NEW PARENT GUIDE The Regis School of the Sacred Heart 2018-2019
TABLE OF CONTENTS The Regis School is committed to educating our students to the five Sacred Heart Goals: Goal I: Faith A personal and active faith in God
Primary Contact List 5 Arrival and Dismissal 6 Spirit Days & Traditions
Athletics Programs
Campus & Parking
Before & After Care
Goal III: Service A social awareness which impels to action
Goal IV: Community The building of community as a Christian value
Lunches & Snacks
Goal V: Maturity Personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom
Parents’ Association
Safety & Security
Board of Directors
Goal II: Intellect A deep respect for intellectual values
Dear New Regis Families, Welcome! It is an honor and a privilege to welcome you to The Regis School of the Sacred Heart. We are so pleased that you have chosen Regis for your son for the upcoming school year. I know there is a lot to learn as you and your son prepare for the school year, so we offer this guide as a way to begin to assist you in your transition. Our community is a warm and welcoming one, and we stand ready to help with any and all of your questions. I look forward to getting to know you and your son. Please do not hesitate to reach out if I can be of any assistance at any time. Sincerely, Mr. Dennis P. Phillips Head of School
PRIMARY CONTACT LIST Mr. Dennis Phillips Head of School
Ms. Wendy Canales Early Childhood/Lower School Division Head
Mr. Adam Farnie Middle School Division Head
Mr. Jeffrey Guedry Director of Student Life
Mrs. Beth Schneider Director of Admissions & Early Childhood Mrs. Laura Dozier Director of Advancement Mrs. Jackie Orosco* Accounting Manager *handles accounts/tuition
Ms. Lori Paredes Communications Manager Mr. Scott Young Facilities Director Mrs. Diana Burkhart Receptionist Ms. Elizabeth Vargo Website Director Mrs. Laurie Cook, R.N. Clinic
Mrs. Denine Whalen, R.N. Clinic
Please refer to the website for other employee email addresses.
ARRIVAL & DISMISSAL PICK UP 11:30 AM: • Pick up for ½ day 3PK students at the Milestones Building 3:00 PM: • Pick up for full day PK students at the Milestones Building 3:15 PM: • Lower School (K-4th)–carpool lane on Whispering Pines 3:30 PM: • Middle School (5th-8th)–carpool lane on Whispering Pines
CARPOOL TIPS DROP OFF Before 7:30 AM: Before School Care • Drop off at the Milestones Building–a $5.00 per day charge applies for before school care. 7:30-8:00 AM: On-Time Arrival • All PK students and their siblings are dropped off at the Milestones Building carpool. • Kindergarten–8th graders are dropped off in the Whispering Pines carpool near the gymnasium.
• You will receive carpool signs that should be placed in the front windshield of your car upon entering the carpool line at pick up. • You may not enter the carpool line on Whispering Pines any earlier than your son(s)’ pick up time. This ensures a proper flow of traffic. • The carpool line is a no cell phone zone. • It is necessary for parents to email the homeroom teacher if your son is going home with someone other than those on the approved pick up list. • Keep the line moving. Carpool line is not a time to ask a faculty member lengthy questions.
After 8:00 AM: Late Arrival
• Boys still in car seats cannot be buckled into the seats by faculty/ staff due to liability issues.
• Students must be signed in with the receptionist in the Milestones Building.
• If the carpool line is over before you arrive, your son will go to KidVenture after school care.
Spirit Days are scheduled throughout the year. Please check the online school calendar for dates. Boys may wear any Regis shirt with jeans or uniform shorts on Spirit Days. Regis logo items can be purchased through the Parents’ Association Spirit Wear Committee, in the Used Uniform Store or on the Regis website.
• Big Brother/Little Brother–Boys in 5th-8th grades are paired with boys in 3PK-1st grades. The Big Brothers serve as role models for their little brothers throughout the year at liturgies, special events and service projects. • Congé–A special Sacred Heart tradition–this is a surprise day of fun and games. Only announced after boys arrive at school , Congé is a day that boys look forward to all year. • Goûter–A snack or treat that is given out on special occasions. • Mater (“mah-tare”)–A painting of the Virgin Mary depicting Mary in a rose-colored dress. All Sacred Heart schools have a rendering of Mater; ours is a statue in the Kelley Building. During Advent and Lent, Mater Medals are given out each morning at assembly by homeroom teachers to one student in the class as a way to recognize students who are practicing Mater’s spiritual example. • Prize Day–The last day of the school year when students are recognized for academic achievements and Sacred Heart Goals. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend. • St. John Francis Regis–a 17th century Jesuit and favorite saint of Philippine Duchesne. Our school is named after him, and we honor his birthday in January.
The Regis School is part of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools in the United States. Network schools share a strong bond and union and many common traditions. Here are some of the traditions that we observe at The Regis School of the Sacred Heart:
• St. Madeleine Sophie Barat–the foundress of the Society of the Sacred Heart. May 25 is her Feast Day. • St. Rose Philippine Duchesne–a member of the Society of the Sacred Heart who brought Sacred Heart schools to the United States. Her Feast Day is November 18.
