1 minute read
rITTer PIaTTo5
I’m not really sure where to go with this. Being an ex-chef, I can instantly see the practical use of this in a busy kitchen environment. The ability to have consistently sized slices of whatever you need knocked out at an alarming rate when you’ve got a coach-load of covers turn up is priceless. Better still, it’s manual. I’m always a little suspicious of relying on electric goods in a professional kitchen, they’re just hazards waiting to happen if you ask me…
But this is nice. I love the look of it, love the bamboo board that comes with it and what’s more fun than using a food slicer?! Well, plenty of things actually but there’s something quite satisfying about this – there’s minimal effort and getting this slice of cut the same size every time? Not likely with a traditional knife without a lot of practice! So, for those that work in a kitchen, it’s fantastic. For those at home? Well, I can’t help but wonder why you would be that worried about consistently sized slices? For the amount you’re paying, you could get yourself a decent knife set and just keep on using them – you will get better as time goes by, trust me! This just seems a bit of a fancy extravagance to me for the average food-prepper in your home. Older people and those with less than steady hands would likely find this a god-send but me? Not so much. Despite the fairly compact size, I would struggle to fit this in my kitchen. Especially when a knife rack takes up a fraction of the space. It’s a shame – it’s wonderfully made and does its job perfectly and I can’t fault it. I’m just not convinced as to the point of it for most people.
brIllIaNT aT PreParINg your favourITe fooDs.
Pros woNDerfully eNgINeereD sPare blaDes avaIlable DIreCT from rITTer CuTTINg uP To 20mm meaNs you CaN slICe everyThINg from breaD To wafer ThIN ham sTaINless sTeel makes IT easy To keeP leaN CoNs Takes uP a loT more sPaCe ThaN a kNIfe raCk aND Is IT really beTTer ThaN oNe of Those?