Dickie Colburn: Fishing See Page 1B Cooking With Katherine See Page 8A
Uzzle: Outdoors Weekly
The Record
Page 5B
Vol. 51 No. 37 Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The Penny Record of Bridge City and Orangefield • Founded 1960
Texans won’t vote until after Super Tuesday Mike Louviere For The Record Super Tuesday will happen without Texas voters this year. Ten other states will vote in party primaries or caucuses, but not Texas. More voters go to the polls on that day than any other, due to being able to vote in the presidential primary races, but not Texas voters. The reason for Texas being out of the Super Tuesday primary election is that another redistricting map is being drawn for Texas. Some voters may not know who to vote for
and some candidates may not know where their district is at this point. At this point it is a confusing situation. One of the few things that Texas Democrat and Republicans have agreed to is that the March 6 primary races will be moved to April 3. Hopefully this will avoid confusion caused by lawsuits stemming from the redistricting plans for the U.S. Congressional Districts and the Texas Legislature. The agreement still has to be approved by a panel of three federal judges in San Antonio.
A complication to the redistricting plan has been brought forth by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to hear a challenge from Hispanic voting-rights groups and the U.S. Justice department that
election maps drawn by the Republican-controlled Texas Legislature are racially gerrymandered. Texas has gained four congressional seats stemming from a growth of 4.3 million
new residents since 2000. About 65 percent of that increase is in the Hispanic community. Critics of the new maps contend that the new districts give no election opportunities
for Hispanics who have provided most of the growth and who historically vote more often than Republicans and Democrats. Texas, like all states with a PRIMARY ELECTIONS PAGE 3A
BCCC awards ‘Business of the Month’
Commissioners hold final session going into 2012 Penny Leleux
For The Record
Orange County Judge Carl Thibodeaux was absent from the special meeting of Commissioners Court Monday. County Commissioner Pct. 3 John Dubose presided in the last planned meeting of 2011. Barring an emergency need for a meeting, there will be no court held next week between the Christmas and New Year holiday, which is a tradition in the court. The first session of 2012 will be held Tuesday, Jan. 3. Orange County will observe Monday, Jan. 2 as the New Year holiday. The county received a direct deposit from the state comptroller’s office in the amount of $300,792.34 which are funds from the half cent
From All
Of Us At
The Record!
Inside The Record • SHERLOCK BREAUX Page..................... 4A • Obituaries Page......................7A •Dicky Colburn Fishing..................1B •Outdoors Weekly Chuck Uzzle..........5B • CHURCH NEWS Page......................9B • CLASSIFIED ADS Page....................10B
sales and use tax for the month of October. Commissioners accepted the payment into the general fund. CommisDUBOSE sioners paid bills including: $9, 611.05 to Cleveland Construction Inc. for the Justice of the Peace Precinct 3 facility;$21,652.83 to U.T.M.B. for a contract payment; and $241, 822.06 all from the general fund; road and bridge, $9,479.63; mosquito control, $51, 914.00; adult probation, $6,549.01; other sources, $1,721.70; for a total of $311,486.40. M. J. Girlinghouse and David Roberts were reappointed to a two (2) year term as commissioners on the Orange County Emergency Services District # 4 while Spencer Fuss was appointed to fill a vacant position for a two (2) year term all beginning Jan. 1. Arthur Hickey was appointed as an honorary commissioner. “We have a commissioner that is in very ill health,” said Commissioner Precinct 2 Owen Burton, speaking of Hickey. “He [has provided a] long time service, that is why we’ve done the honorary thing.” John Dubose thanked Burton for suggesting the honorary position. “I know him personally. He’s a very fine man.” Appointed as commissioners, also for two year terms, for Emergency Services District 1 were Wyatt Boyett and retired city manager Dan Graves. During discussions on accepting bids for theCIAP Grant installation of on-site sewage facilities for the Orange County locations, Commissioner Pct. 4 Jody Crump questioned Joel Ardoin why some of the estimates were so high compared to others. “It depends on the location,” said Ardoin. “They may have to run some lines for an extended distance or if it is a drip system compared to a spray.” He said the cost is usually double for a drip system. Commissioners decided to table the issue until Ardoin could double check the figures on the projects in question. Bids on the CIAP Grant instillation in Vidor were approved. Commissioners wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Bridge City Chamber Ambassador Shirley Zimmerman, Michelle Slaughter and April McGee.
incident that could have happened to anyone. April’s husband, Jason McGee, only The Detail Shop was chosen as the 37 years old and father to four boys was Business of the Month for December by hospitalized because he had been a victhe Bridge City Chamber of Commerce. tim of a stabbing incident just west of However due to unforeseen circum- the Rainbow Bridge on Highway 87, folstances owner April McGee was unable lowing a minor vehicle collision. It was about 6 p.m. and still daylight to attend chamber’s monthly networking coffee to receive the award. She was on the busy highway that day when with her husband in the hospital and Jason nearly lost his life with one stab would like her story shared with the wound to the chest from a complete community to bring awareness of an stranger. As April watched the man
Staff Reports For The Record
drive away, she was in disbelief of what she had just witnessed and how this had happened to them. After an ambulance ride to the Medical Center and thinking Jason would be stitched up and home that night to tell the scary story to the boys. However, once at the hospital and after several tests, x-rays & scans, the doctors determined a need to do open heart surgery. The knife had penetratBCCC BUSINESS PAGE 3A
Rugged Cross new venture in county Nicole Gibbs
For The Record
Many are still searching for that perfect gift for Christmas, but why go anywhere else to find it. One of the many wonderful qualities of living in our community is that we have many options for gifts without having to leave town. Billy Raymer provides just that. He is a local cabinet maker and fence builder but he uses the left over materials to design crosses. He uses all kinds of wood, fence pickets, barbed wire, gate operator chains, etc. He also designed crosses out of cedar logs by using only a chainsaw to carve it. The little pieces left over from the jobs he works on would pile up. Raymer would rather find something to do with the scraps than just throwing them away. “I’ve always liked tinkering with things,” he said. “I enjoy doing this and I’m surprised at how many I made in such a short amount of time. I also don’t like throwing away stuff that is good. I could take the metal to a scrap yard, but the wood would end up in a dumpster.” Raymer doesn’t change much of the shape of the wood when he makes the crosses. He cuts them and fashions them together to keep them sturdy. He’ll then either stain and lacquer the crosses or just put a lacquer coat on it to show the natu-
Billy Raymer uses the left over materials from his personal business to build custom made crosses. RECORD PHOTO: Nicole Gibbs
ral detail in the wood. “I like the wood that has character to it. I just want them to look at different,” Raymer said. “Most people want what somebody else has. I could mass produce them to look all the same, but I can custom make them as well.” He also makes coolers out of old wood he tears down from different jobs. He can
custom build each cooler to fit a particular style. He also hand makes washer boards and wood benches. “I didn’t want to be one dimensional,” Raymer said. “The more you can do, the better you are. I like doing stuff like this.” Even though Raymer has been working RUGGED CROSS PAGE 3A
• The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
AgriLIFE educational programs improving Orange County
One of the programs under Texas AgriLIFE is the Master Naturalists. An ongoing project of the Master Naturalists is planting sea grass and positioning hay bales at Sea Rim State Park to recreate dunes and help prevent erosion.
Penny Leleux
For The Record
The Orange County AgriLIFE Extension Service shined recently in a workshop held before commissioners’ court. It was the day agents and volunteers presented their yearly report of all they have done in the past year and what their plans are for 2012. “The agency was established in 1915 under the Smith-Lever Act to deliver university knowledge and agricultural research findings directly to the people,” stated the report. Local agents address emerging issues with custom designed programs pertinent to our area. Roy Stanford, county extension agent, says with the help of over 100 volunteers they find the needs of the community and work on solutions to fill it. This year they presented 252 educational programs and had 46,335 participants. Diabetes education is a critical part of Family and Consumer Sciences Agent Paula Tacker’s programs. Participants were taken on grocery store tours to find out ways to purchase healthier food choices. Cooking classes were held along with healthy snack training for child care providers. Orange County Judge Carl Thibodeaux found it interesting that 76 percent of participants had no prior diabetes education. County Commissioner Precinct 3 John Dubose said that he has notice more of his friends are turning up with diabetes. “So far, I’m okay,” said Dubose. “I assume age has some function to it.” “Age does have function to it, it also plays a role,” said Michelle Satchfield. “Our lifestyles now are much more sedentary. A lot of people are eating on the run. Age does play a role in that. That’s part of what the education teaches too, that there’s parts of it that are no one’s fault, it’s just ge-
netics and age. But there’s other parts of it we can do something about it. You can still be healthy with diabetes.” One of the ways AgriLIFE promoted health was by sponsoring the Hope for Health Expo and 5K held in West Orange Nov. 5. The 5K had 120 participants, while 175 people attended the educational session. Susan Garrison is the Better Living for Texans (BLT) program assistant which also covers the Supplemental Nutrition Education Program (SNAP). This is a state funded program that focuses on nutrition education for food stamp recipients including meal planning, stretching food dollars and reducing the risk of poisoning and other food borne illnesses. “I’m so glad to have her, I’m just so excited, I think our office as a whole is excited to have her,” said Paula Tacker, the agent for Family and Consumer Sciences. “Just to remind you guys, the BLT program is a grant funded program that our agency receives...it costs Orange County nothing.” “In Orange County, an estimated 15.6 percent of the populations has incomes that are 185 percent of poverty level or below; 12,230 receive food stamp benefits,” said Garrison. “We need to lower that. We need to teach them how to make better choices in their nutrition; how to shop for the better nutrition choices.” For the coming year, several education classes are planned that will be held at Baptist Hospital Orange. Classes are scheduled for different times of the day to fit in most people’s schedules. Focus will be on weight management, physical fitness and meal planning using the Three Easy Bites curriculum. There will also be a weekly recipe program and the Walk Across Texas free fitness program. Marie Kenney is the agent covering 4-H and youth development. With the addition of
The Record News The Record Newspapers- The County Record and the Penny Record- are published on Wednesday of each week and distributed free throughout greater Orange County, Texas. The publications feature community news, local sports, commentary and much more. Readers may also read each issue of our papers from our web site TheRecordLive.Com. • News Editor..........................................................Nicole Gibbs • Production Manager..............................................Russel Bell • General Manager.....................................................Mark Dunn • Distribution Manager..................................................Bill Pope • Staff Writers and Photographers... Mark Dunn, Taylor Wendt, Penny LeLeux, Larry Trimm, Nicole Gibbs, Joey Encalade, Cody Hogden and Teri Newall
News Tips and Photos 886-7183 or 735-7183 E-mail: news@therecordlive.com
County Record: 320 Henrietta St., Orange, Texas 77630 Penny Record: 333 W. Roundbunch, Bridge City, Texas 77611 Offices Closed On Wednesday. Didn’t Get Your Paper? Call Bill Pope 735-5305.
Round The Clock Hometown News
two clubs this year, she oversees 12 4-H Clubs with 110 members and 40 leaders. A program on disaster preparedness, “Disaster Master” was implemented to be utilized through the schools. So far St. Mary is the only school that has experienced the program which teaches students how to make a plan during various types of disasters. One of the fun exercises is the Germ Game. Susan Garrison of BLT used a lotion or powder that can only be seen by a black light. “I shook kid’s hands, I patted them on the back, different things like that,” said Garrison. “I also touched a lot of things in the classroom.” The fun part came when they brought out the black light and the students could see how contamination spreads. “It was amazing, when we turned the black light on and started show them how quickly one person that had germs walking in here, how the germs spread. They were shocked and amazed. Then we talked about hand washing to prevent spread of disease.” They found that 62 percent of the students started talking to their families about emergency preparation and planning. This program will continue on in 2012 and beyond and will be available to other third and fourth grade classes in Orange County. “How many kids put their pencil in their mouth,” asked Commissioner Precinct 1 David Dubose? “Almost all of them,” said Tacker. Steve Draughn is a volunteer that works with the Junior Master Gardener program at St. Mary Elementary. “It happens to be where my grandchildren go,” he said. “I work with the students and the teachers at the school. This year I worked with the kindergarten children and we raised a pumpkin patch this fall.” He has also worked on two projects with the third grade class. They have 27 cabbages growing in their fall garden. “We planted shrubs around the marquee at the school and in front of the school to help beautify the school.” Thursday, the Keep Orange County Beautiful organization presented the beautification award to St. Mary School for their landscaping. Junior Master Gardener groups are found at many of the area elementary and middle schools. Other educational programs sponsored by Texas AgriLIFE are the Earth-Kind Environmental Stewardship, Small Scale Agriculture, Natural Resource and the Wildfire Education Program. On Jan. 24 a new Master Naturalists class will begin. The 12 week program will cost $150. The deadline for application is Jan. 10. Applications can be downloaded from the agency’s Web site: orange. agriLife.org and should be mailed with a $10 fee and the permission form for a background check to Texas AgriLIFE Extension Service, P.O. Box 367, Orange, Texas 77631. A background check is required because Master Naturalists work in education programs with children. The remaining $140 can be paid at the first class. Starting Feb. 21 gardening classes begin in sessions of five classes costing $30. “Grow Healthy Families, Plant a Vegetable Garden” is the first class, covering vegetable and herb gardens. Stanford requests persons interested in the class, please let him know so class supplies can be arranged. Please call Orange County AgriLIFE office at 409-882-7010 or e-mail orange-tx@tamu.edu for more information about these or any other programs offered by the AgriLIFE Extension Service. All these programs will continue into 2012 and others will be added.
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The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
OCS, Salvation Army delivers Christmas in Orange County
Primary elections, filings From Page 1
Nicole Gibbs
history of voting rights violations must obtain pre-clearance from the Washington court or the Justice Department before implementing new election districts. If the agreement is approved, the new filing deadline will be Feb. 1. Candidates must live in the district they wish to file in by that date. Runoff elections will be held June 5. Local candidates must file with the Orange County party chairs. Trudy Pellerin is the Republican Party chairperson (409-735-4295), and Mark Carter is the Democratic Party chairman (409-882-1922). Orange County candidates are: Republican 128th District Judge: Courtney Burch Arkeen (incumbent) 163rd District Judge: Dennis Powell (incumbent) County Court-at- Law No. 1: Mandy White-Rogers, Rodney Allen Townsend Jr. County Court-at-law No. 2: Troy Johnson (incumbent) County Commissioner Pct 1: David DuBose (incumbent), Brad Childs County Commissioner Pct. 3: John Banken Constable Pct 1: Chris Humble (incumbent) Constable Pct 2: Jeremiah Gunter Constable Pct 3: Mark Philpott (incumbent) Constable Pct 4: Weldon Peveto (incumbent), Joey Jacobs Democrat County Attorney: John Kimbrough Tax Assessor/Collector: Lynda Gunstream County Commissioner Pct 1: James Stringer County Commissioner Pct 3: John DuBose (incumbent) Constable Pct 1: Sarah Jefferson-Simon Constable Pct 2: Lynn Arceneaux
For The Record
Each year, The Orange Christian Services, the Salvation Army and the Bridge City-Orangefield Ministerial Alliance have worked very diligently to bring Christmas to thousands of people who might not have been to have one without their help. Food, clothes and toys have been all be generously donated from members in our community to help these organizations put a smile on some very deserving faces this Christmas. “Even though there’s been signups with the Salvation Army and Bridge City [Ministerial Alliance], there are still families that did not get to sign up,” Judy Jensen said. Lists from the Bridge City-Orangefield Ministerial Alliance and Salvation Army were shared with the Orange Christian Services to prevent any one family from getting duplicates. Every family that signs up with OCS must go through an interview process and certain documentation proving the children do live in their household must be provided. “We’re excited,” Jensen said. “We became a toy store down here.” Jensen explained that people will start lining up at their door around 7:30 a.m. on even though their doors won’t open until 9 a.m. Numbers and an instruction sheet were given when people signed Tuesday morning. Funding for holiday themed food boxes was not available to OCS this year, but they did receive a generous grant from a local refinery which allowed them to purchase a few holiday foods for the food bags. Food bags donations started on Dec. 1 and will continue until Thursday, Dec. 22. The Salvation Army in Orange started doing sign ups for their Angel Tree program in October. The Angels were sent out to the different agencies just before Thanksgiv-
Ann, a volunteer for Orange Christian Services, sorts through clothes to help prepare for distribution. OCS donations were available for pick up Tuesday RECORD PHOTO: Nicole Gibbs
ing so they could be put on their trees just after Thanksgiving. “Our numbers requesting toys and food have gone up from last year,” Captain Michael Cox, said. “We’ve been very blessed by the community and most of our angels were adopted.” The Salvation Army has been receiving the gifts for the Angels since the end of November, but has really seen an increase this week. They have been able to prepare Christmas presents for over 500 angels and those will be available for pick up on Wednesday. There has been a significant in-
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From Page 1
ed through his sternum, into the pericardium with a nick into the outer layer of his heart, only about a millimeter away from his coronary artery. Had this artery been nicked by the knife, he would have bled to death on the side of the highway, while people were passing by driving home from work. This bizarre event could have happened to anyone! Jason was going through his probationary period at work and therefore was not covered by health insurance. His doctor restricted him from driving for at least six weeks and from work for an undetermined period of time. Friends recently held a benefit in Winnie to help with medical and living expenses while he has been unable to work and provide for his family. Meanwhile, April and her gang at The Detail Shop continue to give that one on one attention everyone wants in their hair salon which is one of the very reasons they were chosen as the recipient of the business of the month award. The facility is clean and has a relaxing, kick back atmosphere with two flat screen TV’s for customers to enjoy. The cheerful hair stylists pay attention to detail and keep records of their customers’ hair styles so there is no guess work the next time a customer visits the shop. The Detail Shop has also started doing feather extensions.
From Page 1
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crease in numbers for those seeking assistance, but the community has stepped up to help their neighbors and friends out. The Salvation Army and the Orange Christian Services work year around to be able to help those in need. Food and social services, including financial services are offered to those to qualify. Their diligent work to help the community never ceases. For more information on Orange Christians Services, please call 409-886-0938. For more information on the Salvation Army in Orange, please call 409-883-4232.
with wood for many years, he just started making the crosses this year. “We got slow at work and thought we needed to do something with our time,” he said. Making the crosses doesn’t take too much time because he already owns the tools he needs for his cabinet and fencing businesses. He was able to make about forty crosses in approximately three days. The design on each cross requires a certain amount of time, depending on the design work. “I’ve always had a decent amount of artistic ability: painting, drawing, etc.,” he said. “I strive for perfection [with my job and the things that I do].” Prices for the crosses range from $35 to $65. He hasn’t been able to spend much time advertising, “word of mouth is everything.” To have Raymer custom design a cross, or to purchase one he has already made, please call him at 409-988-3177.
