The Regis School of the Sacred Heart is an equal opportunity school and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, national or ethnic origin in administrative policies, admissions policies or scholarship programs. Regis is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, Tax ID No. 76-0330919. Regis is a member of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools - United States and Canada and the International Boys’ School Coalition, with accreditations by the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops Education Department (TCCB ED) and the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (ISAS).
TABLE of Contents Letter from Head of School
Five Goals of Sacred Heart Education
Board of Directors
Legacy: The Lodge Family
Alumni Spotlight: John Powell ‘17
Parents’ Association
Regis Fund Donors
Regis Fund Participation
Corporate and Matching Gifts
Restricted Gifts
In Memoriam
Sunglasses at Knight Auction Supporters
Gifts In Kind
Paddles Up
Sunglasses At Knight Auction & Gala
Grandparents’ Day 2019
Bowling Knight 2019
Letter from Head/ Image
LETTER Head of School Dear Regis Community, At the start of our 2019-20 school year, the full administration, faculty and staff chose the theme of trust to guide our endeavors throughout the year. To achieve a respectable level of trust, the elements of honesty, openness, reliability and competency needed to be present in the community’s day-to-day interactions. At the start, we knew it was critical to reach the higher shelves of trust collaboration among all the members of the community. What you are receiving in this annual report for The Regis School of the Sacred Heart is a tangible expression of trust. Whether you are a member of our Board of Directors, a current or alumni parent, a member of our faculty and staff, a grandparent, alumni or friend of Regis, your generosity strengthens our mission to boys. Your openness to volunteer and participate in our community enables all of us to carry the Regis spirit beyond our campus gates. Through the creation of our new strategic plan, Shaping our Future, together as a community of trust, we can provide our students with the academic tools needed to be leaders with integrity and hope. This past year, we equipped our classrooms with modern active learning furniture, enhanced the science lab with new furniture and upgraded our campus with water bottle filling stations inside and out. We improved our athletic facilities with a refurbished track and new bleachers, and we provided our youngest knights with playground spaces fitting for growing and competitive boy activities. Without your generous support, our future could not take shape in the way it is today. Finally, as we approached the final quarter of our school year, we faced the ultimate challenge to trust with the beginning of a world-wide pandemic. Little did we realize remote learning and a closed campus would challenge us in ways never experienced as a Sacred Heart community. The need for support from our community was never more vital to our future. What an important lesson our boys learned when we together met the challenge by retaining the essentials of our community spirit. It is in this spirit of trust that I thank each one of you for your honesty, reliability, openness and courage. The beneficiaries of this trust are the Regis boys, past and present, who carry our mission into an ever-changing world. With your support, they shape our future with a trusting Sacred Heart! With deep gratitude,
Dennis P. Phillips Head of School
FIVE GOALS of Sacred Heart Education
...a personal and active faith in God.
...a deep respect for intellectual values.
...a social awareness that impels to action.
...the building of community as a Christian value.
...personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom.
2019-20 Regis School Annual Report
BOARD of Directors Lauren Summerville, Chair John Barry Anita Bryant Maricarmen Cano Anna Charlton John Cogan Julie Davis Patrick Dennis John Fahy Mimi Foerster Ana Lee Jacobs Sr. Sharon Karam, RSCJ Tom Lloyd Megan Long Kendall Miller Melissa Moore Fr. Jim Murphy, CSB Sr. Lucie Nordman, RSCJ George Rizzo Ed Sullivan Alison Vasquez Dennis Phillips, ex-officio
LEGACY The Lodge Family In spring 2020, Regis enrolled its first legacy student when J.W. Lodge, Class of 2000, and his wife, Alice, decided that their son, Will, would become a Regis Knight. J.W.’s father, John W. Lodge III, played an important role in the founding of The Regis School of the Sacred Heart, serving on an advisory committee as the school got started and the Board of Directors from 1997 to 2003. Now a current parent, J.W. is following in his father’s footsteps by serving on the building and grounds committee of the Board of Directors. John and J.W. sat down recently for a conversation about their time at Regis and their hopes for the school going forward now that Will is a 4 Pre-K student at Regis.
Once the Milestones Building was purchased, John helped out with facilities work for the school, all while working full time at his company, Lodge Lumber. “I was on top of the roof with the roofers! I was basically the facilities director. I had my assistant move me in, and we spent at least four or five hours a day here, even on Saturdays. We had a lot to do.” John worked hard to purchase properties around the Milestones Building to create the Regis campus as it is today. “We had to fill in a swimming pool, then get the track going. Some of the people didn’t want to sell [their houses],” but John and other members of the advisory committee were finally able to persuade them.
