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lensBaBy sOl 45

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kally u shapeD

Although phone cameras are becoming more capable, they still do not come close to competing with a quality and range of creativity DSLR camera, Lensbaby make a range of compatible lenses for your camera be it Canon, Nikon, Sony or Fuji, they’ve got you covered. These lenses focus on creative and inventive styles of photography and have been producing distinctive images for over a decade now. Sol 45 allows for selective focus photography as easy as tilt, focus, shoot with this compact lens that creates a sweet spot of focus surrounded by smooth bokeh. The lens comes compatible with Canon EF (DSLR), Canon RF (Mirrorless), Fuji X (Mirrorless), Nikon Z (Mirrorless), Nikon F (DSLR), Sony E (Mirrorless) and the Pentax K. We received the Canon EF to play, the ‘Sweet Spot’ highlights the most important subject in your frame with a sharp spot of focus effect making it pop out on the image. The ‘Bokeh Blades’ will then add subtle lines and texture to drop your attention even further to the subject and soften the background with the moveable bokeh blades, creating that dream effect. This lens is great for portraits and still life but will also bring street scenes to life, especially when shooting around lights from signs, traffic or shop fronts, if there are still Christmas lights up near you, take this lens out for a play. The focal length is 45mm with a fixed aperture of f/3.5, it uses a minimum focusing distance of 14”, it is not optic swap compatible and uses manual focus. The angle of view with full frame is 51.4°; APS-C (1.5x): 34.9° and the angle of the tilt is 8.5°, the lens has a compact construction at 2.87 x 2.87 x 1.5 in and weighs 5.3oz DSLR. The focus area of the Sol 45 is pretty tight so it may take a bit of getting used to however this will appeal to beginners as it makes the framing a more selective process. This lens is a lot of fun, it isn’t overly complicated, it allows all skill levels to get involved in producing dreamy and stylised images, step away from the digital filters on social media and gain the effects for real.



an easy TO use, fun lens ThaT prODuCes CharaCTerIsTIC Images suITaBle fOr a range Of CreaTIve phOTOgraphy.

prOs fun anD sTylIseD Images sWeeT spOT fOCus mOveaBle BOkeh BlaDes 8.5° TIlT angle 45mm fOCal lengTh sTraIghTfOrWarD TO use suITaBle fOr BegInners COns sOme experIenCeD phOTOgraphers mIghT sTruggle WITh The TIghT fOCus

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