Regis Viewbook 2021

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Through a unique mix of challenging academics and the values of the Sacred Heart, Regis empowers students of all faiths to become lifelong scholars and authentic, compassionate leaders.

TESTIMONIALS “Our experience at The Regis School of the Sacred Heart has been incredible. The outpouring of support to ensure our son had a smooth transition began with a warm welcome of notes from members of the administration and staff. The level of communication to prepare our son and family for the upcoming year was extraordinary. We felt connected to the Regis community much sooner than we could have imagined. The transparency with the faculty is refreshing. The teachers are engaged and go beyond what we experienced in the past to share our son’s accomplishments with us while also providing support for challenges he may encounter. Our son has enjoyed his days laughing, learning and being active with his classmates. The curriculum strikes the right balance through a thoughtful pace and cadence of assignments by all the faculty seeming to work in concert together. Our son is upbeat each morning as we head off to school, and at the end of the day, he is elated to share all that has happened. As a parent of a new student, we have been overjoyed with our experience at Regis.” -Hannah R., New Regis Parent, 2020-21 “Regis did a great job in assisting my classmates and me throughout the high school application process. Not only were we better prepared for high school, but we all got into the school of our choice.” -Robert L., Chivalrous Knight Award Recipient, Class of 2018

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At its founding in 1991, The Regis School of the Sacred Heart became the first and only 3 Pre-K through eighth grade all-boys Sacred Heart school in the Houston area, fulfilling a need in the city’s Catholic community. The school’s founders—with the guidance of Archbishop Fiorenza—envisioned a unique educational environment for their sons, simultaneously grounded in rigorous academics and the Sacred Heart goals of faith, intellect, service, community and maturity. As part of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools, Regis is one of twenty-four Sacred Heart schools across the United States and Canada and one of more than 200 schools around the world. These schools are dedicated to the values of Christian education articulated more than 200 years ago by St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, foundress of the Society of the Sacred Heart. The Sacred Heart Goals shape not only curriculum development, but also teaching practices, character education and—most importantly—spiritual development.

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ENROLLMENT 2020-2021 251 Boys 40% Ethnic Diversity 57% 43% Catholic Other Faith Backgrounds


High school enrollment from Class of 2016 through Class of 2020


Strake Jesuit College Preparatory


St. Thomas High School


Public & Boarding Schools


Awty International School Episcopal High School Houston Christian High School The Kinkaid School St. John’s School St. Pius X High School

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In the Early Childhood (3 Pre-K & 4 Pre-K) program at Regis, a boy is welcomed into a friendly atmosphere that nurtures positive selfesteem and promotes boy-centered learning in every aspect of his educational journey: spiritually, intellectually, socially, physically and emotionally. Our goal is to set the foundation for a life-long love of learning in each student. 3 and 4 Pre-K students are introduced to the appropriate developmental skills for cognitive growth, personal and social behavior, as well as development of fine and gross motor skills. Our teachers love teaching boys and are skilled in helping them grow into our youngest scholars and gentlemen.


Lower School (Kindergarten–Fourth Grade) provides a curriculum designed to challenge and grow students academically and socially while continuing their journey toward becoming scholars and gentlemen. It is accompanied with social awareness education and opportunities to serve and elevates the students’ academic, social and behavioral disciplines. Students practice appropriate developmental skills for cognitive growth, personal and social behavior, and fine and gross motor skills. Lower School students are challenged and encouraged to expand their knowledge and understanding on all levels. Built into our curriculum are a variety of ancillary classes designed to encourage boys’ interests and expose them to new concepts.


The formative years of Middle School (Fifth–Eighth Grade) are full of rich experiences and unique learning opportunities. During this time, our faculty challenges our students to push their own limits and take risks. Being equipped to succeed in high school—as well as life in general—is only one aspect of a Middle School education. Our true goal is to shape individuals who will better our world, who are not afraid to test the limits and who know how to overcome failure and move forward. The many “firsts” of Middle School often come with academic, social and spiritual challenges. For this reason, each boy is assigned to an Advisor and Advisory group beginning in the 5th grade. These groups and their Advisor stay together for the entirety of their time in Middle School, sharing struggles, participating in team building and constructing a support system.

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BEYOND THE CLASSROOM CO-CURRICULAR OFFERINGS Advanced Studio Art Chess Team Choir Cub Scouts Martial Arts Quiz Bowl Spanish for Native Speakers STEM Program Student Council Yearbook Club

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ATHLETICS Baseball Basketball Flag Football Golf Rugby Soccer Tennis Track & Field


Big Brother, Little Brother Program Knightly Ambassadors Lower School Squires Student Council

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SOCIAL AWARENESS On average, Regis students complete

10 annual service projects 9 school-wide drives and serve

15 different organizations. “In our multicultural world, the school prepares and inspires students to be active, informed and responsible citizens locally, nationally and globally.” -Sacred Heart Goal III, Criteria 4


At Regis, we understand the importance of teaching our students about digital citizenship and the appropriate use of technology. We believe the technology tools we provide our students should enhance their education, not replace instruction in the classroom.


SmartBoard in each classroom

Apple iPads in the classroom


SmartBoard in each classroom

Apple iPads in the classroom

Windows PC Computer Lab


SmartBoard in each classroom

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Apple iPads in the classroom

1:1 Laptop Program (6th-8th grade)

3D Printer and Robotics

Apple iMac Lab

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FIVE GOALS OF SACRED HEART EDUCATION ...a personal and active faith in God.

...a deep respect for intellectual values.

...a social awareness that impels to action.

...the building of community as a Christian value.

...personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom.


To start your Regis Experience, contact Sarah Davenport, Director of Admissions (713) 682-8383 THE REGIS SCHOOL OF THE SACRED HEART Marketing Brochure 2020-21 (Test 2).indd 8

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