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HAUsapanataym: SEd Launching at AGTES P4 VOLUME IV ISSUE 2 June– September 2019

Owls hailed as Overall Champion on Earth Days 2019 BY CHESA FILOSOFO The School of Education was crowned as the Overall Champion in the Earth Days celebration with the theme "RebEARTH: Resurgence of a Better World" held at Holy Angel University last July 24. Camille Quizon, Rachelle Rodriguez, Rhanie Ocampo, Cathrina Jane Manusig and Rovy Bryan Gamboa, who displayed their talents in singing and dancing, were declared as the victors in the Sayawit competition. With his winning speech that spoke of the solutions in preserving the flora and fauna, Abelardo Jr. Cortez bagged the championship title in the Impromptu Speech competition with the theme: “Reverberate: The Language of Inconvenient Truth”. Showcasing their creativity in arts, participants led by the two Officers -in-charge (OICs), Erika Manansala and John Michael Manalo, were announced as the first runnerup in the Tree of Life.

(From top) Cortez, Quizon and Lobo showed their best in different competitions held during the awarding day of Earth Days 2019 | Photo taken by Kurt DASAL


TAAS KAMAY NA MAGLALAKBAY. Ang bawat engkuwentro sa loob ng klasrum ay hindi lang manipestasyon ng pagkatuto. Isa rin itong paraan ng paglalakbay ng ati ng mga kaisipan sa iba’t ibang lugar o pangyayaring produkto ng malikhain nating mga imahinasyon. | Larawang kinuhanan ni DAPHNE NICOLE MEDINA

The Reflection T HE OFF IC I A L STU DE N T P UB L IC A T I ON OF T H E SC H O O L O F E DUC A TI O N, H O L Y A N GE L UN IV ER SI T Y thereflectionSedPublication@gmail.com


0905 584 6196

HAU to adopt August-May Academic Calendar BY SOPHIA VALENCIA

After much deliberation, the Holy Angel University administration's plan to shift its academic year calendar to August-May will finally take full effect in the next school year 2020-2021. Along with other prominent universities like University of the Philippines and Ateneo de Manila University, HAU has decided to align its calendar with foreign institutions as part of the university's "internationalization" and for its eventual integration to the planned Association of Southeast Asian Nations Economic Community (AEC) in 2015. The said decision has been in the works for the past two years but it was just finalized by the administration a couple of months back. According to Dr. Alma Espartinez, Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA), the synchronized calendar will lead to more opportunities

for HAU students who might want to study in other countries, since they can still be credited with the study abroad program.

sity to get the budget if the classes start in August unlike in June, where the budget only comes at the end of the year.

"By doing this, we can increase our foreign students. We can also get international speakers from other countries because if we would want to invite them during summertime, then it would be more possible since it is also summertime there [in their country]. In that way, there can really be an exchange between our faculty and theirs and I think that is one of the best ways by which we can know their culture," said Dr. Espartinez.

When asked about the problems foreseen, relative to this shift, the VPAA stated, "We would just have longer summer since it will be four months but it is actually not a problem because some proposals would be like having two rounds of summer. One summer is April to May and another one is June to July. For the students who want to graduate on time, if they want to enroll in 15 units, then they can do it by dividing it, 6 and 9, for the first and second summer, respectively."

She mentioned that the budget will be synchronized as well since it will be easier for the univer-

‘For the love of the college’,

LET review for Aeta Teacher Ed students held

Dr. Natividad seats as new dean


BY LORAINE CLAVO AND ELEILA GONZALES Dr. Alma Natividad took up the post as the new Dean of the School of Education starting this academic year 2019-2020 after the retirement of former dean, Dr. Benita Bonus. According to Dean Natividad, Dr. Alma Espartinez, the Vice President for Academic Affairs offered her the position on early March this year. Dean Natividad was the former Program Chairperson of the department for three years and was already in service to the department for 15 years as a professor. This is why she accepted the position seeing that she already knew the operations and preparations within the workplace. On Shifting of Academic Calendar

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“For the love of college,” Dr. Natividad said, when asked about her motivation to accept the deanship. As the new Dean, Dr. Natividad already experienced problems and difficulties. The number one challenge is enrolment, owing to the fact that SEd has the second smallest number of enrollees for the current academic year. Another challenge is the different works in relation to the different accreditations.

Chief to Cheap OPINION 7

Despite the difficult ies, Dr.Natividad stated, “As the former program chair, I only do my job.”

Redefining the Impossible:

Owla Matalino FEATURE 11

Taking up her former position, Dr. Mutya Paulino is now the program chairperson of SEd‟s teacher education department.

On the Installation of Aircon

On the Installation of Bidets

Reple survey reveals:

SEd okays Calendar Shift, Aircon and Bidet Installation

Yes No Maybe

In a survey conducted by The Reflection regarding matters raised during the body meeting with student leaders, it is revealed that majority of the students from the School of Education say yes to the proposed shifting of Academic Year calendar, installation of Airconditioning systems to classrooms, and installation of bidets to comfort rooms, considering an expected increase in the tuition fee. See other survey results on Page 8.

2 NEWS Dean Natividad speaks up about the ‘one research per subject’ policy


BY SOPHIA VALENCIA Dean Alma Natividad has finally given her statement regarding the one research per subject policy in an interview conducted by The Reflection last July 25, 2019. According to her, one of the mandates to become a university is to cultivate a ‗research culture‘ among all employees and students. She emphasized that the best way to develop this culture is to require learners to do research. ―We are confident that since you already graduated from Grade 12 and passed your research subjects, you are now expected to have the research

skills needed for college,‖ she stated. Dean Natividad also cleared up some misconceptions regarding the said policy. “When we say research, we are not only pertaining to full-blown researches that have introductions, methodologies, results, discussion and conclusions. We can also include researches that only require the review of related literatures. Concept papers, business proposals, feasibility studies or any activity that would require the students to research are already considered,‖ said Natividad.

She stated that it was the decision of the faculty to implement this strategy so that teacher education students will become critical thinkers and more research oriented. The primary goal of the administration is to instill in the minds of the students that every bit of information they gather should be from credible sources and not just mere hearsays or something posted in the Internet. She also mentioned that the one research per subject policy serves as the faculty‘s solution on the decreasing utilization of the library.

Conflict Resolution Seminar towards a lasting culture of peace

―Every semester, the library will give us the utilization statistics and we found out that students do not utilize the collection in the library. We always purchase good books, yet students do not utilize them. In order for the students to read then we might as well let them do research,‖ she added. Rest assured that the students‘ efforts will not be wasted as stated by the dean, since chosen freshmen and sophomores will be asked to present their researches on the upcoming research colloquium.

Mrs. Ortiz from Miriam Collee discusses ways on how to create peaceable classrooms. | Photo taken by ABELARDO CORTEZ

BY ABELARDO JR. CORTEZ On May 27-29, the School of Education hosted a seminar-workshop on Peace Education and Conflict Resolution attended by the faculty of Mabalacat Community High School. T h e t hr ee- d a y sem i n ar workshop, which happened in SJH 201 , fo c u sed o n t h e t h em e, ―Establishing a Peer Mediation Program Towards Creating a Culture of Peace in MCHS.‖ During the first day, two plenary sessions were held. The first one was about the dialogue of conflict transformation and peacebuilding, which was facilitated by Dr. Marites Guingona-Africa from Ateneo de Manila University. The other session focused on creating peaceable classrooms through peer-to-peer peacebuilding initiatives and was facilitated by Mrs. Mirma Tica-Ortiz from Miriam College, the country‘s center for peace education.

Workshops and hands-on activities were the focus of the second and third day of the seminar. These composed of: (1) Workshop on Agreeing to Meditate and Storytelling and Gathering Points of View, (2) Workshop on Focusing on Interests and Needs and Creating Win-win Situations, (3) Workshop on Evaluating Options and Creating an Agreement and (4) Action Planning for Training of Peer Mediators. This seminar-workshop was also organized and co-hosted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Asia-Pacific Network for International Education and Values Education or UNESCO-APNIEVE Philippines. Prof. Arlan dela Cruz, the UNESCO-APNIEVE Region 3 coordinator, served as the overall

‘Do it slowly, steady but surely’ -Dr. Amparo BY ABELARDO JR. CORTEZ

2 Reple editors hailed as best column writers > BY DAPHNE MEDINA Abelardo Jr. Cortez, The Reflection‘s Editor-In Chief and Sophia Valencia, the publication‘s Associate Editor for Internal Affairs, won as Best in Column Writing in Filipino and English category respectively, among all the publications of the University on the Campus Journalism Workshop held last July 12 at the San Francisco De Javier Multi- Purpose Hall, an event spearheaded by the Holy Angel University Office of Student Affairs.

Eduk students are the largest in HAU graduate school > BY DAPHNE MEDINA

organizer of this event. According to him, the success of the project was a product of a sustained commitment from both SEd and MCHS. ―We share a common goal of creating a positive school culture and we hope that after the two training workshops we accomplished in the past summers, we would like to see more engaged administrators, teachers and stu-

dents of MCHS,‖ said Prof. dela Cruz. It is expected that after the workshop, MCHS administration and faculty will apply what they learned by initiating peer mediation program and other peaceable projects, which according to Prof. dela Cruz, is geared towards ―a lasting culture of peace in their school and community.‖

After a digital experience last AY,

College student handbook reprinted

The School of Education, currently, has the largest graduate school population in Holy Angel University. The list of enrolees this year for graduate school is 424 and 122 of these are enrolled in different Education courses. Currently, there are 29 M.A. courses offered by Holy Angel University and nine of them are on the field of Education. Furthermore, in the PhD level, SEd is the 2nd most populous while Nursing owns the top spot.

Reple’s Green Ink generates 1, 300 pesos from trash > BY NICOLE DIANE LIWANAG


The SEd teachers and student volunteers pose together with the faculty of AGTES. | Photo taken by CARL DEL FIN.

The School of Education conducted a teacher training on developing vocabulary, comprehension and composition skills on July 26, 2019. Dr. Rachel Red Amparo, a reading specialist all the way from Davao, served as the training facilitator. She discussed matters about reading assessment and strategies especially for children with reading difficulties. As she pointed out, teachers and student tutor volunteers must accomplish the task ―slowly and steady, but surely.‖

Attendees of the said training include the student volunteers of SEd for the department‘s tutoring program and the teachers and administrative staff from Abelardo G. Tinio Elementary School. SEd conducted the annual teacher training for the third time which is a part of the department‘s accomplishment of its extension program.

The 2018 and 2019 college student handbooks came back with black and white colors from cover to cover. Last June, the School of Education sophomores received the 2018 version and when July marked the calendar, freshmen received the 2019 version as it was completed back in April 2019. It is estimated that 95% of the students have received the student handbook according to the Office of Student Affairs. Last school year, there were no distribution of the hardcopy of the student handbook but it was announced that it was supposed to be viewed through the hau.edu.ph website, Student Affairs and then College Student Handbook. The initial plan was to have an estudent handbook but there was a sudden change of plan. There was a proposal of having it printed once again.

"We see the need of having it printed and received by our students. They might say that they were unable to read it so they have that as an excuse from committing violations," said Mrs. Iris Ann Castro, the OSA head. The notable revision of 2019 from 2018 was the addendum and erratum, which were inserted and corrected on the 2019 version. According to Mrs. Castro, the review of the student handbook happened with the editor-in-chiefs for each publication and heads of the student councils but there were no changes in the 2019 version. If there were changes, consultation and presentation would take place. "It will be your guide from first year to fourth year of your college life. There's no way for you to say that you don't know or that you are misinformed. Ignorance of the law excuses no one." Mrs. Iris Ann Castro added.

The Reflection, through its Green Ink program, generated a total amount of Php 1,300 from the Paper Drive advocacy in the recently held Earth Days celebration centered on the theme, ‗Papel sa Mundo‘. The literary pieces of different organizations in the School of Education in the Poetry Writing contests and entries of the three sections of the first year SEd students in the Collage Making contests were displayed in the façade of St. Joseph Hall wherein SEd students were given the chance to vote by putting used/recycled white papers at designated boxes. A total of 199.5 kilos of recyclable papers were traded for the said amount of money at Lagman Junk Shop. This pioneering event of the publication happened on July 23 -24, 2019, and is expected to be done annually starting next year. The money earned from this will be allocated to the publication‘s outreach funds.



Mr. and Ms. SEd 2019, crowned BY SOPHIA VALENCIA

Lacson and Bensig outshined the other candidates from the different houses and received most of the minor awards. They bagged the titles Best in Ramp, Best in Talent, Best in Official Shirt, Best in Casual Wear, and Best in Washday Wear. In addition, Lacson garnered the Best in Formal Wear award.

Meanwhile, Justine Dale Dizon of House Barred and Justine Nicole Dueñas of House Tawny were awarded first runners-up. House Athene and Tawny‘s representatives Wendell Simeon and Emmelaine Pasamonte garnered second runners-up. ―I am so grateful to be crowned as Miss SEd. It is an honor for me to represent the School of Education. Honestly, I wasn't really expecting that title because I am just a first timer. But still, I made it. I want to give my heartfelt gratitude to those people who gave their support and who believed in me. You know who you are and I can't

thank you enough and I appreciate all of your efforts big or small. Thank you, Eduk people. Let us all soar high together, owls!‖ said Bensig when asked about winning the title. On the other hand, the last day of SEd‘s celebration has been postponed due to the inclement weather and suspension of classes. Nonetheless, the said celebration is expected to resume on September 18 to pave the way for the other competitions such as the Utterance: The Speech of the Rising Owls, Melophile: Bringing Music to Life, and Intensity: The Clash of the Fiery Showstoppers.

