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amarwaP baby slINg
a sTroNg yeT soFT, breaThable CoTToN wraP helPs KeeP baby Calm aNd seCure Close To your body, rIghT where They waNT To be. £39.99
For the first nine months of baby’s life, they have been used to being rocked by the bodies movements and soothed by the sound of the heartbeat, when they are born it is a huge adjustment period for both the new parents and baby. It makes sense that their preferred form of transport comes on two legs and not four wheels, that’s why wraps, and slings are the perfect way to introduce baby into the world whilst keeping the familiarity of your body close to theirs. Amawrap have a lovely collection of traditional style sling wraps, that’s to say it is one large piece of fabric, no buckles or straps to fiddle with. There is a range of delightful colours and patterns including Leopard Print, a floral Rosy Posy and navy tie dye, all the wraps come in one size and are made from 100% natural cotton. This material has been deliberately chosen for its combination of both lightweight yet wonderfully strong properties, it is also soft and gentle on new-born skin, it can be used from birth and as low as 5lbs all the way up to 33lbs or whenever you can still wrestle them into it. Like everything else in those early days it takes a little bit of practise to get to grips with putting it on but there are clear instructions on how to safely arrange the baby wrap ensuring you support both your body and baby’s. These slings and the dyes used are safety tested to the most current and stringent standards and are deemed “Hip-Healthy” by the International Hip Displasia Institute. This means that the wrap ensures the baby’s back and hips are ergonomically supported, as well as offering multiple ways to support baby’s head. The Sling can be used for breastfeeding on the go and can even be used with twins (and you think one is hard work), it is suitable for all shapes and sizes, mums and dads, baby will love being close to your body. The benefits of baby wearing can be increased bonding for mums, dads and baby, temperature regulation, soothing them with your heartbeat, smell and sound of your voice helping them feel secure and confident. For the wearer it frees up both hands, a rare occurrence in those early days, allowing you to take a walk, hit the shops or simply make a sandwich.
Pros PromoTes boNdINg 100% NaTural CoTToN lIghTweIghT aNd breaThable 5lbs To 33lbs oNe sIze FITs all boNdINg baby wIll love The FeelINg oF beINg oN your ChesT, hearINg your hearTbeaT aNd TemPeraTure. hIP-healThy ProduCT suITable For TwINs aNd breasTFeedINg oN The go made IN The uK CoNs CaN leave sweaT PaTChes oN warmer days