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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
MERRY CHRISTMAS The first day of winter, Dec. 21, is now upon us, Christmas follows in a few days. The foliage has been more colorful than I ever recall. The bright leaves are falling now and covering the ground with a multitude of colors. In the next couple of months we may have to throw an extra log on the fire but the weather folks say, in comparison, this should be a mild and dry winter. Nowadays, with blood thinner running through my veins, I find anything under 40 degrees cold. I recall when that was shirtsleeve weather. *****I start off on a sad day having learned that Pastor Leo Anderson has passed away. For the past 15 years he has run a block ad with scripture on our church page so he came in on most Tuesdays and visited with our staff. They were shocked to learn of his death. Our sincere condolences to his lovely wife Ivalyn, three sons, Anthony, Leo Daniel Jr., Jarrod and their families. Please see obits and Down Life’s Highway for more about this good man. *****From our entire staff and our family of advertisers, we wish for you and your family the true blessings of the season and may your stocking be filled with goodies. *****Come along, I promise it won’t do you no harm. CONGRATULATIONS TO CHAMBER CELEBRITIES Last week, at the Greater Orange Area Chamber banquet, several of our finest citizens were honored. The event took place after our newspaper deadline. Lynn Cardner, director of the United Way, was named “Citizen of the Year.” The prestigious “Athena Award” was presented to Nancy Vincent, vice-president of Orange Savings Bank. Southeast Texas Hospice was presented the “Non-profit Community Service Award”. Granger Chevrolet was awarded the “Business Community Service Award.” The “Chairperson Award” went to Victor Enmon, of Entergy. “Lifetime Ambassador” was presented to Jennifer Burtsfield and Stump Weatherford. Brandy Slaughter, with David Self Ford, was recognized with the “Ambassador of the Year Award.” Maureen McAllister, with Sabine Savings, was presented the “Ambassador Chairman Award.” All honorees were congratulated for their dedicated work and promoting the greater Orange area. We know those good folks and congratulate them on the well-deserved awards. TURNING BACK THE HANDS OF TIME Eight Years Ago-2003 Three are dead in a Vidor suicide shooting. Judge Janice Menard, who took office this year, said the weekend was filled with tragedies. A man backed out of his driveway, into a ditch, while looking underneath it. The car gears shifted and ran over him. A woman traveling through Orange from Florida to McAllen, was sick at a restaurant and later died at the hospital. The Judge said that’s how the holiday weekend started.*****A former constable, Donald Gunn, 76, died Sunday, Dec. 21 at St. Elizabeth Hospital. Service was held Dec. 24 at Claybar Funeral Home. Gunn was a retired plumber and the youngest Texan ever to receive a Master Plumber’s license. He was a U.S. Navy World War II veteran. He was also an avid sportsman. Gunn was known for his work ethic, integrity, loyalty and commitment to his family. He is survived by wife of 55 years, Mary Lou Pachar Gunn, son Tommy and daughters, Donna and Diane and their families. Pallbearers were Michael Mitchell, Todd Mitchell, Daniel Dotson, Walter Halton, Yank Peveto and Al Granger. (Editor’s note: We knew this good man, a friend it’s hard to believe eight years have gone by)*****Inez Hearn, our longtime buddy, a few days ago turned 85 years old. (Editor’s note: Today, 2011, Nez just turned 93. She still lives alone but has plenty of family nearby. A wonderful lady who has done much to help others. We wish her nothing but clear sailing. A lot of people love her and I’m sure one of them. I remember that 85th birthday party at Janice and Lyle Overman’s home. Granddaughter Teresa Hearn came down from Nashville. It was a great party with lots of food and friends.)*****Bridge City sweetheart Ann Segura celebrates her birthday Dec. 26.***Wilda Martin celebrates on Christmas Eve and Gordon Baxter is a Christmas baby. He’ll turn 80.*****“Mr. Web” Webster Trahan, for 15 years the custodian at Hatton Elementary, retires. His last day is Dec. 29, one day after his 65th birthday. (Editor’s note: I wonder what became of “Paw Paw” as he was known to many.)*****Judge Pat Clark files for another term to 128th District Court.*****Amber Dunn, a Bridge City native, graduates from the University of Texas with a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the College of Natural Sciences. (Editor’s note: Amber went on to get her medical degree at Texas Tech School of Medicine and is now an anesthesiology resident in Cleveland, Ohio.)*****Betty Harmon announced that Ida Schossow will be the new chairperson of the Greater Orange Area Chamber of Commerce. She is branch manager of Bank One in Orange. She has lived in Bridge City 17 years and is a 1973 grad of Stark High School.
38 YEARS AGO-1973 Paul Hale is mayor of Orange. *****James “Stick” Stringer is county judge. *****Henry Stanfield, Orange fire chief, has announced his retirement. *****County attorney is Jim Sharon Bearden. *****Prescient 4 county commissioner is Raymond Goud, of Vidor. *****Fred Trimble is district judge of 160th district court.*****Dr. Joe Majors is Bridge City’s only dentist.*****Wayne Peveto is state representative and represents all of Orange and Newton counties.*****Preston Woods is mayor of Bridge City.*****Louvenia Hryhochuk is tax-assessorcollector.*****Some of the old boys around is 55-year-old “Boob” Taylor, who coached football and other sports at Hackberry, LA.*****Wayman Martin, 62, is Little Cypress school superintendent*****Buck Sims, 60, is a former crop duster turned businessman.*****Fred “Cooder” Avant, 51, claims to work at Dupont*****Murphy King, who turned 71 on Dec. 15, is known as the Pawnshop King.*****Lloyd Merlin Broussard, 49, works at Allied Chemical and coached at Carr Junior High.*****Charlie Webb, 44, works at Dupont.*****Wynne Hunt, 46, is a Dupont hand, as is Harry Fulton, 45 and Harold Force, 53.*****J.D. Stanfield, 56, is a partner in Case and McGee Furniture and is also city councilman.*****Cecil Willey, 52, works at Gulf States.*****Others are Percy Bordelon, 53, who has put in his time at Dupont and Firestone.*****Monty Moran, 51, works at Dupont.***Danny Barker, a 44-year-old youngster, when not running the roads, telling wild stories, spends time at Dupont.*****Spotted having coffee at Kroger’s were Joe Runnels, Steve Williamson, Eddie Morris, John Taylor, Cecil Griffin, Charles Picking and former county judge Charlie Grooms. Also spotted was the “coin machine operator,” Dag Andress and John Magness, Harold Emmert, Tony Garritonia and Joe Burke.*****You can always hear when Junior Clark is around.*****Gene Hidalgo, a Duponter, thinks he’s the last of the sex symbols.*****Ann Segura returns to East Texas from time to time to keep the accent intact.*****Jim Dunaway flies around on his motorcycle.*****Lucy Sciarilco has lost 18 pounds and is looking great.*****Joe Blanda is an Italian chiseler, a barber.*****Laverne Ridley is shooting up B-12 with a touch of hormone, good for 24 hours.*****Lew Malcolm keeps the Chamber and his mouth going.*****Everyone is preparing for Christmas. BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK Daniel Perry, Buddie Hahn, Rick Deutsch, Bill Bailey, Glenda Granger, Paula Hall, Rachel Guidry, Donny Robbins, Andrea Whitney, Phyllis Broussard, Rodney Harmon, Yvonne Veillon, Clevie Fontenot, James Robbins, Charlee Lemons, Dale Burns, Debi Foster, Rodney Petty Sr. , Walter LeBlanc, Chris Gunn, Jane Holton, Sue Cowling, Holly Bryan, Mindy Granger, Toni Thompson, Trey Clark, Terri Estes, Helen DeRoche, Lewis Sims, Mary Jane McCune, Mike Dillion, Earline Russell, Ruby Ryan, Ronnie Hutchison, Rushia Mae Cooper, Velma Theriot, Evelyn Foster, Janelle Deutsch, Louise Buker, Mary Frances Hartley, Randy Wuske, Ashley Burris, Emily Glover, Jennifer Ferguson, Kent Broussard, Laura Floyd, Jean Marshall, Rebecca Johns, Rob Turner, Bobby Sibert, Judy Taylor, Kirk Roccaforte, Lorraine Bonin and Max Pelham. A FEW HAPPENINGS North Korea’s Kim Jong II, iron fisted dictator, is dead at age 69. He inherited power from his father 17 years ago. Now it passes on to his son, Kim Jong UN, 29. North Korea is the world’s most isolated state, which for six decades has been ruled by the Kim family. North Korea has built the world’s fifth largest military and has sought to build up the country’s nuclear arms arsenal. The world will be on alert and watching the new leader’s actions and direction. *****The United States is experiencing an oil boom. For the first time in decades, the U.S. exports more oil-based fuels than it imports. The last two years has produced more oil than the year before and will show a three percent upswing this year. Today, half of net U.S. petroleum imports come from the western hemisphere, half of that comes from Canada. Only 12 percent now comes from Saudi Arabia, down from 19 percent. The importance of this Middle East has decreased. The federally mandated use of ethanol has reduced demand for gasoline. Federal policies under the Obama Administration have helped boost production. *****One of the most exciting college football games I’ve watched was Saturday night. Louisiana Lafayette knocked off San Diego State, 32-30 In the New Orleans Bowl. Brett Baer kicked a 50yard field goal for the Cajuns as time ran out. Blaine Gautier threw for 470 years and three touchdowns. He finished the season with 2958 yards and 23 touchdowns, breaking Jake Delhomme’s record. *****Glad to report that John Tallant did not have a stroke like we had previously reported. He did have a seizure and was in the hospital since November. John came home to Bridge City Friday and is doing fairly well. He’s not ready to put out any fires but getting there. He and Gwen wish everyone a very “Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year.”*****Our dear friend Dot Eshbach came through one more year with her annual batch of fudge. Every year we look forward to this delicious gift. No one makes it any better. Glad to know she’s still fighting the roads. *****Dr. Amber Dunn will be coming home to Bridge City to spend Christmas with her family. She has been in Ohio for almost three years now and everyone is looking forward to seeing her. *****A few special folks celebrating birthdays this week. From time to time Neighbor Cox asks about a little six-year-old, blond headed kid that used to hang out at the Creaux’s Nest, in Mr. Cox’s neighborhood. Jimmy, Pattie Hanks’ youngest, turns 18 on December 21 and is a senior in Las Vegas. Happy birthday Jimmy Skadowski, best to you in the years ahead. *****It seems Judge Buddie Hahn, (yes his real name is Buddie), his mom, Eloise, gave he and brother “Nicky” nicknames for real names. That’s what she wanted them called. Anyway, Buddie grew up in Sanderson, a little railroad town about 60 miles from Judge Roy Bean’s “Jersey Lilly” a U.T. business and law graduate, he practiced law in Beeville before coming to Vidor in 1971. I met him shortly afterwards through Harold Beeson. In 1984, Gov. Mark White appointed him Dist. Judge. Buddie celebrates his
birthday on Dec. 21 and he and his lovely wife Carol will celebrate their 45th anniversary on Dec. 23. Happy birthday and Happy Anniversary. Proud to call y’all friends.*****Our advertising director Andrea Leigh Hudson Whitney celebrates her day December 22.*****One of the great guys, Dayle and Buzzie’s little boy, Chris Gunn celebrates Dec. 23.*****Al Deroche’s better half, Helen, celebrates on Dec. 24.*****Judge Flo Edgerly celebrates on Christmas Day, along with Ronnie Hutchison. They never could tell birthday presents from Christmas ones.*****A guy that will do to ride the range with, Sharon Bearden, celebrates on Dec. 27. Also celebrating on that day is Shirley’s husband, Mayor Kirk Roccaforte.*****Happy anniversary to the mayor of Starks Rene and Lucy Hanks on their 54th.*****Don and Lucy Fields mark another anniversary Dec. 27.***Please see entire birthday list for others celebrating.*****CREAUX’S TIP OF THE WEEK: When boiling corn on the cob add a pinch of sugar to bring out the corn’s natural sweetness.*****CAJUN WORD DEFINITION: Jambalaya (jam-be-lie-yah). Toss just about anything into the pot. A Cajun rice dish with any combination of beef, pork, fowl, smoked sausage, ham or seafood, as well as celery, green peppers and often tomatoes. “Sweep up the kitchen and toss it in the pot.”*****Con. Kevin Brady, from the Woodlands, will face a primary opponent and a Democrat in the general election. His Republican challenger is Larry Youngblood, from Hilltop Lakes, an A&M grad who formerly owned a financial and economic forecasting business that he recently sold. The Democratic candidate is Neil Burns, of the Woodlands. He is a former Shell Oil executive. Final boundaries for congressional districts are expected to reopen in January in time to meet a new Feb. 1 filing deadline for the April 3rd primary. Other candidates might file, some could switch parties, and others could withdraw. *****Ninety percent of the United States senate Democrats and Republicans passed a payroll tax cuts and jobless benefits bill. Taxes and no benefits will affect 160 million working Americans. A deal was made between House Speaker John Boehner and Republican Senate Minority Leader McConnell. Boehner however, was unable to deliver the congress because the extreme Tea party is asserting power over the GOP using political block leverage. Speaker Boehner has lost control. Even Republican Sen. Scott Brown says the Tea Party is holding up legislation for political reasons. Boehner hasn’t called for a vote because with the vote of regular Republicans and Democrats, the bill would pass the House but it might cost Boehner the speakership. The Tea Party is holding America hostage. No wonder only nine percent of Americans view the congress in a good light. Ninety-one percent say they are doing a lousy job. Their main goal is to defeat President Obama and they don’t have any regards for improving the economy. Just say “NO” to everything and let the country go to hell in a hand basket. CELEBRITY BIRTHDAYS On Dec. 21, Samuel L. Jackson will be 63; Ray Romano, 54; Keifer Southerland, 45 and Florence Griffith Joyner, 52.***Diane Sawyer will be 66 on Dec. 22; and Ralph Fiennes, 49.***Susan Lucci will be 62 on Dec. 23; Eddie Vedder, 46 and Holly Madison, 32.***Rickey Martin will be 40 on Dec. 24 and Ryan Seacrest will be 37.***Jimmy Buffett will be 65 on Dec. 25 and Annie Lennox will be 57.***Chris Daughtry will be 32 on Dec. 26; Lars Ulrich, 48 and Jared Leto, 40.***On Dec. 27, Wilson Cruz will be 38. CAJUN STORY OF THE WEEK Joe Babineaux came from his home in Sout Louisiana to visit his aunt in Beaumont. Babineaux went into a Beaumont store and he tell da clerk, “I’d like some boudain please.” Da clerk look at him and he say, “Are you a Cajun?” Babineaux him, he is really offended. He answer, “Well yea, I’m a Cajun me, but let me axe for Italian sausage, would you axe me if I was Italian, hanh?” “If I axe for German bratwurst, would you axe me if I was German?” “If I axe for a Kosher hot dog, would you axe me if I was Jewish?” “Wat if I axe for a taco, would you say are you Mexican you?” “Would you hanh? Would ya?” Da clerk say, “Well no.” Wit deep self righteous indignation, Babineaux say, “Well damit, all right den, why you axe are you a Cajun just because I axe for boudain?” Da clerk answer, “Well sir, it’s because you’re in Home Depot.” C’EST TOUT There is an organized movement to disrupt our local government. Orange County and it’s elected officials run a smooth operation. We don’t need the obstruction and bickering going on now in Washington. The last thing we need here at home is a takeover by a radical slate. We don’t need to bring Washington ways, total catastrophe to our county government. Time and space don’t permit me this week to bring you the entire picture of what’s in the works to overthrow our local government but I will lay it out at a later date and how it came about. *****Next week, I hope to bring my annual predictions for next year if I don’t run into pit holes. *****For a few days let’s put all our troubles on the back burner and enjoy a great holiday season. Please read us cover to cover, patronize our family of advertisers when you can. Thanks for your loyalty. Till next time, take care and celebrate the birth of the Christ child.
The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
A Story to Tell Pearl Burgess Special To The Record A gentle snow was falling. It was Christmas Eve night. Every street was decorated, homes with glowing lights, candles in windows and wreaths hanging on doors. Nativity scenes, Santa Claus and reindeer were seen on lawns. Carolers were singing, lifting their voices with “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem” as they walked the neighborhood. Tomorrow would be Christmas day! Everyone at Tommy’s house was anticipating tomorrow. Family and friends would gather together, opening gifts piled under the brightly lit tree. They would soon be sitting around the dinner table, eating, laughing, enjoying this special day. Uncle Bert, Aunt Ruth and Cousin John would arrive early Christmas morning to visit with Papa, Momma, and Tommy. It would be hard to sleep on Christmas Eve with so much to look forward to. Sitting around the warm, inviting fireplace, drinking Momma’s hot chocolate, Tommy asked Papa, “Why do we celebrate Christmas?” Papa quickly answered, “Son, let me tell you a true story.” “A long time ago in the town of Nazareth, a young girl named Mary was engaged to a man named Joseph. One night God sent an angel to tell Mary that she would become pregnant by the Holy Spirit. It would be a virgin birth. The angel further told her that her child would be the Son of God and she was to name
him Jesus.” “During this time, Caesar Augustus ruled that all people would have to be registered in their own town. Because Joseph was from the line of King David, he took Mary to the town of Bethlehem to fulfill his duty. When they arrived, Bethlehem was so crowded with people they could not find a place to stay. Because Mary was close to giving birth, they were forced to stay in a cave where animals were kept with feeding mangers and straw.” “That night Mary gave birth to her son. She laid him in a manger for his bed, and named him Jesus, as God had instructed. Nearby, shepherds were in the fields tending their sheep when an angel came to them and announced, ‘A Savior has been born in David’s town. He is Christ the Lord!’ A host of angels sang, praising God and saying, ‘Peace on Earth, good will to men who please God.’ When the angels left, the shepherds found baby Jesus and were filled with joy and thanked God for what they had seen.” “In the East, wise men heard about this miraculous event and decided to seek this child out. They traveled with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to present to the Christ child. A bright star led them to Jesus. Upon their arrival, they bowed down to Him and presented their gifts. They returned home and told the great news of what they had witnessed.” Papa continued by saying, “Jesus came into this world to save
people from their sins.” Tommy spoke, “Papa, I believe in Jesus, and I want to tell everyone this amazing story.” Papa agreed, “Son, that’s what we should all do. Go and tell.” Outside, the carolers were singing, “Silent Night, Holy Night, Christ the Savior is born.” What a blessing to all mankind, God’s gift of His only Son. Go and tell the Good News and wish all a Merry, Holy Christmas!
Rudolph Parody by Louis Dugas
Wishing everyone a very
n Every year at Christmas, Louis published his Rudolph poem. In his honor we are producing it again this Christmas. Rudolph the red nosed reindeer Had a very shiny nose It came from drinking vodka With a herd of dizzy does. All of the other reindeer Used to drink and joke a lot They never let poor Rudolph Drink for he was such a sot. Then one foggy Christmas Eve Santa came to say Rudolph sober up tonight Guide me with your nose so bright. Then how the reindeer loved him As he staggered near a tree Rudolph the red nosed reindeer Had to go and take a pee MERRY CHRISTMAS Did you know some Cajuns celebrate Christmas on New Year’s Day. Gift giving is on New Year’s Day and the Cajun word for gifts on that day is “etrenne.” The Santa Claus of New Year’s Day is “Tit Bon Homme Janvier.” (Little Good Man January,) who brings “des etrennes.”
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Illustration by Tony Ryan
• The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Community Bulletin Board Light up Bridge City for the holidays The Bridge City/Orangefield Rotary Club and the City of Bridge City are planning to “Light up Bridge City” for the upcoming Holidays. The plans are to attach “shooting Star” pole decorations along Texas Ave., along with eight foot “Angels” pole decor on the corners of Texas Ave. and Roundbunch. There will also be a dickens Christmas Vignette depicting skaters, a Christmas Tree on the corner of Texas Ave. and Roundbunch. They are asking for donations from the area businesses as well as individuals in order to purchase the life size silhouettes for the corners vignette. Any amount of donation would be greatly appreciated. Checks can be made to BC Rotary-Christmas Decor. An account has been set-up at Bridge City Bank for this purpose. Checks can be mailed to P.O. Box 191 Bridge City, 77611. For further information contact: Lou Raburn at 409-735-2688 or 882-4142, or Lucy Fields at 697-1206 or 626-1974.
Catholic Daughters to host New Year’s Eve dance New Year’s Eve Dance sponsored by the Catholic Daughters will be held at the Bridge City Community Center from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 31. A wide range of music, accompanied by lights and video will be provided by ‘Promotion DJ.’ This is a BYOB event; but, set-ups, snacks, midnight champagne and favors are included in the cost: $25 per person for advance reservation, $30 per person at the door. For information or reservation call 409-988-5523 or email courtstcecilia@gmail. com.
2012 Southeast Texas Livestock Extravaganza
Meet and Greet the Master Gardeners on Jan. 21
The 2012 Southeast Texas Livestock Extravaganza will be held on Jan. 7 -8 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Winnie Stowell Park in Winnie, Texas. The Livestock Extravaganza is open to all 4-H and FFA Members. Clinic discussions will cover selection, feeding, weight management, culling and livestock judging. Buckles given for high point individuals, along with door prizes. Cost is $15 per person with lunch being provided by Samson. Please RSVP by Jan. 3. For questions and additional information contact the Extension Office at 409-882-7010. Sponsored by Texas AgriLife Extension Service Jefferson, Hardin, Liberty, Orange and Chamber Counties.
The Orange County Master Gardener’s will have a meet and greet at their new greenhouse facility on FM 1442 at Jewel Cormier Park on Saturday, Jan. 21 from 10 a.m. to noon. The community is invited to visit with the Master Gardeners, see their new greenhouses and learn what a Master Gardener is. If plants, gardening and horticulture fascinate you, we would love for you to come check us out. We are located in Orangefield between St. Helen Catholic Church and the railroad tracks south off IH10 Exit 869 and north off FM 105 from Bridge City.
BCISD to administer Credit by Examination
Bridge City ISD, in accordance with Chapter 74.24 TAC, will administer the Texas Tech University Credit by Examination Tests. Testing dates will be June 5, 6 and 7, 2012. Students in grades first through fifth will be allowed to take each of the five tests (Math, Science, Language Arts, Reading, and Social Studies) at the elementary level without prior instruction. The student must score at least 90 on each of the five four tests to be considered eligible for grade level acceleration. Students in grades sixth through 12 will be permitted to take an examination to earn credit for an academic course for which they have had no prior instruction. Students must score at least 90 on the test to receive course credit. Additional information and registration forms can be obtained by contacting Gina Mannino at: gina.mannino@bridgecityisd.net.