Eduk starts with a 4th place win on Kick-off 2019 BY LORAINE CLAVO AND JUSTHINE KAYLO LAO School of Education finished as the 4th placer in the final ranking of the University Kick-Off 2019 with the theme „Odyssey: Voyage to Greatness‟ last June 24-25. A lot of competitions happened on the said event and one was the Spirit Animal: Mascot Making Competition, wherein the department was hailed as the Champion with its mascot, named Owla Matalino. Vincent Lagman, who represented the SEd‘s Freshmen, grabbed the Mr. Freshmen- 2nd runner up in the Kick-off pageant competition,

while his partner, Markaela Luciano prevailed as the Best in Production. Another pride of SEd was its players‘ win as 2nd Overall Champion for the Larong Lahi, focused on the theme, Eudaimonia: The Wayfarer‘s Challenge. Calling calling game with a twist was one of the games played for this category of the kick-off. SEd players were hailed as the champion of the said event. SEd also won as 2nd runner up in the Viatecture: The Art of Arch Competition. On the other

hand, The Social Studies Circle (TSSC) bagged the Most Interactive Booth award in the booth-making competition. ―…ito ang unang interdepartment competition ng USC, so medyo nahirapan pa kami sa paghahanap ng participants pero I‘m happy na may mga willing sumali. Also, dito nag bloom lalo ang relationship naming College Student Council with other SEd students. At mas nakilala namin ang mga first year education students,‖ said Francis Mendoza, SEd-CSC vice chairman.

TSSC joins 121st independence celebration BY SHAINA GIL SUNGA

The Social Studies Circle (TSSC), a SEd organization for the Social Studies major, joined in the annual Independence Day celebration at the Pamintuan Mansion, Angeles City last June 12, 2019. This year's Independence Day theme is ―Katimawan 2019: Tepangan ning Balen, Malasakit karing Memalen” which focuses on the bravery of the Filipino people who risked their lives for the motherland.

AETAS AND EDUCATION. HAU Performing Arts performed a magnificent dance number about Aetas and their freedom to acquire education at the Pamintuan Mansion | Photo taken by SHAINA SUNGA

.., Earth days In addition, Maica Ann Joy Simbulan, Chelliemer Miguel, Angelo Miguel Dizon and Maria Angelica Torres also prevailed as the first runnerup in the Photography contest. For the Spoken Word Poetry competition, Michaela Noreen Lobo, a student from E-102, was awarded as the second runner-up. Prior to the awarding night, the team composed of Maria Angela Cordova, Troy John Rei Bautista and Justin Dale Dizon were granted the second runner-up position in the Quiz Bee competition, focusing on topics related to Earth Science.

The kings and queens of this year’s TRIUMVIRATE pose with glamour after being crowned. | Photo taken by ABELARDO CORTEZ

With their dazzling guises and captivating stances, the newly hailed Mr. and Ms. School of Education Dale Lacson of House Barred and Mary Joy Bensig of House Athene dominated the stage during the celebration of SEd days with the theme “Triumvirate: The Assemblage Towards Eminence” at the IHM Gymnasium last September 10.

From page 1

The event lasted for almost five hours that included a unity parade, flag raising, singing of the national anthem, a flower offering, a reenactment of the first Independence Day celebration, and an intermission dance from the HAU Performing Arts. Being true to their agenda of ―exploring the society‖ and being ―happy to serve‖ other people, the said

CSC EARTH WEEK Along with the celebration was the SEd‟s Earth Week 2019 with the theme, “As Stewards of the Earth, we must conserve and protect our environment in order for other species to live harmoniously” led by the acting OIC of the Student Council, Cherish Cunan, last July 22-26. In line with the said celebration, the SEd students were required to participate in the No-Waste Meal Challenge by bringing their own tumbler and lunch box. Different competitions were also organized by the CSC to celebrate SEd‟s Earth Week. One of these is the Photo Gallery contest where the Association of General Education Students (AGES) triumphed as the champion, followed by the section E-103 as the first runner-up, and the English Language Institution for Teacher Education Students (ELITES) as the second runner-up.

On the other hand, section E103 was the champion in the OnlineDigital Advocacy contest, while the first and second runner-up were the section E-101 and the Human Kinetics Society, respectively. REPLE’S GREEN INK: PAPEL SA MUNDO Alongside the Earth Week, the Green Ink: Earth Days Celebration 2019 was conducted by The Reflection with the theme “Papel sa Mundo”. The Reflection‟s Green Ink voting system required the SEd students to place used white papers to the entries' corresponding boxes in order to vote. In the Poetry Writing competition, The Social Studies Circle (TSSC) took the championship and was announced as the organization who acquired the first Special Citation from the Judge. The first runner-up award was obtained by SCIENZOPHILIACS while the Kapisanan ng mga Mag-aaral sa Filipino (KAMFI) secured the second runner-up and the Editor‟s Literary Choice. The Association of General Education Students (AGES) was also declared as the organization who received the second Special Citation from the Judge. Meanwhile, section E-101 prevailed as the champion and the Editor‟s Art Choice in the Collage Making competition while sections E-102 and E-103 were the 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up respectively.

GA ‘19 assured department’s quality BY CARL DEL FIN The School of Education administration and college student council joined forces in organizing this year‟s general assembly for teacher education students, both freshmen and sophomores, which was held on June 19, 2019 at the SJH Academic Hall. SEd students, especially the freshmen, were informed about the department itself, the faculty and administrators, the policies and programs, and the different student organizations that they can join. After delivering the accomplishment report for the department, the newly-seated Dean, Dr. Alma Natividad reminded everyone that the School of Education is not mostly concerned about the quantity (referring to the population), but rather it is more focused on the quality of education that it gives to the students. Although SEd is considered the second least populated department in the university, the Dean assured that every student would still receive the quality education that they deserve. organization joined in the celebration despite the changing weather during that day. Dedication paved the way for the TSSC members to fulfill their yearly plan of providing aid and assistance to the museum staffs. ―Ang Pamintuan Mansion, o ang Museo ng Kasaysayang Panlipunan ng Pilipinas ay ang pinakamalapit sa ating unibersidad, na pinagdadausan ng selebrasyon ng ating kalayaan. Dito rin nakabuo ng koneksyon at samahan ang ating organisasyon dahil noon pa man, aktibo na ang TSSC para tugunan ang mga pangangailangan ng Museo,‖ said Ms. Khyla Nichole Canlas, the Officer-in-

Dr. Mutya Paulino, the newlyseated chairperson of the teacher education program, talked about the University as well as the department‘s mission and vision, quality policy, and other matters relevant to an effective orientation for Eduk students. She also discussed the retention policies, pointing out that while the Dean serves as the mother of the department, she, on the other hand, would serve as the SEd‘s aunt who will make sure that every rule will be followed by all students and that all matters related to the program will be managed in an organized manner. These talks were followed by the viewing of the different risk and disaster management informational videos prepared by the university; tackling relevant information, particularly the what-to-dos in the given case, a bomb threat, earthquake or fire occurs. The viewing of the wellprepared audio-visual presentations of the different student organizations served as the concluding activity of the programme.

Charge of the said celebration. When asked about the essence of celebrating the Independence Day as an organization, Canlas stated, ―Bilang tayo'y mga guro sa hinaharap na nagpapakadalubhasa sa asignaturang Araling Panlipunan, nararapat lang na isinasabuhay natin ang mga konsepto at mga aral na ibabahagi natin sa ating mga mag-aaral sa hinaharap. Isa pa, malaking bagay ang pakikilahok ng ating organisasyon sa naturang pambansang okasyon, maliban sa nakatulong tayo, nasaksihan natin ang isa sa mga mahahalagang punto sa ating kasaysayan.‖




HAUsapanataym: SEd Launching at AGTES BY DAPHNE NICOLE MEDINA AND LESTER SAMSON With the burning passion to teach and inspire, the School of Education launched the “HAUsapanataym”, the first ever story telling activity at the Abelardo G. Tinio Elementary School (AGTES) last July 24, 2019. HAUsapanataym was part of the SEd‘s outreach which aims to convince the students of AGTES to open books for reading and make it as a habit for life. This activity was spearheaded by Prof. Darlina B. Formoso and it will be done on Wednesdays with alternating four SEd organizations, which will bring different stories depending on their majors. The said activity will run through until the course of midDecember. As Dr. Alma Natividad, the Dean of SEd, said, ―Bakit story telling? Because students will be able to adapt reading habits,‖ The HAUsapanataym: Story telling encourages students to wonder from the play and read stories from the books. Ms. Donna Tampus, one of the faculties in AGTES that is currently handling the reading tutorials in the said school, was having difficulty in handling almost 200 ―prereaders‖ in Grades 1 to 6. She stated that it is a big help that Holy Angel University has volunteers to help on decreasing these disturbing statistics which are increasing yearly. On July 24, 2019, The Social Studies Circle (TSSC), Education Mathematics Club (EMC), Kapisanan ng mga Mag-aaral sa Filipino (KAMFI), English Language Institution for Teacher Education Students (ELITES), and Society of Empow-

ered Religious and Values Educators (SERVE) performed in different rooms simultaneously. The story telling started in Grades 1 and 2. As the different organizations told and acted their stories, the kids had fun and participated actively. ―‗Yung interest nang mga bata pagdating doon sa reading… Mas effective kasi siya ‗pag nakakakita silang ganyan (storytelling and role plays)… Na para bang ang dali pala, ang sarap sa pakiramdam ng pagbabasa, pagpapakita siya para maenjoy ng bata ang reading,‖ said Ms. Donna Tampus in Filipino after the story telling. With the supervision of Dr. Mutya Paulino, the second batch of volunteers continued the HAUsapanataym story telling last August 14, 2019. Scienzophiliacs (SCIENZO), Inclusive Education Society (IES), Human Kinetics Society (HKS), and Association of General Education Students (AGES) introduced new stories to the students in AGTES which further ignited the fun in reading. Molding these young children to love and treasure the traditional way to learn, ―Reading books‖ is the School of Education's aspiration to reach in every child‘s desire to learn.

THE DAY WHEN WORDS WERE TURNED INTO REALITY. Different scenes were captured while conducting HAUsapanataym at AGTES. |Photos taken by JUSTHINE LAO, DAPHNE MEDINA AND SHAINA SUNGA

LET review for Aeta Teacher Ed students held BY ABELARDO JR. CORTEZ Extending to the needs of its immediate community, from June 8 to August 31 this year, the School of Education conducted the Pamimilamu Outreach, a free Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) review for Aeta Teacher Education graduates. The department conducted board exam review classes scheduled in 12 Saturdays for 19 Aeta TE graduates from Brgy. Camias, Brgy. Inararo & Brgy. Villa Maria, Porac. Reviews were done at the Aetahanan Dormitory in Sta. Rita, Pampanga. The volunteers of this activity are professors, alumni and students of SEd. Topics covering general and professional education were all taught and reviewed, with handouts being provided for extra means of learning. Mr. Arlan de la Cruz is the overall organizer/proponent of this activity.

BACKGROUND As stated in its official activity report, in 2016, the former HAU College of Arts, Sciences and Education (CASEd) opened its InHouse LET Review Board Exam classes to interested Aeta college graduates of Teacher Education. These free review classes were in response to the suggestions of the Aeta participants to the 2nd Pamimilamu Summer Aeta Youth Camp organized as an intervention to support those who have no financial capability to enroll themselves in paid review centers. Since then, HAU-CASEd continues to open its in-house LET Review classes to Aeta college graduates which are held in Holy Angel University with free review materials and free use of its Online Review Program.

However, up until the HAU School of Education moved its inhouse LET review classes calendar to November-March last school year, 2018-2019, it was observed that only a handful (five or less) of Aetas are attending the review classes but with dwindling attendance. They are only seen usually for first five sessions of the LET review program. Some of the reasons include financial dificulty, family obligations, cultural and economic. Based on the number of attendees and the full completion of the program activities, this year's Pamimilamu was successful in addressing the aforementioned observations. The beneficiaries of Pamimilamu are expected to take the LET this upcoming September 29, thus SEd is really hoping to see the positive outcomes which will be manifested in their final examination results.

A construction worker during the physical rehabilitation days of Museo ning Angeles | Photo taken by ABELARDO CORTEZ

Museo ning Angeles under Restoration BY NICOLE LIWANAG AND SHAINA SUNGA Last July 5, 2019 marked the second year of the ―Restoration and Enhancement Project‖ for the Museo ning Angeles, a 97-year-old former town hall of the city. The fixing of leakages in the roofs and ceilings, repairing of the windows, changing of floors from cement to machuca tiles and installation of air conditioners were the primary goals for the restoration process in terms of the physical structure of the museum. According to Ms. Rhodora A. Salazar, the Administrative Officer of the Museo ning Angeles, the said renovation is aimed at increasing the ambiance and giving more comfort to the visitors as they venture around the museum and learn about the history of the city. One of the main objectives of the said project was to provide more accurate information about the history, culture, and heritage of Angeles City by means of updating the city‘s timeline. ―We are not only restoring the physique of the museum, but also the information and data that we hold. We do not want to spread false data about our city. We do not want to misinform people especially the students about the history of Angeles,‖ said Salazar. Due to many processed documents that need to be settled, the duration of project took longer than expected. It had undergone restoration from public construction until February 2019, when it became under private construction under the administration of Kuliat Foundation, Inc., a non-stock nonprofit organization.

