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The       Record TheRecordLive.com

Vol. 52 No. 27 Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Penny Record of Bridge City and Orangefield • Founded 1960

Schools determined to stop bullies Debby Schamber For The Record

Senator to meet with area educators Debby Schamber For The Record

Texas Senator Robert Nichols will be meeting with Orange County School Superintendents today to listen to the issues in area schools. “The superintendents are the one person who deal with NICHOLS parents, students, teachers and the TEA (Texas Education Agency),” Nichols said. Nichols said he makes a point to meet with each superintendent in his district to listen to what their needs are and what is going on in Texas schools. But, he encourages them to not only voice their opinions but to talk about what they feel are solutions to the problems. In recent headlines were reports from TEA which announced 44 percent of Texas school campuses met the Adequate Yearly Progress, known as the AYP, which is a federal accountability system. However, the Bridge City school district was the only public district in Orange County this year to meet the federal standards set by the U.S. Department of Education under the 2001 ‘No Child Left Behind Act.’ This has been on the mind of many educators in the area as once again they must begin to prepare for the school year ahead and another round of testing. During the 2011-12 school year, the state tests NICHOLS PAGE 3A


It is the one thing that has been around for many years and as hard as people try to escape it, bullying will be a part of the future as well. However, local educators are striving to combat the issues surrounding bullying. “We work hard to create an overall climate of respect, tolerance and kindness,” said Richard Briggs, Bridge City High School Principal. He stated when those things are done, then it will help with bullying issues. Bullying is so prevalent throughout society today, at every age level, that it sends a message that it’s socially ac-

cepted; however, LCM CISD is diametrically opposed to that and the administration works hard to educate the BRIGGS LCM community against tolerating bullying in any form. Staff has spent a great deal of time reworking forms for processing incidents and procedures for dealing with bullying. LCM is also sending people to different training sessions so that they can come back to share new ideas with other staff members. “Administrators are working on additional staff development on bullying at this

Lions Club Charity Carnival starts tonight . . .

For The Record

A lot of hard work, determination and school spirit has landed one Bridge City teen on the varsity cheerleading squad. But, what makes this story different is the fact that this cheerleader is a boy. Boys on the cheerleading squad is not new, just unique to BCHS. Governor Rick Perry was a yell leader at Texas A&M in 1972. It was his squad’s responsibility to fire up the student crowd at football games and school events. It’s actually quite a prestigious position, as leaders are chosen by a vote of the student body and become one of the faces of the athletic department. Some may think being a cheerleader would be difficult for a boy, but, fortunately, for Blayse Baker, 17, the students have been “extremely” supportive. The first time he tried out he didn’t make the squad. But, the fun driven teen didn’t let that deter him from achieving his goal. “Most of the students and teachers have been so supportive,” Baker said. “The first time I tried out in the front of the entire school. I had to wait for about five minutes to start my cheer because

• Obituaries Page......................7A

It has been more than 14 years since Jerri Cox was last seen alive in Orange. Her last official sighting was 9 a.m. January 7, 1998 when she reported to her probation officer. She was reported mssing by her parents a few weeks later on Feb. 2. The petite woman who stood 5 feet 1 inches tall weighed only 95 pounds. When Cox disappeared she was 39 years old.

• CLASSIFIED ADS Page......................9B


Debby Schamber

Debby Schamber

• CHURCH NEWS Page......................8A

Hargrove said. Little Cypress-Mauriceville CISD, like many other

Cheerleading is for everyone

• SHERLOCK BREAUX Page..................... 4A

•Outdoors Weekly Chuck Uzzle..........5B

and electronic lessons are made available that teachers can use with their students. It is definitely our goal to eliminate bullying in all forms,”

Bridge City male cheerleader proves . . .

State Amusement Ride Inspector, Glynn Barclay, with Lions Lee Roy Boehme, John Martin and Robert Sepulvado (Carnival Chairman) inspects the Ferris Wheel for the 72nd Orange Lions Club Charity Carnival. The carnival opens Wednesday, Oct. 3-6 and Wednesday, Oct. 10-13. Saturday, Oct. 6 is Kiddie Day from 4-6 p.m. RECORD PHOTO: Stump Weatherford

Staff Report

For The Record


Blayse Baker, 17, a cheerleader at Bridge City High School, is a Cheer Hawaii USA participant and team leader where he brushes up on his cheerleading skills. RECORD PHOTO

the students wouldn’t stop cheering for me.” After not making the squad following his first tryout, he had no choice but to work harder. “I worked night and day to prepare for tryouts. I even enrolled into a cheer gym to work on my motions, jumps, and tumbling,” he said. The following year he tried out again and this time he made the squad. He still takes MALE CHEERLEADER PAGE 3A

Inside Missing person case The Record remains 14 year mystery

•Dicky Colburn Fishing..................4B

time. It comes in many forms and we are all susceptible to being bullied. Principals receive copies of articles on the latest information on bullying

For The Record

According to Capt. Cliff Hargrave of the Orange Police Department, people driving on Interstate 10 would often call COX to report they had seen a child walking along the roadway. Officers responded to the scene and would find it was Cox who was actually walking along the side of the road. Because of her small MISSING PERSON PAGE 3A

un is in the air for all who attend the annual Orange Lions Charity Carnival. The carnival opens tonight at 6:30 p.m. for an eight day run of Oct. 3 through Oct. 6 and once again Oct. 10 through the 13. The carnival offers entertainment for everyone, such as the carousel, super slide, kid-

die train, kiddie cars, and the kiddie Ferris wheel for small children and for teens and adults, the Ferris wheel, scrambler, round-up, and tilta-whirl. There are also games, food booths, and crafts for the enjoyment of everyone. Each year thousands of people come through the gates. This year Lion’s Club members are hoping it will be another success since the weather is expected to be favorable for a great time.

Proceeds from the carnival are used for eye exams and eye glasses, the Texas Lions Eye Bank (cornea transplants and research), Texas Lions Camp for Handicapped and Diabetic Children, and the Texas Lions Foundation for Disaster Relief. A ribbon cutting to kick off the events is scheduled by the Greater Orange Chamber of Commerce at 5:30 p.m. Lion’s Club members invite everyone to come join the fun all for a good cause.

BCCC honors local students Staff Report

For The Record

The Bridge City Chamber of Commerce held its September Coffee at COS Printing, located at 1600 Texas Avenue. With school back in session, the Chamber honored its first students of the month from both Bridge City High School and Orangefield High School for the 2012-2013 school year. The first honoree from Bridge City is Jordan Smith, daughter of Phillip Smith and Kimberly Miller. She holds a GPA of 4.88 and is first in her class of 165 students. Jordan has earned numerous awards and honors, including being the three-time 3A State Champion for Literary Criticism, Second place in the Stark Reading Competition in 2010, first place in the Stark Reading Competition in 2012 and was named semifinalist in the National Merit Scholar Program. She is also the captain of both the Literary Criticism and Academic

Heather Singletary was named the Orangefield Student of the Month for September by the Bridge City Chamber of Commerce. Pictured are: Counselor Ms. Parkhurst, April Kilpatrick, Heather Singletary and Bridge City Chamber Ambassador Shirley Zimmerman.

Teams. She has performed many hours of community service, as well. Miss Smith plans to achieve a PhD in English and teach English at the university level. Orangefield High School’s first honoree is also a very accomplished young woman. Heather Singletary, is the

daughter of April and Thomas Kilpatrick. Heather holds a 3.68889 GPA on the College 4.0 ranking scale. She is very active in Orangefield’s Art Club, Marching Band, Color Guard, National Honor Society, UIL One Act Play, UIL STUDENTS PAGE 3A

• Award Winning Hometown News


• The Record • Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wipe out bullying schools around the state and nation, are very aware of the issues and consequences that surround bullying, whether it be physical or emotional. The campaign to curb bullying is ongoing in dialogs with staff and students on all grade levels. According to Stacey Brister, Director of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction, “Each campus administrator works with their own staff on recognizing, intervening, and taking action against bullying.” BCHS has also worked on creating what they refer to as a “circle of trust.” The newly implemented “Connect Class” allows students to have someone

they can talk to at the school about problems they may have with school work, attendance, issues at home or bullying. The students are assigned a particular teacher whom they can go to when problems arise. “We want to encourage the students to talk to someone,” Briggs said. Last year Sabine Federal Credit Union paid for an antibullying program at area high schools called “Rachel’s Challenge.” Rachel Scott was the first person killed at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999. Her acts of kindness and compassion coupled with the contents of her six diaries have become the foundation for one

The Record News The Record Newspapers- The County Record and the Penny Record- are published on Wednesday of each week and distributed free throughout greater Orange County, Texas. The publications feature community news, local sports, commentary and much more. Readers may also read each issue of our papers from our web site TheRecordLive.Com. •News Editor....................................................Debby Schamber • General Manager.....................................................Mark Dunn • Business Manager................................................Nicole Gibbs • Production Manager...........................................Chris Menard • Staff Writers and Photographers... Mark Dunn, Penny Leleux, Larry Trimm, Nicole Gibbs, Joey Encalade, Cody Hogden, Teri Newell and Angela Delk.

News Tips and Photos 886-7183 or 735-7183 E-mail: news@therecordlive.com

County Record: 320 Henrietta St., Orange, Texas 77630 Penny Record: 333 W. Roundbunch, Bridge City, Texas 77611 Offices Closed On Wednesday. Didn’t Get Your Paper? Call 735-5305.


Round The Clock Hometown News

From Page 1

of the most life-changing school programs in America. Students were spellbound during a one-hour school presentation targeted to motivate them to positive change in the way they treat others. It is something that the District would like to see in the junior high and middle school, as well as high school levels, Hargrove added. The overwhelming support of the speaker while at BCHS reminds Briggs why things like this are important. They plan to have more speakers in the future. The staff at BCHS try to educate the students on bullying. According to Briggs, they strive to be proactive instead of reactive. However, if reported they are ready to address the problems and get it resolved. Even though the bullying may occur off campus, Briggs said as long it impacts the learning environment, then it will be addressed as well. But, he is realistic and knows no matter how hard they try, “It’s still going to happen.” When it does, school officials are ready to address the problem. “We have a comprehensive and thorough plan in place that is designed to meet the letter of the law and also to make the reporting of bullying issues as convenient and unintimidating as possible,” said Keith Jones, BCHS Vice Principal. At the high school, reports of bullying are documented and submitted where they can be used for future reference. The bullying policy is the recommended wording from the Texas Association of School Board to ensure the requirements are fully met. The big change this year was the word “and” which gave bullying a much more narrow

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RECORD PHOTO: Nicole Gibbs

scope. Bullying occurs when a student of group of students in written or verbal expression, expression through electronic methods, or physical conduct against another student on school property, at a schoolsponsored or related activity, or in a district operated vehicle, and the behavior: results in the harm to the student of the student’s property, places a student in reasonable fear of physical harm or damage to the student’s property, or is so severe, persistent and pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment, according to the TASB. In addition, this conduct is considered bullying if it exploits an imbalance of power between the student perpetrators and the student victims and if it interferes with a student’s education and substantially disrupts the operation of the school. Bullying includes such actions as hazing, threats, taunting, teasing, confinement, assault, demands for money, destruction of property, theft of

valued possessions, namecalling, rumor-spreading, or ostracism. But, Briggs said, no matter the definition, bullying is still bullying. “It involves feelings and regardless what defines it, if a student feels bullied, then we have to take a closer look and address the issue.” Superintendent Dr. Pauline Hargrove said that at the District level, bullying is addressed in some form in every team meeting, as it on every campus teachers meeting. “It’s at the top of our radar and we’re working diligently to help students understand what bullying is, how to control yourself so you don’t participate, and what to do if you find yourself in that situation,” Hargrove said. Mauriceville Elementary Principal Buffy Knight said that in addition to addressing some facet of bullying at each staff meeting and counselors working with students to help them understand bullying and its consequences, that when students are in larger groups than their normal classes,

staff is being even more aware of student interactions and the group climate. According to stopbullying. gov, the 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) indicates that, nationwide, 20% of students in grades 9–12 experienced bullying. In addition, the 2008–2009 School Crime Supplement (National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice Statistics) indicates that, nationwide, 28% of students in grades 6–12 experienced bullying. Bullying can affect everyone such as those who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness bullying. Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, substance use, and suicide. It is important to talk to kids to determine whether bullying or something else is a concern. Children who are bullied can experience negative physical, school, and mental health issues. Kids who are bullied are more likely to experience depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. These issues may persist into adulthood. Other issues can include health complaints and decreased academic achievement such as a lower grade point average, standardized test scores and school participation. They are more likely to miss, skip, or drop out of school. A very small number of bullied children might retaliate through extremely violent measures. In 12 of 15 school shooting cases in the 1990s, the shooters had a history of being bullied, according to stopbullying.gov.

The Record • Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Nichols meets with educators From Page 1

were changed to the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness which replaced the TAKS which had been given for the previous eight years. Over the past three years, the federal AYP system has increased passing expectations 14 percentage points in reading/language arts and 16 percentage points in math. By the 2013-14 school year, 100 percent of students will be expected to pass both the math and reading STAAR assessments. Mike King, BCISD superintendent, told Rotary Club members during a meeting, it is important to him the school districts provide a well rounded education and not just a “bunch of good test takers.” “We don’t want that test to determine how we teach our kids,” King said. Across the state, school districts have been passing a resolution to take a stand against “high stakes standardized testing.” As of August 22, 705 school districts representing more than 3.9 million students have notified the Texas Association of School Administrators, they have adopted the resolution during their school board meetings. “I truly believe education is the number one

issue in the Texas Legislature,” Nichols said. Nichols met with other superintendents in his district about the testing issues. Like the administrators locally, they too understood the need for the testing, but thought it was a “distraction.” On January 9, 2007, Robert Nichols was sworn in to represent the citizens of Texas State Senate District 3, which is comprised of 16 counties ranging from southern Tyler to just north of Houston and stretching east to the Texas-Louisiana border. As of January, Nichols said he will also be representing Orange County. In the Texas Senate, Nichols served as vice chair of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee and vice chair of the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission. The Republican Senator has served as vice chair of the Intergovernmental Relations Committee and sat on the Transportation and Homeland Security, Health and Human Services, Nominations and Natural Resources Committees. He is also vice chair of the Sunset Advisory Commission. In 2010 he was selected by his colleagues to serve as the chair of the Senate Republican Caucus. During his sessions as a state senator, Nich-

Male cheerleader excells tumbling and jump classes at The Next Level in Bridge City to keep on top of his game. In the end, his hard work has paid off. He is a National Cheerleading Association All American and asked to be on the NCA staff. He was also a Cheer Hawaii USA participant and team leader. In addition, he is the Cheer USA Spirit Leader National Champion. As a child, Baker was very outgoing. He was known to be the bubbly child who talk to anyone and just do anything. But, his love of cheerleading was always apparent. “ I loved how they were always so confident,” Baker said. Now, he hopes to be a role model for other boys to reach for their dreams because being a cheerleader is “pretty amazing.” “ It feels so good to know that I’m setting an example for a little boy who wants to be a cheerleader,” Baker said. At football games, Baker can be seen with the other varsity cheerleaders pumping up the crowd and spreading school spirit. Although, Baker is the only boy on the squad, he says, the


other cheerleaders are “cool” with him being there to cheer for their team. With each cheer, he smiles broadly as he looks at the football fans in the stands in a sea of red from one end to the other. With each score he enthusiastically cheers for the Cardinals in hopes of another victory. However, his biggest fans are his family and friends. “All of my friends encourage me to follow my dreams,” he said. But, Blayse’s mother is his “number one fan.” “She goes to every event I cheer at, rain or shine,” Baker said. Baker is looking towards his future as his senior year of high school moves forward in leaps and bounds. He plans to tryout for cheerleading teams at various universities. But, he plans to attend either McNeese or Texas State University where he will earn a degree in business. He will take away from high school the memories of his “amazing friends” and “just all of the support from all of the students.” But, in the back of his mind,

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From Page 1

Science and their Thespian troupe. Miss Singletary has won the Big O award and an award for Technical Excellence in One Act plays. Heather actively serves her community thru Salvation Army, Drive for your school, Art in the Park and Eighteen shades of grey: Greyhound Adoptions. She plans to attend Lamar University and later Stephen F. Austin with the goal of becoming a teacher.