OC Master Gardeners to meet Jan. 12 The monthly meeting of the Orange County Master Gardeners will be held on Thursda, Jan. 12 at the Salvation Army building on the corner of MLK and Strickland in Orange. There will be a pot luck supper at 6 p.m. and the business meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. At the end of the meeting door prizes will be drawn. Any one interested in gardening is welcome to attend.
Chuck Young Alumni Classic scheduled for Feb. 11 The Bridge City Baseball Program will host the Chuck Young Alumni Classic along with an Alumni Homerun Derby on Saturday, Feb. 11, 2012 at Cardinal Field. The Home Run Derby will begin at 10:30 a.m. and will cost $20 to enter. The game will be held a noon. Game shirts will cost $10. Any former Cardinal baseball players interested in participating in either event please contact Chris Moore at chris.moore813@gmail.com All former Bridge City Baseball coaches are welcome to come out and see their former players. For more information visit the BC baseball website at http://bridgecitycardinalbaseball.webs.com/
American Legion to host pool tournament The American Legion Lloyd Grubbs Post 49, located at 108 Green Ave. in Orange, will be hosting a pool tournament every Friday from 7 p.m. to midnight. There is a ten player maximum. The community is encouraged to join in the fun and free food to help support the Veterans. For more information, call 409-3304847.
Orange Community Band to meet every Thursday The Orange Community Band rehearses every Thursday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the National Guard Armory, located at 4103 Meeks Drive in Orange. They are in need of players for the following sections; flute, clarinet, saxophone, French horn, and percussion, but ALL are welcome! The band performs Christmas, Memorial Day, Independence Day and Veteran’s Day concerts. At least one traditional band concert is performed annually. Please visit us on Facebook at Orange Community Band.
BCCC now accepting Business, Citizen of Year applications Bridge City Chamber of Commerce is accepting nominations for Business of the Year and Citizen of the Year. Please submit all nominations in writing to Bridge City Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, 150 W. Roundbunch Rd, Bridge City, Tx. 77611. Deadline to submit nominations will be Feb. 8, 2012.
Rape and Suicide Crisis Center to offer support group meetings The Rape and Suicide Crisis Center of Southeast Texas will be hosting a support group for female survivors of sexual assault the first and third Wednesday of every month, starting at 5:30 p.m. Meetings will be held at the Foundation of Southeast Texas building, located at 700 North St. in downtown Beaumont. To RSVP or for further information, please contact the Crisis Center at 409-832-6530.
MCT Credit Union’s “Fill a Stocking” Project
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MCT Credit Union conducted the “Fill a Stocking” project among staff for Christmas. Employees got together and filled 18 stockings for resident children of Boys and Girls Haven. MCT staff enjoyed being a part of this great cause for children in need in our community. The credit union movement stresses involvement in community and MCT Credit Union supports that philosophy by contributing to local community organizations and participating in community events. MCT Credit Union serves all of Jefferson, Hardin, and Orange counties.
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The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Stark Museum of Art to host Grand Viewing on Dec. 29
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The Stark Museum of Art will open their doors for Grand Viewing on Thursday, Dec. 29 to show off their newly remodeled galleries and main lobby. The fabric that once lined the walls has been removed and replaced with more dramatic colors to enhance the way the artwork is seen.
Staff Report
For The Record
The Stark Museum of Art will be opening its doors for a Grand Viewing on Thursday, Dec. 29 from 5 to 8 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend and see the newly remodeled galleries and lobby. Refreshments are being provided by the museum and entertainment will come in the form of Jerry Nichols and Texas Thunder, musicians. The Grand Viewing is being held for the museum to show off the work it has been undergoing for a year. Museum Director Sarah Boehme wants visitors to take away more than trip to the local museum.
“I want visitors to take away a sense of how art makes us human and enlivens our experience. I think looking at a work of art is a way to focus your tension on an ideal, and we present this collection in a way that will create an environment for people to enjoy and be inspired by art.” This remodeling has placed the museum at the forefront of museum technology. Two new attractions are the cause for this. The LED (light emitting diode) system has been put in place in order to give the interior more natural light. This natural light enables the viewer to see the work the way the artist created it. The LED system as replaced the incandescent system that has always been present in the museum. Along with providing natural light, the new system will also be cheaper to maintain, with 350 fixtures compared to 400, and a longer lifespan in each bulb. The second technological leap in the museum are the new iPads that are present in gallery one and the special exhibit hall. These iPads allow for viewers to see the works on a projected screen and enlarge them for closer inspection. The iPads also allow for the user to view all the works that are related to the gallery in a easy to navigate database. The new technology is housed in all new galleries. The museum has replaced all the dull, neutral colors, that according to the Museum Director Sarah Boehme “was a good flexible system, but it was looking very dated in terms of the interior and it meant that we couldn’t experiment with color.” This dated fabric has been replaced with several of these new experimental colors. For the American Frontier Gallery the col-
or is a mix of light blue and dark green, giving the Frontier Gallery and very natural exterior feel. For the gallery that focuses on the people that lived out west a dark shade of yellow lit with bright LED bulbs gives the viewer a sense of standing under the shining New Mexico sun. This room is populated by works from the Taos Society of Artist, among whom are Joseph Henry Sharp, E.L. Blumenschein, Bert Phillips, E.I. Couse, W.H. Dunton, E. Martin Hennings, Oscar Berninghaus, Victor Higgins, Walter Ufer and Kenneth Adams. Their works focused on the Pueblo lifestyles and capturing what they saw as the perfect west. These works were often painted in extreme lighting and the LED bulbs really show the work at its full potential. Along with the galleries, the lobby as also been redone. Instead of having the closed feeling that the old lobby had, the new lobby is more open with the visitors desk moved to the right of the door and on the left the museum store has been given more space. The museum has also been rearranged so that the exhibitions are shown in a logical manner. The layout is designed so that it follows typical human nature, with the start of the art being to the right and following a path around the entirety of the museum. The reason for the museum being updated is so that it stays relevant to the area. Boehme stated her reason for believing the museum is here in Orange. “I think the American West is the story of America,” Boehme said. “That push to know the land that was part of the Western expansion is part of who we are as Americans. We don’t have the long history of Europe, America found its identity in its landscape and what the natural resources had to offer. Our push to explore and know the unknown its part of who I think we are, and that’s what I think this art reflects. That’s why its relevant even in an area where many of us regard ourselves as Southerners rather then Westerners, we are in Texas, we’re part of the West. It was that push that brought people into this area as well. That identification with the land, with knowing it, with becoming a part of it, and with proofing ourselves is part of our story.” The museum is located at 712 Green Avenue in Orange. Normal hours of operation are Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and its free to the public. For more information call 409-886-ARTS (2787) or visit www.starkmuseum.org. The Museum will close early, at 2 p.m., on New Year’s Eve, Saturday, Dec. 31.
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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Cooking with Katherine: Seafood Lasagna
Katherine Aras For The Record
Here is a casserole you can fix ahead of time for all your friends and family. It will even freeze well. I know at this time of the year I am eagerly awaiting for my family to fix the turkey and dressing. After I have eaten enough of turkey this casserole dish is about the next best thing. Happy holidays to all, and of course Happy Eating too! 6 lasagna noodles 1 cup chopped onion 1 cup sliced mushrooms 1/4 cup (½ stick) butter or margarine 8 oz. Cream cheese 1 ½ cups cottage cheese ½ cup (2oz.) Grated Parme-
Market New Arrival!
san cheese 1 egg, beaten 1 tablespoon parsley flakes 2 teaspoons basil Salt and pepper to taste 1 (10-oz.) Can cream of mushroom
soup 1/3 cup dry white wine 1 pound deveined peeled boiled shrimp 1 pound lump crab meat, drained and shells removed 1 cup (4 oz.) Shredded mozzarella cheese Cook the noodles using the package directions; drain. Saute the onion and mushrooms in the butter in a large skillet until tender. Remove from the heat. Add the cream cheese and mix well. Stir in the cottage cheese, Parmesan cheese, egg, parsley flakes, ba-
sil, salt and pepper. Combine the soup and wine in a bowl and mix well. Fold the shrimp and crab meat into the soup mixture. Layer the noodles, cream cheese mixture and shrimp mixture ½ at a time in a greased 9x13-inch baking dish
and sprinkle with the mozzarella cheese.; Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Katherine Aras Look Who’s Cooking Now (409)670-3144 New Shop Hours in Jan. 2012 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. M-F, Sat. 9:30-12:00
Mannheim Steamroller to perform at the Lutcher Theater
Start at
Staff Report
For The Record
Mannheim Steamroller continues to be America’s favorite Christmas music artist with their spectacular and beloved holiday show. The Dec. 29, 7:30 p.m. performance is now SOLD OUT! However, great seats are still available in all seating areas for the recently added 4 p.m. performance, also scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 29. Mannheim Steamroller’s appearance at the Lutcher Theater is one of only four Texas tour dates this December and the group is not scheduled to play in neighboring Louisiana at all this holiday season. Tickets range from $40-$70 and are available only at www. lutcher.org and by calling the Lutcher box office at 409-8865535. In 1984, Mannheim Steamroller released Mannheim Steamroller Christmas, an album that changed the entire music industry. Already a multi-platinum recording artist through its Fresh Aire series, founder Chip Davis de-
Homemade Cajun Boudain Cracklins Fresh Everyday Smokehouse Fried Peanuts with Jerky Cajun Seasoning
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cided to record an album of Christmas music combining the group’s signature mix of Renaissance instruments with rock & roll beats. The resulting album was a runaway hit and not only propelled Mannheim Steamroller to become the biggest selling Christmas music artist in history, but also one of the top 50 biggest selling musical acts ever (they’ve sold almost 40 million albums). The group’s annual Christmas tour has become a tradition right along with decorating the tree, exchanging presents and spending time with friends and family. While Mannheim Steamroller is known worldwide, the story of founder Chip Davis is a true-life tale of a modern day “Renaissance Man.” From founding his own record label American Gramaphone, which has been ranked by Billboard as the #1 independent label, to creating the Mannheim Steamroller “lifestyle” of food, apparel and other products. Chip’s accomplishments have been extraordinary. His latest achievement is creating a cutting edge psychoacoustic technology that is being used
in major medical institutions such as Mayo Clinic and is also being studied by NASA for potential use in space. For more information please log onto www.mannheimsteamroller.com. The Christmas Music of Mannheim Steamroller is sponsored locally by Temple Inland and the Southeast Texas Arts Council. Individual sponsor is Kenneth Wernig. The Lutcher Theater for the Performing Arts is located at 707 Main, Orange, TX. Don’t miss BROADWAY, BEATLES & BLUES at the Lutcher Theater!
Louisiana Bread Pudding its own bread pudding. But hey, it must be Gooder’n Syrup because I have never met a I have a new shoe french person that on today. It is an ancouldn’t cook. I think kle bracelet. my mother-in-law could So far, it seems to have made fried dirt Von Broussard be the best. I can taste good. walk much better 1/4 loaf of day old French with it on. It will be the last Bread or 2 cups of day old dry thing I will wear, probably for bread one month. I think it will de1/4 tsp of salt pend on me. I just need 1 tsp of vanilla strength and stability. 2 eggs, separated Contrary to what some 1/4 cup of brown sugar think, I did not break my big 1/2 tsp of baking powder toe, but my left leg, just above 1/2 cup of white raisins the ankle. 2 cups of hot water or milk I will be glad when I get back 3 tbsp of butter or margato Wal-Mart’s walking again. I rine really miss seeing all of the Pour the hot water or milk new friends that we have met over bread and soak for five there. minutes. Add butter, baking I am still waiting on all powder, salt and raisins. Beat those recipes that some have egg yolks with sugar and add promised me. to mixture. Pour into butter I have one more goodie for baking dish. Place dish into a you and we will get down to pan of hot water. Bake on 350 serious business. for one hour. Serve with lemon I didn’t know Louisiana had sauce.
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The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Deaths and Memorials Death Announcements:
Betty Jean Trantham Orange Betty Jean Trantham, 77, of Orange passed away on Tuesday, Dec. 20, at The Meadow Nursing. Funeral arrangements pending at Dorman Funeral Home. To Be held:
Evelyn Barker Roberts Vinton, La. Evelyn Barker Roberts, 87, of Vinton, La. passed away on Monday, Dec. 19, at The Meadows Nursing Home in Orange. A visitation will be held on W e d n e s d a y, Dec. 21, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Dorman Funeral Home. A Graveside Service will be held Thursday, Dec. 22, at 3 p.m. at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens . See complete information about Evelyn and leave a guestbook entry at www.dormanfuneralhome.com. She was native of Talladega Ala. ; born on Oct. 5, 1924 to the late Sally Lou (Waites) and Jessie Barker. She had lived in the Orange area from 1947 until 1954 when she moved to Vinton. She enjoyed going fishing. Evelyn was a loving wife, mother, sister, grandmother and friend who will be missed dearly. She was preceded in death by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Barker; husband Lewis Roberts; son, Ray W. Barker; sisters Addie Slay, Lizzie Muad, Wren Willingham; brothers, Pete and Frank Barker. She is survived by her daughter, Susan Wallace and husband, Robert of Orange; sons, Larry Roberts and wife, Sherrie of Vinton, Allen Roberts and wife, Kim of Orange, Tommy Roberts and wife, Sherrie of Vinton, Richard Roberts and wife, Anne of Orange. Also left to cherish her memory are her grandchildren, Michael Barker, Stephanie Haggard, Karren Cummings, Darla Roberts, Rachel Roberts Dartez, Jillian White, Tammi Roberts, Tommy D. Roberts, Valeri Roberts; great grandchildren, Shayla Roberts-Long, Adrian Roberts, Ethan Harper.
Gloria Ann Jones Orange Gloria Ann Jones, 82, of Orange, passed away Saturday, Dec. 17, at Harbor Hospice in Beaumont. Friends are invited to join the family for a graveside service at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 21, at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens near Bridge City. The Rev. Forrest Wood, pastor of First Baptist Church in Orangefield, will officiate. Services are under the direction of Claybar Funeral Home in Orange. There will be no visitation. Mrs. Jones was born on March 10, 1929, to Earl and Dora (Levinsky) Wolff in Minden, La. She graduated from LSU and was a
kindergarten teacher for many years. She was a member of First Baptist Church in Orangefield and was a former member of the International Club and the AAUW. She is preceded in death by her parents; husband, Davis K. Jones; daughter, Kay Fitzgerald; sister, Kathryn Butler and brother, Earl Wolff. Mrs. Jones is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Sharon and Louis Head Sr. of Katy; grandchildren, Jonathan Fitzgerald, Heather Fitzgerald, Louis Head Jr., Scarlett Head; and great grandchildren, Lindsey Fitzgerald and Luna Fitzgerald.
Donald Dean Simmons Orange Donald D. Simmons, 58, of Orange died Sunday, Dec. 18, at The Medical Center of Southeast Texas in Port Arthur. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 21, at Memorial Funeral Home of Vidor. Born on April 23, 1953 and a native of Witchita, Kan., he has lived in Orange for 25 years and was a Boat Captain with Kirby Inland Marine. Donald is survived by his wife Joyce Simmons of Orange; sons Dennis Esclovon and Ricky Pipps both of Mauriceville,;daughter Sheila Dougia of Lumberton; seven grandchildren; and five great grandchildren.
Regan Blake Smitherman Orange Regan Blake Smitherman, 51, of Orange passed away on Sunday, Dec. 18. A visitation will be held on W e d n e s d a y, Dec. 21, from 2 to 7 p.m. at Dorman Funeral Home; with a memorial service held a 6 p.m. Cremation will follow the services. He was a native and life long resident of Orange; born on Dec. 12, 1960 to late parents Joe Hazel (Bourliea) Force and Buford Judson Smitherman. He was employed with Millwrights Local Union #2232 for many years. He enjoyed going hunting and spending time with his family and friends. He was preceded in death by his father Buford Smitherman; mother and step-father, Joe Hazel and Frederick Force; grandparents, E. Lee and Jewel L. Smitherman, Paul A. and Isabell Bourliea; uncle, Terry Bourliea; aunt, Benny L. Uzee; great uncle, Wilfred Lancon; step brother, Jeff Peveto. He is survived by his brother, Ronnie Smitherman of Orange, Rick D. Smitherman of Austin; step brothers, Frederick Duane Force and Walter Brent Force both of Austin, William E. Force, Greg Peveto both of Orange; step sister, Lisa G. Maze of Orange; uncles, Bobby and Jo Alice Smitherman, Larry and Rita Faye Bourliea; aunts, Eula Mae Campbell of Orange, Mary Ann and Sidney Staudt of Greenville, S.C., nieces, Megan Wood, Lau-
ren Smitherman and nephew, Kyle Smitherman.
Rev. Leo Anderson Sr. Orange Rev. Leo Anderson, Sr., 71, of Orange, passed away Sunday, Dec. 18, at the Southeast Texas Medical Center in Port Arthur. Funeral Services will be 2 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 22, at First United Pentecostal Church in Orange. Officiating will be the Rev. Charles Braneff of First Apostolic Church in Dequincy, La. Burial will follow at Evergreen Cemetery in Orange. Visitation will be from 3 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, at Claybar Funeral Home in Orange. Born in Orange, Texas on July 29, 1940, the Rev. Leo Anderson was the son of the Rev. Ira Daniel Anderson and Marie (Smith) Anderson. The time has come to celebrate the life and legacy of this wonderful man of God. From the beginning of his ministry with his healing from a speech impediment at the age of 14, until the final moments of his life here on earth, Rev. Anderson lived as an example of a true Christian. His ministry has touched the life of thousands of people in the 57 years he served God as an Apostolic Pentecostal minister. Rev. Anderson’s impact on the Orange community will never be forgotten as he pastored here for over 33 years and ministered in a multitude of capacities. From his always uplifting spirit to his love for people, Rev. Anderson will live on through his good will and deeds he bestowed upon all of us who knew him. Preceded in death by his parents, three brothers and two sisters, Leo is survived by his wife of 51 years, Ivalyn Anderson; three sons, Anthony Bryan Anderson of Katy, Leo Daniel Anderson Jr. and wife, Evangeline of Tampa, Fla., and Jarrod Delon Anderson and wife, Doralee of Groves. He is also survived by his nine grandchildren, Senior Airman Jessica Michelle Anderson, Andrew Preston Anderson, Landon Nathaniel Anderson, Cayden Daniel Anderson, Kinley Briann Anderson, Benjamin Daniel Anderson, Ethan Jarrod Anderson, Rachel Ann Anderson and Emily Grace Anderson; four brothers, the Rev. Leon Anderson, the Rev. Glenn Anderson, the Rev. Douglas Anderson, and Otis Anderson; and two sisters, Micky Lorenze and Pat Thompson. Serving as pallbearers will be James Rainwater, Doug Anderson, Glenn Anderson, Andrew Anderson, Ethan Anderson and James Gosnell. Held:
Gene Thacker Clark Mauriceville Gene Thacker Clark, of Mauriceville, passed away Thursday, Dec 15. Funeral services to remember his life were held on Monday, Dec. 19, at the First Baptist Church in Mauriceville. Interment followed in the Williamson Cemetery in Vidor. Born Aug. 29, 1932 to Fad Howard Clark and Iva (Ratcliff) Clark, he lived in the Mauricev-
ille area for most of his life. Gene worked in the engineering field as a respected electrical designer, his interests were his family, gardening, cooking and hunting. He happily shared his famous dill pickles and Clark Roses with his many friends and co-workers. Gene was preceded in death by his parents and sisters, Dorothy Peco, Madelene Neel and Elnora Schexnayder. Fortunate to cherish his memory are his children, Raejean Grimes German and husband, Norman and Martin Clark; grandchildren, Hunter Grimes and Lacy Grimes; devoted brother, Herman Wade Clark; mother of his children and lifelong friend, Johnnie Ruth Martin Clark and many loving nieces and nephews.