Friends with some of the other pivotal founders of Regis such as Giorgio Borlenghi, John remembers the phone call he received to assist in getting Regis off the ground. “They called me on the phone—my wife was involved too at the time—and they wanted to know if I would be on the advisory board to help them get [the school] going. J.W. and Eric (Class of 2004) were both at St. Michael at the time. So, we bought this old office building, and we transformed it into everything.” And everything it was! The Milestones Building served as the only permanent building of The Regis School of the Sacred Heart from 1992 until the Marguerite D. and John F. Kelley Building was completed in 2002.
J.W. started at Regis in third grade in the fall of 1994. When asked what it was like to go from St. Michael, a co-ed school, to an all-boys school, J.W. said, “It was a little bit of a shock. A different mentality, a different vibe. I know boys and girls learn differently, and I think being in an all-boys school just lends itself to the way the boys learn. They can cut-up together and not worry about peer pressure from girls. I think that is really important in your developmental stages. It’s also a lot of fun!”
Along with other advisory board members, John traveled to Sacred Heart schools across the country to visit campuses, see classroom setup in action and learn more about how Sacred Heart schools operated. “Sacred Heart schools [offer] a tremendous educational program affiliated with the Catholic Church,” said John. He immediately saw the benefit a Regis education would afford his two young sons.
“The boys were happy to go to school every day. That’s one thing that you don’t see everywhere,” added John. During his time at Regis, J.W. played soccer and rugby and had opportunities to serve in leadership roles in Student Council. “Regis as a whole has impacted me— being in smaller classes, there was a natural need to be friends with everybody in your grade, plus the grade below you and above you. I think it created a really great bond, but it also taught you the importance of friendship and brotherhood.”
2019-20 Regis School Annual Report
Goal V, personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom, is the Sacred Heart Goal that resonates most with J.W. to this day. “I think Regis has a way of maturing students faster,” he said, thinking about a time when he left his lunch at home and was given peanut butter and crackers instead of calling his mom to bring his forgotten lunch to campus for him. “I don’t see this as something [done] in other schools. Teaching you discipline, accountability and responsibility are all qualities Regis teaches you.” THE REGIS EXPERIENCE - CLASS OF 2030 Both J.W. and his father, John, are excited to have another generation of Lodges at Regis. Will, a current 4 Pre-K student, has been enjoying his first semester on campus. “It is great having a grandson here,” said John. When asked what it was like to step back onto campus as a prospective parent instead of as a student, J.W. mentioned it was ‘surreal.’ “I hadn’t seen the changes like St. Joseph’s Hall (now the current library) and the library, and I was almost overwhelmed.” He kept telling his wife, Alice, what different classrooms used to be. He’d say things like, “Alice, this used to be the library! This was St. Joseph’s Hall. We had everything in here—mass, lunch, whatever. This was so-and-so’s class, this was the nurse’s station. It was fun showing her around.” Witnessing life at Regis from a parent perspective has been a great joy for both J.W. and Alice. “I drop Will off three or four mornings a week, and as soon as they open the door, he hops out, and he is running to the front door,” said J.W. He and Alice were discussing Will’s excitement recently, and she exclaimed, “How many other schools would you see your son running to the door to go in each morning?” J.W. continued, “[Will] is so excited. He comes home and he has so many stories.” J.W. and Alice enjoy hearing about what Will is doing in class. Will’s favorite class at school? MakerSpace. “Will has this MakerSpace class which he is infatuated with. To have a bunch of boys there, building bridges... I just don’t envision that the same sort of interest would be there if it was co-ed. I think that is really cool,” said J.W. When asked what he hopes his son will gain from his Regis education, J.W. highlighted the Five Goals, “I think living by the goals was a very important way I was developed from the start, and I hope Will will obviously live his life by the goals, like I have tried to. But, I think maturity, and 12
2019-20 Regis School Annual Report
the kind of leadership, and not being afraid to speak up— that’s what I hope he gets out of Regis.” HOPES FOR THE FUTURE As a member of the building and grounds committee, J.W. is on the ground-level when it comes to envisioning The Regis School of the Sacred Heart of the future. Much like his father was instrumental in creating the physical campus that has become Regis as it is known today, J.W. and the other members of the building and grounds committee are hard at work examining Regis’ current facilities and creating plans for growth that align with Regis’ strategic plan, Shaping Our Future. “I was thankful when my cousin, Victor [Longo] (Alumni Parent and Board Member) called me and said ‘We have a building and grounds committee, and I want you to be a big part of it. Will you join me?’ And, I said ‘Absolutely!’ My interest started with my father,” said J.W. “I’m glad [J.W.] is doing it,” said John, “because someone has to take over!” When asked about what he hopes for the future of Regis, John expressed a desire to maintain the same qualities that make Regis unique today. “I hope Regis keeps it the same [small class sizes] but grows and keeps the education up to what it is now or even better.” J.W. expressed a desire to continue growing the Regis community, and he hopes to have an impact on that from the facilities side. “We’ve got some really great ideas and plans that are going to be coming to fruition over the next several years that I am really excited about. I think that’s a big hope,” he said. “I think continuing to excel and improve in our athletics is something I’d like to see over Will’s tenure, and even my second son, Harris. And, I’d like to see overall growth in the student body,” J.W. continued. Regis taught both J.W. and his brother, Eric, maturity, responsibility and discipline. For John, “Regis taught me to always give back in life. That’s what the Lord has always said—give back to others.” Both John and J.W. agreed that Regis is a special place. “There are no others like it. I can tell you that,” said John.
