1 minute read

Review Smiths



Welcome to the July edition of The Review Smiths, we have been finding our groove this month with our newest family member deciding that sleep doesn't always have to be avoided.

We have had the pleasure of playing with some interesting things this month, with a few items of clothing to get hot and sweaty in or to simply show off your summer bod. There are also running shoes, cycling tech, a wet suit and some cool swimming goggles that will track your performance. There is a range of audio equipment, some that let you enjoy your tunes, other focused on the audio of your favourite shows and another that lets you step away from your desk whilst still being able to communicate with customers (you can even work outside in the sunshine). We have some glasses to protect your eyes from the sun and some to protect against the blue light emitted from screens, there is also some handy items to add to your kitchen. Whilst we brace ourselves for the school holidays, we wish you all a lovely summer.

Editor and chief

04. skullCaNdy Crusher aNC XT 2

06. spIder X BaCkpaCker kIT

08. sherpa TarChO Tee

10. FOrm smarT swIm GOGGles

12. epOs audIO ImpaCT d 30 usB ml

14. reIshuNGer dIGITal rICe COOker

16. seNNheIser TV Clear

18. leadJOy m1B

20. kITCheNaId FOOd prOCessOr

22. TrIBIT aquaease

24. TrIBIT XsOuNd meGa

26. ON ruNNING ClOudsurFer

28. GuNNar lIGhTNING BOlT 360

30. hammerhead karOO 2

32. slOppy JOe 05 ClassIC square sweaTshIrT

34. TraCklemeNTs

36. BamBOO ClOThING NOVea s/s TraINING TOp

38. BamBOO ClOThING seamless aCTIVe TOp

40. OrCa apeX FlOaT weTsuIT

42. kylOe IN The wIld aCe

44. kylOe IN The wIld pOseIdON

Managing Director

Alex Hilling-Smith Editor

Emma Hilling-Smith

Writer Dave Hicks Writer

Peter Hilling

For all media related enquiries please contact us at info@thereviewsmiths.com

For Advertising Enquiries 0208 191 8472

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