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Bulletin of work and achievements 13th, July 2012 Volume 1, no. 1 The sunflower

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Content: My favorite things


English speaking countries 2





The circus


The Olympic Games








Mottos of our students:  Manu: If You are looking for results don’t always do the same.  Javier:

Editorial This editorial is what we have asked Vania to write for the technology class. He is a student who comes from a foreign country (Bielorussia) and wishes to give his opinion and personal vision of his experience.

Team Fortress

logy lessons are easy, we study a little and then play games. The teacher is very good. My classmates are very nice and help me a lot. I enjoy myself with them. We play a game called “Team Fortress2”. We have much fun It´s a great time

In this article I want to speak about my classmates, my teachers and the objetives of the course.

Vania Maher Iván in

When I arrived I thought I was going to find a difficult enviroment. The English lessons are more difficult than the technology lessons. I like to study English, because the teacher is very nice and explains very well . Techno-

Fight for what you most wish.  Vania: The important thing is not to stop asking.  Amaia: My father is very smart.  Diego: Be careful with surprises of life.  Isabel: You only live once.  Patricia: My tailor is rich.  Laura: Never say never.

Our little artist Our small artist is called Amaia, she likes to draw, and she has given us her particular vision of the world, always cheerful and optimistic, where each adventure has a happy ending. A short preview of what this artist thinks: My favourite toy is a teddy

bear Every day it sleeps with me. I like my toy. My favourite piece of clothing is a dress. It is pink it is my favorite dress It’s has got flowers. My favourite present is a Barbie she is tall. My favorite sport is football.

My favourite smell are pink flowers. My favourite place for holidays is a house. Amaia

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My favorite things

“My favourite sport is soccer because most guys talk about it.”

In class the first day we spoke about tastes and special gifts.

We all love gifts and have some special ones.

Boys and girls favourite toys are “Legos” and teddy bears.

My favourite is my PS3 and so is Manu´s

The favourite garment is the T-shirt, my favourite one is my Sony T-shirt.

My favourite sport is football and my favourite player Pedro.

In class ther are more girls than boys and their favourite smells are of plants and flowers. Mine is the smell of “Colone” water.

For food there are different tastes. The one I prefer is vanilla custard with cookies. Javier

English speaking countries On the second day of the summer course we Spoke about English speaking countries. Our teacher gave us topics about countries where the speak English. “Maple Syrup is eaten with pancakes.”

We learnt about their currencies, flags and other interesting things such as the “Haka” the maple syrup or marsupials. Manuel

We learnt about countries such as USA, GB, New Zeland, Australia or Canada.

Literature Diego transgressional ideas...

“Harry Potter is Harry Porrez. Ron Weasley is Rob Muesli…”

But, like always, Condemort, THE LAST BOOK I HAVE who is Voldemort, tries to kill Harry, but he always ends READ… HARRY POTTER crying or burnt. All the characThe story is a parody of Harry ters are very, very idiot. Potter. J.K Rowling is a very famous Harry Potter is Harry Porrez. woman who got her glory Ron Weasley is Rob Muesli… writting very important books. There are some stories where Harry Porrez makes a mess Rowling was born in 1965, in saying ELAJOAMARES ins- England. When she grew up, tead of saying ALOHAMARI. she married, but, later J.K de-

Diego cided to divorce. Rowling started to have problems of money, but she was a great writter and after, she wrote Harry Potter, the story of a boy who is very famous in the book sh op of all the world.Harry Potter is the best book of J.K.R. He is a wizard who tries to kill the murderer of his parents, VOLDEMORT.

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Painters William Hopper was born in 1882, and he died in 1967. He was American. He painted people, windows and the sea. I like his painting: Summer, 1943. I see a woman in the Street, light colors, two Windows and a door. The woman is at the stairs. She is wearing a yellow hat and a light blue dress. I like this painting because it´s a summer day. I like the house too because it´s white and beautiful, the window and the door are open.

I like William Turner , he was born in 1775-1851. He painted romantic pictures . He painted above all boats and country side. He was British . I like his picture: Recodo del Luna. In the picture you can see a lot of trees and a lot of nature. The picture hasn’t got houses. The sky isn’t cloudy , and it has a lake . It is all green and very beautiful. There is a man walking , and there is a bridge too.

The name of the picture is “verano or summer” I see light colours for example white blue or brown I also see a woman at the stairs of a beautiful white house she is wearing a hat and a light blue dress The door of house is open. The windows have white courtains .The woman is outside the house and the floor is white.




It´s was painted by Hopper.