J.W. Lodge, Sixth Grade, 1997-98, pictured seated, second from right
J.W. Lodge, Fourth Grade, 1995-96 third from upper left
J.W. Lodge, Fifth Grade, 1996-97, pictured seated, second from right
2019-20 Regis School Annual Report
ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT John Powell ‘17 YEARS AT REGIS 3 Pre-Kindergarten through Eighth Grade (2006-2017) HIGH SCHOOL Strake Jesuit College Preparatory AWARDS/SCHOLARSHIPS RECEIVED Chivalrous Knight Award Sato-Ellerbe Scholarship HIGH SCHOOL EXTRACURRICULARS Eagle Scout Strake Rugby, Freshman and Sophomore Year Strake Rugby Team Manager, Junior and Senior Year President, Strake Programming Club DESIRED COLLEGE Texas A&M University, accepted University of Texas, accepted DESIRED MAJOR Computer Science I’m really passionate about [computer science]. I think that is just one of those things that I can do all day, and do it for free, and not even want money for it. I think that is a good gauge of what kind of future job you would like—would you do it for free and still be happy? DESIRED CAREER PATH Over these past few months, I’ve been feeling around different topics and exploring them. At the moment, I’m really interested in software development—making apps like Spotify, Netflix and things like that. I’ve also been poking around into artificial intelligence. I think that is a really fascinating subject. WHAT DID THE CHIVALROUS KNIGHT AWARD MEAN TO YOU? It felt good to be there so long and to work as I did and see the result of that. At the same time, I am very thankful for all my teachers. I had amazing teachers at Regis that helped me get there and have prepared me for high school. It felt good to receive that award.
WHO AT REGIS HAD THE MOST IMPACT ON YOUR LIFE? Mrs. Zehawi—She was the best math teacher I’ve ever had— even up to Strake. She was an outlier of all the teachers. That’s what made her so special. What made her so good was that she challenged us. She held very high standards and pushed us in ways that I couldn’t possibly fathom. Her class was challenging, but I certainly grew from that. It really has prepared me for math later down the line in high school. WHICH OF THE FIVE SACRED HEART GOALS RESONATES MOST WITH YOU TO THIS DAY? Goal IV—the building of community as a Christian value. I see this at Strake also. I’ve connected with many people at Regis and at Strake, and I think the community is a vital part of any place, honestly. Without the community, Regis wouldn’t be what it is, Strake wouldn’t be what it is. I’m glad that community is a priority for both of those schools. WHAT DID YOU TAKE AWAY FROM YOUR TIME AT REGIS THAT STILL STICKS WITH YOU TODAY? The impact Mrs. Zehawi had on me. Another thing is friendships. Our grade was the largest—it was 33 people— and that is funny because at Strake, it’s much larger. I think appreciating how close we were at Regis to each other, because we were so small, made really deep friendships between us. BIGGEST ADVENTURE SINCE YOU’VE LEFT REGIS... Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico. I went twice—before and after I became an Eagle Scout. I want to go back there again or even work there. ONE PIECE OF ADVICE FOR CURRENT REGIS STUDENTS... Branch out and try everything that you can. I tried a whole smattering of different things from Student Council to rugby to math club, and I really never regret for one moment trying for the sake of trying and seeing where it will get you. Get very involved in the school.
PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION BOARD, 2019-20 Toni Ridolfi, President Enisha† Roberson, President-Elect Becky Wrona, President-Elect
Geyer Dybesland, Immediate Past President
CLASS COORDINATOR CHAIRS Josephine Firat and Ann McDowell
Sarah Stai, Vice President–Communications STANDING COMMITTEES BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Mimi Foerster
KINDERGARTEN Karina Huerta-Hernandez
SPIRIT WEAR Josephine Firat, Stormy Mandella and Maggie Stroud
FIRST GRADE Kelly Beaudry
STAFF MOTIVATORS Courtney Whitman and Geyer Dybesland
UNIFORM RESALE Kathleen Mancheski and Megan Glowacki
THIRD GRADE Philana Diaz
FOURTH GRADE Rosanna Bennett
GO TEXAN DAY Laura Salinas-Pruneda and Geyer Dybesland INTERNATIONAL DAY Luciana Bastanzo and Maria Moretti 7TH & 8TH GRADE DANCE Alicia Hartsfield SPRING FAMILY FUN KNIGHT Ann McDowell, Kathleen Mancheski and Luiddy Pollock 16
3 PRE-KINDERGARTEN Monica Springer
2019-20 Regis School Annual Report
FIFTH GRADE Sandy Ray SIXTH GRADE Luisa Rangel de Alba SEVENTH GRADE Gina McMahon EIGHTH GRADE Kathleen Broussard and Lupita Holder
2019-20 Regis School Annual Report
Operating Revenue Tuition and Fees
Special Events
Other Revenue
Program Services Instructional
Operating Expenses Management & General
Depreciation and Amortization
2019-20 Regis School Annual Report
Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Budoff Ann and Clarence Cazalot Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Kalman Pauline and Bob Mertensotto Amanda Vavilala and Rick Morales Ed Rachal Foundation A.R. “Tony” and Maria J. Sanchez Family Foundation
$5,000 to $9,999
The Berlanga Family Anna and Fred Charlton Ana Lee and Marc Jacobs The Eugene and Felice Malloy Foundation Gina and Kevin McMahon Hannah and Cal McNair Cindy and Kendall Miller Melissa and Sylvia Moore The Moretti Family Dian Graves Owen Foundation, in honor of Tate Stai 20
2019-20 Regis School Annual Report
Mr. and Mrs. Hernan Scolari Alison Vasquez
$2,500 to $4,999
Anonymous Natalie and Brett Agee Casey and Dennis Alff Glenda and Jim Bertelsmeyer The Cano Family Rebecca and Michael Clark Julie and Clay Davis Rockie and Jack Deboben Philana and Francisco Diaz Felicia and William Dillihunt The Gaines Family Claudine and David Hartland Kate and Peter Hays Mr. and Mrs. Jose Herrera Stephanie and Eric Kalamaras Dr. Kristy Kyle and Ms. Christa Robbins Michele Malloy Leisha and Jeff Mamera Ann and Alton McDowell Catherine and Brad Suddarth
Mary Lou and Terrence Mullervy The Muse Family Dennis P. Phillips and Lisa Buckley Mr. David P. Murrah and Dr. Kay Rankin The Ridolfi Family Fay and George Rizzo Rosie and Roy Sandoval Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shears Stephanie and Edwin Sullivan Lauren and Scott Summerville Andrea and Michael Walsh Denise and Steve Wolf
$1000 to $2,499
Anonymous Jeanne and Chris Abundis The Balboa Family Mr. and Mrs. John Barry Dr. Roberto Bayardo, in honor of Chip Charlton The Bisso Family Anita and Christopher Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Larry Campagna (continued on page 22)
REGIS FUND CHAIR Pauline Mertensotto
3 Pre-K – Ashley Henderson 4 Pre-K – Emily Winters Kindergarten – Brittany Visin First Grade – Lara Gaines Second Grade – Allison Lewis Third Grade – Kristy Kyle Fourth Grade – Nancy and John Barry Fifth Grade – Stormy Mandella Sixth Grade – Jennifer Fuentes Seventh Grade – Monica and Blake Rizzo Eighth Grade – Denise Wolf
2019-20 Regis School Annual Report
(continued from page 20) Edith and Matt Campbell Diana and Doug Collins The DeMeritt Family Mr. and Mrs. David Donat Sonia and Jaime Duarte Melonie Dutton Lewis Mimi and Jarrod Foerster Erin and Bryan Foster Dr. Gerard and Kym Gabel Alexandra and Francisco Garcia Luisa Rangel de Alba and Patrick Hagemeister Alicia and Juan Hartsfield Nina and Edd Hendee Andeas I. Jones and Judy D. Nguyen Becky and Clayton Kaul Allison and Stephen Lewis Bill and Kasia Lindhorst Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lissonnet Megan and Wesley Long The Mathes-Luedemann Family Monica Cantu and Omar Ortega Arely and Ivan Perez The Petree Family Luz Gomez and Alberto Rangel Maria Etchegoyen and Mauricio Reyes Michelle and Bryan Ritchey Enisha† and Anthony Roberson The Salazar Family The Seitchik Family The Shannon Family Rick Smith The Stout Family Vanessa Estebanez Aparicio and Luis Garza Villarreal Denine and Brad Whalen Courtney and Patrick Whitman Michelle and Michael Whitney
$250 to $999
