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kITCHenaID esPressO maCHIne arTIsan 5kes6503


THIs esPressO maCHIne leTs yOu make Café graDe COffees frOm THe COmfOrT Of yOur OWn HOme.


kITCHenaID esPressO maCHIne arTIsan 5kes6503

My partner is hooked on chai lattes, I have tried to satiate this addiction with various home brew methods however without the frothy milk it just isn’t the same (apparently), so imagine his delight when the KitchenAid Espresso Machine Artisan 5KES6503 complete with steam wand arrived. This espresso machine features dual, smart temperature sensors which talk to each other to ensure optimal temperature and authentic taste. The steam wand can be used to steam or dispense hot water to top up your americano and tea or to make warm foamy milk for cappuccinos and lattés, it uses a commercial grade portafilter with a flat base for even tamping. The 58mm diameter helps maintain optimal heat during extraction and can be used to prepare one or two shots with the two spouts, the low pressure pre-infusion and the 15-bar Italian pump work together to deliver a thick crema. The Espresso Machine is surprisingly compact for something with all these capabilities, it feels robust and sturdy thanks to the metal body and German engineering. This machine will appeal to both beginners and coffee making pros, there are two wall basket sizes, the double wall baskets help give consistent results, best suited for beginners, half asleep and hungover people, whilst the single wall baskets provide greater control and full-bodied shots. You can choose between a single or double shot with a touch of a button and the machine can even be programmed to your preferred shot size and it will be ready in under 30 seconds. It isn’t the most intuitive machine, you will need to read the instructions properly but after a few goes it becomes second nature, it comes with a frothing jug, stainless steel tamper, cup warmer and drip tray to get you started. When it comes to using the steam wand you need to first dispense a little hot water and switch off this mode before it will let you activate the steaming mode, this is just like the baristas do in the coffee shops, just to make sure the nozzle is clear before it’s put into the milk. Again, just like the coffee shop machines the steam wand can get fairly loud, just warning for those wanting a cappuccino before the rest of the family have woken up, the wand can be fully detached too for a thorough clean. We were really impressed with the machine, although the steaming could be a little more straightforward it produces lovely, polished milk, both dairy and non-dairy and the espresso shot was textbook perfection from the first pull. As for the chai latte addict, he is happy he can have a hit of his favourite drink anytime of day without leaving the house, especially if I’m the one making it for him.

PrOs 15-Bar ITalIan PumP PrODuCes faulTless Crema semI-auTOmaTIC OPeraTIOn fOr 1 Or 2 sHOTs sTeam WanD fOr frOTHIng anD HeaTIng mIlk use sIngle Or DOuBle Wall BaskeTs Dual, smarT TemPeraTure sensOrs DesCalIng mODe WITH remInDer fasT sHOTs sTeams anD frOTHs BOTH DaIry anD nOn-DaIry suCCessfully COns sTeamIng WanD aCTIOn, a lITTle aWkWarD lOuD WHen frOTHIng mIlk

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