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Crewsaver ergoFIT

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The ErgoFit was first launched in 2012 and remains one of the most highly protective life jackets on the market designed for the most extreme marine environments and is available in either manual (Hammer) or automatic designs. It is reasonably weighty but once fitted that weight is evenly distributed over the body, the profile is impressively compact and unrestrictive when you consider its harbouring 290N buoyancy aid. This superior buoyancy holds the wearer higher in the water than traditional life jackets (approx. 40%) and a built-in inflatable chin support ensures the neck is tilted back, keeping the airways clear in the event the wearer is unconscious in the water. The bladder is extremely fast to activate, with a clever distribution that will turn the wearer over, safely onto their back in less than three seconds. The ErgoFit 290 OC has a 3D-moulded design for comfort, even over cumbersome sailing apparel and allows for natural movement of the upper body thanks to the cut away profile. There is a soft loop D-ring for attaching safety harness, it is also AIS compatible which will activate automatically on inflation as well as MOB Lifesavers and it uses the most up-to date MA1 and UML pro-sensor Mk3 operating heads. There is a built-in spray hood for further protection that features additional piping and breather holes, this keeps it off your face and aids visibility, to get yourself seen and heard there is a built-in light, reflective tape and whistle and the twin lifting beckets help you to get pulled from the water. The dual crotch straps help to stop the jacket riding up or shifting about during vigorous activity and paired with the adjustable waist straps you get a secure and precise fit. As much as you hope you will never have to use it the Crewsaver Ergofit 290 OC has got you covered with superior levels of protection for even the fiercest maritime adventures.

a ProFessIoNal grade lIFe JaCKeT For hIgh levels oF ProTeCTIoN IN eXTreme CoNdITIoNs.


Pros INFlaTable ChIN suPPorT dyNamIC CuTaway desIgN TurNs IN less ThaN Three seCoNds 290N buoyaNCy FloaTs you hIgher IN The waTer INNovaTIve 3d shaPINg ProvIdINg The ulTImaTe IN ComForT aNd PerFormaNCe soFT looP d-rINg For aTTaChINg saFeTy harNess sPray hood buIlT IN lIghT, reFleCTIve TaPe aNd whIsTle TwIN lIFTINg beCKeTs

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