3 minute read

spIder X BaCkpaCker kIT

If you’re the kind of photographer that likes to capture moments as you see them rather than set up for them then you’re probably familiar with those perfect pictures agonisingly missed by precious seconds as you’re struggling with your camera strap/case/excited hands in an attempt to capture it before it goes! The Spider X Backpacker Kit aims to be a solution to this problem.

There are 3 components to this kit. Firstly, you get the holster. This is the lynchpin for the rest of the set up and can be easily attached to any belt simply by clipping it directly on. Next you have the Camera Plate. This is a fully adjustable plate that is designed to fit securely on to your camera. It has ‘camera bumpers’ to help keep the camera from slipping and you get an Allen key with it to help tighten the plate to your camera. As well as this, it has a mounting hole sized ¼”-20 that fits the majority of tripod stands so no need to fiddle about removing it if you want to use one of these instead. Once in place, it’s very secure (quite essential really!) and you can then slot the anti-twist pin in to the holster to keep it securely in place. The holster has a quick access release trigger that self-locks to prevent any accidental slipping out meaning you can carry your camera around confident it will be safe and, crucially, available at the flick of a switch!


The third component is a Backpack Adaptor that the holster slips in to. This has been designed to fit on to a backpack strap so you can keep you camera even closer to the kind of height you would use it at and not be on your hip, potentially getting in the way of other essential gear you may need on your journey.

For more information on the Spider X Backpacker Kit click here p rOs

Very seC ure

£75 easy TO use a N d seT up a F urT her adapTOr plaT e Ca N FIT a G O - p rO



The plasTIC mOu NT FOr T he shOulder sT rap

COuld G eT a l ITTle u NCOm FOrTa Ble OV er a N easy TO use , easy TO seT up Camera

TI me .

BaC kpaC ker k IT, a musT-haV e IF yOu ’ re a keeN phOTOG rapher wh Ile Ou T h I k ING .

To really do this T-shirt justice, we have to dig in to what and who Sherpa are. Founded in 2003 by Tashi Sherpa (the guy that has climbed more 8000m+ peaks than anyone ever), this company focuses on benefitting the local communities based around and in the Himalayas. They provide employment to skilled women weavers and scholarships to children in Nepal and work with the charity Room To Read to provide ‘school days’ for the children, especially young girls in an effort to ensure gender equality through education. Each time you purchase something for them, they contribute to this with an ambition to provide 10 million school days by 2030.

So, you can purchase this T-Shirt safe in the knowledge that more good will come out of it than just you having a nice new piece of clothing! The top itself is made from Organic Cotton (free from pesticide use, less water used in production and made with recycled cotton fabric) and comes in a wide variety of sizes as well as 10 different colour choices. The neckline is prevented from overstretching due to reinforcement tape woven in to the collar which also has the Tarcho graphic that you see on the front of the T-Shirt. Tarcho is the name given to Tibetan prayer flags commonly found strung along mountain ridges in the Himalayas and the graphic is inspired by that very thing. The prayer flags are placed there in the belief that the good will and compassion represented by them will get blown by the wind far and wide benefiting anywhere they reach. Each colour has a specific meaning (blue – sky, white – air, red – fire, green – water, yellow – earth) and are placed in this specific order. All of them together represent balance, key to the Buddhist faith. Even if you don’t believe in their religion, the message isn’t a bad one to have emblazoned across your chest! a deCeNT, well-made eCO -F r I eN dly T- sh I rT

T haT T he purChase OF CONT r IBu T es TO helpING k I ds lear N IN Nepal w IT h a COOl p rOs m ade usING reC yCled a N d reC yCla Ble maT er I al p urC hase CONT r IBu T es TO GOOd Causes

G raph IC ON T he F rONT. whaT ’ s NOT TO l I ke?

NIC e Talk ING pOINT OF a BaC ks TOry TO T he G raph IC deC eNT ra NG e OF COlOurs CONs I

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