The Regis campus is comprised of three buildings: 1. Milestones Administration Building 2. Kelley Academic Building 3. Miller Family Student Life Center
Parking is available in the Milestones Parking lot when you enter off of Antoine and also in the Whispering Pines parking lot across from carpool. Overflow parking is available at the corner of Shadyvilla and Antoine.
Regis competes in the West Houston Christian Association. The program relies on parent volunteers and parents coaching.
Before School Care • Available from 7:00-7:30 AM. • Charges of $5 per visit apply and are added to the tuition statement. After School Care • Available until 6:00 PM • Provided by KidVenture: • Registration paperwork will be provided.
Middle School students may participate in a competitive interscholastic athletic program. Note: Middle School soccer tryouts usually begin the first day of school. Physical forms need to be returned before the start of tryouts.
Only regular sized backpacks are permitted. Rolling backpacks are not allowed. Students may bring a lunchbox of their choice.
LOWER SCHOOL Kindergarten-4th Grade
MIDDLE SCHOOL 5th Grade-8th Grade
Lands’ End is our official uniform supplier. Uniforms may be purchased online at Regis’ preferred school number is: 900137159. The only items that must be purchased from Lands’ End are the tie and logo polo. All other required uniform pieces may be purchased elsewhere. The 2018-19 school year will be a transition year for our new uniforms–students may also wear uniforms from the 2017-18 school year. Our Used Uniform Store is housed in the Milestones Building and is open during school hours. Gently used uniform items may be purchased here.
• Shirt: Grey or white collared knit (short or long sleeve) or white performance knit with or without the Regis logo
• Shirt: Grey or white collared knit (short or long sleeve) or white performance knit with the Regis logo
• Shorts: Navy dress shorts or navy pleated shorts (elastic waist permitted)
• Shorts: K-4th: Navy dress shorts or navy pleated shorts. Cargo style not permitted. 5th-8th: Khaki dress shorts or khaki pleated shorts. Cargo style not permitted. • Trousers: K-4th: Navy twill; 5th-8th: Khaki twill • Belt: A dark leather belt is required (black or brown)
• Trousers: Khaki twill or corduroy (elastic waist permitted) • Belt: Dark leather belt required unless elastic waistband is worn • Shoes: Mostly white or black athletic shoes and shoelaces–no other colors. No sandals or high tops, no low cut boots or blinking lights. Velcro is required on shoes for students who cannot independently tie their shoes.
• Shoes: Black, white or gray athletic shoes, including shoelaces. No other colors permitted–even in small amounts. Students may also wear brown or black dress shoes. No sandals or boots permitted. • Socks: Black or white socks with black, white or gray trim/logo. Must be mid-calf or lower.
Regis students will be required to wear their dress uniform on liturgy/ mass days and other designated days throughout the school year (i.e. Grandparents’ Day). Please reference the online calendar for ‘Full Dress’ days. • Shirt: White oxford, button down collar (short or long sleeve) • Trousers: Khaki twill • Blazer: Navy with Regis Crest Patch (patch may be purchased through Spirit Wear at the beginning of the 2018-19 school year). • Tie: • 3PK-4PK: blue and red striped bow tie • Kindergarten-8th Grade: blue and red striped tie • Belt: A dark leather belt is required (black or brown)
The Regis website offers the most up-todate information including: • TUESDAY Newsday (weekly news updates)
Please refer to the online calendar for the most current information and for specific times of events. This is not an all-inclusive list but will give you an idea of what events Regis offers.
• School and Athletics Calendar
• Grades • Links to Faculty and Staff Email Addresses • Parents Association (PA) Information • Special Events and Updates • Ways to Support Regis
Monday, August 13 • Early Childhood Orientation is held from 10:00-11:30 AM for parents and students. • Middle School Laptop Program Pick-Up (6th Grade and New Students in 7th & 8th Grade)
Social media is another way to see what is happening at Regis:
• New Middle School Student Orientation
• Facebook:
Tuesday, August 14
• Twitter: @RegisKnights
• First Day of School!
• Instagram: theregisschoolofthesacredheart
Tuesday-Friday, August 14-17 • Early Childhood Dismissal at 11:00 AM
Regis follows the Spring Branch Independent School District (SBISD) for most unscheduled closures related to weather, etc. You will receive an alert via Regis’ IRIS message system of any school closures or delays.
Friday, August 17 • Parents’ Association Welcome Back Coffee & Volunteer Sign-Up Friday, August 24, 7:30 AM • Donuts with Dad: Fathers or special guests are invited to enjoy a morning treat with their son(s) before the school day begins.