Salazar clarified the lingering rumors that the museum was closed by simply stating, ―The museum of Angeles is not totally closed. However, we can‘t accommodate large number of visitors.‖ Nonetheless, the museum is expected to hold its opening around the month of October before the Foundation Day which will be on December 8. BESIDES THE RESTORATION Another challenge for them aside from the restoration is the decreasing number of people who is interested with the history and culture of Angeles. According to Ms. Salazar, the youth became overly dependent on their gadgets to the point that they became ignorant on the place they were born and currently staying in. ―…The statue in front of the museum is the Jose Abad Santos statue wherein even the teachers are not aware of this information and most even thought that it was a Rizal statue. This is the reason why we encourage people, not only those people residing here, but also those people outside Angeles to learn about the rich culture of this place,‖ Salazar stated. ―Even the foreigners did not know that Angeles has something more than its title as the redlight district. When you search Angeles in the internet, you would see girls, women, the bars, and the clubs, which is why as much as possible; we are trying to remove this kind of image from the public. Although we do not deny that we have a red-light district, we wanted to promote and prove that there is more in Angeles City.‖



H The Reflection The Official Student Publication of the School of Education, Holy Angel University ABELARDO JR. CORTEZ Editor in Chief SOPHIA MARIE VALENCIA Associate Editor for Internal Affairs JUSTHINE KAYLO LAO Associate Editor for External Affairs DAPHNE NICOLE MEDINA Managing Editor for Administration NICOLE DIANE LIWANAG Managing Editor for Finance

SECTION EDITORS LORAINE CLAVO News and Opinions Editor SHAINA GIL SUNGA Features and Literary Editor CARL DANRYLLE DEL FIN Entertainment Editor MARIA ANGELA CORDOVA Sports Editor MILKER GUTIERREZ Head Arts Editor ELEILA GONZALES Head English Editor MARY RANDZHEL SANTIAGO Associate News Editor Head Filipino Editor RICK NICOLO SANTIAGO Head Columnist

PRODUCTION TEAM LESTER SAMSON Circulations Manager Multimedia and Productions Head CHESA FILOSOFO Head Broadcaster

EDITORIAL STAFF Allyssa dela Cruz Shayrelle Cula Katrina Mendoza Gwyneth Mangaliman DR. RAMIL ILUSTRE Paper Adviser

K ON TAK IN K AMI TROfficialStudentPubofSED thereflectionSedPublication @gmail.com 0905 584 6196 Basement, PGN building, HAU

Dibuho ni Milker Gutierrez

indi matatawaran at mapapantayan ng kahit na ano ang dugo't pawis na iniaalay ng bawat dakilang guro. Tambak na nga ang mga gawain at mga responsibilidad hindi lamang sa paaralan kundi maging sa tahanan, nananatili pa ring mababa ang kanilang suweldo; tunay na hindi sasapat para tustusan ang mga pangangailangan ng kani-kanilang pamilya. Ilan lamang ang mga nabanggit sa mga suliraning kinahaharap ng itinuturing na mga bagong bayani ng bayan. Ngunit, paano pa kaya kung maging sa paaralan, na kanilang ikalawang tahanan, ay hindi rin makatao't katanggap-tanggap ang kanilang kalagayan? Kamakailan lamang ay umani ng batikos ang Kagawaran ng Edukasyon (DepEd) matapos ilabas ni Maricel Herrera, isang guro sa Bacoor National High School (BNHS)-Molino Main, ang isang larawang nagpapakita ng kalunos-lunos na kalagayan ng faculty room ng mga guro sa nasabing paaralan. Makikitang namamalagi ang mga guro sa mga dating palikuran ng eskuwelahan dahil ang dating faculty room ay inilaan bilang mga silid-aralan upang punan ang kanilang kakulangan sa mga klasrum at iba pang mga pasilidad. Ang masakit pa rito, isiniwalat din ni Herrera na sa sarili pa nilang bulsa nanggagaling ang pagpapaayos ng faculty room kahit na kulang na kulang ang natatanggap nilang suweldo. Maging ang mga pondong nagmumula sa Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) ng paaralan ay hindi napupunta sa nararapat nitong kalagyan.








Hindi Pampalikuran

Kung kaya, sumasang-ayon ang pahayagan sa hamon ng Teachers‘ Dignity Coalition (TDC) kay Briones na kausapin mismo ang mga guro sa halip na ang mga nakatataas sa paaralan. Ito ay sa kadahilanang mas malaki ang posibilidad na pagtakpan ng mga nasa posisyon ang kanilang mga kakulangan at ituon ang lahat ng sisi sa mga gurong pilit na tinatanggalan ng bibig sa mga ganitong usapin. Nararapat lamang silang bigyan ng pagkakataong personal na ihayag ang kanilang sitwasyon at mga kinahaharap na suliranin upang mabigyan ng agaran at karampatang aksyon ng mga kinauukulan ang kanilang mga hinaing. Sa kabilang banda, ano nga ba ang puno't dulo ng isyung ito? Hindi ba't ang kapabayaan at pagsasawalang bahala ng gobyerno sa sektor ng edukasyon, lalong-lalo na sa mga pampublikong paaralan? Kung agaran lamang sanang naaksyunan ng mga kinauukulan ang problema hinggil sa kaku> BY DAPHNE MEDINA langan ng mga pasilidad, hindi na sana hahantong pa sa ganito ang kalagayan ng mga guro. Hindi lamang kasi ang mga guro mula sa BNHS ang nakararanas ng ganitong kalagayan kundi maging ang mga guro sa ilang paaralan sa Maynila gaya ng Villamor High School, Maligaya High School, Bagong Silangan Elementary School, at iba pa. Kung kaya, magsilbi nawa itong panawagan sa gobyerno, na bigyan pa ng kaukulang pansin at sapat na pondo ang Kagawaran ng Edukasyon, na ilalaan hindi sa bulsa ng iilan, ngunit para sa kapakanan hindi lamang ng mga mag-aaral kundi pati na sa mga humuhubog sa kanila— ang kaguruan. Isa pa, dapat tiyakin ng mga kinauukulan na ang mga pondong laan para sa paaralan ay nagagamit ng wasto. Ang nagiging isyu rito ay hindi ang kawalan ng pondo sapagkat mayroon naman, kundi ang tamang distribusyon nito sa pagsasaayos ng mga pasilidad sa mga eskwelahan. Tandaan, ang paaralan ang siyang humuhubog sa pagkatao ng mga kabataan datapwat hindi dapat ito ang siya pang pinagmumulan ng korapsyon sa lipunan.

Katwiran ni Leonor Briones, kasalukuyang kalihim ng Desasapat ang espasyo roon upang Mayroon nga ba talaga pEd, "drama" o nagpapaawa pagkasyahin ang 240 na guro ng silang "choice" gaya ng pinagdidilamang raw ang mga guro upang paaralan. inan ni Briones? Ang masaklap na mapansin ng midya. Dagdag pa kasagutan ay wala. Wala, sapagkat Sa sitwasyong ito, marniya, "Tinignan namin 'yan. Ang kahit na naisin man nilang lumipat iing kinokondena ng pahayagan choice ng teachers, dahil nangansa isang mas maayos na silid ay mas ang hindi makataong pagtrato sa gailangan, malaki ang enrolment, pipiliin nilang magtiis sa isang mga guro, maging ang hindi kanadelay ang budget natin, nadelay masikip na palikuran para unahin tanggap-tanggap na pahayag at ang paggawa ng school buildings, ang kapakanan ng mga estudyanteng they had their choice". Sinabihan naman daw “...kung hindi man lamang maibigay sa kanila ang diumano ang mga guro sa BNHS na gamitin sweldong katumbas ng mabigat nilang trabaho, muna ang mga laboramailaan man lang nawa sa kanila ang respetong katory rooms, o di kaya'y ang silid-aklatan ngunit tumbas ng dangal at sakripisyong dulot ng kanilang mas pinili nilang magpropesyon.” tiis sa mga palikuran. Bilang pagpapaliwanag, ipinahayag ni Herrera na hindi nila ginusto iyon pero wala silang magagawa dahil ang mga palikuran lamang ang malalapit sa mga klasrum. Dagdag pa niya, kung pinili nilang mamalagi sa mga laboratory room ay mas mahihirapan lamang sila sa pagdadala ng kanilang mga kagamitan sa pagtuturo at hindi rin


muulan pa rin ngayon habang isinusulat ko ito. Habang binabagtas ko ang daan kanina lang, kahit na may payong ay hindi maiwasang mabasa pa rin ako ng ulan at manginig dahil sa malamig na ihip ng hangin. Cuddle weather, kung ito ay ilarawan ng mga sosyal na tao. Para naman sa mga Kapampangang tulad ko, ‗makapangalgal laman‘ ang angkop na termino para rito. Wala man itong ―pangangalgal ning laman‖ o nginig na nararamdaman ko kumpara sa nginig na naramdaman ng 22 mangingisdang Pilipinong nagpalutang-lutang sa West Philippine Sea noong ikasiyam ng Hunyo ngayong taon, na nakaligtas lamang dahil sa pagsagip ng mga mangingisdang Vietnamese makalipas ang ilang oras. Nangyari ito nang banggain ng isang Chinese vessel ang bangkang pangisda ng mga Pilipino. Matapos ito, iniwan lang ng mga Tsino ang mga nabanggit na mangingisda na palutang-lutang sa gitna ng dagat. Pinatunayan ni Jay Batongbacal, na eksperto sa maritime laws mula sa Unibersidad ng Pilipinas, ang sinadyang pagbanggang ito gamit ang ipinalabas niyang satellite data mula sa Visible

aksyon ng kalihim ng DepEd hinggil sa isyu. Isang malinaw na manipestasyon lamang ang nabanggit na isyu sa isang bansang hindi nabibigyan ng sapat na atensyon ang sektor ng edukasyon. Hindi ito palabas. Ito ang katotohanan ng pagsasawalang bahala sa karapatan ng kaguruan.

wala ring silid-aralan. Wala, sapagkat kahit pa humiling sila ng maayos na faculty room ay malabo ring mangyari dahil sa usad pagong na aksyon ng gobyerno pagdating sa kanilang mga hinaing. At higit sa lahat, wala, dahil ang tingin pa rin sa kanila'y mga guro lamang na kontrolado ng mga nakatataas; tinatanggalan ng boses sa lipunan.

Umalohokan Abelardo Jr. Cortez, Editor in Chief abelardocortez980@gmail.com

Makapangalgal Laman Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suit. Pinabulaanan din ng Armed Forces‘ Western Command ang sinadyang insidente, na nagsabi namang ito ay ―far from accidental.‖ Naniniwala sila na ang nangyari ay isang klarong hit and run sa katubigan. Sinuportahan ng mga nabanggit ang naunang pahayag ng mga mangingisdang Pilipino na nagsasabing totoong sinadya ang pagbangga. Ginipit ng mga Tsino ang ating mga mangingisda. Taliwas sa lumilitaw na katotohanan, matapos ang ilang araw ng pananahimik ay naglabas ng mapagsawalang-bahalang pahayag ang Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte ukol dito. Ayon sa kanya, "Banggaan lang ng barko 'yan.‖ Nabigla ang bayan sa karuwagan at pangmamaliit na taglay ng kaniyang pahayag kung kaya, hindi maiwasang umani ito ng

sanlaksang pambabatikos. Kaugnay nito, naglabas din ng kontrobersyal na pahayag ang tagapagsalita ng Malacañang na si Salvador Panelo. Ika ni Panelo, hindi raw dapat agad paniwalaan ang kuwento ng mga mangingisdang Pilipino. "Pwedeng sinisiraan lang ang mga Chinese", dagdag pa niya. Sa isyung ito, malinaw na nakikita ang pangmamaliit at pagmamalupit ng mga imperyalistang Tsino sa atin. Aksidente man o hindi ang nangyari, makikita kung gaanong hindi makatao ang kanilang pag-iwan sa mga Pilipino sa gitna ng dagat, na isang manipestasyon ng paglabag nila sa mga panuntunang pandagat ng United Nations Convention for the Law of the Sea o UNCLOS. Bukod pa rito, hayagan

Marangal ang mga guro at ang trabahong kanilang pasan. Sila ang nagsisilbing tagahulma ng mga mag-aaral kung kaya, sila rin ang totoong humuhulma sa kaisipan ng bayan. Hindi sila dapat mamalagi sa mga palikuran. Hindi sila dapat ipinagsasawalang-bahala ng kagawaran. Hindi sila dumi. Sila ang dangal ng taong bayan. At kung hindi man lamang maibigay sa kanila ang sweldong katumbas ng mabigat nilang trabaho, mailaan man lang nawa sa kanila ang respetong katumbas ng dangal at sakripisyong dulot ng kanilang propesyon.

na nilang ipinapakita ang karahasang maaari nilang gawin na naglalarawan ng kanilang dominasyon kahit na pa sila ay nasa loob ng ating 200 milyang -Exclusive Economic Zone. Sa kabila ng hayagang panggigipit ng mga Tsino, makikita ang pagbubulag-bulagan at pagsasawalangbahala ng gobyerno. Mapapansin na patuloy ang pagturing nila sa isyu bilang isang maliit na kaganapang hindi dapat pagtuunan ng pansin. Kung tutuusin, ang kaganapang ito ang dapat na nagpapamulat sa atin sa karahasan at pag-apak ng karapatangpantao ng Tsina sa mga Pilipino. Sayang lang at bulag ang gobyerno kung kaya para sa kanila, wala lamang ito. Kung tutuusin, hindi man ang aktong pagbangga ang pinakamasakit na nangyari sa mga mangingisdang ito. ‗Di hamak na mas nakapanlulumo ang mapamahalaanan sila ng isang gobyernong hindi sila pinanininiwalaan at hindi sila kayang ipaglaban. Tagos hanggang kalooblooban ang sakit na dulot ng pagkampi ng mga tuta sa kanilang amo. Kung kaya bukod sa tubig at lamig, na siya ring nagpanginig sa akin kani-kanina lang, galit at hinagpis marahil ang mas namumutawi ngayon sa mga mangingisdang ito. Kung ikaw ba naman ang nasa sitwasyon nila, ―E ka wari mangalgal laman?”