Anonymous Rett and Greg Bahry Julia and Jamal Balametov Luciana and Christian Bastanzo Mr. and Mrs. David G. Bennett The Berlanga Family Colby Becker Gina and Said Boutalbi Kathleen and Donovan Broussard John A. Burke, in honor of John Burke, Jr. ‘11 Patty and Peter Busher Shila and Juan Bustos Adriana and Tony Canales Mr. and Mrs. Brent P. Cazalot The Chaluparambil Family Suzanne and Mark Clevenger Mr. and Mrs. Robert Contreras, Sr. Laurie and Patrick Cook Mr. and Mrs. Arturo Cornejo Ashley and Jeff Day Catherine and Jonathan Day Patricia and Patrick Dennis Barbara and Francisco Diaz Cindy and Donald Dietze Patricia and Peter Doyle Donna Piga and Steven Eisenberg Angelica and John Fahy The Firat Family Emily and Nicholas Flores Megan and Gregory Glowacki Lina and Edgar Gutierrez Kelly and Alan Hall Anne and Michael Hart Carol and Daniel Holub Joanne and Robert Howard The Hurd Family Dr. Michelle Jordan Angela and George Kalamaras
Lucy Ortiz-Kildow and Aaron Kildow Marsha and Thaddeus Kudela, in honor of William Leo Kudela ‘10 Laura LaCroix Rosemary and Larry Laird, Sr. The Lloyd Family The Keller-Love Family Caroline Donally and Rory Mackay Stormy and Cristian Mandella Ana Miriam and Daniel Martinez Carolina and Gregory McCord Jeré and Terrell Meaux Jennifer and Keith Morris Amber and Charles Moyse The Mullervy Family Marilyn and Rudy Netek Paige Ohlenburg Tina and Fikri Ozcelik Luiddy and John Pollock Cahalan and Wesley Ralston Ethelyn and Wesley Ralston Elizabeth and Gonzalo Ramos Kirstin and Chris Raney Cary and Michael Reddell Monica and Blake Rizzo Cherie and Derek Schoppa Angela and Erik Scott Mr. and Mrs. David Shields Dolores and Randy Snider Monica and Thomas Springer The Strehlow Family Mr. Robert Swope Viviana and James Tastard Nancy and James Thorne Carrie and John Vallone Elizabeth Willcutt and William Willcutt Becky and Dan Wrona
Up to $250
Anonymous Elisha and Daniel Aguirre Natalie and Juan Ariz Carmen and Jordi Baizan Mr. and Mrs. Rhett Barrett Darla Baughman Joi Beasley The Beaudry Family Tulio Benitez Donna Bennett Anitra Bogar Mr. and Mrs. Geary Broadnax Christine Broadston Dianne and Andrew Brown Laura Brunner Ashley and Logan Burke Diana Burkhart Sr. Ann Caire, RSCJ Tamatha and Paul Caldwell Dawn Canales Wendy Canales Tara Carnes Katrina and Mark Chance Karen and Nick Clevenger Blanca and John Cogan Beena and Christopher Cortes Anne-Marie and Lee Cullip Jennifer and Tate Cunningham Shakti and Sam Dalal Sarah Davenport Ellen and Adam Davidson Keli Rabon Davis Ashley and Alan Dennis Dr. Tejas Desai The Dingas Family The Brown and Dorsey Families Alyssa and Roger Duncan Joan and Scott Ezell (continued on page 24) 2019-20 Regis School Annual Report
(continued from page 23) Kristin and Adam Farnie Erin and Patrick Fisk Jennifer and Javier Fuentes Olivia and Jesús Garcia Magaly Gonzalez and Roberto Garza Riano Sonya Gilmore Mary Gray Nilabja Guha Theresa Sandoval and Travis Hanson Ashley and Daniel Henderson Robyn Marchand and Michael Hillerman Lisa and Gary Holub Kaitlin and Justin Holy Fr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hough, IV Dana and Jesse Howard Betsy Hurst Gene Johnston Sr. Sharon Karam, RSCJ Zane Keller ‘00 Megan and Daniel Kilbride Vanessa and Eugenio Labarthe Benita and Christopher Land Mr. and Mrs. Saul Laureles Colleen and Anthony Lofton Elisabeth Netherton and Tristan Longino Laura and Charles Lopez Rema and Gaurav Makhija Mandy and Rex Malixi
The Mancheski Family Marcela and Diego Martinez Celina Villarreal Saldivar and Ramon Martinez Reyna and Juan Masters Jonna and Chris McGhee Peggy and Mac McStravick Jen Messner The Miskelly Family Francy Mitchell Emma Morgan Kristin and Richard Morrison Tanya and Trey Morse Ms. Consuelo Moses Fr. Jim Murphy, CSB Sr. Lucie Nordmann, RSCJ Dolores and Robert Ornelas Lori Paredes Jennifer Perez Beverly and Dennis Peterson Sandra and Keith Peterson Elizabeth Phillips Emily and Preston Pinto Barbara and Tom Price Amit Goldberg-Ray and Anupam Ray Carmen Landrau Adorno and Edwin Rodriguez Reyes Denise and John Rhew Teresa and Santiago Ripoll Lisa and Norman Ritchie Thomas Roberson ‘20
Nancy and Douglas Rutan Sheri and Kwajo Sarfoh The Scorsone Family Mark Remy Scott ‘18 Sarah and Aaron Stai Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Stroud Butler Zsavon and Nicholas Stuart The Stuhldreher Family Dr. and Mrs. James Suliburk Tiffany Ferreira Tiffani Tatum Jodie and Chris Thorne Debbie and Gary Treese Elizabeth Vargo Brittany and Scott Visin Pam Weikel Catherine Weldon The Winters Family Jeff Wolan Scott Young
The Regis School of the Sacred Heart expresses its deepest appreciation to the donors listed on the preceding pages for their generous contributions in support of the School’s programs between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. More information on opportunities to support Regis is available by contacting Tara Wuthrich, Director of Advancement, at or 713-682-8383. Great care has been taken to ensure the proper recognition of our donors. If an error or omission does occur, we sincerely apologize and hope you will bring it to our attention. Please address all corrections to Arin Custer, or 713-682-8383.
