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maaRee sOlIDaRITy

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maaRee empOweR

maaRee empOweR

pROs aDJusTaBle OVeRBaND TeCHNOlOgy HyBRID sTyle- COmpRessION aND eNCapsulaTION suppORTIVe yeT fleXIBle CONVeRTIBle BeTweeN RaCeRBaCk OR H-BaCk sTyles fRee ONlINe fITTINg suITaBle fOR HIgH-ImpaCT spORT HIgH-COVeRage BODy pOsITIVe COmpaNy fasT DRyINg eXCelleNT Value fOR mONey



After testing out the Empower I was really excited to get my hands on and boobs into the Solidarity, this bra has been developed for high impact sports like running and high intensity gym workouts, and with everything being a little wobblier post baby I was keen to see what this bra had to offer. The secret to this bra’s success is the Maaree Overband, it is also found on the Empower but really comes into play during more vigorous activities. It was developed when the founder, Mari, noticed that the upwards motion of our boobs was often overlooked, after experimenting by attaching belts over the top of her chest she realised that was what the bras had been missing. Unlike the Empower the Overband is adjustable, letting you select the precise amount of tension needed to secure the breasts whilst allowing for natural movements…like breathing. The curved panel at the top of the bra follows the contour of the body and reduces upward and sideways movements whilst evenly distributing the pressure. This was the bra I measured up as a 30 E for, so I was really curious about the fit and I’m happy to say Mari knows what she is talking about I was amazed how good the fit was. The cups are a hybrid design which have blended light compression with a slight encapsulation sports bra which is both comfortable and flattering as well as providing enough cover for it to be worn without a top layer covering it up. The bra is fastened with a three-row hook and eye clasp that opens up the back fully for easy fitting and removal, the shoulder straps can be converted between a Racerback or H-back style. I took the Solidarity for a run as soon as it arrived and put it through its paces with jogging, running, sprinting and even threw in a few burpees because I’m a masochist. The Solidarity is easily one of the best sports bras I have worn, the balance between comfort and performance is spot on, like you are holding them in place with your own hands, it’s the only way to describe it, it is wonderfully flexible so you can move around freely whether its during sprints or star jumps. The material if fast drying which helps to keep you comfortable and at the end of the workout it is easy to remove no matter how sweaty you are. It is very reasonably priced for such a technical piece of clothing, I think it’s time for me to stock up.

aN ImpRessIVe spORTs BRa THaT Has BeeN THOugHTfully DesIgNeD aROuND THe NaTuRal mOVemeNTs Of a wOmaN BODy.

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