1 minute read
blue yeTI
My own experience of microphones is pretty limited – yelling at one in something vaguely resembling Darth-Vaderwith-a-sore-throat kind of voice when a teenager was about as good as it got. At least that’s what I thought, but I wasn’t asked back… Of course, these days microphones aren’t just for teenage-aged Dave’s espousing their insecurities via a tone-deaf medium in the loudest voice possible – they are far more ubiquitous and accessible than back then. Arguably more in demand too…
The Yeti microphone is an adaptable device designed for the modern microphone user. It comes with different modes that allow you to use it for a range of activities from podcasting to broadcasting live music, conducting interviews or duetting while singing karaoke. Each mode focusses the ‘listening’ part of the microphone in different directions so giving them each a distinctive ‘feel’. Want to make your listeners feel like they’re actually at the live gig? Use the ‘Omni-Directional mode to soak up all that atmospheric sound. Need to conduct an interview and don’t want to keep moving the mic around? Use the Bi-Directional mode. As an aside to that, the microphone position and angle are fully adjustable so once it’s set up, you can do what you need to do with confidence.
The mic connects up to your laptop via USB and you also have access to the Blue VO!CE software which allows you to utilise all sorts of vocal affects. Speaking of vocal effects, there is room for a 3.5mm jack on the microphone too allowing practically zero latency so you can hear whatever you’re playing as you play it once you plug your favourite headphones in. Combined with the ability to fiddle with the gain, volume, pattern selection and even instant mute, why would you want more than this? Could have had my own band if I’d had this, could have been a contender.
Pros greaT fleXIbIlITy IN how you waNT To use IT sTuDIo QualITy reCorDINgs sIDe-aDDress raTher ThaN TalkINg ‘IN’ To The mIC. voICe moDulaTIoN CoNs aT JusT over half a kIlo, IT ’ s NoT eXaCTly ThaT PorTable
fully ComPreheNsIve mICroPhoNe ComPaTIble wITh mosT oPeraTINg sysTems.