2019-20 Regis School Annual Report
REGIS FUND Participation
2019-20 Regis School Annual Report
CORPORATE & MATCHING GIFTS ABM Industries, Inc. Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, L.L.P. Amegy Bank American International Group, Inc. (AIG) Anderson Tax LLP Apache Corporation Bayou City Gym Floors BXS Insurance Capital One Services, LLC Chiropractic Nutrition Solutions Compass/Ashley Day ConocoPhillips Company Cushman & Wakefield Environments Unlimited Exelon Foundation Fossil Fuel Companies Halliburton Political Action Committee IBC Bank JE Dunn Construction Kaliber Holdings Kickerillo Companies Kinder Morgan Foundation Pinnacle Midstream Shell Oil Company Foundation Tanglewood Corporation Texas Children’s Dental Universe Neuberger Berman Group LLC Rankin Properties Wes Bolt C & E Industrial Supplies UBS Financial Services
2019-20 Regis School Annual Report
RESTRICTED GIFTS Anonymous Stephanie and Eric Kalamaras John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation Kinder Morgan Foundation Carolina and Gregory McCord Ed Rachal Foundation Raye G. White
IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORY OF RAMI BHAKTA Anonymous IN MEMORY OF BUBBA Shakti and Sam Dalal IN MEMORY OF DONNA FOTHERINGHAM Debra and Tom Hren IN MEMORY OF MICHAEL GALBRETH Linda and Les Allison Elizabeth Eikenburg Julie and Bill Galbreth Kenzie Hannah Dorene Herzog Candy and Tom Knudson Nancy and Douglas Rutan IN MEMORY OF CANNON AND ENISHA ROBERSON Cammarata Pediatric Dentistry Group Debbie Cavanaugh Suzanne and Mark Clevenger Emily and Chris Demmeck The Flores Family Myra Grant Bowyer’s Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grant Alicia and Juan Hartsfield Stephanie and Eric Kalamaras Pilar and Amador Lopez Pauline and Bob Mertensotto Karen and Bill Rubinsky The Shears Family Maddie Slator Kellie and Winter Smith The Tunney Family IN MEMORY OF MICHAEL J. SPOOR & ROSE KIRWAN Mr. Michael K. Spoor ‘00 2019-20 Regis School Annual Report
SUNGLASSES AT KNIGHT Auction Supporters Anonymous Jeanne and Chris Abundis Ann and Keelan Adamson Natalie and Brett Agee Elisha and Daniel Aguirre The Amelang Family Alishia and Guillermo Amtmann Natalie and Juan Ariz Denise and Phillip Bahr Rett and Greg Bahry Olga and Gerald Balboa Jenny and Kyle Barker Mr. and Mrs. Rhett Barrett Nancy and John Barry The Bass Family Luciana and Christian Bastanzo Darla Baughman Patty and Peter Busher Joi Beasley The Beaudry Family Michele Becker and Kelly Bleeker Tulio Benitez Mr. and Mrs. David G. Bennett Victoria and Bryan Benoit The Berlanga Family The Bisso Family Anitra Bogar Gina and Said Boutalbi Mr. and Mrs. Geary Broadnax Christine Broadston JoAnna and Andrew Bruce Laura Brunner Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bryant Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Budoff Diana Burkhart 28
2019-20 Regis School Annual Report
Shila and Juan Bustos Edith and Matt Campbell Adriana and Tony Canales The Cano Family Ann and Clarence Cazalot The Chaluparambil Family Anna and Fred Charlton The Clevenger Family Blanca and John Cogan Diana and Doug Collins Mr. and Mrs. Robert Contreras Laurie and Patrick Cook Karina and Arturo Cornejo Beena and Christopher Cortes Jennifer Cunningham Sharon Current Shakti and Sam Dalal Sarah Davenport Ellen and Adam Davidson Brandon Davis Julie and Clay Davis Ashley and Jeff Day Kate and Jonathan Day Kristy and John DeMeritt Patricia and Patrick Dennis Kinnari Desai Dr. Tejas Desai Philana and Francisco Diaz The Dingas Family Mr. and Mrs. David Donat The Brown and Dorsey Families Sonia and Jaime Duarte Alyssa and Roger Duncan The Honorable Harold Dutton, Jr. Melonie Dutton Lewis
