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NIXPlay 10.1 smarT

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Crewsaver ergoFIT

Crewsaver ergoFIT

NIXPlay 10.1-INCh TouCh sCreeN smarT PhoTo Frame

Since we have had our son my phone’s photo album is about 90% baby pictures, the other 20% is made up of my cats and cake. It’s clear that I’m obsessed, I find myself scrolling through them when he’s asleep and find any excuse to show people. I would love to start putting some photos up around the house but with 1000’s to choose from there is no way I could begin to decide which ones to display. That’s where Nixplay come to the rescue, why commit to one photo when you can display all your pictures in one place and now this Smart frame has just got a bit smarter with the new addition of the touch screen. This 10.1 inch frame comes in either a black or wood finish, it comes with a detachable stand so you can place it on a surface portrait or landscape, it can also be wall mounted, unfortunately though you will be left with a power cable dangling from the frame, we can’t wait to see these frames battery powered. The frame works alongside the Nixplay app, it’s here you can safely and privately share your photos to your frame as well as family and friends’ frames. The app also works as a remote and lets you see exactly which image is being shown even when you are away from home. You can create playlists of up to 2,000 photos, the frame will also play short videos of up to 15 seconds with audio and if you want to go old school you can even order prints of your favourite photos straight from the app. The app can connect to Google Photos so your Google albums automatically update to the Nixplay frame, it is also compatible with Instagram, Facebook, Dropbox, Flickr and can be controlled via Alexa and Google smart assistant. The images are displayed in 1280 x 800 (HD) resolution with a 16:10 aspect ratio, the speed in which the images change can be adjusted from 5secs up to 1hour. Other features include the auto rotate (portrait and landscape), the Microphone Activity Sensor (non-recording) and the Auto on/off sensor, there is also 10GB free cloud storage with upgrades available. The Niplay 10.1 touch Screen Smart Frame is a wonderful addition to any home as well as a great gift for those you love, images are clear and bright a lovely place to display all those memories tucked away on your phone.



Proudly dIsPlay Those woNderFul memorIes ThaT are hIddeN away oN your smarT devICe.

Pros TouCh sCreeN CoNTrol hd dIsPlay seNd Images To FrIeNds aNd FamIlIes Frames PersoNalIse PlaylIsTs 15seC vIdeo Play baCK 10gb Free sTorage ComPaTIble wITh soCIal medIa aNd voICe assIsTaNT CoNs The Power Cable CaN resTrICT wall mouNTINg audIo Could be beTTer

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