Friday, September 7, 6:00PM • Fall Family Fun Knight: Regis families are invited to join us for a fun community building event chaired by the Parents’ Association. Friday, September 29 • Grandparents’ Day: Regis grandparents and special guests are invited to join their grandson(s) for a prayer service and reception. • Half-day dismissal at 11:00 (EC), 11:15 (LS), and 11:30AM (MS)
OCTOBER 2018 Wednesday, October 17 • International Day Celebration: parents are invited to volunteer and create booths for different countries for our annual International Day Fair celebrating our diverse backgrounds. Sign up at the PA Welcome Back Coffee! Wednesday, October 24 • Fall State of the School Address
NOV. 2018 - FEB. 2019
Spring Family Fun Knight • Friday, March 1, 2019: Join us for the Spring iteration of our fun community building event chaired by the Parents’ Association. Spring State of the School Address - March 20, 2019 Father-Son Liturgy • Friday, April 5, 2019: please join us for a liturgy and reception honoring Regis fathers or special guests. Regis Auction & Gala - April 26, 2019 • Join the greater Regis community to support our school at this annual fundraising event benefiting school operations. (Date TBD) Field Day • Boys will participate in this annual half-day event celebrating sportsmanship and camaraderie among the students. (Date TBD)
Social Awareness Projects
• Boys are assigned to teams by continent and countries by division
• Each grade will complete a service project in both the Fall & Spring supporting Goal III: A social awareness which impels to action.
• Field Day is a student-only event
Christmas Program (Early Childhood & Lower School) Feast Wishes (Middle School) Regis & Duchesne Catholic Schools Week Liturgy • Sunday, January 27, 2019 at 10:00 AM at Regis Go Texan Day • Friday, February 22: Boys wear their Go Texan gear. We will cheer on the trail riders as they pass by in the afternoon.
Mother-Son Liturgy • Friday, May 10, 2019: please join us for a liturgy and reception honoring Regis mothers or special guests. Prize Day (Last Day of School) • Thursday – Early Childhood • Friday – Lower School and Middle School • Students are recognized for academic achievements and Sacred Heart Goals • Parents are invited and encouraged to attend
• All students must wear full dress uniforms on liturgy days. See uniform section for specifics. • Parents are welcome to attend liturgies. • Liturgies begin at 8:15AM in the Miller Family Student Life Center. • Liturgies are held the first Friday of each month with additional liturgies celebrated throughout the year. Please check the online calendar for dates.
The Parents’ Association is a diverse, active and important organization that supports Regis in many ways–get involved! Learn more at the PA Welcome Back Coffee at the beginning of the year or attend the monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 8:00AM in the Milestones Boardroom. 2018-19 Parents’ Association Board • President: Geyer Dybesland, • President-Elect: Toni Ridolfi • Immediate Past President: Blanca Cogan • VP-Communications: Leah Fordham
LUNCHES & SNACKS Snacks: All students should bring a healthy snack to school each day. Regis is a nut-free campus, so please check labels carefully. Lunches: Students are welcome to bring a lunch from home or lunches may be purchased online one month in advance. Simply Fresh is our lunch provider for the 2018-19 school year. You can review the monthly menus on their website: Instructions will be provided to you in an email prior to the start of school about how to create a lunch account for your son.
All visitors must check-in with the receptionist in the Milestones Building during school hours. For security reasons, badges will be printed for visitors to wear to indicate they have checked in. An offduty officer is on campus at all times when boys are present.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Looking to the Future While Honoring Our Sacred Heart Tradition What does the Regis Board of Directors do? • Sets policy while focusing on long-range and strategic issues • Interacts with the Board’s sole employee, the Head of School The Board is charged with planning for the future of the school by focusing on strategic planning including areas such as enrollment, fundraising, financial planning, and campus improvements.
• • • •
Who serves on the Board? Parents of both current and alumni students Representatives from St. Thomas High School and Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Religious of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ) Regis Head of School, Mr. Dennis Phillips (as an ex-officio member)
The Board typically meets six times during the school year. Directors commit to serve a three-year term. There is no set number of trustees as the appropriate number is dependent on the current needs of the school.
2018-19 Regis Board of Directors Mr. Sean Muller, Chair Mr. John Barry* Mr. Tristan Berlanga Mrs. Anita Bryant Mrs. Maricarmen Cano Mrs. Anna Charlton Mr. John Cogan Mrs. Julie Davis Mr. Patrick Dennis Mrs. Ana Lee Jacobs Sr. Sharon Karam, RSCJ Mrs. Megan Long Sr. Lucie Nordmann, RSCJ Fr. Jim Murphy, CSB Mr. Trip Norkus Mrs. Lauren Summerville Mr. Ed Sullivan Ms. Alison Vasquez
Focusing on the Future! The Regis Board of Directors uses the school’s current strategic plan, A Sacred Commitment, as a roadmap to focus their decision-making process. Our strategic Board’s goal is to build a strong, stable, missionfocused school for our children’s children. Utilizing the Sacred Heart Goals as a guiding compass helps ensure that Regis Board members consistently act in the best interest of the entire Regis community and for the future of the school.
Mr. Dennis Phillips, ex-officio
*term begins Summer 2018
THE REGIS SCHOOL OF THE SACRED HEART 7330 Westview Drive Houston, Texas 77055 Phone: (713) 682-8383 Fax: (713) 682-8388