James Batts Rives Jr. Abilene, Texas James B. Rives Jr., 77, went to his heavenly home on Tuesday, Dec. 13, after a long illness. Funeral services were held in the Chapel at Southern Hills Church of Christ in Abilene on Saturday, Dec. 17. Interment followed in Buffalo Gap Cemetery under the direction of the Piersall-Benton Funeral Directors. Jim was born on April 19, 1934, in San Antonio to James B. Sr, and Hazel Hicks Rives. After graduating from Thomas Jefferson High School, he attended The University of Texas and graduated in 1956 with a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. His 38 year career with DuPont saw him residing in Wilmington, Delaware; Parkersburg, W.V. and Orange, Texas. While in Wilmington he met and married Barbara Anna Sunderland on Dec 17, 1966. Throughout his life, Jim’s hobbies centered on community and church activities. He was a longtime Elder at the 9th & Elm and Fellowship Churches of Christ in Orange. He was also involved in the Boy Scouts of America for many years and received the Silver Beaver award. Additional community involvement included membership in the Orange Community Players and service on the boards of the local United Way, the West OrangeCove CISD, and the DuPont Sabine River Works Federal Credit Union. He also served the elderly of Orange County for many years by providing free tax preparation at the library. Jim and Barbara moved to Abilene in 2005 to be near their daughters and their families. Jim is survived by his wife of almost 45 years, Barbara Sunderland Rives of Abilene. He is also survived by daughter and son-in-law Betsy and David Colwell, daughter and son-in-law Marcia and Greg Straughn, and grand-daughters Emily and Megan Colwell and Eva, Anna, and Mattye Straughn, all of Abilene. He was preceded in death by his parents, James B., Sr. and Hazel Hicks Rives. The entire family expresses
much appreciation and thanks to his wonderful caregivers from Home Instead: Bryce Flanders, Reta Crawford, Terry Victorina, and others. We also thank the nurses and other caregivers at The Abbey at Wesley Court, and Hendrick Hospice for their compassionate care. An endowed scholarship in his name has been established for students in the new Department of Engineering and Physics at Abilene Christian University. Memorial donations may be made to the James B. Rives, Jr. endowed scholarship at ACU Box 29132, Abilene, TX 79699. Condolences may be offered to the family online at www.pbfuneraldirectors.com.
Jada Ardale Carpenter Orange Jada Ardale Carpenter, 72, of Orange, died Tuesday, Dec. 6, at Harbor Hospital in Beaumont. A memorial service was Friday, Dec. 16, at Claybar Funeral Home in Orange with the Rev. Barry Bradley, pastor of First
Baptist Church in Orange, officiating. Cremation was under the direction of Claybar Haven of Rest Crematory. Born in Cathlamet, Wash. on Sept. 25, 1939, Jada was the daughter of Delvin Everett Groat and Margaret (Ahoe) Groat. She loved horses, riding in trail rides and also motorcycles. She dearly loved her grandchildren and her dogs. Jada truly enjoyed being a truck driver and traveling the country. Preceded in death by Richard Dewey Carpenter Sr., Jada is survived by her daughter, Carla Sullivan; son, Richard Dewey Carpenter Jr. and Tonja McCarver; grandchildren, Richard Jules Price, Phillip Charles Price, Kayla Nicole Carpenter, Terri Lee Carpenter and Dakota Miles Carpenter; sister, Dinah Devore; and numerous other loving family and friends.
• The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Christmas on the Farm Kent Conwell
Lighter Side of Life For The Record
If you’ve ever passed through or spent time up in the Texas Panhandle during the winter, you know just how cold the weather can be. The eastern Panhandle is rolling sand hills; the west is prairie land flat as a wet leaf. And I’m here to tell you that neither conformation does in now way inhibit the wind howling down from Santa Claus at the North Pole. Of course, we kids always looked forward to the first snow, but the initial thrill quickly wore off. Slugging through ankle deep mud to feed the animals and milk the cows has a way of throwing and ice-covered blanket over any degree of excitement. Growing up, we lived next door to my aunt and her husband. He had a couple cows. He milked them in the morning, and with Dad overseas, my job was to milk them in the evening. It was a tedious enough task when the weather was nice, but during the winter, the snow and rain and mud put a quick end to a fifth grade boy’s delight over a fresh snowfall.
I was never one to complain when one of the cows started drying up. Now, I don’t remember actually muttering the words, but I probably added a footnote to my prayers at night to assist the old cows in drying up. Even spraying cats with warm milk couldn’t detract from the cold slithering up my coat or pant legs as I squatted at the old bovine’s side. About the only thing colder than milking cows in the middle of the winter was utilizing the twoholer out back. That’s a cold beyond description. Even the spiders and snakes left. Fortunately, baths were taken in a washtub in the kitchen in front of the stove with the oven door open and the burners going full blast. Come February or March, I was ready for Mister Winter to move on back north. Luckily for us, our relationship with the two-holer only lasted during of the war for upon Dad’s return, he built us a house with all the facilities a couple lots over.
Usually, we spent Christmas on my maternal grandparents’ farm out by Lubbock. That part of Texas was sometimes given the moniker ‘Great Plains’ or ‘Staked Plains’, because it was so flat. Those Christmases have always held a special spot in my memory. We’d spend a week or so at Mama’s for Mom’s family was fairly large, three sisters and four brothers. Not all could make it the same time, instead trickling in over a few days. You get eight couples and their kids together, and very soon bodies are poking out every window of a three-room clapboard house. We usually made the trip with my aunt and her husband. Both self-employed, they could take off when they wanted. Dad always had to work, so he’d drive on out the night before Christmas Eve Since the adults took up most of the space inside, we boys played outside despite the cold. From time to time, we’d scoot inside to warm up and dry out. Naturally fireworks, then as now, were part of the Christmas celebration, and we cousins would save up for an ample supply. Now, firecrackers on a farm were a big no-no because of the animals, so we had to wander off down to the local creek some halfmile away to set them off. Roman candles were another matter for they weren’t as noisy as a string of Black Cats. Other than a hissing whoosh and a low decibel pop, the Roman candle served as an ideal weapon when we waged battle with each other. Now, cousins in our family were sort of stratified, I suppose you could say. Each strata was about four or five years older than the next group, which meant the younger ones were prime objects for unabashed bullying. The one who gave Ed and me the most trouble was Dooley. His name was Henry, Henry Shoop, but he had been stuck with the nickname Dooley as long as I could remember. Anyway, one winter, Dooley cornered me and Ed out in the barn, which was a cavernous structure with a dozen or more stalls, two or three lofts, and no telling how many tack rooms and feed rooms. And oh yes, in the winter, the floor turned to squishy mud from not only the weather but the afterthoughts of the bovines loitering about out of the frigid cold. That day, Dooley was chasing us with a shovel full of afterthoughts he had scooped up with the intent of dumping it on us. Even though he was five years our senior, the cumbersome load plus the slippery footing sent him sliding into a pile of afterthoughts himself. That gave us time to scamper across the farmyard to the well house where we’d cached our supply of fireworks in a milk can. Just as we pulled out our Roman candles, Dooley yanked the door open. Before he could move, we touched matches to the candles. He stumbled back, fell over his own feet, then jumped up, but not before we sizzled his rear end with a couple balls. Laughing like lunatics, we chased him all the way to the house. Retribution? You bet. He finally caught us without our equalizers, carrying out his initial intent, to toss us in the afterthoughts. The women made us strip down to our longjohns on the porch in the cold so we wouldn’t smell up the house. I swore to get even with Dooley, even though I knew I would pay for any revenge. That night, Dad handed me the answer. He had to go back to Wheeler and I was to go with him. We’d leave early, before everyone got up. Mom and my brother would come the next day. That night while Dooley slept on the pallet next to mine, I dumped a cup of afterthoughts in his boot. Sometime later, Dad awakened me, and we left. I giggled all the way home. According to Mom, Dooley pulled his boot on, then jerked his foot out and tracked the stuff all over the house before the women ran him outside. I pleaded innocent. Mom and Dad knew I was lying, but when I saw them grin at each other, I realized they knew the truth. I kept expecting some kind of punishment, but it never came. Until that summer. That’s when I ran into Dooley once again. rconwell@gt.rr.com http://www.kentconwell.blogspot.com/ www.goodreads.com/author/show/13557.Kent_Conwell www.amazon.com/-/e/B001JPCK26
Texas Dominates List of Best-Performing Cities Staff Report
For The Record
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*1.9% APR only for well-qualified buyers when nanced through participating lender; not all buyers will qualify. Amount of down payment and other factors may affect qualiication. 60 months at $17.48 per month per $1,000 nanced with zero down at participating lender. Loan origination fees may apply. Excludes Mazdaspeed3. Must take new retail delivery from dealer stock by 1/3/2012. See participating dealer for complete details. †Available on select Mazda3 models. Based on 2012 EPA estimates for Mazda3 i 4-Door models with SKYACTIV®-G 2.0L engine and SKYACTIV®-Drive 6-speed automatic transmission 28 city/40 highway mpg. Actual results may vary. ‡0% APR only for well-qualified buyers when nanced through participating lender; not all buyers qualify. Amount of down payment and other factors may affect qualification. 60 months at $16.67 per month per $1,000 nanced with zero down at participating lender and deferred payments for 90 days. Payment deferral not available in PA or where prohibited by law. Excludes Mazdaspeed3. Loan origination fees may apply. Interest, if applicable, accrues from contract date. Must take new retail delivery from dealer stock by 1/3/2012. See participating dealer for complete details.
Texas dominated the Milken Institute’s annual index of BestPerforming Cities, taking four of the Top 5 positions and nine of the Top 25, thanks to the state’s healthy economy and robust job creation climate. “I’m proud of the environment we’ve created in Texas that allows employers to risk their capital, receive a return on their investment and create jobs, thanks to our low taxes, reasonable and predictable regulatory environment, fair legal system and skilled workforce,” Gov. Rick Perry said. “Each of these cities highlights the reasons Texas is the best place to live, work and raise a family, and I congratulate them on this recognition.” To determine the Best-Performing cities, the Milken Institute measured job, wage and technology performance over a five-year period. The study found that Texas employers were responsible for one of every five jobs created in the nation from June 2010 to June 2011. San Antonio was the top performer among the nation’s 200 Best-Performing large metros, and Houston-Sugar Land-Baytown ranked number one among the 10 largest metros. The study attributes Texas’ success to having a favorable business climate, low business costs, renewed trade with Mexico and South America, and ongoing energy exploration and alternative fuels research. Earlier this year, Site Selection Magazine, DCI and Area Development Magazine each ranked Texas as the best business climate. Additionally, Texas won Site Selection Magazine’s 2010 Governor’s Cup for the most new and expanded corporate facilities announced over the year. According to USA Today, Texas has moved past New York as the nation’s second largest economy, and the Wall Street Journal has credited the state’s low taxes and employer-friendly environment with helping make Texas the job creation capital of the nation. Additionally, Texas is ranked as the top exporting state in the nation for the ninth year in a row, and Texas consistently ranks among the top states for Fortune 500 headquarters. To view the full report online, please visit http://bestcities. milkeninstitute.org/. To view the full report as a PDF, please visit http://governor. state.tx.us/files/press-office/BestPerformingCities2011MilkenReport.pdf. To find out more about job creation in Texas, please visit www. texaswideopenforbusiness.com.
The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Early Christmas remembered with sadness n My youth is part of who I am; I can’t separate from it. More than at any other time, when the holiday season rolls around, my thoughts drift back to the days of my youth. My thoughts of Christmas then still leaves me saddened today. My father abandoned mom and I before I was out of diapers. That was an embarrassing social rarity for the times – the early ‘30s. No woman was a single mom unless she was widowed. As a little guy, to cope with my situation, I developed a habit of lying rather than telling anyone I had a father I didn’t know. I’d make up stories about him coming to see me. I never tried to hide the fact that he didn’t live with us. However, in anyway I could, I didn’t let anyone know that he wasn’t interested in my life and that I never heard from him. Just the contrary, I lied about hearing from him and that he was coming to get me. I made up many lies, like he had bought me a horse for Christmas and was keeping it for me at his ranch. One day, out of the blue, he did show up and he and mom arranged for me to go with him. She felt I would be better off. We were so poor that even food was hard to come by. My leaving broke her heart. She hugged and kissed me goodbye. I still recall the tears running down her cheeks. I wasn’t dry-eyed either but I was excited that I finally was like the other youngsters; I had a daddy. Even though the stay with my father wasn’t a long one, and that’s an entire other story, I did see a side of life I had never known. How the well-to-do lived. I learned there was a better way, and it helped to motivate me towards that goal. When I returned home, I wasn’t allowed to take any of the new belongings I owned. The problem was a stepmother who didn’t want me around, so I was returned. My problems about the situation we were in got worse for me mentally. I blamed mom for our hardships. I had been somewhat brainwashed. I learned later that I had blamed the wrong person. My father drew the attention of a celebrity whenever he came to town. He had been the owner of the famous Lafitte Club, in Abbeville, until right after I was born. I recall when I was about 10 years old, he came to town and he and a Texas Ranger named Jim Perkins checked into the Audrey Hotel, the only lodging in town. I was washing dishes and peeling potatoes at Harry Bower’s Midway restaurant. Harry told me my dad was in town. He let me off of work. I sheepishly went to the hotel looking for dad. I was directed to his room. He didn’t act over-excited to see me, even though it had been three years. He told Jim who I was. He acted surprised to learn Clay had a son. Dad gave me
a few dollars and dismissed me saying they had business to take care of. Similar situations occurred a couple of times more before I got old enough to just shuck it off. I had become callused. The early years were the tough ones for a little boy who didn’t understand why he couldn’t be like the other kids. The most painful was Christmas. I never had one. Only once in my youth did we have a Christmas tree. One of the teachers gave it to me. I carried it all the way home from the schoolhouse, put it up in the corner. Mom and I colored paper strips. With flour made paste we glued the strips into a chain that we wrapped around the tree. Christmas morning there wasn’t anything under it, but we had a tree. Being poor and fatherless as a child didn’t bring me any material gifts, but it gave me gifts that have followed me into the winter of my years. Poor families learn loyalty to one another and to those who befriend them. Not having a dad around in those days, a youngster matured earlier and learned to be self sufficient while rolling with the punches. I learned to read people. I knew the ones I could count on and those who would likely use me. I am a real stickler about loyalty and have a deep value for friendship. Throughout my life, I’ve had a soft spot for the under-privileged, especially the youth. Of the awards I’ve been honored to receive, being named “Boys Worker of the Year” for my youth work by Optimist International is my most treasured. Times have changed, and children raised in a single parent home don’t carry the stigma it once did. However, children with no dad around have a void that affects them. I’m sure there are those who tell lies and make up stories about their relationships with dads. Maybe like me, they never got gifts from their fathers. This Christmas my thoughts will turn to the lady who helped me make it through those difficult years. Mom passed away five years ago and I miss her and think of her every day of my life. Life since my early years has been good. I’ve been luckier than most who lived similar situations. Poverty often breeds poverty. I’ve managed to raise a great family who has had wonderful Christmases. I treasure my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Christmas for me is mixed bag, but then it always has been. The organizations that see that poor children have gifts under the tree will never know the heartbreaks they may have saved. This year, Phyl and I will have all three of our children with us, also all of our grandchildren, with the exception of Jenna, Robby and our two great-grandkids, Nate and Delilah, who live in Massachusetts. We are very fortunate however,
to have our 2-year-old great grandson, “Scooter” Gros spending his first Christmas with us and also our granddaughter Amber who lives in Ohio. We are truly blessed with a great family
and good friends. Despite my rough start, life is good. I thank God for his many blessings and carry Jesus in my heart while celebrating his birthday.
Saying goodbye to Rev. Leo Pastor Leo Anderson, age 71, passed away Sunday, Dec. 18, from complications with pneumonia. Rev. Leo was a longtime friend and the last person I would have thought wouldn’t make it through the month of December. He was a charter member of the Wednesday Lunch Bunch, a group meeting he enjoyed and seldom missed. He served as chaplain of the Bunch starting off each meeting with a prayer. At the last gathering he attended he showed no signs of being ill. He developed a head cold, then it went to his chest and in a few days he was admitted to the hospital and put on a ventilator. He never responded and was taken off of life support Sunday. Rev. enjoyed telling stories, many on himself and his experiences on the road and the tough times he faced as a young preacher. He told that he put on a necktie at age 14 to begin preaching and had not removed it in public since. He liked to tell about he and wife, Ivalyn, once preaching in Arkansas as evangelists receiving, at the end of the week, only $14.50 in the offering. The host pastor pitched in 50 cents to make it an even $15. That was just enough to make it home to Orange. He and Ms. Ivalyn were always available to minister to the sick, prisoners and downtrodden. Mrs. Anderson has been in bad health and she was Rev. Leo’s main concern. He cared and loved her very much. He always said he married above himself. Together they had three boys. Friends will be telling Leo stories for many years. Judge Claude Wimberly and Judge James Stringer are loaded with stories. Leo always made fun of himself but he was proud to be from the Cove and often named dropped about the youngsters raised in that part of Orange,
Pastor Leo Anderson
Judge Joe Parkhurst, Judge Janice Menard, Tucker Clayton, the Harmon boys, etc. Rev. Leo and I performed several funeral services together. He played it straight and I performed. He often referred to he and David Peck doing my service and having the last word. I’ve been asked to speak at his funeral. I kidded Rev. a lot but the one thing I couldn’t do was embarrass him. He was comfortable in his skin. A good man of God. Goodbye my friend. Please see
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The true joy of Christmas is in the
everlasting love of Christ. From our family to yours, We wish you
Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!
• David & Patsy Peck •
• The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Some of Santa’s gifts naughty, most nice
Darin Freshour wiped away a handful of moisture that had already accumulated on his face before even climbing in the boat and begrudgingly asked the one question that obviously bade asking.“What are our prospects of even getting to the fish in all of this fog….. must less catching them?” “Don’t worry about the fog,” I responded while trying to make out the concrete pillars under the Adam’s Bayou Bridge less than fifty feet ahead of us. “If we can get where we need to be quickly enough and a handful of birds will help us just a little, we will limit on trout before most folks even launch their boats.” This was day three of exactly the same conditions and my only concern was that a few terns would not be on hand to help me pin point a big school of solid trout that had been hanging out on a shell bank on the ICW. The bite had only lasted about a half an hour each morning, but every fish was in that two to three pound range. Because easy limits of redfish had been a given, arriving on time and quickly locating the trout would be the difference maker in a good or great day on the water! The most critical factor was getting there in time to take advantage of the all too brief feeding frenzy. I flipped the split-screen on my GPS back to full map display and zoomed in on the same trail I had been running all week. Darin watched for boat traffic while his partner kept an eye out for any new floating debris. I monitored the GPS as we eased up on plane and re-traced the trail to the desired destination. After a slow, but steady boat ride, we heard the birds before we could even see them. I COLBURN PAGE 5B
Darin Freshour with a foggy morning redfish.
RECORD PHOTO: Dickie Colburn
Kaz’s Fearless Football Forecast H POINSETTIA BOWL Wed. 7 p.m. at San
Diego, CA. (ESPN)—TCU (10-2) over Louisiana Tech (8-4).
H MAACO BOWL Thurs. 7 p.m. at Las Vegas, NV. (ESPN)—Boise State (11-1) over Arizona State (8-4). H HAWAII BOWL Sat. 7 p.m. at Honolulu, HI. (ESPN)—Southern Miss (11-2) over Nevada (8-4). H INDEPENDENCE BOWL Mon. 4 p.m. at Shreveport, LA. (ESPN2)—Missouri (7-5) over North Carolina (7-5). H LITTLE CAESARS BOWL Tues. 3:30 p.m. at Detroit, MI. (ESPN)—Purdue (6-6) over West-
ern Michigan (6-6).
H BELK BOWL Tues. 7 p.m. at Charlotte, N.C. (ESPN)—North Carolina State (7-5) over Louisville (7-5). H PRO PICKS—Houston over Indianapolis (Thurs.), Kansas City over Oakland, Pittsburgh over St. Louis, Carolina over Tampa Bay, Baltimore over Cleveland, NY Jets over NY Giants, San Diego over Detroit, Dallas over Philadelphia, Tennessee over Jacksonville, Denver over Buffalo, Washington over Minnesota, New England over Miami, Arizona over Cincinnati, Seattle over San Francisco (all Sat.), Green Bay over Chicago (Sunday Night), New Orleans over Atlanta (Monday Night).
