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eAsy kArAOke smArt BluetOOth kArAOke system

eAsy kArAOke smArt BluetOOth kArAOke system + 2 x WIreless / 2 WIreD mIcrOPhONes

Ah, karaoke! The ancient art of making a prat of yourself AND subjecting everyone else to your awful mangling of their favourite tune and still managing to make them applaud you afterwards! Indeed, I can’t think of many other activities that work like this but somehow karaoke lets you get away with it and don’t we just love it! The only real problem is all them others that don’t know you, silently judging you from afar, not to mention the limited selection of songs normally on offer… Well, fear not! This Bluetooth karaoke system allows you to invite your friends over and sing whatever songs you like without fear of criticism from randoms in the club! It comes with 4 microphones (2 of which are wireless and the other 2 have 2m cables) and, as you may have guessed from the title, it can link up to whatever system you have the app installed on. There’s even a universal cradle/holder for your phone to sit in along with a USB cable. As is the norm these days, there is an app that comes with the karaoke unit with thousands of songs included and new ones added every week. Doesn’t look like you can just Bluetooth your own songs and have the lyrics appear unfortunately but there should be enough to keep the most ardent karaoke fan going for a while. The unit itself also comes with a disco ball, flashing LED lights and is portable, weighing just over 8 Kg’s so you can take it to your friends’ place too! Finally, it has a digital key changer (switch from male to female, baby, even a robot voice if you like) and it can record and playback too. Just to make sure no-one forgets that one time you tried to hit the high note singing ‘Take on Me’…


PrOs POrtABle usB Or BAttery POWereD (ABOut 4 hrs) mIcrOPhONe vOlume cONtrOl multIPle sOuND effect OPtIONs cONs DOesN ’ t cOme WIth hecklers fOr thAt true exPerIeNce.

BrINg kArAOke INtO yOur hOme


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