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When it comes to expanding your family, things aren’t always a straightforward as the media might have you believe, tracking and timing can become a confusing world and quickly add to the stress of the situation. The Mira Fertility Plus Starter Kit takes the guess work out of your cycle with advanced monitoring all from the comfort of your own home. This kit comes with the Mira Fertility Analyzer, the Deluxe Mira carrying pouch, charging cable, 10 urine containers and 10 single-use Mira Fertility Plus Test Wands, it also has an extra pack of 20 Wands and urine containers (RRP £65). The Mira works by measuring the estrogen-estradiol metabolite (E3G) and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels in your urine. Recently, Mira launched test wands that measure actual Progesteron levels (Mira Fertility Confirm). This is comparable to lab-grade accuracy and will show when your optimum six-day window of conception is and get to know you cycle phases, hormone patterns, and all fertile days and infertile days. The tracker connects to the Mira app compatible with iOS and Android devices. To take a test immerse the wand into urine for 10 seconds, depending on the length of your cycle, you might need between 10-20 Wands test in one cycle. The wand is then inserted into the analyser and the hormone concentration result will sync to the app, the algorithms then provide a personalised and accurate insight into your fertility window and ovulation. By tracking both the LH and Estrogen levels these give you the full fertile window and ovulation information and are useful for all types of ovulation tracking including IVF, menopause, hormone imbalances such as PCOS, and other conditions as well as avoiding getting pregnant. The results are fast and clear ensuring you never miss your peak; alerts can be set to remind you of your best days for conception (or when to avoid unprotected sex), whilst the discrete analyser and handy urine collectors make it easy to test at home, work and when travelling. All this detailed and accurate data comes at a hefty price, we wish the wands were cheaper as testing up to 20 times per cycle could cost you £780 over the course of a year. However if money is no object you will be hard pushed to find a more accurate and detailed home testing device.

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