Reple Pulse

Sophia Marie Valencia, Assoc. Ed. Int. sophiavalencia1016@gmail.com

Pagbitay kay Juan, Isang Basurang Solusyon ’yan

What are your insights/comments on the actions of President Rodrigo Duterte regarding the Recto bank incident? “I think PRRD's statement was wise because he was protecting the Philippines behind his words. Yes, maybe it was China's fault but we cannot make any scene that could trigger China through media. PRRD has no choice but to keep our relation with China despite of what happened. We cannot fight China so he was just being careful not to drive China on us with war.” -John Exiquiel Mesina “Kung ganoon ang nangyari hindi ko lang palalampasin sa kadahilanang umaabuso na ang mga Tsino sa mga bawat hakbang nila. Lagi na lang bang gano‟n? All we have to do is to shut up our mouth? Ang unfair para sa atin. Pero siguro dahil pinabayaan na lang ni President Duterte „yung nangyari ay dahil ayaw niya na magkaroon ng gulo, ayaw niyang mapahamak ang mga kapwa Pilipino kapag isinulong pa niya ang isyu kaya nasabi niyang minor incident na lang. Kapag isinulong at inilagay sa korte yung insidente, paniguradong hindi titigil ang mga Tsino hangga‟t hindi nakagaganti sa bansang Pilipinas.” -Troy John Rei Ly Bautista “Siguro mas maganda kung imbestigahan muna ang nangyaring insidente bago gumawa ng hakbang dahil walang nakaaalam ng totoong nangyari sa Recto bank incident. Sa sinabi ng ating pangulo, nasa mga tao kung paano nila iyon iintindihin, marahil ang iba ayaw nila ang sinabi ng ating pangulo at maaaring ang iba ay sang-ayon naman. Kung ako ang tatanungin, papaimbestigahan ko muna ang nangyari bago ako kumilos at magsagawa ng hakbang. Pero dahil sa pag-iwan ng mga Chinese dun sa insidente, „yon ang hindi ko nagustuhan sa kadahilanang dapat tumulong nalang sila at hindi umalis.” -Angelo Miguel Dizon “Personally, I was disappointed with his actions towards the Recto bank incident. He claimed that the collision between the Chinese and the Filipino vessel was merely a "little maritime accident" on Philippine sovereignty and not an attack. It‟s indicated that our government is still afraid to take an action and fight for justice against the rich and powerful country known as China.”


Pagkarinig ko sa mga linyang ito ay biglang sumagi sa aking isipan ang kalagayan ng aking bayang minamahal. Nakadidismayang isipin na sa dinami-raming suliranin ng ating bansa na kinakailangang masolusyunan ay pilit pa ring isinisingit ang pagmumungkahi ng mga batas na hindi naman natin kailangan. Isa na lamang dito ang pagtutulak ni Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte sa Kongreso na ipatupad muli ang pagpapataw ng parusang kamatayan para sa mga sangkot sa ilegal na droga at pandarambog. Ito raw ‗di umano ang natatanging solusyon upang puksain ang paglaganap ng krimen sa ating bansa. Tignan niyo nga naman itong si Pangulong Duterte, aba‘y mukhang hindi pa sapat sa kaniya ang libu-libong buhay na nasawi nang dahil sa extrajudicial killings at gusto niya pang dagdagan. At ano pa nga bang gagawin ng mga alipores ng administrasyong Duterte? Syempre, hindi rin nagpapahuli ang mga tuta sa pagtahol kapag umaksyon na ang kanilang amo. Pabanguhan na naman ng pangalan ang mga paborito nating senador gaya na lamang ni Sen. Manny Pacquiao. Isa pa itong si Imee Marcos, na dati-rati‘y kabilang sa mga bumasura ng death penalty nang siya ay miyembro pa ng House, pero ngayon ay sumasang-ayon na rin dito. Datapwat, nagpahayag siya ng pagkatakot at pagkabahala sa ilang pamamaraan ng pagpatay sa mga masisentensyahan gaya na lamang ng pagbib-

“My insight on that controversy is that, I really wished that the President should have considered protecting his own people and taking their side rather than reasoning out that it was merely an accident. A president needs to be sympathetic on the well-being of others. I hope that our country shall acquire justice especially if our rights and humanity are being violated.”

“Actually, I see our president as someone who is bold because it shows on his actions and on how he speaks, especially when he talks about our country, and defends the Filipinos against other nations. However, with his reaction on the Recto bank accident, I was totally disappointed. It was as though he lost his voice and acted like a polite underdog of China. I do understand that maybe he was just trying to keep our relationship with the Chinese to avoid further disputes but our fellow countrymen deserve justice, and a president who will recognize and fight for their rights.” -Khyla Nicole Canlas Honestly speaking, what I felt about our current president, Rodrigo Duterte, was disappointment. My reason is that, if China was on our shoes, if they are the victim, I am sure they will give punishment because they have been violated. But why does our President let them go that easily? Why does he still give them the authority to fish in the Philippine Economic Zone? I just hope that this incident will never happen again.” -Jashley Bagang RESPONSES COLLECTED BY


itay- ―Diyos ko, huwag… Sobrang lupit naman nun…‖- na para bang mas malupit pa iyon sa walang habas na pang-aabuso, panggagahasa, pambababoy at pagpatay sa mga Pilipino noong panahong ipinatupad ng kaniyang ama ang Batas Militar. Maging itong si ―Sh*t happens‖ Bato dela Rosa ay

“...aba’y mukhang hindi pa sapat sa kaniya ang libulibong buhay na nasawi nang dahil sa extrajudicial killings at gusto niya pang dagdagan.” nagpahayag ng kaniyang pagsuporta sa death penalty. Pahayag niya, ―Deterrence talaga yan… Firing squad natin sa Luneta. Tignan natin kung maghakot sila ng shabu dito sa ‗tin.‖ Basura. Ang perpektong salita na makapaglalarawan sa nais mangyari ni Duterte. Sino na naman ba ang tatamaan ng pagpapatupad ng death penalty? Ang gaya ba ni Bong Revilla na patung-patong na ang kaso ng pandarambong pero isa pa ring malayang senador ngayon? O ang isa na namang mahirap na Pilipinong napilitang magtulak ng

Classroom Chronicles

-Clarisse Basilio

-Herman Samson

akakatakas ka lamang sa parisukat kapag nakahiga ka na sa parihaba...

Rick Nicolo Santiago , Head Columnist rnsantiago08@gmail.com

Respect: Is it gone?


ne of the most essential values taught to every individual, beginning from their early childhood, is the word 'respect'. Young people are constantly taught to respect their elders and the other people in authority at all times. In the school scenario, those who are in authority actually refers to all educators and heads. However, most students nowadays seem to be at the verge of losing their manners; showing distinct signs of rudeness in front of their teacher. Thus, I firmly believe that this upsetting reality concerning the students' inappropriate manners must be addressed and managed carefully. The role of educators in every student's life is crucial; and most of them are very much aware of that. Teaching different groups of students from morning until the afternoon, or even until evening, is no easy task but they endure it because their passion for teaching fuels them to move forward. That's why I believe that no teacher deserves to deal with inconsiderate students who show no sign of courtesy. Yes, none of them might pass our standard of being a 'perfect and ideal' teacher, but still, nobody has the right to disrespect them for their shortcomings.

Truthfully speaking, there will be times that students will encounter teachers who are too strict and terror or simply put, the

“Having a good attitude and being respectful towards other people is more important than being an academic achiever who shows no respect for others.” most hated ones. There will be numerous instances that these students' patience will be

droga para sa mga kumakalam na sikmura ng kaniyang pamilya? Malamang, ang mahihirap na naman ang puntirya ng batas na ito pero masyadong bulag ang ibang tao para mamulat sa realidad na ito. Ayon sa sarbey na isinagawa ng Free Legal Assistance Group (FLAG) sa 890 death row inmates noong 2004, nalamang 79% sa mga ito ay hindi nakapagtapos ng kolehiyo at ang 63% ay dating nagtatrabaho sa mga sektor gaya ng agrikultura, transport, at construction. Karamihan sa kanila ay tumatanggap ng sweldong ‗di hamak na mas mababa pa sa minimum wage samantalang isang bahagdan lamang ng inmates ang nakatatanggap ng sweldong higit pa sa P50,000. Kaunti lamang ang mayroong kakayahang ipagtanggol ang kanilang mga sarili sa korte (hal. sa pagkuha ng magagaling na abogado) kumpara sa bilang ng mga mahihirap na walang laban. Hangga‘t hindi nabibigyang pansin ng pamahalaan ang imbalance na ito, magiging kasangkapan lamang ang death penalty sa pagsulong ng tinatawag na ―selective justice‖. Dagdag pa rito, dahil sa kabulukan ng sistema ng hustisya rito sa Pilipinas, hindi malayong marami ang mga inosenteng Pilipinong maaaring masentensyahan ng parusang kamatayan bagama‘t wala naman talagang kasalanan. Batay sa impormasyong nakalap mula sa Judicial Records Office of the Supreme Court, 72% mula sa 907 death convictions na nakarating sa Korte Suprema ang napatunayang erroneously decided, ibig sabihin karamihan sa mga kaso ay hindi naman talaga dapat kamatayan ang nararapat na sentensya. Ibinalik ang mga kasong ito sa mababang korte upang imbestigahan muli at ang naging resulta‘y 651 na buhay ang nailigtas mula sa lethal injection. Bilang panghuli, aking muling ipagdidiinan na hindi sagot ang death penalty upang pababain ang paglaganap ng krimen dito sa Pilipinas. Pahirap lamang ito para sa mga mahihirap. Mamulat sana ang gobyerno sa katotohanang ang hustisya ay hindi katumbas ng pagpatay sa nagkasala. Layunin ng pamahalaan na pangalagaan ang karapatan ng bawat Pilipino at hindi ang patuloy na pagyurak nito.

put into test as they deal with that teacher every day. Unfortunately, most of them would more likely fail that test as they start to call out their teacher insulting names, mimic his gestures, or even make up stories and false rumors that might destroy his image. Nonetheless, this is not the right thing to do. If students are really concerned of their teacher, then they might as well address the problem directly to him instead of making that teacher a laughingstock. Being disrespectful to a teacher is not "cool" as this generation thinks it is, rather it is a manifestation of how one is poorly raised by his or her own family. Hence, schools should work on cultivating the culture of respect within the premises. As a product of a school that has given high regard to practice this value, I believe that this strategy has been effective for us since we were able to apply it even now that we are already in college. Respect has been a big deal for us because it was instilled in our minds that what we do unto others is the manifestation of what we would have them do unto us. Simply put, respect indeed begets respect. On the other hand, students should always know their limits. Just because we are given the freedom to express ourselves does not mean that we can freely abuse this right, especially if it is intended to bring harm or offend other people, like our teachers. Having a good attitude and being respectful towards other people is more important than being an academic achiever who shows no respect for others. Moreover, being close to our teachers does not give us the right to disrespect them by any means. Always remember that they are still our teachers, and they deserve the same amount of respect that we ought to give to everyone.



Hermosa Daphne Nicole Medina, Managing Editor for Administration dphnmdn24@gmail.com

Chief to Cheap


he word is out, people. ―Sh*t happens.‖ This was the controversial statement said repeatedly by Sen. Ronald "Bato" dela Rosa, former chief of the Philippine National Police, concerning the death of a three -year-old girl named Myka Ulpina in a drug bust operation, last June 29 in Rodriguez town, Rizal province. He stated in an interview that he made a mistake in choosing his words. Oh, you don‘t say, chief. A so-called senator should be responsible enough to be careful of his diction, even though, he pointed out that it wasn‘t meant for the media, but for the police officers. "Every policeman wants his operation to be perfect but if you do not have complete control of the operational environment, sh*t really happens. Something bad will always happen," Dela Rosa said in a mix of English and Filipino. I mean, yes, we can‘t control what‘s about to happen, but can we at least control our mouths? Let us be mindful in saying the right words because it affects everyone. Dela Rosa also emphasized that what he meant by ―sh*t happens‖ is that ―unfortunate incidents happen‖ in an ―imperfect world‖. Still, this can't provide any justification in this sensitive issue, especially, someone died. An innocent child, I might add. Every article that I‘ve read kept on saying that this is not just another collateral damage of the drug war, but for me, it clearly is. I can‘t believe that 19 million Filipinos voted for this trash mouth, but I do think we all

see that he got it from someone very close, isn‘t that funny? There's more to this unjust story. We may also blame Myka Ulpina‘s father, Renato, because he used his daughter as a ―human shield‖ when he noticed Senior Mas-

“This country doesn’t need another pet who speaks garbage and useless words that are publicly uttered with nonsense. Isn’t that so familiar? A sh*tty mouth doesn’t have a place in the Senate.” ter Sergeant Conrad Cabigao, a police officer posed as a drug dealer. Myka was shot in the neck and the following day, she was reportedly dead. Many senators took a stand and there were some who impressed me with their statements. "One innocent life lost is one life too many… Incidents like this should be taken seriously so that corrective measures will be

Vertigo Shaina Gil Sunga, Features and Literary Ed. shainagil33@gmail.com

Nakatutuwa o Kakatwa?


ingle used plastic? ‗Yun ‗yung pagkatapos ka niyang gamitin ng isang beses, ay itatapon ka na lang niya. Sa loob ng ilang bilyong taon, ang ating mundo ay nananatiling matatag. Iba‘t ibang mga bulaklak at puno ang dito ay namumukadkad, umuusbong at patuloy na yumayabong. Ilang milenya na ang nakalipas, at ang ating mundo ay matiwasay na umiikot sa araw. Nakatatakot isipin na dahil sa ating mga tao, ang siklo na ito ay malapit nang mahinto. Dahil sa pangarap ng ating mga magulang, tayo ay pinapadala sa paaralan upang matuto at maging matalino. Habang tumatagal, lumalawak ang ating pang-unawa, dahilan upang tayo ay maging instrumento ng pagbabago.