Missing person

From Page 1

stature, passersby were mistaken. Cox would now be 55 years old. At the time of her disappearance she had brown hair, pierced ears and dentures. She also had blue eyes and wore glasses. In addition, she had a tattoo of a lightening bolt on her upper right arm and on her left shoulder there was a unicorn. Cox is believed to have been involved in illegal activities while living in Orange. She is presumed to be dead since she ceased all contact with her family following her disappearance. Police are left with no leads since Cox vanished without a trace. Anyone with any information is asked to call OPD at 409883-1026.

Legislator by Texas Insider and a Champion of Free Enterprise by the Texas Association of Business.

The Garden District

From Page 1

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David Cagle is not a politician but is a professional Law Enforcement Officer. David Cagle is currently licensed with the highest level of Peace Officer license available and is ready to change agencies and go to work without delay. David Cagle currently holds a full time job with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. (resigning when elected) Working full time is nothing new for him as he has been a licensed Texas Peace Officer for 32 years. David Cagle will be a Full Time Constable that is available day or night. David Cagle when elected, will Bailiff the Justice Court of Precinct #2 and serve the Courts papers professionally and timely. David Cagle will be a Constable that works within the budget that Commissioners Court sets for his office. David Cagle will be a Constable that is service orientated to the citizens of precinct #2. David Cagle will be a Constable that patrols the neighborhoods of precinct #2 and take measures to stop drug dealing, burglaries, thefts and unsafe driving. David Cagle will be a Constable that is responsive to the School district’s needs. David Cagle will be a Constable that assists in Community Events. David Cagle will be a strong professional Constable that is responsive to the needs of the community and is asking for your support and your vote. Please vote for David Cagle for Constable of Precinct #2 and let me go to work!


• The Record • Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012

year old aunt, Irene “Dina” Seelbach, who was born in Orange in 1912. She lead a very interesting life and still lives with her daughter in Henderson and is sharp as a tack. Jack was born and raised here in Brunner Addition along with Red Garrett, Skipper Free and a host of others. Brunner Addition is around Bradford St, Crabtree St., etc. Actually it’s between the railroad tracks in West Orange.

From the Creaux’s Nest DEBATES WILL DOMINATE NEWS The talk now for the next few days will be Wednesday night’s first presidential debate between President Barrack Obama and Willard Mitt Romney. Historically the challenger makes more points and often is seen as winning the first debate. The reason for that is the incumbent is mostly on defense, having to defend his policies. Unless one of them really stumbles, the American people who are already for one candidate or the other won’t be swayed. Now it’s different with the talking heads. Romney supporters will hit the airways and say he won, while Obama supporters will say Obama held his own and came off looking presidential while Romney fumbled. Rush Limbaugh and the folks at FOX News will claim how big Mitt won. They will spin how his game changer performance makes it a whole new game. Romney would have to do great and Obama do real bad for any major change. Right now Romney is way behind in every swing state including (10 points) in Ohio. No Republican has ever won that didn’t carry Ohio. If Obama wins Ohio he just needs to win only one other swing state. If Romney loses Ohio, he has to win all the swing states. No debate alone will do that. Two more debates are scheduled. The incumbent usually wins the following debates. Both debaters are intelligent, both have distinct policies and both are good speakers. My guess is that the debate will change very little. Romney could get a little bounce from just being on the same stage with the president but his problem is that he needs a big bounce. I will probably enjoy the vice-presidential debate scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 11 more. A lot of ‘Right Wing’ pundits like to make VP Joe Biden out to be a clown. Anyone who writes off the old man’s intelligence is making a big mistake. Con. Paul Ryan can’t carry Joe’s water when it comes to experience and qualifications. Biden has forgotten more than that young Wisconsin congressman will ever know. VP Biden has served under six presidents and is an expert on foreign policy. He’ll have Ryan stuttering, he’s really a weak candidate. Well, I’ve got a long way to go. Come along, it won’t do you no harm. REMEMBERING A FRIEND Our buddy Clarence Dale Newton, the boy from Post, Texas, died Sept. 26. For years Dale waited on customers at Granny’s Seafood. He always enjoyed relating with people He lived one heck of a life starting in that small, dusty West Texas town. His story would make for good reading. Dale had fought COPD for years. He died of double-pneumonia when both of his lungs collapsed Wednesday night after being rushed to ICU at Baptist Hospital. He didn’t want a service, just to be cremated and ashes spread over the tombs of his loved ones. His wife Linda Ann, “Granny” to most of us, has had a bad life and now she’s left behind with her memories. Some good, some bad. Sometime dates seem to bring some kind of adversity. In Linda’s life, it’s Sept. 26. On that day in 1990,she lost her daughter, Ruby, in an auto accident. On the same day, Sept. 26, 2008, she lost her son, Edward, also in an auto accident. Now on Sept. 26, 2012 she has lost her husband. That is strange. I wonder what the odds are. Maybe I should ask what forces are in play to make Sept. 26 so prominent in her life. Our condolences to Linda and her family. May Dale rest in peace. He’s now with his loved ones who have gone before him. RECALLING NATIVE SON WHO MADE THE BIG SHOW Fifty-five years ago this week, Oct. 2, 1957, a youngster born in Orange, TX would grow up to be a Major League baseball player. With the Major League season ending and the playoffs on the way, my thoughts turned to an Orange native who made it to the big show. Andre Levett Robertson, attended West Orange-Stark where he was a star in baseball, football and other sports. He went on to play baseball at the University of Texas and in the 1979 amateur draft, at age 21, he was signed in the fourth round. by the Toronto Blue Jays. During his rookie season he made it to the Blue Jays Syracuse triple A farm club. Andre made it to the New York Yankees on Sept. 3, 1981. He played with the Yankees over five years. His batting average was .312 in 1981, .247 in ‘82, .293 in .83, .250 in ‘84 and .386 in 1985. He played at three different positions for the Yankees, second base, short stop and third base. He did pitch a little in the minor leagues. Over all Andre was with the Yankees five years. He was highly regarded in the Yankee organization but in an unfortunate auto accident he suffered a broken neck. He never regained the skills that had served him well since he was a youngster in Little League. For several years now he has been an employee of DuPont in Orange. Andre is just another of the boys raised in Orange County who made their mark and brought pride to this little part of Texas that we call home. This week we extend a very happy birthday to Andre Robertson, a special guy from a special place. JUST GOOD OLD BOYS Our old friend of many years, Quincy Procell, stopped by. We’ve known each other so long it’s hard to remember before. He needs knee surgery but it will never happen because they won’t do the surgery until he loses 55 pounds. It used to be 45 pounds. He’s going backward. Quincy said he stays in touch with R.C. Slocum, the Orange boy who is the winnest coach at Texas A&M history. Right behind Quincy, former Orange city manager Jack Huffman came by. It was old Stark High Day. Jack was by to run an announcement on his 100

40 Years Ago-1972 It was 1:05 p.m. Sunday afternoon, Sept. 15, when Phyllis and Roy Dunn received word that their daughter, Karen, had been involved in a bad auto accident while a passenger in a car that hit a pine tree. It was an accident that could have easily taken her life. After extensive surgery, the Dunn’s are thankful that their little girl’s life was spared. She’s in for a long recovery, however, and years of surgery ahead. (Editor’s note: It’s hard to believe that it’s been 40 years. That young child grew up to be a beautiful woman.)*****Judge Sid Caillavet has spent 13 days in the hospital after suffering a slight stroke. When the judge was confronted he said, “I just had a couple of gas pains and everyone got excited.” The judge’s eyesight is still good. He can pick out the pretty nurses from the not-so-pretty.*****Jo and D.J. “Ace” Amodeo have moved into their new home at 380 Quincy in Bridge City.*****Joe Martin sells Gulf oil dealership to Don Campbell, the boy from Shelby County.*****Lee Brown, your hearing aid man, says he saw a tombstone in an old cemetery near Palacios that read, “I expected this but not just yet.”*****“Hop-A-Long Cassidy” Billy Boyd, 74, the best cowboy anyone ever saw at the picture show for eight cents, died this week.*****Bernice Granger passed away last week. She owned Granger’s Seafood on Roundbunch in Bridge City.*****Entertainer Johnny Carson and former wife, Joanne, are free to marry again, but if she does, it will cost her $100,000 a year in alimony. She also got $200,000 cash and art work valued at $200,000.*****Reginald K. Drake, son of Betty and Earl Drake, is selected to attend leadership school at Allen Academy in Bryan. Only cadets demonstrating great leadership receive an invitation to attend.*****The first entry from the Sabine area is the second annual Baytown Kiwanis Club Pilot Air Race is Richard Turkel of Orange. His co-pilot in the Sept. 30 race is Doyle Fleming of Bridge City. The 300-mile course is an exercise in fuel management and ability to get the most miles per gasoline consumed. (Editor’s note: I bet Richard could squeeze the last drop of fuel. He’s not known for being wasteful.)*****Three Orange teenagers attend the GOP convention in Dallas as special delegates. They are Tab Finchum, Frank McCollum and Corbin Rinehart.*****The Bridge City Cardinals hold Stake Jesuit scoreless in a 34-0 win. In the last two games, Cardinal linebacker Mark Dunn continued to dominate the tackling charts while David Riddling has been superb on both offense and defense. Reserve quarterback Terry Bridgers had a big night passing. Coach Chief Wilson has found depth in two young players, Chipper Nance and Charlie Hildebrand.*****The West Orange Chiefs, led by tailbacks Roy Williams and Barney Duhon, quarterback Ray Pousson, and Phillip January on offense, with Jerry Callier, Spears and company on defense, pulled off a 27-0 win over cross town rival Stark High Tigers. BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK Regina Pounders, Logan Bonds, Sherry Baker, Alexandra Bates, Betty Roden, Bobby Romero, Eddie Free, Judy Craig, Bonnie Swanson, Ruth Scales, Gertrude Dotson, Carol Kennedy, Beverly Gill, Ryan Dubose, Kyle Ezell, Lori Ess, Sarah Armand, Tricia Prosperie, Candy Hughes, Dakota Rowley, Jami Anderson, Jessica Evans, John Cardner, Kevin Staudenmier, Tyler Miller, Brad Lanthier, Darlene Stephens, Elicia Dillon, Glenn Heil, Jared Dillon, Kay Bilbo, Jerald Ziller, Jimmy Smith, Mildred Gammage, Samual Woodall, Lori Harmon, Barbara Angelle, Cathye Liepy, Charlie Dorman, Inell Lingan, Connie Elkins, Mary Moore, Joby Brown, Elizabeth VanMetre, Nancy Amsden, Ronnie Halliburton, Sandy Frye, Shelly Rose, Blaine Huff, Connie Bland, May Campbell, Darrell Fisher, Larry Welch, Lisa Havens, Betty Stimac, Robert Love, Susan Ayre, Will Stout, Kirsten Perricone, Linda Myers, Logan Conner, Mark Prevost, Megan Benoit, Steve Kidwell and Imogene Bailey. A FEW HAPPENINGS Our Orange County boys in the NFL: Bridge City’s Matt Bryant had another game winning day for his Atlanta Falcons. With time running out Matt kicked his third field goal of the day. The final 40-yard kick gave the Falcons a 30-28 win over the Panthers. Atlanta is undefeated 4-0. Matt had a lot to do with that. He’s 9 for 9 in field goals.***Orange native Coach Wade Phillips and his Houston Texan defense continues to dominate. The Houston offense is ticking and Wade’s defense is holding the score down. Sunday they beat Titans 38 to 14.***Meanwhile, the youngster from West Orange-Stark, Earl Thomas, and his Seattle Seahawks came up short, losing 19-13 to the Rams. Earl had his usual good outing.*****Paris, Texas named a boulevard for hometown country singer Gene Watson. That guy has a rich, smooth voice.***Did you know that Gene Autry Drive runs through Tiega, Texas, honoring the singing, cowboy actor. The Autry Museum is also there in Gene’s hometown.***Austin turned Second St. into Willie Nelson Boulevard and of course the big street in Lubbock carries Buddy Holly’s name.*****Carthage promotes itself as the hometown of country crooner Jim Reeves.*****Dallas has a street honoring native son Stevie Ray Vaughn.***A portion of Texas 288 is named for Nolan Ryan. ***A boulevard is named for Coach Jimmy Johnson and a street is named for Coach Bum Phillips, both in Mid-County, in Jefferson County. Bum is an Orange native, Johnson is a Port Arthur native. As of yet no Orange County locations are named for any of our super stars. ***** When Gertrude Dotson was born, William Howard Taft was President. A gallon of gas cost $.07. A loaf of bread was $.03 and a quart of milk could be bought for the same price. The average salary for a college graduate was $750 a year. Yes, Gertrude Dotson was born Oct. 4, 1910. Vinton, La. was incorporated six days later. Most folks remember her when she owned a gas station on 16th. She has been a resident of The Meadows since January. Gertrude turns 102 on Thursday and we wish her a very happy birthday.*** A few more folks we know celebrating their special day this week. Tony Fuslier’s 66 birthday is Wednesday, Oct. 3. A party starting at 5 p.m. at the Cow Bayou Marina will be held to celebrate his big day. Y’All come.***On Oct. 4, a birthday will be shared by Eddie Free and Jason Montagne. Eddie is one of Skipper’s boys and Jason is Johnny and Darlene’s youngest child.***Oct. 4, is a special day for Bobbie Burgess, former Bridge City mayor, Lamar dean, Don’s bride and daughter of the late Joe Grossman. Notching another year is the tree of life, also on Oct. 4, is Jason Menard, who has spent 12 years in Uncle Sam’s Army, plus three tours to Iraq. Jason will turn 32. Coach Les Johnson will tell you today that Jason is the toughest little guy he has ever known. Jason is still in the Army.***Oct. 5 is a special day for longtime friend Percy Bordelon, who will turn 92. He has slowed down a lot but

