1 minute read

lIfemAx heAteD BAck AND seAt mAssAger

Long drives are particularly taxing on the body. This is no secret – anyone that’s driven for more than an hour or so can testify to this (which is why we know it’s all an act whenever either parent whinges about another toilet break!) To try and get around this problem, Lifemax have made this back and seat massager. The massager is very portable and flexible and comes with adjustable straps to ensure it fits without sliding around during your drive. It has 5 separate vibrating pads (one at the top for your head, one each for your upper and lower back and two for each of your upper thighs) and a remote that can set all of the pads independently of each other (the thighs count as one) with one of the 5 different vibrating styles. There is also a timer function where you can set the seat to activate for 15, 30 or 60 minutes and you can adjust the intensity of the vibrations. Sounds great but, there are a few issues with this. Firstly, the lowest setting is pretty low and not that noticeable. So, turn it up a bit? Great, but then the strongest setting is fairly loud and can get quite distracting. Also, it seems to have been designed for mainly left-drive cars as the wires to plug in to your car are on the right of the seat. Finally, it’s only a cigarette lighter adaptor so if you don’t have one of those in your car, you’re out of luck. You can always use it on a chair at home as it can plug in to the mains but not sure if that’s really the aim of this product? A little redesigning on this for the UK market and a slight adjustment on the vibration settings would make this fantastic, I’ll wait for that to happen first.

PrOs WAter resIstANt PADDeD 14” lAPtOP £59.99


cOmPArtmeNt thermOPlAstIc WAterPrOOf WelDeD cONstructION PADDeD BAck s-shAPeD strAPs AND chest strAP eAsy Access OrgANIseD INterIOr lIght WeIght AND flexIBle cONs ONly tWO cOlOurs AvAIlABle NO reflectIve DetAIlINg


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