Elizabeth Edwards Mr. and Mrs. John Fahy Emily and Nicholas Flores Mimi and Jarrod Foerster Erin and Bryan Foster Joan and Ronald Fraser Jennifer and Javier Fuentes Dr. Gerard and Kym Gabel Lara and Jason Gaines Alexandra and Francisco Garcia Olivia and JesĂşs Garcia Magaly Gonzalez and Roberto Garza Riano Sonya Gilmore Susan and Gregory Glowacki Mary Gray The Gutierrez Family Luisa Rangel de Alba and Patrick Hagemeister Holly and Breen Haire Theresa Sandoval and Travis Hanson The Hart Family Claudine and David Hartland Alicia and Juan Hartsfield Kate and Peter Hays Ashley and Daniel Henderson Darlene Henson Mr. and Mrs. Jose Herrera Robyn Marchand and Michael Hillerman Lupita and Ryan Holder Lisa and Gary Holub Kaitlin and Justin Holy Dana and Jesse Howard Latrecia and Chris Hubbard
Kelly and Daniel Hughes Marisa and Gavin Hurd Ana Lee and Marc Jacobs Andreas Jones and Judy Nguyen Dr. Michelle Jordan Stephanie and Eric Kalamaras Becky and Clayton Kaul The Keller-Love Family Megan and Daniel Kilbride Dr. Avolonne Kimble Rainey Knudson Candy and Tom Knudson Dr. Kristy Kyle and Ms. Christa Robbins Vanessa and Eugenio Labarthe Laura LaCroix Rosemary and Larry Laird, Sr. Benita and Christopher Land Loren and Austin Lane Heather and Saul Laureles Kasia and William Lindhorst Jennifer and Patrick Lissonnet Colleen and Anthony Lofton Megan and Wesley Long Elisabeth Netherton and Tristan Longino Laura and Charles Lopez Caroline Donally and Rory Mackay Rema and Gaurav Makhija Kathleen and Matthew Mancheski Stormy and Cristian Mandella Ana and Daniel Martinez Celina Villareal Saldivar and Ramon Martinez Ginnie and Tim McConn Ann and Alton McDowell Gina and Kevin McMahon Hannah and Cal McNair Pauline and Bob Mertensotto Sheila and Ronald Messina Cindy and Kendall Miller Sabrina and Trent Miskelly
Amanda Vavilala and Rick Morales The Moretti Family Melissa and Sylvia Moore Tanya and Trey Morse Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Morulos Jennifer Mouille Amber and Charles Moyse Fr. Jim Murphy, CSB Paige Ohlenburg Jackie and Mike Orosco Dian Graves Owen Foundation Michael Paneral Lori Paredes The Petree Family Arely and Ivan Perez Elizabeth Phillips Luiddy and John Pollock Cahalan and Wesley Ralston Elizabeth and Gonzalo Ramos Kirstin and Chris Raney Mr. David P. Murrah and Dr. Kay Rankin Maria Etchegoyen and Mauricio Reyes Aziza Kendrick Richards and Tony Richards The Ridolfi Family Michelle and Bryan Ritchey Fay and George Rizzo Monica and Blake Rizzo Janna and Steve Roberson Kate Robertson Carmen Landrau Adorno and Edwin Rodriguez Reyes Maria Luz Campo and Antonio Rosa The Salazar Family A.R. “Tony� and Maria J. Sanchez Family Foundation Rosie and Roy Sandoval Sheri and Kwajo Sarfoh Trish and Tim Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Hernan Scolari
Ellen Schoenfeld Cherie and Derek Schoppa Alaina and Jordan Scorsone Angela and Erik Scott Abby and Charles Shears Monica and Thomas Springer Sarah and Aaron Stai Jake Stewart Marit and Hank Stout The Strehlow Family Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Stroud Peter and Sarah Stuhldreher Catherine and Brad Suddarth Rachel and James Suliburk Stephanie and Edwin Sullivan Lauren and Scott Summerville Viviana and James Tastard Jodie and Chris Thorne Carrie and John Vallone Franco Valobra Alison Vasquez Juan Vasquez Marcia and Alfredo Vilas Vanessa Estebanez Aparicio and Luis Garza Villarreal Andrea and Michael Walsh Denine and Brad Whalen Mary Whalley Courtney and Patrick Whitman Michelle and Michael Whitney Elizabeth and William Willcutt The Winters Family Denise and Steve Wolf Becky and Dan Wrona Tara and David Wuthrich Alia Wynne Kirk Young
2019-20 Regis School Annual Report