The traffic, which had been crawling at a snail’s pace in the westbound lane of Interstate 10, came to a standstill ten minutes ago. Drivers were becoming very impatient, with many of them coming out of their cars to take a look at what was happening further up the road. The weather was cloudy with winds gusting, but the temperature still didn’t feel like December and a week from Christmas. I rolled down my window and found out the culprit was a construction project less than a mile up the interstate. A rotund fellow with a snowy white beard walked past the car. He was sweating profusely and seemed quite annoyed at the situation. I asked if he was all right and he nodded. “How can a person stay on a schedule when there are these unforeseen delays?’ he asked. “I have a thousand kids waiting to see me this afternoon at a Houston mall and here I am going nowhere fast.” “You know, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re a spitting image of Santa, but without your red snowsuit,” I said. “You’re right! You’re right!,” he said somewhat annoyed. “I took off that hot red suit a few minutes ago.” KAZ’S CHRISTMAS WISHES PAGE 3B
• The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
A Christmas Story
A New Fishing Rod For Gramps
oung Cris had been going fishing since he was old enough to walk. Gramps, as he had called him, was raising Chris as best he could, living on a fixed income. Cris’ parents were taken from him in a car crash wen he was only six months old, and his Gramps was just like a dad to him. Gramps had lost his wife to cancer a year before Cris was born, so the two of them needed each other very much. Living within a mile of one of Texas’ largest bays, Cris enjoyed the time he and his grandfather spent on its shores. Gramps had spent many hours schooling him in the finer art of angling for redfish and he always admired the pretty copper-colored battlers that his gramps caught and later cooked for dinner. Cris fished with push-button reel on a rod that was tattered and missing an eye or two. Limited as to what he could catch on his smaller outfit, he was just as happy catching croakers for Gramps to use for cut bait to lure the redfish they ate. Gramps fished with an old knuckle-busting reel that had no drag and direct drive mounted on an old six-foot rod that was a little stiffer than he would like, but it was all he had, and he couldn’t afford a newer model, so he made do. In the spring of Cris’ eighth year, he accompanied Gramps to a local pawn shop where Gramps was going to try to sell his old shot gun to help pay for some of his medical bills. Gramps reasoned that since he was too old to tromp the salt marsh after ducks any more, he might as well use the gun for something good. While in the pawn shop, Cris noticed his grandfather wander over the rack of fishing rods in the corner and pick up a shiny sevenfoot rod with a new, bright red Garcia reel on it. Gramps held the rod admiringly, sighting down the length of it. He tested it for balance and made several casts before setting it back in its place. Cris knew then what he wanted to give his Gramps for next Christmas. All summer long Cris did as many odd jobs as he could, saving every penny he earned mowing grass and washing cars. In between fishing trips with his Grandfather, he carried out the neighbor’s garbage, and as summer turned into fall, he raked leaves all over the neighborhood. Finally two days before Christmas, he had enough money saved. Cris hopped on his bicycle and pedaled down to the pawn shop ... only to find that the rod and reel that his Grams had so admired had been sold only hours before. Disappointed and with his gaze fixed on the ground, Cris slowly rode his bicycle back home. He knew he did not have enough money to buy Gramps a brand new rod and reel. He needed time to try and figure out what to do, and he knew no better way to think things over than go fishing. Grabbing his push button reel and rod, he quietly slipped out the back door as Gramps napped in his chair. He figured he would be back before Gramps even knew he was gone. When he arrived at the edge of the bay, he noticed that the tide was unusually high and the bay as calm as glass. Only the occasional swirl of a passing mullet dimpled the surface. Cris had brought only one piece of cut mullet, because he didn’t really think he would catch anything, but he enjoyed the peace and solitude. Mainly he wanted to try and figure out what to do about Gramps’ Christmas gift. Casting out his piece of bait, he held onto his rod but let his mind wander. Watching a lone seagull glide effortlessly overhead, he pondered what to do.
Suddenly he felt a sharp thump on his line. Then it slowly began to move to one side. Reeling in the slack, he set the hook into what he instantly realized was a bigger fish than he had ever hooked. He pulled on his flimsily rod and reel as hard as he dared, and to his amazement, the fish began to swim toward him. Reeling for all he was worth, he had the huge fish wallowing in the shallows at his feet before he knew it. He reached down and gently slid his hand under the gillplate of the huge red, hefting it to better admire it. When he lifted the fish, he noticed a shiny new hook in the opposite corner of its mouth. String was still attached to the hook and it dipped into the water. Laying the fish on the bank, he grabbed up the string and began pulling. He felt a resistance from something on the other end of the line. Tugging harder he saw the tip of a rod break the mirror surface. Giving a final yank, he couldn’t believe his eyes when a new rod and Garcia reel--just like the one in the pawn shop-emerged from the water. What luck! Turning his attention back to the huge redfish, he found that it was gone. Somehow that fish had thrown that hook and disappeared. Did it flop back into the bay? How on earth did that fish vanish without so much as a splash? Cris looked around for signs telling how that fish had disappeared when he noticed a short, round man in a red suit with black knee boots disappear into a stand of sea cane nearby. Cris paused. Could it be ... you know who? Maybe ... Nah! Probably not. One thing he knew for sure: that redfish had delivered a brand new, shiny rod with the bright red Garcia reel that he had worked so hard for all summer long. He gathered his things and started for home on his bicycle knowing--kind of--what had just happened. Arriving there, he hid the new rod and reel in the garage and slipped back inside just as Gramps was stirring from his nap. On Christmas morning, he was up before Gramps, placing the now clean, shiny new rod and bright red Garcia reel under the evergreen tree with the glittering golden star attached. The smile that lit Gramps’ face when he saw the new rod and reel was the best Christmas gift Cris could have received. He knew he and Gramps would spend plenty of quality time together in the days to come, sitting on the edge of the bay in pursuit of the mighty redfish.
Chuck Young Alumni Classic scheduled for Feb. 11 The Bridge City Baseball Program will host the Chuck Young Alumni Classic along with an Alumni Homerun Derby on Saturday, Feb. 11, 2012 at Cardinal Field. The Home Run Derby will begin at 10:30 a.m. and will cost $20 to enter. The game will be held a noon. Game shirts will cost $10. Any former Cardinal baseball players interested in participating in either event please contact Chris Moore at chris. moore813@gmail.com All former Bridge City Baseball coaches are welcome to come out and see their former players. For more information visit the BC baseball website at http://bridgecitycardinalbaseball.webs.com/
OC Master Gardeners Jan. 12 The monthly meeting of the Orange County Master Gardeners will be held on Thursda, Jan. 12 at the Salvation Army building on the corner of MLK and Strickland in Orange.
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Wishing You A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Kaz’s Christmas wishes in sports
From Page 1
Texan Head Coach Gary Kubiak
Former Baseball MVP Barry Bonds
Earl Thomas - Seattle Seahawks
Before he walked any further past my car, the line began moving. I never saw a fat man run like he did back toward his car. But in the commotion, he dropped something from his pants pocket. The traffic was really beginning to move quickly ahead, so I grabbed the thick list and jumped back into my car. I never saw what kind of vehicle that man was driving and was unable to return it so I kept the paper and this is what was written on it: HOUSTON TEXANS HEAD COACH GARY KUBIAK—A half-gallon of Blue Bell sherbet to signify that he’s a “sure bet” to win the NFL Coach of the Year Award. FORMER NATIONAL LEAGUE MVP BARRY BONDS—Recipient of the award he deserves most when a Federal judge recently sentenced him to 30 days house arrest for obstructing justice during an investigations of steroids in sports. SUNSET GROVE GOLFER CRAIG COUVILLION—A huge round thermometer and a package of hot dogs so he can be an official Weather Weenie to judge whether or not it’s too cold to play earlymorning golf this winter. NEW HOUSTON ASTROS OWNER JIM CRANE—A positive sign to the Houston fans who have been so faithful for a half-century that he will soon abandon his current “shoestring budget” and bring in some players capable of winning again. WEST ORANGE-STARK HEAD FOOTBALL COACH CORNEL THOMPSON—A jar of molasses to signify the slow start his head coaching career got
off to with the Mustangs, who lost three of their first four games before rolling through District 21-3A like they usually do and going three deep into the state playoffs before losing their fourth game of the season to Coldspring. SUNSET GROVE GOLFER JIM RODDA—The Diversified Golfer Award that covers everything from making birdies to tying his opponent’s golf shoelaces. BODY WORKZ SILVER SNEAKERS INSTRUCTOR CONNIE WOODS—Appreciation from the members of her classes for the good job she does and the way she compliments our performances to various exercises with an “excellent” verbal evaluation. She’s good and she’s making us more physically fit. TEXAS A&M FOOTBALL FANS— Faster computer service for them so they can get together and fire the Aggie football coaches who don’t meet their finicky standards more quickly now that the team will be playing in a “real” football conference. SEATTLE SEAHAWKS SAFETY EARL THOMAS—The Ultimate Comparison Award given to the Orange native after ESPN football announcers on Monday Night Football last week said that Earl plays his position much like Pittsburgh Steelers’ Troy Polamalu, who is rated among the best safeties in NFL history. Earl made their evaluation look good Sunday by intercepting a pass and recovering a fumble in the Seahawks’ 38-14 upset victory over the Chicago Bears at Soldier Field. DALLAS COWBOYS HEAD COACH JASON GARRETT—A Mickey Mouse
watch so he can learn clock management in its most elementary form. SUNSET GROVE GOLFER AND FISHING ENTHUSIAST BOB HOOD—The Strive for Accuracy Award because regardless of whether he has his putter or fishing rod in his hand, he tries to be accurate in both his putting and casting. VIDOR HEAD FOOTBALL COACH JEFF MATHEWS—The Blue Moon Award for leading the Pirates to their first playoff win since 1964. Vidor got to the third round in the state playoffs and had one of its best records in decades. UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA-LAFAYETTE KICKER BRETT BAER—The Cool Breeze Award for the calm way he kicked the game-winning 50-yard field goal as time expired Saturday night to give the Ragin’ Cajuns a 32-30 win over San Diego State in the New Orleans Bowl. It was the Cajuns first bowl appearance since they played in the Grantland Rice Bowl 41 years ago and their first-ever bowl victory in Division IA. SUNSET GROVE GOLFER KEN RUANE—A faster healing process for his aching feet so he can get back to competing in the marathons he loves to run so much. FOX-TV NFL ANALYST TERRY BRADSHAW—Earplugs after getting chewed out by former NFL quarterback Archie Manning for telling his TV audience that the elder Manning should stop meddling in the careers of sons Peyton and Eli. “I thank God I have a father that stayed out of my football career,” Brad-
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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Kaz’s Christmas wishes shaw said. LAMAR CARDINALS NEW HEAD BASKETBALL COACH PAT KNIGHT—A book on “old school” coaching for his offensive philosophy to work the ball for easy two-point shots rather than pumping up three-pointers all game long. He wins like his dad, Bob did too, with the Cards standing at 8-3 with some victories over much bigger schools. NFL—The Wacky Sunday Award that saw Green Bay fall from the ranks of the undefeated to mediocre Kansas City 19-14, Indianapolis no longer is winless after upsetting the Tennessee Titans 27-13, the Houston Texans having their seven-game winning streak broken by Cam Newton-led Carolina 28-13. Other upsets included Washington over the New York Giants 23-10, Miami over Buffalo 30-23 and Seattle’s 38-14 upset blowout over the Chicago Bears in which Orange’s Earl Thomas contributed an interception and a fumble recovery. DENVER BRONCOS QUARTERBACK TIM TEBOW—The “I’m Really Human Award” after his team was thwarted 41-23 by the New England Patriots Sunday and Tebow’s magic to bring his team back in the fourth period apparently ran out. Actually, what failed was the Broncos’ defense which couldn’t stop Patriots quarterback Tom Brady’s pin-point passing. SUNSET GROVE GOLFER RICHARD DUFFEE—The book “The Power of Positive Thinking” because of the great attitude he has while playing golf despite having occasional back pain. Perhaps his choice of liquid refreshment at the turn has something to do with it. AND A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO Mike Lemons, Archie McClelland, Mark Dunn, Jeff Thomas, Johnny Montagne, Les Jones, Ronnie Hutchison, Gene Harrison, Pierre De la Fosse, Chris Trout, Macy Dubose, Gwen Whitehead, Troy Manuel, Missy Pillsbury, John Prather, Brad Prejean, John Morris, Larry Moerbe, Judy Arnaud, Andy Conner, Tom Toal,
From Page 3B
Steve Betz, Harrison Vickers, Jerry Windham, Roy Woods, Rodney Barrett, Gail Beckett, Larry Ancelot, Bobby Nelson, Carl Sanders, Matt Purgahn, Joe Hawthorn, David Thompson, James Denmon, Mike King, Durwood Bennett, Bob Cockerill, Chris Allen, Matt Morgan, Dixie Trahan, Doug Patterson, Mike Shuff, Jim King, Claude Wimberly, Dale Thompson, Alex Morrow, John Cochran, David Benoit, Bart Corder, Roy Peterson, Jimmy Givens, Jimmy Sichko, Ken Ruane, Ron Hopperton, Joe Murphy, Walter Cox, David Ess, John Dubose, Lacy Hale, Mark Williams, Gary Cook, Bobby Eddings, Tommy Gunn, Mac Guillory, Buddy Hahn, Glynn Aldredge, Lee Clark, Jim Rodda, Kerry Lamb, Brian Hudson, Stephen Patterson, Mike Poutra. Joe Ely, Trez Sichko, Ella Mulhollan, Allen Beauchamp, John Patterson, Wanda Peveto, Larry Duhon, David Sand, Milton Newton, Mike Parish, Robert Baca, Jim Brown, Mark Hebert, John Toomey, Beth Baas, Stacy Hoffpauir, Tina Lawrence, Richard Duffee, Tammy Torrez, Derry Dunn, Mike Shahan, Wes Duvall, James Welch, James Vidrine, Bob Hollier, Ken St. John, David Bridges, Jim Matthews, Tommy Reed, Sandra Hall, Ruth Crawley, Raquel Goodboddie, Jajemi Plut, V.L. Grimes, David Loden, Brian Waguespack, Manuel Godina, Joseph Droddy, Wayne Baker, James Thurman, Ray Benoit, Bill Belcher, Don Olivier, Jerry Ling, Brenda Buxton, Regina Edwards, Frank Hatton, Willow Simpson, Kathy Gunn, LaQueta McClelland, Bill Dunn, Darby Byrd, Cochise Shockley, Wade Gillet, Jerry McDonald, Jerry Pennington, Chrisleigh Dal Sasso, Cathy Day. Lindsey Nelson, Jim Sharon Bearden, Dan Perrine, Billy Burrow, Dan Cochran, Ken Bridgers, George Crawford, Michelle Broussard, Jim Simon, Jack McClelland, Scottie Wilson, Willie Bednar, James Lopez, Dennis Powell, Bobby Duhon, Carlos Vacek, Roy Locks, George Toal, Mike Lucia, Jim Dunaway, Jack Tindel, Ray
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Pousson, Jim Ehlert, Bryce Conner, Mike Mazzola, Faye Parish, Gilbert Myers, Johnny Dugas, Kathy Polansky, Yankee Mortimer, Pat Murphy, Leo Simpson, Mike McKown, Clint Hathaway, Jerry Decker, Mike Holbrook, Lee Roy Boehme, Jr., Jerry Ann Trouard, Jimmy Boyd, Donnie Mires, Bobby Swan, Larry Hammett, Tom Day, Bryan McKinley, Donny Ratcliff, Joe Marks, Don Lormand, Robert Dunn, Bernie Birk, Robert Roesler, Wayne Iles, Raymond Guilbeaux, Johnny Dugas. Travis Clark, Martha Rogers, Robert Burris, Jerry Caillier, Ricky Parker, John Scofield, Carol Perry, Kenny Lalonde,Linn Cardner, Mike Catt, Pete Runnels, Russell Bottley, James Luna, Ray Jones, Preston Prince, David Teague, Wayland Payne, Carl Floyd, Skip Moore, Pete Sterling, Danny Aaron, Dixie Trahan, Brian Murphy, Montie Moran, Doug Rogers, Rick Keszeg, Cary Bresie, Pat Key, Rodney Townsend, Jerry Howeth, Pat Monogue, Phillip Brown, Homer Stuntz, Andrew Hayes, Linda Moore, Glen Oliver, Bob Byerly, Jerry Hughes, Bart Williams, Brooks Hill, Janet Newton, Benis Lee, Jim Keith, Lynn Smith, Ebb Moore, Steve Pomeroy, Jerrod Bland, Mac Rogers, Frank Finchum, Charles Broussard, Sharon Bearden, Bob Hoepner, Joe Doucet, J.B. Arrington, Bill Ellison, Danna Cruse, Harold Tiller, Dennis Lee, Jerry Ann Trouard. Dennis Bishop, Gus Beuershausen, Leon Delome, Grant Gipson, Jeep Colburn, Jerry Nichols, Kevin Hebert, Brian Mingle, Oscar Smith, Joe Parkhurst, Pete Gresham, Charlie Miller, Joe Alford, Chris Gunn, Ed Dyer, Bill Jackson, Bill Bromley, Ace Amodeo, Mike Bernard, Ken Wernig, Roland Gregorie, Todd McLane, John Tate, Brad Gilmore, Hal LaPray, Bob Campbell, Roderick Robertson, Buddy Hahn, Mark Foreman, Manuel Solis, Earl Parker, Neil Watts, John Martinez, Terry Childers, Joan Quartermont, Jeff Mathews, Tiffany Rochelle, Dempsie Jaynes, Kyle Walker, Randy Brown, Clay Dugas, Ellis Boyd, Glenn “Smoothie” Earle, Ron Cowling, Richard Corder, Billy Bayliss, Andre Robertson, Billy Permenter, David Montagne, Earl Collier, Dewey Scott, Robert Tywater, Louise Savoy, Darrel Latiolais, John Cash Smith, Mary Beth Benoit, Jimmy Verrett, Russell Cronin, Al Granger, Richard Turkel, Rodney Townsend, Jr., Jay Miller, Mark Williams. David Dunn, Cecil Byers, Bo Brannick, Jimmy Owens, Margaret Broussard, Ollie Halten, Waymon Sibley, Rufus Flurry, Aaron Burke, Kris Olsen, Wayne Sparrow, David Hoelzer, James Bloodworth, Ron Roberts, Mike Hoke, Mike Hebert, Tim Hughes, Phillip Madar, Myrt Myers, Lou Garriga, Becky Grant, J.W. “Kid” Henry, Vicki Landry, Gene Steele, Ken Reeves, Jimmy Ray Burris, Brenda Morgan, Robert Mortimer, Mark Meadows, Jody Gray, Mark Williams, Chris Hyde, Clifford Bray, Darline Zavada, Todd Marburgh, Dawn Collins, Stacy Caillavet, John Broussard, Greg Choate, Dave Walsh, Williard Lanier, Calvin Collins, Greg Smith, Jerome Wilkerson, Joyce Prescott, Keith Hogan, David Piland, Bryce Conner, Lana Stogner, Kevin Philen, Vernon Davis, David Hollier, John Lister, Anthony Padilla, Erin Godina, Greg Turbeville, Danny Blacksher, Terry Myers, Mel Hyatt, Curt Leger, George Nevarez, Patrick Toomey, Brad Gilmore, Larry Fisher. Gary Pollock, Sandy Walker, Anita Vidrine, Bud Martin, Natalie Simon, Jerry Meads, Gary Mainero, Steve Taylor, Richard Scott, Lisa Dies, Darrow Judge, Mark Netherly, Barbara Hayes, Derrick Jones, Dale Peddy, Todd Hoffpauir, Terry Steubing, Donna Evans, Teresa Schreck, David Davis, Shirley Walker, Larry Woods, Steve Champion, Rex Ansley, Connie Burnitt, Greg Willis, Pat Anglin, George Baker, Henry Seals, Dan Mohon, Steve Issacs, James Blair, Troy Burton, Homer Stockton, Vic Arceneaux, Rick Keszeg, Don Burgess, Tommy Carroll, Mary Louise McKee, Barbara Bergeron, Paula Legate, Connie Lemaire, Debbie Perry, Scott Swearingen, Camilla Richard, Phyllis McCall, Brandon Prouse, Steve Griffith, Carolyn Schramm, Jessie West, C.A. Keasler, Betty Merchant, Ronnie Moody, John Young, Kay Morris, Jim Dwight, George Mortimer, Larry Willette, Leon King, Hughie Allen, John Rowland, Leon Evans, Preston Fuller, Karl Eason, Jim Mouton, Dean Granger, Brad Gilmore, Bret Johns, J.D. Willis, B.J. Morgan, Wayne Iles.
