2 minute read
PeToI bITTle Dev kIT
Pros aCCessIble INTroDuCTIoN To CoDINg fuN To waTCh The lITTle guy waNDer arouND, rIghTINg ITself wheN IT falls over! oPTIoNal eXTra – TraCkINg Camera so ThaT IT CaN follow obJeCTs buT you have To buy ThIs seParaTely faNTasTIC for olDer kIDs lookINg To INCrease TheIr sTem aCTIvITIes CoNs The CoDINg Is NoT sImPle aND CoulD PuT off PeoPle from learNINg If you JusT waNT a faNCy Toy, IT ’ s goINg To seT you baCk maybe more ThaN you waNT
Back when I was a kid, there were these toys you could get called Zoids. They were made of plastic and were meant to represent giant robots, mainly based on dinosaurs, with humanoid pilots. They were either wind up or battery driven and you had to build them using all the plastic components provided. Turn them on and off they walked. Endless hours of fun, if a little limited. Well, this thing has totally knocked the spots off of those!
It's pretty much Zoids for the 21st Century with this robotic dog kit. This version comes with extra servos and an additional battery pack to give you more flexibility with construction. The other two versions are a pre-built one (why lose out on all that fun and sense of satisfaction?!) and a kit without the extra servos. The end result is your very own (small) robot dog that you literally have built yourself. And of course, you can do far more with it than just wind it up and let it go!
For those that are in to their coding, there’s a wealth of information provided with the online manuals where they go right in to the nitty gritty of computer programming and teaching the Bittle new behaviours so you can literally train your robot dog if you’re familiar with what you’re doing. For those of us who are not quite so savvy or are still learning, the Bittle is perfectly viable to play with using the remote provided. It’s a little fiddly to set up but worth the effort. There is also a Bluetooth chip included so you can control it from your mobile via an app.
It's an expensive toy but it really does make you feel like you’re involved with technology when you’re literally building your first robot.