is still kicking. Also celebrating Oct. 5 is Jared Dillon, a baseball pitcher by trade and a fine young man from a great family.***Celebrating Oct. 6 is Port Commissioner Jimmy Smith, also Lori Harmon, Barbara Angelle and Charlie Dorman.*****Marking another birthday on Oct. 8, is Darrin Boudoin, Sandy Frye, Claude Huff and Larry Welch.*****Celebrating Oct. 9th is Betty Stimac, Linda Myers, Steve Kidwell and Imogene Bailey. Happy birthday to all. Please see complete list in this issue.*****Some Republicans are hitting the airways attempting to ‘Swift Boat’ President Obama on the embassy attack in Libya. Also Sen. McCain is making all the televisions shows talking about us doing more in three wars. Paul Ryan is talking about us doubling down in Afghanistan, sending more troops. Sen. Graham is complaining about President Obama giving a date for withdrawal. Why all this spin? My belief is that the defense contractors don’t want war to end anywhere, It’s bad for business. In a few days Mitt Romney will give a foreign policy speech. He knows absolutely nothing about the subject but worse, his foreign policy advisors are John Bolton, Donald Rumsfeld and 17 of George W’s experts.*****BREAKING NEWS: Our friend and poet Ms. Pearl Burgess was practicing for a part as the flying nun when she skid across a coffee table and fractured two ribs. Just kidding about the nun but Ms. Pearl is tough and a couple of ribs won’t hold her down long. I bet she’s dancing at her 92nd birthday party come Oct. 27. We wish a speedy recovery.*****Our friend Dorothy Hamon is still in the hospital battling pneumonia. Our prayers are with her.*****Our compliments to the Orange County Commissioner’s Court for recognizing Coach O.A. ’Bum’ Phillips’ birthday with a resolution. Bum was born on John Street in Orange. Our apologizes also for the headline in last week’s County Record. We mistakenly listed Bum’s initials as B.A. instead of O.A.*****The University of Texas, with the arm of quartback David Ash and the receiving skill of Jaxon Shipey, edged out Oklahoma State 41-36. The big test will come for Texas at home Saturday against West Virginia. That’s when Geno Smith comes to Austin. I watched the WV-Baylor game that the Bears lost 70 to 63. Geno completed 45-51-0 for 656 yards and eight touchdowns. He won’t do that well against Texas but he’s moving toward the Heisman. CELEBRITY BIRTHDAYS The Rev. Al Sharpton will be 58 on Oct. 3; Gwen Stafani, 43; Ashlee Simpson, 28; Clive Owen, 48 and Kevin Richardson, 41.***On Oct. 4, Susan Sarandon will be 66; Jon Secada, 51 and Alicia Silverstone, 33.***Nicky Hilton will be 29 on Oct. 5; Daniel Baldwin, 52; Kate Winslet, 37 and Jesse Eisenberg, 29.***Taylor Hicks will be 36 on Oct. 6; YoYo Ma, 57 and Elisabeth Shue, 49.***Michael W. Smith will be 55 on Oct. 7; Simon Cowell, 53 and Toni Braxton, 45.***Jesse Jackson will be 71 on Oct. 8; Matt Damon, 42; Chevy Chase, 69; Sigourney Weaver, 63 and Paul Hogan, 72.***On Oct. 9, Sharon Osbourne will be 59; Sean Lennon, 37 and Zachery Ty Bryan, 31. CAJUN STORY OF THE WEEK During World War Twice, a bunch of dem Loisiana boys went to Camp Beauregard, in Alexandria. Dat’s where dey induct dem. Sostan Gilbeaux was telling da story about dat time, “I remember when dey put one man in charge dat was mean, mean him. Dat man work us from before daylight till we was plum wore out. A fellow soldier Geaux Sleaux Comeaux came up; to me an he axe, “Sostan, how come dey put dat mean so-an-so in charge of us, hanh?” I say, “Well, Geaux Sleaux, it’s like dis, you see dat man him had ROTC before he brought himself to da Army.” Geaux Sleaux say, “Whoo! He must got it damn bad him, dat’s for sure.” C’EST TOUT Tuesday morning at 3:34 a.m., the moon is full and bright, hanging straight overhead. The temperature says 59 degrees, it’s coming on a great day. Three momma coons show up with their young, two have twins and one has triplets. They were late babies. Looks like a couple of months old. They don’t eat yet. The older babies do. I never have figured out why raccoons put both front feet in the water bucket to drink. They muddy the water. I give thanks for my many blessings and am very thankful to be an American.*****I’ve come to the end of another column. I didn’t get to some of the things I wanted to write about. I wanted to write about why I believe President Obama’s second term would be much better but that takes explaining, time and space. I’ve run out f both. Maybe next week.*****Commissioners Court completed the county budget for one more year. Even though some cuts were deep there was no blood letting. If anybody tells you that commissioners don’t work full time, don’t believe it.*****The Wednesday Lunch Bunch will dine at Robert’s this week and Novrozsky’s next.*****Marlene, Keith and the Lion’s Club bunch have been preparing for the grand opening of the Lion’s Club Carnival on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.. Here’s hoping the good weather holds out. It’s a great place to bring the kids. Prices are very low for all the activities compared to the high prices at other festivals. The money stays right here at home and is spent on worthy, local projects.*****Read us cover to cover. Even Roy has written a Down Life’s Highway column about the events after his dad Clay’s death. The last few weeks our website has gone wild and is up 40 percent. Mike Trahan’s column on Miss Sadie alone got thousands of hits. Check us out regularly for the latest news at TheRecordLive.com.*****I stayed up and watched the Dallas-Chicago game. A mistake. Coach Lovie Smith, an East Texas boy from Big Sandy, brought his Bears to Dallas and totally destroyed the Cowboys, 34-18. Quarterback Tony Romo tied his own record throwing five picks in the same game. Two returned for touchdowns. I’m not sure Dallas will ever again be America’s team. In fact, right now they are not even Texas’ team. If the Cowboys don’t find a running game and that starts with the offensive line, they will win very few games. I liked being a cowboy fan when they had all the great players and were America’s team. To pour salt in the wounds of this Cajun boy, the New Orleans Saints are sinking like a rock.*****So ends my day and week. Thanks for your time, mine is up. Take care and God bless.

The Record • Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bullying: a lifetime of scars

Almost everyone has had to deal with a bully do next. We ended up moving to a new school, but bulin their lifetime. I remember some in school and lies are everywhere. Life got worse their comments still hurt after all when Jason starting cutting on his these years. As a parent, I always arms. He said he didn’t know why he wanted to protect my four children, did it, just that he was stressed out. but the one place I could not was Fortunately, my story doesn’t end when they were at school. with him committing suicide to esLife for my son, Jason, was difficult cape the bullies. Recently, in Oklahoto say the least. His father was a drug ma, a 13-year-old boy couldn’t take addict who panhandled to pay for his the bullying anymore and he went to habit in the small town we lived in at school one day with a gun. He sadly the time. Jason was in junior high at showed them — he shot himself at the time. Not only was he having to the school and died. deal with being 6 foot tall and towerMy son ended up quitting school ing over his classmates, but he was Debby Schamber and getting his GED. By the age of 17, also taunted for his father’s actions. Going to school was a struggle for him and it was he was taking college classes. I am not recomonly getting worse since the bullies had figured mending quitting school, but at the time it was out he was a walking target and they knew how the only option. Although, he has moved on, the bullying still to get to him. I went to the school and talked to the principal and told him I wanted it to stop. He haunts him. But, Jason will always be a first rate said the school was doing all they could. Over version of himself instead of a second rate verthe next few weeks, my son grew increasingly de- sion of somebody else. So, he makes me proud to spondent. He often came home and I could tell call him my son. I understand where he is coming from. The he had been crying as he silently walked to his difference between us is that my father also bulroom with his head down. I knew I had to do something so I went to talk lied me. His favorite line was “if you had a brain, to the teacher where Jason had the most prob- you would be dangerous.” Definitely a lose, lose lems. I arrived at the gym and met with the phys- situation. As a result, I have dealt with a lifetime of inical education teacher. When I told him about the reports of the other boys hitting and saying securities and doubts about myself. Adults horrible things to my son, the teacher laughed should know better. But, I assure you, they and replied, “Boys will be boys.” I told him that don’t. Bullies are not only at schools or at home, he needed to do something but he told me not to but at the work place, on the roadways and every tell him how to do his job. Somebody had to say place else. But, what doesn’t kill us, can only make us something and this time it was me. At that moment, I knew nothing would change. stronger. The best thing to do is to decide not to I left with tears in my eyes, not knowing what to be a victim anymore.

Eleanor Roosevelt said it best when she said,” No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” How to handle a bully varies because bullies bring their bullying behavior with them wherever they go. Bullies come in every shape, size, gender, creed, color and ideology. Bullying behavior has several different faces. There are two categories such as physical and emotional bullying. The physical bully poses an immediate, obvious threat. The emotional bully operates on a more subtle, subconscious level. Both kinds of bullying are dangerous, but the


emotional bullying is harder to detect. Contrary to some popular theories, the problem of bullying is complicated. There is no magic 1-2-3 solution. Bullying occurs for several reasons. No person is exactly the same and no bully is either. Bullies are typically emotional weaklings. Your emotional and physical health are most important. Be confident in yourself. Most of all parents who are bullying their children, just stop. “It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength,” writes Maya Angelou.

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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Community Bulletin Board Orange County Farmer’s Market open Wednesday, Saturday The Orange County Farmers’ Market is open for the season on Wednesdays from 3-6 p.m. and Saturday from 7-10 a.m. The market ends when the produce is sold out, which is often earlier than the times shown. The following items are now available: greens, okra (red and green), purple hull peas, snap beans, cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash, jams and jellies, fig preserves, squash relish, zucchini relish, pickled cherry peppers, local honey, fresh eggs, homemade cookies and bread, fresh herbs, house plants, succulents and more. The vendors appreciate small bills if you have them. The market is held in the parking lot in front of Big Lots on MacArthur Drive. For additional information, contact Texas AgriLife at 882-7010.

OC Retired Teachers to meet Monday The Orange County Retired Teachers Association will hold its next meeting on Monday, October 8, at 11 a.m. at the Wesley

United Methodist Church, 401 37th Street in Orange. The guest speaker will be Brandi Neeb, Director of the Rainbow Room. Members will continue to contribute books for the TRTA Children’s Book Project.

American Legion to sell plate lunches The American Legion Post 49, located at 108 Green Ave. in Orange, will hold a plate lunch fundraiser from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 4. Cost is $7 and the meal consists of fried fish, potato salad, coleslaw, green beans, bread and a dessert. Walk-ins are welcome and delivery is available. Call 409-8861241 after noon on Wednesday, Oct. 3 and before 9 a.m. on Thursday, oct. 4 for orders and delivery.

Thrift & Gift to host community sidewalk sale The Thrift & Gift Shop in Orange will be sponsoring their biannual community wide sidewalk sale on Saturday, Oct. 6, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. They are taking donations of furniture, clothing, Christmas decorations and other items. Covered spaces (app. 10x12) are still available to all interested parties for $12. All booth spaces are on a first come, first served basis. The Thrift & Gift Shop, with an assortment of household and vintage items, new quilts, clothing and vintage jewelry, will be open as well. Chances will be sold on a newly created large quilt, which is on display in the store, for $1 each. The drawing will be held in December, the winner will be notified. Apply for booth spaces now at the Thrift & Gift Shop, located at 350 37th St. in Orange, or call 886-7649.

Lutcher Stark class of 1962 50th reunion The Lutcher Stark High School class of 1962 will hold their 50th class reunion from 7 to 10 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 12 and Saturday, Oct. 13 at the Sunset Grove Country Club in Orange. Friday evening will be a casual get-together. Saturday will be their main event, with a business-casual buffet dinner, program, visiting, dancing and music by Jim Dunaway. For more information, please contact Sally Ragland Townsend, sjrt62@earthlink.net.

Safe Boating Class to be held Oct. 20 Sabine Sail and Power Squadron will host a Safe Boating Class from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 12 at the Pleasure Island Commission Building, located at 500 Pleasure Island Blvd. in Port Arthur. Cost is $10 and includes a Texas state certification, lunch and snacks. Donations are accepted for lunch. Minimum age is 13. Texas requires boater education for persons under 18 and born after Sept. 1, 1993 to operate a boat over 15 HP, personal watercraft or wind-driven craft over 14 ft. Contact Ron Gremillion at 409-548-3271 or rgremillion@gt. rr.com for more information.

Miss Bridgefield pageant set for Nov. 3



The Bridge City Chamber of Commerce will be hosting the Miss Bridgefield 2012 Pageant at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 3 at the Bridge City Middle School, located directly behind the Bridge City High School on Texas Avenue. The deadline to enter the pageant is Friday, Oct. 19. The community is invited to attend and support the youth of the community.For more information, please contact the Bridge City Chamber of Commerce at 409-735-5671 or email bridgecitychamber@ sbcglobal.net.

at programs of the Nelda C. and H.J. Lutcher Stark Foundation in Orange, Texas. 2111 W. Park Ave. Orange, TX 77630 409.670.9113 shangrilagardens.org


October 6 – 13, 2012 Orchid Festival - Enjoy daily greenhouse tours, programs and lectures throughout the week. Also, a variety of orchids will be available for purchase at the Garden Store during Orchid Festival. Visitors wishing to tour the Gardens must pay admission. Program and lecture seating is limited and an RSVP is required. To reserve a space, call 409.670.9799. Saturday, October 6, 2012 (9:30 – 10:30am) Saturday Adventure Series: Poetry of Plants - Using orchids as inspiration during a stroll through the Epiphyte Greenhouse, learn about and write an orchid haiku. This program is for adults and children, 10 years of age and older. Seating is limited and an RSVP is required. To reserve a space, call 409.670.9799. Saturday, October 6, 2012 (11:00am) Paradise Preserved: Adventures in the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest - Join Darrin Duling, Director of Mercer Arboretum & Botanic Gardens, in a visual journey to the Macae de Cima Forest Reserve in the mountains of Brazil. During his presentation, visitors will learn about the endangered orchids and rare plants found in this pristine rainforest and enjoy images of beautiful flowers that remain there. Seating is limited and an RSVP is required. To reserve a space, call 409.670.9799. Open Tuesday through Saturday, 9am - 5pm, Sunday, noon - 5pm. Admission varies.

712 Green Ave. Orange, TX 77630 409.886.ARTS starkmuseum.org October 6, 9 and 10, 2012 Orchid Festival Spotlight - Visitors can enjoy a gallery spotlight given by Librarian Jenniffer Hudson Connors on lithographs of orchids from the Museum collection of rare books. Spotlight times are: October 6 at 12:45 pm, 1:15 pm and 3:30 pm; October 9 at 11:45 am; October 10 at 11:45 am. Open Tuesday through Saturday, 10am - 5pm. Admission is free.

610 W. Main Ave. Orange, TX 77630 409.883.0871 whstarkhouse.org October 6 – 13, 2012 (9:00am – 4:30pm; last tour at 3:30pm) Orchid Festival - See a display of images, including the 1917 Lord and Burnham Greenhouse, 1909 greenhouse and images from antique orchid books. Visitors who present an admission ticket from Shangri La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center during Orchid Festival will receive a free tour of The House during that same week. Open Tuesday through Saturday, 10am - 3pm. Admission varies and is limited to individuals 10 years and older. ®


707 Main Ave. Orange, TX 77630 409.886.5535 lutcher.org

Sunday, October 7, 2012 (7:30pm) Cirque Chinois - Behold the international award-winning acrobats of the National Circus of the People’s Republic of China. Friday, November 16, 2012 (7:00pm) Clifford the Big Red Dog Live! - Celebrate the beloved Big Red Dog’s 50th anniversary brought to life on stage in this all new musical. Open Monday through Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm. Call 409.886.5535 or visit lutcher.org for tickets.

