Learning Portfolio
ARCH 20 Professor Jerry Lum Theresa Bernardo Project: Learning Portfolio
Learning Process Class Learning Experience Week 1
Dog House Studies - First day of ARCH 20 class on January 19th and my first time in a graphic course. Professor Lum explained to the class the policies and the syllabus for the semester. That very day the class began to work on applications already. I was out of practice and was asking a lot of questions. I would like to thank Professor Lum and the whole class for being very patience with me.
Week 2
House Studies - Over the weekend I practiced Sketch-Up and came into class feeling a little more comfortable. I was able to follow along with less questions. I plan to keep practicing and learning everything I can to be better in class.
Week 3
Vanishing Points and Rapid Visualization - This week I felt a lot more comfortable by observing and taking notes first, I think I can follow along. More practice on hand drawing straight lines, horizontal and vertical. Drawing from left to right and right to left and circles that are tangent.
Week 4
Floor, Follow, Dome and Intersect Studies – It was hard drawing straight floor lines, it felt like my patience was challenged. We utilized the use of 3D warehouse extracting trees and furniture. We also did Follow me, how to make a Dome and the Intersect feature. Overall it was a very hard week of studies for me, but again practicing everyday makes it better.
Week 5
Campidoglio Inspired Piazza Studies - We were to copy this very challenging project. I don’t know if I can attempt to. As homework we need to replicate this very detailed and professionally done work by Prof. Lum. Strengths - I was physically and mentally challenged by this project. But I did my best with my own work. Weaknesses – My wrist was very tried, stayed up late. Just realized that I can’t do the exact replica. Opportunities – I surprised myself on how I have learned a whole lot in this class, and still having fun learning. Threats –I have a lot of catching up to do and don’t think I have enough time.
Week 6
Malevich Inspired Construction – We were to import file and trace this project. I have come up with my own version of the Inspired Composition. Strengths – I was feeling inspired, I was able to incorporate everything that I have learned from the class. Weakness – I have been practicing for hours but practice makes perfect. Opportunities – I feel very comfortable now, I can comfortably say that I am Sketch-up user. Threats – I hope to be ready for the midterm.
Week 7
Rapid Visualization and Wall Variables – To use with Sketch-up in tandem to explore wall designs. Strengths – Every week I feel more and more comfortable. I try to practice every day even for just a short time. Weakness – I have to practice but I also have other classes to tend to. Opportunities – This class has taught me solutions to problems as well. Threats – I have spent a lot of hours practicing today.
Week 8 -
“Dare Yourselves” week, This lesson is to explore various designs based on what we all have learned. I can say that I have experimented with all the Sketch-Up tools that I have used in the previous studies.
Strengths - Practicing with spiral staircase became more comfortable as I do it over and over. Weakness – This whole week is midterm for me so I had to set priorities. Opportunities – I had fun doing the spiral stairs, I was very patient with myself and just kept designing. Threats – I still have another portfolio to turn in.
Week 1 – Dog House Studies 1
Week 1 – Dog House Studies 2
Week 2 – My House Studies 1
Week 2 – My House Studies 2
Week 2 – Vanishing Point Studies 1
Week 3 - Rapid Visualization Studies
Week 3 - Rapid Visualization Practice
Week 4 – Floor Studies 1
Week 4 - Floor Studies 2
Week 4 – Dome Studies
Week 4 –Follow and Dome Studies
Week 4 – Intersect and Subtract Studies
Step 1: • Start with your Circle Tool • Enter 12 sides • Change the Camera view to Parallel Projection, Standard View-Top (Plan View) • Create a 50’-0” radius figure with center on point of origin (0, 0, 0) – be sure to align diameter with the red axis • On same center point of large circle, place another 12-sided circle, 25’-0” radius, diameter also aligning with red axis • Use the Arc Tool, click on one end of the 25’R circle’s diameter, click again on the point of the larger circle that intersects with the green axis, third click creates the bulge and enter 5’ for the bulge • Do the same on the other side to create a symmetrical “petal” shape • Erase half the circle to leave a “petal” shaped face with its point tangent with the larger circle • Copy and move 125’-0” to the right Step 2: • One the copy, select the entire petal, edges only – no face (surface) • Use your Rotate Tool in copy mode to rotate your petal copy 15-degrees so that its point intersects the point between the larger circle’s line segments. Enter 11x to make 12 petals that radiate from the center and fill the larger circle with overlapping petal figures. • Copy and move 125’-0” to the right Step 3: • Using your Circle Tool, key in 24 sides and create a 7.5’ radius circle, concentric with the first two, also aligning the diameter with the red axis • Create the 12-pointed star as shown in the illustration above • Using the Offset Tool, select the face of each shape within the petal pattern and offset by 6” • Using the Offset Tool, select the outer circle and create an outside offset that is 12” • Copy and move 125’-0” to the right Step 4: • Using your Paint Bucket tool, go to the Materials dialog box and select a brick patterned texture • “Pour” this into each face between the pattern borders until an entire half of the circle figure is rendered • Using your Line Tool, draw a line that splits the figure entirely in two equal halves as shown • Copy and move 125’-0” to the right Step 5: • Using your Select Tool, carefully select the incomplete half and delete • Copy and move 125’-0” to the right Step 6: • Using your Select Tool, select the entire remaining half and copy it to the other side, leaving space between the original and the copy • Using your Scale Tool, mirror the copy 100% • Copy and move 125’-0” to the right Step 7: • Move the now mirrored copy together with the first half to complete the circular multi-petal figure • Erase the line used to divide the figure in Step 4 • Erase the center lines between the offsets • Copy and move 125’-0” to the right Step 8: • Using the Arc Tool, create the symmetrically opposed forms that emphasize on axis over the others
Week 5 – To replicate the “Campidoglio Inspired Piazza” by Prof. Lum
My Inspired “ Star Piazza”
Week 6 – To be inspired by Architect Yakov Chernikhov
Week 6 – To be Inspired by Malevich Construction
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Malevich Inspired Construction
My Inspired Composition
Week 7 – Rapid Visualization and Wall Variables
Rapid Visualization – Wall Designs
Spiral staircase studies