1 minute read
surf aND raIl aDaPTer
surf aND raIl aDaPTer hIgh PerformaNCe PaCk
My one single claim to fame in the skateboarding world is that I went to the same school in the same year as Dan Cates. If you know skateboarding in the UK, chances are you’ve heard of him. We weren’t friends or anything but a name-drop every now and then doesn’t hurt does it?
Anyway, these handy little pair of adapters basically help to give you a smoother experience due to the urethane bushings that help to dampen the vibrations. The advantage of urethane is that, unlike rubber, it lasts a lot longer and so does a much better job of soaking up all those vibrations and keeping everything in alignment so that the rest of the components can do their job. However, this product is more about the two components combined. The front wheels of the skateboard have the Surf Adaptor and trail a leading pivot, just like the front wheels of a car. The Rail Adaptor on the rear wheels stabilises the turning and so makes the rear wheels all about grip. Overall, this improves the handling of your board and allows you to focus on what you’re doing with more responsiveness as a result, even over rough surfaces.
If you’re looking for a Christmas gift for a skateboarder, I can’t imagine these wouldn’t be accepted favourably, just don’t expect to see them for a while as they go get these things fitted as soon as they can!
Pros smooTher more resPoNsIve DIffereNT Colours avaIlable lIfeTIme guaraNTee CoNs Probably more suITeD for Those ThaT kNow whaT They ’ re DoINg raTher ThaN a rookIe
aNyThINg ThaT makes skaTeboarDINg smooTher has goT To be worTh IT rIghT?