Boy Scouts to host annual flag fundraiser The Boy Scouts of Troop 62 is now accepting subscriptions for commemorative flag displays in and around North Orange (near Hwy. 87 and Meeks Drive) between IH-10 and South Teal Road. The 3’ by 5’ flags will be displayed on the five flag days of the year (Memorial Day, Flag Day, Fourth of July, Patriots Day [9/11] and Veterans Day). The flags will be displayed no later than 9 a.m. on the commemorative day, picked up before dusk and stored until the next flag day.An initial $75 tax deductible donation ($50 for renewals) is required. Money orders and checks must be received 14 days prior to posting day in order to ensure timely service. All proceeds go to support Scout activities and programs throughout the year. For subscriptions, contact Bubba Plexico, Troop 62 Scoutmaster, at 214-770-0568; or Chris Wright, Troop 62 Fundraising Chair, at 409-882-9972.

Dusty Trails 4-H Pecan Fundraiser

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service has our Dusty Trails 4-H Club selling the famous Durham-Ellis pecans from Comanche Texas. The club will be accepting orders until Oct.12, 2012. These pecans will be available for pickup about two weeks before Thanksgiving. Anyone who places an Order with the Dusty Trails 4-H Club will be picking up their order in Orange or Mauriceville. Dusty Trails 4-H Club will be selling pecans, flavor pecans, specialty nuts and mixes at various prices. Raw pecans are $9 for a one pound bag, $28 for a three pound box and $43 for a five pound box. To place an order call the Dusty Trails 4-H Club, Jessica Mayfield 409-886-5906 or orders can also be taken by any of the club members.

KOCB searching for community projects Keep Orange County Beautiful has access to limited funding to assist the cities of Orange County, or the county itself, in disposing of abandoned tires dumped on the side of the roads. Such a project provides a discernible environmental benefit of providing proper disposal of these tires and reduces health threats associated with illegally dumped tires. These dump sites can become breeding grounds for mosquitos and rodents that carry diseases, plus tire fires can result in the contamination of surface water, ground water and soils. Funds may also be available to clean up trash dumps on public property. If you or your community affiliations have potential projects that fit this description, please bring them to the attention of the KOCB board at 330-9373.

Eagles to host pool tournament The Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 2523, located at 803 N. 28th Street in Orange, will be hosting a pool tournament every Friday starting at 8 p.m. Prize money goes to first and second place winners. The community is invited to come meet the members of Aerie 2523 and join in the fun. For more information, please call 409-886-7381.

Mauriceville AA meets An Alcoholics Anonymous meeting is held each Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Mauriceville at the United Methodist Church on Highway 12. For more information call 409-670-6265.

BCHS reserved parking passes now available The 2012-2013 reserve parking passes are now available. Please contact Cil Dixon in the Bridge City Athletic Department to purchase your pass. Limited quantities are available, so don’t want too long. If the passes do not sell out before our first home game, they will be selling them at the gate.

Thank You For Your Support

Accomplishments on Commissioners’ Vote For A Reasonable Court YOUR VOICE. 2009 to present • Collection station: Orange County is recycling and with lower cost on regular garbage. • Roads in PCT 1: 12 miles of road repair. New roads Ben Mack road surfaced & Pine Bluff road. • Airport: Completed the runway extension project with grant money and installed taxiway light with grant money. Secured the airport with code access for entey. • Mosquito Control: Instrumental in hiring pilot for mosquito control aircraft. • Jail: Working with bidders on Bulk and Prescription medication delivery lowering the cost with better service. • Sheriff’s Department: 24 new patrol cars on the streets. • Grants: Over 48.5 million dollars in grant money over the past 3 years • New Buildings: - Shelter of last resort on FM 1442 (CHAMPS) - Judge Janice Menard - Adult Probation Building • Lowered the tax rate from 2011 to 2012 • Generators on Key buildings needed to operate the county. • County insurance health prescription plan: negotiated with Caremark to lower county prescription cost, saving the county over $70,000 the first year.


Fiscal Conservative YOUR VOTE.

I have leadership qualities that have been developed and nurtured from my childhood; qualities such as responsibility, accountability, self-discipline, optimism, common sense and community spirit. I believe that the job of a leader is to accomplish goals that advance the common good of the community, I am committed to serving the community that my family and I have lived in for 24 years. I hope I can count on your support for re-election as your County Commissioner Pct. 1. Thank You for Your Support, David L. Dubose

County Commissioner Pct. 1

The Record • Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Deaths and Memorials Clarence Dale Newton Orange Clarence Dale Newton, 69, of Orange, passed away surrounded by his loved ones at 4:20 p.m. on We d n e s d ay, Sept. 26 at Baptist Hospital in Beaumont from COPD and double pneumonia. He was born on July 22, 1943 in Lubbock and lived in the Orange and Bridge City area for 53 years. He was a tugboat captain for 42 years; he was also a roofer and a jack-of-all-trades. He married Linda “Granny” (Ricks) Newton in 1977 but divorced in 1986. Even though they were divorced, they continued to live together until his passing. He was the best father, husband and best friend to many. He was loved by all that knew him and he is now with his loved ones in heaven. He is preceded in death by his son, Edward Cason Sutton Netwon who passed away on Sept. 26, 2008. Those who live on to cherish his memory are sons, Charles, Chris, Shane and Jerry Newton; sisters, Debbie Charpenter, Judy Plaga and Deanna McBride; and brothers, Richard and Gary Don Walles. He wanted to be cremated so his remains could be spread on all of his loved one’s graves and spread over the Intercostal Canal.

Beverly Jo Bland Gary Orange Beverly Jo Bland Gary, 68, of Orange, died T h u r s d a y, Sept. 27, 2012. Graveside services will be 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 3, at Harris Cemetery in West Orange, with Father Steve Leger officiating. Born in Orange, on Dec. 8, 1943 at St. Francis Luther Hospital, Beverly was the daughter of Sherman and Dorothy Lee (Foreman) Bland. Beverly was an inspiration to us all. She had the will to live like no other. Up to her final breath, she fought with many illnesses, but in the end she went peacefully, surrounded by her loved ones. There was no other way out and the Dear Lord said “Come home, my child.” She was preceded in death by her parents, Sherman and Dorothy Bland; sister, Kathy Duckworth; and granddaughter, Ashley Bland Guillory. Beverly is survived by her sons, Micheal Bland of Orange, Ronnie Bland of Orange, and Sam Gary Jr. of Beaumont; daughter, Melissa Comeaux of Bridge City; nine grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. She is also survived by her sisters, Irene and Dorothy Bland; brothers, Steven, Glenn, and Gerald Bland; six nieces; seven nephews; and many friends who will miss her dearly. Our love will always be with you, your strength will always be with us. Thank you for showing us that even when life is rough, you never give up until the Lord is ready to take you home with Him. You’re a beloved mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend. You will truly be missed. The family would want to thank the staff of The Meadows and Mid Jefferson Extended Care for the loving care shown to our beloved one during her final journey on Earth.

1941, Sherry was the daughter of J.D. and Erney (Broussard) Bilbo. She was an register nurse at Orange Memorial working as a pediatric nurse. Then she received her Associate of Applied Science in Nursing from Lamar University in Beaumont then became a nursing instructor at Lamar State College - Port Arthur for many years until she retired. She was preceded in death by her parents; and brother-in-law, Wendell Smith. Sherry is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Troy and Veronica Johnson; daughter and son-in-law, DeeDee and Jimmy Windham, all of Orange; as well as her most precious grandchildren that she lived her life for, Lauryn and Lyndsey Windham and Valen and Luke Johnson. She is also survived by her sister, Darlene Smith; and many nieces and nephews. Serving as pallbearers will be Brandon Smith, Don McMullen, Brian Powell, Caleb Powell, Andrew McMullen and Wyatt Powell. Honorary pallbearers will be Claude Broussard and Al Baas. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Cure Starts Now foundation, 10280 Chester Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45215.

Clorine Marie Benoit Guidry Bridge City Clorine Marie Benoit Guidry, 86, passed away on Sept. 30, 2012 in Orange at the Orange Villa surrounded by her family. Funeral Services will be at 2 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 3, at Claybar Funeral Home in Bridge City with Brother Rob Tibbitts, of Crossroads Baptist Church in Vinton, La, officiating. Interment will follow at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens near Bridge City. Clorine was born on Oct. 2, 1926 in Breaux Bridge, La. to Gaulbert and Annie (Serett) Benoit. She lived most of her life in Bridge City. Clorine loved her family and loved to cook for them. She was a homemaker and enjoyed going shopping at Walmart.

She was preceded in death by her parents; her brother, Dewey Benoit; her husband, Delore Guidry and two grandchildren, James Guidry and Kylah Mahon. Clorine is survived by her nine children, Priscilla Babb and husband Conny, Wanda Cross, Diana Malone and husband Thomas, Marion Mahon and husband Milton, Kenneth Guidry and wife Elizabeth, Harry, Larry and Delore Jr. and Robert. Clorine was blessed with 21 grandchildren, 36 great grandchildren, and three great great grandchildren. She is also survived by her sister-in-law, Mildred Benoit of Breaux Bridge and numerous nieces and nephews. The family would like to extend a special Thank You to all the nurses and CNA’s at Orange Villa and The Meadows and the doctors and nurses and staff from Odyssey Hospice for all the love and care and comfort provided to Clorine. Their expert support was much appreciated.

Joyce Lee Gable Orange Joyce Lee Gable, 81, of Orange, died Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012, at Pinehurst Nursing and Rehab. Memorial services will be 2:00 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 6, at Harvest Chapel. Officiating will be Sister Ruth Burch. Cremation was performed under the direction of Claybar Haven of Rest Crematory.

Thomas Alfred Arnold Orange Thomas Alfred Arnold, 94, a beloved husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather and friend, went to be with our Lord Monday, Oct. 1, 2012. The family will receive friends from 5 until 8:00 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 4, at Claybar Funeral Home in Bridge City. The funeral service will be held Friday at 11 a.m., at St. Paul United Methodist Church with Pastor Brad Morgan officiating.

Interment will follow at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens. Tom was born on July 6, 1918 in Orange to Thomas Jordan and Myrtle Pharr Arnold. He was a lifelong member of St. Paul United Methodist church and maintained his commitment serving our Lord and Savior. He was preceded in death by his loving wife, of seventy-two years, Flora Lake Arnold; his sister, Eloise Arnold Ritter and one brother, Roy Rolston Arnold. He was a proud graduate of Texas A&M University, in the year of 1941. Tom left Aggie land to serve his country as an officer in the United States Army. Tom retired from Dupont Sabine River Works as a Maintenance Supervisor. Tom is survived by his three sons, William Thomas Arnold, Robert Glenn Arnold, Ronald James Arnold and one daughter, Sandra Sue Schiller. Tom had eight grandchildren, Marcy Lynn McHugh, Monica Cashion, Mark Thomas Arnold, Marlana Arnold Benda, David Arnold, Shanna Arnold Turner, Jonathan Ryan Arnold, and Christopher M. Schiller. Tom was also blessed with twenty-eight great grandchildren. Tom will always be alive in hearts of his loved ones and friends.

Helen F. Honeycutt Orange Helen F. Honeycutt, 84, of Orange, died Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012. Funeral services were held Sunday, Sept. 30, at Claybar Funeral Home in Orange with the Rev. T. J. Bordelon officiating. Burial followed at Orange Forest Lawn Cemetery in West Orange. Born in Hartburg, Texas, on June 19, 1928, Helen was the daughter of Milton Kirby and Gracie Helen (Brown) Kirby. She enjoyed spending time with her family, singing, gardening, and arranging flowers. Helen loved her church family at Cove Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Norris Lynn Honeycutt; brother, Milton Kirby; and

sister, Dorothy Williams. Helen is survived by her sons, Gary Honeycutt and wife Linda of Spring, Richard Honeycutt and wife Ginger of Flynn; grandchildren, Jason, Brandi, Jena, Jared, and Jake; and six greatgrandchildren. She is also survived by her sisters, Evie Linscomb, Mahalia Tynes, Louise Ashworth, and Nora Bergeaux.

Roy Dare Fregia Orange Roy Dare Fregia, 77, of Orange left this world surrounded by his family on W e d n e s d a y, Sept. 26, 2012. Funeral Services were held Saturday, Sept. 29, at Claybar Funeral Home Chapel in Orange with the Rev. K. Ray McDowell, pastor of First Church of the Nazarene, officiating. Burial followed at Orange Forest Lawn Cemetery in West Orange. Born in Mauriceville on Feb. 20 1935, Roy was the son of Leon Fregia Sr. and Eva (Touchet) Fregia. Roy retired from Rescar. He loved growing vegetables in his garden, then giving them away to his family and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; three brothers; five sisters; and one daughter, Regina. Roy is survived by his wife of 57 years, Virginia Ann Fregia of Orange; sons, Tony Fregia (Janet), Carl Fregia (Carol) and Gordy Fregia; daughter, Jan Foreman (Steve); sons, Roger Fregia (Beth) of Nashville, Tenn. David Fregia (Melissa) of Lum-

berton and Clint Fregia (Phyllis); fourteen grandchildren; seventeen great-grandchildren; sister, Bea Stanley of Nederland; and brother, Leon Fregia of Buna. He was a wonderful brother-in-law and best friend to Jimmy Penick and he loved his nieces like they were his own children. Tony Fregia, Carl Fregia, Gordon Fregia, Steve Foreman, Roger Fregia, David Fregia, Clint Fregia and Kirk Fregia served as pallbearers. Honorary pallbearers were his fourteen grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Texas Children’s Hospital, P.O. Box 300630 Ste. 5214, Houston, Texas 77230.

Ronnie D. Smith Jr Midwest City, Okla. Ronnie D. Smith Jr, passed away Sept. 25, 2012. He was born in Orange on Feb. 17, 1967, to Ronnie and Louise Smith. A viewing was held on Saturday, Sept. 29, at John M. Ireland Funeral Home in Moore, Okla. Cremation will be under the direction of John M. Ireland Funeral Home. He is preceded in death by his Grandmother, Sybil Smith, Grandfather William Smith and Papa J H Collins. Ronnie is survived by his parents, Louise and Ronnie D. Smith Sr. of Midwest City, Okla., formerly Bridge City; daughters, Lauren and Natalie of Beaumont, and son Ronnie (Trey) Smith III of Midwest City; three grandchildren, Josie, Brie and Riley; brother, Neal; and a host of relatives. Rest Well Little Brother, You Will Be Missed.






