2 minute read

DevOlO Mesh wIfI 2 KIT

I may have mentioned once or twice I am an avid gamer, a few years ago we also decided we wanted a big house to start a family but alas I am not a multi-millionaire so we had to move out to the sticks. The move took away the amazing broadband speeds we used to get in the city as well as bringing first world problems like my house is so big the WiFi won’t reach the games room. Since the launch of mesh networks, powerline has fallen out of favour somewhat, and only a handful of companies producing hardware feature this technology. This is why I was very keen to review the Devolo Mesh WiFi 2 Kit as this is one of the products that does include powerline connectivity. Powerline networking is a technology that sits between wired and wireless. Rather than shoot network data into the air or through cables draped along baseboards, it uses the existing electrical wiring in a home or office. It also supports the longest distance of the three, though performance heavily depends on the overall electrical wiring and devices pulling power. We have previously reviewed the Magic 2 WiFi from Devolo which uses two different units, the MAGIC 2 LAN Adapter and the MAGIC 2 WiFi next Adapter. The Lan adaptor is used to connect your router to the powerline network and the WiFi next Adapter handles the WiFi side of things . So the two pack system won’t actually offer 100% mesh WiFi; you would need to pair it up with another MAGIC 2 WiFi to get 100% mesh functionality. The MESH WiFi 2, on the other hand, has all its adapters providing WiFi. With the whole point of this being that you switch the WiFi off on your router, then the Devolo does all the WiFi offering seamless roaming as you move around the home. The Mesh WiFi 2 looks virtually identical to the Magic 2 WiFi, that we have reviewed in the past, they also include a pass-through socket so that you can still use that power socket for other devices as well. We found the Mesh Kit 2 signal strength to be the best we have tried and although we have thick walls throughout the house the WiFi reached my Xbox with ease and it has stopped the elastic banding I used to occasionally get with COD. However I did end up plugging in an adaptor directly next to the console as that’s the beauty of these adaptors with ethernet points. If you have a big house and tried other products which haven’t worked I would put my neck on the line that the Mesh 2 can solve this problem.

The DevOlO Mesh wIfI 2 wIll sMAsh ThROugh ThICK wAlls AND hARD TO ReACh AReAs.


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