Balikan natin ang dulong pahayag ng ikatlong talata: ‗Nagiging instrumento tayo ng pagbabago.‘ Ngunit bakit tila puro negatibong pagbabago ang ating naidudulot? Bakit parang ang pagbabagong ginagawa natin ay papunta sa pagkasira ng mundo?

Sa loob ng ating silid-aralan, isa sa laman ng diskusyon ng ating mga guro ang kalagayan ng ating kalikasan. Walang sawa nilang ipinapaalala sa atin ang isa sa ating mga responsibilidad sa mundong ibabaw- ang maging tagapangalaga ng inang kalikasan.

“Hindi ka edukado kung ikaw ay nagpapakitang tao lamang na kunwaring may pakialam…”

Ngayong tayo ay nasa tamang edad na, hindi na dapat maging isyu sa atin ang konsepto ng tama at mali. Nag-aaral tayo sa isang prestihiyosong paaralan at ginagabayan ng iba‘t ibang mga bihasang guro. Sa kabila ng ilang oras na ating ginugugol sa pakikinig, bakit simpleng nabubulok, ‗di nabubulok, at mareresiklo ay hindi natin maintindihan? Kailan ba tayo magigising sa masangsang na katotohanan? Bakit tayo pilit na nagbubulag-bulagan na para bang dinadaig pa natin ang mga hindi nakakikita?

Tunay nga namang bumabaliktad na ang mundo. Sa katunayan, ang mga may pinag-aralan pa ang siyang nakasisira sa kalikasan. Hindi ka edukado kung ikaw ay

nagpapakitang tao lamang na kunwaring may pakialam sa kapaligiran. Hindi ka tunay na edukado kung ikaw mismo ay walang disiplina sa pagtatapon ng iyong basura. Hindi ka karapat-dapat na tawaging edukado kung ikaw mismo ang nangunguna sa pagpapalala sa kalagayan ni inang kalikasan.

put in place immediately and those responsible must at least be investigated to determine possible lapses or lack of discretion. Nonchalance has no place in this situation,‖ Senator Panfilo Lacson said. Also, Senator Risa Hontiveros said on Twitter, ―Let's not trivialize innocent lives lost. Sh*t happens? Then it's time to call a plumber and flush this bloody and abusive drug war downs the toilet.‖ ―If you just accept this as reality, instead of condemning it and holding accountable those at fault, children would be killed over and over again. This is not right, and I disagree with the position that that‘s just reality,‖ Senator Francis Pangilinan said in Filipino. ―'Pag poot ang tinanim, kamatayan ang aanihin,” Pangilinan added. He also wanted the other documents of the drug war to be released and be investigated. Detained Senator Leila de Lima took a stand and said strongly, "He might as well introduce legislation lowering the age of criminal responsibility to 'at birth' because, anyway, 'sh*t happens.‘ Sh*t does happen, but it happens more often because we have a President and public officials who are more gangsters than law enforcers." May I just say? This country doesn‘t need another pet who speaks garbage and useless words that are publicly uttered with nonsense. Isn‘t that so familiar? A shitty mouth doesn‘t have a place in the Senate. I‘d rather have someone in the 3 rd grade to be the next Senator. I mean, they probably have the same IQ level, am I not right? We need someone who knows what he‘s saying and doesn‘t treat everything as a joke. But hey, he is the main joke or is it China‘s pet? We don‘t know. I‘ll let you do the thinking amidst the numerous sh*tty problems the government is responsible for. Let me know your say. Mine would be ―sh*t happens in this administration.‖ Sorry, not sorry.

‗Wag na tayong magmaangmaangan pa. Kahit ‗wag na tayong lumayo, marahil ay pagkatingin mo sa iyong kaliwa, may nakasiksik na wrapper sa gilid ng upuan. Hindi ba‘t tayo ay pinag-aaral upang tayo ay matuto? Hindi ba‘t tayo ay pinagkakagastusan ng malaki para tayo ay makatulong? Ganito na katigas ang ulo at puso ng mga tao. Hindi ko maiwasang ‗di maisip kung ang mga taong ito ay nakikinig pa ba sa mga pangaral ng kanilang mga guro. Bakit tila lumalabas na lamang sa kabilang tenga ang kanilang mga tinuturo? Lagi nating tatandaan na ang lahat ng ating mga itinatapon ay babalik sa atin. At dahil napupuno na ang ating inang kalikasan, unti-unti na nating nararamdaman ang kaniyang hagupit at bagsik. Tayo-tayo rin pala ang magiging dahilan ng ating pagkabagsak. Kung kaya, huwag na natin hintayin pang umabot sa mas malalang kahihinatnan. Gamitin ang mga natututunang impormasyon at isiwalat ito sa nakararami. Ang kaalamang nakukuha mula sa iba ay ginagamit at hindi isinasantabi. Hindi ito tulad ng mga magagarbong props na pinagkagastusan at ibinalibag na lamang sa gilid matapos gamitin. Nasa ating mga kamay ang kapangyarihan ng pagbabago. Sabay-sabay tayong magsimulang gumawa ng pagbabago para sa ating mundo at huwag nating sayangin ang pagkakataon. Bakit hindi natin isabuhay ang mga pangakong binitawan natin sa Panunumpa sa Watawat ng Pilipinas? –na maging MakaDiyos, MAKAKALIKASAN, Makatao, at Makabansa.

Reple Pulse What is/are your insights/comments regarding the proposed implementation of mandatory ROTC for senior high school? “In regard to the mandatory ROTC for Senior High School, I may not know much about ROTC but I can say that SHS shouldn't be alarmed or angry at the fact that they should undergo ROTC. Rather, SHS students can take that as an experience. Some students see ROTC as useless, but for me, it‟s great to be challenged and to go through what our brave soldiers had gone through. Though, yes, it is difficult but still we would somehow feel and experience the sacrifice of the soldiers just to protect and defend our country. Maybe someday, students who want to become soldiers may be inspired by ROTC.” > BY DAPHNE MEDINA -Jillian Ayuyao “Personally, I am in favor of mandatory ROTC program for senior high school students. …The fact that we are a very small country and we can say that we are also surrounded by many threats and if you'll look deeper on it, it is a way of showing our love for our country by means of defending against external threats, practicing patriotism and nationalism among us all...” -Maria Angelica Torres “At first, I've always disagreed with the recently approved house bill 8961, but then I've come to realize that there might be something affable with the mandatory training. I've always said "We can do it scholarly, those who are physically active can do it, but us bookish type of people can just work their brains out and be part of the strategic team or like learn how to diffuse bombs or something," but if I didn't experience rigorous training myself, I wouldn't have a taste of nationalism. Aside from this, AFP agreed with the House of Representatives that the training will not focus solely on the physical activities but will also help with the reserve manpower supply that has to respond to any emergencies or any national threats of any kind. This includes relief operations and disaster training of kind…With the technicalities stated, one of my main points is that the students should undergo ROTC in order to open their eyes towards what is truly transpiring in our country. ROTC might be a way for students to express their patriotism, most importantly; this could remind us of who we are and what we are truly fighting for as Filipinos.” -Francis Miranda I somehow agree with the implementation of ROTC for Senior High School because as early as SHS, students must be trained like how the previous students were trained. But why did I say somehow? Because at some point, I disagree with it because by experiencing SHS myself, I know that it was stressful and I also experienced being loaded with activities from all of our subjects and I guess it will be a burden for the students too.” -Dianne Suarez “I do not oppose the ROTC but I honestly do not like the idea of it being mandatory. I think students should not be forced in joining such programs. I think students should be given a choice whether they would join in or not. I find it a bit annoying how people reason out that ROTC teaches discipline, obedience and respect the people before us who already had ROTC but it makes me wonder why so many people are having trouble following simple rules such as crossing the road via the pedestrian lane or throwing trash properly. I had schoolmates who had undergone training similar to ROTC though not as rigid; they seemed to have some sort of respect to students who have higher position than them but outside of their organization is a different story. Another reasoning of other people that I often hear is that students who do not want to join the ROTC, do not want to serve their country. Foolish it is to think that it is the only way to serve and show patriotism. On the other hand, ROTC does teach students how to defend themselves and others most especially during times of war as they can be the line of defense against our foes.” -Patrick Paul Sta. Cruz






From page 1..,

This survey was conducted on September this year to 144 students of SEd. This is equivalent to 55% of the total population of the department. 30 students per freshmen section were selected as respondents while 6 students per major were selected from the sophomores. The overall content of the survey is divided into two: (1) Perception on different national and university-wide matters and (2) General satisfaction on the administration of the Outside-the-school and Insidethe-school governing bodies.

Are you in favor? Yes


Are you in favor of the implementation of the mandatory ROTC in senior high school?

Maybe Are you in favor of the implementation of the no-homework policy in basic education?

Sentro ang banyuhay

bilang kauna-unahang tema,

Gawad Aninag, matagumpay na idinaos NINA ALLYSA DELA CRUZ AT GWYNETH MANGALIMAN

Are you in favor of the legislation of death penalty for people who committed heinous crimes?

Are you in favor of the legislation of removal of Filipino in the curriculum of college students?


ayon ang pagsusulong ng paggamit ng katutubong wika, isinagawa ng The Reflection ang kauna-unahang Gawad Aninag noong ika-22 ng Agosto sa SJH Academic Hall, na may temang ―Banyuhay: Pagsisid sa Siklo ng Pagkilala, Pagdanas, Paglisan at Pagbabalik.‖ Ang Gawad Aninag ay pagpaparangal sa mga talentong ipinamamalas ng mga mag-aaral ng School of Education, na may kaugnayan sa sining at panitikan. Ito ay magsisilbi nang taunang kaganapan tuwing buwan ng Agosto.

*The results regarding university-wide matters are already presented on the front page.

Leadership Satisfaction

Student Councils National and Local Gov’t

The students were asked to rate the following based on the accomplishment of their responsibilities, with the corresponding ratings: 1– Strongly Unsatisfied, 2– Unsatisfied, 3Neutral, 4– Satisfied and 5– Strongly Satisfied. Here are the summary of the results:



―Layon ng The Reflection na bigyang pugay ang lahat ng mga mag-aaral na magpapakita ng natatanging talento na may kaugnayan sa pagsusulong ng katutubong wika. Ito ay magsisilbing tagapagpasigla ng diwang makabayan sa mga mag-aaral,‖ sambit ni Abelardo Jr. Cortez, ang punong patnugot ng The Reflection. Ang patimpalak, na naganap ilang linggo bago ang mismong araw ng parangal, ay kinapapalooban ng iba‘t ibang kategorya na may kaugnayan sa tema ng selebrasyon. Nasa ilalim ng temang ‗Pagkilala‘ ang pagkuha ng larawan, ang temang ‗Pagdanas‘ para sa pagguhit ng dibuho, ang temang ‗Paglisan‘ para sa pagsulat ng tula, at ‗Pagbabalik‘ para naman sa paglalahad ng paspas dila. ARAW NG PARANGAL Ang kabuuan ng programa ay kinapapalooban ng sali-

tang pagtatanghal ng mga finalist sa Kompetisyon ng Paspas Dila at paggawad naman ng parangal sa mga nagsipagwagi sa iba pang kategorya. Itinanghal na kampeon sa pang indibidwal na kompetisyon ang mga sumusunod: si Shirley Salarda ng organisasyong Association of General Education Students (AGES) para sa Pagkilala; si Mike Miranda ng Human Kinetics Society (HKS) para sa Pagdanas; si Justine Mae David sa Paglisan at si Camille Surla para sa Pababalik. Sina David at Surla ay kapwa mga mag-aaral na napapabilang sa organisasyong Inclusive Education Society (IES). Tumanggap ng medalya at sertipiko ng pagkilala ang mga nagsipagwagi. Nasungkit naman ng Scienzophiliacs ang tropeyo sa kanilang pagkakapanalo bilang pangkalahatang kampeon ng kompetisyon. Sumunod rito ang Society of Empowered Religious and Values Educators (SERVE) at ang Human Kinetics Society (HKS) na tumanggap ng ikalawa at ikatlong gantimpala sa pangkalahatang kompetisyon. ―Ang Gawad Aninag ay hindi lamang isang simpleng patimpalak. Ito ay isa sa mga aksyon ng pahayagan upang proteksyonan ang wikang unti-unti nang namamatay. Sa pamamagitan nito, matutunghayan natin ang pagsusumikap ng mga estudyante sa pagtatanggol sa ating wika at pagpapamalas ng kanilang mga talento at likas na kakayahan sa iba‘t ibang kategorya ng sining at panitikan‖, ani Bb. Shaina Gil Sunga, ang Punong Opisyal ng kauna-unahang Gawad Aninag.



Inilunsad ang Gawad Aninag dahil... ISANG ARAW, GUMUHO ANG MUNDO NG

Wikang Filipino



agandang umaga!