1864 Texas Ave, Bridge City



Sherry Lou Bilbo (Gram) Johnson West Orange Sherry Lou Bilbo (Gram) Johnson, 71, of West Orange died Sunday, Sept. 30, 2012, at her residence. A Mass of Christian Burial will be 10 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 3, at St. Mary Catholic Church in Orange with Father Joseph P. Daleo officiating. Burial will follow at St. Mary’s Cemetery on Meeks Drive in Orange. Born in Orange on May 30,

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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Orange County Church Directory First Baptist Church Orangefield

Salem United Methodist Church

9788 F.M. 105 Orangefield, 409-735-3113 Pastor Forrest Wood Sun.: Bible Study - 9:30 a.m., Worship Service - 10:30 a.m., Evening Worship- 6:30 p.m. Wed.: Midweek Meal- 5:30 p.m., Praise & Prayer - 6:30 p.m. Youth & Children Activities, 7:15 p.m. - Choir Practice Email: office@fbcof.com www.fbcof.com

402 W. John Ave. 409-883-2611 Is there something missing in your life? Are you seeking answers? Do you need a spiritual foundation? God’s got a Blessing with your name on it! Come worship with us! Henry Blackaby 11 a.m. Sunday morning Wacky Bible Study--Tuesday at noon Evening Bible Study--Wednesday--6 p.m. Studying “This Place Called Heaven” for the next weeks, beginning Sunday, July 22. Reverend Dr. Carolyn McCall, Pastor

St. Paul United Methodist Church 1155 W. Roundbunch Rd., Bridge City 409- 735-5546 Pastor Brad Morgan office@stpaulfamily.org Sun. Mornings: Worship Experience - 8:15 a.m.; Sunday School - 9:30 a.m.; Worship - 10:45 a.m. (Nursery provided at all services) For Mid & Sr. High Youth Sun. Afternoon: 3:30 to 6 p.m. Sun. Evening : Taizé Service - 7 p.m. For Children Ages 4–10 on Wednesday evening – 6 to 7 p.m. – JAM (Jesus & Me) Club

First United Methodist Church Orange 502 Sixth Street 886-7466 8 a.m. - Worship in Chapel 9 a.m. - Celebration Service in Praise Center 10 a.m. - Sunday School for all ages 11 a.m. - Worship in Sanctuary 5 p.m. - UMYF & Kids Pastor: Rev. John Warren Director of Music & Fine Arts: Doug Rogers Organist: Justin Sanders Director of Youth and Christian Education: Allisha Bonneaux www.fumcorange.org

Harvest Chapel 1305 Irving Street, Orange 409-882-0862 Ruth Logan Burch, Pastor Sun. Morning 10 & 11 a.m. Evening Service 6 p.m. Wednesday Service 6 p.m. Gospel Singing first Friday of the each month.

West Orange Christian Church 900 Lansing Street, W.O. 409-882-0018 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:40 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Evening - 6 p.m. “Our church family welcomes you!”

Echo Church 1717 FM 3247, Orange 409-735-8580 Pastor George A. Cruse Jr. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Praise & Worship Contemporary music! Come as you are!

Trinity Baptist Church 1408 W. Park Ave. @ 14th Street, Orange Office: 886-1333 Pastor Dr. Bob Webb Worship Leader Dan Cruse Sun. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Nursery Provided

Miracle Restoration Revivals Church 608 Dogwood St., Orange 409-883-5466 Residing Pastor Rev. Larry Doucet Founding Pastor Rev. Tunney Vercher Sr. Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday night Prayer Meeting 6:30 p.m. Wednesday night Bible Study 7 p.m.

Orange First Church of the Nazarene 3810 MLK Drive, Orange Lead Pastor: Ray McDowell Music Pastor: Bruce McGraw Youth Pastor: Michael Pigg Children’s Pastor: Marilyn Ball Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Celebration Service 10:45 a.m. Prayer Service: 6 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7 p.m. Everyone Welcome!

First Baptist Church of Bridge City 200 W. Roundbunch, BC Office: 409-735-3581 Fax: 409-735-8882 www.fbcbc.org Rev. Bob Boone, Pastor Sunday Schedule: Traditional Worship - 8:15 a.m.; Bible Study at 9:30 a.m.; Celebration Service - 10:45 a.m.; CSI, Youth Bible Study, Discipleship Classes - 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Schedule: Prayer Meeting - 6:30 p.m., Youth Worship “Living Stone”

Little Cypress Baptist presents “Hearing God’s Voice” the church is not trying to generate any funds with this event. All funds will go to the speakers. Friday the doors will open at 5 p.m. The presentation will be As part of Little Cypress Baptist Church’s 75 anniversary cel- from 7-9 p.m. Saturday the doors open at 8 a.m. with the event ebration, Drs. Henry and Tom Blackaby will be leading a “Hear- scheduled 9 a.m. To 3:15 p.m. The speakers will alternate. Turner said they are set up for 650 people in the main building with ing God’s Voice” conference Oct. 5– 6, at the church. Henry Blackaby is a well-known religious author that has an overflow of 300 and the old sanctuary. There will be breaks and an opportunity for people to have lunch, but it written several study books including “Experiwill not be provided by the church. Turner said they encing God,” which is been used by several local are not prepared to feed that many people. churches. Flyers about the event were sent to churches from The “Experiencing God” workbook is now pubLafayette, La. to Houston and from Courville to lished in 47 languages and is being used by almost Galveston; about 1600 churches. every denomination. Turner said they are praying for a large turnout Little Cypress Baptist’s Pastor David Turner said because they want people to be able to hear this Dr. Henry Blackaby has been instructing people message. Turner said this is a book that can be all around the world in various conferences and bought at bookstores or online, but the conference the United Nations on the subject of “Experiencwill give people the opportunity to hear the mesing God.” “That’s the name of the primary book sage in person from Blackaby. “Dr. Blackaby is in his he’s written although he’s written many, many, Henry Blackaby 80s,” said Turner. “His time for being able to travel others,” said Turner. “The book that he’s teaching across the country as a public speaker is probably here, this weekend, is ‘Hearing God’s Voice.’ Now it doesn’t have anything to do with hearing God with your ears,” fairly limited, so we really wanted everyone to have the opporsaid Turner. “It has to do with how you know you’re hearing tunity to meet him and enjoyed his ministry.” Henry Blackaby will also be preaching the Sunday morning from God, how you know the difference from your thoughts and when He’s the one speaking to you.” Turner said this is some- service at 10:30 a.m. Little Cypress Baptist will also hold regular thing Henry Blackaby is doing in his retirement. Blackaby used evening church services Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Blackaby will not be to be in charge of spiritual awakening for the entire Southern at the evening service. The church is located at 3274 Little Cypress Dr. Baptist convention. “For all the millions of Southern Baptist in For information about the conference itself or a map to the the world, that was his responsibility,” said Turner. Accompanying Blackaby will be his son, Dr. Tom Blackaby. location, go to the church Web site: www.LittleCypressBaptist. Tom runs his father’s international ministry. Turner said the fa- org. “When they go to the Web site, Henry Blackaby’s logo will be prominently displayed. They’ll be able to click on that and get ther and son team will take turns preaching this weekend. This is not a ticketed event, but love offerings will be collected the information they need,” said Turner. They can also contact during the event to cover expenses for the speakers. Turner said the church at 409-883-8905. Penny LeLeux For The Record


BRIEFS Henry Blackaby to hold conference at LC Baptist Church

Henry Blackaby, author of “Experiencing God” and other study books, will be the main speaker at the Regional Blackaby Conference hosted by the Little Cypress Baptist Church on Oct. 5-6. The two day session begins Friday, Oct. 5, from 6 to 9 p.m. The Saturday session begins at 9 a.m., and will include a break and lunch, ending at 3:15 p.m. Doors will open early for registration and seating is based on first come, first served. LCBC is located at 3274 Little Cypress Drive. For more information, call 409-883-8905.

First UMC to host MOPS The local Mothers of Preschoolers group (affectionately known as MOPS) invites you to join them one Tuesday a month 9:30 a.m. to noon September through May in the First United Methodist Church Praise Center located on the corner of 5th and Pine. MOPS is designed to nurture EVERY mother with children from infancy to kindergarten through guest speakers, mentor moments, creative activities, breakfast, discussion time, play groups and more.

Cowboy Church of Orange County 673 FM 1078 Orange 409-718-0269 E. Dale Lee, Pastor Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m. “Round Pen” (Small Group) Studies: Ladies & Men’s group: 7 p.m. Mondays, Come as you are! Boots & hats welcome!

To list your church, call 886-7183 or email news@therecordlive.com

Book signing, t-shirt sale Oct. 6 Joseph Henry, author of ‘Back to the Basics - It’s God’s Way or the Highway,’ will be doing a book signing and t-shirt sale from 4 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 6 at the Eagles Lodge and from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 8 at the Thrift and Gift Community wide sidewalk sale. For more information, please call Mr. Henry at 409-886-0075.

Church to host last Playday Buckle Series Cowboy Church of Orange County will be hosting its next Playday Buckles Series on Oct. 20. Events will be cloverleaf barrels, poles, straight barrels, and speed race. Buckles will be awarded for overall high point for each age group, also first, second and third place awards. Three of the four events and two of the three playdays must be completed to be eligible for the awards. Mutton bustin’ will also be awarded a buckle and prizes. Special classes include lead line and stick horse race with awards given also. All participants must compete in two of the three playdays to be eligible for awards. Sleeved shirt required, also current negative coggins and a signed release. For more information, contact Jackie at (409)423-9724, or visit the Cowboy Church of Orange County website.

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First Christian Church of Orangefield 4234 FM 408 (between BC & Orangefield) 409-735-4234 Minister Jim Hardwick Sunday School: 9 a.m.; Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday: Prayer & Bible Study 7 p.m. Nursery provided For a ride, call 735-4234

Members come from all walks of life, but share one desire---to be great moms! You don’t have to be a Methodist, just a mom. Free childcare is provided during meetings. For more information and dates, please contact FUMC Orange at 409-886-7466 or find more information on the web at www.mops.org or www. fumcorange.org.

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The Record • Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Recalling the events after Clay’s death

Clay Dunn

Roy Dunn

The pictures above of Roy and Clay Dunn were taken about the same time period, a couple of years before Clay died.

I’m putting the cart ahead of the horse by writing about dad’s death when I have so many stories to tell about his life that I plan to publish, when and if I get to them. He had deserted mom and I when I was just a baby. We fought poverty as mom and I did farm work and she was a wash lady, washing on , a scrub board and ironing with a sad iron. So it was, you can’t redo the past, you only recall it. Clay had used up his nine lives. He knew it. His death was a shock to everyone else. To all who knew him, he was bigger than life. He had beaten the odds time and again. The delay I experienced because of traveling through a snowstorm to reach the hospital had extended his life by two hours. He died on the operating table of what today would have been a simple laser procedure to remove a gallstone. My uncles had one of their pilots fly me home. The next day they picked Phyl and I up at College Station in their twin Bonanza. Dad’s funeral would be the next day. We gathered at Uncle Ernest’s mansion on President’s Row, in an exclusive part of Dallas. I was raised in a shotgun house with no conveniences and in extreme poverty. The wealth I as surrounded with was a culture shock. Even though Clay was a wealthy man, earning his wealth the hard way, there was no comparison to what these guys had accumulated. Knowing their background, their simple upbringing in northwest Texas under very difficult conditions, I couldn’t help but admire their drive to succeed. They had started in business with mule-drawn wagons, hauling the oil in barrels. We gathered in a large room at my Uncle Ernest’s house with dads brothers Carl, Hobby, Ellis and Ernest and their wives. For the most part, I didn’t know these people very well. The women were all second wives, considerable younger than their husbands. I don’t believe any Dunn, besides Phyl and I and my grandparents, Allen and Laura, ever had just one marriage. Ernest explained that several years ago, after a bad heart attack and under duress Clay had been coaxed into making a will and Earnest had been named executor. Clay was not a poor man and had holdings from Burleson to Orange County. When Dad signed the will that Jewel, Ernest’s wife, had dictated, she didn’t know about me. She knew in his condition, before he was transferred from one hospital to another, he needed a will. She asked Ralph Shanks, who was H.L. Hunt’s attorney, to prepare one. He did so as a favor, she said. Dunn Brothers and Hunt shared the same office building. She said she explained to Clay that he could change it whenever he got better. Well, Dad never did change it. Everything was left to his exwife, Judy, and her three nieces, whom they had partly raised. I got nothing; however, Ernest said Clay had give him his six-karat diamond ring to give to me, and he would do so when the estate was settled. I never got the ring either.

Dad’s last words kept running through my head, “You have two strikes against you; one is being my son, the other you’ll find out about.” That puzzling statement came to light with the reading of the will. He meant I would inherit his enemies but not his money. Privately, Uncles Ellis and Hobby, suggested that I should sue Ernest and the estate, explaining that Clay had already settled with his ex-wife years ago and I was his only heir I knew something that they didn’t however, before Dad and Judy separated he had put some Orange County property in my name, and I had purposely not transferred it back. Not even Clay was aware of that. So I wasn’t shut out altogether, even though it was only a drop in the bucket. Under threat of a lawsuit, I was able to buy the package store, restaurant and club on the Brazos River. I couldn’t afford the ranch, plus it was oil producing and I knew they wouldn’t separate from that. I had never had anything before that I didn’t earn. I’ve never been one to fret over anything I don’t have any control over. The inheritance, however, would have helped my family and I could have done something for Mom. I had to share in the blame. Dad wanted to change his will before he went into the operating room for surgery. He insisted I get him an attorney and I had insisted that wasn’t necessary. I slept little the night before Dad’s funeral. His last ride from an Irving Funeral Home to Sipe Springs, the place of his birth, was a long haul. After a short service at a small Methodist church in Rising Star where he had attended school, Clay was taken to the cemetery on the hill and laid to rest next to his parents. His Dad, Allen, had come to the territory from Arkansas after his father was killed during the Civil War. He was only 8 years of age when he traveled with his mom and aunt in a covered wagon to Texas. It was a new frontier. John Wesley Hardin, the notorious outlaw from the county of Comanche, wasn’t yet in his prime. I realized Clay wasn’t coming back when I looked back and

saw them throwing dirt in the hole. Clay had left behind quite a legend. He had given me more than material things. He passed on a pioneering spirit, good work ethic and some useful knowledge. Years later, on the date of his death, my eldest son Mark and I visited the gravesite of Dad and his folks. Everyone in his family had passed on. Mark had visited the cemetery several times in the last few years. It had been years since I had been back where so many of my roots are buried. I guess I’ve fared pretty well. I’m the only survivor, including the young wives. I found it ironic that Jewel, who was in charge of ordering Clay’s headstone, got the date of his death wrong. He died Feb. 19, but the marker is dated on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17. I chuckled at the mistake. Clay took great pride in being Irish, but even in death, his facts are distorted. He would have approved, even though St. Pat he was not.

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Saturday, October 6, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. • Space is limited, call 409.670.9799 to RSVP. Join Darrin Duling, Director of Mercer Arboretum & Botanic Gardens in Humble, Texas, in a visual journey to the Macae de Cima Forest Reserve in the mountains of Brazil. Learn about this tropical paradise, full of endangered orchids and other rare plants, Duling’s preservation efforts of the area and enjoy images of breath-taking vistas and flowers that still remain in this small portion of pristine rainforest. During Orchid Festival, visitors can also enjoy daily greenhouse tours, orchid-related programs and discussions throughout the week.

Located at 2111 W. Park Avenue in Orange, Texas. For more details, call 409.670.9113 or visit shangrilagardens.org. Shangri La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center is a program of the Nelda C. and H.J. Lutcher Stark Foundation. © 2012 Nelda C. and H.J. Lutcher Stark Foundation. All Rights Reserved.