Bob Campbell, Ralf Mims, Louis Manuel, Richard Roddy, Sandy Turner, Ralph Barrientos, Shea Simon, Chris Cartwright, Sam Lucia, Jack Jones, Shirley “Fuzz” Ware, Gary Ware, Warren Claybar, Charlie Greenwell, Gary Mulhollan, J.C. Sea, John Hardin, Gene Tannehill, Anne Foster, Matt Murphy, Mike Collins, Sam Hudson, Aubrey Welch, Virgie Thomas, Charlotte Guillory, Elray Henson, Marilyn Malvo, Chad Havens, Wendy Rost, Josh Smalley, Art Mason, Mike Reed, Ray Tilley, Keith Doucet, Chad Bryant, Mike Lemons, Ronald Enard, Hugh Granger, Nelson Derrick, Toby Foreman, Gary Thibodeaux, Stephen Lee, Darby Byrd, Charles Arsenault, David Winfrey. Doug Posey, Jimmy Givens, Rick Sand, Joe Raburn, Wallace Culps, Angie Simar, Bryant Calcote, Wayne Lowe, Connie Powell, Jack Horton, Tony Perry, Mark McCall, Joy Haney, Bruce Savoy, Becky Rhoden, Dean Priddy, Randy Vayon, Heath Martin, Ed Freiberg, Torry Shroff, George Sepulvado, Johnny Dorman, Ronnie Puckett, Brenda Campbell, Lori Thompson, Madge Rogers, Travis Ashworth, Marty Monogue, Dave Young, Jeremy Green, Harry Sharpless, Ronnie Puckett, Bobbie Murphy, Jill Williams, Brandon Seaman, Richard Terry, Marla Zoch, Quincy Procell, John Gradnigo, Judy Lowe, Richard Porter, Bart Williams, Joyce Drake, Nathanael Deem, Jim Rawls, Bill Nicholas, Mark Berton, Ray Dal Sasso, Jane Couvillion, Mickey Bergeron, Sheree Benoit, Pat Clark. Jonathan Vandagriff, David Haney, Ron McPherson, Gene McCormick, Andre Robertson, Delle Bates, Gerald Beach, Ray Montagne, Wayne Outlaw, Jim Dawes, Carl Thibodeaux, Mike Bernard, Paul Mott, Kermit Richard, Ray Pousson, Charles Blalack, Dick Alexander, Jeff Dalton, Craig Corder, Pancho McGill, Roland Wolfford, Dave Maddox, Robin Brooks, Shirley Almazan, Buddy Withrow, Paul Vaughan, Vernon Myers, Billy Denham, Reggie Parker, Louis Willey, Clyde Davis, Bob Brown, Jerry Childress, Laurie Modisette, Bob Baptista, Stewart Olive, Jay Brown, David Williams, Russell Covington, Jerry Montgomery, Judith Perkins, Harold Gross, Russell Turkel, Larry Fisher, Steve Pesek, Charles Liggio, John Garrett, Brown Claybar, Larry Warner, Shelby May, Dickie Colburn, Joe Barrios, Virgis Benoit, Dwight Bickham, Howard Minor. David Claybar, J.L. Vincent, Ron Theriot, Ross Smith, Dave Pederson, Peggy Vincent, Max Pachar, George Millsap, Jerome Standley, Sleepy Smith, Gwen Barton, Ron Sigler, Pat Brown, James Sanders, B.K. Ware, Leonard Brown, Billy Shults, Don Covington, Jeremy Hogg, Alicia Hebert, Reanna Morris, Bill Tillman, Ronnie Rost, Gay Richardson, Jim Turpin, Kelly Alford, Alan Whipkey, Jane Dunn, Ann Lieby, John Harrell, Joe Luna, Max Staudt, Jessie Whitehead, Sweet Charlotte Tucker, Jim Graves, Jeff Wheatley, Moe Litton, Jack White, Glenn Hill, Maurice Mueschke, Billy Paul Withrow, John Young, Tommy Ewing, Ernie Dyer, Carroll Holt, Shane Johns, John Broussard, Denise Himel, Pat Fountain, Sid Caillavet, Paul Patin, Lona Vasquez. Dennis Duhon, Jim Miller, Calvi’n Parker, Jimmy Sattler, Rodney Dove, Lawrence Hunt, Eddie Faulk, June Gunstream, Cornel Thompson, Sam Kittrell, Dick Behnke, Huel Fontenot, Paul Lorimer, Ronnie Burton, Mike Lovett, Robert “Woody” Wood, Vicky Walters, Leroy Breedlove, Mike White, Frank Skeeler, David Payne, Dick Graves, J. D. Willis, Haazen Kenney, Bonnie Mingle, John Kimbrough, Wayne Peveto, Gene Alsandor, Bubba Lanning, Wayne Morris, Dale LeBlanc, Nelson Broussard, Sammy Owens, Heath Mouton, Harold Fuqua, Roger Hall, Joe Peery, Bob Hood, James Rigler, Robert Sims, Dexter Bassinger, Joe Sanders, Bill Modisette, Mark Oldham, Mackey Clasby, Vernon Collier, Michael Arnaud, Jay Ayers, Jeanette Cleaver, Ray Burch, Gerhard Hommel, David Payne, Walter Landisch. Jimmy Sims, Joe Ware, Roy Dunn, Eric Hinton, Debbie Fusilier, Penny Leleux, Nicole Gibbs, Les Patin, Debbie Buckalew, Rod Fisette, Ricky Trahan, Melinda Gipson, Jet Toohey, James Stringer, Alan Sanders, John Cooper, Glenn Toohey, Sam Lucia, Betty Derrick, Lon Craft, MargaKAZ’S CHRISTMAS WISHES PAGE 4B
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The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
As most of the area hardcore duck hunters continue to battle the elements in search of full straps, many waterfowlers will take a break and head out to Sabine lake for some of the great redfish action. December usually signifies the end of our fall fishing run on speckled trout and flounder, but the redfish seem to really get cranked up for Christmas. This year has been anything but normal for us on Sabine, our trout are still schooling and surprisingly enough there are still plenty of flounder being caught. All of this is good news for the fishermen who have some vacation left for the end of the year! Although we are still experiencing some good fishing overall, the thought of tangling with a rod bending redfish is what most anglers are after right now. It is almost a fall or winter ritual to see bass fishermen from the Toledo Bend and Sam Rayburn “migrate” south like a flock of geese to get their line stretched by a copper colored bully from Sabine Lake. Large groups of redfish routinely roam the lake at this time of the year abusing whatever bait they can find along with dealing some damage to both an anglers tackle and their pride. The huge populations of redfish in our local waters are the direct result of several different factors. Sabine lake has been a beneficiary of an outstanding stocking program for
quite some time. The stocking program has been extremely successful to say the least, but the banning of commercial netting has been perhaps the biggest factor. Redfish populations as well as speckled trout have seen an unprecedented increase in overall size, quality, and numbers of trophy fish. Hopefully this trend will continue for years to come. Since both of our big storms, hurricanes Rita and Ike, the general population of redfish in Sabine Lake has really been on what appears to be a massive upswing. Many folks including myself believe that during the storms huge amounts of newly hatched redfish and mature redfish alike were deposited into our local marshes where they have stayed and in turn flourished. That of course is an opinion or “shade tree biology”, whichever way you want to describe it. All I know is that our fishery, especially redfish, is about as good as it’s ever been and that certainly makes for a much brighter future for all anglers. As colder temperatures approach us you can bet when the speckled trout begin to get a little more finicky that the redfish will certainly be there fill the void. The winter is an excellent time to catch good numbers of redREDFISH PAGE 6B
Kaz Christmas wishes ret Peeples, John DiBatiste, Mike Abbott, Charles Gant, Oliver Seastrunk, Carl Himel, Earl Geis, Mike Leonard, Van Vandervoort, David Kosboth, Jack Burney, Brandon Landry, Randy Crouch, Ray Rogers, Gary Stelly, Pat Johnson, Andy Allen, Ray Conner, Bob Shinn, Keith Staudt, Louis McIntire, Fred Zoch, Troy Burke, Bubba Brown, Johnny Trahan, David Clary, Joey Campbell, Robert Query, Gary Thibodeaux, Steve Mazzola, Tim Bonnin, Jay James, DeWitt Gipson, John Griffith, Howard Nelson, Randy Jarrell, Jimmy Jones, Joe Payne, Donald Moss, Tommy Melton, Doug Nelms, Cecil Sylvester, Roy Knolley,Cecil Sylvester, Annabelle Stringer, Wade Smith, Shea Brown, Sam Ambers, John Raughton, Pat Leverne, James Scott, Ann Harner, Jenny Taylor, David Trahan, Donnie Shockley, Jr., Jack Jones, John Crawford, Jim Gordon, Jim Colley, Den-
Colburn: Fishing lowered the troll motor and eased within casting range of a pair of terns homesteading a thirty-yard stretch of shell. Darin launched a cast through the wall of fog as I scanned the surface for bait and immediately caught a three-pound trout. Those were the only two birds that we would see, but once again we were limited on trout before we ever even heard another boat motor. While this is not an endorsement for leaving the dock earlier on your next trip, it does further validate the value of a GPS unit on your boat. Deservingly touted for its capability of putting you on the exact spot without visible reference points, if a GPS did nothing more than get you safely back home again it would be worth its weight in gold. While you may find yourself uncomfortably close to the shore at times when navigating a confined area like the river or ICW without a GPS, you can still eventually get to a desired spot even in pea soup fog. The problem is that “eventually” may be well after the bite shuts down.
From Page 4B
At the same time, if you need to make a long run across the open lake in the fog to fish a flat or the mouth of a bayou on the La. shoreline, you are relegated to wasting lots of gas running in circles or waiting for the fog to burn off. Both options are a waste of valuable fishing time. While on the surface it sounds almost as dumb as a fast food establishment having to point out that hot coffee can burn you, I would be remiss in not reminding you that a GPS unit does not show anything above the surface on a pre-recorded trail that you have not previously marked. We are talking about everything from a floating timber that wasn’t there yesterday to a tugboat pushing barges. Even with a GPS, there is no substitute for an extra set of eyes! The trails I have saved for running both the ICW and the river are marked for running as close to the middle of the channel as possible. That eliminates the possibility of having a permanent day marker or buoy located on the edge of the channel sneak up on me. Even when creeping along that can be an expensive collision.
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nis Doggett, Sue Rathburn, Keith Lyons, Wayne Franklin, Mandy Rogers, Terry Landry, Albert Gore, Betsy Phillips, Trent Cooper, Steve Toal, James Ray, Mike Hughes, Mark Magnuson, Gary Mulhollan, Miles Hall, Bobby Tanner, Jason Gipson, Jade Saucier, Georgia Corder, Ron Logan, Jimmy Hooker, Ken Manuel, Don Harmon, Sanford Lummus, Mary Frances Hartley, Hunter Sheridan, Lewis Sims, Tommy Carroll, Van Wade. And a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS to my e-mail readers Dick and Gail Kazmar, Bobbie and Dick Wechter, Don and Linda Bivens, Karen and Brian Smith, Robert and Kate Butcher, Brock and Glenna Bult, Paul Groncki, Bobbie Earle, Wayne and Kaye Morris, Tony Ottati and for anyone I may have missed, especially you, my loyal readers who have been with Kaz’s Korner since its inception Sept. 12, 1966.
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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Trust Our Troops Act: supporting Our nation’s most trusted travelers U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison Special To The Record With the holiday season upon us, many Americans are traveling through crowded airports. For our service men and women who are deployed overseas, reuniting with loved ones for the holidays likely has been their first thought each morning and their last thought each night. Many of these troops are traveling to or from multiple deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. As I travel back-and-forth from Texas to Washington, I have seen our military men and women in uniform waiting patiently in long airport security lines, watching as they must remove their combat boots, worn on the front lines of Afghanistan. I think the vast majority of Americans would agree that our military men and women make sacrifices for our nation every day. The least we can do is make their lives – and the lives of their family members – easier when they travel on official orders around the country they defend. Our nation’s military have earned the right from a grateful nation to go to the front of the line. That’s why I introduced The Trust Our Troops Act (S. 1954). The bill requires the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to work with the Department of Defense (DoD) to develop a program to expedite security screening procedures for our military personnel and their families who accompany them. After I spoke on the floor of the Senate about this legislation, I was stopped in the hall by a young man who just happened to be in the Senate Gallery that evening during my remarks. As an Army Special Forces Sergeant, he told me about his own experience at airport screening while in uniform carrying a military radio as part of official courier duty between bases. TSA agents took his radio apart to test for explosives. Such examples occur every day to our men and women in uniform at airports across our nation. That’s what drove me to introduce this legislation. The Trust Our Troops Act has bipartisan support and was cosponsored by Senators Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and Richard Burr (R-NC). It passed the Senate unanimously. The House of Representatives is expected to pass our legislation this week. And although the bill will not affect this year’s holiday travel season, it will require the TSA and DoD to work together to implement a more common-sense process for military personnel’s travel. Members of our military and their families, traveling on orders and in uniform, will benefit from these new rules. It will also expedite the process for all air travelers. In a time of increasing fiscal constraints, the establishment of procedures to expedite the screening of a pool of travelers who are certainly our most “trusted travelers” will better allow TSA to focus their attention on areas of real threat. More than 1.4 million brave men and women comprise our nation’s armed forces. While many of these service men and women will be traveling through our airports over the next few weeks for long-awaited reunions with their families, still many others will be deployed in harm’s way during the holidays. We are grateful to each of them as we enjoy our time with our loved ones at this special time of year. Kay Bailey Hutchison is the senior U.S. Senator from Texas and is the Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
From Page 5B
fish even in the harshest conditions. As an added bonus to chasing these fish during the colder months it won’t be uncommon to run across a striped bass or two. Both of these hard fighting fish will aggressively eat artificial lures and live bait alike when the temperatures outside drop down to where only the most die hard anglers brave the elements. The calendar may say the end of the year is close but it really means there are new opportunities. Take care on the water and have a safe and very Merry Christmas. Redfish will continue to be the primary target for local anglers as we head into the colder weeks of the new year.
Alexander Gilmer, a success story Mike Louviere For The Record
goods and flat iron. In 1862, one of his blockade runners was captured by the blockading ship, USS Hatteras. Orange, Texas was the center of wood proOn Jan. 21, 1863, Gilmer was aboard the cessing in the last quarter of the nineteenth Confederate gunboat Josiah H. Bell during century. Henry J. Lutcher was the leading inthe offshore battle that captured the Union dustrialist. Alexander Gilmer was second. blockaders Morning Light and Velocity. Gilmer was a native of County Armagh, By the war’s end he had lost five schooners Ireland. He migrated to Georgia in 1846, loaded with lumber on the Texas coast, with working with his brother, John, building ship all hands lost on two of the ships. masts for the French Government. He earned During and after the Civil War, Gilmer and $700, but lost the money when the steamboat his cousin George owned one of Orange’s largSwan the brothers had built sunk in the Chatest mercantile stores. In 1867 Gilmer bought tahoochee River. Gilmer then helped build a two-thirds interest in James Wood’s sawmill schooner, the Altha Brooks, which he sailed located on the Sabine River. The small mill to Galveston and later Orange. could cut 7,000 board feet of lumber in a 14 When he got to Orange he worked as a hour work day, or it could cut crossties at a lumberjack and later made cypress shingles rate of 10,000 board feet per day. The mill by hand. He formed a partnership with his burned down on April 1, 1869. Alexander Glimer cousin, George Gilmer to build schooners. The cost of the first mill Gilmer built was They were joined by a Samuel Levingston and small, probably only about $15,000. The mill the Smith and Merriman sawmill. burned and he rebuilt a mill worth an estimated $100,000 and By 1860, Gilmer had bought out Smith and Merriman’s in- able to cut 90,000 board feet daily. terest in the schooner building enterprise. He was listed on the On Feb. 12, 1891 the Gilmer dry kilns caught fire and were 1860 census as a 32 year old shipbuilder with $3000 in assets. destroyed with all contents. The $9,000 loss was only covered by The number of schooners he built is estimated at 15. He was still $4,000 worth of insurance. building schooners as late as the 1880s. Two years later, on March 15, 1893 Gilmer’s entire mill was deDuring the Civil War, Gilmer became a successful blockade stroyed by fire. The loss was $150,000 and the worst that Orange runner, in a partnership with M.J, Kopperi of Galveston; Gilm- had endured to that time. The mill, the dry kilns and five million er made six successful voyages to Havana, Cuba; Belize; British board feet of lumber were destroyed. Honduras; and Matamoras. He hauled out loads of cotton and returned with munitions, gunpowder, medicine, coffee, yard ALEXANDER PAGE 7B
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The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Alexander A planning mill was saved by two Negro employees who sprayed water on it. The loss was only partially covered by $22,000 worth of insurance. Gilmer replaced his mill with a double-cutting band saw and a gang saw, advanced technology for the time. On October 3, 1899 this mill burned. Another $150,000 loss was only covered by $40,000. Gilmer would not rebuild in Orange. He returned to the saw milling business in 1904 when he bought the Lemon Lumber Company at Lemonville. He built it into a mill with a capacity of 100,000 feet per day. When he exhausted his timber supply in north Orange County, he dismantled the mill and shipped the equipment to his other mills at Jasper and Remlig. The mill at Remlig (Gilmer spelled backward) was rated at 125,000 feet per day but could cut about 160,000 on a long day. It employed 250 mill hands with 150 loggers in the forest. The town had 190 tenant houses and a population of 900 to 1,000 persons. The town had electric lights and running water. Mill hands at Remlig had a health and hospital insurance program that cost them $1 per month for single men and $1.50 for families. Daily “pay-
Triangle Trade Days
From Page 6B
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Gilmer’s Gravesite in Evergreen Cemetery
checks” were good at the commissary and once monthly the remaining “paychecks” were redeemed for cash. The Remlig mill remained in operation until 1925. By then the timber was gone and the mill was dismantled. Sometime in 1905, Gilmer’s health began to fail. He went to New York for treatment of what was probably a pulmonary disease. He died there on July 30, 1906. He was buried in Evergreen Cemetery in Orange on Aug. 5, 1906. When he died his estate was estimated in excess of $1,250,000, making him the second richest man in Orange. He still owned the two large sawmills at Lemonville and Remlig, worth in excess of $300,000 and 50,000 acres of timberland worth $15 an acre.
His widow only survived him by a year. His estate was divided up equally among his heirs, however since the Alexander Gilmer Lumber Company sawmills were still in production it would be about 1925 before the estate could be totally liquidated. Gilmer was an example of an American success story. He started with virtually nothing, built a business, suffered devastating losses of five sawmills by fire, and was able to rebuild and attain great wealth for the time. He was a husband, father of nine children, and gave 50 years of service to Orange, employing at times as many as 300 citizens. He is honored with a Texas State Historical marker at his gravesite in Evergreen Cemetery.
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LIT inducts students into Phi Theta Kappa Lamar Institute of Technology inducted more than 50 new members into the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. PTK is the international honor society for two-year colleges. Inductees must have a 3.5 GPA for inclusion in the group. New inductees are: Bridge City: Sean Everett Guidry; Kay Nelda Williams. Mauriceville: Beau Colton Jinks. Orange: Michael Thomas Green, Matthew Collyn Perrine, Lawrence Richard Sorenson. Vidor: Jaclyn Cristine Blain-Leleux, Ashley Anne Rolfes.
