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Ekster have taken the traditional wallet and ran with it, these seriously robust wallets are made with metal and unique features to produce a functional and stand out product. The new Aluminium Cardholder comes in Green Ore, Space Grey, Matte Black, Midnight Blue, and the Redwood, Metallic Rose, Metallic Gold and Metallic Silver version we received which is aimed more for their female customers. This minimalist wallet is made from a space-grade aluminium and has a built-in button that with a quick press pops up your cards and fans them out for easy access, when you are done simply replace the card and push them all back into place. Even with the most vigorous shaking these cards aren’t going anywhere without that button being pressed, even if you choose to store one card. One to six cards can be stored in the main compartment (maximum of six non-embossed cards, or a combination of 4 - 5 embossed/non-embossed cards, depending on the thickness of each card) with the option of storing an extra nine in the expandable aluminium backplate. This can also be used to hold notes, however the more bits you have tucked in here the more it slows you down in identifying and retrieving them. The wallet measures up at 0.29 x 4.1 x 2.3 in (0.75 x 10.5 x 6 cm) making it easy to tuck into a jacket or trouser pocket (even skinny jeans), however be aware of removing it from your back trouser pocket before sitting down, you won’t damage the wallet, but your backside will certainly know about it. The Aluminium Cardholder uses an integrated RFID blocking layer that prevents thieves from stealing your identity and money by data skimmers. The optional Ekster Tracker Card can be bought separately, which helps locate your wallet from your phone (or vice versa), with a solar powered battery and up to 200ft (60m) range with Bluetooth 4.0. The Ekster Aluminium Cardholder is a stylish and distinctive looking device, it is probably best suited for occasions rather than day to day use unless you tend to carry a minimal amount of cards/cash with you. PROs sMART, uNIque lOOK fANs OuT CARDs wITh A Push Of A BuTTON suPeR DuRABle sPACe-gRADe 6061-T6 AluMINIuM slIM PROfIle eXPANDABle BACKPlATe
ThIs CARD hOlDeR wIll CeRTAINly sTAND OuT IN The CROwD, esPeCIAlly wheN yOu Push ThAT BuTTON.
hOlDs 1-15 CARDs + BIlls CONs MINIMAl sTORAge DIffICulT TO ACCess lOTs Of CARDs AND CAsh IN The BACK PlATe