• The Record • Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012

H Kaz’s Fearless




• WEST ORANGE-STARK over HARDIN-JEFFERSON: The Mustangs’ Chain-Gang defense continues to baffle each opponent as the season progresses. Last week Hamshire-Fannett was forced into five turnovers that resulted in points for the ‘Stangs. The Hawks have played creditable football and could be a good test for WO-S. • PORT NECHES-GROVES over LITTLE CYPRESS-MAURICEVILLE: Both teams were earlier victims of the Mustangs and are muchimproved since then. The Battlin’ Bears have been putting plenty of points on the scoreboard and will need that trend to continue in front of the home crowd Friday night. • JASPER over BRIDGE CITY: The Bulldogs have put down all but one opponent so far this season and are especially tough at home. The Cards came from behind to beat Buna in the fourth period last week and will hope that late KAZ’S FOOTBALL FORECAST


Bridge City Cardinal quarterback Daniel Faulk scampers for yardage as lineman Jordan Schamber looks to take out a Buna tackler. The Cardinals defeated Buna 28-24. RECORD PHOTO: Mark Dunn

WOS Mustang receiver J’Marcus Rhodes has a pass broken up by a HamshireFannett defender. The Mustangs shutout HF 44-0. RECORD PHOTO: Chris Gunn

Appointments are limited!

LCM Bear receiver Delton Doyle in action against Livingston. Doyle had 159 yards and two touchdowns in the 35-20 win over Coldspring-Oakhurst. RECORD PHOTO: Ty Manuel

Call Today!


• The Record • Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Orange County football squads in the thick of district battles Chris Menard

Sports Columnist For The Record

Week one of the season seems like it was just yesterday. You turn around and the find yourself right in the middle of the football schedule. There is definitely nothing locked down, but the hunt for the playoffs continues and the post-season picture might look a little more clear after this week. With district games commencing and teams ascending and descending up and down their respective win/loss columns, the view is slowly coming into focus. In Dist. 20-4A, the Little Cypress-Mauriceville Bears (1-3, 0-1) lost to Livingston 42-35 on Friday after winning the week before against Coldspring. Alex Sezer and Delton Doyle each had two touchdowns and Sezer topped 100 yards on the day, but Livingston managed to keep the game out of reach as the Battlin’ Bears went down swinging. In a battle that saw no lost fumbles, very few penalties

LCM Bear receiver Delton Doyle catches a pass against ColdspringOakhurst. RECORD PHOTO: Ty Manuel

and only two interceptions; Coach Crouch and the Bears played hard but saw the opponent’s offense get one more touchdown to make it a twoscore deficit. The LCM Bears are hosting the PNG Bulldogs Friday at 7:30 p.m., and they’ll look to get back to winning after the slow start to the season. Last Friday the Orangefield Bobcats (1-4, 0-1) fell to Silsbee 48-7. This was Coach Josh Smalley’s first district game as a head coach and he finds himself chalking up a loss. Running back Carl Wiley had the team’s only score on the day and rushed for over a hundred yards, but it wasn’t enough as Silsbee managed to limit Orangefield’s offensive production for nearly the entire game. The Bobcats get to play Hamshire-Fannett on the road this Friday, fresh off of a beat down by the WOS Mustangs. The Bobcats will be looking to deal out a little punishment as the team continues to try and build momentum throughout the remainder of the year. The Bridge City Cardinals (2-2, 1-0) had a rough

first two quarters against the Buna Cougars in the Dist. 213A season opener last Friday night. Bridge City was down 24-6 at the half, but came roaring back for the win, scoring 22 unanswered points in the final quarters, making the final score 28-24. It was a big-time victory for a squad that definitely did not want to lose to the Cougars, and find themselves starting off district play with a loss. Cardinal running back, Ashton Hunter lead the way with 219 yards on 19 carries, as the offense finally started clicking. Coach Cris Stump and the boys will have their hands full this week when they hit the road to face a tough Jasper Bulldogs team Friday at 7 p.m. Meanwhile, Coach Thompson and the West OrangeStark Mustangs (5-0, 1-0) opened up their district contest by dominating the Ham-

shire-Fannett Longhorns, 44-0. The notorious Mustang “Chain Gang’ defense intercepted three passes for the fourth shutout this season and took one of those back for the touchdown. Mustang quarterback, Jimmy Salter had quite a game. He accounted for five touchdowns total; two running scores and three through the air. The Mustangs have another district match-up this Friday at 7 p.m. against Hardin-Jefferson. Don’t expect WOS to let up at all as the team continues to will itself to victory. Another week down and another step closer to the promised land. See you on the field.

Mustang mania fueled by ‘Chain Gang’ Meri Elen Jacobs Mustang Insider For The Record

Although it took the Mustangs the first quarter to get up and going, they walked away with their third shut-out of the season with a 44-0 win over the Hamshire-Fannett Longhorns. “We started out slowly but we picked up speed after the first quarter and played better,” Head Coach Cornel Thompson said. “We were on them in pregame to not be distracted by all of the Pink Out. We just weren’t concentrating on what we were doing.” But once the Mustangs

started picking up steam, they didn’t stop until quarterback Jimmy Salter kneeled the ball with just a few seconds left in the game. The Longhorns were the first to threaten to score. Late in the first quarter, on fourth down, Hamshire-Fannett attempted a field goal but came away with nothing when the kick sailed wide right. That was the last time that the ‘Horns would come close to scoring, even though they finished with 174 offensive yards. “We gave up too many yards on the defensive side of the ball,” Thompson said. “We won the game, but we are looking at the future not the

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now. We have to get better every game.” Mustang kicker Rodickson Cano came up with the first score of the game, booting a 34-yarder to put WO-S up, 3-0 in the second quarter. The Mustangs broke loose after that scoring two more touchdowns before the half. Salter had an 8-yard quarterback keeper after a bad Longhorn punt snap gave the Mustangs great field position. On their next possession, on fourth down, the Mustangs went for it and Salter was able to connect with receiver Quentin Tezeno for a 36-yard score. Both of Cano’s PATs were good and the Mustangs headed to the

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locker room, up 17-0. Although the Longhorns got the ball first, it didn’t take long for receiver J’Marcus Rhodes to hit pay dirt for six, after having a beautiful touchdown pass called back before the half for holding. Tezeno put the game out of reach when he picked off Hamshire-Fannett’s Dante Smith and took it 25 yards for his second touchdown of the game. “Although we made mistakes and our offensive and defensive line was inconsistent at times, we were still in much better shape than they were,” Thompson said. MUSTANG MANIA PAGE 3B

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The Record • Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012


New skipper named, old refs return make headlines Kaz’s Korner Joe Kazmar

For The Record The last couple of days in September provided the breaking of some long-awaited sports news as the Houston Astros’ hierarchy finally sent puffs of white smoke over Minute Maid Park and named Marquis Donnell “Bo” Porter as their new manager while the National Football League invited (begged) its locked out game officials to return as soon as possible. In Porter, the Astros are getting a man who had a difficult time while growing up deciding whether he’d rather be a baseball or football player. He solved that dilemma by playing and starring in both sports in high school and in college.

He brings to the Astros the mentality of a hard-nosed defensive back plus the overall knowledge of baseball from the high school, collegiate and professional levels. The Newark, N.J. native who has made his home in Fort Bend County Texas for the past 15 years, Bo was all-state in football, baseball and even basketball. He was an outfielder and a defensive back at Iowa University where he was All-Big-10 in both sports and was named defensive MVP as a senior for the Hawkeyes. He picked up his nickname “Bo” in tribute to two-sport standout Bo Jackson, from his skill in both baseball and football. Porter was a three-year football letterman

Mustang ‘Chain Gang’ defense records another shutout.

Mustang mania Before the third quarter was over, Rhodes took another one to the house, a seven yard pass from Salter that put the score at 38-0. The Mustangs only hit the end zone one time in the fourth quarter when Salter carried the ball 13 yards for the score. But as Thompson said, the Mustangs have to look to the future and the future is this Friday night in Sour Lake with a match-up against the 3-1 Hardin Jefferson Hawks. “Hardin Jefferson has a new attitude and has to play the full 48 minutes in all four games they have played,” Thompson said. “Every game has been close so their conditioning should be good.” The Hawks lost to Anahuac in the first game of the season, 19-22 but have won the last three, beating Splendora in overtime, 27-20, beating Tarkington, 16-14, and finally winning against East Chambers in a close race, 14-13. Hardin Jefferson is lead by quarterback Jerrod Gieske, who led the team last year but according to Thompson, is much improved and likes to run the ball. Split end Andy Martel, who played as a freshman is a threat at split end while Dylan Mannoy plays at the slot receiver position. Both Martel and Mannoy also play on defense. Coy Draper is handles the running back responsibilities. The defense is a 4-3 unit, led by middle linebacker Mason McCarble and their entire secondary is returning from last year. The game, which starts at 7 p.m. at Hawk Stadium in Sour Lake, will not have ticket presales at the WO-S athletic office due to the 3A classification. All tickets have to be purchased the night of the game at their gate. Ticket prices are $4 for Adults and $2 for students. The Mustangs were successful in beating ALL of the HF Longhorns this past week. The freshmen team probably had the biggest win,

for Lone Star State legend Hayden Fry before embarking on an 18-year career in professional baseball that included parts of three years in the major leagues as a player and six seasons as a big-league coach. After college Bo played five years in the Chicago Cubs organization with a brief 24-game stint in the majors in 1999. In 2000 he was the final player cut from the Oakland Athletics’ roster after spring training and was assigned to Class AAA Sacramento. He had a 15-game stay with the A’s in 2000 and in 2001 spent 48 games with the Texas Rangers, according to last Friday’s edition of The Houston Chronicle.



From Page 2B

beating a Longhorn team who hadn’t lost a game in nineteen games. They posted a 36-16 win, but were the only team that the Longhorns scored on. JaDarrius Thompson had a 3-yard run and a 10-yard run for scores. Quarterback Maliki Hodge had a 40-yard TD pass to Thomas Wallace and a 30-yard pass to Wallace for scores. He also had 3 PAT scores with passes to Peyton Robertson (two) and Colby Colbert. Jovontae Johson also scored on a five yard run. Offensive standouts were Wallace, Hodge, Johnson, Robertson, Thompson and Tristan Scott. Defensive standouts were David Webb, Thompson, Octaviun Rhodes and Eric Cormier. The JV team won, 34-0. Dillon Sterling scored on a 17-yard pass from Jermaine Mitchell. Josh Tims returned a 10-yard interception for a touchdown and Jordan Richard scored the PAT on a run. Richard scored again on a 35-yard pass from Mitchell and Dee Wolfford scored on a 55-yard interception. Richard also ran that two-point conversion in. Sterling scored the last touchdown on a one yard run and Trey Baldwin scored the two point conversion. Outstanding offensive players were Baldwin-great blocking and running and Rashaan Wilson-great blocking. Defensive standouts were Tims with 2 interceptions, one for a touchdown, Wolfford with one interception for a touchdown and Troy Brinson with one interception. The ninth grade team will play Silsbee on Thursday at 5 p.m. with the JV to follow against Hardin Jefferson. Both will play at the WO-S Middle School field. Please come out and support the teams and also remember, if you are early to the football game, the volleyball team will be playing the Lady Hawks in the gym at Hardin Jefferson High School.

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Off the field Bo developed a side career as a motivational speaker, accompanying Sharon Robinson—the daughter of Jackie Robinson— to elementary schools promoting her father’s values and to discuss his own difficulties in learning to overcome a speech impediment. “His style is his biggest asset,” explained Astros General Manager Jeff Luhnow. “He’s a natural-born leader, very charismatic. He can get the best out of people, and that is what we found most compelling. He generates energy, and when he comes into a room, people are drawn to him.”

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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Kaz’s Fearless Football Forecast From Page 1B

momentum carries over Friday night in this non-district contest. ORANGEFIELD over HAMSHIRE-FANNETT: Both teams ran into buzz saws last week and are ready to rebound and get back into the district race. The Bobcats won’t have an easy time of it, but hopefully will play well on the road this week. VIDOR over BEAUMONT OZEN: This is a very important contest for the Pirates, after suffering their first loss of the season last week. They are still very much in the playoff picture and could still be the district champions if they pick up where they left off before last week. DEWEYVILLE over WEST HARDIN— This will be the final tune-up for the Pirates before the tough district schedules kicks in. They need to continue doing the things that have produced those earlier victories. ORANGE COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN over BRENHAM CHRISTIAN— The Lions got back to their winning ways last week at Brazosport and seem to do quite well on the road. VINTON over ROSEPINE—The Lions got humbled 34-0 last week at Kinder and return to the friendlier confines of Lion Stadium for this district contest in hopes of leveling their season record at 3-3 and getting a district victory under their belts. NORTHWESTERN STATE over LAMAR—This should be a pretty close game, but the Cards must travel to Natchitoches to face the Demons who lost last week in Lake Charles. HIGH SCHOOL—Silsbee over Buna, Beaumont Central over Lumberton, Nederland over Livingston, Port Arthur Memorial over Channelview, Anahuac over Hardin, Newton over Kirbyville, East Chambers over Warren, Woodville over Kountze, Concordia Lutheran over Beaumont Kelly, Beaumont Legacy over Evadale, Hull-Daisetta over Galveston O’Connell, West Sabine over Burkeville, Colmesneil over Sabine Pass, Brenham over Willis, Crosby over New Caney, Dayton over Kingwood Park, Humble Summer Creek over C.E. King, Barbers Hill over Humble, Cleveland

over Splendora, Coldspring over Tarkington, Huffman over Liberty. COLLEGE—Arkansas State over Florida International, Central Florida over East Carolina, USC over Utah (all Thurs.); BYU over Utah State (Fri.); Sam Houston State over Stephen F. Austin, Central Arkansas over Nicholls State, UAB over Southeastern Louisiana, Texas over West Virginia, TCU over Iowa State, Oklahoma over Texas Tech, Kansas State over Kansas, New Mexico over Texas State, Houston over North Texas, Texas A&M over Ole Miss, Memphis over Rice, UTEP over SMU, Grambling State over Prairie View, Alabama State over Texas Southern, Air Force over Navy, Bowling Green over Akron, Alabama A&M over Mississippi Valley State, Alcorn over Southern, Stanford over Arizona, Auburn over Arkansas, Arkansas-Pine Bluff over Jackson State, Boston College over Army, Northern Illinois over Ball State, Boise State over Southern Mississippi, Ohio over Buffalo, UCLA over California, Toledo over Central Michigan, Cincinnati over Miami, O., Clemson over Georgia Tech, Fresno State over Colorado State, Rutgers over Connecticut, Duke over Virginia, Kent State over Eastern Michigan, LSU over Florida, Florida State over North Carolina State, South Carolina over Georgia, Hawaii over San Diego State, Idaho over New Mexico State, Wisconsin over Illinois, Michigan State over Indiana, Mississippi State over Kentucky, Louisiana-Lafayette over Tulane, Middle Tennessee State over Louisiana-Monroe, Louisiana Tech over UNLV, Tulsa over Marshall, Maryland over Wake Forest, Western Michigan over Massachusetts, Notre Dame over Miami, Michigan over Purdue, Missouri over Vanderbilt, Ohio State over Nebraska, Nevada over Wyoming, North Carolina over Virginia Tech, Northwestern over Penn State, Oregon over Washington, Oregon State over Washington State, Syracuse over Pittsburgh, South Florida over Temple. PRO PICKS— St. Louis over Arizona (Thursday Night Upset Special); Baltimore over Kansas City, Atlanta over Washington, Pittsburgh over Philadelphia, Green Bay over Indianapolis, NY Giants over Cleveland, New Orleans over San Diego, Cincinnati over Miami, Seattle over Carolina, Chicago over Jacksonville, San Francisco over Buffalo, Minnesota over Tennessee, Denver over New England; Houston at NY Jets (Monday Night). Bye week for Dallas, Detroit, Oakland and Tampa Bay.

