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OUTDOORS WEEKLY Capt. Chuck Uzzle Page 4B

Dickie Colburn Page 4B



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H H H H H Your Hometown Newspaper Since 1960 H H H H H

The     Record TheRecordLive.com

Vol. 53 No. 23

Distributed FREE To The Citizens of Bridge City and Orangefield

Week of Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Rainbow Bridge spans historic 75th year Jerry Ragsdale For The Record

When you look back, it’s amazing that the Rainbow Bridge was completed in under three years. It was naming the darn thing that took forever. It began as a solution for clogged roads caused by Dryden Ferry traffic. Seventy years later, it still has the tallest vertical span in Texas (177 feet).

OC Farmers’ Market waiting on fall gardens Staff Report For The Record

If you’re looking for watermelon, you’ll find them at the Orange County Farmers’ Market, as well as lots of yard plants and house plants, homemade baked goods and homemade granola. Jams, jellies, and pickles will be back in September. Garden produce is a little scarce right now, but there will be a large variety of fresh produce to choose from as soon as the fall gardens are ready. Some gardens will be ready earlier than others, so stop by the farmers’ market often to see what’s available. The Farmers’ Market is open 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays and 7-10 a.m. Saturdays. It is located in Pinehurst in the parking lot in front of Big Lots (off MacArthur Drive). For more information contact the market coordinator, Jean Fregia at 409670-6121 The Orange County Farmers’ Market is sponsored by Texas AgriLIFE.

H • SHERLOCK BREAUX Page...................... 4A • Obituaries Page.......................7A •Dicky Colburn Fishing...................4B • CHURCH NEWS Page.......................7B • CLASSIFIED ADS Page......................8B

It cost $3 million, and the lives of many who worked on it. The Rainbow Bridge did more than change the landscape, it united Orange County with Port Arthur. It also served northbound and southbound traffic until 1991, when its neighbor the Veterans Memorial Bridge helped split the load. Jefferson County Commissioners, along with the Port Arthur Jaycees and Rotary clubs wanted to call it “The Port Arthur Bridge.” Some in Orange and Beaumont favored the original designation of “Neches River Bridge,” and Orange County Commissioners liked “The Port ArthurOrange Bridge.” In one heated meeting, Jefferson County Commissioner H.O. Mills threw off his glasses and said everyone was, “... acting like a bunch of kids.” Jefferson commissioners eventually decided on “Port Arthur-Orange.” Then in 1957, the North Port Arthur Lions

Club sponsored a contest to name the 19-year-old bridge. More than 1,000 entries listed “Rainbow Bridge,” however, the earliest postmarked was by 6-year-old Christy McClintock of Port Arthur. Her grandfather helped her fill out the form. She won a $50 Savings Bond. Her reason, she told reporters at the time, was that the bridge was physically shaped like a rainbow. At the time of construction in the mid ‘30s, its vertical span was designed with the tallest Naval ship in mind, the USS Patoka, which ironically never sailed the Neches. The ship was decommissioned and sold to a steel company for scrap in 1948. Although the span is dwarfed by San Francisco’s Oakland Bridge (at 218 feet), the Rainbow is 40-feet higher than the Huey P. Long Bridge across the Mississippi, and outreaches the 155-foot clearance of the George Wash-

ington Bridge across the Hudson River. It was built to withstand 130-mile hurricaneforce winds. The bridge’s dedication in 1938 saw speeches, barbecue, dancing and fireworks, even a sailboat regatta on the Neches. And of course, a rodeo. According to Port Arthur News archives at the Bridge City Chamber of Commerce (compiled by former chamber vice president Charlotte Chiasson and Joyce Darling), the idea began in the late ‘20s to fix a growing problem with the increasingly unreliable ferry. Residents in Orange and Port Arthur got to thinking, “If Beaumont can have a bridge, why can’t we?” The proposal had its naysayers, mostly in Beaumont; and in fact, several bond issues which could have funded the bridge which passed in Port Arthur, still lost because of high negative numbers from

Beaumont precincts. Proponents included officials in Orange, Galveston and Lake Charles. Finally in the early ‘30s, after much legal wrangling, Gov. “Ma” Ferguson signed a bill that allowed Jefferson County to contribute, along with state and federal funds, to what was being called “The Dryden Tunnel.” In October, 1935, state engineer G.G. Wickline, a University of Texas graduate, was appointed to supervise the project. Working under him was fellow UT graduate P.V. Pennybacker. Wickline named as consulting engineers Ashe, Howard, Needles and Tammen, at the time one of the four largest firms in the country and working on a $2 million span in Omaha and a $42 million span in Newark, N.J. In November, hourly wages were announced: $1.25 for mechanics, $1 for crane operators, hoisting engineers and

