2 minute read
sPINloCK deCKvesT lITe+
The PerFeCT lIFe JaCKeT For Those looKINg For uNINCumbered, hIgh levels oF saFeTy.
Pros ulTra-lIghTweIghT aNd low ProFIle very ComForTable NoN resTrICTIve auTomaTIC INFlaTINg lIFeJaCKeT easy sIde oN doNNINg aNd sINgle CroTCh sTraP INTegraTed deCK saFeTy harNess Toggle aTTaChmeNTs PoINT For ChesT PaCK loTs oF oPTIoNal eXTras For To PersoNalIse For your Needs CoNs oNly avaIlable IN blaCK
I remember kayaking a few years ago and the life jackets we were giving were so big and bulky it made rowing near on impossible, as funny as it was at the time to watch our little group struggling in these things there is a more serious side to poorly fitted life jackets. If a life saving device is uncomfortable it can restrict movement, but it can also discourage wearing it all together. The Lite+ Deckvest from Spinlock is designed to be put on and forgotten about, this incredibly lightweight jacket has a super low profile making wonderfully comfortable. It has the name Lite for a reason, it weighs just 860g, the + in the name is for the included harness that is integrated into the life jacket and features a soft loop for attaching the safety line. The Lite+ is suitable for sailing, watersports, ribs, powerboats, fishing, angling, kayaking and other paddle sports, basically if there is water involved, it’s got your back. When it comes to products that might save your life, colour might be at the very bottom of the list however it’s a pity this life jacket is only available at black, a couple of bright, high vis options would be good to see. Its quick and easy to put on with the side entrance and single crotch strap, the bright yellow buckle makes it easy to locate, the soft material at the back of the neck provides all day comfort even on bare skin. There is a toggle attachment point for chest pack, and options to add a Pylon Light, Lume-On bladder illumination lights, sprayhood as well as the AIS MOB1 which is available to purchase as a stand-alone unit or supplied already fitted within the Deckvest at the point of purchase. There is a yellow rubber handle on the left-hand side that can be used to manually fire the life jacket with a sharp tug and conversion to ‘manual only’ setting is easy enough with a Manual Conversion Kit. Saying that what makes the Deckvests a great safety jacket is the automatic inflation, the UML Mk5 Inflator is made up of a water sensitive activation system that uses a compressed paper capsule which dissolves when wet which then releases a spring to puncture the 33g CO2 cylinder. This design stops accidental inflation being cause by water, spray and rain running down the jacket, it offers 170N buoyancy and also features a manual inflation tube and bright red lifting strap for rescues.