Triangle tail chasers cap very good year After a solid week of perfect weather, the Triangle Tail Chasers were greeted with ugly weather Saturday morning for their final event of the year. With the club championship on the line, however, a little thing like wind and driving rain was nothing more than a minor inconvenience. When all was said and done, J. Rod Broussard and Freddie Frederick posted a 24.88 pound catch to take top honors for the day. Robby Trahan and son, Justin finished second with 23.47 pounds and narrowly missed winning the club championship in the process. Each team can weigh in two reds, two trout and two flounder. Judging by the picture I saw on a cell phone it was a pair of huge flounder that earned Broussard and Frederick the biggest check. Clyde Mordica and his son, Clyde, finished third with 17.88 pounds. They added to their winnings when the youngest Mordica won the side pot for heaviest slot red with an 8.76-pound fish. Steven Havard and Kory Earp finished fourth with 17.12 pounds and the team of Jim Oliff and Bobby James finished in fifth place with 16.26 pounds. Three of the teams managed to fill out their six fish slams. With the “Team of the year” championship

still up for grabs going into the final event, Havard and Earp held off the Trahans by a narrow 5 point margin. Based on the best four of five tournaments, the champions finished with 402 points. The top four teams all finished with 383 points or better! Cody Livermore and Justin Morgan posted the heaviest stringer of the year in the second tournament with 27.70 pounds. Aside from the fact that they apparently only schedule their events on bad weather days even months in advance, the club has proven to be a big hit with area bay fishermen. The past year was a huge success not only from a competitive stand point, but from a learning stand point as well. The club hosts monthly meetings that often feature guest speakers and affords the members the opportunity to share information as well. To join up, contact Michael Braxton or Damon Silva or just look them up on Facebook. Their web site is triangletailchasers.com. Brad Deslatte just returned from a trip to Lake Falcon and he was amazed that the rest of his group considered the trip to just be so-so. He said the lake was really low, but they just caught a bunch of nice bass for four days on crankbaits. “They had all fished Falcon before and I think they were upset that we weren’t catch-

Cont. on page 5B

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9/26/12 2:57 PM

The Record • Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Practice time on the range spells success in the field It happens every year at this time, they come in huge numbers with that panicked look of “I am way behind schedule” etched all over their faces. They scurry to the shooting table with a rifle that has not seen daylight since last hunting season or a cleaning kit since who knows when? As they line up and start blasting away at the down range targets each one hopes that they can just put together a group that will kill a deer. Invariably these groups are sloppy and unpredictable at best, not even close to what the hunter and his weapon are capable of but they are acceptable for the time being. Then all at once the rifles are tucked away in their protective cases and stowed in the hunters vehicle never to be looked at again until opening morn-

Colburn: From page 4B

Eight year old Jordan Ellisor said they don’t have redfish in Huntsville!

ing double digit bass every cast, but we did get our shots at some huge fish and that is all you can ask,” said Deslatte. “I don’t consider it to be slow when you can catch 25 bass from 5 to 7 pounds in less than two hours!” He also said that they fished both sides of the

ing. Now these hunters are the same ones that have been feeding, scouting, plotting, and planning for months in preparation for the opening of deer season. The same hunters who have 4-wheelers or 4-wheel drives that are more show than go. They also have the latest and greatest camo, tree stands, blinds, and gadgets on the market. Now what’s wrong with the picture? The most important element of the process has been the most neglected, their weapon. Easily the most overlooked element in shooting sports today is the lack of practice or familiarity with ones weapon. It could be archery, shotguns, rifles, or handguns, most people simply do not shoot enough to become proficient in the field under hunting conditions. Archers spend lots of time shooting at targets

and learning how their set ups perform because they can shoot just about anywhere, gun hunters on the other hand have to get to a range which takes a little more effort. In general most hunters are guilty of not shooting enough rounds through their weapons. Wing shooters greatly benefit from practice sessions on the skeet or trap range, the actual sharpened skills they develop not only make them better hunters it also makes time in the field much more enjoyable. Missing shot after shot is not many hunters idea of a good time. Rifle hunters need to spend some time at the range getting comfortable with their chosen caliber and learning what both they and their guns are capable of doing. Once they have their gun dialed in and shooting well from the bench

it is important to take some practice shots from different positions that simulate hunting conditions. The more prepared you are as a hunter the more successful you will be in the field. Another often overlooked aspect of shooting is keeping your weapon clean. Neglected guns will not shoot nearly as well, rifle barrels that have build up in them will cause “flyers” or shots that stray off the mark dramatically. Proper care and maintenance can keep you gun shooting like new for many years. Take some time before opening weekend gets here and hit the range, you owe it to yourself and the game you pursue to be the best shot you can possibly be. The extra practice will pay off big in the long run.

lake with no problems at all. He added that the netters were extremely friendly and even cut their own nets to help them retrieve snagged crankbaits. He didn’t catch the bass he was looking for, but he already has plans for a return trip in the near future. The rain finally caught up with us Saturday, but we really had a good week on Sabine before it got here. The fog was a problem each morning, but the wind never hurt us and we were able to fish all over the lake. Catching solid trout was a challenge, but we just caught the heck out of redfish every day. You did not need any help from the gulls to catch fish. As a matter of fact, the gulls only attracted other fishermen. I feel pretty sure that all of the folks I saw taking advantage of the easy bite had their favorite lure, but we did very well all week long with a Tidal Surge Split tail in pumpkin chartreuse or glow chartreuse. Any time the bite slowed down we quickly

found them again crawling a Hoginar across the bottom. We did have one very good day on 15 to 18 inch trout for no apparent reason after catching hundreds in the 12 to 14-inch class the previ-

ous three days. We changed tactics and drifted while dredging tails across the bottom in eight feet of water. The recent light cold front could change things, but we won’t know until we go!

Saturdays, Sundays and Thanksgiving Friday


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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Kaz’s Korner

From Page 3B

The 40-year-old Porter will be the 17th manager in Astros’ history and only the franchise’s second black manager. And he will become the youngest manager in the major leagues next season. The straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back in the lockout of NFL game officials was the touchdown call on the last play of last week’s Monday Night Football game at Seattle between the Seahawks and the Green Bay Packers that turned what looked like a 12-7 Green Bay victory into a 14-12 Packer loss to the delight of the overflowing crowd of Seahawks’ fans. Many thought the ruling of a Seattle touchdown instead of a Green Bay interception was botched, and the airways were abuzz with replays and comments and pleading for the two sides to come together and get the real refs back on the field. The arbitration began early Tuesday morning between the NFL and the referees’ representatives to end the labor dispute that created three weeks of increasingly chaotic games run by replacement game officials. The action was swift and by Wednesday, word was out that the replacement refs were being replaced by the real ones starting with last Thursday night’s game between the Baltimore Ravens and the Cleveland Browns. By late Wednesday both sides had a contract calling for refs’ salaries to increase from an average of $149,000 a year in 2011 to $173,000 in 2013 and rising to $205,000 by 2019.

Beginning with 2013 season, the NFL will have the option to hire a number of officials to work year-round. The NFL also can retain additional officials for training and development and assign those officials to work games. The number of additional officials will be determined by the league, according to The Associated Press. The referees met for about 90 minutes Friday night to go over the contract and then gathered for another 30 minutes Saturday morning before approving the contract. Because they were aware of the financial stipulations, most of the discussion by referees involved non-economic issues such as year-round work and developmental squads. The NFL will allow current refs to keep their pensions through 2016, after which they will be dumped into a 401(k) plan. For newly-hired refs, a pension is no longer an option. The league approved a new eight-year contract with the referees with a 112-5 vote Saturday and the refs then scrambled to the various airports to get to the location of their assigned games Sunday and Monday. KWICKIES…Bridge City native and 10-year NFL veteran Matt Bryant was one of four kickers to win games for their respective teams Sunday. The former Baylor star booter put a 40-yarder through the uprights as time expired keeping his Atlanta Falcons undefeated with a 30-28 come-from-behind victory over the gritty Carolina Panthers. Bryant also kicked one from 33 yards with 4:57 remaining in the game to reduce the Falcons’ deficit to 28-27. Also coming through with the crucial game-winning kicks were Jay Feely from 46 yards to give Arizona a 24-21 overtime victory over the Miami Dolphins and remain undefeated. Washington’s Billy Cundiff booted a 41-yarder with three seconds left to give the Redskins a 24-22 win over Tampa When The Products Are Similar, The Dealer Makes The Difference.

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Bay and Philadelphia’s Alex Henery kicked a 26-yard field goal with less than two minutes left to give the Eagles a hard-fought 19-17 win over the New York Giants. The Giants’ Lawrence Tynes missed two tries from 54-yards with 15 seconds left that would have given New York the upset win. And while on the subject of undefeated NFL teams, we must mention the Houston Texans, who annihilated the former Houston Oiler franchise now operating under Bud Adams in Tennessee 38-14 at Reliant Stadium in Houston Sunday. This marks the first time a franchise in Houston has started the season 4-0, including the Oilers back in the AFL days. One of the biggest disappointments in the world of golf occurred last weekend when the United States entered the final day of the Ryder Cup Sunday enjoying a comfortable 10-6 lead, with the Europeans coming back to win 14 ½ to 13 1/2 –matching the largest Sunday comeback in Ryder Cup history. Not winning big over a no-name football school cost the LSU Tigers for the second week in a row as they won 38-22 at home over Towson Saturday but dropped one slot again this week to No. 4 in this week’s Associated Press Top 25 College Football Poll. Alabama and Oregon retained their respective top two positions, Florida State moved up one spot to No. 3, while No. 5 Georgia, No. 6 South Carolina and No. 7 Kansas State all remained unchanged. West Virginia moved up one spot to No. 8 and Notre Dame and Florida each moved up one notch to round out the Top 10. Texas moved up one spot to No. 11 while TCU remained at No. 15. JUST BETWEEN US…It’s hard not to brag about my 15-yearold grandson, Logan Smith of Lufkin, who pitched a no-hit, norun baseball game last Sunday in Baytown while playing in a weekend fall tournament for the 16-years-and-under East Texas Select Baseball Team. His team won 9-0 over a team from the Dallas area which was called after five innings due to the time limit on tourney games. He struck out eight batters and walked only one and attributes his mound success to using an assortment of fast balls, sliders and change-ups. Ironically, he plays third base when he’s not pitching just like his grandfather did and even wears No. 10 on his uniform, the number I wore on my New York State uniform when we won the 1954 Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pa. I also wore No. 10 all four years at McNeese State.


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The Record • Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012 • 7B

Lamar recognized as military-friendly school

Lamar University was recently added to the 2013 list of military-friendly schools by G.I. Jobs magazine. The military-friendly school designation places Lamar in the top 15 percent of all colleges, universities and trade schools nationwide that have successfully integrated service members into their campus and online offerings. “We are excited to announce that Lamar University is currently reaching out to more military service members than ever before,” said Ashley Sheehan, LU coordinator of military programs. Sheehan said that significant behind-the-scenes effort went into implementing the process to initiate military recruitment and comply with tuition assistance programs. “In 2009, we started to see a trend of service members wanting to come to Lamar,” said Willie Broussard, LU associate director of academic partnerships. “Many of them had tuition assistance to pay for their education, but we didn’t have the proper pro-

cesses in place to be able to accept the tuition assistance from the government.” “There are many rules and regulations the military has placed on those using tuition assistance,” said Sheehan. “So, it was important for us to figure out what they were and to make sure we were in compliance with them so that our military students would continue to get financial assistance.” Financial assistance is open to active service members only. Service members can take advantage of online courses or faceto-face classes offered at Lamar. “When we say ‘active’ we mean Reserve and National Guard as well,” said Sheehan. “As long as they are currently serving in some capacity, they qualify. If they’re getting tuition assistance they’re eligible for the discounts Lamar has agreed to give them on tuition, which is significant. It makes their education much more affordable.”

Infant deaths prompt doctors’ outcry: ‘Get the Shot!’ Babies are dying in Texas — deaths that health officials say can be prevented. At last count, six children have died of pertussis, or whooping cough, in Texas this year. More than 1,000 cases of the disease have been diagnosed in 2012, according to the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). The six deaths so far this year are the most for a single year since 2005. Five of the six who died were babies too young to be vaccinated against whooping cough, meaning someone — family, friends, or even health care workers near the infants — likely unknowingly passed the germ to the child. Often an adult or older child may not know he or she has whooping cough. Their symptoms usually are less severe than in infants and may seem like just a cough. “Anytime an infant dies from a vaccine-preventable disease, it’s a tragedy,” said Jason Terk, MD, chair of the Texas Medical Association (TMA) Council on Science and Public Health, and member of TMA’s Be Wise — ImmunizeSM physician advisory panel. “People around the baby need to get the shot to protect

AARP Tax-Aide seeks Texas volunteers AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, the nation’s largest free, volunteer-run tax preparation and assistance service, is seeking volunteers across the state to help Texas taxpayers who are seeking assistance preparing and filing their 2012 tax returns. Volunteers do not need to be an AARP member or retiree to participate. Tax-Aide is particularly in need of volunteers who are bilingual in English and Spanish to support the increasing number of Spanishspeaking taxpayers seeking assistance.After receiving free training, AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers help taxpayers of all ages, learning new skills while giving back to their communities. “In 2012, Texans who took advantage of the free tax service provided by the AARP Tax-Aide program received more than $35 million in common tax credits. These, along with other deductions, resulted in just around $100 million in refunds, most of which finds its way back into the local Texas economies,” said Texas Western Regional Coordinator Ron Craig.Last year, more than 1,700 Tax-Aide volunteers in 300 sites helped over 157,000 taxpayers across the state. They join over 35,000 Tax-Aide volunteers across the country, helping millions of taxpayers each year. AARP Foundation is working to win back opportunity for struggling Americans 50+ by being a force for change on the most serious issues they face today: housing, hunger, income and isolation. By coordinating responses to these issues on all four fronts at once, and supporting them with vigorous legal advocacy, the Foundation serves the unique needs of those 50+ while working with local organizations nationwide to reach more people and make resources go further. AARP Foundation is a charitable affiliate of AARP. Learn more at www.aarpfoundation.org.

themselves from the disease, thereby protecting the child who is defenseless against it.” Babies cannot receive their first pertussis vaccine until they are 2 months old, and they are not fully protected until they receive multiple doses, usually when they reach 15 to 18 months. Pertussis is commonly called whooping cough because of the distinctive “whoop” sound an infected patient makes when he or she gasps for air between coughs. Pertussis booster vaccine is recommended for all adolescents and adults, especially those in contact with newborns. The term for vaccinating those who might be near newborns is “cocooning,” as in wrapping the baby in a protective cocoon against disease. “Pregnant women certainly should get the vaccine during late pregnancy, but really everyone who will be in contact with the infant should be immunized,” said C. Mary Healy, MD, a consultant to TMA’s Committee on Maternal and Perinatal Health, who has advocated cocooning against pertussis for several years. Dr. Healy, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at Texas Children’s Hospital, suggests

people get the shot at least two weeks before they will be near the newborn. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and DSHS recommend expectant mothers get the pertussis vaccine any time after 20 weeks’ gestation.Dr. Healy added that health care and child care workers should get this vaccine as well. TMA’s Be Wise ¯ Immunize program, a joint initiative led by TMA physicians and the TMA Alliance volunteer organization, has given Texas children and adolescents more than 234,000 shots since the program began in 2004. Funding for Be Wise — Immunize is provided by the TMA Foundation, TMA’s philanthropic arm, thanks to generous support from H-E-B and TMF Health Quality Institute, and


gifts from physicians and their families. TMA is the largest state medical society in the nation, representing nearly 46,000 physician and medical student members. It is located in Austin and has 120 component county medical societies around the state. TMA’s key objective since 1853 is to improve the health of all Texans.