The historic photo above shows the Rainbow Bridge while under construction. The Rainbow Bridge did more than change the landscape, it united Orange County with Port Arthur.

carpenters; 50 cents for riggers, pumpmen and blacksmiths; and $4 to $4.50 for the infamous “Sand Hogs” who would work in the water at depths of up to 110 feet and pressure up to 48 pounds. The $4.50 wage for the lowest depth was eventually raised to about $6.50. And in December, the Union Bridge and Construction Co. of Kansas City, Mo., submitted a low bid of $800,000 for substructure work. In February, 1936, it was announced that work would begin March 3. E.M. Philpot, vice president of Union Bridge, said, “Our first job will be to build a road to the bridge site in order to move equipment, already shipped from Kansas City, and materials so that actual construction of the foundation can start shortly.” A series of heated talks then ensued between organized labor and county officials, with labor wanting every job the RAINBOW BRIDGE Page 3A

Over 600 new laws in effect for Texans Debby Schamber For The Record

Lawmakers approved many new bills during the legislative session and Gov. Rick Perry signed 1,571 into law. On Sept. 1, 659 of these laws went into effect. The new laws range from letting Texans sample food at farmers markets to making it legal for the first time in decades to buy switchblades. Anyone who flees the scene of an accident will face a longer prison sentence and a bigger fine. Underage Texans won’t be able to use indoor tanning beds. And some seeking unemployment benefits will have to be tested for drugs. There are also laws about using cell phones in school zones, children and school breakfasts and getting out of the way when first responders are rushing to an emergency. Since the 1950s, it had been a Class A misdemeanor to have, make, repair, sell or transport a switchblade in Texas. But, HB1862 changed the law. Texans under the age of 18

can no longer use indoor tanning beds. Their parents may give approval, but that is not enough for SB329. Supporters say the goal is to reduce younger Texans’ exposure to artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation, which can lead to skin cancer. SB376 is meant to encourage those children who are eligible for free or reduced school meals to actually participate in the program. It is the hope of lawmakers, this law will improve their health, boost their academic achievement and improve their “lifelong healthy eating habits.” HB 347 expands the current limitations on wireless communication devices, cell phone use in an active school crossing zone to include the property of a public elementary, middle, or junior high school for which a local authority has designated a school crossing zone. The use will only be restricted during the time a reduced speed limit is in effect for the school crossing zone. Further, it will not apply to vehicles that are

Gwen Tallant works on adding patina to a finished stained glass piece of a Texas star. RECORD PHOTOS: Larry Trimm

A Tallant With Glass Debby Schamber For The Record

Gwen Tallant loved stained glass but couldn’t afford the costly beautiful piece of art, so she decided to take classes to learn how to make it herself. That was 13 years ago.

Now her colorful hobby has her shop full of the glass. She also teaches classes for those who want to learn to make stained glass art too. But, she is not the first person to admire the beauty of stained glass. Based on remains found at Pompeii and Herculaneum, stained glass

was first used by wealthy Romans in their villas and palaces in the first century A.D. At this time stained glass was considered a domestic luxury rather than an artistic medium. It began to be regarded as an art form STAINED GLASS Page 3A


Justice served after twenty years Debby Schamber For The Record

Twenty years later, a Bridge City woman has finally received the justice she had been longing since she was a girl. Selinda McNeil was sexually assaulted when she was 10 years old for more than a year by her mother’s husband, Michael Modglin. During a dispute between her mother and

intermittent visits. Modglin, the inforModglin was said to mation was made the “love of her life” known of what had for Belinda Terrell and been occurring. Bewith him gone, she belinda Terrell and her came angry and took husband then talked it out on McNeil by about the issue where becoming very abuhe confessed, but she sive. allowed him to stay in “He took everything their home. He left Modglin from me — my family, about six months later my mother, my life,” but continued to be a threat in their lives with his she said.

The abuse McNeil suffered at the hands of her mother and the sexual assault from Modglin was a lot for the young girl to handle all alone. “With him being on probation, it allowed him to drift in and out of our lives,” McNeil said. “My mom didn’t have much of a parental instinct.” McNeil’s life also began to drift too. She stayed with various friends so she would not

have to go home. She also got into the drug scene in order to cope with her life spinning out of control. Finally, when she was 16 years old, she got married to escape her home life. But, this would prove to not be the answer either. This only added to the problems. Modglin was charged for JUSTICE SERVED Page 3A

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