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equa smarT boTTle

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DewalT sPeCIal

DewalT sPeCIal

Keeping hydrated is so important for our physical and mental health, it can boost energy, your immune system, concentration, prevent headaches, help to regulate your digestion and maintain a healthy weight, seriously dehydration has a lot to answer for. Having something to drink on you at all times is a pretty sensible idea and as water bottles go the Equa is not only one of the most gorgeous out there but it is probably the smartest as well. This striking bottle comes in three designs Pink Blush, Dark Grey and Snow White, with personalisation available at the point of purchase with five different fonts to choose from and up to 30 characters to play with. This thermal flask is suitable for both hot and cold drinks thanks to the double-wall vacuum insulation and highquality stainless steel, it can keep drinks cold for 24 hours or hot for up to 12 hours. The extra copper coating gives the thermal protection a boost so whether you decide to have a fruity squash, herbal tea or good old fashioned H20 it will be at the perfect temperature for drinking. What sets this bottle apart from the rest is the smart technology, this bottle will connect via an app and help you create a personalised hydration plan based on your lifestyle and body type. This app can then be used to track your hydration, help you stay motivated, and show your progress through analytic reports. One of the reasons we don’t drink enough is simply losing track of time and forgetting but one cool feature of the Equa is that it will glow around the bottom of the bottle to remind you to take a sip. A gentle tap on the bottle will give provide instant feedback on your hydration state, one slow glow indicates you’re hydrated, three short glows means it’s time to have a drink. As a little mindful bonus, the app includes a breathing feature to help you take a moment and reset whenever you need it. Other features include the 100% leakproof cap with real marble finish and the long life, rechargeable 4.2 Bluetooth connection. The Equa is like a guardian water angel, reminding you to look after yourself throughout the day whilst looking every bit as premium as it truly is.

Pros ThIs sTuNNINg sTylIsh DesIgN wITh CoPPer aND marble DeTaIlINg boTTle wIll aPP Is INTuITIve aND helP you keeP moTIvaTINg glows To remIND you To DrINk hyDraTeD real TIme FeeDbaCk wITh a TaP ThroughouT see your hIsTory oN The aPP PersoNalIseD hyDraTIoN PlaN The Day IN The keePs DrINks ColD For 24hours mosT sTylIsh aND warm For 12hours guIDeD breaThINg sessIoN oN aND moTIvaTINg The aPP way.



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