Isa nanamang panibagong araw ang naghihintay para sa‘tin. Natural sa mga Pilipino ang magdasal sa umaga. Marami sa inyo ang lumuluhod at pumipikit upang ibigay ang kanilang mga pasasalamat, paghingi ng proteksyon at gabay, at pagkilala sa Poong May Kapal. Tulad ninyo, ako rin ay mayroong dasal na inialay ngayong umaga. Nagbigay pasasalamat dahil hanggang ngayon ay patuloy pa rin akong ginagamit bilang midyum ng sambayanan, humihingi ng tulong nang sa gayon ay magpatuloy pa rin ang taong bayan na ako‘y sambitin at ipagtanggol, at nagbigay pagkilala at pasasalamat sa aking mga tagalikhaang mga ninunong Pilipino na itinaguyod ang aking pag-iral hanggang sa panahong ito. Sa labas ng bahay, iba‘t-ibang mga ingay ang iyong maririnig. Malalakas ang ugong at busina ng mga sasakyan, may sumisigaw na isang tindero na nagnghihikayat na bumili ng mainit na taho, chimisan ng mga magkukumare, at ang masasayang tawanan ng mga batang naglalaro. Sa lahat ng ingay, mayroon pa rin talaga akong hahanap hanapin. O kay sarap pakinggan ng wikang kanilang ginagamit, parang musika sila sa pandinig na kahit kalianman ay hinding hindi ko pagsasawaan. Tinalo pa nito ang mabibighaning boses ng mga anghel. Natatangi talaga ang wikang Filipino. Sa paaralan, isa sa mga asignaturang tinuturo ay ang Filipino. Malaki ang paghanga ko sa mga gu-

rong dedikado sa kanilang ginagawa at mga sakripisyo upang hulmahin ang isip at puso ng bagong henerasyon. Hindi nakasasawang tingnan ang determinasyon ng mga bata upang matuto. Ang kanilang malalim na pagmamahal para sa bayan at sa wika ang siyang magdadala sa atin tungo sa isang maunlad at matagumpay na pamumuhay. Ang pagpapasa ng ganitong klaseng yaman ay napakahalaga sa pagbuo ng ating pagkakakilanlan. Tiyak akong may suot na ngiti ang mga bayaning nagsakripisyo at ginawa ang kanilang makakaya upang maipagtanggol ito. Wala na bang tatalo sa ganitong klase ng saya? Tanghali na at kapansinpansin na may mga sari-sariling mundo ang mga tao. May mga iilan na abala sa pagnguya ng kanilang mga pagkain, pagtapos ng kanilang takdang aralain, at pakikipag daldalan sa kanilang mga kaibigan samantalang ako naman ay lubos na natutuwa at nabubusog habang sila ay pinagmamasdan. Ngunit ang akala kong tipikal at masayang araw ay biglang mapapalitan ng isang kagimbalgimbal na desisyon. Kakaibang kaba ang idinulot nang marinig ko ang dalawang salita na siyang sisira sa pagkatao ng maraming Pilipino, ―Filipino, aalisin.‖ Halos maluha ako nang inanunsyo ang pag sangayon ng Korte Suprema sa desisyon ng Komisyon sa Mas Mataas na Edukasyon (CHED) sa isang memorandum na isinulong noong taong 2013. Nagbabalak silang tanggalin ang asignaturang Filipino bilang isa sa mga pangunahing asignatura o

core subjects sa kolehiyo.

Naguumapaw na lungkot ang siyang nagpapabigat ng aking puso sapagkat ang mga kinikilalang institusyon pa ang siyang mangunguna sa ganitong klase ng kahibangan. Hindi ko maiwasang hindi isipin ang susunod na henerasyon. Ano nalang ang wikang sasalubong sa kanila kung ito ay mapapabayaan at maisasawalang bahala na?

Nanghihina akong lumingon sa mga batang kumakain ng kanilang pananghalian. Maaring ang iba sa kanila ay magagalak sapagkat nabawasan ang kanilang asignaturang kukunin pagtuntong nila sa kolehiyo. Maaaring ang iba naman ay gumaan ang loob sapagkat mahina sila sa nasabing asignatura. Naguumapaw na lungkot ang siyang nagpapabigat ng aking puso sapagkat ang mga kinikilalang institusyon pa ang siyang mangunguna sa ganitong klase ng kahibangan. Hindi ko maiwasang hindi isipin ang susunod na henerasyon. Ano nalang ang wikang sasalubong sa kanila kung ito ay mapapabayaan at maisasawalang bahala na? Malungkot kong pinanood ang paglubog ng araw. Kasabay ng pagbagsak ng aking luha ang pagkarinig ko sa komento ng isang bata. ―Mas maganda kaya ang English!‖...At nagunaw ang mundo ko. Mukhang ito na ang simula. Mali. Matagal na pala nila ito pinapabayaan ngunit isang malakas na sampal ang aking natunghayan kanina. Nagpapakamanhid ako sapagkat ayaw kong aminim mismo na ako na pala ay nakakalimutan ng mga tao. Nakaya nila akong tiisin at talikuran upang makipagsabayan sa ibang mga bansa at tao. Kasabay ng pagliwanag ng buwan sa kalangitan ay isa nanamang panalangin ang aking isinaad. Umaaasang sana kahit sa mas matagal pang panahon, ako ay kanila pa ring gagamitin at pagyayabungin. Na sana‘y kanilang pagisipang muli ang kanilang mga desisyong binitawan. Isang malungkot na gabi.




PEACE DAY CELEBRATION 2019 Photo taken by Justhine Kaylo Lao



Owla Matalino:

Redefining the Impossible



his is it. This is the moment when you want to give up. The task seems too


Indeed, every hour was spent putting pieces of paper together to creating the head. It

heavy. You don‟t want to be a part of it anymore. You just want to rest and yet, you chose to continue… and it was all

had demanded constantly working at different places in the ungodly hours of 2 a.m.

worth it.

Everything became so light and easy after Mr. John Michael Manalo, a SEd-CSC

“OWLA! OWLA! OWLAAAA MATALINO! S.E.D. S.E.D. S.E.D.!” every Eduk screamed repeatedly at the top of their lungs as if they were

councilor, wore the unfinished mascot. It was he who gave life to Owla. According to him, “Wearing our very own animal spirit Owla is

in a concert of their beloved band. Back track on June 17, everyone was feeling down. All of us thought we couldn‟t pull it off even the event‟s officer in charge, Ms. Khyla Nichole Canlas. A mascot presentation must occur on June 24 during the University‟s Kick Off. Considering our small population, there was the shared assumption that we won‟t be able to accomplish it given our limited funds and lack of manpower.

possible vanished from everyone‟s minds. He added, “Actually, I did not expect to see Owla na ganon. Doon palang sa preparation time namin, starting sa paggawa naming ng base, which is paper mache, nag-hesitate na talaga ako kung matatapos naming „yung gusto naming makitang Owla sa competition, but because of the teamwork and „yung push natin ‘to mind set parang pakonti-konti nakikita naming na the

like representing School of Education to the whole university, but seriously I don‟t feel pres-

impossible is turning into possible na.”

sured because seeing my SEd family cheering for Owla made me feel proud and being able to

hardships and sacrifices of its creators. Owla hailed as the Champion of the mascot making

Voila! Owla finally hatched from the

SEd will never forget that Owla represented the department’s family and unity. It became an undying symbol that everything can be achieved even though the work seemed impossible.

Several days passed by

competition. It was a clear moment. Every future educator went bonkers. All the efforts paid off that is until rumors spread like a wildfire. SEd were accused of renting Owla which is a slap to the people behind Owla‟s success. Hence Ms. Canlas posted via

as the officers grab any aid that they could get. Everything was falling into the right place. The face of Owla was igniting our en-

ramp Owla in front with the utmost energy that I can give is beyond words. It‟s not difficult to

Facebook the process of how long they took, the hours spent and the

ergy and excitement to proudly represent our department. According to Ms. Canlas, even though

wear Owla because we are very much alike for we bring joy and happiness to people. There‟s

she felt the pressure initially, “Owla reflects the identity of our department, of the student body but other than that, the essence of having Owla in

no such words like suffocating and exhausting because seeing people's smiles and knowing

people who were there for transparency purposes. There were some problems and misunderstandings regarding the scheduled day for

our small family is that it serves as a proof and reminder that even though we are little in numbers, we can rise from stereotyping and mediocrity, we can bring glory to our department.With passion, perseverance and commitment, we cannot only do the impossible; we can even surpass the bar.”

that I am the one responsible for that joy, motivates me to continue what I am doing.” Without the great mind of Mr. Mike Miranda, this wouldn‟t be possible. Even though he is a busy person because of his dancing career, he lent his time generously and effort

the presentation of the mascot. This led to different departments calling us unfair because we knew the exact day. SEd will never forget that Owla represented the department‟s family and unity. It became an undying symbol that everything can be achieved even though the work seemed im-

to participate in this activity. Everything was

possible. This is a saying of every Eduk student,

detailed and invested in this that the word im-




Why too mad to Lumads? BY MARY RANDZHEL SANTIAGO


e write this letter as we assumed it would be better to write instead of talking to you in person since both of us tend to let our emotions and temper take control of our rational minds. Probably, you might not even listen to us at all. We are already dismayed, and we don‘t want to say something that we might remorse about later. First and foremost, let me tell you that human rights overseers and societies concerned us and have already raised the alarm over extrajudicial killings. These accounts of violence and unjustified killings are at the influences of military, terrorists, and private security forces that arrested and tortured n u m er -

ous advocates of ours. This is our home but why do we continue to long for our own safety? For decades, we had been in a seesaw condition of our way of living here in our country. We were suffering from the judging eyes of our fellow countrymen and were denied to have access to sufficient suitable forms of social services like education and health assistance. The United Nations State of the World‘s Indigenous Peoples stated that the Philippines was one of the countries that enabled large-scale mining by foreign companies and other disparaging plans and ventures by relocating us from our own ancestral communities and lands. Unfortunately, with the lack of enough resources and means, we have to run off to our communities as we were impotent to respond to your armed forces and these profiteers. We were forced to physical defense in order to protect

our own rights and preserve our ancestral domains against commercial businesses of international corporations and militarization of the government. Due to the imbalance of our seesaw condition, the action of dread and terror were planned and intended to force us flee from our ancestral lands, defuse indigenous leadership and weaken commonality and solidarity. Last July 13, the Department of Education (DepEd) in Southern Mindanao ordered the temporary shutdown and suspension of 55 schools that provide education in our community. We were allegedly offering different curriculum from the basic curriculum set by the DepEd. School officials allegedly made it obligatory for the students to join antigovernment assemblies; and that the schools taught them to rebel contrary to the administration.

The moment you said, "Bobombahan ko 'yan. Isali ko 'yang mga istraktura ninyo. I will use the Armed Forces, the Philippine Air

“We were swayed to the oppressive treatment of the government and that’s the reality.” Force. Talagang bobombahan ko 'yung mga…lahat ng ano ninyo. Because you are operating illegally and you are teaching the children to rebel against government," on a press conference last 2017 certainly bruised not only our hearts but even our souls as humans. Others may say this is just your way of d er i si o n f o r sc h o o l s t h a t "brainwash" young learners into hating government. These menac-

ing remarks should come to an end for they are nothing but pointless. We were swayed to the oppressive treatment of the government and that‘s the reality. We have planned protest actions against mining, extrajudicial killings and the militarization of our communities. Our struggle remains to take many practices. As state repression and violation on ancestral lands worsened, our opposition has continued to grow. It is not us who are causing all the trouble, the international corporations and the government‘s tactics and schemes are the one making these conflicts. We are the Lumads, non-Islamized indigenous peoples of the southern Mindanao region of the Philippines. This is our place. This is our home where we should live and make a living. We also have the right to live. We are humans, not animals. We are Filipinos. So why are you too mad to Lumads? Sincerely yours, Lumads

Artwork credit to Parasalumad.blogspot.com


agong taong pampaaralan na naman. Kung ikaw ay dati ng nag-aaral sa Holy Angel University, kapansinpansin na walang halos pinagbago dito. Maingay pa rin ang silid-aklatan, marami pa ring mga tao, ang ikawalong palapag pa rin ng PGN ang nangungunang palikuran, at wala pa ring makakatalo sa mga masasarap na pagkain ni Tita Norms. Hanggang sa hindi inaasahang pagkakataon, may mapapansin kang kakaiba. Mali- Nakamamangha. Makikita mo ang kanilang nakasisilaw na ngiti papasok sa pa ar a la n, n akik ip a g salam uh a at nakikipagkaibigan sa ibang mga estudyante, at pursigido sa kanilang pag-aaral. Sila ang ating mga kapatid na Aeta, o mas kilala bilang mga "kapatads‖ na kasalukuyang nasa unang taon sa kolehiyo at kumukuha ng kursong Edukasyon sa Elementarya. Marahil ay nakasabay mo na sila sa loob ng elevator o ‗di kaya nakasalubong mo na sila sa koridor, ngunit sila ba ay kilala mo na?

