3 minute read

ruffwear sPeCIal

Even our pets are starting to feel the cold right about now with their lovely natural fur coats probably not able to keep as much of the colder weather out as we would like, especially for those smaller breeds of dog. But those cute little buggers generally don’t know when to give up and go indoors, always eager to stay out and play one more game of ‘fetch’, even if it is chucking it down with rain... So why not give them a little helping hand with this equally cute hemp/cotton sweater?

This is Ruffwear’s first product to include hemp that I am aware of and I’m glad they have decided to go for the sustainable element here. The mix of materials is about 55% Hemp and 45% cotton, making this dog sweater more sustainable than something made from pure Cotton (estimates suggest at least 4 times more water is used to process and farm cotton than hemp). The natural odour-resistance and breathability of hemp generally helps to make sure this sweater doesn’t end up being too uncomfortable for your four-legged friend also, taking advantage of hemp’s natural properties.


Obviously, coming from Ruffwear, it is reassuringly rugged, hard-wearing and well made, hardly a surprise there! But they have also concentrated on making this sweater suitable for hard-to-fit dogs such as those with broad shoulders or thick chests/necks. They’ve done this by having open cap sleeves on the leg-holes to minimise chafing and increase comfort and a full-length zipper that, when combined with the sleeves makes it surprisingly flexible when fitting it to your dog. For now, the choice of colour is limited to either grey or red but neither colour is over-stated with a pleasing pastel hue to both but. Let’s hope they bring out more colours as time goes by!

Pros well maDe Durable aDJusTable suIT aNy Dog TyPe CoNs oNly 2 Colours To Choose from a refleCTIve sTrIP woulD have beeN a NICe TouCh


a TyPICally well-maDe ruffwear ProDuCT IDeal for keePINg your favourITe CaNINe warm IN The ChIlly weaTher.

ruffwear overCoaT fuse JaCkeT harNess Combo

There was a time when having a little jacket for your dog was generally reserved for those kind of people that you felt spoilt their pets and carried them around everywhere. Literally. Afterall, they’re born with coats on aren’t they, why do they need a jacket? Well, it seems that the rest of us have finally caught on to what is actually a pretty good idea! And who doesn’t mind a little bit of extra protection against the elements, fur coat or not?

Ruffwear, along with their usual focus on durability and toughness, have taken this jacket to another level by combining the abilities of a harness with it. The front of the jacket goes over the dogs head as is normal for a harness and the strap underneath clips in on the side of the jacket. The clip is conveniently hidden up behind the lining so there is less chance of an accidental unclipping or catching it on something while out walking, as well as providing a clean line for the jacket itself. Speaking of the lining, it’s fleece, just to give your pooch a little more luxury and comfort! The outside of the jacket has a water-repellent coating too so light moisture won’t soak in and weigh the coat down.

To be fair, sounds just like a good jacket so far. But, the way the jacket fits across the chest and the fact that you have 2 lead attachment points (an aluminium V-ring on the back and a reinforced webbing loop on the chest), gives you good control, especially with dogs that tend to strain on their lead. And, the final thing to top it off is the essential pockets! Whether it’s poo bags or a favourite toy, there’s one either side to stash the small essentials.

Pros waTer-rePelleNT CoaTINg £109.96 fleeCe lININg as muCh CoNTrol as a regular harNess PoCkeTs! CoNs oNly Three Colours To Choose from a well-maDe PraCTICal JaCkeT/ harNess Combo, Does eXaCTly whaT IT says oN The TIN aND Does IT well!

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