The circus Clowns are funny people. Clowns work in circus. They wear big shoes and a red nose. They are clumsy. They fall down . I don’t like clowns. Amaia

“El bonsai mágico” THE PEDRERA FAMILY THIGHT ROPE WALKERS In the Pedrera Family there are eleven children, and they are all part of the Pedrera Tight Rope walkers. The circus show is fantastic- It´s got a rope and music. They train in the mornings and work in the afternoons. They live in a big house in Santo Domingo. The Pedrera Family have got 6 sons and 5

daughters. They have a caravan for17 people with a trailer for all their equipment. Raquel is a fantastic tamer and a funny clown. She has got the gold medal from International Tamer Association. They also have a dog and four bitches. The boys wear a shining dark bodies and the girls wear stockings, shorts and t-shirts. Patricia

The Olympic Games The first Olympic Games were in Ancient Greece, in 776 B.C. The modern Olympic Games started in Athens in 1896. The winter Games began in 1924, and 80 countries participated in them. The Olympic Games are every four years, and women and men compete for the gold

medal. The Paralympics started in 1960. The Olympic flag symbolizes the five continents. Women didn´t participate in the Olympic Games until 1900. Patricia The Olympic Games started in the Ancient Greece, where the athletes participated

naked. The prizes were lodging and food. Now they are gold, silver, or bronze medals. Nowadays there are three games: the winter, the summer and the paralympics games. Summer games have a special flame that athletes carry. When it reaches the Studium, the games Diego

Drawn by Amaia

“Raquel is a fantastic tamer and a funny clown. She has got the gold medal from International Tamer Association.”

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“The expression ICT was first used in 1997.”

Information and Communication Technology is usually abbreviated as ICT. It is often used as an extended synonym for information technology (IT), but it is usually a more general term that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications, computers, middleware as well as necessary software, storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable users to create, access, store, transmit, and manipulate information.

In other words, ICT consists of IT as well as telecommunication, broadcast media, all types of audio and video processing and transmission and network based control and monitoring functions. The expression was first used in 1997 in a report by Dennis Stevenson for the UK government and promoted by the new National Curriculum documents for the UK in 2000.

The term ICT is now also used to refer to the merging (convergence) of audio-visual and telephone networks with computer networks through a single cabling or link system. There are large economic incentives to merge the audio-visual, building management and telephone network with the computer network system using a single unified system of cabling, signal distribution and management.

Poem. The Spider and the Fly. wILL you walk into my parlour?" said the spider to the fly,"Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy.

Each of our students has made a different version of the end of the story: Oh no ,no , said the Little fly; for I’ve often Heard it said,

The way into my parlour is up a winding

They never , never wake again who sleep upon your bed !


But the fly is very smart, and it said

And I have many curious things to show

I don’t fall in your trap , because I don’t like to be dead.

you when you're there."


"Oh no, no," said the little fly; "to ask me is in vain; For who goes up your winding stair can ne'er come down again." "I'm sure you must be weary, dear, with soaring up so high;

"There are pretty curtains drawn around; the sheets are fine and thin; And if you like to rest awhile, I’ll snugly tuck yon in! " "Oh no, no," said the little fly; “for I've often heard it said, They never, never wake again who sleep upon your bed! "

NO!!!!!!!!!!!’’, repeated the fly: Don’t kill me!!!, she said.But the spider fall down the only liquid that is red. Diego The spider tries to attrack the fly with bread. The fly falls in a red trap.

“Don´t worry” the spider said “you’re not going to be dead. So come here, and sleep into my web”

In the end , spider and fly are friends.

“Oh, no, no “said the little fly “you will kill me if I am not clever: so I´ll never go there” and the little fly went away.

I can pat your head with bread.

Will you rest upon my little bed?" said the spider to the fly.

O.K’’,said the spider,’’I am very angry, and, instead of beging your host, I will eat your head.

Patricia Yes you sleep in my bed put on my pillow your head. No, I hate your bed I escaped with my head Close your eyes and I’ll kill you tomorrow I’ll miss you No!!! I fall in love with you Isabel

Javier Will you come next to me You eat it to be fed. O wait, wait said the fly if I go with you Can I be your friend? Of course said the spider; come near me and we ‘ll be friends And when you are very near I will be fed. Whispered the spider. Manuel

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Centro de Idiomas, Informática y Comunicación C/ Soledad, 13 local 8 28750 San Agustín del Guadalix Teléfonos: 9108418065 - 609588690 -your-English.html Nuestra teoría es la práctica.

You follow your way through different paths, perhaps we are,... will keep our experiences of what we have learned together. Working with you has been a pleasure don’t forget English is a must. Have a nice summer!! We wish you to spend a summer full of adventures and new emotions. You are a very special students, you have worked well and we have fun together. Enjoy yourselves.

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