Anonymous Alley Theatre Armando’s Back Row Homes Baldwin Plastic Surgery Baskin Robbins Bayou City Veterinary Hospital Bellagreen River Oaks Bering’s Blanton Museum of Art Bradley’s Art & Frame Build a Better Sandcastle Camp Cho-Yeh Carrabba’s Chef to Geaux Children’s Museum of Houston City Kitchen Catering CWD Studio+Home Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavillion Da Camera of Houston DEFINE Tanglewood DermaHealth Laser Associates Flourish Organizing Fratelli’s Ristorante Gittings Glasstire Grand Lux Café Guillos Tailors 30
2019-20 Regis School Annual Report
H-Town Restaurant Group Hazen Jewelry Home Care Vet Hotel Alessandra Hotel Saint George Houston Museum of Natural Science Houston Sabercats Houston Symphony iKids Inc. Imagination Toys Independent Insurance Agents of Houston iPadel Kendra Scott L’Auberge Casino Resort Magpies Gifts Mariquita Masterson Margarita Mercantile Memorial Park Vision Memorial Yard Signs Moderno Tacos + Tex Mex Molasses Candy Paper Design Studio Mostly Chocolate Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Nice Winery Niko Nikos
One & Only Palmilla Palazzo’s Trattoria Pappa’s Restaurants Inc. Pepperoni’s/Bollo Woodfired Pizza Pleasant Hill Winery Priscilla Dickson Photography River Oaks Bookstore River Oaks Chamber Orchestra Rover Oaks Pet Resort Saint Bernard Sensia Studio Shipley’s Do-Nuts Sprinkles Cupcakes St. Thomas High School Strake Jesuit College Preparatory Taste of Texas Restaurants Telemundo Houston/KTMD-47 The Chinati Foundation The National WWII Museum Theatre Under the Stars Tony’s Restaurant Tranquility Spa Uchi Houston Valobra Master Jewelers Veronica Beard Yoga Works
PADDLES UP The Regis community responded with an abundance of generosity to the Paddles Up donation appeal at Sunglasses at Knight, Regis’ Annual Auction & Gala, on Saturday, February 22, 2020. Paddles Up supported upgrades and improvements to the science and technology labs, impacting the way all Knights engage with STEM initiatives at Regis. After watching a video crafted by Debbie and Gary Treese, now Regis Alum Parents, featuring Regis students, contributions to Paddles Up garnered over $75,000. Over the summer of 2020, the facilities team worked to retrofit the science lab, adding new lab tables, chairs, microscopes and beakers. In this revamped space, Regis middle school students will continue to conduct experiments and dissections, study Earth and space science, physics and chemistry. In addition to this, Regis also supplemented the school’s supply of iPads, refurnished the middle school computer lab and finished the classroom cubby buildouts in lower school. As an added bonus, our early childhood students received a new shade structure over the sandbox on the playground. A huge thanks to all of the members of the Regis community who made this possible!
AUCTION CHAIRS Melonie Dutton Lewis Rainey Knudson Theresa Sandoval AUCTIONEER Geyer Dybesland
Ryan Holder
Marit and Hank Stout LIVE AUCTION CHAIR Olga Balboa
Steve Bass
MIDDLE SCHOOL MANIA Shakti Dalal Jennifer Fuentes
Ana Miriam Martinez
Philana Diaz
LADIES’ SHOOTING STARS Geyer Dybesland MEN’S STEAK & SHOOT Amber & Charles Moyse
Lupita Holder Maria Fernandez Moretti Ana Miriam Martinez QUIZ KNIGHT Alicia & Juan Hartsfield Ann & Alton McDowell
GRADE LEVEL HOSTS Early Childhood – Olivia Garcia Kindergarten – Brittany Visin First Grade – Judy Nguyen Second Grade – Olga Balboa Third Grade – Becky Wrona Fourth Grade – Ana Lee Jacobs Fifth Grade – Edith Campbell Sixth Grade – Maria Fernandez Moretti Seventh Grade – Anna Charlton Eighth Grade – Abby Shears
John Barry
Gerard Gabel
Jeff Day
THE REGIS SCHOOL OF THE SACRED HEART 7330 Westview Drive Houston, Texas 77055 (713) 682-8383