Upang lubos pa natin silang makilala, narito ang mga iba pang impormasyon na siyang makakatulong upang sila ay ating mas makilala. Unahin natin si Jay-ann A. Serrano, labing-walong taong gulang. Ayon sa kanya, hilig daw niyang magbasa ng mga nobela at manood ng tv. Bukod pa roon ay hilig rin niya ang manood ng mga Korean drama or mas kilala natin bilang k-drama. Kulay itim raw ang kaniyang paboritong kulay at ang kanyang pamilya ang nagsisilbing inspirasyon niya sa pagaaral. Bata pa lang daw siya ay pangarap na niya

Sina Jay-ann, Michelle at Trina ay kabilang sa klase ng E-102 na siyang pinamumunuan ni Gng. Winona D. Manaloto. Magta-tatlong taon na sina Trina at Jayann sa HAU sapagkat dito sila nakapagtapos ng senior high school sa strand na Humanities and Social Sciences o HUMMS, samantalang si Michelle naman ay bago lamang rito. Nakatanggap sila ng iskolar at pinapag-aral ng pamunuan ng unibersidad upang maabot nila ang kanilang mga pangarap sa buhay. Sa paniniwalang tanging edukasyon lamang ang maipamamana na kanilang mga magulang sa kanila, araw-araw nilang hinaharap ang iba‘t-ibang hamon ng buhay. Tulad ng iba nating mga kapatid na katutubo, hindi sila nakaligtas mula sa mapanghusgang mata ng mga tao. Dati na silang nakaranas ng diskriminasyon at panunukso mula sa kanilang mga kaklase. Iba‘t-ibang mga masasakit na salita ang kanilang tiniis at ininda hanggang sa dumating na sila sa puntong gusto na nilang huminto sa pag-aaral. Ngunit dahil sa kanilang taglay na determinasyon, nilakasan nila ang kanilang loob at matapang na nilulusong ang nakakalunod na daluyong ng buhay. Ang kanilang pangarap na maging guro sa hinaharap ang kanilang naging lakas at motibasyon. Pagtulong sa komunidad ang kanilang nais tutukan. Bilang mga Aeta na nabigyan ng oportunidad na makapag-aral, pangarap din nilang maranasan ng kanilang kapwa-Aeta ang makapag-aral at magkaroon ng magandang edukasyon.

Written by ANGELA CORDOVA Photos from Cardinal Scene and Maria Torres

talagang maging isang guro balang araw. Bukod pa rito, ninais rin daw ni Jay-ann noon na kumuha ng kursong Culinary Arts sapagkat siya ay mahilig magluto. Ilan sa kanyang mga gustong lutuin ay afritada at adobo, na siya ring itinuturing niyang specialty. Ngayon naman ay magtungo tayo sa ating ikalawang kapatad: si Michelle. Michelle R. Valencia ang kanyang buong pangalan at sa kanilang tatlo, siya nama‘y labing-siyam na taong gulang na. Katulad ni Jayann, hilig rin daw niya a n g

magbasa ng mga libro‘t mga istorya. Paborito niyang kulay ang kulay rosas. Pamilya rin ang kanyang nagsisilbing inspirasyon sa buhay, maging ang kanilang kasalukuyang katayuan sa buhay. Dahil dito, nais ni Michelle na matulungan ang kaniyang pamilya na makaahon mula sa kahirapan at makatulong sa kanyang mga magulang. Ang pagtulong, hindi lamang sa kanyang pamilya, kundi maging sa kanyang komunidad ang nais makamtan ni Michelle balang araw na siya‘y maging isang guro na. Nais rin daw niyang maging isang social worker balang araw. At siyempre, hindi magpapahuli si Trina S. Dela Cruz, o mas kilala bilang ―Trina‖. Katulad ni Michelle, siya rin ay labing-siyam na taong gulang na. Kung si Jay-ann at Michelle ay mahilig magbasa o di kaya nama‘y manood, iba si Trina. Hilig ni Trina ang mamasyal o maglibot. ―Trina the Lakwatsera‖, ika nga. Bukod pa doon, hilig rin daw niyang kumanta kahit na siya‘y sintunado. Katulad ni Michelle, kulay rosas rin ang kaniyang paboritong kulay at gusto rin niyang makapagturo at makatulong sa kaniyang mga kapwa-Aeta. Kung hindi raw siya kumuha ng kursong Edukasyon, marahil raw ay kumuha siya ng kursong AB Comm dahil gusto daw niyang maranasang magsalita sa radio at maging isang dj. Ang mga paniniwala at dedikasyon sa buhay nila Jayann, Michelle at Trina, o mas kilala ng kanilang mga kaklase bilang ―The Royal Sisters”, ay tunay nga naming kahangahanga. Ating makikita na napakaganda ng kanilang mga hangarin, maging ang kanilang mga pangarap na paniguradong balang araw ay kanila ring matutupad. Naniniwala ako na ang kanilang pananatili at pag-aaral sa unibersidad ay patuloy na magiging makabuluhan at makulay, kagaya ng pagiging makulay ng kanilang pagkatao‘t personalidad. Pagdating ng araw, ang kwento ng buhay nila ay magsisilbing inspirasyon hindi lamang para sa kanilang mga magiging estudyante, kundi pati na rin ng kanilang mga kasamahan sa kanilang komunidad. At ngayong sila‘y ating nakilala na, mas mainam kung sila ay ating mas kikilalanin pa sa pamamagitan ng pakikisalamuha at kaibigan sa kanila. Tandaan, ang pagkakaibigan ay nagsisimula sa simpleng pagbati kung kaya‘t huwag ng mag aalinlangang kumaway sa kanila at ibigay ang inyong nakakasilaw na ngiti!





Ano-ano nga ba ang iba’t ibang klase ng mga Eduk students? Napapaisip ka ba at gusto mo na silang makilala? ‘Wag kang mag-alala dahil makikilala mo na sila. Narito na ang 10 klase ng Eduk students sa ating paaralan.

Fashionista (Charlie’s Angels)

Ito ang grupo ng mga Eduk students na hindi mawawalan ng panahon para magpaganda o mag-ayos. Madalas tatlo pa silang magkakasama, ‗yung tipong dumadami sila sa room dahil nahahawa na rin ang iba na mag-ayos kaya naman iisa na lang ang mga itsura nila. Kung iyong titignan, lahat sila ay mapuputi ang mukha, mapupula ang mga labi at nakaayos nang sobra na akala mo ay may laban sa Miss Universe araw-araw.

Mga pogi (Heartthrobs)

Overthinkers (Panic People)

Kabibigay pa lang ng proyekto, nagpapanic na sila. Kapag passing na ng mga gawain, sila rin ‗yung makikita mong malapit nang umiyak dahil hindi sila kontento sa kanilang nagawa pero sa huli‘y sila pa ang may pinakamataas na iskor.

Pumasa sa pagpapatawa (Clown)

Mga Eduk na ang ambag sa grupo ay pagpapatawa. Kapag bigayan na ng grades, daig niya pa ang lider sa taas ng iskor na nakuha. Datapwat, ang hatid nilang saya ay hindi maikakaila dahil sila ang kumukumpleto sa araw ng bawat isa.

Nang umulan ng kagwapuhan sa mundo, sila ‗yung mga sumalo lahat at walang itinira para sa iba. Mga taong mapapansin mo talaga dahil sa sobrang kagwapuhan, ‗di maikakaila na inspirasyon sila ng iilan.

‘Di nagpapatalo (Fighters)

Sa kahit anong events at activities ng SEd, sila ‗yung mga lagi mong makikita, ‗di sumusuko at laging lumalaban. Lagi ring pursigido at may pagtitiwala sa kanilang kakayahan.

Dakila (WOW Students)

Iilan nalang ang mga Eduk students na ganito na kayang ibalanse ang ―acads‖ at ―orgs‖ activities. Sila ‗yung hindi mo mahahalata na maraming ginagawa sa buhay pero ang totoo‘y tambak na pala ang ginagawa. Nakikitang pa-chill-chill at walang ginagawa pero ‗yun ay dahil tapos na sila sa mga kailangang gawin.

Mga bisita (Visitors)

Mga mulat ‘pag gabi (Owls)

Sa sobrang pagmamahal sa SEd naging tila literal na owls ang mga Eduk students dahil sila ‗yung makikita mong gising na gising kahit hatinggabi na. Sa pagsapit ng gabi sila gising at ganado gumawa ng mga takdang aralin at sa umaga naman sila tulog o walang ginagawa.

Mga Eduk na laging wala sa room. Madalang mo lang makita at kapag dumating, daig pa ang bula, dahil mabilis din silang nawawala. Natapos ang semestre o school year, ni hindi mo man lang sila mapapansin dahil ‗di naman sila nakikipag-usap. Kapag group meeting mo lamang talaga sila makakausap at bilang mo pa ang minuto ng pag-uusap niyo sa buong school year.

Pa-surprise na Eduk

Laging tulog (Sleeping Beauty) Kahit saan o kahit kailan, mainit man o malamig, ito ang mga Eduk na nakakatulog saanmang lugar at anumang panahon. Basta may masasandalan o mahihigaan, siguradong tulog ang mga ‗yan.

Ang pinaka-kilalang klase ng isang Eduk student- ito ang mga laging late. Sa sobrang late iisipin mo na ‗di na sila darating. Sila yung maaga sa 2nd subject pero laging late sa 1st subject. Tunay na magugulat ka na lang sa kanilang pagdating.

Marami man ang klase ng Eduk students, iisa lang ang ating hangarin at ito ay matuto upang makapagbigay ng nararapat na kaala man sa ating mga estudyante sa hinaharap. Tayo ang kanilang magiging guro na minsan ding naging estudyante. Maaari, manatili sa a tin ang mga paglalarawang nabanggit. Pwede rin namang magbago tayo para mas maging pormal at disente sa harap ng mga batang tuturuan natin sa hinaharap. Ang desisyon ay palaging hawak natin. Kung kaya, ang payo ko, choose wisely, mga ka-Eduk!


Marahil ikaw ay napapaisip ngayon kung paano ka nga ba magkakaroon ng iPhone. Sa sandaling ito, ikaw ay naging interesado dahil sa pamagat na umakit sayo upang basahin ito hanggang dito. Kung gayon, hindi ka nagkamali. Ang tanging hinihiling ko lang ay basahin at namnamin mo ang mga panutong aking ilalahad sapagkat tiyak na makatutulong ang mga ito upang mabili na ang iPhone na matagal mo nang hinahangad. Welcome sa totoong punto nito. Paano nga ba mag-ifown? Pag-iipon. Ito ang bagay na madaling sabihin pero napakahirap gawin. Mahirap daw gawin pero ang katotohanan kasi ay ayaw lang natin. ―Paano ako magiipon eh wala naman akong pera? Paano ako mag-iipon e, sakto lang naman ang laman ng aking bulsa?‖ Sus, ayan ka na naman sa mga palusot mo. Bakit hindi natin iwasang magisip nang baluktot? Ang mga ito ang isaisip mo: kaya mong mag-ipon kahit hindi ka mayaman, kaya mong mag-ipon kahit ang pera mo‘y sakto lang. Kaya mo, kayang- kaya mo.

NI LESTER SAMSON Pero paano? Syempre, walang iba kundi sa tulong ng alkansya. Kumuha lamang ng kahit anong materyal na mapaglalagyan ng barya. Hindi na importante kung metal, kahoy, banga, hugis baboy o ano pa. Basta naroon ang determinasyon, yaon ang mahalaga. Kung kaya, umpisahan mo na at ihulog agadagad ang barya na galing sa bulsa. At syempre, dapat ay palagi ka ring ―on‖. Palaging ―on‖ sa posibilidad na pwede ka namang magkaro―on‖. Sabi nga nila, ang pagong ay mabagal pero tandaan natin, nakararating ito sa kanyang pupuntahan kahit anumang madaanang sagabal. Gano‘n din naman sa pagiipon, ang sagabal ay hindi nawawala pero sana ‗wag doon matuon ang iyong atensyon. O sige, sabihin na nating kumbinsido ka nang mag-ipon. Naghihintay na ang alkansyang tila dati‘y nakatilapon. Ano nga ba ang dapat gawin sa alkansyang ito? Aba,

ano pa ba kundi punuin ito ng sakripisyo para bumigat. Kailangan mo ng matibay na mindset sa ganitong bagay, basta payo ko lang, ‗wag kang susuko at disiplinahin ang sarili nang mahusay. Nga pala, wag mong sasabihing wala kang pera. Ano y‘on, kapag milk tea ang usapan meron ka? Balansehin ang badyet bago maglakwatsa, kung talagang wala, manahimik ka muna. Ang pag-iipon naman ay hindi pabilisan. Ang kailangan lang ay disiplina at tamang paraan kung paano ito mapupunan. Pramis! Ang ganda ng nakalaan. Sa huli, aking paalala ay ‗wag naman sanang kaliligtaan. Hindi naman importante kung gaano katagal. Kahit tig piso-pisong tira lamang ay ayos na. Ang importante ay nag-ipon ka, kaya sigurado ako na balang araw ay papasalamatan mo ang iyong sarili. Salamat alkansya dahil pangarap mong iPhone, sa wakas ay napasayo na. Mapagtatanto mo na ika‘y nagkamali- na ang iPhone ay afford pala kung ikaw ay magpupursigi. Umpisahan mo na ang pag-iipon! iPhone ay malapit na. Alkansya lang sapat na! Kapatid, mag-i-fown ka na!




A Glimpse of the World Unknown

by Shaina Sunga

by Angela Cordova

my dearest sunshine, you have given me the greatest gift of all time. eyes bewildered from those lavishing chains, a symbol of ownership-a contract of my submission. choking and barely breathing. you really are the master of deception. freedom at my sight yet, i chose to stay by your side.

Monochrome routine by Lester Samson

it’s all been written in the heavens. i didn’t mean to bask into your luminous eyes. defenses started to crumble down, i let myself drown to that enticing sight.

Confused, doesn’t have an idea where to start, The weight of the stress breaks my heart. Achieving dreams and always striving hard, Just to give satisfaction on my report card.

it was a blind decision, they say. letting myself engulfed to your venomous ray. “what a foolish wasteful display.” the naïve who continuously begs for your tight embrace.

Decent sleep is nowhere to be found. Slumber is always disturbed by the annoying alarm sound. The blazing sun is up, Time to return to this old set-up.

you’ve turned me into greedy person. for the first time, there’s something that i desperately want. you. you’re making me want you more.

