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asIcs Gel kayaNO 27
Where the Cumulus 22 is for neutral runners the Kayano 27 is aimed at runners with an overpronation running gait, this is not to do with your form but actually to do with the arch in your foot, people with flatter feet or highly flexible feet. This can cause the foot to land on the outside of the heel and roll inwards (pronates) excessively, shifting the weight to the inner edge of the foot instead of ball. A stability shoe like the Kayano 27 takes the pressure off the big and second toes and spreads weight more evenly across the foot. The Kayano 27 also come in a wide range of colours to cover all tastes and there is a reflective detailing around the heel for better visibility, they are best suited for road running, have a 10mm heel drop and a maximum level of cushioning. To correct that overpronation the Kayano uses DYNAMIC DUOMAX technology in the midstance, this should stop the pronating and redirect the foot for a better toe-off. The midsole also integrates SPACE TRUSSTIC technology, which provides stability whilst trying to reduce the overall weight of the shoe for a smooth experience with each step whilst the deeper forefoot flex grooves encourages that smooth roll across the whole of the front foot, not just the inside. At 309g these are a little on the heavier side which might be noticeable in the beginning if you are moving across from a lighter shoe, but after a few good runs their stability and even balance shines through. The upper provides plenty of ventilation with a light and flexible mesh, the flex grooves isolate that initial impact in the heel and the FLYTEFOAM propel technology cushioning delivers a springy release pushing you forward. If you are trying out stability trainers for the first time the Kayano 27 are a good choice due to the even combination of comfort and support easing your body into the correct form.
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