1 minute read
gTeCh CombI DrIll
I seem to recall power drills being absolutely massive things that required arms like tree-trunks to wield for any period of time back in the day. Nowadays, thankfully, they have advanced enough that a decently powerful drill such as this one becomes a perfectly acceptable 1 ½ Kg and someone like me who doesn’t have arms like tree-trunks can happily make use of this without worrying about slipping a disc! Although I have no excuse for avoiding the DIY around the home now so, swings and roundabouts…
This Combi Drill Bundle includes the drill itself, a battery, a charger and 9 drill bits. Of course, being Gtech, the battery unit is compatible with all the other power tools in their range (No idea if these guys came up with the idea of a universal power source for their tools but it’s a good one!) and gives you a run time of about 40 minutes use, plenty of time for most tasks around the home. The drill bits consist of 3 masonry bits and 6 for wood and metal. The chuck is keyless and can be turned by hand to get the aperture you need for the drill bit you’re using with the size ranging from 2mm to 13mm, again covering most of the tasks you’re likely to need around the home. The drill itself has 3 modes – drilling, screwdriving and hammer and switching between the 3 is a matter of flicking a switch.
Ordinarily, you would need to buy the charging unit separately, along with the drill bits so if you’re considering this as a gift for someone who likes their power tools, it may be a good idea to see if they have a Gtech charger already and save yourself a little bit of cash! Although no true DIY’er will ever say no to spares.
a greaT ‘sTarTer kIT’ for someoNe NeeDINg a New DrIll for householD DIy.
Pros uNIversal baTTery PaCk everyThINg NeeDeD IN oNe PaCk gooD raNge of fuNCTIoNs aND use lIghTweIghT buT Powerful CoNs lImITeD use for a PrevIous gTeCh CoNsumer