For The Record

The Orangefield Christmas Festival starts at 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 14 with the annual Orangefield Christmas Parade. After the parade, the festivities will continue at the Orangefield Cormier Museum. Many activities are designed for adults: singing, bands, dancing groups, drama presentations, and a Civil War presentation. The museum will also be open with special quilting displays, and a model train group. Children activities include the ever popular Uncle Jesse’s Farm, the new outdoor train ride, jumper blow ups – slide and bouncers, a petting zoo, and many others. Food booths, including Betty Chandler’s famous gumbo, will be served throughout the day. At dark there will be a short program and a lighting of our new Christmas Tree Derrick. The tradition of the Christmas Tree Derrick was started by W.N. (Bill) Remke of the Kilmarnock Oil Company in 1953 when he decorated the

Jesse Fremont installs Christmas lights on the wooden derrick built on the Orangefield Cormier Museum grounds. Lighting of the Christmas Tree Derrick will be the highlight of the Christmas in Orangefield Festival.

derrick located near his home in Orangefield. It was said that he wanted a Christmas tree in Orangefield that would not only attract the local folks but people from Beaumont and Port Arthur also. Remke also put a Santa Claus on top of the derrick, but in later years it

was replaced by a star. After Bill Remke’s death in 1957, Curtis Laughlin continued the lighting. He said this was done “in memory of Billy whom we fellow workers all admired. We have a desire to do the thing that we think he would want us to do, and that

is to light the tree so all the kiddies can enjoy seeing it.” In December 1977 the Orangefield Lions Club took over the lighting with another derrick located on the north side of Hwy. 105 near Cow Bayou. The Cormier Well Service Company also took care of the annual Christmas Tree lighting for many years. The Christmas Tree was finally brought down during Hurricane Rita. In the first year of the Orangefield Christmas Festival the Orangefield Cormier Museum put lights on a WorkOver Rig to re-start the tradition. After the Wooden Derrick was built for the Centennial Celebration of the Orange Oil Field, it was decided that it should become the new Christmas Tree Derrick for Orangefield. For more information on the history of Orangefield you can go to “Orangefield Cormier Museum”, or “Orangefield Texas Historical Society” on facebook. Also visit the Orangefield Cormier Museum on Dec. 14th and enjoy a tour at your leisure.

Orange Christian Services helping families Debby Schamber For The Record

The holidays are a busy time for everyone, especially Orange Christian Services who helps the needy in the area with food, clothes and with prescription medications. In December 2012 there were 970 families seeking assistance at OCS. Director Judy Jensen said she expects the same amount of people to request assistance this year. OCS does not only give out food for the holidays, but all year long. “We are not seasonal,” Jensen said. However, during the Christmas season, there are more needs due to colder weather and people needing additional food to feed their families a special holiday meal. Also, there are more illnesses and people requesting help with prescriptions. Beginning the first Monday in December, individuals or families coming in for assistance are given a regular food order, but also holidays foods. In addition, depending on the number of people in the household, they may receive a chicken or a turkey. The last week OCS opens in 2013, families with children are given toys. However, they cannot be signed up with another agency such as Salvation Army, The Bridge City/

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