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kITCHenaID COffee
kITCHenaID COffee grInDer – arTIsan 5kCg8433
The perfect partner for the Espresso Machine Artisan is the KitchenAid Coffee Grinder, you might have to dedicate a bit of worktop space for this baby, or it can live in the cupboard until you need more grinds, it is a little chunky. Having said that it looks impressive so if you have the space you might want to show it off permanently as it does pair perfectly with the Espresso machine, it will happily produce coffee for any brew method not just espresso. The grinder can knock out 70 different grind sizes thanks to the commercial-grade, stainless steel conical burrs they provide superior grinding precision, with uniformly sized grounds. All it takes to get the perfect grind is a push of a button, the brew method icons help guide you in the right direction for size and amount, so you don’t waste a single bean. Select the cups or shots you’d like, and the grind-time is adjusted accordingly, for espresso you can grind directly into the portafilter (54mm or 58mm) of the KitchenAid Espresso machine and there’s a built-in portafilter holder so that you’re all ready for tamping. The anti-static technology reduces the static charge, so there’s less mess and a clean coffee grind, the hoppers are both UV-resistant to help keep beans and grounds fresher. This grinder takes all the guess work out of the coarseness of your beans, no matter what brewing style. You can match it with your espresso machine or go for a completely different colour, the glossy Almond Cream and Candy Apple will look particularly stunning in any kitchen.
geT THe PerfeCT grInD anD VOlume eVery TIme WITH THIs user frIenDly grInDer.
PrOs auTOmaTIC smarT DOsIng VOlume anD COnsIsTenCy suPerIOr grInDIng PreCIsIOn 70 grInD sIZes COmmerCIal-graDe sTaInless sTeel COnICal Burrs grInD DIreCTly InTO a POrTafIlTer neaT, aIrTIgHT COnTaIner fOr fresHness Can Be useD WITH all BreWIng meTHODs COns Takes uP mOre WOrkTOP sPaCe