“Our reputation at Lamar has always been a quality education at an affordable price, even before we entered into the military market,” said Broussard. “I think that by us providing this for the military service members it gives them the opportunity to take advantage of the quality education we provide.” Sheehan said that the current population of military students Lamar is currently serving is not too large, but growth is expected because she is readily available and willing to help the service members as much as possible. “Our office can assist the enrollment process by being the liaison between their various academic departments and the financial aid office,” said Sheehan. “Whatever they need help with, I’m here.” For more information about military service recruitment contact Ashley.sheehan@lamar.edu or call (409) 880-2138.


• The Record • Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cooking with Katherine: Katherine Aras

Wide-eyed owl cupcakes

Don’t you think this weather is just wonderFor The Record ful? Don’t get me wrong, I just love the summer months but sure am ready for those cool, crisp mornings to stick around for awhile. I found these cute little owl cupcakes and thought how great they would look for your guest. Hope you can find a cute tree or maybe make one out of papier mâché to stack them on because who just wouldn’t love them? That would be a fun project for sure! Hope you enjoy and happy eating!!! 1 pkg. (18-1/4 oz.) cake mix of your choice 1 can (16 oz.) vanilla frosting 24 peanut butter cream filled sandwich cookies 1/2 cup of froot Loops 1/4 cup of chocolate frosting 48 Rye crackers

Assorted candies; candy corn, butterscotch Or chocolate chips, Rye crackers Prepare and bake cake batter according to package directions for cupcakes; cool completely. Frost cupcakes with vanilla frosting On each sandwich cookie, attach Fruit Loops with chocolate frosting for eyes. Cut off yellow end from candy corn. With chocolate frosting, attach candy corn for beaks and butterscotch chips for ears. Cut a slit in each cupcake and carefully insert cookie owls. For wings, press rye crackers into white frosting. Yield: two dozen.


Announcements Congratulations Tami!

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Tami Allen graduated from Lamar State College-Orange as a state-board certified dental assistant. Mrs. Allen is currently employed at Horizon Dental in Orange. Her husband, David and her son, Jacan, her family and friends cheered as Tami was recognized with cum laude honors. We are so proud of Tami’s accomplishments toward her present career. She has always set her goals high and achieved success with a generous, loving and joy-filled spirit. Mrs. Allen is the youngest daughter of Donald Broussard of Orangefield and Cecilia Broussard of Orange. “We love you, Tami!”

Irene ‘Dina’ Seelbach to celebrate 100th birthday

My name is Jack Huffman, a native of Orange, and I want you to join me in celebrating the 100th year anniversary of my Aunt Dina. Irene “Dina” Seelbach graduated from Orange High School in 1931 and she is now the oldest living member of the McDonald Memorial Baptist Charter Committee. She is currently living in Henderson, Texas and is the wife of the late Stroud Seelbach. Dina’s children will be hosting a birthday celebration from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 6 at First Baptist Church Family Life Center, located at 207 West Man in Henderson. No gifts please.

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The Record • Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012 • 9B


• Just $10 For A 30 Word Ad In Both Papers And The Web • Classified Newspaper Deadline: Monday 5 P.M. For Upcoming Issue • You Can Submit Your Ad ANYTIME Online At TheRecordLive.com

Community Classifieds Call 735-5305

Your ads published in both newspapers, the County Record and the Penny Record plus on our web site TheRecordLive.com


Hair dressers, massage therapist & nail technicians. Room or booth rental – $75 per week. Have walk-ins, but clientele helpful.

Call Christine at 779-6580 EMPLOYMENT HELP WANTED! Part time clerk, Hitchin’ Post Package Store, apply at 280 E. Roundbunch Rd., BC. No Phone calls. THE RAPE AND CRISIS CENTER is in need of Volunteer Advocates to offer intervention on our 24 hour hotline, and in direct services to sexual assault survivors. Training is provided and certified through the office of the Attorney General. If you are interested please call the Crisis Center ar (409) 8326530 to set up an interview. Thank You, Make A difference, become a volunteer! APPLIANCES USED APPLIANCES, starting at $99.95 & up, Harry’s Appliances, 302 10th. St. (10th. & main), Orange, We buy used appliances, 8864111.

Apt. in Orange

1bd/1ba, All hardwood floors with fireplace. All appliances included, plus w&d. No utilities paid. $550/mo. $500 dep. Call Christine: 779-6580.

KENMORE WASHER & DRYER, elec., like new, bought after IKE, up graded to front loaders, both for $400, (409) 738-2750. FURNITURE NEW VINEYARD BEDROOM SET,complete queen bed set, dresser w/ mirror, night stand, solid wood, $1,000; horse pulled old avery planter, @150, (409) 474-1789 or 792-0203. COUCH AND RECLINER, good cond., $250, (409) 7355082. MISCELLANEOUS WASHER AND DRYER, refrigerator, microwave, stove, 2 antique mantel clocks, chest, tanning bed, dishwashers, (409) 735-2347. ‘04 CHEVY COLORADO, double cab, $2,500; Frigidare window A/C, remote, $150; Whirlpool refrig/frezzer, $700; desk chair, $5; Stroller, $5; costume jewelry as priced, (409) 920-9905. JUGG’S PITCHING MACHINE, like new, auto feeder, throws 90 MPH, fast & curve balls etc., paid $2,500, used vey little, will sell for

Room for Rent in Orange

Fully furnished, professional cleaning every 2 wks. Call Christine: 779-6580.

$1,000 for all, great buy! (409) 474-1518. SWING SET, $100; 75’ treated wood fence, 5’, $200, 220 Roberts ave., BC. WHEEL CHAIR W/ BATTERY Charger, salon style hair dryer, Much More! (409) 2337644. ETHAN ALLEN TV CABINET, holds up to 28” TVTV sits on slide-out shelf (slides out 4’), 6’ open shelf, 4” locking drawer, compartments, 3 power outlet strips, cabinet is 4’ tall, excellent cond., $300. Call Denise @ (409) 697-2346. NEED A BIG MAN’S LIFT CHAIR? Only 4 months old, all leather, arm rest holds drinks & magazines, lumbar back cushion, excellent cond., $1,000; dinette set, 4 chairs, $100, (409) 792-9201 after 5. RIDING LAWN MOWER, 2006, Craftsman, 30”, needs tires, $500. or best offer. 409313-6321 SERVICE A+ CLEANING House cleaning, reasonable rates, senior citizen discounts! Just pick up the phone and call (409) 6708986, leave message. Thank You. VENDORS THRIFT & GIFT SIDEWALK SALE, Saturday, OCT 6, 8 am - 1 p.m. Covered Spaces $12. Apply now at Thrift & Gift Shop, 350 37th St., Orange, 886-7649 for Info, first come, first serve. PETS & LIVESTOCK FOUND DOG, small

Dachshund/ rat terrier mix, brown, white flea collar, found at store on Hwys 12 & 87 on Deweyville cir., male, lovable, has been taken care of, if yours call (days) (409) 7355305 or 670-5627, (nights) 238-9715. FOUND FEMALE CAT, fluffy and white, showed up on Paula St., BC, 735-4601. 3 MIN. DACHSHUND PUPPIES, for sale, 9 weeks old, 1 Wht. & Red Rebald female, 1 black and tan Male, 1 cream solid white male, Must Go! (409) 679-9134. MED. SIZE MIXED BREED PUPPIES, about 9 weeks old, had 1st. vaccination, wormed, will start heart worm soon, (409) 746-9502. FREE BLUE HEALER, found in Linscomb Rd. area, (409) 745-2470. GOLDEN RETRIEVER MIX,, F, spayed, (409) 746-9502. FOUND YELLOW LAB, female, red collar, found on Pine Bluff in the Little Cypress area off 3247 from Hwy 87, ned to find owner or free to good home, can’t keep, (409) 779-9122.

• Penny Record Office: 333 West Roundbunch, Bridge City • County Record Office: 320 Henrietta, Orange Note: Offices Closed On Wednesday RESCUE DOGS, spayed & neutered, needing good homes. Pet food donations welcome. (409) 746-9502.

education building, 4100 Lincoln (corner of Lincoln & Washington) in Groves. For more information call 9620480.

PUPPIES! I have 7, mixed breeds (some Lab looking), can’t afford to keep feeding them, free to good homes, (409) 988-9472.

AT. ST. PAUL UNITED METHODIST you can experience the warmth of friendly people, beautiful music, and inspiring sermons. Join us at 1155 W. Roundbunch Rd., BC each Sunday at 8:15 AM or 10:45 AM for worship experience at 9:30 AM for Sunday School. You’ll be glad you came, and so will we!

SIGHT I M PA I R E D SHEPHERD mix, rescued dog, about a year old, must have fenced yard, (409) 7469502. SMALL BOXER PUPPY w/ large kennel, $300, (409) 9889125.


PUBLIC NOTICES: AL-ANON MEETS ON Wednesday & Sunday at 7pm. 1512 Strickland Dr., Orange, call (409) 779-4289 or Cindy @ 994-5503 for details.

You Can’t Buy Better Orange County Advertising (409)

GOLDEN TRIANGLE TOUGHLOVE is a self help parents support group for parents of children displaying unacceptable behavior. Meets every Tues. at 7 pm. at Immaculate Conception

Missed your paper? Call Bill at 735-5305

* Office closed on Wednesdays & Weekends

R&R RV PARK Bridge City Spaces For Rent 2 - 1/1 M.H’s ., Concrete Patio, ample parking.


(409) 697-2552

CHESAPEAKE GOLDEN RETRIEVER MIX, spayed F, heart worm prev., (409) 7469502. FREE BEAUTIFUL KITTENS to a good home. Call 409735-2826. If no answer, please leave a message. FREE KITTENS TO GOOD HOMES, mother on site, (409) 779-1329.

Large 2/1 Apt. in Orange

Upstairs apartment with hardwood floors in living & dinning, All appliances included, plus w&d. No utilities paid. $650/mo. & $500 dep. Call Christine at: 779-6580.

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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, October 3, 2012

GOACC welcomes USA Mobile Drug Testing The Greater Orange Area Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting ceremony for USA Mobile Drug Testing of Southeast Texas. USAMDT is locally owned by Dale Dugas and provides drug testing services on site, breath alcohol testing, DNA testing, background screening. For more information call 409-586-4115.



YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to appear before the Honorable County Court of Orange County, Texas, at the Courthouse of said County, in the City of Orange, Orange County, Texas, at or before 10 o'clock A.M., on the first Monday after the expiration of ten days from the date of publication of this citation by filing a written answer to a petition that was filed in said Court on September 18, 2012, in Cause No. P16286, and styled: ESTATE OF DOROTHY JEANNETTE SCHISLER, DECEASED. A brief statement of the nature of the application is as follows, to-wit: APPLICATION TO DETERMINE HEIRSHIP, as is more fully shown by the application on file in this cause. This citation shall be served by notice published once in a newspaper of general circulation in Orange County, Texas, the County in which the proceedings are pending1, said publication being not less than ten (10) days from the return date exclusive of the date of publication. The officer executing this process shall promptly execute the same according to law, and make due return as the law directs. If this citation is not served within ninety days after the date of issuance it shall be returned unserved. ISSUED AND GIVEN under my hand and official seal of said Court at Orange, Texas on September 18, 2012. KAREN JO VANCE, Clerk, County Court, Orange County, Texas By: Shanell Breaux, Deputy Shanell Breaux DOMESTIC CITATION BY PUBLICATION/PC - CDVPCWD THE STATE OF TEXAS TO: Unknown Father, Respondent: YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do not file a written answer with the clerk who issued this citation by 10:00 A.M. on the Monday next following the expiration of 20 days after you were served this citation and petition, a default judgement may be taken against you.

The petition of Brent B. Dearing, Petitioner, was filed in the 260th District Court Orange County, Texas, on August 16, 2012, against Unknown Father, numbered 120759-D, and entitled IN THE INTEREST OF REESE ELLIOT MYERS A CHILD. The suit requests 1ST AMD ORIG PETITION FOR TERMINATION & ADOPTION OF STEPCHILD. The date and place of birth of the child/ren who are the subject of the suit: REESE ELLIOT MYERS ARTHUR, TEXAS

JULY 6, 2009 IN PORT

The Court has authority in this suit to enter any judgment or decree in the child/ren's interest which will be binding upon you, including the termination of the parent-child relationship, the determination of paternity and the appointment of a conservator with authority to consent to the child's adoption. ISSUED AND GIVEN under my hand and seal of said Court at Orange, Texas this September 21, 2012.


for SHARP, proofing.BC, 7 TILL ? Household items, girl’s - Men’s WED. Enlarged & SAT., 950 Actual size: 2X3.5” and baby boy clothes, women’s clothes size Sm - 3X, tools, books, toys, shoes, and soo much more! To be published in Record Newspapers SAT.,The 9775 BESSIE HTS.RD., OF, 8 till 11. Furniture, home decor, TV, refrig., dryer, tools, home remodel, toys, power wheels, golf clubs, fishing gear, More! PLEASE FAX ANY


SAT., 2220 BATTLIN BEAR DR., L.C. 7am til? Will have ladies cloth5 P.M. MONDAY ing, formals, mens clothing (ranging sizes), shoes, accessories, baby boy toto735-7346 clothing (up 9months), furniture, electronics, DVDs, kitchen stuff, wedding stuff andThanks. LOTS MORE!!!!! SAT., 8885 TAYLOR CIR., ORANGE, off Hwy 1442 (between BC & OF), cash only, 8 till noon, No Early Birds! Lots of great home decor, infant bedding and room decor/unisex, glider rocker, nice ceiling fans, book shelf, FAX chest of drawers, holiday items, clothing for girls (all sizes),Lots & Lots More! Everything in great condition! # 735-7346

MOTOR SPORTS ‘08 CB-250 HONDA N i g h t H a w k , l i k e n e w, (409) 735-8773. ‘T R U C K S & VA N S '85 CHEVY C-10, V-8, LWB, A/C, C. player, auto trans., PS/B, good motor, no oil leakage, real workhorse, $3,000 OBO, ask for Ruth @ (409) 735-7353

‘‘04 FORD F-150 TRITON, ext. cab, step side, very pretty, $6,200, (409) 553-3332.

PA R T S NEW IN BOX,, 4 17” Toyota wheels for 2011 Toyota, $25 ea., (409) 738-2969.


• Dirt / Shell Spreading • Bushhogging • Garden Tilling • New home pads Prepared • Sewer / Water / Electrical Lines Dug Home 735-8315 Cell 670-2040

TECL# 28475

Enlarged for proofing. Actual size: 2X4”

To be published in The Record Newspapers 030911


FAX # 735-7346

VICKIE EDGERLY, District Clerk Orange County, Texas By: Charlean



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