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• The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Symphony brings “The Sounds of New Orleans” to Beaumont 2012 Pops Concert on Saturday, Jan. 21 Staff Report
For The Record
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Laissez le bon temps rouler – the good times will roll as the Symphony of Southeast Texas (SOST) presents the 2012 Pops Concert, “The Sounds of New Orleans: A Tribute to Louis Armstrong,” featuring world-renowned trumpeter Byron Stripling, Lamar University President Jimmy Simmons on piano, and the Symphony at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 21 at the Julie Rogers Theatre in Beaumont. The electrifying showcase of music from the “Big Easy” includes a loving tribute to Louis Armstrong and wraps up like a Mardi Gras celebration. From “St. Louis Blues” and “Sweet Georgia Brown” to “Alexander’s Ragtime Band,” this concert celebrates and captures the spirit of New Orleans. “The music reaches out of the speaker and takes you right to New Orleans!” said Stripling. The music of New Orleans celebrates the differences found there and isn’t afraid to blend them all together. “The music is like a gumbo,” Stripling said. “You throw in some brass band, classical, jazz and whatever else sounds good.” A major ingredient in the music is Louis Armstrong, and Stripling’s arrangements for the concert emphasize his importance. “He had such a quality of happiness. He often said ‘I’m here in the cause of happiness.’ I think that is important to all of us,” said Stripling, whose performances have been hailed as impressively reminiscent of the jazz icon. One reviewer stated: “Stripling is a performer in the Louis Armstrong mode – he’s out to give the audience a good time, to use music and words, even a little silliness and sentimentality, to lift people up, make them happy.” As a talented trumpet player and performer, Stripling said Armstrong’s music was always close to his heart. In 1988, after a nation-wide search, Stripling was chosen to play the lead in the musical “Satchmo: America’s Musical Legend.” Channeling Armstrong’s enthusiasm throughout his career, Stripling has established himself as a pops orchestra favorite throughout North America. His resume includes solos with the Boston Pops, Cincinnati Pops, the National Symphony and American Jazz Philharmonic, among many others. He has also been a featured soloist at the Hollywood Bowl and performs at jazz festivals throughout the world. Stripling is also currently the artistic director of the highly acclaimed Columbus Jazz Orchestra and leader of his own quartet. An added bonus to the concert will be Simmons sharing his spectacular piano skills. Simmons said he is excited to be a part of this New Orleans pops extravaganza with Stripling and the Symphony. The 2012 Pops Concert is sponsored by Capital One Bank. “Capital One Bank is proud to be a longtime supporter of the Symphony of Southeast Texas,” said Bill Darling, Beaumont
Byron Stripling
Market President for Capital One Bank. “We believe that the performing arts are essential to the life of our local communities because of the enjoyment they bring to people of all ages. We’re pleased to sponsor what promises to be an evening of great music.” Guests are invited to join Maestro Tipton for a pre-concert talk at 6:30 p.m., and the performance will begin at 7:30 p.m. Single ticket prices range from $15 to $36; senior, student and group discounts are available. To purchase tickets or get more information, go to www.sost.org or contact the Symphony office at (409) 892-2257.
DD 824, Orange’s Last Destroyer Mike Louviere For The Record
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Dec. 21, 1945 saw the end of an era in Orange shipbuilding. The last destroyer built by the Consolidated Steel Corporation, DD 824, the USS Basilone slid down the way into the Sabine River. The Basilone was the last of 27 Gearing Class destroyers and the last warship built in Orange as part of the World War II effort. The ship was named for Sgt. John Basilone, USMC. Basilone was the first enlisted Marine to be awarded the Medal of Honor in World War II and would be the only Marine to be awarded both the Medal of Honor and the Navy Cross. Basilone had been a member of the U.S. Army before enlisting in the Marine Corps and had spent time in the Philippine Islands. His frequent stories about time in Manila led to his nickname “Manila John.” He was a member of the 1st Marine Division. They were sent to Guadalcanal in 1942. The mission of the Marines was to attack the Japanese forces on the island and take control of the airfield, later named Henderson Field. The airfield was as important to the Japanese as to the American forces and the battle would be long and bloody. On Oct. 24, 1942, 3,000 Japanese forces began a frontal attack on the position held by Basilone’s company. Basilone would go three days without eating or sleeping while the attack was underway. He was an expert with the heavy .50 caliber machine guns and in addition to firing his gun, he went to other positions to assist those gunners and to make repairs to their guns. Supply lines had been cut off and Basilone made trips through the Japanese lines to obtain supplies and ammunition for his fellow Marines. Toward the end of the battle Basilone was fighting with a .45 caliber pistol and a machete. The Marines had virtually annihilated the entire Japanese attacking forces. There were nearly 1,000 Japanese bodies directly in front of Basilone’s position.
USS Basilone DD824
For his heroic efforts he was awarded the Medal of Honor. After receiving the Medal he was brought to the United States to participate in War Bond drives. Basilone achieved celebrity status and was pictured in the leading magazines and newspapers. He was offered a commission as an officer and promised a permanent post in Washington D.C. Basilone refused and requested to return to active duty with the Marines still fighting. For a period of time he was stationed at Camp Pendleton, Calif. While there, he met Lena Mae Riggi, who was a sergeant in the Women Marines. They married on July 10, 1944. Basilone returned to the fleet and was assigned to the 5th Marine Division prior to the assault on Iwo Jima. On Feb. 19, 1945 Basilone was killed in an artillery barrage after he had successfully attacked a blockhouse that was keeping his unit penned down. LAST DESTROYER PAGE 8B
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The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Trinity Baptist Church celebrates Christmas Staff Report
For The Record
Christmas excitement has been in the air at Trinity Baptist Church of Orange. A Candlelight Christmas Service will be held Saturday, Dec. 24 at 6 p.m. After the service there will be refreshments and fellowship in the foyer of the church. Christmas Day, Dr. Bob Webb will deliver the message at the 11 a.m. service. The church invites everyone to come celebrate the birth of Christ during the special services. Earlier in December a large group visited Natchitoches, La. for the Christmas Light Tour. The group enjoyed an afternoon of shopping in the unique shops overlooking the Cane River. Later after dinner they enjoyed the magnificent tour of thousands of Christmas lights reflecting in the beautiful Cane River. The next morning, after breakfast, a devotional on the “Joy of Christmas” was lead by Dan Cruse, church worship leader. The group had a free day to shop or visit old homes before returning
BRIEFS McDonald Memorial Baptist to host candlelight service McDonald Memorial Baptist Church welcomes the public to a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on Saturday, Dec. 24 at 5:30 p.m. The church is located at the corner of South and Broad Streets in West Orange.
Cowboy Church to host Christmas Eve candlelight service
The Cowboy Church of Orange County will have its annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, on Saturday, Dec. 24 beginning at 5 p.m. The service will consist of Christmas songs led by the Cowboy Church’s Cowboy Cross Band, reading of the Biblical account of the birth of Christ, and the observance of the Lord’s Supper. The public is invited to attend. The church is located at 673 FM 1078, just off of Hwy. 62, about one mile north of IH-10. For more information, Pastor Dale Lee may be contacted at 409-718-0269.
Wesley UMC to sell pecans, walnuts Wesley United Methodist Church is having their annual fundraiser. This year’s crop of pecans halves and pieces sell for $10 per pound. Walnuts sell for $8 per pound. Call Billy at 883-3210 or 670-6350, Frankie at 988-4215 or Connie at 883-4995 to or-
to Orange. Trinity Baptist Church started their celebration of the Christmas season the Sunday after Thanksgiving with “The Hanging of the Greens.” The service included several members reading scripture and explaining why the traditional flowers and greenery are used at Christmas. Special Christmas music was presented by the TBC Choir. Each Sunday during the Christmas season the church celebrates the Lighting of the Advent Candle with different church families participating with a scripture reading and prayer. In addition the Trinity Baptist Choir has presented special Christmas music under the direction of Dan Cruse. Last Friday, members of the church went Christmas Caroling to homes around Orange. Afterwards the carolers enjoyed fellowship and refreshments in the TBC Fellowship Hall. Trinity Baptist Church is located at 1408 W. Park Avenue and 14th Street in Orange.
der. We’ll deliver 5 pounds or more to individuals or businesses.
St. Mark’s pizza supper with Santa On Wednesday, Dec. 21, all readers of this paper are invited to have pizza with Santa and let him know your wishes....and receive a gift (up to age 12). The festivities will take place at St. Mark Lutheran Church, 945 W. Roundbunch Road in Bridge City starting at 6 p.m. Santa is making his annual stop at our church to greet all the little ones and share supper and treats. For more information, please call Elinda at 735-8727, Pat at 7226655 or Pastor Paul at 988-3003.
W.O. Christian Church invites community to Christmas service The community is invited to attend service at the West Orange Christian Church on Christmas morning at 10 a.m. for Communion with the Lord Jesus Christ. All are welcome. This will be an open Communion for all believers of Jesus Christ. For more information, please visit their website, www.westorangechurch.org
Orange First Church of the Nazarene to host concert Orange First Church of the Nazarene invites you to a concert with Brad White on Sunday, Jan. 1 at 10:45 a.m. Brad includes music from the great hymns of the church to southern gospel to modern praise and worship. He has received two Grammy nominations. Nursery will be provided. Orange First Church of the Nazarene is located at 3810 M.L. King Dr. For more information, please call the church office at 409-883-4674.
First Baptist Church of BC hosts Golden Harvest dinner
Church Directory
First Baptist Church Orangefield
9788 F.M. 105 Orangefield, 409-735-3113 Pastor Forrest Wood Sun.: Bible Study - 9:30 a.m., Worship Service - 10:30 a.m., Evening Worship- 6:30 p.m. Wed.: Midweek Meal- 5:30 p.m., Praise & Prayer - 6:30 p.m. Youth & Children Activities, 7:15 p.m. - Choir Practice Email: office@fbcof.com www.fbcof.com
Cowboy Church of Orange County 673 FM 1078 Orange 409-718-0269 E. Dale Lee, Pastor Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m. “Round Pen” (Small Group) Studies: Men’s group: 7 p.m. Mondays, Ladies’ group: 6:30 p.m. Thursdays Come as you are! Boots & hats welcome!
St. Paul United Methodist Church 1155 W. Roundbunch Rd., Bridge City 409- 735-5546 Pastor Brad Morgan office@stpaulfamily.org Sun. Mornings: Worship Experience - 8:15 a.m.; Sunday School - 9:30 a.m.; Worship - 10:45 a.m. (Nursery provided at all services) For Mid & Sr. High Youth Sun. Afternoon: 3:30 to 6 p.m. Sun. Evening : Taizé Service - 7 p.m. For Children Ages 4–10 on Wednesday evening – 6 to 7 p.m. – JAM (Jesus & Me) Club
Apostolic Pentecostal Church IH-10 at Highway 62, Orange (409) 745-3973 Rev. Leo Anderson Sun. Morning at 7:30 a.m. on A.M. 1600 KOGT Radio Sun.: 2 p.m. • Tues: 7:30 p.m. 24 Hour Prayer Line: 409-779-4703•409-779-4702
Back to God Fresh Anointing Ministries
Local seniors enjoy a holiday meal and live entertainment at the Golden Harvest Club Christmas Dinner sponsored by First Baptist Church of Bridge City.
Andrea Whitney For The Record The annual Golden Harvest Christmas Dinner was held Dec. 13 at 6 p.m. at the Family Life Center inside the First Baptist Church of Bridge City. The dinner is part of an annual tradition put on by Joe and Lou Rayburn for seniors in the community. The event is for senior adults over 50 who belong to the Golden Harvest Club sponsored by First Baptist Church Bridge City but all seniors were welcome. This year’s meal was catered by Robert’s Meat Market and Steakhouse in Orange and included turkey and dressing with all the fixings and every type of dessert imaginable. Jay Canto and Nina Holland of the Liberty Opry provided entertainment with
a wonderful selection of music. Mr. Canto and Ms. Holland own Liberty Opry in Liberty, Texas and put on shows weekly featuring a wide selection of music from jazz to gospel to Cajun. The Golden Harvest Christmas Dinner has been held each season for over 12 years and allows our local seniors to experience a fine dining experience. They are seated, served and entertained by members of the community. Serving this year were Brother Bob Boone, pastor of First Baptist Church Bridge City and wife Dwanna, Secretary of FBCBC, Mrs. Jackie Hall and Bobby and Pam Vincent. The invocation was delivered by Mr. Tom Brooks and other activities included couple and group photos at the Fireside and a Golden Harvest Group Picture and, of course, lots of good fellowship.
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1011 10th St., Suite 108, Orange 409-779-3566•409-883-0333 backtoGodnow@gmail.com www.backtogodfreshanointingministries.com Pastor Gerald Gunn Co-Pastor Pearlie Gunn Sun. School 9:45 a.m. Sun. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Tues. Night Bible Study 7 p.m. Men of Valor & Women of Warfare classes on Thur. 7 p.m.
First United Methodist Church First United Methodist 502 Sixth Street 886-7466 December 25th and January 1st Service at 9:30 in the Sanctuary Pastor: Rev. John Warren Director of Music & Fine Arts: Doug Rogers Organist: Justin Sanders Director of Youth and Christian Education: Allisha Bonneaux Visit our Web site: www.fumcorange.org
West Orange Christian Church 900 Lansing Street, W.O. 409-882-0018 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:40 a.m. & 6 p.m.
Wednesday Evening - 6 p.m. “Our church family welcomes you!”
First Christian Church of Orangefield 4234 FM 408 (between BC & Orangefield) 409-735-4234 Minister Jim Hardwick Sunday School: 9 a.m.; Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday: Prayer & Bible Study 7 p.m. Nursery provided For a ride, call 735-4234
Trinity Baptist Church 1408 W. Park Ave. @ 14th Street, Orange Office: 886-1333 Pastor Dr. Bob Webb Worship Leader Dan Cruse Sun. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Nursery Provided
Miracle Restoration Revivals Church 608 Dogwood St., Orange 409-883-5466 Residing Pastor Rev. Larry Doucet Founding Pastor Rev. Tunney Vercher Sr. Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday night Prayer Meeting 6:30 p.m. Wednesday night Bible Study 7 p.m.
Orange First Church of the Nazarene 3810 MLK Drive, Orange Lead Pastor: Ray McDowell Music Pastor: Bruce McGraw Youth Pastor: Michael Pigg Children’s Pastor: Marilyn Ball Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Celebration Service 10:45 a.m. Prayer Service: 6 p.m. Wednesday Service: 7 p.m. Everyone Welcome!
First Baptist Church of Bridge City 200 W. Roundbunch, BC Office: 409-735-3581 Fax: 409-735-8882 www.fbcbc.org Rev. Bob Boone, Pastor Sunday Schedule: Traditional Worship - 8:15 a.m.; Bible Study at 9:30 a.m.; Celebration Service - 10:45 a.m.; CSI, Youth Bible Study, Discipleship Classes - 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Schedule: Prayer Meeting - 6:30 p.m., Youth Worship “Living Stone”
Harvest Chapel 1305 Irving Street, Orange 409-882-0862 Ruth Logan Burch, Pastor Sun. Morning 10 & 11 a.m. Evening Service 6 p.m. Wednesday Service 6 p.m.
Echo Church 1717 FM 3247, Orange 409-735-8580 Pastor George A. Cruse Jr. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Praise & Worship Contemporary music! Come as you are!
TO LIST YOUR CHURCH Call 886-7183 for more information!!
10B • The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
• Just $10 For A 30 Word Ad In Both Papers And The Web • Classified Newspaper Deadline: Monday 5 P.M. For Upcoming Issue • You Can Submit Your Ad ANYTIME Online At TheRecordLive.com
Community Classifieds Your ads published in both newspapers, the County Record and the Penny Record plus on our web site TheRecordLive.com EMPLOYMENT CRISIS CENTER. Rape and crisis center of S.E. Texas needs volunteer advocares to provide direct services to survivors of sexual assault in a medical setting. Comprehensive training is provided, Anyone interested should contact the Crisis Center at (409) 832-6530. APPLIANCES USED APPLIANCES, starting at $99.95 & up, Harry’s Appliances, 302 10th. St. (10th. & main), Orange, We buy used appliances, 8864111. FURNITURE LARGE OAK DINING ROOM TABLE w/6 chairs - $350; Little Tykes Hummer, need battery - $95; Metal Tonka trucks - $10 to $15 a piece; Beautiful Ashley entertainment center - $950; Burgundy wing back chair - $45; Broyhill Floral couch & love seat $125; Beautiful Broyhill king bedroom suite (includes king bed, headboard, footboard, two large marble top night stands and armoire) - $2500; King mattress and box springs (firm) - $195; 2008 Kirby vacuum w/all attachments - $595 o.b.o; and 1977 Kawai piano - $995 o.b.o. Call Patty at 409-988-4842. METAL SLEIGH BED FRAME. 1 year old. $200. Call Christy at 920-9723 or Ray at 330-5459. ANTIQUE WALNUT BED with carved headboard, 3/4 size, custom mattress and bed springs like new - $400. Old white wicker couch $125. Call 409-882-9559. LOST & FOUND FOUND FEMALE DOG, near Bessie hts. rd., medium size, dark brown & black w/ white feet, red collar, No Tags, (409) 735-6159.
• Dirt / Shell Spreading • Bushhogging • Garden Tilling • New home pads Prepared • Sewer / Water / Electrical Lines Dug Home 735-8315 Cell 670-2040
LOST! BLACK LAB PUPPY, 4M old, answers to “Blackie”, lost Fri/ (11/25) on David St., BC, if found or seen please call (409) 697-0311. SERVICES COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL cleaning. Excellent references from longtime customers. 409-734-8096. MISCELLANEOUS MISC. SALE. Furniture, glassware, picture frames, pots, ceramic molds, clothes, Much More (some free items), (409) 886-7878. BEURWOOD GUITAR, $90; Mark II Guitar, $45; small first act discovery, $15, (409) 8838372. 2 LIFT REMOTE BEDS, $35 ea.; 1 full size bed set, $40; 1 twin all wood bed set, $70; 1 king bed set; $70; 1 antique Singer sewing machine, mint cond., $140; 1 black & silver queen head board, $35, (409) 499-2128. LAWN TRACTOR, 42” yard machine. $400. 409-7357414. FREE FIRE WOOD, (409) 735-2350. SLIM PS2 w/ 2 controllers, 2 memory cards, games, $45; Halo Special Edition X-BOX, great cond., 3 controllers, games, $80, (409) 474-0166, call or text for more info JUGG’S PITCHING MACHINE, like new, auto feeder, throws 90 MPH, fast & curve balls etc., paid $3,000, used vey little, will sell for $2,000, (409) 474-1518. PETS & LIVESTOCK FREE TO A GOOD HOME. male Shih Tzu, grizzle and white, 3 years old (born 05/28/08). named “teddy.” call 920-1404.
313-3840 988-0638
RESCUE DOGS, spayed & neutered, needing good homes. Pet food donations welcome. (409) 746-9502. LAB/PIT MIX, 8M old, spayed female, on heart worm prev., free to good home, (409) 7469502. PUBLIC NOTICES: AL-ANON MEETS ON Wednesday & Sunday at 7pm. 1512 Strickland Dr., Orange, call (409) 779-4289 or Cindy @ 994-5503 for details. GOLDEN TRIANGLE TOUGHLOVE is a self help parents support group for parents of children displaying unacceptable behavior. Meets every Tues. at 7 pm. at Immaculate Conception education building, 4100 Lincoln (corner of Lincoln & Washington) in Groves. For more information call 9620480. AT. ST. PAUL UNITED METHODIST you can experience the warmth of friendly
people, beautiful music, and inspiring sermons. Join us at 1155 W. Roundbunch Rd., BC each Sunday at 8:15 AM or 10:45 AM for worship experience at 9:30 AM for Sunday School. You’ll be glad you came, and so will we! SUICIDE RESCUE of Orange County. Suicide is not the answer, give us a chance, 769-4044 Vidor.
I BUY JUNK CARS 886-0010
CRISIS CENTER. Rape and crisis center of S.E. Texas needs volunteer advocares to provide direct services to survivors of sexual assault in a medical setting. Comprehensive training is provided, Anyone interested should contact the Crisis Center at (409) 832-6530.
Call 735-5305 • Penny Record Office: 333 West Roundbunch, Bridge City • County Record Office: 320 Henrietta, Orange Note: Offices Closed On Wednesday
Shop The Record Classifieds!
PHONE: 409-886-0800 FAX: 409-886-8609 1-800-409-3545
ANDREA WHITNEY You Can’t Buy Better Orange County Advertising
W.CLAY BAKER 1111 NORTH 16th St. MANAGER ORANGE TX 77630 CELL 337-853-3085
FIELD WORKERS FIELD WORKERS FIELD WORKERS 4 temp positions; 10 months; job to begin 2/1/12 through 12/1/12; Duties: to operate tractors in the fields during the preparations, planting and maintenance of the crop before, during and after the harvesting season. $8.97 per hr; 3 months experience in job offered required. All work tools provided. Housing and transportation provided to workers who can not reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the work day; ¾ hours guaranteed in a work day during contract. Employment offered by Blanchard & Patout, Inc. located in Jeanerette, LA. Qualified applicants should fax resume to Kevin Blanchard at (337) 276-9445 or apply during normal business hours. Applicants may apply for this position at their nearest State Workforce Agency using job order # 402034. For more info regarding your nearest SWA you may call (409) 839-8045.