Under the Night by Rick Santiago Let’s be crazy for a while, with endless sorrows as a smile Let’s doze ourselves with laughs until we’ll be drowning in coughs. Lay your tiny head upon me, As I slowly take your misery, let’s shout within our deepest lungs and sort the pain in our tongues. Let’s dive a world over yonder, with cigarettes as our heater. we’ll both cry a night till dawn Then let down our ugliest frown. Under the night lies two souls, me and you, as scary ghouls, with emotions embedded and our pale bodies mended. Finally, we’ll be hustling Both of us would be panting, we’ll be walking barefooted, at steep mountain hill rooted, Below a shining moonlight, you and me under the night

Every day is like a monochrome routine, Drowning myself in a tub of caffeine. I’ve never been this frustrated. It’s like my existence has already been fabricated. Stress will never leave, I must admit. Chasing a set of deadlines just to submit I’m like a brave little soldier with tired eyes, Window to one’s true feelings, they surely never lie. Everything comes with a sacrifice, And every sacrifice comes with a solid price. Sleep deprivation is not advised, A blinding reality that I realized. Toxicity never stung me this way, I cannot imagine how I survive each day. Drowning in a pile of schoolwork demands, With weakened knees, I cannot seem to stand. This is not me. I wanted to set myself free. Slowly, I am gathering my strength to step up and leave this conformity. I choose to save myself from this mediocrity. Health is never worth risking, indeed. Always consider what your body needs, Listen to this poem, written in the twenty-first. Know your priorities, health always comes first!

Sparkling stars and blinding lights As the swift cars run through the streets The movement of each people passing by The smile of these children playing together Things that I couldn't see Things that I'll never see A world that I couldn't sight A world that I can see by heart Behind these dark and gloomy walls Behind these narrow and shallow trails There's a little glimpse of light There's a little glimpse of hope Hope, that one day, light will seek Upon the smallest holes of my cave Hope, that someday, sun will shine Upon the dark valley of my life Now, all these rustling sounds, And all these rushing footsteps Dragging this hospital bed “The light is already near,” I said Thus, I knew for a minute or less As soon as I close these windows— Of my soul, I will be boundless. I’ll be seeing the sunrise from the coast. I’m near to escaping and leaving This sad and chaotic world of mine, The world that I was once dreaming As soon as I open my eyes, will be mine.

Luxuria by Eleila Gonzales She was his favorite mess His queen in the game of chess Her kiss that was ambrosial Beauty that merely dazzle

Reality forced them back Snow globe give away a crack Seer dictated futile dream





Mga Tanong Para kay Kamatayan

Inclusive Education Society

Napakasaya sa damdamin ang ika‘y masambit sa mga labi, Sa iyong piling ako‘y komportable at walang kimi Mga ngiting kay inosente ang namumutawi sa mga labi Sa aking isipan, ikaw ay hindi nawawaglit kahit sandali.

ni Christine Evangelista, Scienzophiliacs

Ngunit ako ay patawarin aking sinta kung sa paglipas ng pahanon, Unti-unting nawawala ang pag-ibig.

Ang Kamatayan, Isang pangyayari na kinakatakutan ng karamihan. Isang konsepto na ang hirap pag-usapan.

Tulad na lamang ng isang dapit-hapon, Sa paglubog ng araw ang siyang paglaho ng pag-asang ikaw ay masambit ng aking bibig.

Isang larawan na hindi basta-basta matignan. Isang salita na nakakapangilabot pakinggan.

Sa bawat hakbang ng aking mga paa Ang siyang senyales na ako‘y papalayo na.


Balintataw ni Lyka Marimla, Education Mathematics Club

Kasalanan ba ang lumisan,

Kung tao si Kamatayan, gusto ko siyang makausap.

Sa aking paglalakbay, iba‘t ibang baybay ang aking nagunita

Gusto ko siyang makita at nang malaman ko ang kanyang wangis.

Kasiyahan sa puso ay ‗di maikubra,

Sa mundong labis kang sinasaktan?

Dahil nakatagpo na ako ng iba.

Kasalanan ba ang pagnanais umalis,

At nang makita ko ang kanyang totoong anyo. At nang mabigyang sagot lahat ng katanungan ko.

Kung lahat sila‘y inaalis ang iyong bagwis? Ang atensyon na dapat sa iyay binaling na sa iba. Sa pagdating niya sa aking buhay, kakaibang galak ang nadama.

Marami akong tanong na si Kamatayan lang ang makakasagot.

Hindi ko man nais na ika‘y ikumpara ngunit siya ay ibang-iba

Paano nga ba ang mamatay?

Kaya tunay ang pananabik na makasama siya.

Paano ang malagutan ng hininga at mawalan ng buhay? Paano ang pakiramdam ng magmanhid at mawalan ng ulirat?

Sa paglisan ko, nawa‘y huwag na sana akong hintayin pa

Paano ang pumikit at mawalan ng pandama?

Dahil hindi maipapangakong makakabalik pa sa nakaraan.

Marami pa akong nais itanong kay Kamatayan.

Paano ang tuluyang makalimutan at maglaho na parang bula? Paano ang maagnas ng kusa? Napakarami ko pang gustong itanong kay Kamatayan.

Saan ako dadalhin ni Kamatayan?

Dadalhin niya ba ako sa lugar na may nakakabinging katahimikan? Sa may makakasilaw na kadiliman? Sa may nakapapasong lamig? O sa may nakakabaliw na kalungkutan? Hindi ko alam, hindi ko alam.

Kailan ba ako makakawala Sa mga taong ubod ng palamara?

Aalis ang araw

Dahil akin nang ibinibigay ang iyong kalayaan.

Darating ang buwan Isa ba ito sa aking balintataw

Tunay ngang kayo ay magkaiba, malayo sa isa‘t isa

Upang mga luha ko‘y tumahan?

Siya ay moderno ngunit ikaw ay makaluma, Siya ay galling sa ibang nayon ngunit ikaw ay nandito sa iyong sinilangan.

Nais kong maging bula

Totoong iibigin mo ang kanyang mag mamay-aring katangian

At tuluyan nang mawala

Na hindi ko pa nakita kanino man.

Maaari bang kumawala

Marami pa akong hindi alam at hindi maintindihan. Pero higit sa lahat, pagkatapos ng lahat ng ito,

Lalo na kapag natutulala.

Sa paglisan ko, nawa‘y huwag na sana akong hintayin pa

Paano ang mabura sa isip at sa mga alaala? Paano ang mawala sa puso at sa mga gunita?

Hindi maiwasan ang pagluha,

Para makamit ang matagal nang inaadhika? Pero sa paglisan ko parang mayroong hindi tama, Tila baga may kulang sa pagkatao ko.

Paglisan ang kasagutan

Hindi mawari kung ano ba itong nawawala,

Sa lahat ng kalungkutan,

Nalilito, naguguluhan, ano ng aba talaga ito?

Sinta, mahal ko nasaan kana? Pasensiya kana kung ikaw ay aking tinalikuran. Pasensiya kana kung ako ay nasilaw sa kung anong meron siya. Pasensiya kana kung ako ay nabulag sa mapanlinlang niyang katangian.

Marami pa akong mga katanungang wala pang kasagutan. Pasensiya kana kung mas pinili siya kaysa sa iyo.

Kailangan ko pang maghintay hanggang sa ang buhay ko ay malagutan.

Pasensiya kana kung mas pinahalagahan siya kaysa sa iyo.

Hindi ko alam kung may dapat ba akong katakutan.

Pasensiya kana kung ikaw ay nilisan.

Basta ang alam ko lang ay tiyak ang aking paglisan.

Pasensiya kana kung ikaw ay ninais kalimutan.

Pero aking wika halika‘t tayo ay magsimulang muli, Bigyang pagkakataon ang nag-aalab kong damdamin Bumalik tayo kung saan ikaw ang sinasambit ng aking mga labi Balikan natin ang panahong ikaw lamang ang nais ibigin

Nais kitang pahalagahan muli tulad ng dati Kung saan walang ibang nais gamitin kundi ikaw na sariling wika lamang Nais kitang mahalin muli tulad ng dati Kung saan walang ibang binibigkas kundi ikaw lamang.

Kaya sa mga magiliw kong kaibigan Ito‘y paalam na ng tuluyan.

Sports HABULIN ANG TAGUMPAY. Ganadong naglaro si Bryan Saguit ng Great Barred Owls sa huling laban nila kontra Great Tawny. Litratong kinuhanan ng SEDSED-CSC Multimedia Team

Barred, Barred, Kampeon Kampeon sa sa Basketball Basketball Finals Finals


Sa iskor na 54-51, nagwagi ang Great Barred Owls laban sa Great Tawny Owls sa larangan ng basketball noong ika-11 ng Setyembre, kaalinsunod ng pagdiriwang ng College Days ng School of Education.

Great Tawny Owls wins by default on Volleyball BY ANGELA CORDOVA

Ang unang laro ng basketball ay pinaglabanan ng koponan mula sa Great Tawny Owls at Great Athene Owls, at ang nanalong Great Tawny Owls mula sa unang laro ang siya namang kinalaban ng Great Barred Owls para sa Game 2. Natalo ang GBO sa GTO noong una nilang harapan, na siyang naging dahilan upang harapin naman ng Barred Owls ang Athene Owls. Sa kanilang ikalawang laro,

nanalo ang koponan laban sa Athene at dahil dito, muli nilang nakaharap ang Tawny para sa Championship Game ng basketball. Ang nasabing koponan ay binubuo nina Juan Michael Ariver, Aron-Paul Corpuz, Joseph Anthony Herda, Nathan Lopez, Reymon Punzalan at Bryan Saguit, sa panguguna ni Karl Tiamson. ―Kahit alam naming

lamang ng manlalaro yung kabilang team, kahit na natalo kami d‘on sa una naming laro laban sa kanila, tinry pa rin naming lumaban at bumawi,‖ ani ni Tiamson. Natalo man sa unang laro, hindi nga naman nagpatibag ang GBO. Dahil sa kanilang patuloy na paglaban, naging mahigpit man ang laban, sa huli nama‘y nakuha ng GBO ang kampeonato.

PH hosts SEA games 2019 Philippines is now ready for the upcoming Southeast Asian Games 2019 which will be on November 30 to December 11 at Cavite, Clark, Manila and Subic. Around 17,000 athletes, including coaches, spectators and sports officials are expected to pave their way from the respective countries to participate in the said sports event.

SED Days: Standing on Sports

The Philippine Southeast Asian Games Organizing Committee (PHISGOC), together with the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) and Bases Conversion Development Authority (BCDA) recently held a press conference regarding the following updates for the preparation as they were called by Senator Bong Go.

BY ANGELA CORDOVA Currently, they are eagerly preparing as hosting such big sports event is both a privilege and a responsibility. Arrangements such as monitoring the venues, conduction the rehabilitation of Rizal Memorial Sports Complex and the construction of sports facilities like the Athletes‘ Village located at New Clark City, Capas, Tarlac are few measures that were carried out by the said organizations. The progress of PH‘s preparation for the SEA Games 2019 presently accounts to 97% in total. ―The government is throwing its full support for the Games. The Department of Tourism for example is helping us promote

Volleyball basketball

Great Athene Owls Great Barred Owls Great Tawny Owls

the Games since they also recognize its benefit for tourism,‖ said Alan Peter Cayetano, the chairman of the PHISGOC. Aside from this, the big sports event is also considered as a preparation for the Filipino athletes who will be taking part in the upcoming Tokyo Olympics soon. According to Go, we were gathered here as one wants to know where we are right now in our preparations and he believes that our successful hosting will usher in a progressive and new chapter in Philippine sports. He also said that as Filipinos, we should unite as one for the sake of our country.

The Great Tawny Owls won by default against the Great Barred Owls during the championship game for volleyball in SED Days 2019. For the 1st game of volleyball, the Great Barred Owls and Great Athene Owls fought against each other as the Great Tawny Owls were waiting for their opponent. The game between GBO and GAO reached until the 3rd set as the Athene got the 1 st set, while the Barred won the last two sets. Because of that, the GBO became the Tawny‘s opponent for the 2nd volleyball game, wherein they won against the Barred Owls by winning the 1 st two sets of the game, making them the one who were able to get in for the championship match. The Athene Owls and Barred Owls fought against each other for the second time to determine who will be the Tawny‘s opponent for the championship game. Once again, the Great Barred Owls once won against the Great Athene Owls. But due to the lack of players of the Great Barred Owls during the championship, the Great Tawny Owls won by default and earned the title as the champion for the volleyball.

The Southpaw Power never dies Pinoy Pride, Senator Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao, ruled the boxing ring again last July 20, 2019 against the American Professional Boxer, Keith Thurman, via split decision, at MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. Pacquiao is currently the oldest welterweight title holder to get a major title at the age of 40. He got the title by the means of the split decision, wherein two of the judges gave him 115-112 while the other judge was in favor of Thurman with a score of 114113.

BY ANGELA CORDOVA At the start of the match, Pacquiao fearlessly threw a right hook punch to Thurman that earned him an opportunity to outshine the 1st round. But Thurman did not let his guard down as he exhibited his power shots on the rest of the rounds and continued with a remarkable performance. ―Even though Thurman lost, he did his best. He‘s not an easy opponent. He‘s a good boxer, strong,‖ said Pacquiao who sees Thurman as a good opponent at the same time, respecting him.

Thurman also showed respect to Pacquiao as he stated that, ―I wish I had a little bit more output to go toe to toe. I felt like he was getting a little bit tired, but he did have (more) experience in the ring. My conditioning, my output was just behind Manny Pacquiao.‖ Manny Pacquiao once proved that his southpaw power will continue to dominate the professional boxing world, even though many claimed that he has been declining in his previous fights these past few years. Despite of these circumstances, Filipinos still support the boxing champ and will continue to look forward to his future matches.

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