4 temp positions; 10 months; job to begin 2/1/12 through 12/1/2012; Duties: assisting with planting and harvesting crops and nursery plants including tractor driving, hand planting of container plants, land pulling of weeds, trimming trees and plants, fertilizing, mowing and irrigating. Must be able to lift heavy containers and seed bags and walk through fields pulling weeds and using a hoe. $8.97 per hour; 3 months experience in job offered required. All work tools provided. Housing and transportation provided to workers who can not reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the work day; ¾ hours guaranteed in a work day during contract. Employment offered by Boone Farms located in LeCompte, LA and Broussard’s Nursery located in Forest Hill, LA. Qualified applicants may fax Frank Hebert at 318776-5610 or apply during normal business hours. Applicants may apply for this position at their nearest State Workforce Agency using job order # 402036. For more info regarding your nearest SWA you may call (409) 839-8045.
5 temporary positions; approx 9 months; Duties: to operate tractors with the cutting of the hay fields. Fluffing, raking, baling and storing of the hay. $8.97 per hour; Job to begin on 2/15/2012 through 11/15/2012. Must have 3 months experience in job offered. All work tools provided. Housing and transportation provided to workers who can not reasonably return to their permanent residence at the end of the work day; ¾ guaranteed of contract; upon completion of 50% of work contract traveling expenses to worksite will be reimbursed. Employment offered by S & S Cattle Company, Inc. located in Natchitoches, LA . Qualified applicants may call employer for interview (318) 471-2771 or may apply for this position at their nearest State Workforce Agency using job order # 402383. For more info regarding your nearest SWA you may call (409) 839-8045.
Tractor and Dump Truck Service
We haul dirt and spread, sand, 60/40, top soil, slag, limestone, wash-out, bark and garden mix. We also do Dozer Work, backhoe, mini & large Excavator work. We dig ponds and fill swimming pools, remove concrete. No Job too small. Call for price @ (409) 735-6588
HERE’S MY CARD! 735-5305 OR 886-7183
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The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011 • 11B APARTMENTS VERY NICE AND CLEAN small apt., 1/1, suitable for 1 or 2 people, all ceramic tile floors, CA/H, all tile bath w/ tub and shower, nice vanity, kit. & dining area, all S.S. appliances, self cleaning oven, dish washer, No pets, concrete parking, yard work taken care of, $525 monthly + $elc. & water, $300 dep., call for an appointment to se @ (409) 735-6277 or 6261968. (ss) COMMERCIAL BC ON TEXAS AVE., small or large office spaces, CA/H, carpet, on Texas Ave., great location, price range of $300 to $600 monthly, available 1st part of Jan., call (409) 7356277 or 626-1968 for details. (ss) APPROXIMATELY 2160 SQ. FT. warehouse plus 5 offices, Highway 62 Frontage, 1.7 miles South of IH-10, $950 per month, Call 735-6970. YEAR END CLEARANCE SALE! Scratch N Dents, Repos, and Premium Portable Bldgs. Call 409-835-7341 or visit - www.morganusa.com/ beaumont
HOME RENTALS 1/1 IN MAURICEVILLE, Log Cabin, in the woods, $550 monthly, Call for an appointment to see @ (409) 7352030. (M&R) BRIDGE CITY BRICK 3/2, fenced back yard, $1,000 monthly + dep., (409) 7352030. (M&R) 2/1 - 1306 CURTIS IN ORANGE. No indoor pets. $570/ month + dep. 409-670-0112. MOBILE HOME RENTALS BC AREA , as little as $30 daily for rooms, M.H.’s by day or week, starting at $30 a day or weekly, 735-8801 or 7347771. (cctfn) 2 BEDRMS. WITH 2 FULL BATHS, Mobile Home, CA/H, located in Shady Estates, BC, $650 monthly + dep., references req., (409) 474-1518. ‘06, 3/1 IN OFISD, 1 block from schools, Large lot, W./D hookups, No Pets, $550 monthly + dep., (409) 7208699 or 735-6701. (12/21) NICE 3/2 (full baths) IN BC, laundry room, stove & refirg., CA/H, $695 monthly + dep., (409) 474-2252.
Notice is hereby given that original Letters Administration for the Estate of ROLAND LEE PUCKETT, JR., Deceased, were issued on December 13, 2011, in Cause No. P16006, pending in the County Court at Law of Orange County, Texas, to: Patricia Davis. All persons having claims against this Estate which is currently being administered are required to present them to the undersigned within the time and in the manner prescribed by law.
c/o THE LAW OFFICE OF TOMMY GUNN Attorney at Law 202 S. Border Street Orange, Texas 77630 DATED the 13th day of December, 2011
Tommy Gunn
HOME SALES 4/2/2 IN LCMISD, 1717 Greenbriar ave., screened in patio, corner lot, $95,000 (409) 883-8389. BY OWNER, 4/2 IN BC, on 2 lots, below market, all new inside, 255 Turner Lane, #105,000, (409) 735-7163. LAND & LOTS OVER AN ACRE, VICTORY Gardens, nice quiet neighborhood, water and electric ready, cement dr., perfect homesite, $28,000 OBO, Call Mike @ (409) 735-7680. 430 HOLLY ST., BC, lots 28 - 29 - 25’ of 27 a n d 15’ of 30, $30,000, water and sewer tap paid; 450 Holly, 1 bedrm. house, zone B, buy ALL for $50,000, No Owner Finance, (409)735-5041.
AUTOMOBILES ‘68 FORD MUSTANG. GT Fastback, Automatic, runs and drives well, Price $6950, for details mail me at stephbo2@msn.com / 512-782-4586. ‘98 FORD TAURUS: motor, 3.0 V-6, asking $350 OBO; Whole car, $500, for more info call (409) 221-9996.
State Bar No.: 08623700 Attorney at Law 202 S. Border Street Orange, Texas 77630 Telephone: (409) 882-9990 Facsimile: (409) 882-0613
A/C, C. player, auto trans., PS/B, good motor, no oil leakage, real workhorse, $3,000 OBO, ask for Ruth @ (409) 735-7353. ‘88 CHEVROLET P.U., runs good, $1,200, 543-8089 or 886-7329. ‘02 CHEVY BLAZER 4X4 FULLY LOADED! Power steering, power brakes, power windows. Call 409-779-3354 ‘90 FORD F-150, straight 6, 5 spd. manual trans., good cond., $1,600; ‘98 Dodge Dakota, v-8, 5 speed man. trans., good cond., A/C, needs power steering pump, $1,200, (409) 221-0798 or 735-9729.
Allow your light to shine unto the lives of our patients and their families by becoming a Hospice Volunteer! To inquire about our "Shiners" Youth Volunteer program (ages 12-17), or our Adult Volunteer Program. Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at 832-4582. Hospice of Texas, 2900 North Street suite 100, Beaumont, Texas 77702.
Notice is hereby given that original Letters of Testamentary for the Estate of Cora Lee Hines, Enlarged for proofing. Deceased,Actual were issued on 1 col. x 4.5" size: December 13th, 2011, in Cause No. P16004, pendTo be published in ing in the County Court The Record at Law of Orange County, Newspapers 02/17/10 1433 South Texas, to: BILLY DEAN GARDNER. All persons having FAX ANY PLEASE claims against this estate, CORRECTIONS BY which is currently being MONDAY administered,5 areP.M. required to present themtoto735-7346 the undersigned within the Thanks, time and in the manner prescribed by law. Debbie
I BUY JUNK CARS 886-0010
CARPET hwy. 69, NRESTRETCHING ederlaNd, tX 77627 409-727-3999 • toll Free 866-735-3999 886-0010
c/o George B. Barron Attorney at Law FAX P.O. Box 279 # 735-7346 Orange, TX 77631-0279 DATED: the 13th day of December, 2011 GEORGE B. BARRON State Bar No.: 0187500 Attorney for Applicant
McDonald Memorial Baptist to host candlelight service McDonald Memorial Baptist Church welcomes the public to a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on Saturday, Dec. 24 at 5:30 p.m. The church is located at the corner of South and Broad Streets in West Orange.
Cowboy Church to host Christmas Eve candlelight service
The Cowboy Church of Orange County will have its annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, on Saturday, Dec. 24 beginning at 5 p.m. The service will consist of Christmas songs led by the Cowboy Church’s Cowboy Cross Band, reading of the Biblical account of the birth of Christ, and the observance of the Lord’s Supper. The public is invited to attend. The church is located at 673 FM 1078, just off of Hwy. 62, about one mile north of IH-10. For more information, Pastor Dale Lee may be contacted at 409-718-0269. 719 Front St. Orange TX 77630
CUSTOM RIMS, 15”, off ‘86 Camero, $300, (409) 8834992 or 221-4610.
Luxury Style--tan leather interior--whole new AC unit with all new parts and warranty on same--rides great and looks great, well maintained and dependable 121k miles, $5500 call 409-651-4770
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9207 Beverly, OFISD
This 4/2.1/2 home in Oak Manor has TONS of space with 2647 sq ft. on .44 acre. Beautiful landscaping and many updates, including granite, hardwood floors and tile. Priced at $220,000. Motivated sellers! Call Tracy Permenter 920-0714
NOTICE OF RATE CHANGE REQUEST On November 28, 2011, Entergy Texas, Inc. (“Entergy Texas”) filed its STATEMENT OF INTENT AND APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO CHANGE RATES AND RECONCILE FUEL COSTS (“Application”). Entergy Texas filed its Application with the Public Utility Commission of Texas (“Commission”) and with those municipal authorities in its service territory that have original jurisdiction over Entergy Texas’ electric rates. Statement of Intent to Change Rates and to Reconcile Fuel Costs
Shrimp Boat
Entergy Texas’ filing requests an increase in rates, addresses capital additions to rate base for the period July 2009 through June 2011, requests that the Commission reconcile fuel and purchased power expenses incurred during the period July 2009 through June 2011 (“Reconciliation Period”), and requests approval of a number of tariffs, cost recovery schedules and riders.
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In its Application, Entergy Texas is, among other things: * Proposing base rate tariffs and riders designed to collect a total non-fuel retail revenue requirement for ETI of approximately $841.9 million per year, which is an increase of $111.8 million, or 15.32%, compared to adjusted retail base rate and rider revenues resulting from the Commission’s Order in Docket No. 37744. The Company’s proposed rate increase is based on the test year period of July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. This proposal represents an increase in overall revenues, including fuel, of 8.09%. * Asking to reconcile fuel and purchased power costs of approximately $1.3 billion incurred during the Reconciliation Period. The reconciliation includes interest on any over- or (under)-recovered amounts. Entergy Texas does not seek to implement a fuel-related refund or surcharge of its eligible fuel costs in this case; rather, ETI proposes to roll any ending fuel balances forward to serve as the beginning balance for the next Reconciliation Period. Tariff Revisions Entergy Texas is proposing to add two new rate schedules or riders as follows: * A Purchased Power Recovery Rider (“Rider PPR”), which is designed to recover all existing purchased capacity costs as well as future purchased capacity costs. As set in this case, Rider PPR will recover approximately $272.7 million annually. ETI’s request includes (1) a mechanism to update the rider annually to reflect increases or decreases in purchased capacity costs as incurred by the Company, and (2) the reconciliation of costs recovered under the rider in the Company’s fuel reconciliation cases. The Company proposes that expenses eligible for reconciliation under Rider PPR also include credits for Interruptible Service and Competitive Generation Service unrecovered costs, as well as fixed charges associated with Toledo Bend and the Southwest Power Pool Reserve Sharing Group. * A Renewable Energy Credits Rider (“Rider REC”), which is designed to recover renewable energy credits costs and related costs incurred by the Company to comply with PURA § 39.904 and P.U.C. Subst. R. 25.173. As set in this case, the Rider REC rate will recover approximately $632 thousand. To the extent any of the riders described above are not approved, Entergy Texas proposes to recover the associated costs through its base rates or other rate mechanism designed to recover non-fuel production-related costs, though the overall non-fuel revenue increase referenced above will remain the same. In addition, Entergy Texas is proposing to establish baseline values to use if a transmission cost recovery factor or distribution cost recovery factor are implemented in the future. In addition, Entergy Texas is proposing to modify terms and charges in a number of its tariff schedules and to discontinue its Renewable Portfolio Standard Calculation Opt-Out Credit Rider. Proposed changes to Schedule Miscellaneous Electric Service (“MES”) will increase revenues by approximately $911,000 in addition to the retail revenue requirement stated above. The production costs associated with the Company’s proposed Competitive Generation Service program will also change as a result of this proceeding. Entergy Texas also proposes minor modifications to a number of rate schedules, which are detailed in the tariff manual on file with the Commission and each municipality exercising original jurisdiction over Entergy Texas’ rates. Effect on Customer Classes All customers and classes of customers receiving retail electric service from Entergy Texas will be affected by the proposed rate changes and reconciliation of fuel and purchased power costs contained in the Application. The following table shows the effect of the proposed rate increase (inclusive of riders but exclusive of the increase in Schedule MES revenues) on existing rate classes:
Rate Class Residential Service
Number of Customers Test Year Adjusted
Percent Change in Total Revenues*
Percent Change in NonFuel Revenues
Small General Service
General Service
Large General Service
Large Industrial Power Service
Lighting Service Total Retail
* including fuel revenues The effective date of the rate change is January 2, 2012.
Contact Information
Persons with questions or who want more information on this filing may contact Entergy Texas at Entergy Texas, Inc., Attn: Customer Service—2011 Rate Case, 350 Pine Street, Beaumont, Texas 77701, or call [1-800-368-3749 (select option 1, then press 0, then press 4, then press 3)] during normal business hours. A complete copy of this application is available for inspection at the address listed above. Persons who wish to intervene in or comment upon these proceedings should notify the Public Utility Commission of Texas as soon as possible, as an intervention deadline will be imposed. A request to intervene or for further information should be mailed to the Public Utility Commission of Texas, P.O. Box 13326, Austin, Texas 78711-3326. Further information may also be obtained by calling the Public Utility Commission at (512) 936-7120 or (888) 782-8477. Hearing- and speech-impaired individuals with text telephones (TTY) may contact the commission at (512) 9367136. The deadline for intervention in this proceeding is 45 days after the date the application was filed with the Commission. All communications should refer to Docket No. 39896.
4 Columns X 11.7” ~ 46.9 C. Inches @ $8 ~ $375.20 x 4 = $1,500.80 Ann Lee Entergy 12_7.#2 ~ The Record Newspapers ~ Bill
12/2/11 3:54:16 PM
• The Record • Week of Wednesday, December 21, 2011
BCCC announces ‘Students of the Month’ for December
Orangefield Student of the Month, Alex White with LeeRoy White, Superintendent Philip Welch, Bridge City Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Christy Khoury and Counselor Ms. Wilson.
Bridge City Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Scot Shaffer, Superintendent Mike King, Counselor Mr. Briggs, Bridge City Student of the Month Luke Hebert and Counselor Ms. Head.
The Bridge City Chamber of Commerce announced the Student’s of the Month for December at their monthly networking coffee on Dec. 13, at Bridge City High School located at 2690 Texas Avenue in Bridge City. Luke Hebert was chosen as the Bridge City Student of the Month and Alex White was chosen as the Orangefield Student of the Month. Luke Hebert is the son of Glen and Peggy Hebert and is ranked number four out of his class of 172 with a grade point average of 4.719 on a 5.0 scale. Luke’s awards and honors are: honor classes in all subjects from 2008 to 2011, UIL Ready Writing 2008-2011, Who’s Who in America nominee Social Studies and Literature 2009-2011, Principal’s Honor Roll 2008-2011, President’s Education Award 2009-2011, Scholastic All District Award 20092011, National Honor Society 2010-2011; Secretary 2011, Varsity Cross-Country Team Member 2008-2011; Team Captain 2011, Cross Country: District Medalist, Regional Qualifier, State Qualifier and All-Area Varsity Gold Team Member; Track & Field: Medalist 3200 Meter Race 2011, Marching Band and Symphonic Bank Performer 2008-2011, Texas Music Scholar 2009, UIL Solo & Ensemble Superior Ranking 2009-2011, TMEA and ATSSB Member and Qualifier, Marching Bank and Symphonic Bank Performer 2008-2011, Sweepstakes Bank 2011, Cardinal Singers Varsity Choir Member 2010, Straight 1’s/Overall Superior Rating at Marching Contest (Soloist) 2011. Luke’s club’s and organization’s include Catholic Youth Ministry Officer and Parish Council Youth Representative, Boy Scouts of America, Debate Camp, Junior Winter Ball Representative, and he is employed by Market Basket as a Grocery Store Clerk. Luke’s contribution to community service are Catholic Church Acolyte, Musician, Vacation Bible School Assistant and numerous community service projects, Boy Scouts of America Service Projects 2009-2010, Relay for Life Participant and Hurricane Ike cleanup. “Luke was selected as the Science Department Student of the Month because of his high academic, extracurricular and personal standards,” Claris Collins, of the science department, said. “He is very motivated and takes pride in his accomplishments. I had the privilege of teaching Luke in Chemistry 1 Honors during his sophomore year. He sought perfection, even studying additional material on his own time. Luke is a fine young man. I am proud to say that he is one of Bridge City’s best and brightest!” “Luke Hebert has been in my Biology classes half of his high school career,” Joe Blanda, of the biology department, said. “He was in the ninth grade Honors class and this year he is in the AP Biology class. He is a thinker and he is curious, qualities that make a great scientist. He has a great disposition and participates in numerous extracurricular activities. Therefore, he is my choice for Student of the Month.” Luke intends to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Biochemistry or Biology before obtaining a degree in medicine. Alex White is the son of LeeRoy White and Teresa Edgerton and is ranked four out of 108 with a GPA of 4.0 on the College 4.00 scale (4.55 on the OHS ranking scale). Alex’s club’s and organization’s include National Honor Society Member (11,12), Band/Drumline (9,12), UIL Computer Applications Team, UIL CX Debate (9). His awards and honors are, Superior rating at solo and ensemble (9,10), First place team in “Best of Texas” Computer Applications Competition (11). Alex’s contribution to community service are, performed with Bryce Shaver Band for various charity events, some including Children’s Miracle Network and Boys Haven (9-12), Drummer for church worship band (9-12), Lion’s Den Carnival volunteer (11), and National Honor Society troop care packages (11) “I have taught Alex White multiple computer courses over the last several years,” Misty Bellard, Alex’s UIL Instructor and former teacher, said. “He has performed above expectations in his classroom involvement. From our classroom time together, I would describe Alex as a hard worker and intelligent young man.
He performs well academically and has produced some extremely creative projects. I have also sponsored Alex in the University Interscholastic League’s Computer Applications event for two years. He has been very successful at this difficult contest. His self-motivation and determination will bring him far in this competition as well as in life.” “Alex is a pleasure to work with. He is hardworking and funny,” Arlene Granger, Alex’s Dual Credit teacher, said. Alex plans to attend Lamar University in Beaumont and earn a degree in Computer Science. His goal after college is to join or create a company that makes computer software. Both Luke and Alex received a certificate honoring them for their accomplishments along with gift certificates from WalMart, WEFirestone SELL Credit Union, Tiger Rock Martial Arts of Bridge City, Sabine Federal Credit Union, COS Printing and David Self PARTS FOR Ford.
Last Destroyer
From Page 8B
His actions in attacking the blockhouse and later guiding an American tank through hazardous terrain under heavy fire greatly aided the Americans in penetrating the Japanese defenses and getting off of the beach. For his actions on Iwo Jima he was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross. His widow, Sgt. Lena Basilone had christened the USS Basilone in Orange on the day of the launching. Lena Basilone died in 1985. She never remarried. She once said, “Once you have had the best, there can be no other.” With the Basilone no longer needed for wartime after her launching, she lay idle for two years. She was towed from Orange to Quincy, Mass. to be converted to an escort destroyer (DDE). She was re-designated DDE 824 and commissioned on July 29, 1949. The Basilone spent her career in the Atlantic and Mediterranean Oceans. Her duties would be varied, from serving as a training vessel, participating in Mediterranean operations in the 1950s, used in anti-submarine warfare, and serving as one of the ships assigned to the recovery of John Glenn’s space capsule on his return from his orbital mission. In July, 1972, she sailed with the aircraft carrier Oriskany as part of a task force on the coast of Vietnam near the demilitarized zone. She served as a gunfire support unit. The Basilone earned three battle stars for her Vietnam service. The Basilone later served three months as a goodwill visitor to Middle Eastern ports before returning to Newport, Virginia in December of 1972. She served in various capacities as part of the Atlantic Fleet until she was decommissioned in November, 1977, and her name was struck from the Navy List. On April 9, 1982 she was sunk while being used as a target in missile firing exercises. She lies 80 miles east of St. Augustine, Fla.
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Pol.Adv.Pd for by the Rodney Townsend Campaign, Amy Townsend, M.D., Treasurer in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act and the Fair Campaign Practices Act.